Displaying publications 481 - 500 of 648 in total

  1. Bulgiba AM
    Prev Med, 2005 Jun;40(6):696-701.
    PMID: 15850867
    The objective of this study is to look at how well patient history and examination findings can be used in screening for angina.
    Matched MeSH terms: Severity of Illness Index
  2. Brand Y, Lim E, Waran V, Prepageran N
    J Laryngol Otol, 2015 Dec;129(12):1243-7.
    PMID: 26412297 DOI: 10.1017/S0022215115002601
    Endoscopic endonasal techniques have recently become the method of choice in dealing with cerebrospinal fluid leak involving the anterior cranial fossa. However, most surgeons prefer an intracranial approach when leaks involve the middle cranial fossa. This case report illustrates the possibilities of using endoscopic techniques for cerebrospinal fluid leaks involving the middle fossa.
    Matched MeSH terms: Severity of Illness Index
  3. Trutnovsky G, Kamisan Atan I, Martin A, Dietz HP
    BJOG, 2016 Aug;123(9):1551-6.
    PMID: 26435045 DOI: 10.1111/1471-0528.13692
    OBJECTIVE: To analyse the associations between delivery mode and symptoms and signs of pelvic organ prolapse (POP) in a cohort of symptomatic women.

    DESIGN: Retrospective observational study.

    POPULATION: A total of 1258 consecutive women attending a tertiary urogynaecological unit for the investigation of lower urinary tract or pelvic floor disorders between January 2012 and December 2014.

    METHODS: Obstetric history and clinical examination data were obtained from the unit database. Prolapse quantification on imaging was performed using stored four-dimensional translabial ultrasound volume data sets. Women were grouped into four groups according to the most traumatic delivery reported. The presence of symptoms and signs of POP were compared between delivery groups while controlling for potential confounders.

    MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Prolapse symptoms, visual analogue score for prolapse bother, International Continence Society Prolapse Quantification System findings and ultrasound findings of anterior, central and posterior compartment descent.

    RESULTS: Nulliparae showed the lowest prevalence of most measures of POP, followed by women exclusively delivered by caesarean section. Highest prevalences were consistently found in women delivered at least once by forceps, although the differences between this group and women delivered by normal vaginal delivery and/or vacuum extraction were significant in three out of eight measures only. Compared with women in the caesarean section group, the adjusted odds ratios for reporting symptoms of prolapse were 2.4 (95% CI 1.30-4.59) and 3.2 (95% CI 1.65-6.12) in the normal vaginal delivery/vacuum extraction group and forceps group, respectively.

    CONCLUSIONS: There is a clear link between vaginal delivery and symptoms and signs of pelvic organ prolapse in urogynaecological patients.

    TWEETABLE ABSTRACT: Compared with caesarean section a history of vaginal delivery more than doubles the risk for POP.

    Matched MeSH terms: Severity of Illness Index
  4. Ng SC, Zeng Z, Niewiadomski O, Tang W, Bell S, Kamm MA, et al.
    Gastroenterology, 2016 Jan;150(1):86-95.e3; quiz e13-4.
    PMID: 26385074 DOI: 10.1053/j.gastro.2015.09.005
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: The incidence of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is increasing in Asia, but little is known about disease progression in this region. The Asia-Pacific Crohn's and Colitis Epidemiology Study was initiated in 2011, enrolling subjects from 8 countries in Asia (China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Macau, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand) and Australia. We present data from this ongoing study.
    METHODS: We collected data on 413 patients diagnosed with IBD (222 with ulcerative colitis [UC], 181 with Crohn's disease [CD], 10 with IBD unclassified; median age, 37 y) from 2011 through 2013. We analyzed the disease course and severity and mortality. Risks for medical and surgical therapies were assessed using Kaplan-Meier analysis.
    RESULTS: The cumulative probability that CD would change from inflammatory to stricturing or penetrating disease was 19.6%. The cumulative probabilities for use of immunosuppressants or anti-tumor necrosis factor agents were 58.9% and 12.0% for patients with CD, and 12.7% and 0.9% for patients with UC, respectively. Perianal CD was associated with an increased risk of anti-tumor necrosis factor therapy within 1 year of its diagnosis (hazard ratio, 2.97; 95% confidence interval, 1.09-8.09). The cumulative probabilities for surgery 1 year after diagnosis were 9.1% for patients with CD and 0.9% for patients with UC. Patients with CD and penetrating disease had a 7-fold increase for risk of surgery, compared with patients with inflammatory disease (hazard ratio, 7.67; 95% confidence interval, 3.93-14.96). The overall mortality for patients with IBD was 0.7%.
    CONCLUSIONS: In a prospective population-based study, we found that the early course of disease in patients with IBD in Asia was comparable with that of the West. Patients with CD frequently progress to complicated disease and have accelerated use of immunosuppressants. Few patients with early stage UC undergo surgery in Asia. Increasing our understanding of IBD progression in different populations can help optimize therapy and improve outcomes.
    KEYWORDS: ACCESS; Natural History; Risk Factor; Treatment
    Matched MeSH terms: Severity of Illness Index
  5. Tumian NR, Wong CL
    Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol, 2015 Aug;54(4):432-7.
    PMID: 26384065 DOI: 10.1016/j.tjog.2014.11.023
    Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) is a disorder characterized by uncontrolled mature histiocyte proliferation, hemophagocytosis, and hypercytokinemia. We describe a previously healthy pregnant patient who presented in the third trimester of pregnancy with HLH.
    Matched MeSH terms: Severity of Illness Index
  6. Price D, David-Wang A, Cho SH, Ho JC, Jeong JW, Liam CK, et al.
    J Asthma, 2016 09;53(7):761-9.
    PMID: 27096388 DOI: 10.3109/02770903.2016.1141951
    OBJECTIVE: We examined the physician perspectives on asthma management in Asia.

    METHODS: An online/face-to-face, questionnaire-based survey of respiratory specialists and primary care physicians from eight Asian countries/region was carried out. The survey explored asthma control, inhaler selection, technique and use; physician-patient communications and asthma education. Inclusion criteria were >50% of practice time spent on direct patient care; and treated >30 patients with asthma per month, of which >60% were aged >12 years.

    RESULTS: REALISE Asia (Phase 2) involved 375 physicians with average 15.9(±6.8) years of clinical experience. 89.1% of physicians reporting use of guidelines estimated that 53.2% of their patients have well-controlled (GINA-defined) asthma. Top consideration for inhaler choice was asthma severity (82.4%) and lowest, socio-economic status (32.5%). Then 54.7% of physicians checked their patients' inhaler techniques during consultations but 28.2(±19.1)% of patients were using their inhalers incorrectly; 21.1-57.9% of physicians could spot improper inhaler techniques in video demonstrations. And 79.6% of physicians believed combination inhalers could increase adherence because of convenience (53.7%), efficacy (52.7%) and usability (18.9%). Initial and follow-up consultations took 16.8(±8.4) and 9.2(±5.3) minutes, respectively. Most (85.1%) physicians used verbal conversations and least (24.5%), video demonstrations of inhaler use; 56.8% agreed that patient attitudes influenced their treatment approach.

    CONCLUSION: Physicians and patients have different views of 'well-controlled' asthma. Although physicians informed patients about asthma and inhaler usage, they overestimated actual usage and patients' knowledge was sub-optimal. Physician-patient interactions can be augmented with understanding of patient attitudes, visual aids and ancillary support to perform physical demonstrations to improve treatment outcomes.

    Matched MeSH terms: Severity of Illness Index
  7. Chang CC, Ng CC, Too CL, Choon SE, Lee CK, Chung WH, et al.
    Pharmacogenomics J, 2017 03;17(2):170-173.
    PMID: 26927288 DOI: 10.1038/tpj.2016.10
    Phenytoin (PHT) is a common cause of severe cutaneous adverse reactions (SCARs), including Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS), toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) and drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS). Although HLA-B*15:02 is associated with PHT-induced SJS/TEN (PHT-SJS/TEN) in Han Chinese and Thais, the genetic basis for susceptibility to PHT-induced SCARs (PHT-SCAR) in other populations remains unclear. We performed a case-control association study by genotyping the human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-B alleles of 16 Malay PHT-SCAR patients (13 SJS/TEN and 3 DRESS), 32 PHT-tolerant controls and 300 healthy ethnicity-matched controls. A novel genetic biomarker, HLA-B*15:13, showed significant association with PHT-SJS/TEN (53.8%, 7/13 cases) (odds ratio (OR) 11.28, P=0.003) and PHT-DRESS (100%, 3/3 cases) (OR 59.00, P=0.003) when compared with PHT-tolerant controls (9.4%, 3/32 controls). We also confirmed HLA-B*15:02 association with PHT-SJS/TEN (61.5%, 8/13 cases vs 21.9%, 7/32 controls; OR 5.71, P=0.016) when compared with PHT-tolerant controls. These alleles may serve as markers to predict PHT-SCAR in Malays.
    Matched MeSH terms: Severity of Illness Index
  8. Yahya N, Ebert MA, Bulsara M, House MJ, Kennedy A, Joseph DJ, et al.
    Med Phys, 2016 May;43(5):2040.
    PMID: 27147316 DOI: 10.1118/1.4944738
    Given the paucity of available data concerning radiotherapy-induced urinary toxicity, it is important to ensure derivation of the most robust models with superior predictive performance. This work explores multiple statistical-learning strategies for prediction of urinary symptoms following external beam radiotherapy of the prostate.
    Matched MeSH terms: Severity of Illness Index
  9. Amini P, Abdullah M, Seng LS, Karunakaran T, Hani N, Bakar SA, et al.
    Int Forum Allergy Rhinol, 2016 Jun;6(6):624-30.
    PMID: 26919193 DOI: 10.1002/alr.21442
    BACKGROUND: The number of available reports regarding the influence of ethnicity on clinical features of allergic rhinitis (AR), especially disease severity in tropical climates, is limited. We aimed to compare clinical parameters and disease severity in AR patients of different ethnicities.

    METHODS: Malay, Chinese, and Indian AR patients (n = 138) with confirmed sensitivity to Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, Dematophagoides farinae, and Blomia tropicalis were tested for mite-specific immunoglobulin E (sIgE) levels. A detailed questionnaire was used to collect data on nasal symptom score (NSS), ocular symptom score (OSS), sum of symptoms score (SSS), quality of life score (QLS), symptomatic control score (SCS), and total sum of scores (TSS) and correlate the derived data with patients' demography, mite-polysensitivity, and sIgE levels.

    RESULTS: AR-related symptoms were most severe in Malays and least in Chinese (p < 0.01). Age (r = 0.516 to 0.673, p < 0.05) and duration of AR (r = 0.635 to 0.726, p < 0.01) correlated positively with severity domains (NSS, SSS, QLS, and TSS) in Chinese. Duration of concurrent allergies was highest in Malays (p < 0.05). Polysensitivity predicted increased sIgE levels in Malays (r = 0.464 to 0.551, p < 0.01) and Indians (r = 0.541 to 0.645, p < 0.05) but affected NSS, SSS, and TSS only in Indians (r = 0.216 to 0.376, p < 0.05). sIgE levels were lowest among Chinese but correlated strongly with NSS, OSS, SSS, and TSS (r = 0408 to 0.898, p < 0.05).

    CONCLUSION: Clinical parameters in AR may be influenced by race. Symptoms were most severe among Malays but did not correlate with other variables examined. Although Indian ethnicity did not impact disease severity, duration of concurrent allergies and mite-polysensitivity was associated with more severe disease. Age, duration of disease, and sIgE levels may be useful indicators of disease severity in Chinese.

    Matched MeSH terms: Severity of Illness Index
  10. Naing C, Yeoh PN, Wai VN, Win NN, Kuan LP, Aung K
    Medicine (Baltimore), 2016 Jan;95(2):e2417.
    PMID: 26765422 DOI: 10.1097/MD.0000000000002417
    This study aimed to determine trends in prevalence, awareness, and control of hypertension in Malaysia and to assess the relationship between socioeconomic determinants and prevalence of hypertension in Malaysia.The distribution of hypertension in Malaysia was assessed based on available data in 3 National Health and Morbidity Surveys (NHMSs) and 1 large scale non-NHMS during the period of 1996 to 2011. Summary statistics was used to characterize the included surveys. Differences in prevalence, awareness, and control of hypertension between any 2 surveys were expressed as ratios. To assess the independent associations between the predictors and the outcome variables, regression analyses were employed with prevalence of hypertension as an outcome variable.Overall, there was a rising trend in the prevalence of hypertension in adults ≥30 years: 32.9% (30%-35.8%) in 1996, 42.6% (37.5%-43.5%) in 2006, and 43.5% (40.4%-46.6%) in 2011. There were significant increase of 32% from 1996 to 2011 (P 
    Matched MeSH terms: Severity of Illness Index
  11. Lim R, Liong ML, Leong WS, Khan NA, Yuen KH
    Trials, 2015;16:279.
    PMID: 26093910 DOI: 10.1186/s13063-015-0803-1
    There is currently a lack of randomized, sham-controlled trials that are adequately powered, using validated outcomes, to allow for firm recommendations on the use of magnetic stimulation for stress urinary incontinence. We report a protocol of a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled parallel-group trial to evaluate the efficacy of magnetic stimulation for stress urinary incontinence.
    Matched MeSH terms: Severity of Illness Index
  12. Shekhar KC, Achike FI, Kaur G, Kumar P, Hashim R
    J Altern Complement Med, 2002 Aug;8(4):445-57.
    PMID: 12230905
    A nonrandomized, non-placebo-controlled clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy of Cogent db (an herbal preparation; Cybele Herbal Laboratories [PVT] Ltd. Kochi, Kerala State, India) as an adjuvant in the treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes was carried out during a 3-month period.
    Matched MeSH terms: Severity of Illness Index
  13. Ong SG, Cheng HM, Soon SC, Goh E, Chow SK, Yeap SS
    Clin Rheumatol, 2002 Sep;21(5):382-5.
    PMID: 12223986 DOI: 10.1007/s100670200102
    The aim of this study was to investigate the incidence of IgG anticardiolipin antibody (ACL) and IgG anti-beta(2) glycoprotein I antibody (anti-beta2GPI) positivity in patients with primary or secondary antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), to assess the association between IgG ACL and anti-beta2GPI, and the relationship between the presence of ACL and anti-beta2GPI with the clinical manifestations of APS. IgG ACL and IgG anti-beta2GPI levels were measured in 51 SLE patients, 20 patients with SLE and APS (secondary APS) and 11 primary APS patients using commercially available ELISA kits. Relationships between laboratory data and clinical manifestations of the patients were examined. The incidence of IgG ACL positivity was significantly higher in primary (36.4%) and secondary (40%) APS than in SLE (13.7%) patients (P = 0.02). The incidence of IgG anti-beta2GPI positivity was significantly higher in primary (54.5%) and secondary (35%) APS than in SLE (7.8%) patients (P = 0.0006). Mean levels of IgG ACL and anti-beta2GPI were significantly higher in the primary and secondary APS than in the SLE patients (P = 0.002 for both). A significant relationship was found between IgG ACL and IgG anti-beta2GPI (P = 0.01, R(2) = 0.56). There was a significant correlation between the presence of IgG ACL and a history of thrombosis in the combined primary and secondary APS group, but not in SLE patients. In conclusion, in this study IgG ACL and IgG anti-beta2GPI are closely related and mean levels of IgG ACL and IgG anti-beta2GPI are higher in patients with either primary or secondary APS than in SLE patients.
    Study site: Rheumatology Clinic, University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Severity of Illness Index
  14. Azizah MR, Ainol SS, Kong NCT, Normaznah Y, Rahim MN
    Korean J. Intern. Med., 2001 Jun;16(2):123-31.
    PMID: 11590899 DOI: 10.3904/kjim.2001.16.2.123
    BACKGROUND: Studies have shown that certain genes within the major histocompatibility complex predispose to systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and may influence clinical and autoantibody expression. Thus, we studied the frequency of HLA-DR, -DQA, -DQB and -DPB alleles in ethnic Malays with SLE to determine the role of these genes in determining disease susceptibility and their association with clinical and immunological manifestations.
    METHODS: Fifty-six Malay SLE patients were enrolled into the study. Demographic, clinical and immunological findings were obtained from medical records. HLA-DR, DQ and DP typing were done using modified PCR-RELP. Controls were from ethnically-matched healthy individuals.
    RESULTS: We found a strongly significant association of the DR2 and DQB1 *0501 and DQB1*0601 (pcorr = 0.03, rr = 3.83, pcorr = 0.0036, rr = 4.56 and pcorr = 0.0048 and rr = 6.0, respectively). There was also a weak increase of DQB1*0.201 and DPB1*0.0901 with a weak decrease of DQA1*0601 and DQB1*0503 and *0301 which were not significant after corrections for multiple comparisons were made. There was a significant positive association of DR2 and DQB1*0501 with renal involvement and DR8 with alopecia. A nonsignificant increase of DQB1*0503 in patients with photosensitivity was noted. Significant autoantibody associations were also found: DQB1*0601 with anti-Sm/RNP, DR2 with antiSSA (Ro)/SSB (La), and DR2, DQB1*0501 and *0601 with antibodies to ds DNA. There was no specific DR, DQ or DP associations with age of disease onset (below 30 years or those at or above 30 years).
    CONCLUSION: Our data suggests the role of the HLA class II genes in conferring SLE susceptibility and in clinical and autoantibody expression.
    Study site: SLE Clinic, Pusat Perubatan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (PPUKM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Severity of Illness Index
  15. Yii MK
    Asian J Surg, 2003 Jul;26(3):149-53.
    PMID: 12925289 DOI: 10.1016/S1015-9584(09)60374-2
    Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) repairs represent a significant workload in vascular surgery in Asia. This study aimed to audit AAA surgery and evaluate the application of the Portsmouth Physiological and Operative Severity Score for the Enumeration of Mortality and Morbidity (P-POSSUM) in an Asian vascular unit for standard of care. Eighty-five consecutive surgical patients with AAA from a prospective vascular database from July 1996 to December 2001 in Sarawak were available for analysis. Comparisons between predicted deaths by P-POSSUM and observed deaths in both urgency of surgery categories (elective, urgent, emergency ruptures) and risk range groups (0-5%, >5-15%, >15-50%, >50-100%) were made. No significant difference was found between the predicted and observed rates of death for elective, urgent and emergency AAA repairs. The observed mortality rates were 5%, 18% and 30%, respectively. The observed rates of death were also comparable to P-POSSUM predicted rates of death in the various risk range groups. The POSSUM score used with the P-POSSUM mortality equation is easy to use and applicable as a comparative vascular auditing tool in Asia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Severity of Illness Index
  16. Chan PW, Abdel-Latif ME
    Acta Paediatr, 2003 Apr;92(4):481-5.
    PMID: 12801117
    Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) chest infection is a common cause of hospitalization in the very young child. The aim of this study was to determine the direct cost of resource utilization in the treatment of children hospitalized with RSV chest infection and the potential cost-savings with passive immunization for high-risk infants. An audit of the hospital resource consumption and its costs was performed for 216 children aged < 24 mo admitted with RSV chest infection between 1995 and 1997. The cost-saving potential of passive immunization using monoclonal RSV antibodies during the RSV season was determined by assuming an 0.55 efficacy in hospitalization reduction when administered to "high-risk" infants according to the guidelines outlined by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). The hospital treatment cost of 1064 bed-days amounted to USD 64 277.70. Each child occupied a median of 4.0 bed-days at a median cost of USD 169.99 (IQ1 128.08, IQ3 248.47). Children, who were ex-premature or with an underlying illness were more likely to have a longer hospital stay, higher treatment costs and need for intensive care. Ten (42%) of 24 ex-premature infants fulfilled the recommended criteria for passive immunization. Its use resulted in an incremental cost of USD 31.39 to a potential cost saving of USD 0.91 per infant for each hospital day saved.

    CONCLUSION: Ex-prematurity and the presence of an underlying illness results in escalation of the direct treatment cost of RSV chest infection. Current guidelines for use of passive RSV immunization do not appear to be cost-effective if adopted for Malaysian infants.

    Matched MeSH terms: Severity of Illness Index
  17. Boo NY, Cheong KB, Cheong SK, Lye MS, Zulfiqar MA
    J Paediatr Child Health, 1997 Aug;33(4):329-34.
    PMID: 9323622
    OBJECTIVES: To compare the overall accuracy of the stable microbubble test (SM test) with measurement of level of surfactant protein A (SP-A) of tracheal aspirate for the diagnosis of respiratory distress syndrome (RDS).

    METHODOLOGY: Tracheal aspirates were obtained from neonates on ventilatory support. The SM test was carried out on specimens of tracheal aspirate immediately after collection. Levels of SP-A in tracheal aspirates were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method. The results of the SM test and SP-A level of the tracheal aspirates were compared against the clinical diagnosis of RDS based on clinical, radiological and bacteriological findings.

    RESULTS: Both the median microbubble counts (6 microbubbles/mm2, range = 0-90) and median SP-A levels (100 micrograms/L, range = 0-67447) of infants with RDS were significantly lower than those of infants with no obvious lung pathology (P < 0.0001), and pneumonia (P < 0.0001). The SM test of tracheal aspirates had higher overall accuracy for the diagnosis of RDS than measurement of SP-A levels (94.6% vs 82.4%). When the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves of both tests for RDS were compared, the area under the ROC curve of the SM test was larger (0.9689) than that of the SP-A method (0.8965).

    CONCLUSIONS: This study showed that the SM test of tracheal aspirate was a useful bedside diagnostic test for RDS. It could be carried out at any time after birth on infants requiring ventilatory support.

    Matched MeSH terms: Severity of Illness Index
  18. Husain SF, Yu R, Tang TB, Tam WW, Tran B, Quek TT, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2020 06 16;10(1):9740.
    PMID: 32546704 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-66784-2
    Reduced haemodynamic response in the frontotemporal cortices of patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) has been demonstrated using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS). Most notably, changes in cortical oxy-haemoglobin during a Japanese phonetic fluency task can differentiate psychiatric patients from healthy controls (HC). However, this paradigm has not been validated in the English language. Therefore, the present work aimed to distinguish patients with MDD from HCs, using haemodynamic response measured during an English letter fluency task. One hundred and five HCs and 105 patients with MDD took part in this study. NIRS signals during the verbal fluency task (VFT) was acquired using a 52-channel system, and changes in oxy-haemoglobin in the frontal and temporal regions were quantified. Depression severity, psychosocial functioning, pharmacotherapy and psychiatric history were noted. Patients with MDD had smaller changes in oxy-haemoglobin in the frontal and temporal cortices than HCs. In both regions of interest, oxy-haemoglobin was not associated with any of the clinical variables studied. 75.2% and 76.5% of patients with MDD were correctly classified using frontal and temporal region oxy-haemoglobin, respectively. Haemodynamic response measured by fNIRS during an English letter fluency task is a promising biomarker for MDD.
    Matched MeSH terms: Severity of Illness Index
  19. Goh SW, Jamil A, Safian N, Md Nor N, Muhammad N, Saharudin NL
    An Bras Dermatol, 2020 03 21;95(3):320-325.
    PMID: 32291095 DOI: 10.1016/j.abd.2019.11.007
    BACKGROUND: Higher skin pH in atopic dermatitis contributes to impaired epidermal barrier. A moisturizer compatible with physiological pH could improve atopic dermatitis.

    OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of a physiologically compatible pH moisturizer in atopic dermatitis.

    METHODS: A randomized half body, double blind, controlled trial involving patients with stable atopic dermatitis was performed. pH-modified moisturizer and standard moisturizer were applied to half body for 6 weeks.

    RESULTS: A total of 6 (16.7%) males and 30 (83.3%) females participated. Skin pH reductions from week 0, week 2 and 6 were significant at the forearms (5.315 [0.98] to 4.85 [0.54] to 5.04 [0.78], p=0.02) and abdomen (5.25 [1.01], 4.82 [0.64], 5.01 [0.59], p=0.00) but not at the shins (5.01 [0.80], 4.76 [0.49], 4.85 [0.79], p=0.09) with pH-modified moisturizer. Transepidermal water loss (TEWL) at the forearms decreased (4.60 [2.55] to 3.70 [3.10] to 3.00 [3.55], p=0.00), abdomen (3.90 [2.90] to 2.40 [3.45] to 2.70 [2.25], p=0.046). SCORAD improved from 14.1±12.75 to 10.5±13.25 to 7±12.25, p=0.00. In standard moisturizer group, pH reductions were significant at the forearms (5.29 [0.94] to 4.84 [0.55] to 5.02 [0.70], p=0.00) and abdomen (5.25 [1.09], 4.91 [0.63], 5.12 [0.66], p=0.00). TEWL at the forearm were (4.80 [2.95], 4.10 [2.15], 4.60 [3.40], p=0.67), shins (3.80 [1.40], 3.50 [2.35], 4.00 [2.50], p=0.91) and abdomen (3.70 [2.45], 4.10 [3.60], 3.40 [2.95], p=0.80). SCORAD improved from 14.2±9.1 to 10.9±10.65 to 10.5±11, p=0.00. Reduction in pH was observed with both moisturizers while TEWL significantly improved with pH-modified moisturizer. pH-modified moisturizer resulted in greater pH, TEWL and SCORAD improvements however the differences were not significant from standard moisturizer.

    STUDY LIMITATION: Skin hydration was not evaluated.

    CONCLUSION: Moisturization is beneficial for atopic dermatitis; use of physiologically compatible pH moisturizer is promising.

    Matched MeSH terms: Severity of Illness Index
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