Materials and methods: Clinical and radiographic records of all pediatric patients who had pulpotomy of primary molar teeth between July 2005 and October 2008 were evaluated. A total of 55 pulpotomized primary molars were observed. Clinical assessments were carried out during the second visit to assess the presence of sinus tract, gingival swelling, excessive tooth mobility, tenderness to percussion, and abnormal exfoliation of the treated teeth. Periapical radiographs were reviewed for evidence of pathologic root resorption, radicular and/or periapical radiolucency, and abnormal pulp canal calcification. Treatments were regarded as failure in the presence of one or more of the above clinical and/or radiographic signs and symptoms.
Results: Of 55 pulpotomized teeth, 26 (47.3%) remained free from any clinical signs and symptoms and 48 (87.3%) showed no pathological radiographic findings. The clinical success rates of ferric sulfate and formocresol pulpotomy were 44.4% and 60.0%, respectively, whereas the radiographic success rates of ferric sulfate and formocresol pulpotomy were 86.7% and 90.0%, respectively. Although teeth treated with formocresol had higher both clinical and radiographic success rates compared with those treated with ferric sulfate, it was not statistically significant.
Conclusion: The clinical success rates of pulpotomy were lower compared with radiographic success rates. Ferric sulfate is an alternative to formocresol; however, the use of both agents in the dental undergraduate teaching at Universiti Sains Malaysia can still be recommended.
Clinical significance: Formocresol and ferric sulfate are advocated as pulpotomy agents in primary molar teeth since both agents showed comparable clinical and radiographic success rates.
How to cite this article: Sanusi SY, Jamaludin SA, Al-Batayneh OB, et al. Fate of Pulpotomized Teeth in Pediatric Patients: A 3-year Case Series in a Malaysian Dental Teaching Hospital. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2020;13(1):79-84.
METHODS: We conducted a prospective, randomised, controlled trial. We supplied the treatment group with Tocovid capsules and the control group with placebo containing palm superolein.
RESULTS: Since January 2019, we have recruited the target population of 250 patients. However, the result is still blinded as we are still analysing blood samples for tocotrienol levels. 89.2% of patients completed the study with a 3.6% mortality and a 7.6% attrition rate. 35.2% of the patients developed POAF, the mean time being 46.06 ± 26.96 hours post-CABG. We did not observe any statistically significant difference when we compared left atrial size, New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional class, ejection fraction and premorbid history, besides EuroSCORE II (The European System for Cardiac Operative Risk Evaluation II) status except for older age group, right atrial size, and pleural effusion. There was also no difference in bypass time, cross clamp time or number of anastomoses. However, we noted a significant difference in death (p = 0.01) and renal failure requiring dialysis (p = 0.007) among patients with POAF; those patients also had a longer CICU stay (p = 0.005), HDU stay (p = 0.02), and total hospital stay (p = 0.001).
CONCLUSIONS: POAF is associated with a higher incidence of renal failure and death while it increases CICU, HDU, and total hospital stay. It remains to be seen whether Tocovid reduces POAF and its associated sequelae.
CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT03807037 (Registered on 16 January 2019).