Displaying publications 21 - 40 of 40 in total

  1. Zulkifli Mohd Yusof, Syed Ahmad Ezahar Syed Ambon, Junaidy Mohamad Hashim
    Journal of Sports Science and Physical Education 5(1): 49-64, 2016 - The aim of this study is
    to assess health related physical fitness of MSKPPM soccer players (Veteran Category).
    Besides that, this study also aims to see whether there is any differences based on the health
    related components of physical fitness according to age group. The samples of this study were
    40 soccer players who were involved in a selection, aged between 40 to 49 years. Test battery
    used in this study is Prudential FITNESSGRAM® by Cooper Institute for Aerobic Research
    (1992) which includes PACER 20 meter Multistage run, push up, curl up, trunk lift and body
    mass index (BMI). Data analysis showed that there is significant difference on the different
    components of health related physical fitness for the different age groups. Age 40-41, Pacer
    [min: 24.66; SD: 2.88], curl up [min:33.33; SD: 5.20], push up [min: 46.83; SD: 3.65], trunk
    lift [min: 43.16;SD: 13.58] and BMI [min:42.46; SD: 5.99]. Age 42-43, Pacer [min: 24.38; SD:
    2.29], curl up [min:41.08; SD: 9.26], push up [min: 48.41; SD: 6.12], trunk lift [min: 47.16;SD:
    9.35] and BMI [min:42.66; SD: 5.40]. Age 44-45, Pacer [min: 24.36; SD: 2.66], curl up
    [min:39.75; SD: 9.69], push up [min: 48.00; SD: 5.81], trunk lift [min: 45.92;SD: 9.51] and
    BMI [min:41.69; SD: 5.62]. Age 46-47, Pacer [min: 20.65; SD: 3.51], curl up [min: 19.40; SD:
    1.67], push up [min: 44.20; SD: 1.78], trunk lift [min: 30.60;SD: 8.50] and BMI [min: 33.92;
    SD: 4.13]. Age 48-49, Pacer [min: 27.26; SD: 0.55], curl up [min: 17.00; SD: 3.60], push up
    [min: 47.33; SD: 2.88], trunk lift [min: 29.00;SD: 8.18] and BMI [min: 30.23; SD: 3.45]. The
    results of this study can be used by the coaches in Malaysia to ensure that players involved in
    any tournaments has excellent fitness level and to avoid from making aggressive actions which
    may cause tense situation among players. The results of this study is hope to convince all
    players and coaches on the importance of good physical fitness as it will positively affect the level of playing to be more effective and high quality.
    Matched MeSH terms: Physical Education and Training
  2. Che Hasan Sabri TH, Muhamad TA
    The purpose of this study was to identify whether a novice teachers have a self-esteem while teaching physical education. This study access the level of self-esteem among novice teachers between gender and option teachers teach in physical education. This study is a quantitative research survey and this study design is selected using questionnaires based on Rosenberg self-esteem scale for collecting data. 30 novice physical education teachers have been selected from one of the schools in the district of Sepang, Selangor. 15 males and 15 female teachers were randomly selected from the target group. The data were analyzed using SPSS version 22.0 for frequency distribution, mean, standard deviation and independent sample t-test to measure the level of self-esteem of teachers with the dependent variable. The study found that there was no significant difference between the level of self-esteem between genders. While in terms of options, there are significant differences in the level of self-esteem for non-option physical education teachers. The self-esteem level among novice teachers are very important to enhance the quality of learning, especially in the subjects of physical education.
    Matched MeSH terms: Physical Education and Training
  3. Yin, Jerusha Chan Poe, Ashril Yusof, Victor Selvarajah Selvanayagam
    Journal of Sports Science and Physical Education 5(2): 1-8, 2016 - The objective of this
    study was to determine the number of familiarisation sessions required for isokinetic knee
    extension and flexion in female varsity athletes. Thirty right footed dominance female varsity
    athletes (n=30; age: 21.73 ±0.22 years, body mass index (BMI): 22.58 ±0.52 kg/m2), with no
    history of knee injuries were recruited. The design started with either with the dominant or
    non-dominant limb, followed by the opposite limb. Four sets of isokinetic maximal voluntary
    contraction at 60 o/s were performed for each limb. The results showed that for knee
    extension regardless of which limb starts first is 2 sessions, however for knee flexion, 3
    sessions is required for dominant limb while 2 for non-dominant. In addition, the presence of
    cross-education effect is observed for knee flexion from non-dominant to dominant limb,
    where the number of session was reduced from three to two. In conclusion, we propose that
    two sessions of familiarisation are required for female varsity athletes and should begin with the non-dominant limb followed by dominant limb.
    Matched MeSH terms: Physical Education and Training
  4. Ahmad Fazlan Ghazalli, Mahamad Yusof Abdul Rani, Lee, Jeffrey Low Fook
    Journal of Sports Science and Physical Education 5(2): 53-60, 2016 – Many previous studies
    focus on attention has consistently demonstrated that an external focus (movement effect)
    enhances motor performance and learning relative to an internal focus (body movements).
    However, the effectiveness of the external focus direction and internal focus on the press
    behind neck lift not yet again compared among the weightlifter. Therefore, the aim of this
    study was to identify the three conditions (external focus, internal focus and control) that
    brings the best performance in the press behind neck. Besides that, a total of 30 athletes
    Selangor weightlifters performed the pre-test before they are divided into treatment groups
    (external focus and internal focus) and a control group. There are changes in the score in
    force between the test scores (pre, post and retention test) and the group will be analyzed
    using Two Way ANOVA Repeated Measure. The results showed that, there are the main
    effect of testing, F(2, 54) = 1671.065 p = 0.001 means there is a significant difference
    between pre-test and post-test . There is a main effect for group, F (2, 27) = 16,646, p =
    0.001. Meanwhile, there was a significant interaction between the test group f (4. 54) =
    378,732 p = 0.001. There are no significant differences between the three groups during the
    pre-test. However, in the post-test found an external focus groups (M = 51.5 kg, SP = 7.4)
    and an internal focus group (M = 49.5kg, SP = 6.6) is better and has significant differences to
    the control group (M = 30.5kg, SP= 6.9). Besides that, the external focus group retention test
    (M= 59.5 kg, SP=6.0) is better and has a significant difference compared with internal focus
    (M= 43.2kg, SP = 5.9) and the control group (M= 30.1, SP = 6.3). Therefore, the overall
    direction of a focus of external forces show better performance compared to focus on internal
    and groups are not given any specific instructions for long term programme.
    Matched MeSH terms: Physical Education and Training
  5. Hajar Asmidar Samat, Nelfianty Mohd Rasyid, Thariq Khan Azizuddin Khan
    Journal of Sports Science and Physical Education 5(2): 61-73, 2016 – Participation in
    adventure recreation is increasing in popularity in recent years. However, out of the 13
    million people who participated in outdoor recreation activities globally, 12 million are no
    longer participated in these activities due to low satisfaction of the acitivity, which includes
    the implementation of activities, environment and facilities provided (Outdoor Industry
    Foundation, 2013). This study aims to understand the patterns of participation, specifically in
    whitewater rafting activity by identifying the motivation factor and the satisfaction level of
    participants. It also examines the relationship between motivation and satisfaction in
    whitewater rafting activity. Recreation Experience Preferences Scale (REP) was used to
    identify the motivation factors, while Leisure Satisfaction Scale was employed to assess the
    level of satisfaction in whitewater rafting activity. The respondents consisted of 404 people
    who participated in whitewater rafting in Kampar River, Perak. Mean, standard deviation and
    Pearson Correlation were used to answer the research questions. Results showed that
    elements of nature, excitement and sociability as the main motivation in the activities of
    whitewater rafting. Higher satisfaction levels were recorded in the aesthetic, psychological
    and social. This study revealed that there is a positive relationship between participants‟
    motivation and satisfaction in whitewater rafting activity. In conclusion, the motivation
    factors that encourage participants to participate in whitewater rafting activity may not
    necessarily be the same factors that contribute to participants‟ satisfaction. Therefore, the
    operators of the activity and the related parties need to identify factors that contribute to
    satisfaction of aesthetic, psychological and social in whitewater rafting activity to ensure
    higher satisfaction in participation of this activity.
    Matched MeSH terms: Physical Education and Training
  6. Low J, Williams AM, McRobert AP, Ford PR
    J Sports Sci, 2013;31(11):1242-50.
    PMID: 23547916 DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2013.778419
    Practice plays an important role in skill acquisition, although not all practice is of equal quality. We examined the types of team practice activities in four groups of youth cricket players. The groups were recreational- and elite-children (9 to 12 years of age) and recreational- and elite-adolescent players (13 to 17 years of age). Time motion analysis recorded the duration in two types of practice activities, namely, Training Form and Playing Form. Training Form is mainly drill-type activities, whereas Playing Form is mainly games-based activities. Training Form activity is thought to contain fewer opportunities to develop the perceptual, cognitive and motor skills required for successful performance in competition when compared to Playing Form. Session duration was a mean value of 95, s = 29 min. All players combined spent 69% of session time in Training Form activity and 19% in Playing Form, with the remaining percentage of time spent in transition between activities. Recreational-children spent around half of their time in Playing Form activity, whereas both elite and adolescent groups spent little or no time in this activity. Findings from this research highlight a gap between research and practice that may not be optimal for skill acquisition.
    Matched MeSH terms: Physical Education and Training/methods*
  7. Ho WKY, Ahmed MD, Khoo S, Tan CH, Dehkordi MR, Gallardo M, et al.
    PLoS One, 2019;14(8):e0218158.
    PMID: 31369586 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0218158
    Physical education professionals aim to develop quality programmes for physical education. This study aimed to develop and validate a scale using professionals' perceptions of Quality Physical Education QPE in Asia using twenty-four items regarding QPE quality issues. The items covered status and roles, development of educational elements and supportive features in physical education. A sample of N = 799 sport and physical education professionals from eleven Asian cities participated in this questionnaire survey. Twenty-four items relating to QPE were examined via exploratory factor analysis (EFA) using maximum likelihood extraction and direct oblimin rotation methods. Nevertheless, only 20 items were extracted following the EFA examination. Items 1, 9, 14 and 18 were excluded because of low factor loadings. The remaining items were clustered into four subscales: Development and Supportive Elements for Quality Physical Education in Schools (DSFQPE; α = .918), Core Values of Quality Physical Education (CVPE; α = .908), Curriculum Arrangement of Physical Activities (CAPA; α = .884) and Provision and Norms in Physical Education (PNPE; α = .865). The Cronbach's alpha coefficient (α = .875) indicated excellent internal consistency for the overall measure. Furthermore, the 4 retained factors from the EFA were assessed via robust confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The 4-factor model demonstrated a good fit with the data (CMIN/DF = 3.450, CFI = .928, TLI = .916, PCFI = .801, RMSEA = .078). The study identified a 4-factor structure with internal consistency and acceptable interfactor correlations. The structure seemed to be applicable, including the twenty items identified as useful and necessary tools for the framework of analysis in the investigation of diverse settings for the study of quality physical education.
    Matched MeSH terms: Physical Education and Training/methods*
  8. He L, Ayub AFBM, Amri SB
    BMC Public Health, 2024 Sep 02;24(1):2387.
    PMID: 39223514 DOI: 10.1186/s12889-024-19844-5
    BACKGROUND: Students' physical fitness has always been the focus of attention of the Chinese government, and the school as an important way to improve students' physical fitness, there are many studies on the current status of the implementation of physical education in schools, and there are many studies that use self-made questionnaires to investigate the implementation of physical education in schools, but most of the studies do not adequately validate the self-made questionnaires, so the purpose of this study was to develop a questionnaire to assess the level of implementation of physical education programmes in Chinese junior secondary schools and to test its reliability and validity.

    METHOD: The content of the questionnaire was developed based on the content of Annex 1 of the Assessment Measures for Physical Education in Primary and Secondary Schools issued by the Ministry of Education of China in 2014 and was modified based on feedback from the expert panel and pre-test participants. The questionnaire was initially tested for validity by 5 expert reviewers, and then we collected data information from 350 participants and conducted exploratory factor analysis (EFA) to explore the factor structure of the initial version. One week later, 40 of the 350 participants were randomly selected to assess test-retest reliability.

    RESULTS: The I-CVI and KAPPA value analysis results of the expert review results show that the questionnaire has extremely high reliability and consistency among experts. EFA results indicate that the five dimensions of this questionnaire are highly reliable. In the test-retest reliability, the Pearson correlation coefficients of the initial test data and the retest data of each dimension are all greater than 0.7, and the significance probability values are all less than 0.05, reaching the significance level, the results show that the questionnaire has good stability.

    CONCLUSIONS: This study concluded that the 5 dimensions and 38 items of this questionnaire had high reliability and validity and could be used as a preliminary tool to measure the implementation level of physical education programs in junior high schools in China. However, future research should explore the potential need for adjustment to suit different regions and cultures.

    Matched MeSH terms: Physical Education and Training*
  9. Fredericks S, Fitzgerald L, Shaw G, Holt DW
    Med J Malaysia, 2012 Apr;67(2):155-8.
    PMID: 22822634
    Decreased salivary immunoglobulin A (sIgA), a component of mucosal immunity, is associated with intensive physical activity: suggesting that sIgA may be used for the monitoring of mucosal immunity with footballers. We investigated changes in sIgA in elite footballers, in response to training and match-play. There was a decrease in sIgA following training, with a return to pre-training levels after 18 hours of rest. This return to resting levels was not observed following competitive match-play. Overnight rest was sufficient for mucosal IgA recovery following training but not following two successive matches, suggesting that sIgA may be used to monitor training in multi-sprint sports.
    Matched MeSH terms: Physical Education and Training
  10. Gindre C, Lussiana T, Hebert-Losier K, Mourot L
    Int J Sports Med, 2016 Jan;37(1):25-9.
    PMID: 26509380 DOI: 10.1055/s-0035-1555931
    Biomechanical parameters are often analyzed independently, although running gait is a dynamic system wherein changes in one parameter are likely to affect another. Accordingly, the Volodalen® method provides a model for classifying running patterns into 2 categories, aerial and terrestrial, using a global subjective rating scoring system. We aimed to validate the Volodalen® method by verifying whether the aerial and terrestrial patterns, defined subjectively by a running coach, were associated with distinct objectively-measured biomechanical parameters. The running patterns of 91 individuals were assessed subjectively using the Volodalen® method by an expert running coach during a 10-min running warm-up. Biomechanical parameters were measured objectively using the OptojumpNext® during a 50-m run performed at 3.3, 4.2, and 5 m·s(-1) and were compared between aerial- and terrestrial-classified subjects. Longer contact times and greater leg compression were observed in the terrestrial compared to the aerial runners. The aerial runners exhibited longer flight time, greater center of mass displacement, maximum vertical force and leg stiffness than the terrestrial ones. The subjective categorization of running patterns was associated with distinct objectively-quantified biomechanical parameters. Our results suggest that a subjective holistic assessment of running patterns provides insight into the biomechanics of running gaits of individuals.
    Matched MeSH terms: Physical Education and Training
  11. Wang N, Rahman MNBA, Daud MAKBM
    Front Psychol, 2020;11:593063.
    PMID: 33584429 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.593063
    In order to improve early childhood physical education, in this study, the talent cultivation mechanism for undergraduates was explored under the "full-practice" concept, oriented by preschooler mental health. First, from the perspective of preschooler psychology, the mechanisms of ability training and talent cultivation for undergraduates majoring in early childhood education were explored under the "full-practice" concept. Considering that the physical, psychological, and intellectual development of preschoolers shall follow the rules of physical education, and current early childhood education mainly focuses on intelligence education in China, early childhood physical education was analyzed further in this study. By investigating the undergraduate majors of early childhood education in Henan University, this study first summarized the current problems in early childhood education systems in universities. Secondly, combined with the form of physical education in kindergartens, strategies for talent cultivation and curriculum setting of early childhood physical education majors in colleges and universities were proposed. Finally, from the perspective of innovation and diversification of training forms, the cultivation of early childhood educators' physical education ability was analyzed at multiple levels and multiple objectives, and the integrated training system of early childhood education talents was constructed. The results show that, among all the courses for early childhood education major, compulsory courses account for 81.2% and optional courses account for 18.8%. In addition, a survey on undergraduates' attitudes toward the curriculum of their major demonstrates that 81.2% of the undergraduates thought that the range and content of practical courses should be increased, indicating that undergraduates majoring in early childhood education are dissatisfied with the current curriculum system, and they have an increased demand for practical courses. Correspondingly, it is vital to build and improve on the early childhood physical education. In terms of its talent cultivation, the "full-practice" concept helps combine theory with practice to improve the effectiveness of education and teaching, pushing forward the reform of the education system. Meanwhile, data- and intelligence-oriented teaching will become the new direction of modern sports development, as well as an important link for tracking and monitoring children's sports teaching in China. Through the continuous introduction of wearable artificial intelligence (AI) products, real-time monitoring of children's physical conditions can be realized, which helps improve the effectiveness of early childhood physical education.
    Matched MeSH terms: Physical Education and Training
  12. Ahmad MF, Muhamad TA, Surat S, Hassim JZ, Lamat SA
    The implementation of the 1 Student 1 Sport Policy (D1M1S) focuses on the involvement of students who are less active in sports activities in order to polish and further developed their talent potential. It is
    believed that the responsibility and the role of teachers are vital in ensuring the implementation of D1M1S conducted at the school level. However, the use of teachers as executors in ensuring that this policy is carried out must be studied and identified to achieve the goal of D1M1S besides improving the quality of work to a higher level. This study was conducted to identify the implementation level of D1M1S among teachers in secondary schools in Kluang, Johor, implementation of D1M1S based on gender differences and category of school and existing relationships such as elements of skill, understanding,
    commitment and sports facilities. The key success of D1M1S implementation is closely
    related to the teachers as executors. This study was carried out on 389 secondary school
    teachers in Kluang, Johor. Questionnaire containing 36 items was developed and
    administered to measure the elements of skill, commitment, understanding and sport
    facilities. Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient value of the instrument was 0.95. The data
    were analysed using descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation and frequency) and
    inferential analysis (independent samples t-test and Pearson correlation). The findings
    showed high level of understanding towards D1M1S while the elements of skill, commitment
    and sports facilities were at a moderate level. In addition, there were significant difference in
    terms of mean scores reported for the implementation of D1M1S based on the genders of the
    teachers with the skills element (p = 0.00
    Matched MeSH terms: Physical Education and Training
  13. Vanrenterghem, Jos, Zulezwan A. Malik, G. Burniston, Jatin
    Journal of Sports Science and Physical Education 5(2): 9-14, 2016 - Jump squat tests can be
    used to investigate the differences in the force - velocity (f-v) profile in movement that is
    more a sport-specific than isolated exercises such as open chain leg extension. However,
    squat jumps involve multi-joint movement, making it questionable which muscle is the main
    contributor for the movement. The main aim of this study is to develop a test of isolated knee
    extension that encompasses the entire range of human f-v relationship and to investigate the
    correlation between linear encoder and kinematic measurement of angular velocity using a
    camera system during unloaded kicking. One healthy male subject volunteered to participate
    in the study and performed 10 unloaded kicks (knee extension). A cuff was strapped around
    the lower leg, approximately 2 cm above the medial malleoli and connected to a linear
    velocity encoder (MuscleLab Ergotest version 4010, Norway). During the test sessions, threedimensional
    motion analysis was performed with an Oqus Motion Capture System (Qualisys,
    Sweden). Data were transferred to Windows-based data acquisition software (Qualisys Track
    Manager). There was a positive linear relationship (r = 0.94). The unloaded kicking test to
    determine maximum angular velocity at knee extension measured using the QTM showed
    that the mean angular velocity was 362˚.s-1, with the highest value being 528˚.s-1. This
    preliminary study suggests isokinetic dynamometry (IKD) can be used to investigate the
    entire range of velocities (i.e isometric – velocity maximum) of knee extension in normal
    human subjects. Further studies can examine the use of IKD in measuring higher velocities.
    Matched MeSH terms: Physical Education and Training
  14. Nurul Diyana Sanuddin, Ahmad Bin Hashim
    The development of SPARK (Sport Play Active and Recreation for Kids) program is an effort to improve physical fitness activities among school children. In addition, the development of this program is planned and systematic activity that will help children express ideas freely, especially in the Physical Education or during Co-curriculum activities. In this study, the validity of the SPARK program is based on the Sidek & Jamaludin (2005) module. The SPARK (Sports Play Active and Recreation for Kids) content creation process begins with the goal and concludes with a draft union. In the initial stages of the content development, researchers determine the purpose and objective of this program. Besides that, Researchers determine the appropriate types of activities are applied to enhance the physical fitness activities for the students. Therefore, the development of the SPARK program is through two phases, namely program construction and validity of content. Therefore, the results of the expert assessment on SPARK (Sport Play Active and Recreation for Kids) program content have a high content legality value of .78. This value can be explained that the SPARK program (Sport Play Active and Recreation for Kids) is highly relevant to the learning and teaching process for Physical Education subjects, co-curricular activities and it is ideal use in this research. In conclusion, the program is expected to provide opportunities for children to undergo natural learning through cognitive social theories that contribute to the learning and teaching process for Physical and Health Education subjects to see the impact on the involvement of children's physical activity.
    Matched MeSH terms: Physical Education and Training
  15. Hao Y, Razman R
    Front Public Health, 2023;11:1056191.
    PMID: 38026269 DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1056191
    BACKGROUND: Physical education (PE) class is an excellent way to improve moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity (MVPA). Increasing number of research has explored the children's PA based on movement during PE classes, but data for children with intellectual disability (ID) is still lacking.

    PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to investigate the current status of MVPA levels of children with ID during PE classes in China, as well as differences of MVPA levels according to gender and grade.

    METHODS: Accelerometers were used to record MVPA levels of fifty-three children with severe ID from 9 to 16 years of age (mean age: 12.60 ± 1.66 years) during standard PE classes.

    RESULTS: The mean time spent in MVPA during PE classes was 8.00 ± 2.10 min, meaning only 22.88% of PE class time was spent in MVPA. As grade levels progresses, time spent in MVPA during PE classes tended to decrease; the fourth-grade children tended to spend more time in MVPA during PE classes compared with the fifth-grade and the sixth-grade (9.15 vs. 7.61 vs. 7.25 min, all p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Physical Education and Training
  16. Wong JE, Parikh P, Poh BK, Deurenberg P, SEANUTS Malaysia Study Group
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2016 Jul;28(5 Suppl):35S-46S.
    PMID: 27257293 DOI: 10.1177/1010539516650726
    This study describes the physical activity of primary school children according to sociodemographic characteristics and activity domains. Using the Malaysian South East Asian Nutrition Surveys data, 1702 children aged 7 to 12 years were included in the analysis. Physical activity was reported as a total score and categorized into low, medium, and high levels based on Physical Activity Questionnaire for Older Children. Higher overall activity scores were found in boys, younger age, non-Chinese ethnicity, and normal body mass index category. Sex, age, and ethnicity differences were found in structured or organized, physical education, and outside-of-school domain scores. Transport-related scores differed by age group, ethnicity, household income, and residential areas but not among the three physical activity levels. Participation of girls, Chinese, and older children were low in overall and almost all activity domains. Sociodemographic characteristics are important factors to consider in increasing the different domains of physical activity among Malaysian children.
    Matched MeSH terms: Physical Education and Training
  17. Ramli A
    JUMMEC, 2007;10(1):29-33.
    Little is known of Malaysian older people’s participation in physical activities, and the purpose of this pilot study is to explore their participation and the barriers. A self-administered questionnaire was given to 80 eligible respondents at the Kuala Lumpur Health Clinic of which 70 responded. Thirty-six (51.4%) were males and 34 (48.6%) were females. There were 26 (37.1%) Malays, 20 (28.6%) Chinese, 18 (25.7%) Indians and 6 (8.6%) of other ethnic groups. Forty (57.1%) took part in some form of physical activities and the remaining 30 (42.9%) reported no participation at all. The Chinese participated actively in physical activities (90%), followed by Indians (66.7%) and Malays (30.8%). The five common activities were walking (60%), tai chi (20%), gardening (12.5%), stretching (2.5%) and cycling (5.0%). Identified barriers to physical activities were lack of time (26.7%), having health problems (26.7%), was already fit (26.7%), no companion to exercise with (13.3%) and no exercise knowledge (6.7%). These findings indicated that emphasis should be given to the females and the Malay ethnic group when planning physical activity education for the older people as they were identified to be the least active groups.
    Study site: Klinik Kesihatan Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Physical Education and Training
  18. Nurzaime Zulaily, Aryati Ahmad, Mohd Razif Shahril, Sharifah Wajihah Wafa Syed Saadun Tarek Wafa, Nor Saidah Abd Manan, Engku Fadzli Hassan Syed Abdullah, et al.
    Worldwide prevalence of obesity among children and adolescents increased substantially over decades. Addressing potential risk factors of obesity among adolescents is very important for a successful intervention program in this population. The present study aimed to identify the sociodemographic determinants of obesity among school adolescents in Terengganu. A cross-sectional survey involving 3,798 school adolescents age 12 years old from 136 government primary schools in Kuala Terengganu and Besut districts were carried out from November 2014 to June 2015. For the purpose of this paper, the data for 2,842 school adolescents classified as either normal BMI (< +1SD) (n= 2,305) or obese (+2SD) (n= 537) based on WHO cut-off points were taken for analysis. Sociodemographic information on subjects and their parents were obtained from self-reported questionnaire. Anthropometric measurements were conducted by Physical Education teachers and uploaded into a specific developed database. The prevalence of obesity was relatively high in both genders in this study. Binary logistic regression analysis found gender, parental BMI, household income, household size and maternal working status were independently associated with obesity among school adolescents in this population. In the final model, being male, having working mother, and having obese parents were identified to be potential risk factors for obesity whilst having large household size lower the risk of obesity among these adolescents. Prevention programs are needed to increase awareness about the risk factors of obesity in adolescent and interventions should now focus on family member as well mainly the parents.
    Matched MeSH terms: Physical Education and Training
  19. Nurzaime Zulaily, Aryati Ahmad, Mohd Razif Shahril, Sharifah Wajihah Wafa Syed Saadun Tarek Wafa, Nor Saidah Abd Manan, Engku Fadzli Hassan Syed Abdullah, et al.
    Worldwide prevalence of obesity among children and adolescents increased substantially over decades. Addressing potential risk factors of obesity among adolescents is very important for a successful intervention program in this population. The present study aimed to identify the sociodemographic determinants of obesity among school adolescents in Terengganu. A cross-sectional survey involving 3,798 school adolescents age 12 years old from 136 government primary schools in Kuala Terengganu and Besut districts were carried out from November 2014 to June 2015. For the purpose of this paper, the data for 2,842 school adolescents classified as either normal BMI (< +1SD) (n= 2,305) or obese (+2SD) (n= 537) based on WHO cut-off points were taken for analysis. Sociodemographic information on subjects and their parents were obtained from self-reported questionnaire. Anthropometric measurements were conducted by Physical Education teachers and uploaded into a specific developed database. The prevalence of obesity was relatively high in both genders in this study. Binary logistic regression analysis found gender, parental BMI, household income, household size and maternal working status were independently associated with obesity among school adolescents in this population. In the final model, being male, having working mother, and having obese parents were identified to be potential risk factors for obesity whilst having large household size lower the risk of obesity among these adolescents. Prevention programs are needed to increase awareness about the risk factors of obesity in adolescent and interventions should now focus on family member as well mainly the parents.
    Matched MeSH terms: Physical Education and Training
  20. Alias H, Mohd Nazi NA, Lau Sie Chong D
    Front Pediatr, 2019;7:73.
    PMID: 30937299 DOI: 10.3389/fped.2019.00073
    Background: Low physical activity (PA) level has been reported among survivors of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). The present study was performed to determine the level of participation in general PA and physical education in school (PES) among children with ALL who completed intensive chemotherapy and identify possible barriers that influence adherence to PA and PES. Methods: A cross-sectional, single-center study was conducted over 1 year in a tertiary pediatric hematology and oncology referral center in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. A total of 47 children with ALL aged 7-18 years old who were off-treatment and attended school on a regular basis were recruited. A modified structured questionnaire adapted from the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System, Division of Adolescent and School Health, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) was used to assess the children's level of PA and PES participation. Results: Among the 47 children will ALL included herein, 11 (23.4%) were physically active for at least 60 min a day for 5 days or more, following CDC recommendations. The median duration from completion of intensive chemotherapy was 4.95 years (25th, 3.29; 75th, 7.95). Younger age at study entry (median, 8.7 years old vs. 12.2 years old) and younger age at diagnosis (median, 2.9 years old vs. 4.3 years old) were significantly associated with higher PA level. Almost all children (45/47, 95.7%) participated in PES. Barriers to non-participation in PES mainly included exhaustion or fear of injury. Conclusions: Majority of the children with ALL included herein had low levels of daily PA after intensive chemotherapy. Nonetheless, their participation in PES was encouraging. PA should thus be promoted during and after cessation of ALL treatment to prevent long-term health risks and improve overall quality of life.
    Matched MeSH terms: Physical Education and Training
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