Displaying publications 21 - 40 of 315 in total

  1. Nashriyah Mat, Mazleha Maskin, Kubiak, Roland
    The soil plant transfer coefficient or f factor of 14 C-carbofuran pesticide was studied in outdoor lysimeter experiment consisting of Brassica sp. vegetable crop, riverine alluvial clayey soil and Bungor series sandy loam soil. Soil transfer coefficients at 0-10 cm soil depth were 4.38 + 0.30, 5.76 + 1.04, 0.99 + 0.25 and 2.66 + 0.71; from 1X recommended application rate in alluvial soil, 2X recommended application rate in alluvial soil, 1X recommended application rate in Bungor soil and 2X recommended application rate in Bungor soil, respectively. At 0-25 cm soil depth, soil plant transfer coefficients were 8.96 + 0.91, 10.40 + 2.63, 2.34 + 0.68 and 6.19 + 1.40; from 1X recommended application rate in alluvial soil, 2X recommended application rate in alluvial soil, 1X recommended application rate in Bungor soil and 2X recommended application rate in Bungor soil, respectively. At 77 days after treatment (DAT), the soil plant transfer coefficient was significantly higher in riverine alluvial soil than Bungor soil whereas shoot and root growth was significantly higher in Bungor soil than in riverine alluvial soil. At both 0-10 cm Brassica sp. rooting depth and 0-25 cm soil depth, the soil plant transfer coefficient was significantly higher in 2X recommended application rate of 14 C-carbofuran as compared to 1X recommended application rate, in both Bungor and riverine alluvial soils.
    Matched MeSH terms: Vegetables
  2. Sitti Nurmiah, Syarief, R., Sukarno, Peranginangin, R., Nurtama, B., Jaswir, I.
    A refined carrageenan is a form of carrageenan, extracted from red algae and purified. Important factors affecting the commercial production of carrageenan after alkaline extraction are the ratio of seaweed to water, temperature, and extraction time. In this study, extraction of refined carrageenan from Kappaphycus alvarezii was conducted on pilot plan scale. Extraction conditions were varied, affecting the final characteristics of the carrageenan product. The optimum conditions investigated for the extraction process included the ratio of seaweed to water, temperature, and extraction time determined using Response Surface Methodology (RSM). Box-Behnken was used to investigate the interaction effects of three independent variables, namely seaweed to water ratio, extraction temperature and extraction time. The results showed that based on the RSM approach, ratio of seaweed to water, temperature and extraction time had a significant influence on the carrageenan. Optimum extraction conditions obtained were seaweed to water ratio of 1:25.22, extraction temperature of 85.80oC and extraction time of 4 h. Under these optimal conditions, the yield obtained was 31.74 % and gel strength was 1833.37 g.cm-2.
    Matched MeSH terms: Vegetables
  3. Lalang Buana, Ahmad Mahir Razali, Zainodin Haji Jubok
    The changes on the vegetables oil trading environment might change the foundation of palm oil pricing and induce a structural change to the price model. Failing to take it account the structural change in a data series might lead to misspecification of the actual model. This study, however, showed that structural change was not present in the monthly, January 1983 to July 1995, palm oil price, but it was present on the unconditional variance. The underlying model of this series was ARIMA (3, 1, 0) with ARCH (1). The critical change of the unconditional variance took place in April 1989.
    Perubahan dalam suasana perdagangan minyak sayuran boleh mengubah asas harga minyak kelapa sawit. Seterusnya ia merangsang perubahan dalam struktur model harga minyak tersebut. Kegagalan untuk mengambil kira perubahan struktur dalam siri data menjadikan model itu tidak menepati spesifikasi daripada model sebenar. Kajian ini mendapati bahawa perubahan struktur tidak berlaku bagi data harga minyak sawit dari Januari 1983 hingga Julai 1995. Tetapi perubahan berlaku pada varians tidak bersyaratnya. Model asas bagi siri ini adalah ARIMA (3,1,0) dengan ARCH(1). Didapati juga bahawa perubahan yang kritikal bagi varians tidak bersyarat berlaku pada bulan April 1989.
    Matched MeSH terms: Vegetables
  4. Jafarzadeh S, Mohammadi Nafchi A, Salehabadi A, Oladzad-Abbasabadi N, Jafari SM
    Adv Colloid Interface Sci, 2021 May;291:102405.
    PMID: 33819726 DOI: 10.1016/j.cis.2021.102405
    New packaging materials are an emerging field in the food industry. Poor thermal, mechanical, chemical, and physical properties of biopolymers, and also their inherent permeability to gases and vapor have increased this interest. Biopolymeric materials (matrix) require fillers, which can react/interact with available matrix in order to provide new formulations with improved properties. Many studies have shown the potential use of metal nanoparticles in biopolymeric packaging and edible coatings for improving their properties. The current review summarizes the characterization of bio-nanocomposite films and edible coatings incorporated with metal nanoparticles on the shelf life and quality of tropical fruits, berries, climacteric/non-climacteric fruits and vegetables. It also provides a brief description of some advantages of bio-nanocomposite films and edible coatings applied to fruits and vegetables such as decreasing the color changes, respiration rate, weight loss and extended shelf life, delaying ripening and being environmentally friendly. The results of recent reports provide a better understanding of the impact of metal nanoparticles incorporated in biopolymers on the shelf life and the quality of fruits and vegetables.
    Matched MeSH terms: Vegetables
  5. Hao Y, Sun H, Zeng X, Dong G, Kronzucker HJ, Min J, et al.
    Environ Pollut, 2023 Jan 15;317:120805.
    PMID: 36470457 DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2022.120805
    Microplastics (MPs) accumulation in farmland has attracted global concern. Smallholder farming is the dominant type in China's agriculture. Compared with large-scale farming, smallholder farming is not constrained by restrictive environmental policies and public awareness about pollution. Consequently, the degree to which smallholder farming is associated with MP pollution in soils is largely unknown. Here, we collected soil samples from both smallholder and large-scale vegetable production systems to determine the distribution and characteristics of MPs. MP abundance in vegetable soils was 147.2-2040.4 MP kg-1 (averaged with 500.8 MP kg-1). Soil MP abundance under smallholder cultivation (730.9 MP kg-1) was twice that found under large-scale cultivation (370.7 MP kg-1). MP particle sizes in smallholder and large-scale farming were similar, and were mainly <1 mm. There were also differences in MP characteristics between the two types of vegetable soils: fragments (60%) and fibers (34%) were dominant under smallholder cultivation, while fragments (42%), fibers (42%), and films (11%) were dominant under large-scale cultivation. We observed a significant difference in the abundance of fragments and films under smallholder versus large-scale cultivation; the main components of MPs under smallholder cultivation were PP (34%), PE (28%), and PE-PP (10%), while these were PE (29%), PP (16%), PET (16%), and PE-PP (13%) under large-scale cultivation. By identifying the shape and composition of microplastics, it can be inferred that agricultural films were not the main MP pollution source in vegetable soil. We show that smallholder farming produces more microplastics pollution than large-scale farming in vegetable soil.
    Matched MeSH terms: Vegetables
  6. Du J, Zhang M, Teng X, Wang Y, Lim Law C, Fang D, et al.
    Food Res Int, 2023 Feb;164:112420.
    PMID: 36738024 DOI: 10.1016/j.foodres.2022.112420
    Vegetable sauerkraut is a traditional fermented food. Due to oxidation reactions that occur during storage, the quality and flavor in different periods will change. In this study, the quality evaluation and flavor characteristics of 13 groups of vegetable sauerkraut samples with different storage time were analyzed by using physical and chemical parameters combined with electronic nose. Photographs of samples of various periods were collected, and a convolutional neural network (CNN) framework was established. The relationship between total phenol oxidative decomposition and flavor compounds was linearly negatively correlated. The vegetable sauerkraut during storage can be divided into three categories (full acceptance period, acceptance period and unacceptance period) by principal component analysis and Fisher discriminant analysis. The CNN parameters were fine-tuned based on the classification results, and its output results can reflect the quality changes and flavor characteristics of the samples, and have better fitting, prediction capabilities. After 50 epochs of the model, the accuracy of three sets of data namely training set, validation set and test set recorded 94%, 85% and 93%, respectively. In addition, the accuracy of CNN in identifying different quality sauerkraut was 95.30%. It is proved that the convolutional neural network has excellent performance in predicting the quality of Szechuan Sauerkraut with high reliability.
    Matched MeSH terms: Vegetables
  7. 'Aqilah NMN, Rovina K, Felicia WXL, Vonnie JM
    Molecules, 2023 Mar 14;28(6).
    PMID: 36985603 DOI: 10.3390/molecules28062631
    The food production industry is a significant contributor to the generation of millions of tonnes of waste every day. With the increasing public concern about waste production, utilizing the waste generated from popular fruits and vegetables, which are rich in high-added-value compounds, has become a focal point. By efficiently utilizing food waste, such as waste from the fruit and vegetable industries, we can adopt a sustainable consumption and production pattern that aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This paper provides an overview of the high-added-value compounds derived from fruit and vegetable waste and their sources. The inclusion of bioactive compounds with antioxidant, antimicrobial, and antibrowning properties can enhance the quality of materials due to the high phenolic content present in them. Waste materials such as peels, seeds, kernels, and pomace are also actively employed as adsorbents, natural colorants, indicators, and enzymes in the food industry. Therefore, this article compiles all consumer-applicable uses of fruit and vegetable waste into a single document.
    Matched MeSH terms: Vegetables
  8. Mohidin SRNSP, Moshawih S, Hermansyah A, Asmuni MI, Shafqat N, Ming LC
    J Evid Based Integr Med, 2023;28:2515690X231206227.
    PMID: 37822215 DOI: 10.1177/2515690X231206227
    Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is considered one of the essential tuber crops, serving as a dietary staple food for various populations. This systematic review provides a comprehensive summary of the nutritional and therapeutic properties of cassava, which is an important dietary staple and traditional medicine. The review aims to evaluate and summarize the phytochemical components of cassava and their association with pharmacological activities, traditional uses, and nutritional importance in global food crises. To collect all relevant information, electronic databases; Cochrane Library, PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Google Scholar, and Preprint Platforms were searched for studies on cassava from inception until October 2022. A total of 1582 studies were screened, while only 34 were included in this review. The results of the review indicate that cassava has diverse pharmacological activities, including anti-bacterial, anti-cancer, anti-diabetic, anti-diarrheal, anti-inflammatory, hypocholesterolemic effects, and wound healing properties. However, more studies that aim to isolate the phytochemicals in cassava extracts and evaluate their pharmacological property are necessary to further validate their medical and nutritional values.
    Matched MeSH terms: Vegetables
  9. Mente A, Dehghan M, Rangarajan S, O'Donnell M, Hu W, Dagenais G, et al.
    Eur Heart J, 2023 Jul 21;44(28):2560-2579.
    PMID: 37414411 DOI: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehad269
    AIMS: To develop a healthy diet score that is associated with health outcomes and is globally applicable using data from the Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology (PURE) study and replicate it in five independent studies on a total of 245 000 people from 80 countries.

    METHODS AND RESULTS: A healthy diet score was developed in 147 642 people from the general population, from 21 countries in the PURE study, and the consistency of the associations of the score with events was examined in five large independent studies from 70 countries. The healthy diet score was developed based on six foods each of which has been associated with a significantly lower risk of mortality [i.e. fruit, vegetables, nuts, legumes, fish, and dairy (mainly whole-fat); range of scores, 0-6]. The main outcome measures were all-cause mortality and major cardiovascular events [cardiovascular disease (CVD)]. During a median follow-up of 9.3 years in PURE, compared with a diet score of ≤1 points, a diet score of ≥5 points was associated with a lower risk of mortality [hazard ratio (HR) 0.70; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.63-0.77)], CVD (HR 0.82; 0.75-0.91), myocardial infarction (HR 0.86; 0.75-0.99), and stroke (HR 0.81; 0.71-0.93). In three independent studies in vascular patients, similar results were found, with a higher diet score being associated with lower mortality (HR 0.73; 0.66-0.81), CVD (HR 0.79; 0.72-0.87), myocardial infarction (HR 0.85; 0.71-0.99), and a non-statistically significant lower risk of stroke (HR 0.87; 0.73-1.03). Additionally, in two case-control studies, a higher diet score was associated with lower first myocardial infarction [odds ratio (OR) 0.72; 0.65-0.80] and stroke (OR 0.57; 0.50-0.65). A higher diet score was associated with a significantly lower risk of death or CVD in regions with lower than with higher gross national incomes (P for heterogeneity <0.0001). The PURE score showed slightly stronger associations with death or CVD than several other common diet scores (P < 0.001 for each comparison).

    CONCLUSION: A diet comprised of higher amounts of fruit, vegetables, nuts, legumes, fish, and whole-fat dairy is associated with lower CVD and mortality in all world regions, especially in countries with lower income where consumption of these foods is low.

    Matched MeSH terms: Vegetables
  10. Ge Q, Wang K, Shao X, Wei Y, Zhang X, Liu Y, et al.
    Foodborne Pathog Dis, 2023 May;20(5):197-208.
    PMID: 37172299 DOI: 10.1089/fpd.2022.0083
    Rhizopus nigricans is a widespread phytopathogen in fruits and vegetables that can cause considerable economic effects and resource waste. Flavonoids from Sedum aizoon L. (FSAL) have specific antifungal activities. This study selected FSAL as an antifungal to prolong the preservation of fruits and vegetables. The results showed that the mycelial morphology and ultrastructure were damaged by the FSAL treatment (1.0 minimum inhibitory concentration), led to the increase of reactive oxygen species and malondialdehyde, and affected the activity of key enzymes in the glycolytic pathway, such as lactic dehydrogenase, pyruvate kinase, and hexokinase of R. nigricans. Key genes in glycolysis were upregulated or downregulated. In addition, in the treatment and control groups, 221 differentially expressed genes were found, including 89 that were upregulated and 32 that were downregulated, according to the transcriptome results. The differential genes were mainly enriched in glycolysis, pyruvate metabolism, and citrate cycle pathways. The results revealed some insights into the antifungal mechanism of FSAL against R. nigricans and offered a theoretical foundation for its advancement as a novel plant-derived antifungal agent.
    Matched MeSH terms: Vegetables
  11. Islam MS, Kasim S, Amin AM, Alam MK, Khatun MF, Ahmed S, et al.
    PLoS One, 2023;18(8):e0285954.
    PMID: 37643156 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0285954
    Foliar fertilization is a reliable technique for correcting a nutrient deficiency in plants caused by inadequate nutrient supply to the roots in acid soil. Soluble nutrients in banana pseudostem sap might be effective to supplement chemical fertilizers. However, the limited nutrients in sole banana pseudostem sap as foliar fertilization may not meet-up the nutritional demand of the crop. Field trials were, therefore, conducted with the combination of soil-applied fertilizers with foliar spray of banana pseudostem sap to increase nutrient uptake, yield, and quality of sweet corn planted in acidic soil. Three treatments viz., 100% recommended dose of fertilizers (RD) as control (T1), 75% of RD applied in soil with foliar application of non-enriched banana pseudostem sap (T2), and 50% RD applied in soil with foliar spray of enriched banana pseudostem sap (T3) were replicated four times. The combination of soil-applied fertilizer with foliar spray of enriched banana pseudostem sap (T3) showed a significant increase in leaf area index (11.3%), photosynthesis (12%), fresh cob yield (39%), and biomass of corn (29%) over control. Besides, the 50% RD of soil fertilization with foliar spray of enriched pseudostem sap increased nutrient uptake in addition to an increase in sugar content, phenolic content, soluble protein, and amino acids of corn. Considering the economic analysis, the highest net income, BCR (3.74) and MBCR (1.25) values confirmed the economic viability of T3 treatment over the T1. The results suggest that foliar spray of enriched banana pseudostem sap can be used as a supplementary source of nutrients to enhance nutrient uptake by corn while increasing yield and minimizing chemical fertilizer use in acid soil.
    Matched MeSH terms: Vegetables
  12. Wong AP, Kalinovsky T, Niedzwiecki A, Rath M
    Exp Ther Med, 2015 Sep;10(3):1071-1073.
    PMID: 26622441
    Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease characterized by thickened, silvery-scaled patches. There is currently no cure and treatments only attempt to reduce the severity of symptoms. This study reports the case of a 36-year-old female who presented to the clinic with severe psoriasis and had been treated with topical steroid cream for the past 14 years. After adherence to prescribed dietary changes for 6 months, including abundant intake of vegetables, minimal consumption of meat, and avoidance of junk food and sugar in food or drinks, as well as nutritional supplementation with Vitacor Plus, ProLysinC, VitaCforte and LysinC Drink mix, the patient experienced complete resolution of psoriatic patches on her body.
    Matched MeSH terms: Vegetables
  13. Bukhari NTM, Rawi NFM, Hassan NAA, Saharudin NI, Kassim MHM
    Int J Biol Macromol, 2023 Aug 01;245:125486.
    PMID: 37355060 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2023.125486
    A million tonnes of plastic produced each year are disposed of after single use. Biodegradable polymers have become a promising material as an alternative to petroleum-based polymers. Utilising biodegradable polymers will promote environmental sustainability which has emerged with potential features and performances for various applications in different sectors. Seaweed-derived polysaccharides-based composites have been the focus of numerous studies due to the composites' renewability and sustainability for industries (food packaging and medical fields like tissue engineering and drug delivery). Due to their biocompatibility, abundance, and gelling ability, seaweed derivatives such as alginate, carrageenan, and agar are commonly used for this purpose. Seaweed has distinct film-forming characteristics, but its mechanical and water vapour barrier qualities are weak. Thus, modifications are necessary to enhance the seaweed properties. This review article summarises and discusses the effect of incorporating seaweed films with different types of nanoparticles on their mechanical, thermal, and water barrier properties.
    Matched MeSH terms: Vegetables
  14. Tan LK, Chua EH, Mohd Ghazali S, Cheah YK, Jayaraj VJ, Kee CC
    Nutrients, 2023 Dec 08;15(24).
    PMID: 38140302 DOI: 10.3390/nu15245043
    The healthy eating plate concept has been introduced in many countries, including Malaysia, as a visual guide for the public to eat healthily. The relationship between Malaysian Healthy Plate (MHP) and adequate fruit and vegetable (FV) intake among morbid Malaysian adults is unknown. Hence, we investigated the relationship between awareness of the MHP and FV intake among morbid Malaysian adults. National survey data on 9760 morbid Malaysian adults aged 18 years and above were analyzed. The relationship between awareness of MHP and FV intake among Malaysian adults with obesity, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and hypercholesterolemia were determined using multivariable logistic regression controlling for sociodemographic characteristics and lifestyle risk factors. Our data demonstrated that MHP awareness is associated with adequate FV intake among the Malaysian adults with abdominal obesity (adjusted odds ratio (aOR): 1.86, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.05-3.29), diabetes mellitus (aOR: 4.88, 95% CI: 2.13-22.18), hypertension (aOR: 4.39, 95% CI: 1.96-9.83), and hypercholesterolemia (aOR: 4.16, 95% CI: 1.48-11.72). Our findings indicated the necessity for ongoing efforts by policymakers, healthcare professionals, and nutrition educators to promote the concept of MHP and ensure that morbid Malaysian adults consume a sufficient intake of FV or adopt a healthy eating pattern to achieve and maintain optimal health.
    Matched MeSH terms: Vegetables
  15. Asaduzzaman Kh, Khandaker MU, Amin YM, Bradley DA, Mahat RH, Nor RM
    J Environ Radioact, 2014 Sep;135:120-7.
    PMID: 24814722 DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2014.04.009
    Soil-to-plant transfer factors (TFs) are of fundamental importance in assessing the environmental impact due to the presence of radioactivity in soil and agricultural crops. Tapioca and sweet potato, both root crops, are popular foodstuffs for a significant fraction of the Malaysian population, and result in intake of radionuclides. For the natural field conditions experienced in production of these foodstuffs, TFs and the annual effective dose were evaluated for the natural radionuclides (226)Ra, (232)Th, (40)K, and for the anthropogenic radionuclide (88)Y, the latter being a component of fallout. An experimental tapioca field was developed for study of the time dependence of plant uptake. For soil samples from all study locations other than the experimental field, it has been shown that these contain the artificial radionuclide (88)Y, although the uptake of (88)Y has only been observed in the roots of the plant Manihot esculenta (from which tapioca is derived) grown in mining soil. The estimated TFs for (226)Ra and (232)Th for tapioca and sweet potato are very much higher than that reported by the IAEA. For all study areas, the annual effective dose from ingestion of tapioca and sweet potato are estimated to be lower than the world average (290 μSv y(-1)).
    Matched MeSH terms: Vegetables/metabolism*
  16. Abdull Razis AF, Noor NM
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2013;14(3):1565-70.
    PMID: 23679237
    Relationships between diet and health have attracted attention for centuries; but links between diet and cancer have been a focus only in recent decades. The consumption of diet-containing carcinogens, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and heterocyclic amines is most closely correlated with increasing cancer risk. Epidemiological evidence strongly suggests that consumption of dietary phytochemicals found in vegetables and fruit can decrease cancer incidence. Among the various vegetables, broccoli and other cruciferous species appear most closely associated with reduced cancer risk in organs such as the colorectum, lung, prostate and breast. The protecting effects against cancer risk have been attributed, at least partly, due to their comparatively high amounts of glucosinolates, which differentiate them from other vegetables. Glucosinolates, a class of sulphur- containing glycosides, present at substantial amounts in cruciferous vegetables, and their breakdown products such as the isothiocyanates, are believed to be responsible for their health benefits. However, the underlying mechanisms responsible for the chemopreventive effect of these compounds are likely to be manifold, possibly concerning very complex interactions, and thus difficult to fully understand. Therefore, this article provides a brief overview about the mechanism of such compounds involved in modulation of carcinogen metabolising enzyme systems.
    Matched MeSH terms: Vegetables*
  17. Tunung R, Margaret S, Jeyaletchumi P, Chai LC, Tuan Zainazor TC, Ghazali FM, et al.
    J Microbiol Biotechnol, 2010 Feb;20(2):391-6.
    PMID: 20208446
    The purpose of this study was to investigate the biosafety of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in raw salad vegetables at wet market and supermarket in Malaysia. A combination of Most Probable Number - Polymerase Chain Reaction (MPN-PCR) method was applied to detect the presence of V. parahaemolyticus and to enumerate their density in the food samples. The study analyzed 276 samples of common vegetables eaten raw in Malaysia (Wild cosmos = 8; Japanese parsley = 21; Cabbage = 30; Lettuce = 16; Indian pennywort = 17; Carrot = 31; Sweet potato = 29; Tomato = 38; Cucumber = 28; Four winged bean = 26; Long bean = 32). The samples were purchased from two supermarkets (A and B) and two wet markets (C and D). The occurrence of V. parahaemolyticus detected was 20.65%, with higher frequency of V. parahaemolyticus in vegetables obtained from wet markets (Wet market C = 27.27%Wet Market D = 32.05%) compared to supermarkets (Supermarket A = 1.64%; Supermarket B = 16.67%). V. parahaemolyticus was most prevalent in Indian pennywort (41.18%). The density of V. parahaemolyticus in all the samples ranged from <3 up to >2400 MPN/g, mostly <3 MPN/g concentration. Raw vegetables from wet markets contained higher levels of V. parahaemolyticus compared to supermarkets. V. parahaemolyticus were present in raw vegetables although in low numbers. The results suggest that raw vegetables act as a transmission route for V. parahaemolyticus. This study will be the first biosafety assessment of V. parahaemolyticus in raw vegetables in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Vegetables/microbiology*
  18. Abdulra'uf LB, Chai MK, Tan GH
    J AOAC Int, 2012 11 28;95(5):1272-90.
    PMID: 23175958
    This paper reviews the application of various modes of solid-phase microextraction (SPME) for the analysis of pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables. SPME is a simple extraction technique that eliminates the use of solvent, and it is applied for the analysis of both volatile and nonvolatile pesticides. SPME has been successfully coupled to both GC and LC. The coupling with GC has been straightforward and requires little modification of existing equipment, but interfacing with LC has proved challenging. The external standard calibration technique is widely used for quantification, while standard addition and internal or surrogate standards are mainly used to account for matrix effects. All parameters that affect the extraction of pesticide residues from fruits and vegetables, and therefore need to be optimized, are also reviewed. Details of the characteristics of analytical procedures and new trends in fiber production using sol-gel technology and molecularly imprinted polymers are discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Vegetables/chemistry*
  19. Ismail BS, Farihah K, Khairiah J
    Bull Environ Contam Toxicol, 2005 Feb;74(2):320-7.
    PMID: 15841973
    Matched MeSH terms: Vegetables*
  20. Ismail BS, Cheah UB, Enoma AO, Lum KY, Malik Z
    Bull Environ Contam Toxicol, 2002 Sep;69(3):444-51.
    PMID: 12177768
    Matched MeSH terms: Vegetables/chemistry*
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