Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 1069 in total

  1. Mohamad Isa, M.F., Tan, C.L., Gill, J.S.
    About 60% of people with mental illness developed co-morbid medical and physical illness that invariably worsens their lives. However, most of the studies regarding this issue were done either in the out-patient or community settings, ignoring long stay inpatients. Locally, no data exists among long stay patients in psychiatric institutions. The aim of this retrospective study was to look at the prevalence of physical illness among long-stay patients and to compare the occurrence of physical illness before and after admission to the psychiatric institution. We found that 85 (63.4%) out of 134 subjects there was suffering with co-morbid physical and medical illnesses. There were 33 (24.6%) subjects with hyperlipidaemia, 22 (16.4%) subjects with hypertension and 17 (12.7%) subjects with diabetes. Approximately 75 (55.9%) subjects developed medical illness after admission. In conclusion, long-stay psychiatric patients are at a high risk of developing medical problems that tends to begin after admission to the psychiatric institution.
    Study site: Hospital Bahagia, Ulu Kinta, Perak, Malaysia
  2. Mazliadiyana, M., Nazrun, A.S., Isa, N.M.
    Medicine & Health, 2017;12(1):83-89.
    Di Malaysia, timun laut lebih dikenali sebagai Gamat. Di kalangan kaum Melayu,
    gamat sering digunakan sebagai ubat tradisional untuk melegakan kesakitan,
    merawat luka dan kesan terbakar. Ianya juga digunakan sebagai tonik untuk
    memberi sumber tenaga tambahan. Stichopus chloronotus merupakan salah satu
    spesies timun laut yang boleh didapati di Malaysia. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk
    menentukan dos optimum ekstrak akues Stichopus chloronotus emulsi salap ke
    atas luka pada model tikus. Beberapa siri kepekatan iaitu 0.1%, 0.5% dan 1%
    ekstrak akues Stichopus chloronotus emulsi salap diberikan ke atas luka eksisi sekali
    sehari selama 10 hari. Perubahan pada kawasan luka diukur dengan menggunakan
    angkup dan gambar luka diambil pada hari pertama, ke-3, ke-6, ke-8 dan ke-10
    selepas pembentukan luka. Keputusan daripada peratusan pengurangan luka dan
    pemerhatian makroskopik akan menentukan dos optimum Stichopus chloronotus.
    Hasil kajian menunjukkan, kumpulan tikus kajian yang menerima rawatan
    Stichopus chloronotus 0.5% mempunyai peratusan pengurangan luka yang lebih
    tinggi dan pemerhatian makroskopik yang lebih baik bermula dari hari ke-6 selepas
    pembentukan luka berbanding kumpulan yang lain. Kesimpulannya, dos 0.5%
    merupakan kepekatan optimum bagi Stichopus chloronotus memberikan kesan
    kepada penyembuhan luka dan akan digunakan pada kajian sebenar
  3. Kamarudin, K.H., Isa, M.I.N., Hassan, M.
    ASM Science Journal, 2018;11(101):29-36.
    Supercapacitors attract great interest among researchers as energy storage devices due to
    their high power capability and long cycle life. In this research, the electrochemical performance
    of electrical double layer capacitor (EDLC) based solid bio-polymer electrolyte
    (SBE) was studied. SBE consists of carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) and ammonium nitrate
    (NH4NO3) was prepared by solution casting technique. The electrical impedance spectroscopy
    was used to verify the conductivity of SBE. The average conductivity was achieved
    at ∼ 10−3 S/cm. This research aims to prepare SBE and apply in the fabrication of EDLC.
    Scanning electron microscopy analysis showed the smooth and homogeneous surface of SBE
    film without any phase separation, while irregular shape and sizes of particles was found
    on the surface of electrode. Elemental identification results yielded that all corresponding
    elements presence in the SBE and electrode. The EDLC performance was characterized
    using galvanostatic charge-discharge at different constant currents. Charge-discharge studies
    showed that long discharge time (90 minutes) within 11 cycle was observed at 2µA. The
    highest specific capacitance of 1.8 F/g was discovered at 4µA. This study showed that EDLC
    based SBE has a promising potential to be applied in low current applications.
  4. Mejenom, A.A., Hafiza, M.N., Isa, M.I.N.
    ASM Science Journal, 2018;11(101):37-46.
    The present work discusses the structural studies of dual blended solid biopolymer electrolytes
    (SBEs) based carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC)/chitosan (CS) doped with various
    ammonium bromide (AB) composition using solution casting technique. X-ray Diffraction
    (XRD) result reveal that all samples are completely amorphous except for sample Ab-30.
    FTIR analysis shows interaction has occurred between CMC/CS and NH4Br. Analysis of
    transport properties has shown that the dependency of ionic conductivity was on the ionic
    mobility, µ and diffusion coefficient, D of mobile ion.
  5. Noorain Mohd Isa, Ahmad Zaharin Aris
    Sains Malaysiana, 2012;41:23-32.
    Classified as a small island, Kapas Island experiences major problems especially in supplying freshwater where groundwater abstraction is the only way to meet the demand of drinking water and domestic use. Groundwater samples were collected from seven constructed boreholes to examine the hydrochemistry properties of major ions and in-situ parameters as these could provide a basis for future reference. The chemical composition showed strong and significant correlation for each studied parameter; an indication of the effect of environmental variables to the groundwater composition. The composition changed from Ca-rich to Na-rich are explained mostly by mixing and cation exchange processes. This study provided an input for water management at Kapas Island where groundwater is a crucial resource to maintain the hydrogeological balance of the island.
  6. Faizah Mat I, Norizan H, Rozmi I
    Jurnal Psikologi Malaysia, 2018;32:109-118.
    The number of adolescents involved in drug addiction increases every year. Statistic shows that in 2015 there were 6,406 addicts from age 13 to 24 years old compared to 4,954 detected in 2014. The majority of those addicts had major depression. It is predicted that by 2020, depression will be the second leading causes of global burden of diseases after heart disease. This study aims to identify the relationship between social support and depression among adolescent drug addicts. The study used quantitative method by distributing the questionnaires to respondents. A total of 367 adolescent drug adddicts were involved in this study. The results showed a significant negative relationship between social support and depression. The results of the study also showed that there were relationships between social support from guardian, friends and closed friends and depression. The implication of the study suggested that the role of social support such as family members and close friends are crucial to help adolecents cope with depression and addiction.
  7. Nurulhikma Md. Isa, Ismanizan Ismail, Zamri Zainal
    Kapsaisinoid merupakan alkaloid yang memberikan ciri kepedasan pada cili serta khusus pada genus Capsicum. Sebatian kapsaisinoid terdiri daripada dua komponen utama iaitu kapsaisin dan dihidrokapsaisin. Dalam kajian ini, pengklonan cDNA Kapsaisin sintase (Cs) telah berjaya dilakukan menerusi kaedah transkripsi berbalik PCR (RT-PCR) dan klon cDNA tersebut dinamakan CUKMCS yang bersaiz 981 pb. Pencarian homologi menggunakan program blastx dan blastp yang terdapat pada pangkalan data NCBI mendapati CUKMCS mempunyai persamaan yang sangat tinggi terhadap Cs pada Capsicum frutescens, Capsicum annuum dan Capsicum chacoense. Saiz ramalan protein CUKMCS diangggarkan sekitar 36 kDa. Penentuan pengekspresan transkrip Cs pada 5 tisu yang berbeza mendapati transkrip dikesan pada tisu plasenta, mesokarp dan biji manakala tiada transkrip Cs dikesan pada daun dan akar
  8. Rohaya Othman, Nasharuddin Isa, Anuar Othman
    Sains Malaysiana, 2015;44:1561-1565.
    In this study carbide lime waste was used as raw material to produce precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC). Carbide
    lime is an industrial waste from acetylene gas industry which uses limestone in its production. The use of PCC as fillers
    in paper making can reduce the production cost and improve the paper properties such as opacity and brightness. PCC
    can be produced from carbide lime waste by ionic sucrose solution method. The sucrose solution of Brix 10° was first
    prepared by dissolving sugar (sucrose) in water followed by dissolution of carbide lime waste in the sucrose solution.
    The sucrose solution which had turned milky was then filtered to obtain a clear solution known as pregnant solution.
    The pregnant solution that contained calcium ions was subsequently used to produce PCC by introducing CO2
    gas into
    the pregnant solution. The process is known as carbonation. The PCC was then used as fillers in paper making. The
    production of PCC by using calcium hydroxide as starting material was also carried out for comparison purposes. Based
    on the results, PCC prepared from carbide lime had purity of 98.14% while the one prepared from calcium hydroxide had
    98.66%. Meanwhile, analysis of the paper properties demonstrated that both products gave equally good results. This
    proves that PCC prepared from industrial waste can be used for paper making.
  9. Md. Isa K, Othman L, Osman Z
    Sains Malaysiana, 2011;40:1179-1186.
    Polymer electrolytes based on polyacrylonitrile (PAN) containing inorganic salts; lithium triflate (LiCF3SO3) and sodium triflate (NaCF3SO3) and ethylene carbonate (EC) as plasticizer were prepared using solvent casting technique. In this study, five systems of plasticized and unplasticized polymer electrolyte films i.e. PAN-EC, PAN-LiCF3SO3, PAN-NaCF3SO3 PAN-EC-LiCF3SO3 and PAN-EC-NaCF3SO3 systems have been prepared. The structural and morphological properties of the films were studied using infrared spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) while the conductivity study was done by using impedance spectroscopy. The infrared results revealed that interaction had taken place between the nitrogen atoms of PAN and Li+ and Na+ ions from the salts. SEM micrographs showed that the plasticized film, PAN-EC-NaCF3SO3 has bigger pores than PAN-EC-LiCF3SO3 film resulting in the film containing NaCF3SO3 salt being more conductive. On addition of salts and plasticizer, the conductivity of pure PAN increases to three orders of magnitude. The plasticized film containing NaCF3SO3 salt has a higher conductivity compared to that containing LiCF3SO3 salt. This result showed that the interaction between Li+-ion and the nitrogen atom of PAN was stronger than that of Na+-ion. The conductivity-temperature dependence of the highest conducting film from each system follows Arrhenius equation in the temperature range of 303 to 353 K. The conductivity-pressure study in the range of 0.01 - 0.09 MPa showed that the conductivity decreased when pressure was increased. This can be explained in term of free volume model.
  10. Ahmad A, Md. Isa K, Osman Z
    Sains Malaysiana, 2011;40:1179-1186.
    The effect of different plasticizers on the properties of PAN–LiCF3SO3 polymer electrolytes has been studied. Propylene carbonate (PC) and ethylene carbonate (EC) having different values of donor numbers, dielectric constant and viscosity have been used as plasticizers. The highest room temperature conductivity for the film in the PAN–LiCF3SO3 system was 3.04 × 10-4 S cm-1. The highest room temperature conductivity for the films in the PAN–EC–LiCF3SO3 system and the PAN–PC–LiCF3SO3 system was 1.32 × 10-3 and 8.64 × 10-4 S cm-1. The addition of plasticizers has been found to enhance the conductivity of polymer electrolytes by increasing the amorphous content as well as by dissociating the ion aggregates present in polymer electrolyte. Conductivity temperature-dependence studies of these plasticized PAN-salt systems were carried out in the temperature range of 303 to 373 K. The conductivity versus temperature plots obeyed an Arrhenius type variation. The structural and complex formations were studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy.
  11. Salbiah Isa, Mohd Jamsani Mat Salleh
    Haemolysis interferes with many test results through release of red blood cell (RBC) intracellular contents or via spe- cific analytical interferences. In grossly haemolysed sample, potassium level can be raised considerably dependent on the degree of haemolysis and may exceed the critical limit value. In this case report, the potassium level from a grossly haemolysed sample taken after haemodialysis remains within normal range, and this has led to unnecessary repeated blood samplings hence delay the diagnosis. With the persistently high haemolytic index (HI) of  400mg/ dL and normal potassium levels in sequences of samples taken post haemodialysis should raise a high suspicion of in vivo haemodialysis related-haemolysis. An effective communication between laboratory and clinician, and a proper, well-designed protocol or guideline on the management of sample haemolysis in clinical laboratory therefore is very essential to ensure all clinically important but rare case of in vivo haemolysis can be identified early and the potential unwanted serious outcomes can be prevented accordingly.
  12. Bakry, N.F., Isa, M.I.N., Sarbon, N.M.
    This study investigated consequent functional effects (mechanical and physical) on Gelatin/ CMC/Chitosan composite films from the addition of sorbitol. With glycerol as a plasticizer, solutions for Gelatin/CMC/Chitosan composite films containing graduated sorbitol concentrations (0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% and 30%), were cast on a petri dish and oven dried at 45˚C. The fabricated films were then characterized for tensile strength, elongation at break (EAB) and puncture resistance (mechanical properties); as well as film thickness, water vapor permeability (WVP), thermal properties, light transmittance and transparency (UV and visible light transmission), biodegradability, and X-ray diffraction (physical properties). Results indicated that by increasing sorbitol concentration, melting point and tensile strength decreased overall (p
  13. Halim I, Omar AR
    Int J Occup Saf Ergon, 2012;18(1):85-96.
    PMID: 22429532
    Many occupations in industry such as metal stamping workers, electronics parts assembly operators, automotive industry welders, and lathe operators require working in a standing posture for a long time. Prolonged standing can contribute to discomfort and muscle fatigue particularly in the back and legs. This study developed the prolonged standing strain index (PSSI) to quantify the risk levels caused by standing jobs, and proposed recommendations to minimize the risk levels. Risk factors associated with standing jobs, such as working posture, muscles activity, standing duration, holding time, whole-body vibration, and indoor air quality, were the basis for developing the PSSI. All risk factors were assigned multipliers, and the PSSI was the product of those multipliers. Recommendations for improvement are based on the PSSI; however, extensive studies are required to validate their effectiveness. multipliers, and the PSSI was the product of those multipliers. Recommendations for improvement are based on the PSSI; however, extensive studies are required to validate their effectiveness.
  14. Ahmad Z, Daw W, Isa A
    Malays J Nutr, 1996 Sep;2(2):148-54.
    PMID: 22692137 MyJurnal
    A survey of infant-feeding and weaning practices of 566 mothers, systematically sampled from 15 rural villages, randomly selected in the district of Tumpat, Kelantan was carried out. Almost all mothers (97.3%) breastfed their children, reinforcing the previously reported high incidence of breast-feeding among rural Malaysian mothers. One hundred and seventeen (21.3%) of the 551 children breastfed were also given mixed feeding with infant fomulae as well. Weaning started before 4 months of age in 28.3% of the children and after 6 months of age in 12.8% of the children. The 3 most common type of food used in weaning were Nestum (45.0%), rice porridge or paste (42.6%) and wheat porridge or cakes (11.5%). Forty eight children (12.1%) discontinued breastfeeding once weaning was initiated. The main reasons for initiating weaning was mothers' perception that there was insufficient milk and that the child was always hungry (55.7%). Most mothers were also given advice by the health clinic staff on weaning, including the timing and the suitable weaning foods to give. All of the mothers were able to name at least one commercial weaning food product available in their community.
  15. Nabil S, Isa MF, Abdul Wahab BI, Isa NM
    Med Mycol Case Rep, 2024 Mar;43:100631.
    PMID: 38318120 DOI: 10.1016/j.mmcr.2024.100631
    Sporotrichosis is a rare type of fungal infection caused by Sporothrix fungus. Transmissions are commonly by traumatic inoculation of the fungus through the skin and subcutaneous tissue either from environmental exposure or contact with infected animals. Due to its mode of transmission, it is commonly affecting the upper limbs. Definitive diagnosis can be obtained by fungal culture test on secretion fluids, pus, bloods or tissue biopsy. We report a rare presentation of this disease appearing as a solitary chronic ulcer of the lip which was successfully treated with itraconazole.
  16. Salleh NA, Wong HS, Mohd Isa HD
    Korean J Fam Med, 2016 May;37(3):197-201.
    PMID: 27274392 DOI: 10.4082/kjfm.2016.37.3.197
    In patients with thyroid disease, ocular involvement or thyroid ophthalmopathy is common, irrespective of their thyroid status. A common feature of thyroid eye disease is eyelid retraction, which leads to a classical starry gaze (Kocher sign). Treatment with radioactive iodine (RAI) is a known therapy for hyperthyroidism. However, this treatment may lead to or worsen thyroid ophthalmopathy. We report a case series of two patients with thyrotoxicosis, who presented with an atypical and subtle occurrence of thyroid eye disease (TED) soon after RAI therapy. One of the patients was initially diagnosed and treated for dry eyes; however, over a period of time, the patient's vision progressively deteriorated. Clinical and radiological investigations confirmed thyroid ophthalmopathy with low serum thyroid hormone levels. Both patients recovered well after immediate intensive intravenous steroid treatment. These cases highlight the importance of recognizing partial ptosis as one of the presenting signs of active TED among general practitioners and physicians.
  17. Abdul Ghani AS, Mat Isa NA
    Springerplus, 2014;3:757.
    PMID: 25674483 DOI: 10.1186/2193-1801-3-757
    The quality of underwater image is poor due to the properties of water and its impurities. The properties of water cause attenuation of light travels through the water medium, resulting in low contrast, blur, inhomogeneous lighting, and color diminishing of the underwater images. This paper proposes a method of enhancing the quality of underwater image. The proposed method consists of two stages. At the first stage, the contrast correction technique is applied to the image, where the image is applied with the modified Von Kries hypothesis and stretching the image into two different intensity images at the average value with respects to Rayleigh distribution. At the second stage, the color correction technique is applied to the image where the image is first converted into hue-saturation-value (HSV) color model. The modification of the color component increases the image color performance. Qualitative and quantitative analyses indicate that the proposed method outperforms other state-of-the-art methods in terms of contrast, details, and noise reduction.
  18. Isa NK, Mat Don M
    Prep Biochem Biotechnol, 2014;44(6):572-85.
    PMID: 24499362 DOI: 10.1080/10826068.2013.844707
    The culture conditions for gibberellic acid (GA3) production by the fungus Penicillium variable (P. variable) was optimized using a statistical tool, response surface methodology (RSM). Interactions of culture conditions and optimization of the system were studied using Box-Behnken design (BBD) with three levels of three variables in a batch flask reactor. Experimentation showed that the model developed based on RSM and BBD had predicted GA3 production with R(2) = 0.987. The predicted GA3 production was optimum (31.57 mg GA3/kg substrate) when the culture conditions were at 7 days of incubation period, 21% v/w of inoculum size, and 2% v/w of olive oil concentration as a natural precursor. The results indicated that RSM and BBD methods were effective for optimizing the culture conditions of GA3 production by P. variable mycelia.
  19. Yusof AS, Isa ZM, Shah SA
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2013;14(2):1151-4.
    PMID: 23621204
    BACKGROUND: Changes in dietary practices are known to be associated with changes in the health and disease pattern of a population. This study aimed to qualitatively explore the perception of colorectal cancer patients regarding causes of colorectal cancer and the influence of diet.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twelve respondents from three major ethnicities in Malaysia were selected from the quantitative study on dietary pattern and colorectal cancer carried out earlier in this study. In-depth interviews (IDI), conducted from April until June 2012, were mainly in the Malay language with additional use of English and continued until the saturation point was reached. All interviews were autorecorded so that verbatim transcriptions could be created.

    RESULTS: Causes of colorectal cancer were categorized into internal and external factors. The majority of respondents agreed that there is an association between Western foods and colorectal cancer. Malaysian traditional diet was not related to colorectal cancer as less preservative agents were used. Malaysian diet preparation consisting of taste of cooking (spicy, salty and sour foods) plus type of cooking (fry, grilled and smoked) were considered causes of colorectal cancer. All respondents changed their dietary pattern to healthy food after being diagnosed with colorectal cancer. Advice from doctors regarding suitable food for colorectal cancer was useful in this regard.

    CONCLUSIONS: Eating outside, use of food flavoring ingredients and preservative agents were considered to be the main factors causing colorectal cancer. All respondents admitted that they changed to a healthy diet after being diagnosed with colorectal cancer.

  20. Seman A, Bakar ZA, Isa MN
    BMC Res Notes, 2012;5:557.
    PMID: 23039132 DOI: 10.1186/1756-0500-5-557
    Y-Short Tandem Repeats (Y-STR) data consist of many similar and almost similar objects. This characteristic of Y-STR data causes two problems with partitioning: non-unique centroids and local minima problems. As a result, the existing partitioning algorithms produce poor clustering results.
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