RESULTS: Restriction-site associated DNA sequencing (RAD-seq) was employed to isolate sex-specific SNP markers for S. paramamosain. A total of 335.6 million raw reads were obtained from 20 individuals, of which 204.7 million were from 10 females and 130.9 million from 10 males. After sequence assembly and female-male comparison, 20 SNP markers were identified to be sex-specific. Furthermore, ten SNPs in a short sequence (285 bp) were confirmed heterozygous in females and homozygous in males in a large population by PCR amplification and sequencing. Subsequently, a female-specific primer was successfully designed according to the female-specific nucleotide which could amplify an expected band from females but not from males. Thus, a rapid and effective method for molecular sexing in S. paramamosain was developed, meanwhile, this method could successfully identify the sex of S. tranquebarica and S. serrata. Finally, nine and four female-specific SNP markers were detected in S. tranquebarica and S. serrata, respectively.
CONCLUSIONS: Sex-specific SNP markers were firstly identified in crab species and showed female heterogamety and male homogamety, which provided strong genetic evidence for a WZ/ZZ sex determination system in mud crabs S. paramamosain, S. tranquebarica and S. serrata. These findings will lay a solid foundation for the study of sex determination mechanism, sex chromosome evolution, and the development of mono-sex population in crustaceans.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A systematic literature search was performed through the SCOPUS database and Web of Science (WOS) database for relevant studies between 2014 and 2022. All published articles that are related to sex estimation from different types of bone, methods, landmarks, and sample sources (i.e., photographs, dry bones, and CT images) were included in this review. The main inclusion criteria were studies on (i) sex estimation; (ii) in South-East Asian populations; (iii) between the years 2014 and 2022; and (iv) in English.
RESULTS: The literature search identified 30 potentially relevant studies, of which 15 publications met all the inclusion criteria. From those research, 13 studies were related to the Thai population and two to the Malaysian population. Only one study was based on morphological traits, while the rest were based on a morphometric approach.
CONCLUSION: All studies found that sex estimation is populationspecific. Therefore, further research is recommended to explore more on population-specific sex estimation using different parts of bone.