Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 183 in total

  1. Pang B, Lam SS, Shen XJ, Cao XF, Liu SJ, Yuan TQ, et al.
    ChemSusChem, 2020 Sep 07;13(17):4446-4454.
    PMID: 32118355 DOI: 10.1002/cssc.202000299
    The valorization of lignin to replace phenol is significant in the production of phenolic resins. However, a great challenge is to produce lignin-based resin (LR) with a suitable viscosity and high substitution rate of lignin to phenol. In this study, LRs were produced using hardwood technical lignin derived from the pulping industry. Structural analysis of the LRs indicated that the unsubstituted para and ortho carbon atoms of the aromatic ring influenced the curing temperature and activation energy of the resins. The curing kinetics and thermal decomposition study implied that urea and methylene groups in cured LRs were significant factors that affected the thermal stability negatively. The prepared LRs showed desirable features if used as adhesives to make plywood. This is the first approach in which a substitution rate of up to 65 % is achieved for low-reactive-site hardwood lignin, which provides a solution to the challenge of the simultaneous realization of the high addition of lignin and the adaptive viscosity of resins.
  2. Kang K, Nanda S, Lam SS, Zhang T, Huo L, Zhao L
    Environ Res, 2020 07;186:109480.
    PMID: 32302869 DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2020.109480
    Microwave assisted hydrothermal treatment (MHTC) was compared with torrefaction in terms of carbonization efficiency and physicochemical characteristics of char products. The utilization of produced char was optimized for composite solid biofuel production. The results show that MHTC significantly improved the binding capability of the microwave hydrochar (MHC) particles during co-densification with unprocessed biomass and coal. One possible contributor to the improved binding is the pseudo lignin formed during the MHTC, which led to a better interlocking of the feedstock particles and promoted the solid bridge formation. Composite pellet prepared with 80 wt% of torrefaction char (TC-120), 10 wt% of microwave hydrochar (MHC-30), and 10 wt% of Coal-04 showed a higher heating value of 24.54 MJ/kg and energy density of 26.43 GJ/m3, which is significantly higher than that of the raw cotton stalk pellet (16.77 MJ/kg and 18.76 GJ/m3, respectively), showing great promise as a solid biofuel. The moisture resistance and oxidation reactivity are also significantly improved. The results demonstrate that MHCs provides dual functionalities in acting as binder and fuel promoter in the production of composite biofuel. This study can provide new insight into the unique functions of MHC during fuel application, which demonstrates the great potential of applying MHTC in energy recovery from lignocellulosic biomass.
  3. Sonne C, Ok YS, Lam SS, Rinklebe J, Alstrup AKO, Kim KH
    Sci Total Environ, 2020 May 01;715:136990.
    PMID: 32014787 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.136990
    Science of the Total Environment recently discussed how open access and predatory journals affect the flow of scientific knowledge in an unfortunate way. Now, South Korea's Ministry of Education is intervening to establish a system that will help its researchers avoid the growing global number of fake conferences of low academic and scientific merit. Here, we discuss solutions to this problem with respect to what is needed. Particularly, a list similar to that of Beall's for predatory conferences, without restricting researchers' academic freedom.
  4. Sonne C, Lam SS, Kim KH, Rinklebe J, Ok YS
    Chemosphere, 2020 Jun;248:125971.
    PMID: 32035380 DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.125971
    As reported in Chemosphere by Colles et al. (2020), there are multiple pathways for human exposure to poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). Now, a new chemical formation of C-F bonds in drug delivery lead to concerns for human exposure as these inert chemical formations are resistance to metabolic degradation and excretion.
  5. Ryu HW, Kim DH, Jae J, Lam SS, Park ED, Park YK
    Bioresour Technol, 2020 Aug;310:123473.
    PMID: 32389430 DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2020.123473
    The global economy is threatened by the depletion of fossil resources and fluctuations in fossil fuel prices, and thus it is necessary to exploit sustainable energy sources. Carbon-neutral fuels including bio-oil obtained from biomass pyrolysis can act as alternatives to fossil fuels. Co-pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass and plastic is efficient to upgrade the quality of bio-oil because plastic facilitates deoxygenation. However, catalysts are required to produce bio-oil that is suitable for potential use as transportation fuel. This review presents an overview of recent advances in catalytic co-pyrolysis of biomass and plastic from the perspective of chemistry, catalyst, and feedstock pretreatment. Additionally, this review introduces not only recent research results of acid catalysts for catalytic co-pyrolysis, but also recent approaches that utilize base catalysts. Future research directions are suggested for commercially feasible co-pyrolysis process.
  6. Ren T, Feng H, Xu C, Xu Q, Fu B, Azwar E, et al.
    Chemosphere, 2022 Jan 22;294:133710.
    PMID: 35074326 DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2022.133710
    The usage of fertilizer with high nitrogen content in many countries, as well as its enormous surplus, has a negative impact on the soil ecological environment in agricultural system. This consumption of nitrogen fertilizer can be minimized by applying biochar to maintain the sufficient supply of nitrogen as nutrient to the near-root zone. This study investigated the effects of various amounts of biochar application (450, 900, 1350, and 1800 kg/hm2) and reduction of nitrogen fertilizer amount (10, 15, 20, and 25%) on the nutrients and microorganism community structure in rhizosphere growing tobacco plant. The microorganism community was found essential in improving nitrogen retention. Compared with conventional treatment, an application of biochar in rhizosphere soil increased the content of soil available phosphorus, organic matter and total nitrogen by 21.47%, 26.34%, and 9.52%, respectively. It also increased the abundance of microorganisms that are capable of degrading and utilizing organic matter and cellulose, such as Actinobacteria and Acidobacteria. The relative abundance of Chloroflexi was also increased by 49.67-78.61%, and the Acidobacteria increased by 14.79-39.13%. Overall, the application of biochar with reduced nitrogen fertilizer amount can regulate the rhizosphere microecological environment of tobacco plants and their microbial population structure, thereby promoting soil health for tobacco plant growth while reducing soil acidification and environmental pollution caused by excessive nitrogen fertilizer.
  7. Moogi S, Lam SS, Chen WH, Ko CH, Jung SC, Park YK
    Bioresour Technol, 2022 Oct 30;366:128209.
    PMID: 36323373 DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2022.128209
    Household food waste (FW) was converted into biohydrogen-rich gas via steam gasification over Ni and bimetallic Ni (Cu-Ni and Co-Ni) catalysts supported on mesoporous SBA-15. The effect of catalyst method on steam gasification efficiency of each catalyst was investigated using incipient wetness impregnation, deposition precipitation, and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid metal complex impregnation methods. H2-TPR confirmed the synergistic interaction of the dopants (Co and Cu) and Ni. Furthermore, XRD and HR-TEM revealed that the size of the Ni particle varied depending on the method of catalyst synthesis, confirming the formation of solid solutions in Co- or Cu-doped Ni/SBA-15 catalysts due to dopant insertion into the Ni. Notably, the exceptional activity of the Cu-Ni/SBA-15-EMC catalyst in FW steam gasification was attributed to the fine distribution of the concise Ni nanoparticles (9 nm), which resulted in the highest hydrogen selectivity (62 vol%), gas yield (73.6 wt%). Likewise, Cu-Ni solid solution decreased coke to 0.08 wt%.
  8. Kazemi Shariat Panahi H, Dehhaghi M, Lam SS, Peng W, Aghbashlo M, Tabatabaei M, et al.
    Semin Cancer Biol, 2022 Nov;86(Pt 3):1122-1142.
    PMID: 34004331 DOI: 10.1016/j.semcancer.2021.05.013
    Human livelihood highly depends on applying different sources of energy whose utilization is associated with air pollution. On the other hand, air pollution may be associated with glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) development. Unlike other environmental causes of cancer (e.g., irradiation), air pollution cannot efficiently be controlled by geographical borders, regulations, and policies. The unavoidable exposure to air pollution can modify cancer incidence and mortality. GBM treatment with chemotherapy or even its surgical removal has proven insufficient (100% recurrence rate; patient's survival mean of 15 months; 90% fatality within five years) due to glioma infiltrative and migratory capacities. Given the barrage of attention and research investments currently plowed into next-generation cancer therapy, oncolytic viruses are perhaps the most vigorously pursued. Provision of an insight into the current state of the research and future direction is essential for stimulating new ideas with the potentials of filling research gaps. This review manuscript aims to overview types of brain cancer, their burden, and different causative agents. It also describes why air pollution is becoming a concerning factor. The different opinions on the association of air pollution with brain cancer are reviewed. It tries to address the significant controversy in this field by hypothesizing the air-pollution-brain-cancer association via inflammation and atopic conditions. The last section of this review deals with the oncolytic viruses, which have been used in, or are still under clinical trials for GBM treatment. Engineered adenoviruses (i.e., DNX-2401, DNX-2440, CRAd8-S-pk7 loaded Neural stem cells), herpes simplex virus type 1 (i.e., HSV-1 C134, HSV-1 rQNestin34.5v.2, HSV-1 G207, HSV-1 M032), measles virus (i.e., MV-CEA), parvovirus (i.e., ParvOryx), poliovirus (i.e., Poliovirus PVSRIPO), reovirus (i.e., pelareorep), moloney murine leukemia virus (i.e., Toca 511 vector), and vaccinia virus (i.e., vaccinia virus TG6002) as possible life-changing alleviations for GBM have been discussed. To the best of our knowledge, this review is the first review that comprehensively discusses both (i) the negative/positive association of air pollution with GBM; and (ii) the application of oncolytic viruses for GBM, including the most recent advances and clinical trials. It is also the first review that addresses the controversies over air pollution and brain cancer association. We believe that the article will significantly appeal to a broad readership of virologists, oncologists, neurologists, environmentalists, and those who work in the field of (bio)energy. Policymakers may also use it to establish better health policies and regulations about air pollution and (bio)fuels exploration, production, and consumption.
  9. Ayub HMU, Ahmed A, Lam SS, Lee J, Show PL, Park YK
    Bioresour Technol, 2022 Jan;344(Pt B):126399.
    PMID: 34822981 DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2021.126399
    Biofuels have become an attractive energy source because of the growing energy demand and environmental issues faced by fossil fuel consumption. Algal biomass, particularly microalgae, has excellent potential as feedstock to be converted to bio-oil, biochar, and combustible syngas via thermochemical conversion processes. Third-generation biofuels from microalgal feedstock are the promising option, followed by the first-generation and second-generation biofuels. This paper provides a review of the applications of thermochemical conversion techniques for biofuel production from algal biomass, comprising pyrolysis, gasification, liquefaction, and combustion processes. The progress in the thermochemical conversion of algal biomass is summarized, emphasizing the application of pyrolysis for its benefits over other processes. The review also encompasses the challenges and perspectives associated with the valorization of microalgae to biofuels ascertaining the potential opportunities and possibilities of extending the research into this area.
  10. Xiang Y, Jiang L, Zhou Y, Luo Z, Zhi D, Yang J, et al.
    J Hazard Mater, 2022 Jan 15;422:126843.
    PMID: 34419846 DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2021.126843
    Nowadays, a growing number of microplastics are released into the environment due to the extensive use and inappropriate management of plastic products. With the increasing body of evidence about the pollution and hazards of microplastics, microplastics have drawn major attention from governments and the scientific community. As a kind of emerging and persistent environmental pollutants, microplastics have recently been detected on a variety of substrates in the world. Therefore, this paper reviews the recent progress in identifying the sources of microplastics in soil, water, and atmosphere and describing the transport and fate of microplastics in the terrestrial, aquatic and atmospheric ecosystems for revealing the circulation of microplastics in the ecosystem. In addition, considering the persistence of microplastics, this study elucidates the interactions of microplastics with other pollutants in the environment (i.e., organic pollutants, heavy metals) with emphasis on toxicity and accumulation, providing a novel insight into the ecological risks of microplastics in the environment. The negative impacts of microplastics on organisms and environmental health are also reviewed to reveal the environmental hazards of microplastics. The knowledge gaps and key research priorities of microplastics are identified to better understand and mitigate the environmental risks of microplastics.
  11. Kazemi Shariat Panahi H, Dehhaghi M, Dehhaghi S, Guillemin GJ, Lam SS, Aghbashlo M, et al.
    Bioresour Technol, 2022 Jan;344(Pt A):126212.
    PMID: 34715341 DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2021.126212
    Appropriate bioprocessing of lignocellulosic materials into ethanol could address the world's insatiable appetite for energy while mitigating greenhouse gases. Bioethanol is an ideal gasoline extender and is widely used in many countries in blended form with gasoline at specific ratios to improve fuel characteristics and engine performance. Although the bioethanol production industry has long been operational, finding a suitable microbial agent for the efficient conversion of lignocelluloses is still an active field of study. Among available microbial candidates, engineered bacteria may be promising ethanol producers while may show other desired traits such as thermophilic nature and high ethanol tolerance. This review provides the current knowledge on the introduction, overexpression, and deletion of the genes that have been performed in bacterial hosts to achieve higher ethanol yield, production rate and titer, and tolerance. The constraints and possible solutions and economic feasibility of the processes utilizing such engineered strains are also discussed.
  12. Hosseinzadeh-Bandbafha H, Li C, Chen X, Peng W, Aghbashlo M, Lam SS, et al.
    J Hazard Mater, 2022 02 15;424(Pt C):127636.
    PMID: 34740507 DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2021.127636
    Waste cooking oil (WCO) is a hazardous waste generated at staggering values globally. WCO disposal into various ecosystems, including soil and water, could result in severe environmental consequences. On the other hand, mismanagement of this hazardous waste could also be translated into the loss of resources given its energy content. Hence, finding cost-effective and eco-friendly alternative pathways for simultaneous management and valorization of WCO, such as conversion into biodiesel, has been widely sought. Due to its low toxicity, high biodegradability, renewability, and the possibility of direct use in diesel engines, biodiesel is a promising alternative to mineral diesel. However, the conventional homogeneous or heterogeneous catalysts used in the biodiesel production process, i.e., transesterification, are generally toxic and derived from non-renewable resources. Therefore, to boost the sustainability features of the process, the development of catalysts derived from renewable waste-oriented resources is of significant importance. In light of the above, the present work aims to review and critically discuss the hazardous WCO application for bioenergy production. Moreover, various waste-oriented catalysts used to valorize this waste are presented and discussed.
  13. Tabatabaei M, Hosseinzadeh-Bandbafha H, Yang Y, Aghbashlo M, Lam SS, Montgomery H, et al.
    J Clean Prod, 2021 Sep 01;313:127880.
    PMID: 34131367 DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.127880
    On January 30, 2020, the World Health Organization identified SARS-CoV-2 as a public health emergency of global concern. Accordingly, the demand for personal protective equipment (PPE), including medical face masks, has sharply risen compared with 2019. The new situation has led to a sharp increase in energy demand and the environmental impacts associated with these product systems. Hence, the pandemic's effects on the environmental consequences of various PPE types, such as medical face masks, should be assessed. In light of that, the current study aimed to identify the environmental hot-spots of medical face mask production and consumption by using life cycle assessment (LCA) and tried to provide solutions to mitigate the adverse impacts. Based on the results obtained, in 2020, medical face masks production using fossil-based plastics causes the loss of 2.03 × 103 disability-adjusted life years (DALYs); 1.63 × 108 PDF*m2*yr damage to ecosystem quality; the climate-damaging release of 2.13 × 109 kg CO2eq; and 5.65 × 1010 MJ damage to resources. Besides, annual medical face mask production results in 5.88 × 104 TJ demand for exergy. On the other hand, if used makes are not appropriately handled, they can lead to 4.99 × 105 Pt/yr additional damage to the environment in 2020 as determined by the EDIP 2003. Replacement of fossil-based plastics with bio-based plastics, at rates ranging from 10 to 100%, could mitigate the product's total yearly environmental damage by 4-43%, respectively. Our study calls attention to the environmental sustainability of PPE used to prevent virus transmission in the current and future pandemics.
  14. Li Z, Yang Y, Chen X, He Y, Bolan N, Rinklebe J, et al.
    Chemosphere, 2023 Feb;313:137637.
    PMID: 36572363 DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2022.137637
    Microplastics are among the major contaminations in terrestrial and marine environments worldwide. These persistent organic contaminants composed of tiny particles are of concern due to their potential hazards to ecosystem and human health. Microplastics accumulates in the ocean and in terrestrial ecosystems, exerting effects on living organisms including microbiomes, fish and plants. While the accumulation and fate of microplastics in marine ecosystems is thoroughly studied, the distribution and biological effects in terrestrial soil call for more research. Here, we review the sources of microplastics and its effects on soil physical and chemical properties, including water holding capacity, bulk density, pH value as well as the potential effects to microorganisms and animals. In addition, we discuss the effects of microplastics in combination with other toxic environmental contaminants including heavy metals and antibiotics on plant growth and physiology, as well as human health and possible degradation and remediation methods. This reflect is an urgent need for monitoring projects that assess the toxicity of microplastics in soil and plants in various soil environments. The prospect of these future research activities should prioritize microplastics in agro-ecosystems, focusing on microbial degradation for remediation purposes of microplastics in the environment.
  15. Park J, Lam SS, Park YK, Kim BJ, An KH, Jung SC
    Environ Res, 2023 Jan 01;216(Pt 3):114657.
    PMID: 36328223 DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2022.114657
    Nickel-impregnated TiO2 photocatalyst (NiTP) responding to visible light was prepared by the liquid phase plasma (LPP) method, and its photoactivity was evaluated in degrading an antibiotic (oxytetracycline, OTC). For preparing the photocatalyst, nickel was uniformly impregnated onto TiO2 (P-25) powder, and the nickel content increased as the number of LPP reactions increased. In addition, the morphology and lattice of NiTP were observed through various instrumental analyses, and it was confirmed that NiO-type nanoparticles were impregnated in NiTP. Fundamentally, as the amount of impregnated nickel in the TiO2 powder increased sufficiently, the band gap energy of TiO2 decreased, and eventually, the NiTP excited by visible light was synthesized. Further, OTC had a decomposition reaction pathway in which active radicals generated in OTC photocatalytic reaction under NiTP were finally mineralized through reactions such as decarboxamidation, hydration, deamination, demethylation, and dehydroxylation. In effect, we succeeded in synthesizing a photocatalyst useable under visible light by performing only the LPP single process and developed a new advanced oxidation process (AOP) that can remove toxic antibiotics.
  16. Ben Chabchoubi I, Lam SS, Pane SE, Ksibi M, Guerriero G, Hentati O
    Environ Pollut, 2023 May 01;324:120698.
    PMID: 36435277 DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2022.120698
    The uncontrolled or continuous release of effluents from wastewater treatment plants leads to the omnipresence of pharmaceutical active compounds (PhACs) in the aquatic media. Today, this is a confirmed problem becoming a main subject of twin public and scientific concerns. However, still little information is available about the long-term impacts of these PhACs on aquatic organisms. In this review, efforts were made to reveal correlation between the occurrence in the environment, ecotoxicological and health risks of different PhACs via toxicological evaluation by zebrafish (Danio rerio). This animal model served as a bioindicator for any health impacts after the exposure to these contaminants and to better understand the responses in relation to human diseases. This review paper focused on the calculation of Risk Quotients (RQs) of 34 PhACs based on environmental and ecotoxicological data available in the literature and prediction from the ECOSAR V2.2 software. To the best of the authors' knowledge, this is the first report on the risk assessment of PhACs by the two different methods as mentioned above. RQs showed greater difference in potential environmental risks of the PhACs. These differences in risk values underline the importance of environmental and experimental factors in exposure conditions and the interpretation of RQ values. While the results showed high risk to Danio rerio of the majority of PhACs, risk qualification of the others varied between moderate to insignifiant. Further research is needed to assess pharmaceutical hazards when present in wastewater before discharge and monitor the effectiveness of treatment processes. The recent new advances in the morphological assessment of toxicant-exposed zebrafish larvae for the determination of test compounds effects on the developmental endpoints were also discussed. This review emphasizes the need for strict regulations on the release of PhACs into environmental media in order to minimize their toxicity to aquatic organisms.
  17. Guo K, Yan L, He Y, Li H, Lam SS, Peng W, et al.
    Environ Pollut, 2023 Apr 01;322:121130.
    PMID: 36693585 DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2023.121130
    With the synchronous development of highway construction and the urban economy, automobiles have entered thousands of households as essential means of transportation. This paper reviews the latest research progress in using phytoremediation technology to remediate the environmental pollution caused by automobile exhaust in recent years, including the prospects for stereoscopic forestry. Currently, most automobiles on the global market are internal combustion vehicles using fossil energy sources as the primary fuel, such as gasoline, diesel, and liquid or compressed natural gas. The composition of vehicle exhaust is relatively complex. When it enters the atmosphere, it is prone to a series of chemical reactions to generate various secondary pollutants, which are very harmful to human beings, plants, animals, and the eco-environment. Despite improving the automobile fuel quality and installing exhaust gas purification devices, helping to reduce air pollution, the treatment costs of these approaches are expensive and cannot achieve zero emissions of automobile exhaust pollutants. The purification of vehicle exhaust by plants is a crucial way to remediate the environmental pollution caused by automobile exhaust and improve the environment along the highway by utilizing the ecosystem's self-regulating ability. Therefore, it has become a global trend to use phytoremediation technology to restore the automobile exhaust pollution. Now, there is no scientific report or systematic review about how plants absorb vehicle pollutants. The screening and configuration of suitable plant species is the most crucial aspect of successful phytoremediation. The mechanisms of plant adsorption, metabolism, and detoxification are reviewed in this paper to address the problem of automobile exhaust pollution.
  18. Sonne C, Jenssen BM, Rinklebe J, Lam SS, Hansen M, Bossi R, et al.
    Sci Total Environ, 2023 Mar 10;876:162770.
    PMID: 36906028 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.162770
    The Environmental Protection Agencies (EPAs) of Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Germany and the Netherlands submitted a proposal to the European Chemical Agency (ECHA) in February 2023 calling for a ban in the use of toxic industrial chemicals per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). These chemicals are highly toxic causing elevated cholesterol, immune suppression, reproductive failure, cancer and neuro-endocrine disruption in humans and wildlife being a significant threat to biodiversity and human health. The main reason for the submitted proposal is recent findings of significant flaws in the transition to PFAS replacements that is leading to a widespread pollution. Denmark was the first country banning PFAS, and now other EU countries support the restrictions of these carcinogenic, endocrine disruptive and immunotoxic chemicals. The proposed plan is among the most extensive received by the ECHA for 50 years. Denmark is now the first EU country to initiate the establishment of groundwater parks to try and protect its drinking water. These parks are areas free of agricultural activities and nutritious sewage sludge to secure drinking water free of xenobiotic including PFAS. The PFAS pollution also reflects the lack of comprehensive spatial and temporal environmental monitoring programs in the EU. Such monitoring programs should include key indicator species across ecosystems of livestock, fish and wildlife, to facilitate detection of early ecological warning signals and sustain public health. Simultaneously with inferring a total PFAS ban, the EU should also push for more persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT) PFAS substances to be listed on the Stockholm Convention (SC) Annex A such as PFOS (perfluorooctane sulfonic acid) that is currently listed on the SCs Annex B. The combination of these regulative restrictions combined with groundwater parks and pan-European biomonitoring programs, would pave the way forward for a cleaner environment to sustain health across the EU.
  19. Park YK, Jung SC, Jung HY, Foong SY, Lam SS, Kim SC
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2021 May;28(19):24552-24557.
    PMID: 32533488 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-020-09575-6
    Oxidation of o-xylene was performed using alkaline battery-based catalyst doped with platinum to investigate the properties and activities. O-xylene was selected as the model of volatile organic compound (VOC) in this work. Physicochemical properties of the selected catalysts were characterized by FE/TEM (field emission transmission electron microscopy), BET (Brunauer-Emmett-Teller) analysis, XRD (X-ray powder diffraction), SEM/EDX (scanning electron microscopy/energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy), and H2-TPR (hydrogen temperature programmed reduction). Major elements of the spent alkaline battery-based catalyst treated with sulfuric acid solution [SAB (400) catalyst] were manganese, zinc, iron, oxygen, carbon, chlorine, aluminum, sodium, silicon, and potassium. Increasing the doping amount of platinum on SAB (400) catalyst from 0.1 to 1 wt% increased particle size of platinum and lowered the temperature of TPR (TTP) for SAB (400) catalyst. Better redox properties were achieved with an increase in the o-xylene conversion according to the doping amount of platinum. When GHSV (gas hourly space velocity) was 40,000 h-1, o-xylene was oxidized completely over SAB (400) catalyst and 1.0 wt% Pt/SAB(400) catalyst at temperatures of 400 °C and 280 °C, respectively.
  20. Li C, Gao P, Yu R, Zhong H, Wu M, Lam SS, et al.
    Environ Sci Ecotechnol, 2023 Apr;14:100259.
    PMID: 36949895 DOI: 10.1016/j.ese.2023.100259
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