Methods: A qualitative approach with a phenomenological research design was adopted. The perceptions of undergraduate and postgraduate optometry students about JCs were captured using focus group discussions. A narrative thematic analysis was done using the verbatim transcripts and moderator's notes. Results are reported using "consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative research" guidelines.
Results: A total of 33 optometry students participated in the study. Data analysis revealed three major themes related to (i) The ongoing practice of JC, (ii) student perceptions of JC and its relevance in facilitating student learning, and (iii) suggestions for modification of JC for achieving optimal educational outcomes.
Discussion: Student feedback indicates that an instructional redesigning of JC is necessary, considering the characteristics and expectations of the current generation of learners and the rapid strides made in the field of educational technology. The recommendations provided are likely to resurrect an age-old approach that still has educational relevance if blended with collaborative learning formats and appropriate technology.
OBJECTIVE: Determining the impact of digital use and internet gaming on empathy of nursing students undergoing remote learning during closure of learning institutions nationwide.
DESIGN: Cross-sectional online survey was conducted from October to December 2020.
SETTINGS: Two established public institutions located in Malaysia.
PARTICIPANTS: A total of 345 nursing students pursuing diploma and bachelor nursing programs.
METHODS: Toronto Empathy Questionnaire (TEQ), Digital Addiction Scale (DAS) and Internet Gaming Disorder Scale-Short form (IGDS9-SF) were self-administered via Google Form™. Following principal component analysis of TEQ using IBM-SPSS™ (V-27), path analyses was performed using SmartPLS™ (V-3).
RESULTS: Despite the increased time spent on digital devices (∆ 2.8 h/day) and internet gaming (∆ 1 h/week) before and during the pandemic, the proportion of high digital users (1.4 %) and gamers (20.9 %) were low; and sizable ≈75 % had higher-than-normal empathy. Digital-related emotions and overuse of them were associated with lower empathy (β = -0.111, -0.192; p values < 0.05) and higher callousness (β = 0.181, 0.131; p values < 0.05); internet gaming addiction predicted callousness (β = 0.265, p
METHODS: A systematic literature search was performed in April 2021 searching PubMed, Psychology and Behavioural Science Collection, Web of Science, ERIC, and Scopus for systematic reviews and meta-analyses on digital mental health interventions targeting university students. The review protocol was registered in the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews PROSPERO [CRD42021234773].
RESULTS: The initital literature search resulted in 806 records of which seven remained after duplicates were removed and evaluated against the inclusion criteria. Effectiveness was reported and categorized into the following six delivery types: (a) web-based, online/computer-delivered interventions (b) computer-based Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), (c) mobile applications and short message service (d) virtual reality interventions (e) skills training (f) relaxation and exposure-based therapy. Results indicated web-based online/computer delivered-interventions were effective or at least partially effective at decressing depression, anxiety, stress and eating disorder symptoms. This was similar for skills-training interventions, CBT-based intervention and mobile applications. However, digital mental health interventions using virtual reality and relaxation, exposure-based therapy was inconclusive. Due to the variation in study settings and inconsistencies in reporting, effectiveness was greatly dependent on the delivery format, targeted mental health problem and targeted purpose group.
CONCLUSION: The findings provide evidence for the beneficial effect of digital mental health interventions for university students. However, this review calls for a more systematic approach in testing and reporting the effectiveness of digital mental health interventions.
OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to translate the Smartphone Addiction Scale-Short Version (SAS-SV) into Chinese and evaluate the psychometric characteristics of the Smartphone Addiction Scale- Chinese Short version (SAS-CSV) among Chinese college students.
METHODS: The SAS-SV was translated into Chinese using the forward-backward method. The SAS-CSV was completed by 557 Chinese college students (sample 1: n = 279; sample 2: n = 278). 62 college students were randomly selected from the 557 Chinese college students to be meas- ured twice, with an interval of two weeks. The reliability of the SAS-CSV was evaluated by internal consistency reliability and test-retest reliability, and the validity of the SAS-CSV was evaluated by content validity, structural validity, convergent validity, and discriminant validity.
RESULTS: The SAS-CSV presented good content validity, high internal consistency (sample 1: α = 0.829; sample 2: α = 0.881), and good test-retest reliability (ICC: 0.975; 95% CI: 0.966-0.985). After one exploratory factor analysis, three components (tolerance, withdrawal, and negative effect) with eigenvalues greater than 1 were obtained, and the cumulative variance contribution was 50.995%. The results of confirmatory factor analysis indicated that all the fit indexes reached the standard of good model fit (χ2/df = 1.883, RMSEA = 0.056, NFI = 0.954, RFI = 0.935, IFI = 0.978, TLI = 0.969, CFI = 0.978). The SAS-CSV presented good convergent validity for the factor loading of all the items ranged from 0.626 to 0.892 (higher than 0.50), the three latent variables' AVE ranged from 0.524 to 0.637 (higher than 0.50), and the three latent variables' CR ranged from 0.813 to 0.838 (higher than 0.70). Moreover, the square roots of the AVE of component 1 (tolerance), component 2 (withdrawal) and component 3 (negative effect) were 0.724, 0.778, and 0.798, respectively, higher than they were with other correlation coefficients, indicating that the SAS-CSV had good discrimination validity.
CONCLUSION: The SAS-CSV is a valid instrument for measuring smartphone addiction among Chinese college students.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A quasi-experimental study was conducted to develop and administer a team-based SDL versus a conventional SDL to teach undergraduate surgical topics. One hundred and seventy-four medical students who underwent the Year 5 surgical posting were recruited. They were assigned to two groups receiving either the teambased SDL or the conventional SDL. Pre- and post-SDL assessments were conducted to determine students' understanding of selected surgical topics. A selfadministered questionnaire was used to collect student feedback on the team-based SDL.
RESULTS: The team-based SDL group scored significantly higher than the conventional SDL group in the post-SDL assessment (74.70 ± 6.81 vs. 63.77 ± 4.18, t = -12.72, p < 0.01). The students agreed that the team-based SDL method facilitated their learning process.
CONCLUSION: The study demonstrated that the use of a teambased SDL is an effective learning strategy for teaching the Year 5 surgical posting. This method encouraged peer discussion and promoted teamwork in completing task assignments to achieve the learning objectives.
METHODS: This study employed a qualitative instrumental case study design intended to compare two groups of students-high-achieving students (n = 14) and low-achieving students (n = 5), enrolled in pre-clinical medical studies at the Universiti Malaya, Malaysia. Data were collected through reflective journals and semi-structured interviews. Regarding journaling, participants were required to recall their learning experiences of the previous academic year. Two analysts coded the data and then compared the codes of high- and low-achieving students. The third analyst reviewed the codes. Themes were identified iteratively, working towards comparing the learning processes of high- and low-achieving students.
RESULTS: Data analysis revealed four themes-motivation and expectation, study methods, self-management, and flexibility of mindset. First, high-achieving students were more motivated and had higher academic expectations than low-achieving students. Second, high-achieving students adopted study planning and deep learning approaches, whereas low-achieving students adopted superficial learning approaches. Third, in contrast to low-achieving students, high-achieving students exhibited better time management and studied consistently. Finally, high-achieving students proactively sought external support and made changes to overcome challenges. In contrast, low-achieving students were less resilient and tended to avoid challenges.
CONCLUSION: Based on the theory of action, high-achieving students utilize positive governing variables, whereas low-achieving students are driven by negative governing variables. Hence, governing variable-based remediation is needed to help low-achieving students interrogate the motives behind their actions and realign positive governing variables, actions, and intended outcomes.Key MessagesThis study found four themes describing the differences between high- and low-achieving pre-clinical medical students: motivation and expectation, study methods, self-management, and flexibility of mindset.Based on the theory of action approach, high-achieving pre-clinical medical students are fundamentally different from their low-achieving peers in terms of their governing variables, with the positive governing variables likely to have guided them to act in a manner beneficial to and facilitating desirable academic performance.Governing variable-based remediation may help students interrogate the motives of their actions.
METHOD: A genre analysis was conducted to identify writing patterns and convention practices of engineering undergraduate students thus a corpus of N = 35 was selected from electrical engineering students in their final year of study. This study adopted Genre Theory as its theoretical framework, Ngowu 1997 analytical framework and BCU approach for analysis procedure. A pilot test was conducted to determine the model that fits the best to describe moves and steps of ELR. Coding scheme was developed and intercoder reliability showed a significance of 0.91 The study benchmarks a move or step to be present in at least 60% of the reports.
RESULTS: The finding shows the introduction consists of one main move which is providing background information of the experiment and followed by four subsequent steps which are reference to research purposes, reference to theoretical knowledge in the field, providing an overview of the study and identification of main research apparatus. The move 1 and all four steps identified above are viewed as obligatory, conventional and optional move and steps in introduction section among undergraduates in academic context. The exemplification of finding shows lack of compliance among undergraduates to produce EELR based on university's guideline in discussing previous literature and underpinning theories, lack of referencing and citation, absence in describing apparatus used and non-sequential moves steps.
CONCLUSION: This study posits the importance of collaboration between English for Academic (EAP) practitioners such as English-writing instructors and discipline specific specialist from engineering field to further improve on genre-based writing instruction, and to identify student learning needs. The method employed in this study may be replicated to analyse other sections of scientific and technical reports such as method, result, discussion and conclusion (MRDC) that may pave ways to address grey areas for improvement in this genre.
METHODS: This study employed a document phenomenological approach, which is a systematic process to examine documents, interpret them to attain understanding, and develop empirical knowledge of the phenomenon studied. Using document analysis, interview transcripts and reflective essays of 16 Year 1 medical students who experienced academic failure were analysed. Based on this analysis, codes were developed and further reduced into categories and themes. Thirty categories in eight themes were linked to make sense of the series of events leading to academic failure.
RESULTS: One or more critical incidents commenced during the academic year, which led to possible resulting events. The students had poor attitudes, ineffective learning methods, health problems or stress. Students progressed to mid-year assessments and reacted differently to their results in the assessments. Afterwards, the students tried different types of attempts, and they still failed the end-of-year assessments. The general process of academic failure is illustrated in a diagram describing chronological events.
CONCLUSION: Academic failure may be explained by a series of events (and consequences) of what students experience and do and how they respond to their experiences. Preventing a preceding event may prevent students from suffering these consequences.
EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY AND SETTING: We present the approach to remote extemporaneous compounding teaching taken by three pharmacy schools: Monash University Malaysia, University of Michigan, and University of Maryland. Prior to delivery, students were either supplied with or asked to procure a set of easily accessible ingredients and equipment to conduct the extemporaneous practicals from home. We conducted lessons remotely using both synchronous and asynchronous delivery, and demonstrated, taught, and assessed practical lab skills using video conferencing modalities.
FINDINGS: We successfully conducted remote teaching of extemporaneous compounding, where similar learning outcomes to the face-to-face implementation were achieved. At Monash University Malaysia, > 90% of students responding to the post-activity surveys found the remote extemporaneous sessions useful for their learning, and qualitative comments supported these views. Mean scores from the remote extemporaneous labs in 2021 were similar to those when conducted physically in 2019, supporting the effectiveness of the approach. The different approaches attempted by the three institutions highlighted the flexibility in implementation that can be considered to achieve similar outcomes.
SUMMARY: Combining technology-based approaches with synchronous and asynchronous teaching and learning methods can successfully deliver extemporaneous compounding skills remotely.
METHODS: All fourth-year pharmacy students enrolled in Monash University in 2017 were provided access to MOVE. Cost-minimization analyses were performed to evaluate the cost of introducing MOVE in the pharmacy course using the smallest cohort size (Malaysia campus) of 40 students as the base case. We also determined under what circumstances MOVE would be more cost-effective, considering the different operational situations such as when student numbers increased or when the number of simulation modules created were increased.
RESULTS: The overall cost of setup and implementation of MOVE in the first year of implementation among 40 students was US $94.38 per student. In comparison, the face-to-face workshop cost was US $64.14 per student. On the second year of implementation, the ongoing cost of operation of MOVE was US $32.86 per student compared with US $58.97 per student using face-to-face workshop. A net benefit using MOVE was observed after the third year of implementation. Larger savings were noted when the cohort size extends larger than 100 students.
CONCLUSIONS: Monash OSCE Virtual Experience was a flexible and cost-effective approach to aid students in preparation for an OSCE and enhanced students' learning experience. The wider applicability of these findings will need to be explored in other settings.
OBJECTIVE: This study aims to evaluate the association between indoor airborne fungi and environmental factors in a student dormitory in southern Thailand.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study was conducted at Walailak University in southern Thailand from September toDecember 2020. Air samples were collected from rooms in thirteen dormitories, and the fungal load was determined using the passive air sampling method. The study also measured meteorological parameters and gathered data on occupant behaviors and exposure-related symptoms through a self-administered questionnaire.
RESULTS: In a total of 135 student rooms, the average concentration (mean ± SD) of indoor airborne fungi was 409.72±176.22 CFU/m3, which showed the highest concentration on the first floor. For meteorological parameters, the averages of RH (%), temperature (°C), and CO2 (ppm) were 70.99±2.37, 31.11±0.56 and 413.29±76.72, respectively. The abundance of indoor airborne fungi was positively associated with an increase in RH (β=0.267, 95% CI: 5.288, 34.401) and building height (β=0.269, 95% CI: 16.283, 105.873), with values of 19.845 and 61.078, respectively. Conversely, temperature exhibited a negative effect on indoor airborne fungi (-92.224, β=-0.292, 95% CI: -150.052, -34.396).
CONCLUSION: The findings highlight the influence of RH, temperature and building height on indoor airborne fungi in the student dormitory. Therefore, effective management strategies are necessary to improve indoor air quality and reduce associated health risks in student dormitories.
OBJECTIVE: This research aims to determine factors influencing students' behavioural intention to use Rain Classroom.
METHODS: In this cross-sectional and correlational investigation, 1138 medical students from five medical universities in Guangxi Province, China, made up the sample. This study added self-efficacy (SE), motivation (MO), stress (ST), and anxiety (AN) to the UTAUT framework. This study modified the framework by excluding actual usage variables and focusing only on intention determinants. SPSS-26 and AMOS-26 were used to analyze the data. The structural equation modelling technique was chosen to confirm the hypotheses.
RESULTS: Except for facilitating conditions (FC), all proposed factors, including performance expectancy (PE), effort expectancy (EE), social influence (SI), self-efficacy (SE), motivation (MO), anxiety (AN), and stress (ST), had a significant effect on students' behavioural intentions to use Rain Classroom.
CONCLUSIONS: The research revealed that the proposed model, which was based on the UTAUT, is excellent at identifying the variables that influence students' behavioural intentions in the Rain Classroom. Higher education institutions can plan and implement productive classrooms.