METHODS: Thirty male Wistar rats were given a 3 centimeter infra-umbilical laparotomy wound, in`flicted on their abdomen. The colonic transection was performed at 5 cm distal to caecum, with end to end anastomosis of colon segment. They were divided into two groups. Group I was fed with standard rat chow and water. Meanwhile, Group II apart from standard feed, was also given TH 1.0 g/kg every morning until day seven post operatively. Afterwards, anastomotic bursting pressures were measured and histopathological examination on the anastomosis line was performed with light microscopes. The data from two groups were analyzed by Independent paired t test for continuous variables.
RESULTS: It was found that the tensile strength of colon anastomosis (95 % CI; p = <0.001) and the histopathological study including fibroblast count (p = <0.001) and inflammatory cells (p = 0.002) showed statistically significant difference in the favor of TH-treated group. Meanwhile, neovascularization formation was not statistically significant (p = 0.807); however, the overall count in the TH group was high.
CONCLUSION: Oral treatment with TH enhances anastomotic wound healing by increasing the number of fibroblasts and by decreasing inflammatory cells leading towards increased wound strength.
METHODS: A comprehensive search of peer reviewed journals was completed based on the key words, "Circumflex aorta," "Circumflex retro-esophageal aorta" and "circumflex arch" using Google scholar, Scholars Portal Journals and PubMed. The reference section for each article found was searched to obtain additional articles. Literature on the circumflex aorta was reviewed starting from the embryogenesis to the latest management strategies.
RESULTS: Right circumflex aorta is more prevalent compared to left circumflex aorta. It can occur in isolation or in association with other intracardiac lesions. Mainly presents in children, however reported in adults too. The presentation may vary from asymptomatic lesion to acute respiratory distress secondary to airway compression. Computerized tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are important tools in delineating the vascular anatomy. Aortic uncrossing is the definitive procedure. However, the role of concomitant tracheobronchopexy is emerging. Native tissue-to-tissue anastomosis is commonly preferred, but cases of extra-anatomic grafts are reported.
CONCLUSION: Circumflex aorta is amenable to complete repair. Preoperative delineation of anatomy is important for successful surgical outcome. Division of the retro-esophageal segment is crucial in relieving the compressive symptoms. In addition, tracheobronchopexy is helpful in addressing residual tracheomalacia but this accounts for a high-risk surgery.