Displaying publications 21 - 40 of 75 in total

  1. Francis Paul, Kent Kong Kian Keong, Jennifer Tan, Anna Lee En Moi, Alen Lim Chung Chieh
    Introduction: Maternal death is a sensitive health indicator being monitored closely by the Ministry of Health. Obstetric emergency (OE) protocol is introduced to manage OE and to improve maternal outcome. However, there is no national OE guideline available and the OE protocol varies among different institutions. The current audit aims to evaluate the service quality during OE in Duchess of Kent Hospital (DOKH) in accordance with OE protocol DOKH revision-2017.
    Matched MeSH terms: Maternal Mortality
  2. Pathmanathan I, Liljestrand J, Martins JM, Rajapaksa LC, Lissner C, de Silva A, et al.
    DOI: 10.1596/0-8213-5362-4 ISBN: 0-8213-5362-4
    Citation: Pathmanathan I, Liljestrand J, Martins JM, Rajapaksa LC, Lissner C, de Silva A, et al. Investing in Maternal Health: Learning from Malaysia and Sri Lanka. Washington, DC: World Bank Publications; 2003.

    The difference between maternal mortality in the industrialized and developing world is greater than any other development indicator. The apparent lack of progress in this area has generated a sense of hopelessness. Malaysia and Sri Lanka are two of the very few developing countries that have succeeded in reducing maternal mortality to levels comparable to many industrialized countries. This study provides the first comprehensive, in-depth analysis of the factors that contributed to maternal mortality decline in Malaysia and Sri Lanka over the last 50-60 years. It considers policy issues, health system developments, health system expenditures in maternal health, and the use in both countries, of professionally trained midwives.
    Matched MeSH terms: Maternal Mortality
  3. Ravindran J, Jayadev R, Lachmanan SR, Merican I
    Med J Malaysia, 2000 Jun;55(2):209-19.
    PMID: 19839149
    Liver disease is an important and serious condition in pregnancy. The Confidential Enquiries Into Maternal Deaths in Malaysia showed that there were 23 maternal deaths attributed to liver disease between 1991-1994. Over the same period, there were 1066 reported maternal deaths with 929 of them being due to direct and indirect causes. Thus 2.15% of such deaths were due to liver disease in Malaysia. The three main causes of maternal deaths due to liver disease in pregnancy were hepatitis (6 cases), acute fatty liver in pregnancy (6 cases) and septicaemia (4 cases). Liver disease is common at a mean of thirty weeks of gestation with a preponderance to women of low parity. Only two patients in this series had no antenatal care. The majority of cases (45.8%) presented between 28-37 weeks of gestation. All cases delivered by spontaneous vaginal delivery. Remediable factors that were identified included failure to appreciate the severity of disease. Case summaries of all the cases of maternal deaths due to liver disease are discussed and a guideline to management of liver disease in pregnancy presented.
    Matched MeSH terms: Maternal Mortality/ethnology; Maternal Mortality/trends*
  4. Lancet, 2013 May 18;381(9879):1687.
    PMID: 23683612 DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(13)61057-0
    Matched MeSH terms: Maternal Mortality
  5. Norhayati MN, Nik Hazlina NH, Sulaiman Z, Azman MY
    BMC Public Health, 2016;16(1):229.
    PMID: 26944047 DOI: 10.1186/s12889-016-2895-2
    Severe maternal conditions have increasingly been used as alternative measurements of the quality of maternal care and as alternative strategies to reduce maternal mortality. We aimed to study severe maternal morbidity and maternal near miss among women in two tertiary hospitals in Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Maternal Mortality
  6. Ong SK, Foo J, Wong WP, Yusof K
    Med J Malaysia, 1978 Mar;32(3):206-11.
    PMID: 683043
    Matched MeSH terms: Maternal Mortality
  7. Zainur Rashid, Z., Sulaiha, S.A., Azmi, M.N.
    Acute appendicitis is the most common extra-uterine surgical emergency encountered during pregnancy, but an accurate diagnosis is still an enigma. Anatomical shifting of the appendix by the enlarging uterus makes the clinical and sonographic diagnosis difficult. Prompt diagnosis and treatment are essential to prevent perforation, which increases the risk of fetal and maternal death. Surgical intervention, either by an open laparotomy or laparoscopy is the most appropriate treatment for appendicitis. This article reviews the epidemiology, clinical diagnosis, investigation, complications and treatment of acute appendicitis in pregnancy.
    Matched MeSH terms: Maternal Mortality
  8. Abd Rahman, R., Ismail, N.M., Yassin, M.A., Sulaiman, A.S.
    Worldwide maternal mortality rate had reduced tremendously including Malaysia. At the 2000 Millenium Summit, eight Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) were established with target for the year 2015. Three years remained until the deadline to achieve MDG5, which comprised of two targets and one being reducing the maternal mortality ratio by 75%.This review compared the trend of maternal mortality and its causes in our centre to the national data. The national data had shown a reduction from 44 to 27.6 in 100,000 live births in1991 and 2008 respectively. The subsequent rate had stabilized for the past seven years. In contrast the UKM Medical Centre (UKMMC) data in the past 15 years had not been stable. The target of MDG5 seemed to be achievable by our country but may require longer time as we have yet to find ways to overcome medical care inadequacy in remote areas.
    Matched MeSH terms: Maternal Mortality
  9. Paxton A, Maine D, Freedman L, Fry D, Lobis S
    Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 2005 Feb;88(2):181-93.
    PMID: 15694106
    We searched for evidence for the effectiveness of emergency obstetric care (EmOC) interventions in reducing maternal mortality primarily in developing countries.
    Matched MeSH terms: Maternal Mortality*
  10. Hartfield VJ
    Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 1980 7 1;18(1):70-5.
    PMID: 6106608
    Matched MeSH terms: Maternal Mortality*
  11. Kong H, Sinnathuray TA, Ng KH
    Med J Malaysia, 1974 Jun;28(4):226-8.
    PMID: 4278955
    Matched MeSH terms: Maternal Mortality*
  12. Rajbanshi S, Norhayati MN, Nik Hazlina NH
    PLoS One, 2020;15(12):e0244072.
    PMID: 33370361 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0244072
    BACKGROUND: The early identification of pregnant women at risk of developing complications at birth is fundamental to antenatal care and an important strategy in preventing maternal death. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of high-risk pregnancies and explore the association between risk stratification and severe maternal morbidity.

    METHODS: This hospital-based prospective cohort study included 346 pregnant women between 28-32 gestational weeks who were followed up after childbirth at Koshi Hospital in Nepal. The Malaysian antenatal risk stratification approach, which applies four color codes, was used: red and yellow denote high-risk women, while green and white indicate low-risk women based on maternal past and present medical and obstetric risk factors. The World Health Organization criteria were used to identify women with severe maternal morbidity. Multivariate confirmatory logistic regression analysis was performed to adjust for possible confounders (age and mode of birth) and explore the association between risk stratification and severe maternal morbidity.

    RESULTS: The prevalence of high-risk pregnancies was 14.4%. Based on the color-coded risk stratification, 7.5% of the women were categorized red, 6.9% yellow, 72.0% green, and 13.6% white. The women with high-risk pregnancies were 4.2 times more likely to develop severe maternal morbidity conditions during childbirth.

    CONCLUSIONS: Although smaller in percentage, the chances of severe maternal morbidity among high-risk pregnancies were higher than those of low-risk pregnancies. This risk scoring approach shows the potential to predict severe maternal morbidity if routine screening is implemented at antenatal care services. Notwithstanding, unpredictable severe maternal morbidity events also occur among low-risk pregnant women, thus all pregnant women require vigilance and quality obstetrics care but high-risk pregnant women require specialized care and referral.

    Matched MeSH terms: Maternal Mortality*
  13. CHOON HS
    Med J Malaysia, 1963 Jun;17:282-7.
    PMID: 14060505
    Matched MeSH terms: Maternal Mortality*
    Med J Malaysia, 1963 Jun;17:306-15.
    PMID: 14060509
    Matched MeSH terms: Maternal Mortality*
  15. Suleiman AB, Mathews A, Jegasothy R, Ali R, Kandiah N
    Bull World Health Organ, 1999;77(2):190-3.
    PMID: 10083722
    A confidential system of enquiry into maternal mortality was introduced in Malaysia in 1991. The methods used and the findings obtained up to 1994 are reported below and an outline is given of the resulting recommendations and actions.
    PIP: This is a report on the methods, findings, resulting recommendations and actions of a study on maternal mortality in Malaysia during the period 1991-94. Maternal death was defined as the death of a woman while pregnant or within 42 days following termination of pregnancy from any cause related to the pregnancy or its management but not from accidental causes. Between 1991 and 1994 there were 1066 reported maternal deaths, and the maternal mortality ratios for the successive years were respectively 44, 48, 46 and 39 per 100,000 live births. The primary causes of maternal death were postpartum hemorrhage (24%), hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (16%), obstetric pulmonary embolism (13%), and associated medical conditions (7%). Analysis of the 375 deaths from 1992 - 1993 showed that the maternal mortality ratio was 53/100,000 live births for deliveries performed at home, 36/100,000 in government hospitals, and 21/100,000 in private institutions. Shortcomings among health personnel were detected in several cases; these involved failure to diagnose, failure to appreciate the severity of a patient's condition, inadequate therapy, and inappropriate, delayed or failed adherence to protocols. The high proportion of maternal mortality associated with substandard care demonstrates that it is important to make the standard of care more widely available. Reports have been circulated to institutions and organizations providing maternal care and to medical schools. Articles and case histories have been published, and many new protocols and procedures have been developed. Furthermore, seminars have been organized and training modules have been distributed to all involved in the provision of maternity care.
    Matched MeSH terms: Maternal Mortality*
  16. Thambu JA
    Med J Malaya, 1972 Jun;26(4):278-84.
    PMID: 5069418
    Matched MeSH terms: Maternal Mortality
  17. Rosliza, A.M., Majdah, M.
    Family planning is one of the main pillars of safe motherhood initiatives. It is therefore a very crucial area that needs continuous strengthening and improvement in order to reduce maternal morbidity and mortality which will ultimately improve the general condition of women. Findings from the Confidential Enquiries into Maternal Death (CEMD) Malaysia Report 2001 - 2005 revealed that up to 70% of the maternal deaths never practiced any form of family planning. The contraceptive prevalence rate (CPR) in Malaysia for the year 2004 was 51.7% compared to Thailand, Vietnam and Singapore which was 79%, 74% and 74% respectively. One neglected area that has never been emphasized seriously in the family planning programme in Malaysia is male participation, gender awareness and sharing of responsibility by both partners. In realizing this, efforts have been made to include men as target groups in the national family planning programme. This paper will highlight the importance of optimum gender relations and sharing of responsibility with special emphasis towards the role of husbands and male medical personnel in the effort to improve family planning activities. It will also discuss the efforts put by the Ministry of Health in order to create gender awareness and encourage male participation in family planning.
    Matched MeSH terms: Maternal Mortality
  18. Hematram, Y.
    JUMMEC, 2006;9(1):30-34.
    There has been a significant decline in maternal mortality in Malaysia since independence. The issue of measuring maternal mortality accurately is a problem in all countries. Another major problem is whether we can reduce the mortality further. The definition of maternal mortality includes two major components, which are causation of death and the time of death. To improve data collection on maternal deaths, we need to collect all data on maternal deaths, which are omitted or misclassified. Deaths from accidental causes that are not normally used in the calculations of maternal mortality need to be carefully reexamined to be excluded. The time of death means that in maternal mortality calculations, it includes up to six weeks after delivery, but recent World Health Organization (WHO) publication (ICD-10) suggests that the collection of maternal deaths even after six weeks should be reviewed because there are many maternal deaths which occur after six weeks. Measuring maternal mortality rate should be encouraged rather than maternal mortality ratio. Another measurement of maternal mortality is the lifetime risk of the women. The lifetime risk is the measure of maternal mortality that takes into account the probability of becoming pregnant and the probability of dying as a result of pregnancy. Many countries have started reporting the lifetime risk, which is considered to be better indicator to measure maternal health.
    Matched MeSH terms: Maternal Mortality
  19. Nalliah, Sivalingam, Wijesuriya, Lionel, Venugopal, Subramani
    Acute appendicitis is an infrequent yet the commonest surgical emergency in pregnancy occurring in about 1:1500 pregnancies. The classical abdominal pain in the right lower quadrant of the abdomen is the only reliable clinical sign. Delay in diagnosis is attributed to presence of symptoms commonly seen in pregnancy like nausea and vomiting and difficulty in localizing abdominal pain due to displacement of the appendix with advancing gestation. Perforated appendix and generalized peritonitis impacts adversely on pregnancy contributing to increases in miscarriage, pre-term delivery, fetal loss and even maternal mortality. Imaging studies like abdominal ultrasonogram, helical computerized tomography and magnetic imaging have been utilized to complement clinical suspicion and decrease ‘negative appendectomies’ but robust data on their routine use is awaited. Although the laparoscopic approach is a useful diagnostic and therapeutic tool in early pregnancy, its use as the primary approach for appendicectomy in pregnancy requires further evaluation as increases in the incidence of fetal loss of 5.6% has been reported compared to 3.1% in open access surgery
    Matched MeSH terms: Maternal Mortality
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