Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 244 in total

  1. Asari MA, Abdullah MS, Abdullah S
    Malays J Med Sci, 2008 Jul;15(3):14-21.
    PMID: 22570585 MyJurnal
    Deltamethrin is a widely used insecticide belonging to the class of pyrethroid. Although the neurotoxicity of pyrethroids including deltamethrin is well established, it is still unclear whether exposure to deltamethrin during neonatal period has any deleterious effect on the survival of the Purkinje cells in the cerebellum. In the study, we investigated the total number of Purkinje cells in experimental rats exposed to deltamethrin using a stereological method, the fractionator. Deltamethrin in a dose of 1 mg/kg/day (corresponds to 20% of LD(50) ) was administered through oral gavage to male pups from 2(nd) to 5(th) postnatal day (PND). At PND 21 the animals were sacrificed and their cerebelli were removed. The cerebelli were systematically sampled using the fractionator method and stained with cresyl fast violet. The number of the Purkinje cells was counted for each cerebellum. The results showed that there was no significant difference in the total number of Purkinje cells in the deltamethrin-treated group as compared to the control animals. This suggests that deltamethrin exposure at the current dosage during the neonatal period do not have any significant effect on the survival of the Purkinje cells in the cerebellum.
  2. Mohammed Nawi A, Ismail A, Abdullah S
    Iran J Public Health, 2013 Sep;42(9):996-1006.
    PMID: 26060660
    Child with Down's syndrome is an individual who is suitable and eligible to receive early intervention services. This study aimed to measure the family outcome among parents of Down syndrome children, on the impact of receiving early intervention and identify the factors influencing it.

    A cross sectional was conducted from April 2009 until January 2010 with a total of 125 parents of children with Down syndrome. There are five domains of family outcomes that has been studied which are understanding the strengths, abilities and special needs of children, knowing the rights and talk on children behalf, assisting the child to grow and learn, having a support system and be involved in the community. Children with Down syndrome aged four to 15 years was chosen as the respondents when they were accompanying their children in seven rehabilitation centers or during house visits.

    Family outcomes among parents of Down syndrome children who receive early intervention is better, 67.3 percent, compared to parents of Down syndrome children who receive late intervention, 41.4 percent. There are significant relationship between the acceptance level of intervention, parents education level, family income and the family outcomes. Parents of children who receive early intervention were more positive in understanding the strengths, abilities and special needs of their children compared to other family outcomes.

    Families whom children received early intervention had indirectly proved the importance and benefit of early intervention, not only for children with special needs, but for their family as well.

    Down syndrome children; intervention; special needs
  3. Ahmad TS, Ahmad AA, Abdullah S
    J Hand Microsurg, 2021 Jan;13(1):21-26.
    PMID: 33707919 DOI: 10.1055/s-0040-1721942
    We have all heard the old aphorism, "Necessity is the mother of invention." While the provenance of the proverb is uncertain, its truth is not in doubt. This is true for the development of hand surgery in Malaysia. As part of the management for leprosy, patients with high ulnar nerve palsies were managed by the pioneers of hand surgery in Malaysia. They did tendon transfers to improve the quality of life of these patients. Since then, hand surgery in Malaysia have grown leaps and bounds. From a small humble beginning in the suburb of Sungai Buloh to organizing the 10th Congress of Asian Pacific Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand, hand surgery in Malaysia will only get better with time.
  4. Alfizah H, Ramelah M, Rizal AM, Anwar AS, Isa MR
    Helicobacter, 2012 Oct;17(5):340-9.
    PMID: 22967117 DOI: 10.1111/j.1523-5378.2012.00956.x
    Polymorphisms of Helicobacter pylori cagA and vacA genes do exist and may contribute to differences in H. pylori infection and gastroduodenal diseases among races in the Malaysian population. This study was conducted to characterize the polymorphisms in H. pylori cagA and vacA in Malaysian population.
  5. Jackson AA, Manan WA, Gani AS, Eldridge S, Carter YH
    PMID: 15689099
    Smoking deception is often ignored, but is important in health care. In this trial it was assessed at both study entry and outcome. At study entry, 1,044 males at a primary care clinic were asked smoking status and tested for breath carbon monoxide (CO). Of self-reported non-smokers, 57/402 (14%) were actually smokers, as were 59/251 (24%) of self-reported ex-smokers. The self-reported smokers (n=387) entered a randomized, controlled trial where the intervention comprised four questions on knowledge and beliefs about smoking, standardized verbal advice against smoking, and a leaflet. At follow-up, subjects were also questioned about beliefs. Follow-up was difficult, but 191/387 (49%) attended at three or six months. Of 27 who claimed to have quit, 6 (22%) were deceivers and 21 were confirmed quitters. Cessation did not differ between intervention and control groups. Overall confirmed cessation at six months was 16/387 (4.1 %). Confirmed quitters were significantly lighter smokers than deceivers and still smokers. There were non-significant trends between the outcome groups whereby deceivers had least knowledge and most lay beliefs, and quitters had most knowledge and fewest lay beliefs. The lay beliefs may prevent some smokers from quitting.

    Study site: open-access outpatients
    clinic (KPM) attached to the teaching hospital
    (HUSM) of Universiti Sains Malaysia
  6. Al-Yahya SN, Muhammad R, Suhaimi SNA, Azman M, Mohamed AS, Baki MM
    J Voice, 2020 Sep;34(5):811.e13-811.e20.
    PMID: 30612893 DOI: 10.1016/j.jvoice.2018.12.003
    OBJECTIVES: Selective laryngeal examination for patients undergoing thyroidectomy is recommended for patients with voice alterations, history of prior cervical or chest surgery, and patients with proven or suspected thyroid malignancy. The study objective is to measure the sensitivity of surgeons in detecting voice abnormalities in patients undergoing thyroidectomy, parathyroidectomy complicated with laryngeal nerve paralysis, or patients with known vocal cords palsy (VCP) due to other neck surgeries.

    DESIGN AND SETTING: Descriptive cross-sectional study in a tertiary center.

    PARTICIPANTS AND METHODS: The subjects are 274 audio files of voices of patients undergoing thyroid, parathyroid surgeries, and known VCP due to other neck surgeries. Voice assessments were done by three endocrine surgeons (A, B, and C) with 20, 12, and 4 years of surgical experience.

    MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Sensitivity and specificity of surgeon documented voice assessment in patients with underlying VCP. Subjects' acoustic analysis and Voice Handicap Index (VHI-10) were analyzed.

    RESULTS: Raters A, B, and C have sensitivity of 63.6%, 78.8%, and 66.7%, respectively. Inter-rater reliability shows substantial agreement (ƙ = 0.67). VHI-10 has sensitivity of 75.8% and strong correlation of 0.707 (p value <0.001) to VCP. Subjects with VCP have notably higher jitter, shimmer, and noise-to-harmonic ratio compared to normal subjects with sensitivity of 74.2%, 71.2%, and 72.7%, respectively.

    CONCLUSIONS: The results for surgeons documented voice assessment did not reach the desired sensitivity for a screening tool for patients with underlying VCP. Other tools such as VHI-10 and acoustic analysis may not be used as standalone tools in screening patients with underlying VCP. Routine preoperative laryngeal examination may be recommended for all patients undergoing thyroid, parathyroid, or other surgeries that places the laryngeal nerves at risk.

  7. Ammar Aldaddou W, Aljohani ASM, Adewale Ahmed I, Al-Wabel NA, El-Ashmawy IM
    Chem Biodivers, 2023 Jul;20(7):e202300115.
    PMID: 37236909 DOI: 10.1002/cbdv.202300115
    Most heavy metals and industrial chemicals such as nicotine and lead cause harm to the reproduction process through a decrease in sperm motility, fertilization process, and sperm binding to the oocyte. Salvia officinalis L. (sage) has been reported to enhance serum testosterone levels and other certain biochemical enzymes. Thus, the current study is aimed at evaluating the potential health benefits of S. officinalis L. methanol extract on lead and nicotine hydrogen tartrate-induced sperm quality degeneration in male rats and also identifying some of the non-polar volatile bioactive compounds that might be attributed to the bioactivity of S. officinalis extract using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS). In the study, fifty-four mature male albino rats of about 220-250 g [were divided randomly and equally into 9 groups (n=6)]. Sperm quality degeneration was induced through the oral administration of 1.5 g/L of lead acetate in drinking water or peritoneal injection of 0.50 mg/kg (animal weight) nicotine hydrogen tartrate for sixty days. Two doses (200 & 400 mg/kg b.w.) of S. officinalis L. were used. The rats were anesthetized after the experimental period and then sacrificed. Blood samples were collected while the epididymis, testicle, and accessory sex organs (prostates and seminal vesical) were taken for histopathological studies. Twelve major compounds were identified through the GC/MS analysis of S. officinalis L. methanol extract. Lead and nicotine toxicity had a great effect on the rats' sperm quality causing a significant (p<0.05) decrease in the quantity of sperm and sperm motility as well as an upsurge in the abnormalities of the sperm and a reduction in the length & diameter of seminiferous tubules and size & weight of sexual organs (accessory sex glands, epididymis, and testis). The administration of S. officinalis L. methanol extract, however, had a positive impact on the sexual organ weights, semen quality & quantity, and rats' fertility, thus, ameliorating the adversative effects of both lead and nicotine. Further evaluation and isolation of the bioactive components are recommended as potential drug leads.
  8. Alhaji SY, Chowdhury EH, Rosli R, Hassan F, Abdullah S
    Biomed Res Int, 2014;2014:646787.
    PMID: 25143941 DOI: 10.1155/2014/646787
    Existing nonviral gene delivery systems to lungs are inefficient and associated with dose limiting toxicity in mammalian cells. Therefore, carbonate apatite (CO3Ap) nanoparticles were examined as an alternative strategy for effective gene delivery to the lungs. This study aimed to (1) assess the gene delivery efficiency of CO3Ap in vitro and in mouse lungs, (2) evaluate the cytotoxicity effect of CO3Ap/pDNA in vitro, and (3) characterize the CO3Ap/pDNA complex formulations. A significantly high level of reporter gene expression was detected from the lung cell line transfected with CO3Ap/pDNA complex prepared in both serum and serum-free medium. Cytotoxicity analysis revealed that the percentage of the viable cells treated with CO3Ap to be almost similar to the untreated cells. Characterization analyses showed that the CO3Ap/pDNA complexes are in a nanometer range with aggregated spherical structures and tended to be more negatively charged. In the lung of mice, highest level of transgene expression was observed when CO3Ap (8 μL) was complexed with 40 μg of pDNA at day 1 after administration. Although massive reduction of gene expression was seen beyond day 1 post administration, the level of expression remained significant throughout the study period.
  9. Gitan AA, Zulkifli R, Abdullah S, Sopian K
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2014;2014:767614.
    PMID: 24672370 DOI: 10.1155/2014/767614
    Pulsating twin jets mechanism (PTJM) was developed in the present work to study the effect of pulsating twin jets mixing region on the enhancement of heat transfer. Controllable characteristics twin pulsed jets were the main objective of our design. The variable nozzle-nozzle distance was considered to study the effect of two jets interaction at the mixing region. Also, the phase change between the frequencies of twin jets was taken into account to develop PTJM. All of these factors in addition to the ability of producing high velocity pulsed jet led to more appropriate design for a comprehensive study of multijet impingement heat transfer problems. The performance of PTJM was verified by measuring the pulse profile at frequency of 20 Hz, where equal velocity peak of around 64 m/s for both jets was obtained. Moreover, the jet velocity profile at different pulsation frequencies was tested to verify system performance, so the results revealed reasonable velocity profile configuration. Furthermore, the effect of pulsation frequency on surface temperature of flat hot plate in the midpoint between twin jets was studied experimentally. Noticeable enhancement in heat transfer was obtained with the increasing of pulsation frequency.
  10. Goh BS, Roopesh S, Marina MB, Abdullah SM
    Med J Malaysia, 2014 Feb;69(1):13-5.
    PMID: 24814622
    This is a retrospective study examining the outcome of paediatric patients with subglottic stenosis who underwent partial cricotracheal resection (PCTR) as a primary open procedure from 2004 to 2012. There were 5 patients identified aged from 3 to 18 years old. All the subglottic stenosis were acquired type. All of them were secondary to prolonged intubation. Three patients were classified as Myer-Cotton grade III and the other two were Myer-Cotton grade IV. Two of the patients had concomitant bilateral vocal cord immobility. All patients underwent two staged PCTR . All patients underwent two staged PCTR, and one patient underwent posterior cordectomy apart from partial CTR at different setting. All patients were successfully decannulated at various durations postoperatively. Although this is an early experience in our institution, PCTR has shown to be effective and safe procedure in patients with subglottic stenosis especially those with Myer-Cotton grade III and IV.
  11. Chuah LH, Roberts CJ, Billa N, Abdullah S, Rosli R
    Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces, 2014 Apr 1;116:228-36.
    PMID: 24486834 DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfb.2014.01.007
    Curcumin, which is derived from turmeric has gained much attention in recent years for its anticancer activities against various cancers. However, due to its poor absorption, rapid metabolism and elimination, curcumin has a very low oral bioavailability. Therefore, we have formulated mucoadhesive nanoparticles to deliver curcumin to the colon, such that prolonged contact between the nanoparticles and the colon leads to a sustained level of curcumin in the colon, improving the anticancer effect of curcumin on colorectal cancer. The current work entails the ex vivo mucoadhesion study of the formulated nanoparticles and the in vitro effect of mucoadhesive interaction between the nanoparticles and colorectal cancer cells. The ex vivo study showed that curcumin-containing chitosan nanoparticles (CUR-CS-NP) have improved mucoadhesion compared to unloaded chitosan nanoparticles (CS-NP), suggesting that curcumin partly contributes to the mucoadhesion process. This may lead to an enhanced anticancer effect of curcumin when formulated in CUR-CS-NP. Our results show that CUR-CS-NP are taken up to a greater extent by colorectal cancer cells, compared to free curcumin. The prolonged contact offered by the mucoadhesion of CUR-CS-NP onto the cells resulted in a greater reduction in percentage cell viability as well as a lower IC50, indicating a potential improved treatment outcome. The formulation and free curcumin appeared to induce cell apoptosis in colorectal cancer cells, by arresting the cell cycle at G2/M phase. The superior anticancer effects exerted by CUR-CS-NP indicated that this could be a potential treatment for colorectal cancer.
  12. Kong YS, Omar MZ, Chua LB, Abdullah S
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2013;2013:261926.
    PMID: 24298209 DOI: 10.1155/2013/261926
    This study describes the effects of bounce, brake, and roll behavior of a bus toward its leaf spring suspension systems. Parabolic leaf springs are designed based on vertical deflection and stress; however, loads are practically derived from various modes especially under harsh road drives or emergency braking. Parabolic leaf springs must sustain these loads without failing to ensure bus and passenger safety. In this study, the explicit nonlinear dynamic finite element (FE) method is implemented because of the complexity of experimental testing A series of load cases; namely, vertical push, wind-up, and suspension roll are introduced for the simulations. The vertical stiffness of the parabolic leaf springs is related to the vehicle load-carrying capability, whereas the wind-up stiffness is associated with vehicle braking. The roll stiffness of the parabolic leaf springs is correlated with the vehicle roll stability. To obtain a better bus performance, two new parabolic leaf spring designs are proposed and simulated. The stress level during the loadings is observed and compared with its design limit. Results indicate that the newly designed high vertical stiffness parabolic spring provides the bus a greater roll stability and a lower stress value compared with the original design. Bus safety and stability is promoted, as well as the load carrying capability.
  13. Balla HH, Abdullah S, Mohdfaizal W, Zulkifli R, Sopian K
    J Oleo Sci, 2013;62(7):533-9.
    PMID: 23823920
    A numerical simulation model for laminar flow of nanofluids in a pipe with constant heat flux on the wall was built to study the effect of the Reynolds number on convective heat transfer and pressure loss. The investigation was performed for hybrid nanofluids consisting of CuO-Cu nanoparticles and compared with CuO and Cu in which the nanoparticles have a spherical shape with size 50, 50, 50nm respectively. The nanofluids were prepared, following which the thermal conductivity and dynamic viscosity were measured for a range of temperatures (10 -60°C). The numerical results obtained were compared with the existing well-established correlation. The prediction of the Nusselt number for nanofluids agrees well with the Shah correlation. The comparison of heat transfer coefficients for CuO, Cu and CuO-Cu presented an increase in thermal conductivity of the nanofluid as the convective heat transfer coefficient increased. It was found that the pressure loss increases with an increase in the Reynolds number, nanoparticle density and particle volume fraction. However, the flow demonstrates enhancement in heat transfer which becomes greater with an increase in the Reynolds number for the nanofluid flow.
  14. Low PT, Lai MI, Ngai SC, Abdullah S
    Gene, 2014 Jan 1;533(1):451-5.
    PMID: 24120896 DOI: 10.1016/j.gene.2013.09.075
    Current viral gene delivery vectors for gene therapy are inefficient due to short-lived transgene expression attributed to the cytosine-phosphate-guanine (CpG) motifs in the transgene. Here we assessed the effects of CpG motif reduction in lentiviral (LV) gene delivery context on the level and duration of reporter gene expression in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells, Human Immortalized Myelogenous Leukemia (K562) cells and hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs). The cells were transduced with LV carrying Zero-CpG green fluorescent protein (ZGFP) reporter gene, LV/CMV/ZGFP. The GFP expression was compared to its non CpG-depleted GFP reporter gene LV (LV/CMV/GFP) counterpart. The LV/CMV/ZGFP exhibited prolonged transgene expression in CHO cells and HSCs up to 10 days and 14 days, in the respective cells. This effect was not seen in the transduced K562 cells, which may be due to the DNA hypomethylation status of the cancer cell line. Transgene copy number analysis verified that the GFP expression was not from pseudo-transduction and the transgene remained in the genome of the cells throughout the period of the study. The modest positive effects from the LV/CMV/ZGFP suggest that the reduction of CpG in the LV construct was not substantial to generate higher and more prolonged transgene expression.
  15. Rosli R, Nograles N, Hanafi A, Nor Shamsudin M, Abdullah S
    Hum Vaccin Immunother, 2013 Oct;9(10):2222-7.
    PMID: 24051430 DOI: 10.4161/hv.25325
    Polymeric carriers in the form of cellulose acetate phthalate (CAP) and alginate (ALG) microspheres were used for encapsulation of plasmid DNA for oral mucosal immunization. Access into the intestinal mucosa by pVAX1 eukaryotic expression plasmid vectors carrying gene-coding sequences, either for the cholera enterotoxin B subunit (ctxB) immunostimulatory antigen or the green fluorescent protein (GFP), delivered from both types of microsphere carriers were examined in orally immunized BALB/c mice. Demonstration of transgene protein expression and IgA antibody responses at local mucosal sites suggest immunological response to a potential oral DNA vaccine formulated within the microsphere carriers.
  16. Tangahu BV, Abdullah SR, Basri H, Idris M, Anuar N, Mukhlisin M
    Int J Phytoremediation, 2013;15(8):814-26.
    PMID: 23819277
    Phytoremediation is an environment-friendly and cost-effective method to clean the environment of heavy metal contamination. A prolonged phytotoxicity test was conducted in a single exposure. Scirpus grossus plants were grown in sand to which the diluted Pb (NO3)2 was added, with the variation of concentration were 0, 100, 200, 400, 600, and 800 mg/L. It was found that Scirpus grossus plants can tolerate Pb at concentrations of up to 400 mg/L. The withering was observed on day-7 for Pb concentrations of 400 mg/L and above. 100% of the plants withered with a Pb concentration of 600 mg/L on day 65. The Pb concentration in water medium decreased while in plant tissues increased. Adsorption of Pb solution ranged between 2 to 6% for concentrations of 100 to 800 mg/L. The Bioaccumulation Coefficient and Translocation Factor of Scirpus grossus were found greater than 1, indicating that this species is a hyperaccumulator plant.
  17. Ngai SC, Rosli R, Nordin N, Veerakumarasivam A, Abdullah S
    Gene, 2012 May 1;498(2):231-6.
    PMID: 22366305 DOI: 10.1016/j.gene.2012.01.071
    Lentivirus (LV) encoding woodchuck posttranscriptional regulatory element (WPRE) and central polypurine tract (cPPT) driven by CMV promoter have been proven to act synergistically to increase both transduction efficiency and gene expression. However, the inclusion of WPRE and cPPT in a lentiviral construct may pose safety risks when administered to human. A simple lentiviral construct driven by an alternative promoter with proven extended duration of gene expression without the two regulatory elements would be free from the risks. In a non-viral gene delivery context, gene expression driven by human polybiquitin C (UbC) promoter resulted in higher and more persistent expression in mouse as compared to cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoter. In this study, we measured the efficiency and persistency of green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporter gene expression in cells transduced with LV driven by UbC (LV/UbC/GFP) devoid of the WPRE and cPPT in comparison to the established LV construct encoding WPRE and cPPT, driven by CMV promoter (LV/CMV/GFP). However, we found that LV/UbC/GFP was inferior to LV/CMV/GFP in many aspects: (i) the titer of virus produced; (ii) the levels of reporter gene expression when MOI value was standardized; and (iii) the transduction efficiency in different cell types. The duration of reporter gene expression in selected cell lines was also determined. While the GFP expression in cells transduced with LV/CMV/GFP persisted throughout the experimental period of 14 days, expression in cells transduced with LV/UbC/GFP declined by day 2 post-transduction. In summary, the LV driven by the UbC promoter without the WPRE and cPPT does not exhibit enhanced or durable transgene expression.
  18. Jaafar H, Abdullah S, Murtey MD, Idris FM
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2012;13(8):3857-62.
    PMID: 23098483
    A total of 96 cases of invasive breast ductal carcinoma were examined for immunohistochemical expression of Bax and Bcl-2 in the epithelial tumor cells and endothelial cells of the blood vessels. We also investigated the association between both proteins in the epithelium in relation to tumor characteristics such as tumor size, grade, lymph node involvement, microvessel density (MVD), hormonal receptors expression and c-erbB-2 overexpression. Bax expression showed a significant association between tumor and endothelial cells (p<0.001) while Bcl-2 expression in tumor cells was inversely associated with that in the endothelial cells (p<0.001). Expression of Bcl-2 in tumor cells was strongly associated with expression of estrogen and progesterone receptors (p=0.003 and p=0.004, respectively). In addition, intratumoral MVD was significantly higher than peritumoral MVD (p<0.001) but not associated with Bax or Bcl-2 expression and other tumor characteristics. We concluded that the number of endothelial cells undergoing apoptosis was in direct linkage with the number of apoptotic tumor cells. Anti-apoptotic activity of the surviving tumor cells appears to propagate cancer progression and this was influenced by the hormonal status of the cells. Tumor angiogenesis was especially promoted in the intratumoral region and angiogenesis was independent of anti-apoptotic activity.
  19. Shahrizaila N, Goh KJ, Kokubun N, Abdullah S, Yuki N
    J Neurol Sci, 2011 Oct 15;309(1-2):26-30.
    PMID: 21849173 DOI: 10.1016/j.jns.2011.07.042
    The electrodiagnosis of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) can be broadly divided into acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (AIDP) and acute motor axonal neuropathy (AMAN). Fisher syndrome (FS) is a variant of GBS, although the underlying neuropathy of FS has yet to be established. Serial nerve conduction studies (NCS) can provide further insight into the likely pathophysiology by further subtyping of GBS and FS. We present a patient with an initial diagnosis of AIDP in whom repeated NCS revealed the AMAN variant. This led us to investigate serial NCS in five patients with GBS, FS and FS/GBS overlap presenting over a period of a year. Three patients with AIDP showed a gradual increase in distal motor latencies during the acute phase of illness. NCS of two patients with FS and FS/GBS overlap showed no demyelinating features suggesting underlying axonal neuropathy in this group of patients. The importance of serial NCS in establishing the underlying pattern of neuropathy in GBS and FS is further emphasized in this study. Larger studies incorporating serial NCS are required to confirm the observations seen in our case series especially when pathological studies are often not justified in this group of patients.
  20. Nograles N, Abdullah S, Shamsudin MN, Billa N, Rosli R
    J Biosci Bioeng, 2012 Feb;113(2):133-40.
    PMID: 22093752 DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiosc.2011.10.003
    Alginate, a natural polysaccharide, was explored in this study as an oral delivery vehicle of a mammalian expression vector into the murine intestinal mucosa. Alginate microspheres were produced through water-in-oil (W/O) emulsification method. Average diameter sizes of microspheres were 46.88 μm±3.07 μm with significant size reduction upon utilization of 1.0% Span80. Plasmid DNA (pDNA) carrying green fluorescent protein reporter gene (GFP), pVAX-GFP, was encapsulated within microspheres at efficiencies of 72.9 to 74.4%, carrying maximum load of 6 μg pDNA. Alginate microspheres demonstrated shrinkage in pH 1.2 and swelling in pH 9.0 with pDNA release about twice the amount released in acidic environment. Oral delivery of pVAX-GFP loaded-microspheres, at 50 μg, 100 μg and 150 μg dose, was performed on BALB/c mice. Tissue biodistribution, investigated through flow cytometric analysis, demonstrated GFP positive intestinal cells (<1.0%) with 1.3-fold higher levels for the 100 μg dose; therefore suggesting feasibility of the approach for oral gene delivery and vaccination.
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