Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 308 in total

  1. Lanciotti RS, Lewis JG, Gubler DJ, Trent DW
    J Gen Virol, 1994 Jan;75 ( Pt 1):65-75.
    PMID: 8113741
    The nucleic acid sequences of the pre-membrane/membrane and envelope protein genes of 23 geographically and temporally distinct dengue (DEN)-3 viruses were determined. This was accomplished by reverse transcriptase-PCR amplification of the structural genes followed by automated DNA sequence analysis. Comparison of nucleic acid sequences revealed that similarity among the viruses was greater than 90%. The similarity among deduced amino acids was between 95% and 100%, and in many cases identical amino acid substitutions occurred among viruses from similar geographical regions. Alignment of nucleic acid sequences followed by parsimony analysis allowed the generation of phylogenetic trees, demonstrating that geographically independent evolution of DEN-3 viruses had occurred. The DEN-3 viruses were separated into four genetically distinct subtypes. Subtype I consists of viruses from Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and the South Pacific islands; subtype II consists of viruses from Thailand; subtype III consists of viruses from Sri Lanka, India, Africa and Samoa; subtype IV consists of viruses from Puerto Rico and the 1965 Tahiti virus. Phylogenetic analysis has also contributed to our understanding of the molecular epidemiology and worldwide distribution of DEN-3 viruses.
  2. Chew KS, van Merrienboer JJG, Durning SJ
    BMC Med Educ, 2019 Jan 10;19(1):18.
    PMID: 30630472 DOI: 10.1186/s12909-018-1451-4
    BACKGROUND: Establishing a diagnosis is a complex, iterative process involving patient data gathering, integration and interpretation. Premature closure is a fallacious cognitive tendency of closing the diagnostic process before sufficient data have been gathered. A proposed strategy to minimize premature closure is the use of a checklist to trigger metacognition (the process of monitoring one's own thinking). A number of studies have suggested the effectiveness of this strategy in classroom settings. This qualitative study examined the perception of usability of a metacognitive mnemonic checklist called TWED checklist (where the letter "T = Threat", "W = What if I am wrong? What else?", "E = Evidence" and "D = Dispositional influence") in a real clinical setting.

    METHOD: Two categories of participants, i.e., medical doctors (n = 11) and final year medical students (Group 1, n = 5; Group 2, n = 10) participated in four separate focus group discussions. Nielsen's 5 dimensions of usability (i.e. learnability, effectiveness, memorability, errors, and satisfaction) and Pentland's narrative network were adapted as the framework to study the usability and the implementation of the checklist in a real clinical setting respectively.

    RESULTS: Both categories (medical doctors and medical students) of participants found that the TWED checklist was easy to learn and effective in promoting metacognition. For medical student participants, items "T" and "W" were believed to be the two most useful aspects of the checklist, whereas for the doctor participants, it was item "D". Regarding its implementation, item "T" was applied iteratively, items "W" and "E" were applied when the outcomes did not turn out as expected, and item "D" was applied infrequently. The one checkpoint where all four items were applied was after the initial history taking and physical examination had been performed to generate the initial clinical impression.

    CONCLUSION: A metacognitive checklist aimed to check cognitive errors may be a useful tool that can be implemented in the real clinical setting.

  3. Deurenberg-Yap M, Schmidt G, van Staveren WA, Hautvast JG, Deurenberg P
    Br J Nutr, 2001 Apr;85(4):491-8.
    PMID: 11348564 DOI: 10.1079/bjn2000276
    This cross-sectional study compared body fat percentage (BF%) obtained from a four-compartment (4C) model with BF% from hydrometry (using 2H2O), dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) and densitometry among the three main ethnic groups (Chinese, Malays and Indians) in Singapore, and determined the suitability of two-compartment (2C) models as surrogate methods for assessing BF% among different ethnic groups. A total of 291 subjects (108 Chinese, seventy-six Malays, 107 Indians) were selected to ensure an adequate representation of age range (18-75 years) and BMI range (16-40 kg/m2) of the general adult population, with almost equal numbers from each gender group. Body weight was measured, together with body height, total body water by 2H2O dilution, densitometry with Bodpod and bone mineral content with Hologic QDR-4500. BF% measurements with a 4C model for the subgroups were: Chinese females 33.5 (sd 7.5), Chinese males 24.4 (sd 6.1), Malay females 37.8 (sd 6.3), Malay males 26.0 (sd 7.6), Indian females 38.2 (sd 7.0), Indian males 28.1 (sd 5.5). Differences between BF% measured by the 4C and 2C models (hydrometry, DXA and densitometry) were found, with underestimation of BF% in all the ethnic-gender groups by DXA of 2.1-4.2 BF% and by densitometry of 0.5-3.2 BF%). On a group level, the differences in BF% between the 4C model and 2H2O were the lowest (0.0-1.4 BF% in the different groups), while differences between the 4C model and DXA were the highest. Differences between the 4C model and 2H2O and between the 4C model and DXA were positively correlated with the 4C model, water fraction (f(water)) of fat-free mass (FFM) and the mineral fraction (f(mineral)) of FFM, and negatively correlated with density of the FFM (D(FFM)), while the difference between 4C model and densitometry correlated with these variables negatively and positively respectively (i.e. the correlations were opposite). The largest contributors to the observed differences were f(water) and D(FFM). When validated against the reference 4C model, 2C models were found to be unsuitable for accurate measurements of BF% at the individual level, owing to the high errors and violation of assumptions of constant hydration of FFM and D(FFM) among the ethnic groups. On a group level, the best 2C model for measuring BF% among Singaporeans was found to be 2H2O.
  4. Chew KS, van Merrienboer JJG, Durning SJ
    BMC Med Educ, 2017 Nov 29;17(1):234.
    PMID: 29187172 DOI: 10.1186/s12909-017-1078-x
    BACKGROUND: A key challenge clinicians face when considering differential diagnoses is whether the patient data have been adequately collected. Insufficient data may inadvertently lead to premature closure of the diagnostic process. This study aimed to test the hypothesis that the application of a mnemonic checklist helps to stimulate more patient data collection, thus leading to better diagnostic consideration.

    METHODS: A total of 88 final year medical students were assigned to either an educational intervention group or a control group in a non-equivalent group post-test only design. Participants in the intervention group received a tutorial on the use of a mnemonic checklist aimed to minimize cognitive errors in clinical decision-making. Two weeks later, the participants in both groups were given a script concordance test consisting of 10 cases, with 3 items per case, to assess their clinical decisions when additional data are given in the case scenarios.

    RESULTS: The Mann-Whitney U-test performed on the total scores from both groups showed no statistical significance (U = 792, z = -1.408, p = 0.159). When comparisons were made for the first half and the second half of the SCT, it was found that participants in the intervention group performed significantly better than participants in the control group in the first half of the test, with median scores of 9.15 (IQR 8.00-10.28) vs. 8.18 (IQR 7.16-9.24) respectively, U = 642.5, z = -2.661, p = 0.008. No significant difference was found in the second half of the test, with the median score of 9.58 (IQR 8.90-10.56) vs. 9.81 (IQR 8.83-11.12) for the intervention group and control group respectively (U = 897.5, z = -0.524, p = 0.60).

    CONCLUSION: Checklist use in differential diagnoses consideration did show some benefit. However, this benefit seems to have been traded off by the time and effort in using it. More research is needed to determine whether this benefit could be translated into clinical practice after repetitive use.

  5. Morton SE, Chiew YS, Pretty C, Moltchanova E, Scarrott C, Redmond D, et al.
    Math Biosci, 2017 02;284:21-31.
    PMID: 27301378 DOI: 10.1016/j.mbs.2016.06.001
    Randomised control trials have sought to seek to improve mechanical ventilation treatment. However, few trials to date have shown clinical significance. It is hypothesised that aside from effective treatment, the outcome metrics and sample sizes of the trial also affect the significance, and thus impact trial design. In this study, a Monte-Carlo simulation method was developed and used to investigate several outcome metrics of ventilation treatment, including 1) length of mechanical ventilation (LoMV); 2) Ventilator Free Days (VFD); and 3) LoMV-28, a combination of the other metrics. As these metrics have highly skewed distributions, it also investigated the impact of imposing clinically relevant exclusion criteria on study power to enable better design for significance. Data from invasively ventilated patients from a single intensive care unit were used in this analysis to demonstrate the method. Use of LoMV as an outcome metric required 160 patients/arm to reach 80% power with a clinically expected intervention difference of 25% LoMV if clinically relevant exclusion criteria were applied to the cohort, but 400 patients/arm if they were not. However, only 130 patients/arm would be required for the same statistical significance at the same intervention difference if VFD was used. A Monte-Carlo simulation approach using local cohort data combined with objective patient selection criteria can yield better design of ventilation studies to desired power and significance, with fewer patients per arm than traditional trial design methods, which in turn reduces patient risk. Outcome metrics, such as VFD, should be used when a difference in mortality is also expected between the two cohorts. Finally, the non-parametric approach taken is readily generalisable to a range of trial types where outcome data is similarly skewed.
  6. Cheah TS, Mattsson JG, Zaini M, Sani RA, Jakubek EB, Uggla A, et al.
    Vet Parasitol, 2004 Dec 15;126(3):263-9.
    PMID: 15567590
    In order to attempt isolate the protozoan parasite Neospora caninum, an N. caninum seropositive pregnant Sahiwal Friesian cross heifer from a large-scale dairy farm in Malaysia was kept for observation until parturition at the Veterinary Research Institute, Ipoh. The heifer gave birth to a female calf that was weak, underweight and unable to rise. Precolostral serum from the calf had an N. caninum indirect fluorescent antibody test titre of 1:3200. It died 12 h after birth and necropsy was performed. Brain homogenate from the calf was inoculated into 10 BALB/c mice that were kept for 3 months after which brain tissue from the mice was inoculated onto 24 h fresh monolayer Vero cell lines. The cell cultures were examined daily until growth of intracellular protozoa was observed. DNA of the organisms from the cell cultures was analyzed by PCR and DNA sequencing. DNA fragments of the expected size were amplified from the isolate using N. caninum-specific primers, and sequence analysis of ITS1 clearly identified the isolate as N. caninum. This is the first successful isolation of N. caninum from a bovine in Malaysia, and the isolate is designated Nc-MalB1.
  7. Kooijman AM, Bruin CJW, van de Craats A, Grootjans AP, Oostermeijer JGB, Scholten R, et al.
    Sci Total Environ, 2016 Oct 15;568:107-117.
    PMID: 27289393 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.05.086
    Dune slacks are important habitats, with many endangered plant species. A series of eleven dune slacks of 1-42years old was studied in SW-Texel, the Netherlands, with the EU-habitat directive species Liparis loeselii present in all except the youngest and oldest. Analysis of aerial photographs revealed that new slacks are currently formed every 4-5years. In each slack, topsoil and vegetation data were collected in 2010 and 2014-2015. During succession, vegetation changed from brackish pioneer stages to dune slacks with L. loeselii and Parnassia palustris and ultimately grassland species. Differences between dune slacks and sampling periods were mostly significant. Herb cover and soil C increased with slack age, and over the five year study period, while bare sand, bulk density and pH decreased. The annual pH-decrease was 0.055 and 0.075 for pH-H2O and pH-KCl respectively, and annual C-increase 0.16% and 35gm(-2). Liparis loeselii was only present between pHH2O 5.8-7.5 and pHKCl 5.6-7.6, and only occurred at C-content below 4.3%. In lime-poor dunes, environmental conditions thus become unsuitable approximately 34years after the start of succession. In the dune slacks, Liparis loeselii established within 6years, showed peak values after 11-16years, and declined until conditions became unsuitable. Rejuvenation may occur after large storms with fresh sand deposits. However, even with further succession, the present populations are not endangered and probably last until 2040. With new dune slacks every 5years, L. loeselii occurs in approximately eight different dune slacks at the same time, ensuring viable populations also in the future. This shows that adverse effects of succession can be counteracted by dynamics on local and landscape scale.
  8. Awaluddin AB, Jacobs JJ, Bourne DW, Maddalena DJ, Wilson JG, Boyd RE
    Int J Rad Appl Instrum A, 1987;38(8):671-4.
    PMID: 2822626
    Potential tumor imaging radiopharmaceutical agents have been prepared by attaching a cisplatin derivative to a ligand capable of forming a stable complex with 99mTc. Three new organometallic compounds, with iminodiacetic acid as the 99mTc chelating group and 2,3-diaminopropionamide as the platinum complexing group, have been prepared and characterized. Preliminary biodistribution studies in tumor bearing mice support the utility of this approach.
  9. Hanapi NHM, Yuliawiratman BS, Lai LL, Halil H, Koo JG, Suhaimi A
    Obes Surg, 2018 07;28(7):2130-2134.
    PMID: 29696574 DOI: 10.1007/s11695-018-3256-2
    Bariatric surgery offers a therapeutic alternative with favourable weight management, cardiovascular, metabolic and functional outcomes. Bariatric individuals often have functional impairments pre-operatively that can be addressed to improve post-operative results and eventual functional independence. Multidisciplinary team offers the best approach to address peri-operative needs and sustainable weight loss thereafter. We exemplified the application of cardiac rehabilitation therapeutic model in managing two bariatric clients with specific bariatric-related challenges. Our approach focuses on adaptive physical activity, sustainable lifestyle changes to promote post-operative weight loss through education and problem solving as well as secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease. Putting emphasis on addressing physical and psychosocial barriers towards physical activity alongside nutritional aspects potentially confers sustained if not better outcomes on weight reduction and functional improvement.
  10. Bergman K, Henriksson PJG, Hornborg S, Troell M, Borthwick L, Jonell M, et al.
    Environ Sci Technol, 2020 12 15;54(24):16062-16070.
    PMID: 33251804 DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.0c01100
    Seafood is seen as promising for more sustainable diets. The increasing production in land-based closed Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RASs) has overcome many local environmental challenges with traditional open net-pen systems such as eutrophication. The energy needed to maintain suitable water quality, with associated emissions, has however been seen as challenging from a global perspective. This study uses Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to investigate the environmental performance and improvement potentials of a commercial RAS farm of tilapia and Clarias in Sweden. The environmental impact categories and indicators considered were freshwater eutrophication, climate change, energy demand, land use, and dependency on animal-source feed inputs per kg of fillet. We found that feed production contributed most to all environmental impacts (between 67 and 98%) except for energy demand for tilapia, contradicting previous findings that farm-level energy use is a driver of environmental pressures. The main improvement potentials include improved by-product utilization and use of a larger proportion of plant-based feed ingredients. Together with further smaller improvement potential identified, this suggests that RASs may play a more important role in a future, environmentally sustainable food system.
  11. Nhu TT, Schaubroeck T, Henriksson PJG, Bosma R, Sorgeloos P, Dewulf J
    Environ Pollut, 2016 Dec;219:156-165.
    PMID: 27814531 DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2016.10.006
    Pangasius production in Vietnam is widely known as a success story in aquaculture, the fastest growing global food system because of its tremendous expansion by volume, value and the number of international markets to which Pangasius has been exported in recent years. While certification schemes are becoming significant features of international fish trade and marketing, an increasing number of Pangasius producers have followed at least one of the certification schemes recognised by international markets to incorporate environmental and social sustainability practices in aquaculture, typically the Pangasius Aquaculture Dialogue (PAD) scheme certified by the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC). An assessment of the environmental benefit of applying certification schemes on Pangasius production, however, is still needed. This article compared the environmental impact of ASC-certified versus non-ASC certified intensive Pangasius aquaculture, using a statistically supported LCA. We focused on both resource-related (water, land and total resources) and emissions-related (global warming, acidification, freshwater and marine eutrophication) categories. The ASC certification scheme was shown to be a good approach for determining adequate environmental sustainability, especially concerning emissions-related categories, in Pangasius production. However, the non-ASC certified farms, due to the large spread, the impact (e.g., water resources and freshwater eutrophication) was possibly lower for a certain farm. However, this result was not generally prominent. Further improvements in intensive Pangasius production to inspire certification schemes are proposed, e.g., making the implementation of certification schemes more affordable, well-oriented and facilitated; reducing consumed feed amounts and of the incorporated share in fishmeal, especially domestic fishmeal, etc. However, their implementation should be vetted with key stakeholders to assess their feasibility.
  12. Doss JG, Ghani WMN, Razak IA, Yang YH, Rogers SN, Zain RB
    Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 2017 Jun;46(6):687-698.
    PMID: 28318871 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijom.2017.02.1269
    This study aimed to assess changes in oral cancer patients' health-related quality of life (HRQOL) and the impact of disease stage on HRQOL scores. HRQOL data were collected from seven hospital-based centres using the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Head and Neck (FACT-H&N) version 4.0 instrument. The independent samples t-test, χ(2) test, and paired samples t-test were used to analyse the data. A total of 300 patients were recruited. The most common oral cancer sub-site was tongue and floor of mouth (42.6%). Surgical intervention (41.1%) was the most common treatment modality. Significant differences in ethnicity and treatment modality were observed between early and late stage patients. Pre-treatment HRQOL scores were significantly lower for late than early stage patients. At 1 month post-treatment, the functional and head and neck domains and the FACT-H&N (TOI) summary scores showed significant deterioration in both early and late stage patients. In contrast, the emotional domain showed a significant improvement for early and late stage patients at 1, 3, and 6 months post-treatment. Although HRQOL deterioration was still observed among early and late stage patients at 6 months post-treatment, this was not statistically significant. In conclusion, advanced disease is associated with poorer HRQOL. Although ethnic differences were observed across different disease stages, the influence of ethnicity on patient HRQOL was not evident in this study.
  13. Søgaard Jørgensen P, Folke C, Henriksson PJG, Malmros K, Troell M, Zorzet A, et al.
    Trends Ecol Evol, 2020 Jun;35(6):484-494.
    PMID: 32396815 DOI: 10.1016/j.tree.2020.01.011
    Development of new biocides has dominated human responses to evolution of antibiotic and pesticide resistance. Increasing and uniform biocide use, the spread of resistance genes, and the lack of new classes of compounds indicate the importance of navigating toward more sustainable coevolutionary dynamics between human culture and species that evolve resistance. To inform this challenge, we introduce the concept of coevolutionary governance and propose three priorities for its implementation: (i) new norms and mental models for lowering use, (ii) diversifying practices to reduce directional selection, and (iii) investment in collective action institutions to govern connectivity. We highlight the availability of solutions that facilitate broader sustainable development, which for antibiotic resistance include improved sanitation and hygiene, strong health systems, and decreased meat consumption.
  14. Mendoza Beltran A, Prado V, Font Vivanco D, Henriksson PJG, Guinée JB, Heijungs R
    Environ Sci Technol, 2018 02 20;52(4):2152-2161.
    PMID: 29406730 DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.7b06365
    Interpretation of comparative Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) results can be challenging in the presence of uncertainty. To aid in interpreting such results under the goal of any comparative LCA, we aim to provide guidance to practitioners by gaining insights into uncertainty-statistics methods (USMs). We review five USMs-discernibility analysis, impact category relevance, overlap area of probability distributions, null hypothesis significance testing (NHST), and modified NHST-and provide a common notation, terminology, and calculation platform. We further cross-compare all USMs by applying them to a case study on electric cars. USMs belong to a confirmatory or an exploratory statistics' branch, each serving different purposes to practitioners. Results highlight that common uncertainties and the magnitude of differences per impact are key in offering reliable insights. Common uncertainties are particularly important as disregarding them can lead to incorrect recommendations. On the basis of these considerations, we recommend the modified NHST as a confirmatory USM. We also recommend discernibility analysis as an exploratory USM along with recommendations for its improvement, as it disregards the magnitude of the differences. While further research is necessary to support our conclusions, the results and supporting material provided can help LCA practitioners in delivering a more robust basis for decision-making.
  15. Goa Y, Du JG, Jirapattharasate C, Galon E, Ji SW, Ran ZG, et al.
    Trop Biomed, 2023 Dec 01;40(4):400-405.
    PMID: 38308826 DOI: 10.47665/tb.40.4.004
    Beta toxin (CPB) is a lethal toxin and plays a key role in enterotoxemia of ruminants caused by Clostridium perfringens type C strain. The existing vaccines based on crude CPB need time-consuming detoxification and difficult quality control steps. In this study, we synthesized the rCPBm4 of C. perfringens type C strain and small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO)-tag CPBm4 (rSUMO-CPBm4) by introducing four amino acid substitutions: R212E, Y266A, L268G, and W275A. Compared with rCPBm4, rSUMO-CPBm4 was expressed with higher solubility in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3). Neither rCPBm4 nor rSUMO-CPBm4 was lethal to mice. Although rCPBm4 and rSUMO-CPBm4 were reactogenic with polyclonal antibodies against crude CPB, rabbits vaccinated with rSUMO-CPBm4 developed significant levels of toxin-neutralizing antibody (TNA) titers that conferred protection against crude toxin challenge. These data suggest that genetically detoxified rSUMO-CPBm4 is a promising subunit vaccine candidate for C. perfringens type C beta enterotoxemia.
  16. Desbois AP, Brunton LA, Henriksson PJG, Luthman O, Troell M, Green DM
    Sci Total Environ, 2025 Jan 01;958:177785.
    PMID: 39644642 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.177785
    Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) demands collective action to reduce and mitigate its threats. The Quadripartite collaboration of the World Health Organization (WHO), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH) has led development and implementation of National Action Plans (NAPs) that describe approaches each country will take to tackle AMR. All antimicrobial users and sectors should be included, and the Quadripartite encourages a One Health approach. Aquaculture has received mixed coverage in NAPs: Here, we argue why aquaculture requires special consideration. Aquaculture is a diverse, global collection of industries and activities, with heterogeneity in systems and species greatly exceeding terrestrial food-animal production, with products traded internationally in huge volumes. Almost 6 % of global total antibiotic usage is estimated to be applied in aquaculture, with per-biomass quantities in some species exceeding usage in human and terrestrial food-animals. The watery nature of aquaculture interconnects it with other One Health compartments: humans, other animals and the wider environment. Rapid industry growth challenges relatively detached stakeholders such as regulators and NAP creators to remain abreast of changing practices, whilst support capabilities and capacity, e.g., health services, typically lag behind growing needs. To integrate aquaculture effectively into next-generation NAPs, ensuring policies cover the One Health spectrum, NAP creators need to recognise the diversity of aquaculture and initiate engagement across associated value chains, especially health service providers. Disentangling the industry can assist formulation of realistic policies for heterogenous contexts and identify pathways to implementation. Resource allocation must be appropriate and include relevant government departments, whilst improved ways to track and monitor AMR, including those international activities that impact AMR domestically, through suitable data collection are key to monitoring and evaluating policies. Better NAPs are crucial to addressing AMR and this coordinated global approach provides our best opportunity for success.
  17. Farma R, Deraman M, Awitdrus A, Talib IA, Taer E, Basri NH, et al.
    Bioresour Technol, 2013 Mar;132:254-61.
    PMID: 23411456 DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2013.01.044
    Fibres from oil palm empty fruit bunches, generated in large quantities by palm oil mills, were processed into self-adhesive carbon grains (SACG). Untreated and KOH-treated SACG were converted without binder into green monolith prior to N2-carbonisation and CO2-activation to produce highly porous binderless carbon monolith electrodes for supercapacitor applications. Characterisation of the pore structure of the electrodes revealed a significant advantage from combining the chemical and physical activation processes. The electrochemical measurements of the supercapacitor cells fabricated using these electrodes, using cyclic voltammetry, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and galvanostatic charge-discharge techniques consistently found that approximately 3h of activation time, achieved via a multi-step heating profile, produced electrodes with a high surface area of 1704m(2)g(-1) and a total pore volume of 0.889cm(3)g(-1), corresponding to high values for the specific capacitance, specific energy and specific power of 150Fg(-1), 4.297Whkg(-1) and 173Wkg(-1), respectively.
  18. Nyon MP, Rice DW, Berrisford JM, Huang H, Moir AJ, Craven CJ, et al.
    PMID: 18540061 DOI: 10.1107/S1744309108012086
    Cutinase catalyzes the hydrolysis of water-soluble esters and long-chain triglycerides and belongs to the family of serine hydrolases. The enzyme is thought to represent an evolutionary link between the esterase and lipase families and has potential applications in a wide range of industrial hydrolytic processes, for which an understanding of the molecular basis of its substrate specificity is critical. Glomerella cingulata cutinase has been cloned and the protein has been overexpressed in Escherichia coli, purified and subsequently crystallized in a wide range of different crystal forms in the presence and absence of inhibitors. The best crystals are those of the apo cutinase, which diffract to beyond 1.6 A resolution and belong to space group P4(1)2(1)2 or P4(3)2(1)2. Crystals of cutinase with the inhibitors PETFP or E600 belong to space groups P2(1)2(1)2(1) and P2(1), respectively, and diffract to approximately 2.5 A resolution. All of the crystals are suitable for structural studies, which are currently ongoing.
  19. Henriksson PJG, Rico A, Troell M, Klinger DH, Buschmann AH, Saksida S, et al.
    Sustain Sci, 2018;13(4):1105-1120.
    PMID: 30147798 DOI: 10.1007/s11625-017-0511-8
    Global seafood provides almost 20% of all animal protein in diets, and aquaculture is, despite weakening trends, the fastest growing food sector worldwide. Recent increases in production have largely been achieved through intensification of existing farming systems, resulting in higher risks of disease outbreaks. This has led to increased use of antimicrobials (AMs) and consequent antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in many farming sectors, which may compromise the treatment of bacterial infections in the aquaculture species itself and increase the risks of AMR in humans through zoonotic diseases or through the transfer of AMR genes to human bacteria. Multiple stakeholders have, as a result, criticized the aquaculture industry, resulting in consequent regulations in some countries. AM use in aquaculture differs from that in livestock farming due to aquaculture's greater diversity of species and farming systems, alternative means of AM application, and less consolidated farming practices in many regions. This, together with less research on AM use in aquaculture in general, suggests that large data gaps persist with regards to its overall use, breakdowns by species and system, and how AMs become distributed in, and impact on, the overall social-ecological systems in which they are embedded. This paper identifies the main factors (and challenges) behind application rates, which enables discussion of mitigation pathways. From a set of identified key mechanisms for AM usage, six proximate factors are identified: vulnerability to bacterial disease, AM access, disease diagnostic capacity, AMR, target markets and food safety regulations, and certification. Building upon these can enable local governments to reduce AM use through farmer training, spatial planning, assistance with disease identification, and stricter regulations. National governments and international organizations could, in turn, assist with disease-free juveniles and vaccines, enforce rigid monitoring of the quantity and quality of AMs used by farmers and the AM residues in the farmed species and in the environment, and promote measures to reduce potential human health risks associated with AMR.
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