A survey was carried out at Gunung Panti Forest Reserve, Johor from 3-7 August 2006, 2-5 June 2008, and 28-31 July 2008 to inventory the herpetofauna therein. An updated checklist for the area which incorporates findings from previous studies is provided. In total, 37 species of frogs, 1 turtle, 27 lizards, and 11 snakes have been recorded from Gunung Panti Forest Reserve, Johor.
Bukit Perangin Forest Reserve, Kedah Malaysia is a popular forest park well known for its clear rivers and streams, interesting sedimentary rock formations and a rich biodiversity in flora and fauna. However to date no report on the amphibians and reptiles of this forest has ever been published. Therefore, from January 2009 to May 2010, herpetofauna surveys were conducted at Bukit Wang Recreational Forest, which forms a part of the Bukit Perangin Forest Reserve. The results of the survey showed that a total of 15 species of amphibians belonging to 6 families and 15 species of reptiles
belonging to 7 families were found in the study area. These constitute the first records for the amphibians and reptiles in this forest. The herpetofauna checklist showed that the most abundant amphibians were from the family Ranidae while the most abundant reptiles were from the family Gekkonidae.
he Chinese tiger frog Hoplobatrachus rugulosus is widely distributed in southern China, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam. It is listed in Appendix II of CITES as the only Class II nationally-protected frog in China. The bred tiger frog known as the Thailand tiger frog, is also identified as H. rugulosus. Our analysis of the Cyt b gene showed high genetic divergence (13.8%) between wild and bred samples of tiger frog. Unexpected genetic divergence of the complete mt genome (14.0%) was also observed between wild and bred samples of tiger frog. Yet, the nuclear genes (NCX1, Rag1, Rhod, Tyr) showed little divergence between them. Despite this and their very similar morphology, the features of the mitochondrial genome including genetic divergence of other genes, different three-dimensional structures of ND5 proteins, and gene rearrangements indicate that H. rugulosus may be a cryptic species complex. Using Bayesian inference, maximum likelihood, and maximum parsimony analyses, Hoplobatrachus was resolved as a sister clade to Euphlyctis, and H. rugulosus (BT) as a sister clade to H. rugulosus (WT). We suggest that we should prevent Thailand tiger frogs (bred type) from escaping into wild environments lest they produce hybrids with Chinese tiger frogs (wild type).
Taxonomic status of fanged frogs from the Peninsular Malaysia, previously assigned to Limnonectes kuhlii, is assessed using genetic and morphological approaches. Phylogenetic relationships inferred from sequences of the mitochondrial and nuclear genes revealed that the fanged frogs from the Peninsula form a monophyletic group and are clearly divergent from other species previously, or even now, assigned to L. kuhlii from Mainland Southeast Asia. In both mtDNA and nuDNA phylogeny, the Malay Peninsula clade diverges into two lineages, one from north (Larut Hill, Perak, and Hulu Terengganu, Terengganu) and another from south (Genting Highlands, Pahang, and Gombak, Selangor). These lineages are separated by large genetic distances, comparable with those observed between some other species of L. kuhlii-like frogs. Although the two lineages are very similar morphologically, they are distinguishable in several morphological traits and are considered heterospecific. We therefore describe them as L. utara sp. nov. and L. selatan sp. nov. These new species differ from all other species of kuhlii-like frogs from Mainland Southeast Asia by the surface of tibia, which is densely covered by large warts.
A survey was conducted to catalogue the diversity of anurans in District IV of the Muda Agriculture Development Authority Scheme (MADA) in Kedah Darul Aman, Malaysia, from July 1996 to January 1997. Eight species of anurans from three families were present in the study area. Of these, the Common Grass Frog (Fejevarya limnocharis) was the most abundant, followed by Mangrove Frog (Fejevarya cancrivora), Long-legged Frog (Hylarana macrodactyla), and Common Toad (Duttaphrynus melanostictus). Puddle Frog (Occidozyga lima), Taiwanese Giant Frog (Hoplobatrachus rugulosus), and Banded Bullfrog (Kaluola pulchra) were rare during the sampling period, and only one Paddy Frog (Hylarana erythraea) was captured. A simple identification key for the anurans of this area is included for use by scientists and laymen alike.
Background: The present study describes the morphology of sparganum (larva) of the Malaysian Spirometra spp. collected from naturally infected frogs (Rana cancrivora) from rice fields in Tanjung Karang, Malaysia.
Materials and Methods: Spargana of Spirometra spp. collected from naturally infected frogs (Rana cancrivora) were used for the morphological studies. Stretched on a metal ruler, measurements of the worm were recorded. Specimens were stained in Alum-carmine.
Results: The length of the body ranged from 11-50 mm and the width ranged from 0.5-1.5 mm. Specimens stained with Alum-carmine showed ridges (formation of segments) on the surface of the body, and no sexual organs in the body.
Conclusion: The Malaysian Spirometra spp. are similar in measurement and morphology to Spirometra erinacei but further studies are required for confirmation.
Previously, only one species of torrent frog (Amolops larutensis) was thought to occur throughout Peninsular Malaysia. However, genomic work has demonstrated that populations from eastern Peninsular Malaysia form two separate lineages that are genetically distinct from A. larutensis that is now restricted to the western half of Peninsular Malaysia. This study demonstrates that all three lineages can be morphologically distinguished from each other, thereby providing additional support for the recognition of the eastern lineages as two distinct species. These lineages are described herein as Amolops gerutu sp. nov. from the eastern states of Kelantan, Terengganu, and Pahang, and A. australis sp. nov. from the southern-most state of Johor. In general, these two new species form a clade that is sister to A. larutensis and can be readily distinguished from it by having: (1) considerably denser and more pronounced dorsal tubercles, and (2) the posterodorsal surface of thighs having dense, dark stippling as opposed to broad vermiculations. Although differences in other morphometric characters were detected, their utility as diagnostic characters should be applied with caution due to the large intraspecific variation that overlaps among different species in many of the characters we measured. As such, we advocate for the use of tuberculation and pattern of the posterodorsal portion of the thighs as primary diagnostic characters. These characters can readily distinguish A. larutensis from the two new species. To differentiate A. australis sp. nov. from A. gerutu sp. nov. and A. larutensis, body size can be a good diagnostic character as A. australis sp. nov. is significantly smaller in both males (mean = 31.04 ± 1.59 mm) and females (mean = 46.48 ± 3.2 mm). Additionally, we show a strong positive correlation between body size and elevation, with populations from montane forests (>900 m asl) being considerably larger than populations at lower elevations.
The taxonomy and geographic distributions of species of crab-eating frogs (Fejervarya cancrivora complex) in mainland Southeast Asia have been highly uncertain. Three taxonomic names are used in recent literature (F. cancrivora, F. raja, and F. moodiei) but the applications of these names to localities has been inconsistent, especially owing to the lack of available molecular data for F. raja. Morphometric and mitochondrial DNA variation was examined in these frogs, including name-bearing types and topotypes of all three species. Findings corroborate evidence for the existence of two species in coastal mainland Southeast Asia, with F. moodiei having a wide geographic distribution and F. cancrivora sensu stricto occurring only in extreme southern Thailand and peninsular Malaysia. Fejervarya raja is shown to be only a large-bodied population of F. cancrivora sensu stricto and is synonymized with that species. Revised descriptions of F. moodiei and F. cancrivora sensu stricto are provided.
Studies have shown that some characters, such as morphological, biochemical and behavioural characteristics were shared among con-specifics of closely related frog species. It is hypothesized that closely related frogs would have similar vocal apparatus structure to produce similar call characteristics, in order to be recognized by con-specifics. The vocal apparatus structures of the frogs from Ranidae were, thus, investigated and calls were recorded from various locations in Sarawak, Borneo. The vocal apparatus was sliced and stained using haematoxylin and eosin staining method. The prepared slides were scanned using Dotslide System Olympus BX51. Captured images were further measured using Microscope Olympus BX51. The results showed that the vocal apparatus structure of ranids in Sarawak differed in length between pulvinar vocale and posterior margin (pvpm) or known as vocal cord stricter. This character was deemed to be the most significant character to discriminate the Sarawak ranids. It is suggested that histological analysis is also a good method for study of phenotypic variation of frog species, as shown by the vocal apparatus structure of the anurans. This study provides an alternative method to differentiate taxonomic identity among frog species.
The sound produced by the anurans including toads can be a survival strategy for the selection of fittest males by their conspecific females and a form of effective prezygotic mechanism. Most of the published works on anuran sound production were on true frogs or ranids, yet little is known about sound characteristics of toads. Here we describe the properties of mating calls from six selected toad species from six study sites in Sarawak. Males' mating calls were recorded and analyzed using Sound Ruler Acoustic Analysis ver Call characteristic were subsequently compared for toad species differentiation. The results showed that each species differ in call characteristics, with pulsating note, rate of note repetition and pitch being the most apparent characters. The highest number of pulse notes belongs to Duttaphrynus melanostictus while Ansonia spinulifer exhibited highest pitch and rate of note repetition. These species' differences in mating call characteristics provide an additional method for anuran species classification besides morphological and molecular DNA data. It is also a very useful guide during field survey as the sound is audible and identification can be made without the need of capturing the toads.
Glutathione-S-Transferase (GST) and metallothionein are important biomarker endpoints in studying the effect of Cd exposure. The purpose of this research was to study the correlation between hepatic GST and metallothionein with hepatic Cd in wild Fejervarya limnocharis exposed to environmental Cd. Results showed that frogs from contaminated sites had significantly higher hepatic metallothionein (3.58 mg/kg wet weight) and GST activity (0.259 μmol/min/mg total protein) than those from the reference site (2.36 mg/kg wet weight and 0.157 μmol/min/mg total protein respectively). There was a significantly positive correlation between hepatic Cd and GST activity (r = 0.802, p = 0.009) but not between hepatic Cd and metallothionein (r = 0.548, p = 0.139). The results concluded that while frogs from the contaminated site had higher GST and metallothionein, only GST showed significant positive correlation with hepatic Cd levels, indicating that hepatic GST activity may be used as a biomarker endpoint.
Infection with Chloromyxum careni Mutschmann, 1999 was found in the Asian horned frog Megophrys nasuta from Malaysia and Indonesia. Kidney was the only organ infected. Coelozoic plasmodia up to 300 μm were localized in Bowman's space, embracing the glomerulus from all sides, or rarely in lumina of renal tubules. Plasmodia are polysporic, containing disporic pansporoblasts. Myxospores observed by light microscopy are colorless, variable in shape and size, measuring 6.0-8.5 × 5.0-6.5 μm, composed of two symmetrical valves joined by a meridian suture, containing four pyriform polar capsules 3.0-4.0 × 2.5-3.0 μm and a single sporoplasm. Each valve possesses 14-24 (median 21) fine longitudinal ridges clearly visible only in scanning electron microscopy. Rarely, atypical spores with a markedly pointed posterior pole and only 6-10 surface ridges are present in plasmodia together with typical spores. Both small subunit (SSU) and large subunit (LSU) rRNA gene sequences possess extremely long GU-rich inserts. In all SSU and LSU rDNA-based phylogenetic analyses, C. careni clustered as a distinct basal branch to the Myxobolus+Myxidium lieberkuehni clade, out of the marine Chloromyxum clade containing Chloromyxum leydigi, the type species of the genus. These morphological and phylogenetic data suggest erection of a new genus for the C. careni lineage, but we conservatively treat it as a Chloromyxum sensu lato until more information is available.
Sundapolystoma chalconotae. n. g., n. sp. (Polystomatidae, Polystomatinae) is proposed for a new polystomatid from the urinary bladder of Rana chalconota (Schlegel) in Peninsular Malaysia. This is the first species of polystomatid to be described from the amphibians of Peninsular Malaysia and the second for the Southeast Asian region. This new genus, as exemplified by S. chalconotae, differs from other polystomatids, and in particular Parapolystoma Ozaki, 1935 (P. bulliense (Johnston, 1912) Ozaki, 1935 and P. johnstoni Pichelin, 1995), in having a tubular uterus and a single diffuse testis. P. crooki Vande Vusse, 1976 is similar to S. chalconotae in having a similar type of uterus and testis, and is re-assigned as Sundapolystoma crooki (Vande Vusse, 1976) n. comb. S. chalconotae differs from S. crooki in having anchors with a longer outer root rather than a longer inner root and 7-8 genital spines compared to 9-13 in S. crooki.
Frogs caught from two States (Selangor and Langkawi) in Malaysia were examined for spargana of Spirometra sp. Infected frogs usually show no marks of infection but some had swelling and bleeding at the infection site. The size and weight of the infected frogs did not correlate with the infection status. The infection status in relation to human health is discussed.
The tiger frog Hoplobatrachus rugulosus (Wiegmann 1834) is a large robust dicroglossid frog widely distributed in southern China, Malaysia, Myanmar, Vietnam and Thailand. The escaped bred tiger frog introduced from Thailand hybridized with Chinese native population may have affected the genetic diversity of local Chinese tiger frogs. However, previous microsatellite loci of this species do not offer enough information to construct the genetic map. Here, we reported 33 new microsatellite loci from transcriptome sequencing for H. rugulosus. Alleles ranged between 1 and 10 per locus and only one locus (HRT001) was monomorphic. The polymorphic information content, observed and expected heterozygosity were 0-0.794, 0-0.969 and 0-0.831, respectively. None of the loci was observed in linkage disequilibrium and two loci (HRT023 and HRT068) deviated from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium after Bonferroni correction for multiple tests. These transcriptome-derived microsatellite markers will be usedto study the genetic divergence and construct the genetic map in H. rugulosus.
Boesenbergia rotunda, traditionally used to relieve stomach, abdomen, joint, muscle, and rheumatic pain was also reported for its antinociceptive effect on a mouse model. However, the possible pain relief effect of Boesenbergia rotunda ethanolic extract (BREE) via the inhibition to the neural pain pathway remains to be elucidated. This study investigated the inhibitory effect of BREE on compound action potentials (CAPs) and the possible involvement of the opioid receptors. The changes in the CAPs amplitudes of the frog’s sciatic nerves were evaluated following the exposure to three different dosages of BREE (1, 3 and 10 mg/ml and morphine (3 mg/ml). In another set of experiment, the nerves were pretreated with a non-selective opioid receptor antagonist, naloxone (0.1 mg/ml), before exposing the nerve to BREE (1 mg/ml) to investigate the involvement of opioid receptors in the CAPs inhibitory mechanism. The outcome showed a reduction in the CAPs amplitudes when treated with BREE (1, 3 and 10 mg/ml) whereby the effect was reversible. The CAPs inhibition by BREE was absent when the opioid receptors were blocked. Taken together, these findings suggest that BREE-induced CAPs amplitude reduction involves the activation of opioid receptors.
Accurately delimiting species boundaries is a nontrivial undertaking that can have significant effects on downstream inferences. We compared the efficacy of commonly used species delimitation methods (SDMs) and a population genomics approach based on genomewide single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) to assess lineage separation in the Malaysian Torrent Frog Complex currently recognized as a single species (Amolops larutensis). First, we used morphological, mitochondrial DNA and genomewide SNPs to identify putative species boundaries by implementing noncoalescent and coalescent-based SDMs (mPTP, iBPP, BFD*). We then tested the validity of putative boundaries by estimating spatiotemporal gene flow (fastsimcoal2, ABBA-BABA) to assess the extent of genetic isolation among putative species. Our results show that the A. larutensis complex runs the gamut of the speciation continuum from highly divergent, genetically isolated lineages (mean Fst = 0.9) to differentiating populations involving recent gene flow (mean Fst = 0.05; Nm > 5). As expected, SDMs were effective at delimiting divergent lineages in the absence of gene flow but overestimated species in the presence of marked population structure and gene flow. However, using a population genomics approach and the concept of species as separately evolving metapopulation lineages as the only necessary property of a species, we were able to objectively elucidate cryptic species boundaries in the presence of past and present gene flow. This study does not discount the utility of SDMs but highlights the danger of violating model assumptions and the importance of carefully considering methods that appropriately fit the diversification history of a particular system.
Cathelicidin is a family of antimicrobial peptides in vertebrates that plays an important role in resistance and immunization against pathogenic microorganisms. In the present study, the full-length cDNA sequences of four novel cathelicidins (cathelicidin-1 to cathelicidin-4) in the tiger frog Hoplobatrachus rugulosus, encoding 153, 188, 132, and 160 amino acids, respectively, were firstly cloned by rapid amplification of the cDNA ends (RACE) technique. Sequence comparison and phylogenetic tree analysis indicated that the structures of the four cathelicidins are highly diverse. Afterwards, the tissue distribution profiles and antimicrobial patterns of cathelicidins in H. rugulosus were determined by real-time PCR. The four cathelicidins showed tissue-specific distribution patterns in the healthy frogs, and the transcriptional levels of cathelicidins exhibited a tissue- and time-dependency profile in the frogs challenged with pathogenic bacteria Aeromonas hydrophila for 72 h. The synthetic peptides of cathelicidin-1 and cathelicidin-2 exhibited broad-spectrum in vitro antimicrobial activity, and cathelicidins exerted antimicrobial activities through excessive induction of reactive oxygen species and direct disruption of the microbial membrane structure. In addition, the intraperitoneal injection of cathelicidin proteins significantly increased the marine medaka Oryzias melastigma resistance to bacterial challenges. The existence of multiple cathelicidins, their distinct tissue distribution patterns, and the inducible expression profiles suggest a sophisticated, highly redundant, and multilevel network of antimicrobial defense mechanisms in tiger frogs. This study provides evidence that cathelicidins have antimicrobial and immunomodulatory activities, and cathelicidins derived from H. rugulosus have potential therapeutic applications against pathogenic infections in aquaculture.
A fanged frog Limnonectes kuhlii was once thought to be wide-ranging in Southeast Asia, but is now confined to its type locality Java through recent phylogenetic studies, which clarified heterospecific status of non-Javanese populations, and monophyly of Bornean populations. However, large genetic differences among Bornean populations suggest occurrence of cryptic species, which we test using dense geographic sampling. We estimated the phylogenetic relationships among samples of Bornean populations together with their putative relatives from the continental Southeast Asia, using 2517bp sequences of the 12S rRNA, tRNA(val), and 16S rRNA of mitochondrial DNA, and 2367bp sequences of the NCX1, POMC, and RAG1 of nuclear genes. In the mtDNA trees, Bornean L. kuhlii-like frogs formed a monophyletic group split into 18 species lineages including L. hikidai, with the deepest phylogenetic split separating L. cintalubang from the remaining species. Almost all of these lineages co-occur geographically, and two to three lineages were found syntopically in each locality. Co-occurrence of more than one lineage may be maintained by differential morphology and microhabitat selection. These syntopic lineages should be regarded as distinct species. Our results clearly indicate that taxonomic revision is urgent to clarify many evolutionary problems of Bornean L. kuhlii-like frogs.
Crude glycoside extracts from the plant, Sarcolobus globosus, were tested on the rat phrenic nerve-diaphragm, chick biventer cervicis and frog rectus abdominis preparations. Nerve-stimulated twitches were inhibited by the extract. The muscle paralysis was not similar to that by curare-like blockers as it was not reversed by neostigmine or by a tetanus. Although contractures to acetylcholine or carbachol were not affected by 0.6 mg/ml of the extract, higher concentration of the extracts (3 mg/ml) depressed the log dose-response curve of acetylcholine and carbachol. The results suggest that the neuromuscular blocking effect of the extracts is either dose-dependent or due to a mixture of toxins with presynaptic or postsynaptic actions.