Displaying publications 21 - 40 of 1383 in total

  1. Zhang S, Bani Y, Izah Selamat A, Abdul Ghani J
    PLoS One, 2023;18(6):e0287910.
    PMID: 37384722 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0287910
    Income inequality is a good indicator reflecting the quality of people's livelihood. There are many studies on the determinants of income inequality. However, few studies have been conducted on the impacts of industrial agglomeration on income inequality and their spatial correlation. The goal of this paper is to investigate the impact of China's industrial agglomeration on income inequality from a spatial perspective. Using data on China's 31 provinces from 2003 to 2020 and the spatial panel Durbin model, our results show that industrial agglomeration and income inequality present an inverted "U-shape" relationship, proving that they are the non-linear change. As the degree of industrial agglomeration increases, income inequality will rise, after it reaches a certain value, income inequality will drop. Therefore, Chinese government and enterprises had better pay attention to the spatial distribution of industrial agglomeration, thereby reducing China's regional income inequality.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group*
  2. Khan A, Vallini L, Aziz S, Khan H, Zaib K, Nigar K, et al.
    Eur J Hum Genet, 2022 Jun;30(6):740-746.
    PMID: 35217804 DOI: 10.1038/s41431-022-01057-2
    Northern Pakistan is home to many diverse ethnicities and languages. The region acted as a prime corridor for ancient invasions and population migrations between Western Eurasia and South Asia. Kho, one of the major ethnic groups living in this region, resides in the remote and isolated mountainous region in the Chitral Valley of the Hindu Kush Mountain range. They are culturally and linguistically distinct from the rest of the Pakistani population groups and their genetic ancestry is still unknown. In this study, we generated genome-wide genotype data of ~1 M loci (Illumina WeGene array) for 116 unrelated Kho individuals and carried out comprehensive analyses in the context of worldwide extant and ancient anatomically modern human populations across Eurasia. The results inferred that the Kho can trace a large proportion of their ancestry to the population who migrated south from the Southern Siberian steppes during the second millennium BCE ~110 generations ago. An additional wave of gene flow from a population carrying East Asian ancestry was also identified in the Kho that occurred ~60 generations ago and may possibly be linked to the expansion of the Tibetan Empire during 7th to 9th centuries CE (current era) in the northwestern regions of the Indian sub-continent. We identified several candidate regions suggestive of positive selection in the Kho, that included genes mainly involved in pigmentation, immune responses, muscular development, DNA repair, and tumor suppression.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group/genetics
  3. Kalok A, Kamisan Atan I, Sharip S, Safian N, Shah SA
    Front Public Health, 2024;12:1448940.
    PMID: 39877914 DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2024.1448940
    Fear of childbirth (FOC) or tokophobia adversely affects women during pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum. Childbirth fear may differ across regions and cultures. We aimed to identify factors influencing the fear of childbirth among the Asian population. A systematic literature search was performed using the PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science databases in November 2023. Original articles in English with research conducted in Asian countries were included. The independent factors associated with childbirth fear, from the relevant studies were identified and discussed. Forty-six papers met the eligibility criteria but only 26 studies were discussed in this review. The significant factors were categorized into (1) demographics, (2) clinical, (3) healthcare service, (4) childbirth education & information, and (5) COVID-19 pandemic. The prevalence of childbirth fear among Asians ranged between 56.6 and 84.8%. Significant demographic factors included age, education, marital status, economic status, and area of residence. Greater levels of tokophobia were linked to nulliparity, unplanned pregnancy, infertility, miscarriage, and pregnancies at risk. Effective doctor-patient communication and more frequent antenatal visits were shown to alleviate maternal childbirth fear. There was consistent evidence of prenatal childbirth education's benefit in reducing FOC. The usage of smartphone apps and prolonged exposure to electronic devices were linked to a higher degree of tokophobia. Nulliparas who received too much pregnancy-related information also reported increased childbirth fear. There was a positive correlation between maternal fear of COVID-19 infection and FOC. Keeping updated with COVID-19 information increased the maternal childbirth fear by two-fold. In conclusion, a stable economy and relationship contribute to lesser childbirth fear among Asian women. Poor maternal health and pregnancy complications were positive predictors of FOC. Health practitioners may reduce maternal childbirth through women's education, clear communication as well as accurate information and guidance to expectant mothers. Further study is required into the content of childbirth fear among Asian women. These research findings hopefully will lead to the development of culturally adapted screening tools and interventions that reduce the burden of FOC among expectant mothers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group/psychology
  4. Musa RH, Muhamad NA, Hassan A, Ayob Y, Yusoff NM
    Asian J Transfus Sci, 2015 Jan-Jun;9(1):48-54.
    PMID: 25722573 DOI: 10.4103/0973-6247.150951
    Rh molecular studies have been previously mainly conducted in Caucasians and African population. There is a limited data on the molecular basis for Rh genotypes among Asians.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  5. Lim, Kheng-Seang, Goh, Khean-Jin, Tan, Ai-Huey, Low, Soon-Chai, Mustapha Muzaimi
    The conjoint 17thAsian and Oceanian Myology Centre (AOMC) and 28thMalaysian Society of Neurosciences (MSN) Annual Scientific Meeting, held in Hotel Istana, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 27 to 29 July 2018, was a great success to gather all neurosciences professionals locally and in the Asian-Oceanian region to share the latest updates in Neurology and specifically Myology. This congress attracted 516 local participants and 167 international delegates from 14 countries
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  6. Lo TS, Tan YL
    Int Urogynecol J, 2020 04;31(4):675-677.
    PMID: 31932916 DOI: 10.1007/s00192-019-04219-x
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  7. Chin WC, Zaidi Isa
    This research investigated the unit-root tests using nonparametric sequences-reversals (S-R), Phillip-Perron (PP) tests and parametric Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test for the Malaysian equity indices. Under the considerations of drift and structural break, it was found that during the restructuring period after the Asian financial crisis, most of the indices provided evidences against the unit-root tests. These results are somewhat contrasted with the conventional unit-root tests that ignored the impact of structural changes. In addition, the S-R tests were found to have little power to identify the deviations from the unit-root even after the inclusion of structural break.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  8. Huang JG, Wong YKY, Chew KS, Tanpowpong P, Calixto Mercado KS, Reodica A, et al.
    World J Gastroenterol, 2022 May 07;28(17):1830-1844.
    PMID: 35633913 DOI: 10.3748/wjg.v28.i17.1830
    BACKGROUND: There remains a dearth of Asian epidemiological literature for paediatric inflammatory bowel disease (PIBD).

    AIM: To describe the presenting features of PIBD from 7 Asia-Pacific pediatric gastroenterology centers via a central standardised electronic data platform.

    METHODS: Clinical, endoscopic and radiologic data at diagnosis from the registry were extracted between 1st January 1995 to 31st December 2019. Disease phenotypic characteristics were classified as per the Paris classification system.

    RESULTS: There was a distinct rise in new PIBD cases: Nearly half (48.6%) of the cohort was diagnosed in the most recent 5 years (2015-2019). The ratio of Crohn's disease (CD):Ulcerative colitis (UC):IBD-Unclassified was 55.9%:38.3%:5.8%. The mean age was 9.07 years with a high proportion of very early onset IBD (VEO-IBD) (29.3%) and EO-IBD (52.7%). An over-representation of the Indian/South Asian ethnic group was observed which accounted for 37.0% of the overall Singapore/Malaysia subcohort (6.8%-9.0% Indians in census). Indian/South Asian CD patients were also most likely to present with symptomatic perianal disease (P = 0.003). CD patients presented with significantly more constitutional symptoms (fever, anorexia, malaise/fatigue and muscle-wasting) than UC and higher inflammatory indices (higher C-reactive protein and lower albumin levels).

    CONCLUSION: We observed a high incidence of VEO-IBD and an over-representation of the Indian ethnicity. South Asian CD patients were more likely to have symptomatic perianal disease.

    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  9. Li B, He Z, Peters R, Allender S, Zou Y, Zhou W, et al.
    Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act, 2023 Sep 18;20(1):111.
    PMID: 37723534 DOI: 10.1186/s12966-023-01510-5
    BACKGROUND: Group Model Building (GMB) is a participatory system dynamics method increasingly used to address complex public health issues like obesity. GMB represents a set of well-defined steps to engage key stakeholders to identify shared drivers and solutions of a given problem. However, GMB has not yet been applied specifically to develop multi-duty interventions that address multiple inter-related issues such as malnutrition in all its forms (MIAIF). Moreover, a recent systematic review of empirical applications of a systems approach to developing obesity interventions found no published work from non-western, low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). In this paper we describe adaptations and innovations to a common GMB process to co-develop systemic MIAIF interventions with Chinese decision-makers.

    METHODS: We developed, piloted and implemented multiple cultural adaptations and two methodological innovations to the commonly used GMB process in Fang Cheng Gang city, China. We included formal, ceremonial and policy maker engagement events before and between GMB workshops, and incorporated culturally tailored arrangements during participant recruitment (officials of the same seniority level joined the same workshop) and workshop activities (e.g., use of individual scoring activities and hand boards). We made changes to the commonly used GMB activities which enabled mapping of shared drivers of multiple health issues (in our case MIAIF) in a single causal loop diagram. We developed and used a 'hybrid' GMB format combining online and in person facilitation to reduce travel and associated climate impact.

    RESULTS: Our innovative GMB process led to high engagement and support from decision-makers representing diverse governmental departments across the whole food systems. We co-identified and prioritised systemic drivers and intervention themes of MIAIF. The city government established an official Local Action Group for long-term, inter-departmental implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the co-developed interventions. The 'hybrid' GMB format enabled great interactions while reducing international travel and mitigating limitations of fully online GMB process.

    CONCLUSIONS: Cultural and methodological adaptations to the common GMB process for an Asian LMIC setting were successful. The 'hybrid' GMB format is feasible, cost-effective, and more environmentally friendly. These cultural adaptations could be considered for other Asian settings and beyond to address inter-related, complex issues such as MIAIF.

    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  10. Ahmed H, Nisar QA, Khan W, Patwary AK, Zaman S
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2023 Nov;30(54):115882-115895.
    PMID: 37897574 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-023-30644-z
    The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of a set of green human resource management (HRM) practices on sustainable performance in Pakistani higher education institutions (HEIs), while also taking into account the mediating influence of environmental consciousness and green intellectual capital. Furthermore, the study aims to assess the association between environmental consciousness and green intellectual capital, along with the sustainable outcome. The study data was collected from 250 HR managers and executive officers who were responsible for implementing green HRM practices and sustainable performance in the education sector of Pakistan. Smart PLS-4 software was used to perform the statistical analysis of the data. According to the results of this study, green HRM practices play a substantial role in enhancing sustainable performance. The study also identified a link between green HRM practices and sustainable performance via environmental awareness and green intellectual capital. The research contributes to the theoretical paradigm's social cognitive theory by offering information on green HRM practice bundles and sustainable performance. The research also demonstrates that green intellectual capital and environmental consciousness operate as a bridge between green HRM practices and long-term sustainable performance. The study's findings have real-world applications for education, policymakers, and human resource managers at the highest levels. In order to achieve sustainable performance, the study emphasizes the significance of developing green intellectual capital and implementing green HRM practices.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  11. Kaewdech A, Sripongpun P, Treeprasertsuk S, Charatcharoenwitthaya P, Chan WK, GO ASIA Study Group, et al.
    Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2024 Dec;22(12):2535-2537.
    PMID: 38880124 DOI: 10.1016/j.cgh.2024.06.003
    Metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD), formerly known as nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD),1 represents a global public health issue. Fibrosis stage is the most important risk for long-term undesirable outcomes.2,3 From recent meta-analyses, all-cause and liver-related mortalities significantly increased from fibrosis stage 2 (significant fibrosis; F≥2) onward.4,5 In primary care setting, those with F≥2 should be referred to hepatologists; therefore, noninvasive tests to stratify risk of patients with MASLD are crucial. Steatosis-associated fibrosis estimator (SAFE) was recently developed to predict F≥2.6 SAFE has been externally validated and outperformed fibrosis-4 (FIB-4) and NAFLD fibrosis score (NFS).7,8 Recently, international guidelines proposed sequential diagnostic steps, initially using FIB-4 and then transient elastography (TE) in non-low-risk patients.9,10 However, the guidelines focused on identifying advanced fibrosis (F≥3), which might be too late. This study aimed to compare the performance among SAFE, FIB-4, and NFS, and evaluate SAFE-TE sequential approach. We hypothesized that by initially using SAFE, the proportion of patients misclassified as low risk despite already having F≥2 could be diminished.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  12. Sim PY, Su TT, Abd Majid H, Nahar AM, Jalaludin MY
    Biomed Res Int, 2014;2014:475659.
    PMID: 25258711 DOI: 10.1155/2014/475659
    To compare the measurements of body fat percentage (BF%) using the foot-to-foot bioelectrical impedance analysis (FTF-BIA) with the direct segmental multifrequency BIA (DSM-BIA).
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group*
  13. Rahimah AN, Nisha S, Safiah B, Roshida H, Punithawathy Y, Nurul H, et al.
    Med J Malaysia, 2012 Dec;67(6):565-70.
    PMID: 23770946 MyJurnal
    OBJECTIVES: Alpha thalassaemia is wide spread in Malaysia and is a public health problem. This study aimed to describe the carrier frequencies of α‒thalassaemia and its distribution among major ethnic groups in three states of Malaysia.

    METHODS: Educational forums were organised and study was explained to students from three schools. Students were invited to take part in the screening with parent consent. A total of 8420 adolescent students aged 16 years volunteered to participate in the study. Peripheral blood samples were analysed for complete blood counts, haemoglobin quantification and typing, and serum ferritin levels. Genomic DNA was used for screening alpha thalassaemia alleles by PCR based molecular methods.

    RESULTS: We identified seven α‒globin gene defects in 341 (4.08%) students: amongst them α(+)‒ and α(0)‒thalassaemias were detected in 232 (2.77%) and 107 (1.28%) students respectively. Genotype ‒α(3.7)/αα was the most prevalent among sub-populations of Malay, indigenous communities of Sahab and Indian, while ‒‒(SEA)/αα deletion is more prevalent in Malaysian Chinese. It is estimated that 63 pregnancies annually are at risk of Hb Bart's hydrops fetalis.

    CONCLUSIONS: We have demonstrated the prevalence and mutation patterns of α‒thalassaemia in the 16 year olds in three states of Malaysia. High α(0)‒thalassaemia deletions amongst the study subjects place these carriers at an increased risk of conceiving fetuses with HbH disease and Hb Bart's hydrops fetalis should they choose another heterozygous partner. It is therefore highly recommended to institute community screening programmes and provide prospective carriers with genetic counselling to help them make informed choices.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group*
  14. Roshan TM, Rosline H, Ahmed SA, Rapiaah M, Wan Zaidah A, Khattak MN
    Int J Lab Hematol, 2009 Oct;31(5):505-12.
    PMID: 18498389 DOI: 10.1111/j.1751-553X.2008.01068.x
    Health and disease can only be distinguished by accurate and reliable reference values of a particular laboratory test. It is now a proven fact that there is considerable variation in hematology reference intervals depending on the demographic and preanalytical variables. There are evidences that values provided by manufacturers do not have appropriate application for all populations. Moreover, reference ranges provided by different laboratory manuals and books also do not solve this problem. We are presenting here normal reference ranges of Malaysian population. These values were determined by using Sysmex XE-2100 and ACL 9000 hematology and coagulation analyzers. Results from this study showed that there were considerable differences in the reference values from manufacturers, western population or laboratory manuals compared with those from the local population.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group*
  15. Rajendra S, Ho JJ, Arokiasamy J
    J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2005 Jan;20(1):51-5.
    PMID: 15610446
    Ethnic differences have been reported for colorectal polyps and large bowel cancer; although the supporting data is weak and insufficient to draw firm conclusions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group*
  16. NurWaliyuddin HZ, Norazmi MN, Edinur HA, Chambers GK, Panneerchelvam S, Zafarina Z
    PLoS One, 2015;10(11):e0141536.
    PMID: 26565719 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0141536
    The aboriginal populations of Peninsular Malaysia, also known as Orang Asli (OA), comprise three major groups; Semang, Senoi and Proto-Malays. Here, we analyzed for the first time KIR gene polymorphisms for 167 OA individuals, including those from four smallest OA subgroups (Che Wong, Orang Kanaq, Lanoh and Kensiu) using polymerase chain reaction-sequence specific primer (PCR-SSP) analyses. The observed distribution of KIR profiles of OA is heterogenous; Haplotype B is the most frequent in the Semang subgroups (especially Batek) while Haplotype A is the most common type in the Senoi. The Semang subgroups were clustered together with the Africans, Indians, Papuans and Australian Aborigines in a principal component analysis (PCA) plot and shared many common genotypes (AB6, BB71, BB73 and BB159) observed in these other populations. Given that these populations also display high frequencies of Haplotype B, it is interesting to speculate that Haplotype B may be generally more frequent in ancient populations. In contrast, the two Senoi subgroups, Che Wong and Semai are displaced toward Southeast Asian and African populations in the PCA scatter plot, respectively. Orang Kanaq, the smallest and the most endangered of all OA subgroups, has lost some degree of genetic variation, as shown by their relatively high frequency of the AB2 genotype (0.73) and a total absence of KIR2DL2 and KIR2DS2 genes. Orang Kanaq tradition that strictly prohibits intermarriage with outsiders seems to have posed a serious threat to their survival. This present survey is a demonstration of the value of KIR polymorphisms in elucidating genetic relationships among human populations.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group/genetics
  17. Aghakhanian F, Yunus Y, Naidu R, Jinam T, Manica A, Hoh BP, et al.
    Genome Biol Evol, 2015 May;7(5):1206-15.
    PMID: 25877615 DOI: 10.1093/gbe/evv065
    Indigenous populations of Malaysia known as Orang Asli (OA) show huge morphological, anthropological, and linguistic diversity. However, the genetic history of these populations remained obscure. We performed a high-density array genotyping using over 2 million single nucleotide polymorphisms in three major groups of Negrito, Senoi, and Proto-Malay. Structural analyses indicated that although all OA groups are genetically closest to East Asian (EA) populations, they are substantially distinct. We identified a genetic affinity between Andamanese and Malaysian Negritos which may suggest an ancient link between these two groups. We also showed that Senoi and Proto-Malay may be admixtures between Negrito and EA populations. Formal admixture tests provided evidence of gene flow between Austro-Asiatic-speaking OAs and populations from Southeast Asia (SEA) and South China which suggest a widespread presence of these people in SEA before Austronesian expansion. Elevated linkage disequilibrium (LD) and enriched homozygosity found in OAs reflect isolation and bottlenecks experienced. Estimates based on Ne and LD indicated that these populations diverged from East Asians during the late Pleistocene (14.5 to 8 KYA). The continuum in divergence time from Negritos to Senoi and Proto-Malay in combination with ancestral markers provides evidences of multiple waves of migration into SEA starting with the first Out-of-Africa dispersals followed by Early Train and subsequent Austronesian expansions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group/genetics*
  18. Teh SC, Chong SI, Tan HH, Ho J
    Med J Malaysia, 2000 Sep;55(3):347-51.
    PMID: 11200715
    Thirty Chinese primiparous mothers were asked during the antenatal period their breastfeeding intention and then interviewed at delivery and 6 weeks post delivery. One mother had no intention to breastfeed. Ten mothers intended exclusive breastfeeding for one month and 19 for 6 weeks or more. At 6 weeks post delivery only 4 mothers were still breastfeeding. A total of 22 (73%) did not achieve their initial intention. For any future pregnancy, 5 chose exclusive breastfeeding, 22 complementary and 3 formula feeding. Chinese primiparous mothers have high breastfeeding intentions but the majority do not achieve them and their experience has discouraged them from exclusive breastfeeding in future pregnancies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group*
  19. Kasim MS, Ismail Z, Ibrahim L
    J Singapore Paediatr Soc, 1987;29 Suppl 1:96-100.
    PMID: 3657102
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group*
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