Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 57 in total

  1. Mohd Nor ND, Houston-Price C, Harvey K, Methven L
    Appetite, 2021 02 01;157:104991.
    PMID: 33049340 DOI: 10.1016/j.appet.2020.104991
    Low consumption of vegetables in children is a concern around the world, hence approaches aimed at increasing intake are highly relevant. Previous studies have shown that repeated taste exposure is an effective strategy to increase vegetable acceptance. However, few studies have examined the effect of repeated taste exposure on children varying in bitter taste sensitivity. This study investigated the influence of taste genotypes and phenotypes on the effects of repeated taste exposure to a Brassica vegetable. 172 preschool children aged 3-5 years were recruited into this study. Turnip was selected as the target vegetable and parents completed a questionnaire to ensure unfamiliarity. During the intervention, children were exposed to steamed-pureed turnip for 10 days (once/day). Intake and liking were measured before, during and after the intervention, and a follow-up was done 3 months post-intervention. Taste genotypes (TAS2R38 and gustin (CA6) genotypes) and taste phenotypes (PROP taster status and fungiform papillae density) were determined. There was a significant effect of exposure shown by significant increases in intake (p 
    Matched MeSH terms: Brassica*; Brassica napus*; Brassica rapa*
  2. Chew SC
    Food Res Int, 2020 05;131:108997.
    PMID: 32247493 DOI: 10.1016/j.foodres.2020.108997
    Rapeseed oil is the second most abundant produced edible oil in the world with low erucic acid and low glucosinolate. Thus, the quality of rapeseed oil had attracted global attention. Cold-pressed rapeseed oil appeared to be a preferred choice than refined oil as no solvent and less processing involved in the cold-pressing. The methods of cold-pressing and microwave pre-treatment on the extraction yield and bioactive compounds of rapeseed oil have been reviewed in this paper. Cold-pressed rapeseed oil offers health benefits due to its preserved fatty acid profile and bioactive compounds. High phenolic compounds, tocopherols, phytosterols, and carotenoids contents in the cold-pressed rapeseed oil offer health benefits like regulating blood lipid profile, insulin sensitivity, and glycemic control, as well as offer antioxidant and cytotoxic activity. Besides using as edible oil, cold-pressed rapeseed oil find applications in animal feed, chemical, and fuel.
    Matched MeSH terms: Brassica napus/chemistry*
  3. Tran HT, Lin C, Lam SS, Le TH, Hoang HG, Bui XT, et al.
    Environ Pollut, 2023 Jan 01;316(Pt 2):120640.
    PMID: 36403881 DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2022.120640
    Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), a plasticizer derived from phthalate ester, is used as an additive in industrial products such as plastics, paints, and medical devices. However, DEHP is known as an endocrine-disrupting chemical, causing cancers and adverse effects on human health. This study evaluated DEHP biodegradation efficiency via food waste composting during 35 days of incubation. At high DEHP concentrations (2167 mg kg-1) in food waste compost mixture, the DEHP biodegradation efficiency was 99% after 35 days. The highest degradation efficiency was recorded at the thermophilic phase (day 3 - day 11) with the biodegradation rate reached 187 mg kg-1 day-1. DEHP was metabolized to dibutyl phthalate (DBP) and dimethyl phthalate (DMP) and would be oxidized to benzyl alcohol (BA) and mineralized into CO2 and water via various metabolisms. Finally, the compost's quality with residual DEHP was evaluated using Brassica chinensis L. seeds via 96 h of germination tests. The compost (at day 35) with a trace amount of DEHP as the end product showed no significant effect on the germination rate of Brassica chinensis L. seeds (88%) compared to that without DEHP (94%), indicating that the compost can be reused as fertilizer in agricultural applications. These results provide an improved understanding of the DEHP biodegradation via food waste composting without bioaugmentation and hence facilitating its green remediation and conversion into value-added products. Nevertheless, further studies are needed on DEHP biodegradation in large-scale food waste composting or industrial applications.
    Matched MeSH terms: Brassica*
  4. Du J, Zhang M, Teng X, Wang Y, Lim Law C, Fang D, et al.
    Food Res Int, 2023 Feb;164:112420.
    PMID: 36738024 DOI: 10.1016/j.foodres.2022.112420
    Vegetable sauerkraut is a traditional fermented food. Due to oxidation reactions that occur during storage, the quality and flavor in different periods will change. In this study, the quality evaluation and flavor characteristics of 13 groups of vegetable sauerkraut samples with different storage time were analyzed by using physical and chemical parameters combined with electronic nose. Photographs of samples of various periods were collected, and a convolutional neural network (CNN) framework was established. The relationship between total phenol oxidative decomposition and flavor compounds was linearly negatively correlated. The vegetable sauerkraut during storage can be divided into three categories (full acceptance period, acceptance period and unacceptance period) by principal component analysis and Fisher discriminant analysis. The CNN parameters were fine-tuned based on the classification results, and its output results can reflect the quality changes and flavor characteristics of the samples, and have better fitting, prediction capabilities. After 50 epochs of the model, the accuracy of three sets of data namely training set, validation set and test set recorded 94%, 85% and 93%, respectively. In addition, the accuracy of CNN in identifying different quality sauerkraut was 95.30%. It is proved that the convolutional neural network has excellent performance in predicting the quality of Szechuan Sauerkraut with high reliability.
    Matched MeSH terms: Brassica*
  5. Hossain AS, Alrudayni HA, Haouala F, Aleissa MS, Kahrizi D, Ahmed AS
    Cell Mol Biol (Noisy-le-grand), 2023 Nov 15;69(11):45-50.
    PMID: 38015542 DOI: 10.14715/cmb/2023.69.11.8
    The study was conducted to evaluate the root, shoot and leaf callus cell regeneration and its biochemical properties like antioxidant, carbohydrate, pigment and mineral content from broccoli root, shoot and leaf cutting in vitro. An in vitro factorial experiment was carried out based on a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 5 replicates in tissue culture applying different IBA (0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 and 3.5 mg/l) and BAP (1 mg/l) concentrations using broccoli root tip and leaf cutting. The results showed that a higher callus weight was found in the cultured leaf cutting than in root tip cutting in the concentration of 1.0, 1.5 & 2.0 mg/l IBA + 1.0 mg/l BAP combination. The highest callus weight was found in the cultured leaf cutting than root tips cutting at the concentration of 1.5mg/l IBA+1.0 mg/l BAP. Furthermore, the highest inverted sugar and glucose, chlorophyll and nutrient content (K+, NO3- & Ca++), total phenol, flavonoid and total antioxidant were found in the concentration of 1.5mg/l IBA+1.0 mg/l BAP combination in both broccoli leaf and root cutting. The results seemed that it was best to use the combination of the IBA and BAP in the concentration of 1.0-2.0 mg/l and 1mg/l to regenerate root, leaf and callus cell proliferation of broccoli from the root tip and leaf cutting.
    Matched MeSH terms: Brassica*
  6. Gerszberg A
    Planta, 2018 Nov;248(5):1037-1048.
    PMID: 30066219 DOI: 10.1007/s00425-018-2961-3
    The main goal of this publication is an overview of the biotechnological achievements concerning in vitro cultures and transformation of Brassica oleracea var. capitata. Faced with the requirements of the global food market, intensified work on the genetic transformation of economically important plants is carried out in laboratories around the world. The development of efficient procedures for their regeneration and transformation could be a good solution for obtaining, in a shorter time than by traditional methods, plants with desirable traits. Furthermore, conventional breeding methods are insufficient for crop genetic improvement not only because of being time-consuming but also because they are severely limited by sexual incompatibility barriers. This problem has been overcome by genetic engineering, which seems to be a very good technique for cabbage improvement. Despite the huge progress that has been made in the field of plant regeneration and transformation methods, up to now, no routine transformation procedure has been developed in the case of cabbage. This problem stems from the fact that the efficiency of cabbage transformation is closely related to the genotype and some varieties are recalcitrant to transformation. It is obvious that it is not possible to establish one universal regeneration and transformation protocol for all varieties of cabbage. Therefore, it seems fully justified to develop the above-mentioned procedures for individual economically important cultivars. Despite the obstacles of cabbage transformation in laboratories of many countries, especially those where this vegetable is extremely popular (e.g., China, India, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan), such attempts are made. This article reviews the achievements in the field of tissue culture and cabbage transformation from the last two decades.
    Matched MeSH terms: Brassica/genetics*; Brassica/growth & development
  7. Choo MM, Jaais F
    Med J Malaysia, 2002 Jun;57(2):225-8.
    PMID: 24326658
    "Cauliflower Ears" describes the appearance of swelling of the auricular cartilage resulting in gross distortion of the auricle. The underlying pathology is inflammation of the auricular cartilage. We report a case of a patient who presented to the ophthalmology clinic with an ocular inflammation, whose subsequent diagnosis of replapsing polychondritis was clinched with the finding of "Cauliflower Ears". This case emphasizes the importance of an appropriate general examination of ophthalmic patients for early diagnosis and prompt institution of medical treatment, which may prevent life-threatening complications to the patient.
    Study site: Eye clinic, University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Brassica*
  8. Neik TX, Amas J, Barbetti M, Edwards D, Batley J
    Plants (Basel), 2020 Oct 10;9(10).
    PMID: 33050509 DOI: 10.3390/plants9101336
    Brassica napus (canola/oilseed rape/rapeseed) is an economically important crop, mostly found in temperate and sub-tropical regions, that is cultivated widely for its edible oil. Major diseases of Brassica crops such as Blackleg, Clubroot, Sclerotinia Stem Rot, Downy Mildew, Alternaria Leaf Spot and White Rust have caused significant yield and economic losses in rapeseed-producing countries worldwide, exacerbated by global climate change, and, if not remedied effectively, will threaten global food security. To gain further insights into the host-pathogen interactions in relation to Brassica diseases, it is critical that we review current knowledge in this area and discuss how omics technologies can offer promising results and help to push boundaries in our understanding of the resistance mechanisms. Omics technologies, such as genomics, proteomics, transcriptomics and metabolomics approaches, allow us to understand the host and pathogen, as well as the interaction between the two species at a deeper level. With these integrated data in multi-omics and systems biology, we are able to breed high-quality disease-resistant Brassica crops in a more holistic, targeted and accurate way.
    Matched MeSH terms: Brassica; Brassica napus; Brassica rapa
  9. Ravanfar SA, Orbovic V, Moradpour M, Abdul Aziz M, Karan R, Wallace S, et al.
    Biotechnol Genet Eng Rev, 2017 Apr;33(1):1-25.
    PMID: 28460558 DOI: 10.1080/02648725.2017.1309821
    Development of in vitro plant regeneration method from Brassica explants via organogenesis and somatic embryogenesis is influenced by many factors such as culture environment, culture medium composition, explant sources, and genotypes which are reviewed in this study. An efficient in vitro regeneration system to allow genetic transformation of Brassica is a crucial tool for improving its economical value. Methods to optimize transformation protocols for the efficient introduction of desirable traits, and a comparative analysis of these methods are also reviewed. Hence, binary vectors, selectable marker genes, minimum inhibitory concentration of selection agents, reporter marker genes, preculture media, Agrobacterium concentration and regeneration ability of putative transformants for improvement of Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of Brassica are discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Brassica/genetics; Brassica/growth & development*
  10. Sendi H, Mohamed MT, Anwar MP, Saud HM
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2013;2013:258562.
    PMID: 24106452 DOI: 10.1155/2013/258562
    Peat moss (PM) is the most widely used growing substrate for the pot culture. Due to diminishing availability and increasing price of PM, researchers are looking for viable alternatives for peat as a growth media component for potted plants. A pot study was conducted with a view to investigate the possibility of using spent mushroom waste (SMW) for Kai-lan (Brassica oleracea var. Alboglabra) production replacing peat moss (PM) in growth media. The treatments evaluated were 100% PM (control), 100% SMW, and mixtures of SMW and PM in different ratios like 1 : 1, 1 : 2, and 2 : 1 (v/v) with/without NPK amendment. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design with five replications per treatment. Chemical properties like pH and salinity level (EC) of SMW were within the acceptable range of crop production but, nutrient content, especially nitrogen content was not enough to provide sufficient nutrition to plant for normal growth. Only PM (100%) and SMW and PM mixture in 1 : 1 ratio with NPK amendment performed equally in terms of Kai-lan growth. This study confirms the feasibility of replacing PM by SMW up to a maximum of 50% in the growth media and suggests that NPK supplementation from inorganic sources is to ensure a higher productivity of Kai-lan.
    Matched MeSH terms: Brassica/growth & development*
  11. Namasivayam P, Skepper J, Hanke D
    Plant Cell Rep, 2006 Sep;25(9):887-95.
    PMID: 16568254
    The Brassica napus secondary embryogenesis system requires no exogenous growth regulator to stimulate embryo development. It is stable embryogenically over a long period of culture and has a distinct pre-embryogenic stage. This system was used to investigate the morphological and cellular changes occurring in the embryogenic tissue compared to non-embryogenic tissue using various microscopy techniques. A unique ultrastructural feature designated the extracellular matrix (ECM) was observed on the surface of pre-embryogenic embryoids but not on the non-embryogenic individuals. The ECM layer was found to be dominant in the pre-embryogenic stage and reduced to fragments during embryo growth and development in mature embryogenic tissue. This is a novel aspect of the phenotype previously unreported in the Brassica system. This structure might be linked to acquisition of embryogenic competence.
    Matched MeSH terms: Brassica napus/classification; Brassica napus/embryology*; Brassica napus/ultrastructure*
  12. Nashriyah Mat, Mazleha Maskin, Kubiak, Roland
    The soil plant transfer coefficient or f factor of 14 C-carbofuran pesticide was studied in outdoor lysimeter experiment consisting of Brassica sp. vegetable crop, riverine alluvial clayey soil and Bungor series sandy loam soil. Soil transfer coefficients at 0-10 cm soil depth were 4.38 + 0.30, 5.76 + 1.04, 0.99 + 0.25 and 2.66 + 0.71; from 1X recommended application rate in alluvial soil, 2X recommended application rate in alluvial soil, 1X recommended application rate in Bungor soil and 2X recommended application rate in Bungor soil, respectively. At 0-25 cm soil depth, soil plant transfer coefficients were 8.96 + 0.91, 10.40 + 2.63, 2.34 + 0.68 and 6.19 + 1.40; from 1X recommended application rate in alluvial soil, 2X recommended application rate in alluvial soil, 1X recommended application rate in Bungor soil and 2X recommended application rate in Bungor soil, respectively. At 77 days after treatment (DAT), the soil plant transfer coefficient was significantly higher in riverine alluvial soil than Bungor soil whereas shoot and root growth was significantly higher in Bungor soil than in riverine alluvial soil. At both 0-10 cm Brassica sp. rooting depth and 0-25 cm soil depth, the soil plant transfer coefficient was significantly higher in 2X recommended application rate of 14 C-carbofuran as compared to 1X recommended application rate, in both Bungor and riverine alluvial soils.
    Matched MeSH terms: Brassica
  13. Ahmad Mahir Razali, Khairiah Jusoh, Nor Asyikin A, Siti Adyani S, Wardatun Aathirah M, Maimon Abdullah, et al.
    Kajian yang dijalankan adalah berkaitan dengan penentuan model yang sesuai serta analisis data penyerapan logam berat oleh sayuran berdaun yang terpilih iaitu kangkung (Ipomea aquatica), sawi bunga (Brassica chinensis var parachinensis), bayam (Amaranthus oleraceus L) dan sawi putih (Brassica chinensis L.). Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan dan membandingkan kandungan serta corak pengambilan logam berat yang diserap oleh sayuran dan juga bahagian-bahagiannya yang meliputi daun, batang dan akar. Penentuan model yang dibuat bertujuan bagi melihat corak penyerapan logam berat oleh sayuran atau bahagian sayuran tertentu. Logam berat yang dikaji terdiri daripada kadmium , kromium, kuprum, ferum , mangan, plumbum dan zink. Plot serakan digunakan bagi menentukan corak pengambilan logam berat dalam sayuran dan bahagian-bahagiannya. Selain itu ujian Kruskal-Wallis digunakan bagi membuat perbandingan median di antara logam berat yang diserap oleh sayuran yang dikaji. Nilai khi-kuasa dua dan juga nilai-p digunakan bagi menentukan sama ada sesuatu logam berat yang diserap itu berkait rapat dengan jenis sayuran secara signifikan. Secara umum bolehlah dikatakan bahawa logam Fe, Mn dan Zn adalah dominan dalam semua bahagian sayuran yang dikaji. Selain itu, melalui ujian Kruskal-Wallis didapati penyerapan kesemua logam berat pada setiap bahagian sayuran adalah berbeza secara signifikan. Penyuaian model regresi linear, kuadratik, kubik atau eksponen telah dilakukan terhadap data ini dan didapati kebanyakan data dapat disuaikan dengan baik oleh model kuadratik dan kubik berdasarkan nilai pekali penentuan (R2).
    Matched MeSH terms: Brassica
  14. Jehan Bakht, Laleena Khan, Mohammad Shafi
    Sains Malaysiana, 2016;45:167-176.
    The present study investigates heavy metal uptake and protein expression by different vegetables collected from various districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhawa province of Pakistan. Statistical analysis of the data showed that maximum concentration of Cd, Cr, Ni, Zn were found in radish and spinach, respectively, collected from Peshawar. Maximum Pb and Mg accumulation were found in cauliflower and pea at Swat followed by coriander at Haripur and minimum Pb uptake was noticed in radish taken from Nowshehra. Highest Cu uptake was detected in spinach at Nowshehra. Data regarding Cd, Cr, Pb, Cu, Ni, Mg and Zn concentration in water samples gathered from different sites of KPK indicated that maximum concentration of Cd was observed in Swat. Maximum Cr and Cu concentration were measured in water samples from Peshawar while maximum concentration of Pb and Ni were detected in water samples from Haripur. In case of soil samples, maximum Cd, Cr, Mg and Zn uptake was observed in soil sample at Nowshehra. Maximum Pb and Ni concentration was found in soil samples collected from Peshawar. Cu concentration was observed to be the highest in soil at Swat. Protein profile of different vegetables i.e. cauliflower, radish, carrot, turnip, pea, spinach, coriander and garlic sampled across five different sites showed that uptake of Cd, Cr, Pb, Cu, Ni, Mg and Zn by these vegetables caused the expression of numerous polypeptides.
    Matched MeSH terms: Brassica; Brassica napus
  15. Manojkumar U, Kaliannan D, Srinivasan V, Balasubramanian B, Kamyab H, Mussa ZH, et al.
    Chemosphere, 2023 May;323:138263.
    PMID: 36858116 DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2023.138263
    Green synthesis of nanomaterials has emerged as an ecofriendly sustainable technology for the removal of dyes in the last few decades. Especially, plant leaf extracts have been considered as inexpensive and effective materials for the synthesis of nanoparticles. In this study, zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) were prepared using leaves extract of Brassica oleracea var. botrytis (BO) by co-precipitation and applied for photocatalytic/antibacterial activity. The synthesized BO-ZnO NPs was characterized by different instrumental techniques. The UV-vis Spectrum of the synthesized material showed maximum absorbance at a wavelength of 311 nm, which confirmed the formation of BO-ZnO NPs. The XRD pattern of BO-ZnO NPs represents a hexagonal wurtzite structure and the average size of particles was about 52 nm. FT-IR spectrum analysis confirms the presence of hydroxyl, carbonyl, carboxylic, and phenol groups. SEM images exhibited a flower like morphology and EDX spectrum confirming the presence of the elements Zn and O. Photo-catalytic activity of BO-ZnO NPs was tested against thiazine dye (methylene blue-MB) degradation under direct sunlight irradiation. Around 80% of the MB dye got degraded at pH 8 under 75 min of sunlight irradiation. Further, the study examined that the antimicrobial and larvicidal activity of BO-ZnO NPs obtained through green synthesis. The antimicrobial study results showed that the BO-ZnO NPs formed zones against bacterial pathogens. The results showed the formation of an inhibition zone against B. subtills (16 mm), S.aureus (13 mm), K. pneumonia (13 mm), and E. coli (9 mm) respectively at a concentration of 100 μg/mL of BO-ZnO NPs. The larvicidal activity of the BO-ZnO NPs was tested against the fourth instar of Culex quinquefasciatus mosquito larvae The LC50 and LC90 values estimated through the larvicidal activity of BO-ZnO NPs were 76.03, 190.03 ppm respectively. Hence the above findings propose the synthesized BO-ZnO NPs by the ecofriendly method can be used for various environmental and antipathogenic applications.
    Matched MeSH terms: Brassica*
  16. Watson A, Ghosh S, Williams MJ, Cuddy WS, Simmonds J, Rey MD, et al.
    Nat Plants, 2018 Jan;4(1):23-29.
    PMID: 29292376 DOI: 10.1038/s41477-017-0083-8
    The growing human population and a changing environment have raised significant concern for global food security, with the current improvement rate of several important crops inadequate to meet future demand 1 . This slow improvement rate is attributed partly to the long generation times of crop plants. Here, we present a method called 'speed breeding', which greatly shortens generation time and accelerates breeding and research programmes. Speed breeding can be used to achieve up to 6 generations per year for spring wheat (Triticum aestivum), durum wheat (T. durum), barley (Hordeum vulgare), chickpea (Cicer arietinum) and pea (Pisum sativum), and 4 generations for canola (Brassica napus), instead of 2-3 under normal glasshouse conditions. We demonstrate that speed breeding in fully enclosed, controlled-environment growth chambers can accelerate plant development for research purposes, including phenotyping of adult plant traits, mutant studies and transformation. The use of supplemental lighting in a glasshouse environment allows rapid generation cycling through single seed descent (SSD) and potential for adaptation to larger-scale crop improvement programs. Cost saving through light-emitting diode (LED) supplemental lighting is also outlined. We envisage great potential for integrating speed breeding with other modern crop breeding technologies, including high-throughput genotyping, genome editing and genomic selection, accelerating the rate of crop improvement.
    Matched MeSH terms: Brassica napus/genetics*
  17. Tan FH, Ng JF, Mohamed Alitheen NB, Muhamad A, Yong CY, Lee KW
    J Virol Methods, 2023 Sep;319:114771.
    PMID: 37437780 DOI: 10.1016/j.jviromet.2023.114771
    Virus-like particles (VLPs) is one of the most favourable subjects of study, especially in the field of nanobiotechnology and vaccine development because they possess good immunogenicity and self-adjuvant properties. Conventionally, VLPs can be tagged and purified using affinity chromatography or density gradient ultracentrifugation which is costly and time-consuming. Turnip yellow mosaic virus (TYMV) is a plant virus, where expression of the viral coat protein (TYMVc) in Escherichia coli (E. coli) has been shown to form VLP. In this study, we report a non-chromatographic method for VLP purification using C-terminally His-tagged TYMVc (TYMVcHis6) as a protein model. Firstly, the TYMVcHis6 was cloned and expressed in E. coli. Upon clarification of cell lysate, nickel (II) chloride [NiCl2; 15 µM or equivalent to 0.0000194% (w/v)] was added to precipitate TYMVcHis6. Following centrifugation, the pellet was resuspended in buffer containing 1 mM EDTA to chelate Ni2+, which is then removed via dialysis. A total of 50% of TYMVcHis6 was successfully recovered with purity above 0.90. Later, the purified TYMVcHis6 was analysed with sucrose density ultracentrifugation, dynamic light scattering (DLS), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to confirm VLP formation, which is comparable to TYMVcHis6 purified using the standard immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC) column. As the current method omitted the need for IMAC column and beads while significantly reducing the time needed for column washing, nickel affinity precipitation represents a novel method for the purification of VLPs displaying poly-histidine tags (His-tags).
    Matched MeSH terms: Brassica napus*
  18. Ton LB, Neik TX, Batley J
    Genes (Basel), 2020 09 30;11(10).
    PMID: 33008008 DOI: 10.3390/genes11101161
    Since their domestication, Brassica oilseed species have undergone progressive transformation allied with the development of breeding and molecular technologies. The canola (Brassica napus) crop has rapidly expanded globally in the last 30 years with intensive innovations in canola varieties, providing for a wider range of markets apart from the food industry. The breeding efforts of B. napus, the main source of canola oil and canola meal, have been mainly focused on improving seed yield, oil quality, and meal quality along with disease resistance, abiotic stress tolerance, and herbicide resistance. The revolution in genetics and gene technologies, including genetic mapping, molecular markers, genomic tools, and gene technology, especially gene editing tools, has allowed an understanding of the complex genetic makeup and gene functions in the major bioprocesses of the Brassicales, especially Brassica oil crops. Here, we provide an overview on the contributions of these technologies in improving the major traits of B. napus and discuss their potential use to accomplish new improvement targets.
    Matched MeSH terms: Brassica napus/genetics*; Brassica napus/growth & development; Brassica napus/physiology
  19. Ahmad Mahir R, Arfah A, Rozaimah Z, Siti Adyani S, Khairiah J, Ismail B
    Sains Malaysiana, 2017;46:2305-2313.
    The study was conducted to determine the best model suitable for the determination of ferrum uptake in Brassica chinensis (flowering white cabbage). A nonlinear regression model was selected to determine the amount of ferrum absorbed by each part of the Brassica chinensis plant namely the leaves, stems and roots. The Levenberg-Marquardt method was used to perform the nonlinear least square fit. This method employs information on the gradients and hence requires specification of the partial derivatives. A suitable model was obtained from the exponential regression model. The polynomial model was found to be appropriate for leaves, the mono-exponential model was suitable for stems and the simple exponential model for roots. The residual plots and the normal probability plots from each of the models indicated no substantial diagnostic problems, so it can be concluded that the polynomial and exponential regression models provide adequate fit to determine data on heavy metal uptake by the flowering white cabbage.
    Matched MeSH terms: Brassica
  20. Roiaini, M., Ardiannie, T., Norhayai, H.
    Oil blending has been recognized as one of the most potent solution in producing vegetable oils with good storage stabilities and optimum fatty acids compositions. This study was conducted to identify the best oil blends in terms of physicochemical properties between canola, olive and palm olein oil. Canola and olive oils were blended at different ratios of 80:20, 60:40, 50:50, 40:60, and 20:80. Palm olein is stable against rancidity and oxidation thus the above blends were mixed with 20% palm olein. The 80:20 canola: olive blend shows the best properties after being mixed with 20% palm olein compared to other blends. It passed the cold stability test and has significantly the lowest cloud point of 6.0oC (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Brassica napus
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