Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 81 in total

  1. Zailinawati AH, Ariff KM, Nurjahan MI, Teng CL
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2008;20(3):224-33.
    PMID: 19124316 DOI: 10.1177/1010539508316975
    This study aimed to determine the prevalence and pattern of insomnia in a Malaysian population aged 30 to 70 years. The sample consisted of 1611 subjects, recruited by stratified random sampling and interviewed using a semistructured questionnaire conducted in 2004. This was a community-based survey in 4 Malaysian states. The prevalence of insomnia symptom was 33.8%, and 12.2% of the subjects had chronic insomnia. Insomnia was more common among elderly; those who were separated, divorced, or widowed; and those who smoked at bedtime. Subjects with insomnia had a higher prevalence of feeling depressed (12.7), loss of concentration (19.1%), exhaustion (17.2%), poor memory (9.2%), decreased work productivity (6.4%), and perceived poor health status (40.9%; all, P < .05). A total of 22.2% of those with insomnia had excessive daytime sleepiness based on their Epworth Sleepiness Score (P =
  2. Ng CJ, Chia YC, Teng CL, Hanafi NS
    J Paediatr Child Health, 2008 Apr;44(4):208-13.
    PMID: 17999669 DOI: 10.1111/j.1440-1754.2007.01249.x
    AIM: This study aimed to determine which factors could influence (i) parents' decision to seek medical consultatin and (ii) their preference for either public or private medical service in children with upper respiratory tract infection.
    METHODS: This cross-sectional study was conducted at the Gombak district, which is an urban area in Malaysia. We randomly selected parents of kindergarten children aged 4-5 years to participate in this questionnaire survey. The main outcome measures were predictors of early medical consultation and type of service utilisation (public versus private).
    RESULTS: We achieved a response rate of 84.5% (n = 1033/1223). 64.1% sought early medical consultation and 70.9% preferred to consult a private doctor. Early consultation was predicated by the parent gender being male (OR 1.50; 95% CI 1.09, 2.05), non-Chinese (OR 1.75%; 95% CI 1.10, 2.79), and those who preferred child specialists (OR 2.02; 95% CI 1.27, 3.23). Lower income group (OR 4.28; 95% CI 2.30, 7.95) and not having a regular doctor (OR 4.99%; 95% CI 3.19, 7.80) were predictors of using the public health services.
    CONCLUSIONS: Parent's gender, ethnicity and income influenced their decision to seek early medical consultation for their children's respiratory illness while income and having a regular doctor could predict their choice of healthcare services.
  3. Teng CL, Chew WZ, Das Gupta E, Yeap SS
    Clin Rheumatol, 2020 Feb;39(2):547-552.
    PMID: 31784864 DOI: 10.1007/s10067-019-04839-0
    OBJECTIVES: To assess the content, authorship and study design of rheumatological publications written by Malaysian authors or about rheumatological conditions in Malaysia.

    METHODS: The Malaysian Medical Repository (MyMedR), a web-based database of Malaysian health and medical publications, and Scopus were searched to retrieve rheumatological publications from Malaysia, for the period 1950 until 30 June 2019. The type and number of publications in each rheumatological subject area and the overall trend of publication numbers and citations were analysed.

    RESULTS: 547 publications were found for the time period studied. There was a 27-fold increase in the number of publications from the period up to 1980 compared to 2010-2019. The median number of citations per paper was 5, but unlike the number of publications, there was only a slight increase in the number of citations with time. 84.5% of the papers were cited at least once. The top 3 conditions generating the most publications were systemic lupus erythematosus, 36.7%, followed by rheumatoid arthritis, 17.0%, and osteoporosis, 13.9%.

    CONCLUSIONS: The number of rheumatological publications in Malaysia have increased over time, especially in the last decade. However, the average number of citations per publications remains low and the majority of publications are in journals with low impact factors. Thus, the quality of rheumatological publications from Malaysia can be further improved.Key Points• There have been only a limited number of bibliometric analysis of rheumatology publications from Asia.• In Malaysia, the number of rheumatology publications has increased over time.• However, there is still room for improvement in terms of the quality of the publications.

  4. Khoo EM, Teng CL, Ng CJ, Jaafar S
    ISBN: 978-983-100-450-0
    Citation: Khoo EM, Teng CL, Ng CJ, Jaafar S. Bibliography of primary care research in Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya; 2008
  5. Tan YF, Teng CL, Chua KB, Voon K
    J Infect Dev Ctries, 2017 Mar 31;11(3):215-219.
    PMID: 28368854 DOI: 10.3855/jidc.9112
    INTRODUCTION: Pteropine orthoreovirus (PRV) is an emerging zoonotic respiratory virus that has spilled over from bats to humans. Though initially found only in bats, further case studies have found viable virus in ill patients.

    METHODOLOGY: PubMed was queried with the keywords of Nelson Bay orthoreovirus OR Pteropine orthoreovirus OR Melaka orthoreovirus OR Kampar orthoreovirus, and returned 17 hits.

    RESULTS: Based on prevalence studies, the presence of PRV has been reported in Malaysia and Vietnam, both developing countries. Other case reports also provide further evidence of the presence of PRV in the Southeast Asian region. Despite the absence of PRV in their home countries, travellers from Hong Kong and Japan to Indonesia have returned to their countries ill with this virus, indicating that local communities in Indonesia might be affected by this virus.

    CONCLUSIONS: This work aims to bring to light this emerging zoonotic respiratory virus circulating among developing countries in Southeast Asia. To improve the understanding of PRV of the medical and scientific community in the Southeast Asian region, this work introduces the general features of PRV, reports of imported PRV, prevalence, and clinical features of PRV. Gaps in knowledge about PRV have also been identified in this work, and we hope that future studies can be undertaken to improve our understanding of this virus.

  6. Teng CL, Mohd Jamin Z, Mohd Kamaruddin NI, Idris SA
    Asia Pac Fam Med, 2003;2(1):23-26.
    Aim: This study explored the health beliefs, concerns and expectations of primary care patients presenting with abdominal pain, headache and chest pain. Methods: Over a 6-week period, 107 adult patients with symptoms of pain were interviewed using a semistructured questionnaire. Results: The presenting symptoms of these patients were: abdominal pain, 41; headache, 35; and chest pain, 31. Females made up 53.3%; the ethnic groups were Malay (35.5%), Chinese (18.7%) and Indian (45.8%); and 71.8% of the patients had primary or secondary education. The patients' attributions of their symptoms were predominantly non-medical in all three ethnic groups. The non-medical causes mentioned include food, trauma, stress, weather changes and winds ('angin'). Only two fifths of the patients mentioned disease-specific concerns. Three quarters of these patients expected either medications or wanted the doctor to look for serious causes. Very few patients specifically wanted referral or special tests. Conclusions: The patients in the study had health beliefs and concerns, in view of their non-medical focus, that was at variance with those of the health care providers. However, having decided to consult the health clinic, they were mainly looking for symptomatic relief or evaluation for serious pathology.
  7. Teng CL, Leong KC, Aljunid SM, Cheah M
    Asia Pac Fam Med, 2004;3(1&2):38-45.
    Aims. To document the antibiotic prescribing rate for upper respiratory tract infections (URTI) in general practice and its associated factors. Methods. Data extracted from a morbidity survey of 150 general practice clinics in three urban areas in Malaysia. Participating general practitioners recorded demographic, morbidity and process of care data for 30 consecutive adult patients using a structured form. [year of study=1999] Results. URTI contributed 940 (27.0%) of the total of 3481 encounters recorded. Antibiotic was prescribed in 68.4% of encounters with URTI; a significant proportion of the antibiotic choice was inappropriate. Half the antibiotics prescribed in this study were due to URTI. [overall antibiotic prescribing rate for all encounters=33.4%] Conclusions. General practitioners need to re-examine their own prescribing for URTI and decide whether it is consistent with current guidelines. Rational prescribing is not just part of the professional role of doctors, but will go a long way to impede the emergence of antibiotic resistance.
  8. Vasiwala RA, Elhariri SY, Teng CL, Mohamad I
    Noise Health, 2022;24(113):75-81.
    PMID: 35900392 DOI: 10.4103/nah.nah_33_21
    BACKGROUND: Idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss (ISSNHL) is commonly encountered in audiologic and otolaryngologic practice. Constraint-induced music/sound therapy (CIMT) is characterized by the plugging of the normal ear (constraint) and the simultaneous, stimulation of the affected ear with music, which is based on a well-established neurorehabilitation approach. Corticosteroid therapy (CST) is the current mainstay of treatment. The prognosis for hearing recovery depends on many factors including the severity of hearing loss, age, and presence of vertigo.

    OBJECTIVE: To analyze the effectiveness of CIMT with CST in ISSNHL.

    METHODS: We performed a systematic search, using specific keywords relevant to our study, in PubMed, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and additional sources of published trials till December 2020. We then screened all search results obtained according to our inclusion/exclusion criteria and performed a quality assessment on all studies using the Newcastle-Ottawa scale and using MedCalc, a meta-analysis was performed on suitable studies.

    RESULTS: The recovery rates of three included nonrandomized studies were assessed at 1 to 3 months. A total of 229 (CST: 131, CST + CIMT: 98) patients were pooled for meta-analysis. The meta-analysis using the random-effect model found the relative risk of recovery rate within 3 months to be 1.213 (95% confidence interval 0.709-2.074), a result that is not statistically significant.

    CONCLUSION: Although our analysis results do not demonstrate the noticeable effect of CIMT in ISSNHL, it can support be a gainful adjunct to CST for better hearing results than CST alone. Therefore, it needs further prospective randomized controlled multicenter trials with a large sample.

  9. Nagandla K, Gupta ED, Motilal T, Teng CL, Gangadaran S
    Natl Med J India, 2019 7 4;31(5):293-295.
    PMID: 31267998 DOI: 10.4103/0970-258X.261197
    Background: Assessment drives students' learning. It measures the level of students' understanding. We aimed to determine whether performance in continuous assessment can predict failure in the final professional examination results.

    Methods: We retrieved the in-course continuous assessment (ICA) and final professional examination results of 3 cohorts of medical students (n = 245) from the examination unit of the International Medical University, Seremban, Malaysia. The ICA was 3 sets of composite marks derived from course works, which includes summative theory paper with short answer questions and 1 of the best answers. The clinical examination includes end-of-posting practical examination. These examinations are conducted every 6 months in semesters 6, 7 and 8; they are graded as pass/fail for each student. The final professional examination including modified essay questions (MEQs), 1 8-question objective structured practical examination (OSPE) and a 16-station objective structured clinical examination (OSCE), were graded as pass/fail. Failure in the continuous assessment that can predict failure in each component of the final professional examination was tested using chi-square test and presented as odds ratio (OR) with 95% confidence interval (CI).

    Results: Failure in ICA in semesters 6-8 strongly predicts failure in MEQs, OSPE and OSCE of the final professional examination with OR of 3.8-14.3 (all analyses p< 0.001) and OR of 2.4-6.9 (p<0.05). However, the correlation was stronger with MEQs and OSPE compared to OSCE.

    Conclusion: ICA with theory and clinical examination had a direct relationship with students' performance in the final examination and is a useful assessment tool.

  10. Zailinawati AH, Teng CL, Chung YC, Teow TL, Lee PN, Jagmohni KS
    Med J Malaysia, 2009 Jun;64(2):108-10.
    PMID: 20058567 MyJurnal
    Poor sleep quality and daytime somnolence is reported to be associated with cardiovascular events, road traffic accident, poor academic performance and psychological distress. Some studies documented that it is prevalent in most populations but its frequency among medical students has not been documented in Malaysia. This is a self-administered questionnaire survey of medical students from International Medical University, Malaysia. Daytime sleepiness of medical students was assessed using Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS). Student scoring ESS > 11 was regarded as having excessive daytime sleepiness. Psychological distress was measured using 12-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12). A total of 799 medical students participated in this survey (response rate 69.5%). Daytime sleepiness occurred in 35.5%, psychological distress was present in 41.8% and 16.1% reported bad sleep quality. Daytime sleepiness was significantly more common among the clinical students, those with self-reported bad sleep quality and psychological distress; but unrelated to the number of hours sleep at night. We have documented high prevalence of daytime sleepiness, poor sleep quality and psychological distress. Higher frequency among clinical students and the significant relationship with psychological distress suggest possible link to the stressful clinical training.
  11. Teng CL, Ng CJ, Hanafi NS, Zailinawati AH, Tong SF
    J Trop Pediatr, 2008 Feb;54(1):70-3.
    PMID: 18039678 DOI: 10.1093/tropej/fmm077
    Universally, mothers often use touching to detect fever in their children. We perform a systematic review of published diagnostic studies evaluating the ability of mothers to detect fever in their children by touching. We found 10 studies satisfying our inclusion criteria. The meta-analysis revealed a summary sensitivity of 89.2% and summary specificity of 50%-maternal touch is perhaps more useful to exclude fever rather than to 'rule in' fever. However, due to significant heterogeneity in the included studies, interpretation of the summary data is difficult.
  12. Zailinawati AH, Teng CL, Kamil MA, Achike FI, Koh CN
    Med J Malaysia, 2006 Jun;61(2):162-7.
    PMID: 16898306 MyJurnal
    The prevalence of pain complaints as a reason for patient-doctor encounters in the local primary care setting is unknown. We performed a cross-sectional survey of such encounters in one public primary care clinic (KK) and 17 general practice clinics (GP), from the city of Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. Reasons for visits were recorded by doctors in KK and medical students in GP using a structured questionnaire. Morbidity data was coded using the International Classification of Primary Care (ICPC-2). A total of 2234 encounters were recorded (80.9% from KK, 19.1% from GP). The overall prevalence of pain complaints was 31.9% with a significant difference between the two cohorts (KK 28.7% and GP 45.2%, p<0.001). Musculoskeletal pain complaints were more common in KK than GP (40.9% versus 29.7%, p<0.05). Of the 3 main ethnic groups in Malaysia (Malay, Chinese and Indian) the Indian patients at KK had the highest prevalence of pain complaints and the Chinese at the GP had the lowest. Thus pain was a common complaint in the two different primary care settings studied. Some of the differences observed are probably due to the differences in the healthcare seeking behaviour of patients consulting at these two settings as well as differences in the payment systems.
  13. Teng CL, Hanafi NS, Ng CJ, Chia YC, Atiya AS
    J Paediatr Child Health, 2006 Oct;42(10):612-7.
    PMID: 16972968 DOI: 10.1111/j.1440-1754.2006.00937.x
    AIM: Fever in children, a mostly benign and self-limiting illness, is often viewed with consternation by the care givers. It results in early consultation and excessive use of antipyretics and antibiotics. In this study, we document the prescribing practice of doctors from three primary care settings in Malaysia and identify the predictors of antibiotic prescription.
    METHODS: Interview of care givers bringing febrile children (age = 12 years) to three primary care settings: public primary care clinics, private general practice clinics and a university-based primary care clinic.
    RESULTS: Data from 649 children were analysed. Mean age of children 4.1 years and 55% were boys. One-third of the children had prior consultation for the same episode of fever. About 80% of the febrile children were diagnosed to have upper respiratory tract infection, viral fever and gastroenteritis. Overall antibiotic prescribing rate was 36.6% (public primary care clinic 26.8%, private general practice clinic 70.0% and university-based primary care clinic 32.2%). Independent predictors of antibiotic prescription were: clinic setting, longer duration of fever (>7 days), higher temperature (>38 degrees C) and the diagnosis of upper respiratory tract infections. After controlling for demographic and clinical factors, antibiotic prescription in private general practice clinic was seven times higher than public primary care clinic (odds ratio 7.1, 95% confidence interval 4.0-12.7), and 1.6 times higher than university-based primary care clinic (odds ratio 1.6, 95% confidence interval 1.0-2.5).
    CONCLUSION: Differences in the patients' demographic and clinical characteristics could not adequately explain the high antibiotic prescribing rate in private general practice clinics. This inappropriately high antibiotic prescribing for febrile children in private general practice clinics is a suitable target for future intervention.
  14. Loh LC, Teng CL, Teh PN, Koh CN, Vijayasingham P, Thayaparan T
    Med J Malaysia, 2004 Aug;59(3):335-41.
    PMID: 15727379
    Inefficient metered-dose inhaler (MDI) technique results in poor drug delivery, suboptimal disease control a possibility of inhaled medication overuse. The MDI technique of 134 government hospital and clinic followed-up adult asthmatic patients followed-up in a government hospital and a heath clinic was pragmatically assessed based on the 3 obligatory steps of adequate lip seal, appropriate hand-breath coordination and sufficient breath holding after inhalation. The relationship between technique efficiency and frequency of daily short-acting beta2-agonist (SABA) use via the MDI and asthma exacerbations over a 12-month period was also assessed. Fifty-six patients (42%) had inefficient MDI technique. All demographic and asthma-related variables between the 'efficient' and 'inefficient' technique groups of patients were comparable except for significantly longer mean years of MDI use in the 'efficient' technique group [mean (SD): 10 (7) vs. 7 (5); p=0.003]. There were no significant differences between the two groups in relation to frequency of daily SABA use or asthma exacerbations over the past 12 months. Despite having been available in Malaysia for a considerable period of time, the MDI device is still poorly handled by a large proportion of adult asthmatic patients. Changing to other more user-friendly devices or use of spacer devices to facilitate delivery should be considered for these patients.
    Study site: Hospital Tuanku Jaafar, Seremban, Negeri Sembilan; Klinik Kesihatan Seremban, Malaysia
  15. Ng CJ, Teng CL, Abdullah A, Wong CH, Hanafi NS, Phoa SSY, et al.
    Fam Med, 2016 Mar;48(3):194-202.
    PMID: 26950908
    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The family medicine training programs in the Asia Pacific (AP) are evolving. To date, there is a lack of comprehensive and systematic documentation on the status of family medicine training in the AP. This study aims to determine the status of family medicine training at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels in medical schools (universities or colleges) in the AP.
    METHODS: In 2014, the authors conducted a cross-sectional online survey to assess the undergraduate and postgraduate family medicine programs in academic family medicine departments from AP countries. A 37-item online survey questionnaire was sent to key informants from academic institutions with established family medicine departments/units. Only one response from each family medicine department/unit was included in the analysis.
    RESULTS: The medical school and country response rates were 31.31% and 64.1%, respectively. The majority of the medical schools (94.7%, n=71/75) reported having a department/unit for family medicine. Family medicine is recognized as a specialist degree by the governments of 20/25 countries studied. Family medicine is included in the undergraduate program of 92% (n=69/75) of all the participating medical schools. Only slightly more than half (53.3%) (n=40/75) reported conducting a postgraduate clinical program. Less than one third (26.7%) (n=20/75) of the medical schools conducted postgraduate research programs.
    CONCLUSIONS: Undergraduate training remains the focus of most family medicine departments/units in the AP. Nevertheless, the number of postgraduate programs is increasing. A more rigorous and long-term documentation of family medicine training in the AP is warranted.
  16. Teng CL, Lim WY, Chua CZ, Teo RS, Lin KT, Yeo JC
    Aust Fam Physician, 2016;45(1):65-8.
    PMID: 27051992
    BACKGROUD: Previous studies have shown that the blood pressure elevating effect of acute caffeine consumption was variable because of the heterogeneity of study participants, dosage of caffeine and study designs.
    OBJECTIVE: This research aimed to examine the effect of a single cup of coffee on the blood pressure of young adults.
    METHODS: Normotensive adults were randomised to receive either a cup of caffeinated drink (intervention group) or a cup of decaffeinated drink (control group). The main outcome measure was mean change in systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) between intervention and control groups.
    RESULTS: Enrolled participants (n = 104) were randomly assigned to the intervention group (n = 53) or the control group (n = 51). The mean differences in SBP and DBP of the two groups were +2.77 mmHg (P = 0.05) and +2.11 mmHg (P = 0.64), respectively. Therefore, the rise in both SBP and DBP after caffeine consumption was not statistically significant.
    DISCUSSION: Our study confirmed that drinking a single cup of coffee (containing 80 mg of caffeine) does not have a significant impact on the blood pressure of healthy normotensive young adults one hour after the drink.
  17. Teng CL, Nurjahan MI, Hashim NA, Punithambigai P, Leong KC, Mihat O
    Med J Malaysia, 2003 Jun;58(2):159-66.
    PMID: 14569735 MyJurnal
    Over a 2-week period, the management of upper respiratory tract infection by 24 medical officers and medical assistants in Seremban District was studied. Each practitioner recorded clinical data and prescription for twenty consecutive patients using a structured questionnaire. The extent to which the practitioners used "predictive features" (fever, absence of cough, cervical adenopathy, enlarged tonsils and exudates on tonsils) in clinical decision-making was analysed. The mean antibiotic prescription rate was 28.7% (95% CI: 24.6%, 33.0%). The antibiotic prescription rate of medical officers and medical assistants were similar. Five features were independently associated with antibiotic prescription (phlegm, fever, cervical adenopathy, red throat and tonsillar exudates). Antibiotics were prescribed for 22.1% of patients with 0-1 predictive features. High prescribers were 5 times more likely to prescribe antibiotics in this group of patients than low prescribers. To a large extent the clinical decision-making of practitioners in this study was evidence based. However, they were unduly influenced by purulent manifestation (phlegm) and redness of throat. The antibiotic prescription rate in these government health clinics is potentially reducible by means of educational intervention.
  18. Teng CL, Shajahan Y, Khoo EM, Nurjahan I, Leong KC, Yap TG
    Med J Malaysia, 2001 Jun;56(2):260-6; quiz 267.
    PMID: 11771093
    Upper respiratory tract infections are the commonest reason for consultation in primary care. Group A beta-haemolytic Streptococcus (GABHS), the most important bacterial pathogen in this condition, can be cultured from about 30% of patients, more so in children than adults. Clinical features that are predictive of positive GABHS culture are absence of cough, fever, cervical adenopathy, tonsillar enlargement and tonsillar exudate. Use of a sore throat score can help in the detection of streptococcal throat infection. Symptomatic therapies which are useful include anticholinergic, antihistamine, decongestant, humified hot air and Vitamin C. Antibiotics are universally over-prescribed in this condition as a result of high patient expectation and faulty clinical decision making. Oral Penicillin V for 10 days is the drug of choice. Effective intervention to reduce inappropriate antibiotic prescription probably require a multifaceted approach targeted at both the patients and the prescribers.
  19. Teng CL, Syed Aljunid SM, Cheah M, Leong KC, Kwa SK
    Med J Malaysia, 2003 Aug;58(3):365-74.
    PMID: 14750376
    BACKGROUND: The majority of primary care consultations in Malaysia occur in the general practice clinics. To date, there is no comprehensive documentation of the morbidity and practice activities in this setting.
    OBJECTIVES: We reported the reasons for encounter, diagnoses and process of care in urban general practice and the influence of payment system on the morbidity and practice activities.
    METHODS: 115 clinics in Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh and Penang participated in this study. General practitioners in these clinics completed a 2-page questionnaire for each of the 30 consecutive patients. The questionnaire requested for the following information: demographic data, reasons for encounter, important physical findings, diagnoses, investigations ordered, outpatient procedures performed, medical certificate given, medication prescribed and referral made. The morbidity (reasons for encounter and diagnoses) was coded using ICPC-2 and the medication data was coded using MIMS Classification Index.
    RESULTS: During 3481 encounters, 5300 RFEs (152 RFEs per 100 encounters) and 3342 diagnoses (96 diagnoses per 100 encounters) were recorded. The majority of the RFEs and diagnoses are in the following ICPC Chapters: Respiratory, General and unspecified, Digestive, Neurological, Musculoskeletal and Skin. The frequencies of selected aspects of the process of care (rate per 100 encounters) were: laboratory investigations 14.7, outpatient procedures 2.4, sick certification 26.9, referral 2.4, and medication prescription 244. Consultation for chronic diseases and acute infections were influenced more by demographic variables (age, employment) rather than payment system. Cash-paying patients were more likely to receive laboratory investigations and injections.
    CONCLUSION: This study demonstrated the breadth of clinical care in the general practice. Relatively fewer patients consulted specifically for preventive care and treatment of chronic diseases. The frequencies of outpatient procedures and referrals appeared to be low. Payment system results in important differences in patient mix and influences some types of practice activities.
  20. Ooi PC, Ramayah G, Omar SR, Rajadorai V, Nadarajah T, Ting CH, et al.
    Malays Fam Physician, 2021 Mar 25;16(1):39-49.
    PMID: 33948141 DOI: 10.51866/oa0002
    Introduction: Atrial fibrillation (AF) is known to lead to stroke and thromboembolism, causing a five-fold increase in the risk of stroke and almost doubling the mortality rate. Optimal anticoagulant therapy is effective in reducing AF-related death. However, prescription of anticoagulants in AF in East Asian countries has been low, ranging from 0.5% to 28%. This study aimed to determine whether vocational training in family medicine improves primary care physicians' knowledge, attitude, and practice in the management of AF.

    Method: This investigation was a cross-sectional study carried out during centralized workshops for two groups of trainees using a validated questionnaire: (i) junior trainees were newly enrolled postgraduate trainees in the Graduate Certificate in Family Medicine (GCFM) program, and (ii) senior trainees were postgraduate trainees in Advance Training in Family Medicine (ATFM) programs of the Academy of Family Physicians of Malaysia (AFPM).

    Results: A total of 223 trainees (127 junior and 96 senior) participated in this study. Only 55.2% of the trainees passed the knowledge test; senior trainees were more likely to pass the knowledge test compared to junior trainees (69.8% vs. 44.1%, p < 0.001). Female trainees were significantly more likely to pass the knowledge test than male trainees. While the attitude of senior and junior trainees was similar, more of the latter group worked in public clinic that provide better support where there is better support for outpatient anticoagulation treatment (e.g., same-day INR test, direct access echocardiogram, and warfarin in in-house pharmacy).

    Conclusion: Vocational training in family medicine appears to improve primary care physicians' knowledge regarding the management of AF. Better knowledge will help vocationally trained primary care physicians to provide anticoagulation treatment for AF within primary care clinics. More optimal AF management within primary care can take place if the identified barriers are addressed and a shared care plan can be implemented.

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