Displaying publications 21 - 36 of 36 in total

  1. Looft WR, Rayman JR, Rayman BB
    J Soc Psychol, 1972 Apr;86(2):181-5.
    PMID: 5013924
    Matched MeSH terms: Judgment*
  2. Teoh Y, Wallis E, Stephen ID, Mitchell P
    Cognition, 2017 02;159:48-60.
    PMID: 27886521 DOI: 10.1016/j.cognition.2016.11.003
    Past research tells us that individuals can infer information about a target's emotional state and intentions from their facial expressions (Frith & Frith, 2012), a process known as mentalising. This extends to inferring the events that caused the facial reaction (e.g. Pillai, Sheppard, & Mitchell, 2012; Pillai et al., 2014), an ability known as retrodictive mindreading. Here, we enter new territory by investigating whether or not people (perceivers) can guess a target's social context by observing their response to stimuli. In Experiment 1, perceivers viewed targets' responses and were able to determine whether these targets were alone or observed by another person. In Experiment 2, another group of perceivers, without any knowledge of the social context or what the targets were watching, judged whether targets were hiding or exaggerating their facial expressions; and their judgments discriminated between conditions in which targets were observed and alone. Experiment 3 established that another group of perceivers' judgments of social context were associated with estimations of target expressivity to some degree. In Experiments 1 and 2, the eye movements of perceivers also varied between conditions in which targets were observed and alone. Perceivers were thus able to infer a target's social context from their visible response. The results demonstrate an ability to use other minds as a window onto a social context that could not be seen directly.
    Matched MeSH terms: Judgment*
  3. Ramlee F, Sanborn AN, Tang NKY
    Sleep, 2017 07 01;40(7).
    PMID: 28525617 DOI: 10.1093/sleep/zsx091
    Study objectives: We conceptualized sleep quality judgment as a decision-making process and examined the relative importance of 17 parameters of sleep quality using a choice-based conjoint analysis.

    Methods: One hundred participants (50 good sleepers; 50 poor sleepers) were asked to choose between 2 written scenarios to answer 1 of 2 questions: "Which describes a better (or worse) night of sleep?". Each scenario described a self-reported experience of sleep, stringing together 17 possible determinants of sleep quality that occur at different times of the day (day before, pre-sleep, during sleep, upon waking, day after). Each participant answered 48 questions. Logistic regression models were fit to their choice data.

    Results: Eleven of the 17 sleep quality parameters had a significant impact on the participants' choices. The top 3 determinants of sleep quality were: Total sleep time, feeling refreshed (upon waking), and mood (day after). Sleep quality judgments were most influenced by factors that occur during sleep, followed by feelings and activities upon waking and the day after. There was a significant interaction between wake after sleep onset and feeling refreshed (upon waking) and between feeling refreshed (upon waking) and question type (better or worse night of sleep). Type of sleeper (good vs poor sleepers) did not significantly influence the judgments.

    Conclusions: Sleep quality judgments appear to be determined by not only what happened during sleep, but also what happened after the sleep period. Interventions that improve mood and functioning during the day may inadvertently also improve people's self-reported evaluation of sleep quality.

    Matched MeSH terms: Judgment*
  4. Eriksson K, Strimling P, Gelfand M, Wu J, Abernathy J, Akotia CS, et al.
    Nat Commun, 2021 03 05;12(1):1481.
    PMID: 33674587 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-21602-9
    Norm enforcement may be important for resolving conflicts and promoting cooperation. However, little is known about how preferred responses to norm violations vary across cultures and across domains. In a preregistered study of 57 countries (using convenience samples of 22,863 students and non-students), we measured perceptions of the appropriateness of various responses to a violation of a cooperative norm and to atypical social behaviors. Our findings highlight both cultural universals and cultural variation. We find a universal negative relation between appropriateness ratings of norm violations and appropriateness ratings of responses in the form of confrontation, social ostracism and gossip. Moreover, we find the country variation in the appropriateness of sanctions to be consistent across different norm violations but not across different sanctions. Specifically, in those countries where use of physical confrontation and social ostracism is rated as less appropriate, gossip is rated as more appropriate.
    Matched MeSH terms: Judgment
  5. Shahid Hassan
    Education in Medicine Journal, 2012;4(1):115-128.
    The impact of good assessment in medical education depends on how appropriately the tools measure the clinical performance and how reliable, valid and feasible they are to achieve the logical decision. The traditional methods of clinical examination using long and short cases and orals are often argued for its subjectivity, low reliability and inadequate context specificity. Oral test though comparatively more valid due to its face-to-face questions are considered less reliable for problems of unstandardized questions, inconsistent marking and lack of sufficient testing time. Development of an “objective structured clinical examination” (OSCE) was sought as a solution to these problems. But the fragmented representation of the context in a number of stations in OSCE makes it less authentic for an integrated judgment of performance. Yet another method to thought of, was the workplace-based assessment (WPBA) but it takes a snapshot as a predefined attribute of a more complex integrated assessment such as long case. However due to the problem of feasibility it is less likely that high stakes examination as summative assessment will ever be able to attain workplace-based assessment such as Mini-CEX and DOPS. A TOACS (task oriented assessment of clinical skills) format currently used in high stakes fellowship examination in one of the center and claimed to have more active role for examiners was analyzed and compared with OSCE. Author however, did not find a difference except the difference of acronyms of the two formats. Both have multiple, fragmented static or interactive stations of 5-10 minutes duration with or without examiners, patients or exhibits and a marking scheme comprising of checklist or global rating. In the backdrop of this context a new assessment format named the ‘task integrated objective structured clinical examination” or TIOSCE modified from OSCE is currently developed in School of Medical Sciences (SMS) at USM. However, it is a different version of OSCE in which though the principle concept is the same as that of an OSCE, the continuum of clinical skill’s work up of the same patient’s is followed through to test multiple short attributes of clinical competences. As it retains most of the favorable features, TIOSCE also addresses some of the odds features of OSCE.
    Matched MeSH terms: Judgment
  6. Muhamat Omar, Zalina Laili, Mohd Suhaimi Hamzah
    Qualitative and quantitative analysis of samples require good judgment from the analysts. These two aspects in gamma spectrometric analysis of Proficiency Test and solid radioactive waste samples for the determination of radionuclides are discussed. It is vital to judge and decide what energy peaks belong to which radionuclides prior to the creation of customized radionuclide library for the analysis of specific samples. Corrections due to radionuclide decay and growth, and the half-life assigned to a particular radionuclide in the uranium and thorium series are also discussed. Discussion on judgment to confirm the presence of thorium in food samples based on gamma spectrometry and neutron activation analysis is also provided.
    Matched MeSH terms: Judgment
  7. MyJurnal
    Introduction: Pneumonia is the most common diagnosis made in hospitalised children. The Malaysian Clinical Practice Guidelines on pneumonia and respiratory tract infections provides a comprehensive guidance in the local context. We evaluated the documented assessment and management of children diagnosed with pneumonia admitted to the children’s ward, Hospital Batu Pahat against this guideline.
    Methods: We performed a retrospective analysis of hospital case notes for children admitted from January to May 2004.
    Results: Ninety six case notes were analysed. Most patients (84%) had at least four positive clinical features leading to the diagnosis of pneumonia. 92% met the guideline criteria for admission. Sp02 was performed for 58% on admission, and 58% with reading below 95% received supplemental oxygen. Throughout hospital stay, each patient had an average of four investigations (range: 1 – 12). Among 23 patients who had further investigations, justifications were only recorded in seven patients (30.4%), and changes in management resulted in 23%. The most common antibiotic prescribed was intravenous Penicillin (97 %). In 17 patients who met the guideline classification for severe pneumonia, none received the recommended antibiotic combination. The median time to fever resolution was 22 hours (range 2 – 268), and median hospital stay was 3 days (range 1 – 12).
    Conclusions: Although the quality of clinical assessment and antibiotic choices were acceptable, there was a failure to critically evaluate patients according to disease severity and initiate corresponding investigations and managements. Future efforts need to be directed at promoting further guideline adherence and the exercise of critical judgment in patient evaluation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Judgment
  8. Umi Adzlin, S., Azizul, A., Uma, V., Nor’Izam, A.
    This case report highlights on the dilemma in making a decision for termination of pregnancy (TOP) for a muslim rape victim in Malaysian setting. We report a case of 17 year-old student at 7 weeks of pregnancy after being gang-raped, who, together with her parents, had requested for a TOP. Psychiatric assessment showed that the patient suffered from a major depressive disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder which justified termination of pregnancy on a psychological and clinical basis. However the available Malaysian Islamic fatwa had caused some uncertainties on the final decision making. This case demonstrated on the needs to understand the relevant issues beyond clinical judgment in relation to TOP in our setting which encompasses the legal provision, ethical obligation as well as the needs for a clear religious understanding and stand to support the medical decision.
    Matched MeSH terms: Judgment
  9. Siti Aishah Md Yusop, Shaharudin Abd Aziz, Nelfianty Mohd Rasyid
    The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between goal orientation and aggressiveness among under 18 handball players in Negeri Sembilan. This study used survey method using Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionaire (TEOSQ) and The Judgement About Moral Behavior in Youth Sport Questionaire (JAMBYSQ). The respondents are the Under 18 handball players that represent eight districts in Negeri Sembilan (n = 192, 96 male and 96 females). Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics (percent, frequency, mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (t-test) and correlation. The findings showed that the orientation pattern of the female players were higher than the male players for both the task orientation and the ego. The results of the t-test showed that female handball players have higher levels of cognitive and somatic anxiety than male players. However, from the aspect of aggression, the findings showed that female players are more likely to show aggressive action compared to male. In conclusion, the findings showed that there was a significant relationship between goal orientation and aggression among under 18 handball players. Indirectly, this study stressed the importance of goal orientation. Coaches also need to put more focus on the task-orientation compared to ego-orientation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Judgment
  10. Wicaksono FD, Arshad YB, Sihombing H
    Heliyon, 2020 Apr;6(4):e03607.
    PMID: 32346625 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e03607
    This paper presents the novel approach of the Norm-dist Monte-Carlo fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (NMCFAHP) to incorporate probabilistic and epistemic uncertainty due to human's judgment vagueness in multi-criteria decision analysis. Normal distribution is applied as the most appropriate distribution model to approximate the probability distribution function of the criteria and alternatives within Monte-Carlo simulation. To test the applicability of the proposed NMCFAHP, the case study of non-destructive test (NDT) technology selection is performed in the Petroleum Company in Borneo, Indonesia. When compared with the conventional triangular fuzzy-AHP, the proposed NMCFAHP method reduces the standard error of mean values by 90.4-99.8% at the final evaluation scores. This means that the proposed NMCFAHP significantly involves fewer errors when dealing with fuzzy uncertainty and stochastic randomness. The proposed NMCFAHP delivers reliable performance to overcome probabilistic uncertainty and epistemic vagueness in the group decision making process.
    Matched MeSH terms: Judgment
  11. Datta A
    Malays J Med Sci, 2021 Feb;28(1):105-108.
    PMID: 33679226 DOI: 10.21315/mjms2021.28.1.13
    Clinical history taking and physical examination are the essence of clinical medicine. However, the glare of modern diagnostic tools and techniques has overshadowed these basic but indispensable steps of diagnosis. Deterioration of clinical skills is a burning issue in this era due to over-reliance on high-end technology. Poor clinical judgment not only leads to mismanagement but also results in over-utilisation of health care resources. Moreover, with lesser time at the bedside, the physician-patient relationship is also getting compromised.
    Matched MeSH terms: Judgment
  12. Foo ML, Tang LY, Vimala R, Chui PL, Chong MC
    J Contin Educ Nurs, 2017 Aug 01;48(8):347-352.
    PMID: 28759691 DOI: 10.3928/00220124-20170712-05
    BACKGROUND: Because nurses need to handle a broad range of issues related to patients' health status, it is necessary to make reliable and sound clinical judgments for professional accountability and the patients' safety.

    METHOD: A quasi-experimental pre- and posttest design with a control group was used to study the effectiveness of an educational intervention on the clinical judgment skills of 80 RNs from two district hospitals. The change in clinical judgment skills during a 6-week period was evaluated using a complex case-based scenario after the completion of the educational intervention.

    RESULTS: The mean scores of clinical judgment skills of the experimental group had significantly improved from 24.15 ± 6.92 to 47.38 ± 7.20. (p < .001). However, only a slight change was seen in mean scores for the control group (23.80 ± 5.77 to 26.50 ± 6.53).

    CONCLUSION: The educational intervention was effective postintervention. Continuing nursing education using a traditional and case-based method is recommended to improve clinical judgment skills in clinical settings. J Contin Educ Nurs. 2017;48(8):347-352.

    Matched MeSH terms: Judgment*
  13. Irniza Rasdi, Noraini Mohd Zin, Sharifah Norkhadijah Syed Ismail
    Introduction: Noise was evident to reduce job satisfaction among workers which will negative impacts to workers including increase job turnover, decrease motivation and increased number of accidents. This study aims to explore job satisfaction and its risk factors among workers working in a noisy workplace. Method: The study design was cross-sectional study which involved 167 workers in a cable manufacturing factory selected by simple random sam- pling. MSQ was used to assess employee’s satisfaction with their job on seven facets and sound level meter was used to measure workplace noise level. Results: All respondents were exposed to noise above permissible exposure limit. Most workers (49%) were moderately satisfied with their work. Factors that were rated as lowest level of satisfaction were work itself (the ability to work alone) (40%) and the way company system policies are implemented (40%). Factors with the highest level of satisfaction were their freedom to implement their judgement (responsibility) (51%) and the supervision quality of their superiors (51%). The most dominant facet predicting total satisfaction level was recognition followed by advancement and company policy and administration. All variables in socio-demographical and job characteristics were not significantly associated with their level of job satisfaction except noise. Noise was significant in predicting one facet of job satisfaction which was physical work condition. Conclusion: Overall, the average level of job satisfaction among respondents were moderate and they were exposed to occupational noise which was the only significant study variable correlated with their job satisfaction.
    Matched MeSH terms: Judgment
  14. Dharmaraj B, Diong NC, Shamugam N, Sathiamurthy N, Mohd Zainal H, Chai SC, et al.
    Indian J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 2021 Jan;37(1):82-88.
    PMID: 33442211 DOI: 10.1007/s12055-020-00972-7
    Chest wall resection is defined as partial or full-thickness removal of the chest wall. Significant morbidity has been recorded, with documented respiratory failure as high as 27%. Medical records of all patients who had undergone chest wall resection and reconstruction were reviewed. Patients' demographics, length of surgery, reconstruction method, size of tumor and chest wall defect, histopathological result, complications, duration of post-operative antibiotics, and hospital stay were assessed. From 1 April 2017 to 30 April 2019, a total of 20 patients underwent chest wall reconstructive surgery. The median age was 57 years, with 12 females and 8 males. Fourteen patients (70%) had malignant disease and 6 patients (30%) had benign disease. Nine patients underwent rigid reconstruction (titanium mesh for sternum and titanium plates for ribs), 6 patients had non-rigid reconstruction (with polypropylene or composite mesh), and 5 patients had primary closure. Nine patients (45%) required closure with myocutaneous flap. Complications were noted in 70% of patients. Patients who underwent primary closure had minor complications. In total, 66.7% of patients who had closure with either fasciocutaneous or myocutaneous flaps had threatened flap necrosis. Two patients developed pneumonia and 3 patients (15%) had respiratory failure requiring tracheostomy and prolonged ventilation. There was 1 mortality (5%) in this series. In conclusion, chest wall resections involving large defects require prudent clinical judgment and multidisciplinary assessments in determining the choice of chest wall reconstruction to improve outcomes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Judgment
  15. Lee YM, Sheppard E
    Accid Anal Prev, 2016 Oct;95(Pt A):202-8.
    PMID: 27450792 DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2016.07.011
    Failure in making the correct judgment about the intention of an approaching vehicle at a junction could lead to a collision. This paper investigated the impact of dynamic information on drivers' judgments about the intentions of approaching cars and motorcycles, and whether a valid or invalid signal was provided was also manipulated. Participants were presented with videoclips of vehicles approaching a junction which terminated immediately before the vehicle made any manoeuvre, or images of the final frame of each video. They were asked to judge whether or not the vehicle would turn. Drivers were better in judging the manoeuvre of approaching vehicles in dynamic than static stimuli, for both vehicle types. Drivers were better in judging the manoeuvre of cars than motorcycles for videos, but not for photographs. Drivers were also better in judging the manoeuvre of approaching vehicles when a valid signal was provided than an invalid signal, demonstrating the importance of providing a valid signal while driving. However, drivers were still somewhat successful in their judgments in most of the conditions with an invalid signal, suggesting that drivers were able to focus on other cues to intention. Finally, given that dynamic stimuli more closely reflect the demands of real-life driving there may be a need for drivers to adopt a more cautious approach while inferring a motorcyclist's intentions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Judgment
  16. Low, W.Y.
    JUMMEC, 2009;12(1):3-14.
    Youth sexuality is a great concern for many. Sexual health issues facing our youths are: premarital sexual intercourse, sexually transmitted diseases, unwanted and unsafe pregnancies and abortions, sexual diversity, HIV/AIDS, and cybersex. Various factors lead to risky sexual and reproductive health behavior, particularly among those unmarried youths: lack of sexual and reproductive health information and skills in negotiating sexual relationships and the inaccessibility of youth-friendly sexual and reproductive health services. Growing peer pressure of pre-marital sex plays a major role in sexual and reproductive health related decision-making among youths. Another factor is the issue of sexuality education which is still considered a sensitive topic and thus impinging on its implementation, due to cultural and religious constraints. Misunderstanding and a lack of information on sexual diversity have caused a concern for many, as there is a tendency for judgments, stereotypes, discriminations and prejudices towards homosexuality in the society. Online sexual activities or cybersex have become the next sexual revolution. Negative consequences are shown for those hooked on cybersex. Healthy youths are fundamental to the prevention initiatives. Promoting the sexual and reproductive needs and rights of our youths is warranted.
    Matched MeSH terms: Judgment
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