Displaying publications 441 - 460 of 751 in total

  1. Sangeetha Poovaneswaran, Anuradha Poovaneswaran, Thiruselvi Subramaniam
    With recent medical advances and the availability of newer sophisticated technologies, critically ill patients tend to survive longer. Thus, decisions to forgo life-sustaining medical treatment generate challenging issues that all doctors must face. The aim of this pilot study was to assess attitudes towards end-of-life care in ICU which included futile therapy (withholding and withdrawing therapy) among final year medical students who had received the same degree of clinical exposure and training in medical school. The results revealed varying attitudes and views towards end-of-life care in ICU suggesting other factors such as religion, ethnicity and culture may influence decision making.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Medical
  2. Wan Ismail WS, Nik Jaafar NR, Mohd Daud TI, Shah SA, Ismail A, Shafiee Z
    ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry, 2010;11(1):79-86.
    Objective: School bullying in Malaysia is on the rise. While efforts are put together to combat the problem, the psychiatric aspect has been neglected. This is a cross-sectional study aimed to determine the association between the symptoms of ADHD and bully/victim problems among Malaysian sixthgraders attending primary schools in Kuala Lumpur.
    Methods: A total of 410 sixth-graders from seven randomly selected schools were assessed with regards to bully/victim problems and ADHD symptoms using self-reported questionnaires. Malaysian Bullying Questionnaire was used to rate bully/victim problems while ADHD symptoms were assessed using ConnersWells’ Adolescent Self-report Scale (CASS). Teachers and parents also assessed students’ ADHD symptoms using Conner’s Teachers Rating Scale (CTRS) and Conner’s Parents Rating Scale (CPRS), respectively.
    Results: Self-reported questionnaires showed that 61.2% of the children were involved in bully/victim problems. The ADHD symptoms were found significant in relation to bully/victim problems as tested by multiple logistic regression. Only students and parents reported significant ADHD symptoms among the bully/victim groups. The ADHD symptoms reported by students were significant among bullies(OR=0.59,CI=0.42-0.83, p
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools
  3. Peters, Huberta
    ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry, 2010;11(1):96-102.
    Objective: This review paper will be discussing on mental health of children and adolescents in Malaysia. Behavioural problems, academic failure and underachievement in school are common reasons for referral of children to the medical services. Epidemiological research has substantiated a possible seriously mismatch between the rates of child mental health problems across a broad spectrum and the number of children actually referred to existing services. These data suggest it is imperative in Malaysia to empirically investigate the present realities in the schools in regard to special education needs and their neglect. Methods: The present preliminary study is based on a literature review of epidemiological features of learning disorders and comorbidities using the Cochran library key word search. Available statistics for learning disorders from the WHO are compared with records for the
    year 2007 from the Ministry of Education in Malaysia. Results: Findings of this comparison with international prevalence rates of learning disorders and related diseases show a sizable gap between real existing needs in Malaysia, and their perception. Based on quantitative estimates, the findings suggest that some 1.4 million children in Malaysia have mental health difficulties that interfere with normal functioning and development, but adequate services for intervention are largely not available. Conclusion: The present undersupply of adequate service for children with learning difficulties is aggravated by the lack of systematic developmental screening in early childhood in Malaysia. This status affects the outcomes and development of the general education system in efforts to meet challenges in the new century.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools
  4. Shahid Hassan
    Education in Medicine Journal, 2012;4(1):115-128.
    The impact of good assessment in medical education depends on how appropriately the tools measure the clinical performance and how reliable, valid and feasible they are to achieve the logical decision. The traditional methods of clinical examination using long and short cases and orals are often argued for its subjectivity, low reliability and inadequate context specificity. Oral test though comparatively more valid due to its face-to-face questions are considered less reliable for problems of unstandardized questions, inconsistent marking and lack of sufficient testing time. Development of an “objective structured clinical examination” (OSCE) was sought as a solution to these problems. But the fragmented representation of the context in a number of stations in OSCE makes it less authentic for an integrated judgment of performance. Yet another method to thought of, was the workplace-based assessment (WPBA) but it takes a snapshot as a predefined attribute of a more complex integrated assessment such as long case. However due to the problem of feasibility it is less likely that high stakes examination as summative assessment will ever be able to attain workplace-based assessment such as Mini-CEX and DOPS. A TOACS (task oriented assessment of clinical skills) format currently used in high stakes fellowship examination in one of the center and claimed to have more active role for examiners was analyzed and compared with OSCE. Author however, did not find a difference except the difference of acronyms of the two formats. Both have multiple, fragmented static or interactive stations of 5-10 minutes duration with or without examiners, patients or exhibits and a marking scheme comprising of checklist or global rating. In the backdrop of this context a new assessment format named the ‘task integrated objective structured clinical examination” or TIOSCE modified from OSCE is currently developed in School of Medical Sciences (SMS) at USM. However, it is a different version of OSCE in which though the principle concept is the same as that of an OSCE, the continuum of clinical skill’s work up of the same patient’s is followed through to test multiple short attributes of clinical competences. As it retains most of the favorable features, TIOSCE also addresses some of the odds features of OSCE.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Medical
  5. Wong YC, Mohan M, Pau A
    J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent, 2016 Oct-Dec;34(4):348-53.
    PMID: 27681398 DOI: 10.4103/0970-4388.191415
    CONTEXT: To investigate the antibiotic prescribing training received by dental students, clinical experience in treating child patients, awareness of antibiotic prescribing guidelines, preparedness in antibiotic prescribing, and compliance with antibiotic prescribing guidelines for the management of dental infections in children.
    METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study involving final year dental students from Malaysian and Asian dental schools. A self-administered questionnaire consisting of five clinical case scenarios was e-mailed to all final year students at selected dental schools. Students' responses were compared for each clinical case scenario with the prescribing guidelines of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and the American Dental Association. Compliance in each scenario was tested for association with their preparedness in antibiotic prescribing, previous training on antibiotic prescribing and awareness of antibiotic prescribing guidelines using Chi-square test. Data collected were analyzed using SPSS statistics version 20.
    RESULTS: A total of 108 completed responses were received. About 74 (69%) students were from Malaysian dental schools. The compliance rate with prescribing guidelines ranged from 15.7% to 43.5%. Those attending Malaysian dental schools (47.3%) and those who had treated child patient more often (46.3%) were more likely (P < 0.05) to be aware of the guidelines. Those who had received antibiotic prescribing training (21.3%) were more likely to think they were well prepared in antibiotic prescribing (P < 0.05).
    CONCLUSIONS: Final year dental students had low awareness and compliance with antibiotic prescribing guidelines. Further research is needed to investigate how compliance with the guidelines may be enhanced.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Dental
  6. Flaherty G, Thong Zi Yi C, Browne R
    J Travel Med, 2016 May;23(5).
    PMID: 27378364 DOI: 10.1093/jtm/taw038
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Medical
  7. Norhayati, M.N.H., Zulkifli, A., Naing, L., Rohana, J., Jamil, B.Y.M.
    Despite awareness of the detrimental effects of smoking, many adolescents initiate or continue to smoke. One possible explanation for smoking 13 the belief that it can control body weight. The objective of this study was to determine the association between Body Mass Index and smoking among Malay adolescents in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. A cross·sectional study was conducted between January to June 2005 among 1364 students selected from ten co»educational government secondary schools in Kota Bharu using stratified multistage cluster sampling. Guided self-administered questionnaire and anthropometric measurement were taken. Data was entered using SPSS 12.0 and analysed using STATA 8.0. The overall prevalence of smoking was 6. 7%. The prevalence of smoking among boys was 13.8% and among girls was 1.1%. There was no association between Body Mass Index and smoking. However, the findings may not be generalized to out-of·school youth and other ethnic groups in this country. The study was not conducted anonymously and the use of questionnaire to report smoking status can lead to measurement bias. Strategies aimed at correcting the belief that smoking can reduce weight should be included as one of the components in the prevention of smoking.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools
  8. Fadhli, Y., Zulkifli, A., Razlan, M.
    This is a cross-sectional study to determine the association between religious perception and smoking behavior of secondary male students in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. A self-administered questionnaire survey was conducted on 526 secondary four male students from eight randomly selected schools in Kota Bharu. There were 182 (34.6%) students who were current smokers, 12 (2.3%) were ex-smokers and 332 (63.1%) were non·smokers. More than half of the current smokers (53.4%) smoked regularly. Student’s perceptions on the religious opinion on smoking were signihcantly associated with smoking behavior. Other significant risk factors were having close friends who smoke, their perceptions on benefits and negative effects of smoking and the level of
    y relationship with their fathers. These factors were also found to be good predictors of student's smoking status. Health education programs to control smoking should include the religious aspect of smoking to improve it’s effectiveness.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools
  9. Lim, K.H., Amal, N.M., Sumarni, M.G., Wan Rozita, W.M., Hanjeet, K., Norhamimah, A.B.
    The high morbidity and mortality caused by smoking is a major public health problem today. Smoking prevention has been acknowledged and identified as a long-term measure to overcome this problem. This is a longitudinal knowledge; attitude and practice (KAP) study among form five students over l year. The response rate at follow‘up was 251/337 (74.5 %). The smoking prevalence changed after 1 year (from 29.7% to 26. 7%) after one year. The male to female smoking rates were 52.1% to 3.1% respectively. Students who smoke were found to have a positive attitude as well as poor knowledge of the risks of smoking. The initiation risk factors identified were being male and having a friend who smokes Positive peer influence also contributed to smoking cessation after a period of one year. Holistic measures that stress on micro macro and approaches such as health education programe to enhance knowledge of smoking hazards and community participation ( cooperation of school, family and community member) should be fomtulated in order to reduce initiation of smoking among the adolescents. Quit smoking programmes must also be readily available.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools
  10. Al-Otaibi, Amani Awwadh, Faisal Bin Ibrahim, Rampl, Lekhraj, Siti Aishah Hassan
    Tobacco use among females is a rising public health issue. Further insight into the smoking epidemic can be gained from studying a specific subgroup of interest within the population. Determining predictors of each tobacco smoking type is necessary for planning tobacco specific intervention programmes. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of ever tobacco use and its associated socio-demographic factors among Saudi female adolescents aged 12 to 19 in Jeddah. A cross-sectional analytical study was conducted among female students from intermediate and high secondary schools in Jeddah during the academic year 2012-2013. Sampling with probability proportionate to size was used to select a sample of 5,150 students from 40 schools. The data were collected using validated self-administrated questionnaire that required information on tobacco use behaviours and selected socio-demographic characteristics. A total of 5,073 students participated in this study of whom 51.6% were from intermediate grades, and 83.1% from public schools. The prevalence of ever tobacco use was 44.2% (36.2% water pipe and 30.9% cigarettes). The significant predictors of ever tobacco use were student’s age, mother’s education, family structure, residence location and monthly student’s allowance. In conclusion, ever tobacco used is highly prevalent among female adolescents in Jeddah. Designing intervention programmes aimed at preventing Saudi female adolescents from smoking should include all forms of tobacco use.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools
  11. Nurasikin, M.S., Aini, A., Aida Syarinaz, A.A., Ng, C.G.
    Background: Duke University Religion Index (DUREL) is a brief and easy to use instrument for measurement of religious commitment. Objective: The aim of this study was to validate the Malay version of DUREL (DUREL-M) among a group of nursing students. Methods: This is a cross-sectional validation study conducted in a nursing school involved a group of year 1 nursing students. The students were given the Malay version of DUREL, Malay version of General Health Questionnaire (GHQ), Malay version of Brief COPE, Malay version of Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS21), English version of DUREL. A week later, they were again given the Malay version of DUREL. Results: The instrument displayed good parallel reliability (0.70), test-retest reliability (0.68) (Spearman’s rho, p.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Nursing
  12. Juslina O, Leelavathi M, Khairani O, Tuti Iryani MD
    Malays Fam Physician, 2011;6(2):66-67.
    Adolescent smoking is an emerging health concern in the developing countries. A cross-sectional study is conducted to determine the prevalence and smoking behaviour of adolescents in Sarawak. The prevalence of smoking is 32.8% with mean age of initiation at 12.8±1.9 years. Most (67.2%) adolescents are experimental smokers and the majority (67.9%) did not smoke on a daily basis. Branded cigarettes are preferred (83.1%) and the cigarettes are obtained either from friends (49.1%) or self purchased (43.6%). Students prefer to smoke at their friend’s house (31.0%) or at school (25.3%). Smoking prevalence among adolescents in Sarawak is high and begins early. Early intervention on smoking prevention and risk awareness is perhaps more effective if initiated before the age of 12 years.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools
  13. Shamsul Azhar Shah, Azura Abdullah, Azimatun Noor Aizuddin, Mohd Rohaizat Hassan, Nazarudin Safian, Rozita Hod, et al.
    ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry, 2012;13(2):128-137.
    Objective: Truancy is a disciplinary problem, which frequently occurs among school students and it has many contributory as well as inter-related factors. It is a growing problem in this country and it often becomes a prelude to other delinquent behaviours. The study objective is to determine the prevalence of truancy as well as factors related to it including psycho-behavioural factors. Methods: A cross-sectional study involving 556 Malay student’s selected using multi-stage sampling was conducted. Results: The overall prevalence of truancy is 30.2%. The predictors to truancy are age, students who frequenting entertainment centre, students who have not completed Quran recital, coping strategies using problems solving methods and time spent watching television/video. There is a significant association between truancy and psycho-behaviour such as watching video/internet pornography, frequenting entertainment centre, smoking, motorcycle racing and dating a special friend. Conclusion: Truancy is a social issue, which must be given serious attention by all concerned components of the society.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools
  14. Lim, Kuang Hock, Sumarni Mohd Ghazali, Kee, Chee Cheong, Hejar Abdul Rahman, Amal Nasir Mustafa
    Int J Public Health Res, 2012;2(1):85-92.
    Accepted 8 February 2012.
    Introduction Social norms, though an important contributing factor of adolescent smoking in developed countries, has not been extensively studied in Malaysia. The objective of this study was to determine the association between certain perceived norms regarding smoking with smoking status among Malaysian secondary school students in Kota Tinggi, Johor.
    Methods Data were collected from 2311 respondents consisting of 1379 male and 923 female secondary school students in Kota Tinggi district via a self administered questionnaire. Five perceived norms regarding smoking were assessed, namely: perceived peer smoking prevalence, perceived parental reaction towards adolescent smoking, perceived public perception of adolescent smoking, ever noticed peers smoking inside and outside school and perceived enforcement of anti-smoking policy in school and their association with smoking status. Multiple logistic regressions controlling for gender, peer smoking and family smoking was performed.
    Results Of the five perceived norms, four were associated with smoking status, (perceived peer smoking prevalence (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools
  15. Adib Asmawi Mohd Yusoff, Irniza Rasdi, Ahmed S. Mahmoud Ben Hameid, Karmegam Karuppiah
    Ergonomic is important in classroom. Sitting for protracted period in class may lead students to develop musculoskeletal disorders. Their physical health and performance in the class may increase by designing school furniture that match with human body. In Malaysia, there is a lack of ergonomic assessment for school environment especially in urban areas. The aim of this study is to determine the mismatch between the furniture dimension and anthropometric parameters among primary school children in Putrajaya. This is a cross-sectional study which involved 100, Year 1 and Year 6 primary school students randomly selected in Putrajaya. Five anthropometric measurements (popliteal height, buttock popliteal length, elbow height, shoulder height (sitting), hip breadth) as well as five furniture dimensions (seat height, seat depth, seat width, backrest height and seat to desk height) were measured. Instrument used is Martin type anthropometer set, SECA body meter, and SECA weighing scale. Calculation for determining mismatch between the furniture and anthropometric measures were calculated using a standard mismatch formula. There was 100% mismatch for seat height, seat depth, and seat to seat to desk height for Year 1. As for Year 6, mismatch was reported 100% for backrest height and seat to desk height. There were significance difference for parameters of popliteal height between Year 1 and Year 6 and between male and female of Year 1. There was a presence of mismatch between furniture dimension and children anthropometric measurement. Proposed dimension of furniture shows decrease in percentage of mismatch for the most parameter of anthropometric measurement.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools
  16. Ahmad MF, Muhamad TA, Surat S, Hassim JZ, Lamat SA
    The implementation of the 1 Student 1 Sport Policy (D1M1S) focuses on the involvement of students who are less active in sports activities in order to polish and further developed their talent potential. It is
    believed that the responsibility and the role of teachers are vital in ensuring the implementation of D1M1S conducted at the school level. However, the use of teachers as executors in ensuring that this policy is carried out must be studied and identified to achieve the goal of D1M1S besides improving the quality of work to a higher level. This study was conducted to identify the implementation level of D1M1S among teachers in secondary schools in Kluang, Johor, implementation of D1M1S based on gender differences and category of school and existing relationships such as elements of skill, understanding,
    commitment and sports facilities. The key success of D1M1S implementation is closely
    related to the teachers as executors. This study was carried out on 389 secondary school
    teachers in Kluang, Johor. Questionnaire containing 36 items was developed and
    administered to measure the elements of skill, commitment, understanding and sport
    facilities. Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient value of the instrument was 0.95. The data
    were analysed using descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation and frequency) and
    inferential analysis (independent samples t-test and Pearson correlation). The findings
    showed high level of understanding towards D1M1S while the elements of skill, commitment
    and sports facilities were at a moderate level. In addition, there were significant difference in
    terms of mean scores reported for the implementation of D1M1S based on the genders of the
    teachers with the skills element (p = 0.00
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools
  17. Rahman, M.M., Ahmad, S.A., Karim, M.J., Akoi, C.
    Smoking among school children is becoming a serious problem in developing countries, including Bangladesh. The early initiation of smoking needs urgent intervention to protect this vulnerable group and preventing them to be addicted. This study aims to determine the age at initiation of smoking and factors affecting it. A two-stage cluster sampling was used with a selection of schools on probability proportional to enrolment size followed by stratified random sampling of government and private schools and then a random start in classes VIII, IX and X of each school targeting the students aged 13 years and above. Data collected from secondary school students using self-administered structured questionnaire. All analyses were performed with SPSS version 20.0. Missing value was treated by multiple imputations. A total of 6877 data were analysed in which 84.7% were non-smoker, 9.5% were ever smoker and 5.8% were current smokers. Among the ever smoker (n=823), 38% were current smokers, 56.5% former and 5.5% were recent quitters. The mean (SD) age at initiation of smoking was 10.9 (0.2) years. Multinomial regression analysis revealed that class grade, peer pressure and offered free cigarette appeared to be significant predictors of smoking initiation (p0.05). Promotion of smoking resistance skills among children and teens through comprehensive approaches designed to enhance general personal competence by teaching an array of personal and social life skills is recommended.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools
  18. Muhamad Saiful Bahri Yusoff, Mohd Jamil Yaacob, Nyi, Nyi Naing, Abdul Rahman Esa
    Many researchers have emphasized the importance of teaching stress management and self-care skills to medical students as they are vulnerable to develop psychological health problems. The researchers designed a 4-hour intervention based on the DEAL model to address these problems. This study aimed to determine outcomes of the DEAL-based intervention on medical students’ stress, anxiety and depression symptoms. Methods: A randomized controlled trial study was conducted on 171 medical students. Their stress, anxiety and depression symptoms were measured by the 21-item Depression Anxiety Stress Scale at five intervals; at 2 weeks before the intervention, and at 1 week, 8 weeks, 16 weeks and 32 weeks after the intervention. The mixed model ANCOVA was applied to determine the effect of the intervention on the participants’ psychological health at five intervals. Results: A total of 153 medical students (intervention = 73 and control = 80) completed this study. Results showed that the intervention group experienced significantly lower stress and depression symptoms than the control group. Although anxiety scores are consistently lower in the intervention group, no significant differences between groups were found. Conclusion: These results support the favourable outcomes of the intervention on psychological health of medical students. It is a promising intervention to be considered by medical schools as it consumes minimal amount of time, money, training and man power as well can be implemented easily.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Medical
  19. Lim, K.H., Sumarni, M.G., Kee, C.C., Amal, N.M., Norhamimah, A.
    Medicine & Health, 2011;6(1):49-58.
    Susceptibility to smoking, which is defined as a lack of cognitive commitment not to smoke in the future, has been shown to be a predictor for adolescent smoking initiation in developed countries. This study aims to evaluate the utility of a susceptibility-tosmoke measure as a predictor of smoking initiation among adolescents in Kota Tinggi district, Johor Malaysia. Susceptibility to smoking was evaluated among 1763 adolescents at baseline using a two-item construct. At follow-up 12 months later, 1288 of the 1763 adolescents (73.1%) responded. Results showed 14.9% (n=188/1260) of the respondents were susceptible to smoking at baseline. Among the susceptible adolescents, 31.9% initiated smoking after one year. Respondents who were identified as susceptible to smoking by the measure were 3.7 times (95%; CI: 2.17- 6.30) more likely to initiate smoking compared to non-susceptible respondents after adjusting for gender, school locality, percentage of friends who smoke, father smoking, parental acceptance of smoking, and belief in the positive and negative consequences of smoking. The findings suggest that the susceptibility measure is a reliable predictor and can be used as a screening tool to identify adolescents who are at risk of initiating smoking.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools
  20. Naznin, M., Pakeer-Oothuman, Nasuruddin, B.A., Abdul-Wahab, J.
    Background: The Medical Faculty of the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) runs an undergraduate medical programme which is a combination of the traditional and the newer trends of medical curriculum. The IIUM curriculum in Phase I (Years 1, 2: preclinical) is integrated organ system based, with lectures being the main method of curriculum delivery and also incorporating problem-based learning (PBL) as one of the teaching-learning approaches. Methods: The aim of this study is to examine the effectiveness of PBL teaching-learning method in IIUM in achieving the aims of the medical school as viewed by the students. A total of 287 students from Phase I and Phase II (Year 3: clinical) participated in this study at the end of academic session 2006/2007. The questionnaires distributed consisted of 33 items with four different aspects of PBL being evaluated namely; i) PBL objectives, ii) assessment of performance of the facilitators, iii) assessment of the PBL packages and iv) preferred teaching-learning approach. Results: An average of 86.4 % of students agreed that PBL sessions achieved its aims of preparing students for professional training in the clinical years. Also approximately 80% of students felt that the facilitators fulfilled their roles as PBL tutors. Students were generally satisfied with the PBL packages prepared. However about 50% of Year 2 students did not look forward to PBL sessions and only about 20% of preclinical students wanted more PBL sessions to be scheduled. This latter finding differed as 60% of the clinical (Year 3) students wanted more PBL sessions to be implemented. A significant proportion of the students also believed that they needed some prior information about the PBL case in question in order to generate lively exchange of ideas in the first sessions. Preclinical students preferred lectured-based approach as compared to PBL in contrast to the clinical (Year 3) students of whom 57% (62) preferred the PBL teaching-learning approach. Nearly 80% of the Year 3 students found the exposure to PBL sessions during their preclinical years beneficial during the clinical year. Discussion: Although our findings supported the effectiveness of PBL as one of the teaching-learning approaches (as perceived by our students) there are a few areas of concern. These include believing that a prior knowledge of the topic in question is needed to generate a lively discussion; the group not being motivated; the group members confining themselves to individual assignments only; PBL not being supportive of on-going self- assessment; the consequence of a facilitator being too dominant; and cases constructed do not reflect real clinical scenarios. Despite agreeing to its effectiveness preclinical students still preferred lecture-based approach to the PBL as they are more confident with the knowledge as obtained through the former learning modality. Conclusion: PBL is an effective learning strategy and it contributes to the teaching-learning process of IIUM undergraduate preclinical medical programme which implements a non-Problem Based Curriculum. We are of the opinion that a combination of lecture sessions and PBL best suit the IIUM medical students.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Medical
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