CASE PRESENTATION: A 5-year-old Somalian boy with no known medical illness presented with progressive nasal blockage associated with clear nasal discharge and intermittent spontaneous epistaxis for three months. CT paranasal sinus and neck region revealed poorly enhancing expansile mass in the right maxillary sinus with areas of necrosis within. Initial radiological differential diagnoses were lymphoma and rhabdomyosarcoma. The mass was biopsied and histologically showed diffuse sheets of small round blue cells that was positive to CD99, NSE and vimentin. The muscle and lymphoid markers were negative. Fluorescence in-situ hybridisation (FISH) study revealed the presence of EWSR1 gene rearrangement thus diagnosis of ES was rendered.
CONCLUSIONS: ES of sinonasal tract is a rare entity and its pathological features significantly overlap with others small round blue cells tumour. Demonstration of EWSR1 gene translocation is recommended for the diagnosis of ES particularly at uncommon sites.
RESULTS: All EPH samples revealed induction effects towards Bifidobacterium spp., Lactobacillus-Enterococcus and Bacteroidaceae/Prevotellaceae populations similar to those in inulin fermentation. A significant decrease (P ≤ 0.05) in pathogenic Clostridium histolyticum group was observed in the response of raw sago palm hearts. In general, all samples stimulate the production of SCFA. Particularly in the colonic fermentation of sago palm heart, acetate and propionate revealed the highest concentrations of 286.18 and 284.83 mmol L-1 in raw and cooked form, respectively.
CONCLUSION: This study concluded that edible palm hearts can be a potential prebiotic ingredient that promotes human gastrointestinal health, as well as discovering a new direction towards an alternative source of functional foods. © 2022 Society of Chemical Industry.
RESULTS: SatA comprises c. 14.5% of the P. armeniacum genome and is specific to subgenus Parvisepalum. It is composed of four primary monomers that range from 230 to 359 bp and contains multiple inverted repeat regions with hairpin-loop motifs. A new karyotype of P. vietnamense (2n = 28) is presented and shows that the chromosome number in subgenus Parvisepalum is not conserved at 2n = 26, as previously reported. The physical locations of SatA sequences were visualised on the chromosomes of all seven Paphiopedilum species of subgenus Parvisepalum (2n = 26-28), together with the 5S and 45S rDNA loci using FISH. The SatA repeats were predominantly localisedin the centromeric, peri-centromeric and sub-telocentric chromosome regions, but the exact distribution pattern was species-specific.
CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that the newly discovered, highly abundant and rapidly evolving satellite sequence SatA is specific to Paphiopedilum subgenus Parvisepalum. SatA and rDNA chromosomal distributions are characteristic of species, and comparisons between species reveal that the distribution patterns generate a strong phylogenetic signal. We also conclude that the ancestral chromosome number of subgenus Parvisepalum and indeed of all Paphiopedilum could be either 2n = 26 or 28, if P. vietnamense is sister to all species in the subgenus as suggested by the ITS data.
AIMS: To determine the usefulness of immunohistochemical techniques and FISH of the tumour suppressor TP 53 gene to identify microinvasion in marginal tissue sections and to relate the possible correlation between protein expression and genetic aberrations in OSCC cases in Malaysia.
METHODS: Immunohistochemistry and FISH of TP 53 genes were applied on 26 OSCC formalin fixed paraffin embed (FFEP) blocks selected from two oral cancer referral centers in Malaysia.
RESULTS: For p53 protein immunohistochemistry, 96% of the 26 OSCC studied showed positive immunostaining at the excision margins. In FISH assay, 48.9±9.7% of the cancerous cells were monoploid for p53 probe signals, 41.0±9.5 % were diploid, and 10.2±7.8 % were polyploid. A correlation between p53 immunostaining and TP53 gene aberrations was noted (p< 0.05).
CONCLUSIONS: Immunohistochemical analysis of p53 protein expression and FISH of TP53 gene could be applied as screening tool for microinvasion of OSCC.
METHODS: ALK gene rearrangement was detected by immunostaining of ALK protein and fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) targeting at the 2p23 region.
RESULTS: The expression of ALK protein was detected in 24/34 (71%) of the cases, and it was significantly higher in childhood cases (100%) when compared to adult cases (47%). The analyses by FISH were consistent with the results from immunostaining of ALK protein, but the analyses were only successful in 15/34 (44%) cases. FISH analyses detected extra copies of ALK gene in three cases, including one case that expressed ALK protein and showed 2p23 rearrangement.
CONCLUSIONS: The current series revealed a high frequency of ALK gene rearrangement, especially in the children. Immunostaining of ALK protein is a reliable indication of ALK gene rearrangement, and is superior to FISH. However, FISH analysis is useful in detecting other genetic aberrations that are not related to ALK gene rearrangement.
METHODS: Fifty follicular lymphoma cases were retrieved from the files of the Department of Pathology, University of Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC). Nested PCR amplification of MBR/JH and mcr/JH was performed in these cases, and those cases that did not demonstrate the translocation were subjected to FISH analysis.
RESULTS: Thirty cases (60%) had t(14;18) translocation detected by PCR, 25 (50%) had breakpoint with MBR and five (10%) involved mcr. Twenty cases without detectable t(14;18) translocation by PCR were analysed by FISH. Eleven cases were successfully probed, and four of them showed positive translocation signal.
CONCLUSIONS: The combination of PCR and FISH analysis on paraffin tissue sections for the detection of t(14;18) translocation increases the sensitivity of detection from 60 to 68%. Problems encountered in our FISH analysis on tissue sections impose certain limitations in using this technique for retrospective screening of large number of samples. Therefore, we suggested the application of PCR as the first screening tool on retrospective archival materials, followed by FISH on those PCR-negative cases.