DESIGN: Electronic databases were searched up to July 2015 for all case-control studies on H. pylori infection/EHS/Campylobacter spp and IBD. Pooled ORs (P-OR) and 95% CIs were obtained using the random effects model. Heterogeneity, sensitivity and stratified analyses were performed.
RESULTS: Analyses comprising patients with Crohn's disease (CD), UC and IBD unclassified (IBDU), showed a consistent negative association between gastric H. pylori infection and IBD (P-OR: 0.43, p value <1e-10). This association appears to be stronger in patients with CD (P-OR: 0.38, p value <1e-10) and IBDU (P-OR: 0.43, p value=0.008) than UC (P-OR: 0.53, p value <1e-10). Stratification by age, ethnicity and medications showed significant results. In contrast to gastric H. pylori, non H. pylori-EHS (P-OR: 2.62, p value=0.001) and Campylobacter spp, in particular C. concisus (P-OR: 3.76, p value=0.006) and C. showae (P-OR: 2.39, p value=0.027), increase IBD risk.
CONCLUSIONS: H. pylori infection is negatively associated with IBD regardless of ethnicity, age, H. pylori detection methods and previous use of aminosalicylates and corticosteroids. Antibiotics influenced the magnitude of this association. Closely related bacteria including EHS and Campylobacter spp increase the risk of IBD. These results infer that H. pylori might exert an immunomodulatory effect in IBD.
METHODS: Serum samples from asymptomatic children tested for H. pylori seropositivity using an ELISA test.
RESULTS: Five hundred and fourteen healthy urban Malaysian children aged 0.5 to 17 (mean 5.9) years from three different racial groups had their blood tested for H. pylori antibodies. The overall prevalence was 10.3%. There was no significant difference in the prevalence of infection between boys and girls, but a significant rise was noted with increasing age (P = 0.009). Seropositivity was most common in the Indians and lowest in the Malays (P = 0.001). Father's level of education did not affect the child's rate of H. pylori seropositivity.
CONCLUSION: The prevalence of H. pylori seropositivity among asymptomatic urban Malaysian children is lowest in Malays. Intermediate in Chinese and highest in Indians. The racial differences found in children are consistent with those found in Malaysian adults.
METHODS: A study of all patients with significant GOER seen at the Paediatric Gastroenterology Unit, Queen Elizabeth Hospital for Children, Hackney Road, London, between December 1994 and August 1995.
RESULTS: The median age at referral was 16 months. Presenting symptoms were recurrent vomiting (72%), epigastric and abdominal pain (36%), feeding difficulties (29%), failure to thrive (28%) and irritability (19%). Continuous 24-h lower oesophageal pH studies performed in 57 children showed 20 (35%) had a reflux index of between 10% to 20%, 14 (25%) had a index > 20%, and six (11%) had a postprandial reflux index > 10%. Reflux was shown in 38 (62%) of 62 children who underwent barium studies. None had significant anatomical abnormalities, but in the 22 children who had a negative barium studies, six had severe reflux (reflux index > 20%). Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy performed in 47 children showed reflux oesophagitis in 29 (62%), oesophageal ulceration in three, and Barrett's oesophagus in one. All of the children were treated with standard medical therapy. Sixty-six per cent were able to discontinue medication within 12 months and remained well. Four children (6%) required Nissen's fundoplication for failure to respond to medical therapy.
CONCLUSIONS: Most infants with GOER have an uncomplicated course. False negative results were noted in both pH monitoring and barium meal. Up to 80% of children, with therapy, will improve within 12 months.
METHODS: Retrospective review of cases of acute gastroenteritis admitted to the children's ward of the University of Malaya Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, between 1996 and 1999.
RESULTS: During the study period, 333 cases (24%) of 1362 stool samples, obtained from children admitted with acute diarrhoea, were positive for rotavirus. Acute gastroenteritis constituted 8.2%, and rotavirus infection 1.6% of all the paediatric admissions each year. Of the 271 cases analysed, 72% of the affected population were less than 2 years of age. Peak incidence of admissions was between January to March, and September to October. Dehydration was common (92%) but electrolyte disturbances, lactose intolerance (5.2%), prolonged diarrhoea (2.6%) and cow's milk protein intolerance was uncommon. No deaths were recorded.
CONCLUSIONS: Rotavirus infection was a common cause of childhood diarrhoea that required hospital admission in an urban setting in Malaysia.
METHODOLOGY: Breath samples of patients referred to the Gastroenterology Unit, Women's and Children's Hospital, North Adelaide, South Australia, for confirmation of the diagnosis of carbohydrate malabsorption were analysed with the Quintron microlyzer (Quintron Instrument Co., Milwaukee, USA) and the BreatH2 analyser, using the Quintron microlyzer as the gold standard.
RESULTS: Twenty-nine breath H2 tests (BHT) were performed in 29 patients aged 2 months to 61 years. The sensitivity and specificity of the BreatH2 analyser in detecting a positive BHT using the Quintron microlyser as the gold standard were 0.90 and 0.95 with positive and negative predictive values of 0.90 and 0.95, respectively. There was one false positive and one false negative reading. Bland-Altman plots showed a high degree of agreement between the values obtained with two different methods.
CONCLUSIONS: The diagnosis of carbohydrate malabsorption, using a portable breath H2 analyser (BreatH2), achieved an acceptable degree of sensitivity and specificity, enabling it to be used where no alternative is available.
METHODOLOGY: Retrospective review of all children who fulfilled the diagnostic criteria of CVS and who were seen at Department of Paediatrics, University of Malaya Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur and Paediatric Unit, Penang Hospital, Penang, Malaysia from 1987 to 1997.
RESULTS: Eight children with CVS were seen at the two units during the study period, five girls and three boys. All had cyclical, self-limited episodes of nausea and vomiting with symptom-free intervals. The mean age of onset was 5.9 years. The clinical features were similar to other series described in the literature. Only two of the eight children were described as 'perfectionist'. Two children identified stress as precipitating factors. Therapy to reduce the number of emeses during acute attacks and to prevent subsequent attacks had been ineffective.
CONCLUSION: There are similarities and differences in CVS from South-East Asian children as compared to those described in the literature.
METHODS: A retrospective study (2013-2015) was carried out which involved retrieving relevant data from past records (manual/electronic) of paediatric patients (under 18-years-old) who presented with odontogenic infections to the Paediatric Dentistry and Oral and Maxillofacial clinic. Data collected was organised using descriptive statistics with SPSS version 12.0.1.
RESULTS: A total of 153 patients were identified, of which 83.7% were managed as outpatients. Odontogenic infections were more common in females (52.9%) and preschool children (58.2%). The most cases were seen in 2014 and maximum number of cases per month was 12. Common presentations were pain (62.1%), intraoral swelling (37.9%) and spontaneous pus discharge from the tooth and/or surrounding tissues (67.3%) with higher involvement of primary right molars. Dental panoramic tomograph was the most common radiographic investigation done. Outpatients were commonly managed chairside with pulpal opening (46.1%) at the paediatric dental clinic and 7% underwent extraction under general anaesthesia in day-care setting. Inpatients were admitted for 3 days on average and most commonly definitive care was extraction under local/general anaesthesia (68%). There were 22.7% outpatients and 72.0% inpatients who were prescribed antibiotics.
CONCLUSIONS: Overall, treatment and medications prescribed adhered to current guidelines. There was a tendency to solely prescribe antibiotics in 8.6% of outpatients which is contrary to recommendations.
METHODS: Data from multiple sources were used to estimate diarrheal mortality and morbidity according to health service utilization. The proportion of this burden attributable to rotavirus was estimated from a community-based study and a meta-analysis we conducted of primary hospital-based studies. Rotavirus incidence was determined by multiplying acute gastroenteritis incidence with estimates of the proportion of gastroenteritis attributable to rotavirus. The economic burden of rotavirus disease was estimated from the health systems and societal perspective.
RESULTS: Annually, rotavirus results in 27 deaths, 31,000 hospitalizations, 41,000 outpatient visits and 145,000 episodes of home-treated gastroenteritis in Malaysia. We estimate an annual rotavirus incidence of 1 death per 100,000 children and 12 hospitalizations, 16 outpatient clinic visits and 57 home-treated episodes per 1000 children under-5 years. Annually, RVGE is estimated to cost US$ 34 million to the healthcare provider and US$ 50 million to society. Productivity loss contributes almost a third of costs to society. Publicly, privately and home-treated episodes consist of 52%, 27% and 21%, respectively, of the total societal costs.
CONCLUSIONS: RVGE represents a considerable health and economic burden in Malaysia. Much of the burden lies in privately or home-treated episodes and is poorly captured in previous studies. This study provides vital information for future evaluation of cost-effectiveness, which are necessary for policy-making regarding universal vaccination.
METHODS: All cases of IO-IBD, defined as onset of disease before 12 mo of age, seen at University Malaya Medical Center, Malaysia were reviewed. We performed mutational analysis for IL10 and IL10R genes in patients with presenting clinical features of Crohn's disease (CD).
RESULTS: Six [13%; CD = 3, ulcerative colitis (UC) = 2, IBD-unclassified (IBD-U) = 1] of the 48 children (CD = 25; UC = 23) with IBD have IO-IBD. At final review [median (range) duration of follow-up: 6.5 (3.0-20) years], three patients were in remission without immunosuppression [one each for post-colostomy (IBD-U), after standard immunosuppression (CD), and after total colectomy (UC)]. Three patients were on immunosuppression: one (UC) was in remission while two (both CD) had persistent disease. As compared with later-onset disease, IO-IBD were more likely to present with bloody diarrhea (100% vs 55%, P = 0.039) but were similar in terms of an associated autoimmune liver disease (0% vs 19%, P = 0.31), requiring biologics therapy (50% vs 36%, P = 0.40), surgery (50% vs 29%, P = 0.27), or achieving remission (50% vs 64%, P = 0.40). No mutations in either IL10 or IL10R in the three patients with CD and the only patient with IBD-U were identified.
CONCLUSION: The clinical features of IO-IBD in this Asian cohort of children who were negative for IL-10 or IL-10R mutations were variable. As compared to childhood IBD with onset of disease after 12 mo of age, IO-IBD achieved remission at a similar rate.