METHODS: The study was conducted among second-year dental students in a dental materials science class, during which students participated in a mock assessment that included extended matching questions (EMQs) and single correct answer (SCA) questions. An online questionnaire comprising three sections: demographic information, Honey and Mumford's Learning Styles Questionnaire, and 15 closed-ended questionnaire items employing a 5-point Likert scale were administered to assess students' perceptions of the assessment methods. Statistical analyses were conducted using the Kruskal-Wallis test, Mann-Whitney U test, and a post-hoc Bonferroni test.
RESULTS: All 70 students participated in the study with the majority being female, Chinese, and activist learners. Median total scores among various learning styles, gender, and ethnicity did not exhibit significant differences. Analysis of individual questionnaire items revealed mixed perceptions regarding EMQs. Reflectors generally held more positive perceptions of EMQs, while theorists showed the lowest total median scores toward EMQs. Most students did not prefer EMQs over SCAs, and some students expressed confusion about EMQs, especially those with a theorist learning style.
CONCLUSION: Although students generally showed good perceptions towards these assessment methods, further research is needed to better understand the interplay of learning styles, assessment preferences, and educational outcomes in dental education.
METHODS: The present sample included 110 participants aged 20-60 years old. Participants were invited to provide their information on sociodemographic variables (age, gender, and educational level) and clinical characteristics (age at onset of depression and duration of illness) and to complete a series of cognitive performance measures including the Trail Making Tests A (psychomotor speed) and B (executive function), the Digit Symbol Substitution Test (attention), and the Auditory Verbal Learning Test (immediate free recall, acquisition phase, and delayed recall). The Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview Version 6.0 was used to confirm the diagnosis of MDD and the Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Rating Scale was used to assess illness severity.
RESULTS: At the bivariate level, relations of age and educational level to all cognitive deficit domains were significant. At the multivariate level, only educational level and illness severity consistently and significantly predicted all cognitive deficits domains.
CONCLUSIONS: Therapeutic modalities should be individualised whilst considering the impacts of cognitive deficits in an attempt to prevent further deterioration in psychosocial functioning of MDD patients.KEY POINTSCognitive deficits are an elemental component of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) persisting during a current major depressive episode or during remission, altering individuals' ability to process information and changes the way they perceive and interact with the environment.Cognitive deficits in MDD are evident among the upper-middle income groups in South-Eastern Asian countries warranting more local research as such deficits could lead to functional decline and work performance such as absenteeism and presenteeism.Therapeutic modalities should be individualised by taking the impacts of cognitive deficits into consideration to promote psychosocial functioning of MDD patients.
METHODS: As of October 18th, 2024, searches were conducted in six internationally renowned databases (PubMed, SCOPUS, Web of Science, CINAHL Plus, EBSCOhost, Cochrane Library). Inclusion and exclusion criteria were developed based on the PICOS principles. A systematic review was conducted following the PRISMA guidelines, and compliant studies using randomised controlled trial design (RCT) were included. The methodological quality of the included studies was evaluated using the PEDro scale.
RESULTS: A total of 3471 articles were retrieved, of which 17 met the criteria inclusion. The PEDro scores of the 17 studies ranged from four to nine. The results indicate that AVGs can effectively improve college students' poor mental health, such as stress, anxiety, and depression, as well as increase their happiness and psychological satisfaction. Moreover, AVGs have been shown to increase motivation for exercise, improve college students' attitudes toward other forms of exercise, and promote sustained physical activity. Additionally, AVGs have demonstrated efficacy in improving sleep quality.
CONCLUSION: Overall, AVGs can serve as an effective intervention to reduce dysphoria and promote positive psychological states among college students, thus improving mental health. Using the theory-based design of AVGs will further increase the effect. However, the effects of AVGs vary depending on their type and initial design purpose. Therefore, when using AVGs to improve college students' mental health, it is necessary to carefully consider the students' original state, select AVGs with rich game content that can provide at least moderate-intensity physical activity, and adopt the correct intervention strategy to achieve good results. AVG can potentially become a valuable tool for improving college students' mental health.
METHOD: Single-case report. The patient exhibited colossal appetite, overeating, food-demanding behavior, and rapid weight gain. The prescription of quetiapine to manage his visual and auditory hallucinations was suspected of exacerbating the hyperphagia. A comprehensive, multidisciplinary rehabilitation approach was implemented, encompassing a meticulous dietary regime, environmental modifications, behavioral management, physical activities, therapeutic exercises, and pharmacological interventions, which included switching the anti-psychotics and introducing low-dose escitalopram.
RESULTS: Over the course of 6 months, the MHH gradually subsided, and the patient achieved the target bodyweight. The Glasgow Outcome Scale-Extended improved from 3 to 5.
CONCLUSION: This is the first report on the use of escitalopram to manage secondary eating disorders. Our findings underscore the necessity to formally catalog and recognize disorders like MHH in diagnostic classifications to facilitate the systematic study of their pathophysiology, natural history, prognosis, and management strategies.
Aim: To investigate the concurrent validity and reliability of the WBB for balance assessment in healthy young adults.
Methods: Thirty-two young adults participated in this study. Their ability to balance was tested while standing on a WBB and a laboratory-grade force platform, under three conditions: feet together with eyes open, feet together with eyes closed and semi-tandem standing with eyes open. They had 10 min resting period between tests. The agreement between the WBB and the laboratory-grade force platform was investigated, and the reliability of the WBB was determined.
Results: A poor agreement between the WBB and the laboratory-grade force platform was found for all standing conditions [intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) = 0.03 to 0.07]. A moderate to high reliability was found for the WBB for balance assessment in healthy young adults (ICC = 0.66 to 0.76).
Conclusion: The WBB was found to be a reliable tool for static balance assessment in healthy young adults. However, it had poor validity compared to the laboratory-grade force platform.
METHOD: This study employed a cluster randomized controlled trial (cRCT) design. It involved 54 male basketball players aged 18 to 24 from three universities. The participants were randomly assigned to one of three groups: control group (CG), mental fatigue group (MFG), and mental fatigue-mindfulness group (MF-MG). Players in the MFG and MF-MG underwent a 30-minute Stroop task to induce MF. Subsequently, players in the MF-MG engaged in a 30-minute audio mindfulness intervention. Basketball tactical performance was assessed in the small side games (SSG).
RESULTS: There were no significant differences in total tactics observed across groups and over time. However, when examining specific tactical sub-variables, significant differences were found in ball reversal, dribble penetration into the key area, and off-ball screen between the CG and MFG in the post-test. Furthermore, significant differences were noted in ball reversal, dribble penetration into the key area, on-ball screen, and off-ball screen between the MFG and MF-MG in the post-test.
CONCLUSION: The basketball tactical performances, particularly in areas such as ball reversal, dribble penetration into the key area, on-ball screen, and off-ball screen, were negatively impacted by MF. Notably, the brief mindfulness intervention effectively restored these performance aspects. This suggests that coaches and trainers should place increased emphasis on players' mental well-being and consider incorporating brief mindfulness interventions into their training programs. More studies that investigate mindfulness intervention on the comprehensive aspects of basketball performance should be focused on in the future.
METHODS: An online survey was completed by 6093 participants (Mage = 20.35; SDage = 3.63) from 11 different countries which covered four continents (Europe, Asia, Africa, and America). Participants completed the Sexting Behaviors Questionnaire and the 12-item Dark Triad Dirty Dozen scale.
RESULTS: Hierarchical regression analyses showed that sharing own sexts was positively predicted by Machiavellianism and Narcissism. Both risky and aggravated sexting were positively predicted by Machiavellianism and Psychopathy.
CONCLUSIONS: The present study provided empirical evidence that different sexting behaviors were predicted by Dark Triad Personality Traits, showing a relevant role of Machiavellianism in all kinds of investigated sexting behaviors. Research, clinical, and education implications for prevention programs are discussed.