DESIGN, PATIENTS AND MEASUREMENTS: Patients with AI on twice-daily hydrocortisone, who had low or moderate risk and intended to fast, were recruited. Patients were converted to prednisolone 5 mg once daily taken at sahur (predawn) and Ramadan education given. Weight, sleep duration, biochemical parameters and quality of life measures (SF-36 questionnaire) were analysed at the end of Ramadan and compared against baseline.
RESULTS: Twenty patients (13 men) were recruited, with a mean age of 59.9 ± 15.0 years. All patients were on hydrocortisone 15 mg daily (in divided doses) as pre-Ramadan glucocorticoid replacement. Half had type 2 diabetes with low IDF-DAR risk. Eighty-five percent of patients completed the full 29 days of fasting with no complications. There was a significant reduction in weight (-1.1 ± 1.6 kg, p = .005), with no significant change in blood pressure or sleep duration. There was a significant increase in urea (0.80 ± 1.1 mmol/L, p = .005) and haematocrit, (0.011 ± 0.019 L/L, p = .019) and decrease in serum sodium (-1.6 ± 3.0 mmol/L, p = .028), with no change in serum creatinine or liver function. Quality of life measures were preserved in all domains with significant improvement in role limitation due to physical health (15.3 ± 21.6, p = .005) and bodily pain (8.8 ± 16.3, p = .031).
CONCLUSIONS: This study has demonstrated that converting patients with AI who are fasting for Ramadan from twice-daily hydrocortisone to prednisolone 5 mg daily at sahur was safe, with no major short-term adverse effects. Despite the higher equivalent glucocorticoid doses, patients experienced weight loss and no clinically significant change in blood pressure, sleep, biochemical parameters or quality of life. This study paves the way to trial even lower doses of prednisolone once daily in patients fasting for Ramadan with AI.
METHODS: A retrospective multicenter cohort study was conducted by reviewing the medical records of children with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome treated between 2006 and 2023. Cox proportional regression analyzed prognostic factors for steroid-sparing agent requirements in children with frequent relapses or steroid-dependent nephrotic syndrome. The time-to-event analysis utilizing the Kaplan-Meier estimate examined the proportion of children needing steroid-sparing agents after diagnosis.
RESULTS: Medical records of 121 children (85 males) diagnosed with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome at a median age of 4.5 years (range 1.3-12.8) were reviewed over a median follow-up of 3.7 years (range 1.0-15.0). Time to subsequent relapse post-frequent relapses or steroid-dependent nephrotic syndrome diagnosis (at 3-month threshold) emerged as the sole significant predictor of steroid-sparing agent requirement, adjusted hazard ratio (aHR) = 2.26, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.26-4.05. Kaplan-Meier analysis indicated that an earlier first relapse (
OBJECTIVE: This scoping review explores strategies for alleviating pain while administering ILCSIs for hypertrophic scarring and keloid management. ILCSI is a second-line treatment for HTSs and a first-line treatment for keloids.
ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: This scoping review included studies where HTSs and keloids were treated with ILCSI and considered diverse demographics and injection methods. This review excludes other methods of corticosteroid drug delivery where injection is not involved and where the pain assessed is unrelated to injection or infiltration of the scar.
SOURCES OF EVIDENCE: This review systematically searched critical databases from inception to December 2023, including ScienceDirect, PubMed and Web of Science, and handpicked articles traced from available review papers. Only English-language publications focused on pain management during ILCSIs for HTSs and keloids were included. All levels of scientific evidence were considered. An in-depth evaluation of the injection technique, type of analgesia or anaesthesia administered, effectiveness of pain management and overall treatment outcomes was conducted.
CHARTING METHODS: Citations were compiled in an Excel spreadsheet, with three authors screening the titles and abstracts based on inclusion criteria. Decisions were finalised collaboratively, exclusions were documented and results were presented using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses flow diagram.
RESULTS: 16 prospective studies, 2 retrospective studies, 1 case study and 15 journal articles were included. These studies examined ILCSI for hypertrophic scarring and keloid treatment. No differences in pain intensity between HTSs and keloids were reported. 11 studies systematically explored pain reduction methods such as topical analgesia, cryoanaesthesia, mixing triamcinolone acetonide with local analgesics, slow infiltration techniques, vibration analgesia and needle-free injectors.
CONCLUSION: Pain can significantly impact patient compliance and treatment outcomes. This review offers a foundational reference for healthcare providers and researchers in the field of scar management, providing insights into current practices and highlighting areas for future research and development.
RESEARCH QUESTION: The differential impact of frequently used CSs and their regimens on long-term (> 5 years) cardiorespiratory progression in children with DMD is unknown.
STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: This was a retrospective longitudinal study including children with DMD followed at Dubowitz Neuromuscular Centre, Great Ormond Street Hospital London, England, from May 2000 to June 2017. Patients enrolled in any interventional clinical trials were excluded. We collected patients' anthropometrics and respiratory (FVC, FVC % predicted and absolute FVC, and noninvasive ventilation requirement [NIV]) and cardiac (left ventricular shortening function [LVFS%]) function. CSs-naïve patients had never received CSs. Patients who were treated with CSs took either deflazacort or prednisolone, daily or intermittently (10 days on/10 days off) for > 1 month. Average longitudinal models were fitted for yearly respiratory (FVC % predicted) and cardiac (LVFS%) progression. A time-to-event analysis to FVC % predicted < 50%, NIV start, and cardiomyopathy (LVFS% < 28%) was performed in CS-treated (daily and intermittent) vs CS-naïve patients.
RESULTS: There were 270 patients, with a mean age at baseline of 6.2 ± 2.3 years. The median follow-up time was 5.6 ± 3.5 years. At baseline, 263 patients were ambulant. Sixty-six patients were treated with CSs daily, 182 patients underwent CSs intermittent > 60% treatment, and 22 were CS-naïve patients. Yearly FVC % predicted declined similarly from 9 years (5.9% and 6.9% per year, respectively; P = .27) in the CSs-daily and CSs-intermittent groups. The CSs-daily group declined from a higher FVC % predicted than the CSs-intermittent group (P < .05), and both reached FVC % predicted < 50% and NIV requirement at a similar age, > 2 years later than the CS-naïve group. LVFS% declined by 0.53% per year in the CSs-treated group irrespective of the CSs regimen, significantly slower (P < .01) than the CSs-naïve group progressing by 1.17% per year. The age at cardiomyopathy was 16.6 years in the CSs-treated group (P < .05) irrespective of regimen and 13.9 years in the CSs-naïve group.
INTERPRETATION: CSs irrespective of the regimen significantly improved respiratory function and delayed NIV requirement and cardiomyopathy.
CASE PRESENTATION: We report a patient who developed overt lupus nephritis after consuming a course of herbal supplement. Her renal status did not improve upon cessation of the offending drug, and she required immunosuppressive therapy. After one cycle of IV cyclophosphamide, we managed to get the patient into remission - she is now on tapering doses of steroids.
CONCLUSION: We wish to highlight the possibility of consumption of herbal medication and the emergence of drug-induced lupus nephritis. A thorough anamnesis and high index of suspicion of drug-induced lupus nephritis is warranted when a patient on supplements presents with urinary abnormalities.
METHOD: Retrospective study of children with ANE seen at University of Malaya Medical Centre from 2014 to 2019. All clinical details including ANE-severity score (ANE-SS), immunomodulation treatment and neurodevelopmental long-term outcome were collected.
RESULTS: Thirteen patients had ANE and brainstem death occurred in 5. In 10 patients (77%) viruses were isolated contributing to ANE: 8 influenza virus, 1 acute dengue infection, and 1 acute varicella zoster infection. The ANE-SS ranged 2-7: 9 were high risk and 4 were medium risk. Among the 8 survivors; 1 was lost to follow-up. Follow-up duration was 1-6 years (median 2.2). At follow-up among the 4 high-risk ANE-SS: 2 who were in a vegetative state, 1 remained unchanged and 1 improved to severe disability; the other 2 with severe disability improved to moderate and mild disability respectively. At follow-up all 3 medium-risk ANE-SS improved: 2 with severe disability improved to moderate and mild disability respectively, while 1 in a vegetative state improved to severe disability. Early treatment with immunomodulation did not affect outcome.
CONCLUSION: Our ANE series reiterates that ANE is a serious cause of encephalopathy with mortality of 38.5%. All survivors were in a vegetative state or had severe disability at discharge. Most of the survivors made a degree of recovery but good recovery was seen in 2. Follow-up of at least 12 months is recommended for accurate prognostication. Dengue virus infection needs to be considered in dengue endemic areas.
OBJECTIVE: To estimate the association between administration of IL-6 antagonists compared with usual care or placebo and 28-day all-cause mortality and other outcomes.
DATA SOURCES: Trials were identified through systematic searches of electronic databases between October 2020 and January 2021. Searches were not restricted by trial status or language. Additional trials were identified through contact with experts.
STUDY SELECTION: Eligible trials randomly assigned patients hospitalized for COVID-19 to a group in whom IL-6 antagonists were administered and to a group in whom neither IL-6 antagonists nor any other immunomodulators except corticosteroids were administered. Among 72 potentially eligible trials, 27 (37.5%) met study selection criteria.
DATA EXTRACTION AND SYNTHESIS: In this prospective meta-analysis, risk of bias was assessed using the Cochrane Risk of Bias Assessment Tool. Inconsistency among trial results was assessed using the I2 statistic. The primary analysis was an inverse variance-weighted fixed-effects meta-analysis of odds ratios (ORs) for 28-day all-cause mortality.
MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: The primary outcome measure was all-cause mortality at 28 days after randomization. There were 9 secondary outcomes including progression to invasive mechanical ventilation or death and risk of secondary infection by 28 days.
RESULTS: A total of 10 930 patients (median age, 61 years [range of medians, 52-68 years]; 3560 [33%] were women) participating in 27 trials were included. By 28 days, there were 1407 deaths among 6449 patients randomized to IL-6 antagonists and 1158 deaths among 4481 patients randomized to usual care or placebo (summary OR, 0.86 [95% CI, 0.79-0.95]; P = .003 based on a fixed-effects meta-analysis). This corresponds to an absolute mortality risk of 22% for IL-6 antagonists compared with an assumed mortality risk of 25% for usual care or placebo. The corresponding summary ORs were 0.83 (95% CI, 0.74-0.92; P