OBJECTIVE OF STUDY: The study assessed digital pharmacy applications in India using the Mobile App Rating Scale (MARS) on Android and iOS devices, aiming to evaluate their quality.
METHODS: An investigation examined the digital pharmacy applications in India that were accessible via the Android Market and App Store. The applications were assessed by two researchers using the MARS questionnaire, a tool that evaluates 23 variables categorized into five domains: Engagement, Functionality, Aesthetics, Information, and Subjective Quality. The grading system spanned from one to five for every category.
RESULTS: A Google Play Store and App Store investigation revealed 40 online pharmacy apps in India, with 13 rejected. Seven were non-English language-related apps and seven were not downloaded. Thirteen were chosen and evaluated using the MARS Scale. The MARS demonstrated significant positive associations across its components, namely Engagement, Functionality, Aesthetics, and Information. Specifically, greater levels of user functionality were shown to be indicative of superior app aesthetics and engagement. The mean rating of the 13 apps fell between the range of 3.11 to 4.32 on a 5-point scale.
CONCLUSION: This is the first study to utilize the MARS scale to assess the efficacy of online pharmacy applications in India. This research enhanced the functionality and quality of various online pharmacy applications utilized in India.
METHODS: We obtained the validity and reliability evidence for the SAS-M-SF using a group of 307 pre-university students in Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia with a mean age of 18.4±0.2 years (70.4% female and 29.6% male). A questionnaire containing the Malay version of Smartphone Addiction Scale (SAS-M), the Malay version of the short form Smartphone Addiction Scale (SAS-M-SF), and the Malay version of the Internet Addiction Test (IAT-M) was administered on the adolescents.
RESULTS: The SAS-M-SF displayed good internal consistency (Cronbach's α=0.80). Using principle component analysis, we identified a 4-factor SAS-M-SF model. A significant correlation between the SAS-M-SF and the IAT-M was found, lending support for concurrent validity. The prevalence of smartphone addiction was 54.5% based on cut-off score of ≥36 with a sensitivity of 70.2% and a specificity of 72.5%.
CONCLUSIONS: The 10-item SAS-M-SF is a valid and reliable screening tool for smartphone addiction among adolescents. The scale can help clinicians or educators design appropriate intervention and prevention programs targeting smartphone addiction in adolescents at clinical or school settings.
METHOD: A prospective cross-sectional study was conducted using the validated Smartphone Addiction Scale-Malay version (SAS-M) questionnaire. One-way ANOVA was used to determine the correlation between the PSU among the students categorised by their ethnicity, hand dominance and by their field of study. MLR analysis was applied to predict PSU based on socio-demographic data, usage patterns, psychological factors and fields of study.
RESULTS: A total of 1060 students completed the questionnaire. Most students had some degree of problematic usage of the smartphone. Students used smartphones predominantly to access SNAs, namely Instagram. Longer duration on the smartphone per day, younger age at first using a smartphone and underlying depression carried higher risk of developing PSU, whereas the field of study (science vs. humanities based) did not contribute to an increased risk of developing PSU.
CONCLUSION: Findings from this study can help better inform university administrators about at- risk groups of undergraduate students who may benefit from targeted intervention designed to reduce their addictive behaviour patterns.
METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 323 medical students in Universiti Sains Malaysia. The students were given questionnaire forms consisting of socio-demographic information, the SAS-M and the Malay version of the Internet Addiction Test (MVIAT). The CFA was conducted using robust maximum likelihood estimator. The internal consistency reliability was determined by Raykov's rho coefficient. The concurrent validity was assessed by the Pearson's correlations between the factor scores of the SAS-M and the MVIAT.
RESULTS: The analysis showed the five-factor model of the SAS-M has an acceptable model fit after the inclusion of 12 correlated errors (SRMR = 0.067, RMSEA 0.059 (90% CI: 0.054, 0.065), CFI = 0.895, TLI = 0.882). The factor loadings ranged from 0.320 to 0.875. The internal consistency reliability was good (Raykov's rho = 0.713 to 0.858) and it showed good concurrent validity with the MVIAT.
CONCLUSIONS: The CFA showed that the SAS-M is a valid and reliable self-administered questionnaire to measure the level of smartphone addiction among medical students.
METHODS: Using datasets collected from Asian regions of Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Pakistan, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam, data from 10,397 participants (mean age = 22.40 years; 44.8% men) were used for analyses. All participants completed the SABAS using an online survey or paper-and-pencil mode.
RESULTS: Findings from confirmatory factor analysis, Rasch analysis, and network analysis all indicate a one-factor structure for the SABAS. Moreover, the one-factor structure of the SABAS was measurement invariant across age (21 years or less vs. above 21 years) and gender (men vs. women) in metric, scalar, and strict invariance. The one-factor structure was invariant across regions in metric but not scalar or strict invariance.
CONCLUSION: The present study findings showed that the SABAS possesses a one-factor structure across nine Asian regions; however, noninvariant findings in scalar and strict levels indicate that people in the nine Asian regions may interpret the importance of each SABAS item differently. Age group and gender group comparisons are comparable because of the invariance evidence for the SABAS found in the present study. However, cautions should be made when comparing SABAS scores across Asian regions.
METHODS: Intensive voice therapy was delivered to 11 adults with PD using a smartphone videoconference method via WhatsApp Messenger freeware. The therapy consisted of 12 sessions over four weeks and focused on increasing vocal loudness. Outcomes were assessed using objective, perceptual and quality-of-life measures pre and post treatment. Participant satisfaction with the telerehabilitation method was obtained via the Smartphone-Based Therapy Satisfaction Questionnaire.
RESULTS: Significant gains were reported for sound pressure level in sustained vowels and monologue. Perceptual ratings showed significant improvements in overall mean severity and loudness after treatment. Mean scores of speech intelligibility and Voice Handicap Index-10 were significantly better post treatment. Overall, participants were highly satisfied with the smartphone videoconference method.
DISCUSSION: Present results suggest that the smartphone videoconference method is feasible to deliver intensive voice therapy to individuals with PD to gain better speech and voice functions. Future studies need to address the standardisation of the system protocol to optimise this novel service delivery method in Malaysia.