Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 1818 in total

  1. Mohamed Yusoff AA
    J Cancer Res Ther, 2015 Jul-Sep;11(3):535-44.
    PMID: 26458578 DOI: 10.4103/0973-1482.161925
    Brain tumor is molecularly a heterogeneous group of diseases, and genetic factors seem to play a crucial role in its genesis. Even though multiple alterations in the nuclear-encoded genes such as tumor suppressor and oncogenes are believed to play a key role in brain tumorigenesis, the involvement of the mitochondrial genome to this event remains controversial to date. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) has been suspected to be associated with the carcinogenesis because of its high sensitivity to mutations and inefficient repair mechanisms in comparison to nuclear DNA. Thus, defects in mtDNA could also lead to the development of brain tumor. By virtue of their clonal nature and high copy number, mtDNA mutations may provide a new effective molecular biomarker for the cancer detection. It has been suggested that establishing mtDNA defective pattern might be useful in cancer diagnostics and detection, the prognosis of cancer outcome, and/or the response to certain treatments. This mini-review gives a brief overview on the several aspects of mtDNA, with a particular focus on its role in tumorigenesis and progression of brain tumor. Understanding the role of mitochondria and brain tumor development could potentially translate into therapeutic strategies for patients with these tumors.
  2. Saleem M, Yusoff NM
    Hematology, 2016 Oct;21(9):501-12.
    PMID: 26871368 DOI: 10.1080/10245332.2015.1106816
    OBJECTIVES: The new World Health Organization's (WHO) classification of haematopoietic and lymphoid tissue neoplasms incorporating the recurrent fusion genes as the defining criteria for different haematopoietic malignant phenotypes is reviewed. The recurrent fusion genes incorporated in the new WHO's classification and other chromosomal rearrangements of haematopoietic and lymphoid tissue neoplasms are reviewed.

    METHODOLOGY: Cytokines and transcription factors in haematopoiesis and leukaemic mechanisms are described. Genetic features and clinical implications due to the encoded chimeric neoproteins causing malignant haematopoietic disorders are reviewed.

    RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Multiple translocation partner genes are well known for leukaemia such as MYC, MLL, RARA, ALK, and RUNX1. With the advent of more sophisticated diagnostic tools and bioinformatics algorithms, an exponential growth in fusion genes discoveries is likely to increase.

    CONCLUSION: Demonstration of fusion genes and their specific translocation breakpoints in malignant haematological disorders are crucial for understanding the molecular pathogenesis and clinical phenotype of cancer, determining prognostic indexes and therapeutic responses, and monitoring residual disease and relapse status.

  3. Mohd Yusoff MI
    Comput Math Methods Med, 2020;2020:9328414.
    PMID: 33224268 DOI: 10.1155/2020/9328414
    Researchers used a hybrid model (a combination of health resource demand model and disease transmission model), Bayesian model, and susceptible-exposed-infectious-removed (SEIR) model to predict health service utilization and deaths and mixed-effect nonlinear regression. Further, they used the mixture model to predict the number of confirmed cases and deaths or to predict when the curve would flatten. In this article, we show, through scenarios developed using system dynamics methodology, besides close to real-world results, the detrimental effects of ignoring social distancing guidelines (in terms of the number of people infected, which decreased as the percentage of noncompliance decreased).
  4. Yusoff MSB
    Oman Med J, 2020 Nov;35(6):e199.
    PMID: 33214913 DOI: 10.5001/omj.2020.90
    Objectives: This study investigated the outcomes of multiple mini interviews and personal interview on personality traits, emotional intelligence, perceived educational environment, and stressors.

    Methods: This is a comparative cross-sectional study on two cohorts of pre-clinical medical students who were selected by multiple mini interviews and personal interview, respectively. Their personality traits, emotional intelligence, perceived educational environment, and perceived stressors were measured using different measurement tools.

    Results: Multiple mini interviews and personal interview demonstrated a similar ability to recruit medical students with a high level of emotional intelligence. The main advantage of personal interviews over multiple mini interviews in terms of personality traits is that it recruited candidates who had a higher level of conscientiousness trait. The main advantage of multiple mini interviews over personal interview on the educational environment is that medical students chosen by multiple mini interviews had a higher level of satisfaction with social aspects of medical training. Regardless of admission processes, the medical students were equally vulnerable to psychological distress due to various stressful events throughout medical training particularly related to academic loads.

    Conclusions: This study provided evidence to support the outcomes that multiple mini interviews and personal interview have on medical students' emotional intelligence, personality traits, perceived educational environment, and perceived stressors during the pre-clinical medical training. Interestingly, personal interview had a better outcome on conscientiousness while multiple mini interviews had a better outcome on the social aspect.

  5. Yusoff MSB
    J Taibah Univ Med Sci, 2019 Jun;14(3):203-240.
    PMID: 31435411 DOI: 10.1016/j.jtumed.2019.03.006
    Objectives: Multiple Mini Interviews (MMI) have been conducted across the globe in the student selection process, particularly in health profession education. This paper reported the validity evidence of MMI in various educational settings.

    Methods: A literature search was carried out through Scopus, Science Direct, Google Scholar, PubMed, and EBSCOhost databases based on specific search terms. Each article was appraised based on title, abstract, and full text. The selected articles were critically appraised, and relevant information to support the validity of MMI in various educational settings was synthesized. This paper followed the PRISMA guideline to ensure consistency in reporting systematic review results.

    Results: A majority of the studies were from Canada, with 41.54%, followed by the United Kingdom (25.39%), the United States (13.85%), and Australia (9.23%). The rest (9.24%) were from Germany, Ireland, the United Arab Emirates, Japan, Pakistan, Taiwan, and Malaysia. Moreover, most MMI stations ranged from seven to 12 with a duration of 10 min per station (including a 2-min gap between stations).

    Conclusion: The results suggest that the content, response process, and internal structure of MMI were well supported by evidence; however, the relation and consequences of MMI to important outcome variables were inconsistently supported. The evidence shows that MMI is a non-biased, practical, feasible, reliable, and content-valid admission tool. However, further research on its impact on non-cognitive outcomes is required.

  6. Yusoff MSB
    J Taibah Univ Med Sci, 2018 Dec;13(6):503-511.
    PMID: 31435370 DOI: 10.1016/j.jtumed.2018.09.003
    Objectives: This study investigated the outcomes that an interview-based medical school admission process has on academic performance, psychological health, personality traits, and emotional intelligence.

    Methods: A comparative cross-sectional study was conducted on the interviewed and non-interviewed cohorts. Their examination marks were obtained from the academic office, psychological health was measured by DASS-21, personality traits were measured by USMaP-15, and emotional intelligence was measured by USMEQ-17.

    Results: The interviewed cohort performed significantly better in the clinical examination than the non-interviewed cohort. Conversely, the non-interviewed cohort performed significantly better in the theoretical examination. Depression, anxiety, and stress level between the two cohorts showed no difference. The interviewed cohort demonstrated more desirable personality traits, higher emotional intelligence, and social competence than the non-interviewed cohort.

    Discussion: This study provides evidence to support the claim that the interview-based admission process has favourable outcomes on clinical performance, emotional intelligence, and personality traits. Several insights gained as a result of this study are discussed.

  7. Yusoff MSB
    J Taibah Univ Med Sci, 2020 Dec;15(6):439-446.
    PMID: 33318735 DOI: 10.1016/j.jtumed.2020.08.011
    Objective: This study was conducted at the end of the second year of the pre-clinical program to assess differences in psychological status of students enrolled by multiple mini interview (MMI) and personal interview (PI).

    Methods: We adopted a comparative cross-sectional study on pre-clinical medical students who appeared in two different admission tests. The stress, anxiety, and depression levels of students were measured by the depression, anxiety, stress scale (DASS-21), and their burnout level was measured by the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory.

    Results: The stress, anxiety, and depression scores between MMI and PI were not significantly different (p-value > 0.05). The personal, work and client burnout scores between MMI and PI were not significantly different (p-value > 0.05). The prevalence of stress (MMI = 39%, PI = 36.9%), anxiety (MMI = 78%, PI = 67.4%), depression (MMI = 41%, PI = 36.2%) and burnout (MMI = 29%, PI = 31.9%) between MMI and PI cohorts was not significantly different (p-value > 0.05). These results showed similar levels of stress, anxiety, depression, and burnout in students at the end of the pre-clinical phase.

    Conclusions: This study showed similar psychological health status of the pre-clinical students who were enrolled by two different admission tests. The prevalence of stress, anxiety, burnout, and depression among the pre-clinical medical students was comparable to the global prevalence. The results indicate that medical schools can consider implementing either MMI or PI to recruit suitable candidates for medical training.

  8. Mohidin N, Yusoff S
    Clin Exp Optom, 2002 12 17;81(5):198-202.
    PMID: 12482319
    BACKGROUND: Causes of low vision and types of low vision devices (LVDs) prescribed in other low vision clinics have been studied extensively. Similar studies have not been conducted in Malaysia. This paper reports the results of a retrospective study of 573 patients seen at the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia-Malaysian Association for the Blind (UKM-MAB) low vision clinic in Kuala Lumpur. METHODS: The record cards of 573 patients seen at the UKM-MAB clinic over 10 years were examined and the following information extracted: date of first consultation, age, sex, cause of visual impairment as diagnosed by an ophthalmologist and types of low vision devices (LVDs) prescribed. RESULTS: The majority of patients were from the younger age groups with 423 (73.8 per cent) less than 50 years of age. Three hundred and ninety-five (68.9 per cent) of the subjects were males and 178 (31.1 per cent) female. The main causes of low vision were congenital structural defects including nystagmus among patients in the zero to 29 years age group, retinitis pigmentosa among the 30 to 59 years age group and age-related macular degeneration (ARM) among those over 60 years of age. CONCLUSIONS: Since the majority of the patients were from the younger age group the main causes of low vision were congenital and hereditary diseases. Three hundred and forty-one (59.5 per cent) patients seen at the low vision clinic accepted the use of LVDs.
  9. Yusoff MSB
    Objective: To determine the sensitivity, specificity and internal consistency of the Malay version GHQ-30 among medical student population. This study also determined the level of agreement between GHQ-30 and M-BDI.
    Methods: The Malay version GHQ-30 and Malay version Beck Depression Inventory (M-BDI) were administered to 190 medical students. ROC curve analysis was applied to determine the sensitivity and specificity of the GHQ-30 by testing against the M-BDI diagnoses. Reliability and Kappa analysis were applied to test internal consistency of the GHQ and to determine the level of agreement between GHQ-30 and M-BDI respectively.
    Results: 141 (74.2%) medical students participated in this study. The GHQ-30 sensitivity and specificity at cut-off point of 5/6 was 87.5% and 80.6% respectively with positive predictive value (PPV) of 70% as well as area under ROC curve was 0.84. The Cronbach’s alpha value of the GHQ-30 was 0.93. The Kappa coefficient was 0.64 (p<0.001).
    Conclusion: This study showed the Malay version GHQ-30 is a valid and reliable screening tool in detecting distressed medical students. The GHQ-30 score equal to or more than 6 was considered as significant distress. The GHQ-30 showed a good level of agreement with M-BDI in detecting distressed medical students.
    Keywords: Kelantan; Malaysia; medical student
  10. Yusoff MSB
    Professional behavior is an area of medical education that has long been of concern to medical educator. Professional behavior is one of the domains of the professionalism and it’s a behavior reflection of professionalism. But in spite of its perceived importance, until recently it has not been actively taught or reliably assessed. The purposes of this writing are:
    1) To provide appropriate definition of professional behavior.
    2) To identify characteristics of professional behavior.
    3) To identify valid and reliable assessment tools to assess professional behavior.
  11. Yusoff MSB
    Evaluating scientific quality of a journal is a notoriously cumbersome problem that so far no standard consensus. Preferably, scientific journals should be examined by real experts in the field and given scores on quality according to standard guidelines. Nevertheless, information scientists (i.e. scientometricians) have developed a diverse range of tools to examine scientific merits of scientific publications that mainly depending on various indexes that counting citations. The impact factor (IF) is commonly used to examine the visibility of a journal. It is the average number of citations a paper of a journal attracts in the two years following its publication.
  12. Yusoff MSB
    Personality researchers have proposed five dimensions of personality that are extroversion,
    conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, and openness. The five-factor model offers a theoretical basis for medical educators to understand the impact of personality traits on medical students’ psychological health during stressful medical training. This study attempted to investigate on which personality traits have favour impact on psychological health of medical students during a stressful period – the final examination of first year. A cross-sectional study was conducted on medical students in a public medical school. Personality traits were measured by USM Personality Inventory and psychological health parameters were measured by 21-item Depression Anxiety Stress Scale. Pearson correlation test was performed by SPSS to determine correlation between personality trait and psychological health parameters. A total of 174 medical students participated in this study. Extroversion (rstress = –0.44, ranxiety = -0.41, rdepression = –0.56), conscientiousness (rstress= –0.38, ranxiety =–0.36, rdepression= –0.51), agreeableness (rstress = –0.28, ranxiety = –0.25, rdepression = –0.47) and openness
    (rstress = –0.34, ranxiety = –0.31, rdepression = –0.47) negatively correlated with stress, anxiety and depression. Neuroticism (rstress = 0.53, ranxiety = 0.47, rdepression = 0.60) positively correlated with stress, anxiety and depression. Extroversion, conscientiousness, agreeableness and openness demonstrated favourable impact and neuroticism demonstrated unfavourable impact on stress, anxiety and depression of the medical students during a stressful period.
  13. Yusoff MSB
    Introduction: Detecting sources of stress of medical students is important for planning wellness
    program to improve their psychological wellbeing. One of instruments to detect the sources of stress
    is the Medical Student Stressor Questionnaire (MSSQ). A systematic review was performed to find
    out evidence to support its validity in term of content, response process, internal structure, relation
    to other variables, and consequences. Method: The author planned, conducted and reported this
    study according to PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses)
    standard of quality for reporting meta-analyses. Systematic search was performed on EBSCOhost,
    Scopus, Proquest, PubMed, Web of Science and Google Scholar databases. Result: The author
    yielded 613 relevant articles based on search terms, 44 articles had used MSSQ, and after critical
    appraisal, only 18 articles provided evidence to support validity MSSQ and thus were included in
    the systematic review. Conclusion: This systematic review supports the validity of MSSQ in relation
    to content, response process, internal structure, relations to other variables, and consequences of
    its scores. MSSQ is a valid tool to detect sources of stress in medical students and its results can be
    utilised as a guide to plan wellness program or intervention to improve medical students’ wellbeing.
  14. Alwasiti H, Yusoff MZ
    IEEE Open J Eng Med Biol, 2022;3:171-177.
    PMID: 36578777 DOI: 10.1109/OJEMB.2022.3220150
    Goal: Building a DL model that can be trained on small EEG training set of a single subject presents an interesting challenge that this work is trying to address. In particular, this study is trying to avoid the need for long EEG data collection sessions, and without combining multiple subjects training datasets, which has a detrimental effect on the classification performance due to the inter-individual variability among subjects. Methods: A customized Convolutional Neural Network with mixup augmentation was trained with [Formula: see text]120 EEG trials for only one subject per model. Results: Modified ResNet18 and DenseNet121 models with mixup augmentation achieved 0.920 (95% Confidence Interval: 0.908, 0.933) and 0.933 (95% Confidence Interval: 0.922, 0.945) classification accuracy, respectively. Conclusions: We show that the designed classifiers resulted in a higher classification performance in comparison to other DL classifiers of previous studies on the same dataset, despite the limited training dataset used in this work.
  15. Rajik M, Yusoff K
    Antivir Chem Chemother, 2011;21(4):151-4.
    PMID: 21602612 DOI: 10.3851/IMP1728
    Influenza A virus is a particularly problematic virus because of its ability to cause high levels of morbidity on a global scale within a remarkably short period of time. It also has the potential to kill very large numbers of people as occurred in the Spanish influenza pandemic in 1918. Options for antiviral therapy are limited because of the paucity of available drugs and the rapid mutation rate of the virus leading to the emergence of drug-resistant strains. The current H1N1 pandemic and potential threats posed by other strains highlight the need to develop novel therapeutic and prophylactic strategies. Here, we summarize the current state and recent developments of peptide-based inhibitors of influenza A virus.
  16. Yusoff ZM, Ismail N
    Data Brief, 2024 Apr;53:110209.
    PMID: 38419767 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2024.110209
    Aquilaria oil, specifically agarwood oil, is esteemed for its unique fragrance and potential therapeutic qualities, primarily attributed to the presence of significant chemical compounds. These compounds play a vital role in shaping the quality and attributes of Aquilaria oil. The distinct aroma, characterized by intricate, woody, and multifaceted notes, originates directly from specific sesquiterpenes, with notable contributors like agarospirol defining this aromatic profile. The richness and complexity of the oil's scent are closely linked to the concentration and variety of noteworthy compounds within it. Oils containing a diverse range of sesquiterpenes are often considered superior, providing a more refined olfactory experience. This dataset presents a statistical analysis of the chemical compounds present in agarwood oil obtained through the hydrodistillation method from three distinct Aquilaria (A.) species: A. crassna, A. malaccensis, and A. subintegra. The analysis of these chemical compounds utilized Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer (GC-MS) coupled with Gas Chromatography - Flame Ionization Detector (GC-FID). This study's data is crucial for highlighting compounds that contribute to the significance of agarwood oil as a valuable and versatile natural resource. This significance is emphasized by the oil's diverse applications and distinctive chemical composition.
  17. Yusoff MS
    Sultan Qaboos Univ Med J, 2013 Feb;13(1):107-14.
    PMID: 23573390
    The demanding and intense environment of medical training can create excessive pressures on medical students that eventually lead to unfavorable consequences, either at a personal or professional level. These consequences can include poor academic performance and impaired cognitive ability. This study was designed to explore associations between pass-fail outcome and psychological health parameters (i.e. stress, anxiety, and depression symptoms).
  18. Sinev AY, Yusoff FM
    Zootaxa, 2015;4000(5):581-91.
    PMID: 26623748 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4000.5.7
    Fauna of Cladocera (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) of Sabah state of Malaysia, Borneo Island, was evaluated for the first time. Samples from 40 locations were studied, and 31 species of Cladocera were revealed, including three species of Sididae, one species of Daphnidae, one species of Moinidae, four species of Macrothricidae, two species of Ilyocryptidae, and 20 species of Chydoridae. One species of Ilyocryptidae, Ilyocryptus yooni Jeong, Kotov and Lee, 2012, is recorded for Malaysia for the first time, and one more, Anthalona sp., is probably new for science. Of 31 species recorded for Sabah, only three are true planktonic species and 28 are substrate-associated species. Absence of large natural lakes, habitats with most rich cladoceran fauna, can be an important factor limiting diversity of Cladocera in Sabah.
  19. Akinbile CO, Yusoff MS
    Int J Phytoremediation, 2012 Mar;14(3):201-11.
    PMID: 22567705
    Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) and water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes) were analyzed to determine their effectiveness in aquaculture wastewater treatment in Malaysia. Wastewater from fish farm in Semanggol Perak, Malaysia was sampled and the parameters determined included, the pH, turbidity, dissolved oxygen (DO), chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), nitrite phosphate (PO4(3-)), nitrate (NO(3-)), nitrite (NO(-2)), ammonia (NH3), and total kjedahl nitrogen (TKN). Also, hydroponics system was set up and was added with fresh plants weights of 150 +/- 20 grams Eichhornia crassipes and 50 +/- 10 grams Pistia stratiotes during the 30 days experiment. The phytoremediation treatment with Eichhornia crassipes had pH ranging from 5.52 to 5.59 and from 4.45 to 5.5 while Pistia stratiotes had its pH value from 5.76 to 6.49 and from 6.24 to 7.07. Considerable percentage reduction was observed in all the parameters treated with the phytoremediators. Percentage reduction of turbidity for Eichhornia crassipes were 85.26% and 87.05% while Pistia stratiotes were 92.70% and 93.69% respectively. Similar reductions were observed in COD, TKN, NO(3-), NH3, and PO4(3-). The capability of these plants in removing nutrients was established from the study. Removal of aquatic macrophytes from water bodies is recommended for efficient water purification.
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