RESULTS: The chloroplast genome of Gracilaria firma maps as a circular molecule of 187,001 bp and contains 252 genes, which are distributed on both strands and consist of 35 RNA genes (3 rRNAs, 30 tRNAs, tmRNA and a ribonuclease P RNA component) and 217 protein-coding genes, including the unidentified open reading frames. The chloroplast genome of G. firma is by far the largest reported for Gracilariaceae, featuring a unique intergenic region of about 7000 bp with discontinuous vestiges of red algal plasmid DNA sequences interspersed between the nblA and cpeB genes. This chloroplast genome shows similar gene content and order to other Florideophycean taxa. Phylogenomic analyses based on the concatenated amino acid sequences of 146 protein-coding genes confirmed the monophyly of the classes Bangiophyceae and Florideophyceae with full nodal support. Relationships within the subclass Rhodymeniophycidae in Florideophyceae received moderate to strong nodal support, and the monotypic family of Gracilariales were resolved with maximum support.
CONCLUSIONS: Chloroplast genomes hold substantial information that can be tapped for resolving the phylogenetic relationships of difficult regions in the Rhodymeniophycidae, which are perceived to have experienced rapid radiation and thus received low nodal support, as exemplified in this study. The present study shows that chloroplast genome of G. firma could serve as a key link to the full resolution of Gracilaria sensu lato complex and recognition of Hydropuntia as a genus distinct from Gracilaria sensu stricto.
METHODS: DNA methylation profiles (Illumina Infinium® HumanMethylation450 BeadChip) from 1941 individuals from four population-based European cohorts were analysed in relation to body mass index, waist circumference, waist-hip and waist-height ratio within a meta-analytical framework. In a subset of these individuals, data on genome-wide gene expression level, biomarkers of glucose and lipid metabolism were also available. Validation of methylation markers associated with all adiposity measures was performed in 358 individuals. Finally, we investigated the association of obesity-related methylation marks with breast, colorectal cancer and myocardial infarction within relevant subsets of the discovery population.
RESULTS: We identified 40 CpG loci with methylation levels associated with at least one adiposity measure. Of these, one CpG locus (cg06500161) in ABCG1 was associated with all four adiposity measures (P = 9.07×10-8 to 3.27×10-18) and lower transcriptional activity of the full-length isoform of ABCG1 (P = 6.00×10-7), higher triglyceride levels (P = 5.37×10-9) and higher triglycerides-to-HDL cholesterol ratio (P = 1.03×10-10). Of the 40 informative and obesity-related CpG loci, two (in IL2RB and FGF18) were significantly associated with colorectal cancer (inversely, P
OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to investigate the genetic architecture of EOPD in a multi-ethnic Malaysian cohort.
METHODS: 161 index patients with PD onset ≤50 years were recruited from multiple centers across Malaysia. A two-step approach to genetic testing was used, combining a next-generation sequencing-based PD gene panel and multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA).
RESULTS: Thirty-five patients (21.7%) carried pathogenic or likely pathogenic variants involving (in decreasing order of frequency): GBA1, PRKN, PINK1, DJ-1, LRRK2, and ATP13A2. Pathogenic/likely pathogenic variants in GBA1 were identified in thirteen patients (8.1%), and were also commonly found in PRKN and PINK1 (11/161 = 6.8% and 6/161 = 3.7%, respectively). The overall detection rate was even higher in those with familial history (48.5%) or age of diagnosis ≤40 years (34.8%). PRKN exon 7 deletion and the PINK1 p.Leu347Pro variant appear to be common among Malay patients. Many novel variants were found across the PD-related genes.
CONCLUSIONS: This study provides novel insights into the genetic architecture of EOPD in Southeast Asians, expands the genetic spectrum in PD-related genes, and highlights the importance of diversifying PD genetic research to include under-represented populations.
METHODS: Using LDScore regression, we explored the genetic correlation between endometrial cancer and ovarian cancer. To identify loci associated with the risk of both cancers, we implemented a pipeline of statistical genetic analyses (i.e., inverse-variance meta-analysis, colocalization, and M-values) and performed analyses stratified by subtype. Candidate target genes were then prioritized using functional genomic data.
RESULTS: Genetic correlation analysis revealed significant genetic correlation between the two cancers (rG = 0.43, P = 2.66 × 10-5). We found seven loci associated with risk for both cancers (P Bonferroni < 2.4 × 10-9). In addition, four novel subgenome-wide regions at 7p22.2, 7q22.1, 9p12, and 11q13.3 were identified (P < 5 × 10-7). Promoter-associated HiChIP chromatin loops from immortalized endometrium and ovarian cell lines and expression quantitative trait loci data highlighted candidate target genes for further investigation.
CONCLUSIONS: Using cross-cancer GWAS meta-analysis, we have identified several joint endometrial and ovarian cancer risk loci and candidate target genes for future functional analysis.
IMPACT: Our research highlights the shared genetic relationship between endometrial cancer and ovarian cancer. Further studies in larger sample sets are required to confirm our findings.
METHODS: Phylogenetic analysis was used to identify candidate Dendrobium catenatum R2R3-MYB (DcaMYB) sequences associated with pigment and cell shape development. Gene silencing of candidate DhMYBs in Dendrobium hybrid by direct application of dsRNA to developing flowers was followed by observation of gene expression level and flower phenotypes. Silencing of the structural gene chalcone synthase was used as a comparative control.
KEY RESULTS: Ten candidate flower-associated DcaMYBs were identified. Flowers treated with dsRNA of DhMYB22 and DhMYB60 sequences were less pigmented and had relatively low expression of anthocyanin biosynthetic genes (F3'H and DFR), lower total anthocyanin concentration and markedly lower levels of cyanidin-3-glucoside and cyanidin-3-rutinoside. Petals of DhMYB22-treated flowers and sepals of DhMYB60-treated flowers showed the greatest colour difference relative to the same organs in untreated flowers. DhMYB22-treated flowers had relatively narrow and constricted lips, while DhMYB60-treated flowers had narrow and constricted sepals. No significant difference in shape was observed for DhCHS-treated or untreated flowers.
CONCLUSIONS: Our results demonstrate that DhMYB22 and DhMYB60 regulate pigment intensity and floral organ shape in Dendrobium. This is a first report of MYB regulation of floral organ shape in orchids.
METHODS: A case-control study was done on 42 keratoconus cases, 127 family member controls, and 96 normal controls.
RESULTS: Three gene variants, p.A182A, p.P237P, and p.R217H showed significant associations with keratoconus (P < 0.05). While p.A182A and p.P227P were more prevalent than in the family and normal controls (OR 3.14-4.05), the reverse was observed with p.R217H (OR 0.086-1.59). With Haploview analysis, p.A182A and p.P237P were shown to be in linkage disequilibrium (LD) (LOD (logarithm of the odds score) score of 2.0, r2 of 0.957, and 95% confidence interval (CI) of 0.96-1.00).
CONCLUSION: The study results suggest that the p.A182A and p.P237P variants could have contributed to the development of keratoconus in some Malaysians and that these two variants are likely to be co-inherited. In contrast, the p.R217H variant appeared to confer some protection against the development of keratoconus.
METHODS AND RESULTS: In this study, we have developed a simplified, tissue culture-independent protocol to deliver the CRISPR/Cas9 system through in planta transformation in Malaysian rice (Oryza sativa L. subsp. indica cv. MR 219). Sprouting seeds with cut coleoptile were used as the target for the infiltration by Agrobacterium tumefaciens and we achieved 9% transformation efficiency. In brief, the dehusked seeds were surface-sterilised and imbibed, and the coleoptile was cut to expose the apical meristem. Subsequently, the cut coleoptile was inoculated with A. tumefaciens strain EHA105 harbouring CRISPR/Cas9 expression vector. The co-cultivation was conducted for five to six days in a dark room (25 ± 2 °C) followed by rooting, acclimatisation, and growing phases. Two-month-old plant leaves were then subjected to a hygromycin selection, and hygromycin-resistant plants were identified as putative transformants. Further validation through the polymerase chain reaction verified the integration of the Cas9 gene in four putative T0 lines. During the fruiting stage, it was confirmed that the Cas9 gene was still present in three randomly selected tillers from two 4-month-old transformed plants.
CONCLUSION: This protocol provides a rapid method for editing the rice genome, bypassing the need for tissue culture. This article is the first to report the delivery of the CRISPR/Cas9 system for in planta transformation in rice.