METHODS: Data of adults aged 18 years and over from the National Health and Morbidity Survey 2019 were used. Respondent's demographic, socioeconomic, health, and caregiving-related characteristics were described using complex samples analysis. Logistic regression analysis was performed to examine the factors affecting health, daily and social activities of caregivers, accounting for caregiving intensity.
RESULTS: Five point one percent of adults in Malaysia provided informal care. High intensity caregivers were more likely to be actively employed and provided longer duration of care compared with low intensity caregivers. For low intensity caregiving, females, those aged 35-59 years, and those with long-term condition were more likely to have negative effects on health. Daily activities of non-Malays were more likely to be affected, while no factor was found significantly associated with effect on social activities. For high intensity caregiving, caregivers aged 60 and over, those received training and those without assistance were more likely to have negative effects on health. Daily activities of those without assistance were more likely to be affected. Social activities of non-Malays, those received training and those providing care for 2 years or more were more likely to be affected.
CONCLUSIONS: Our study indicates that both low- and high-intensity caregivers have common features, with the exception of employment status and care duration. Caregiving, regardless of intensity, has a significant impact on caregivers. In order to reduce the negative consequences of caregiving responsibilities, all caregivers need assistance from the community and government, that is customised to their needs. By addressing the factors contributing to the negative effects of caregiving, a continuation of informal caregiving can be sustained through policies supporting the growing demand for informal care necessitated by an ageing population and higher life expectancy in Malaysia.
DESIGN: Systematic review and meta-ethnography.
DATA SOURCES: Medline, CINAHL, Embase and PsycINFO databases (literature searched until May 2015, published studies ranged from 1996 to 2015).
ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: Primary qualitative studies focused on adult community-dwelling stroke survivors' and/or informal caregivers' experiences of primary care and/or community healthcare services.
DATA SYNTHESIS: A set of common second order constructs (original authors' interpretations of participants' experiences) were identified across the studies and used to develop a novel integrative account of the data (third order constructs). Study quality was assessed using the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme checklist. Relevance was assessed using Dixon-Woods' criteria.
RESULTS: 51 studies (including 168 stroke survivors and 328 caregivers) were synthesised. We developed three inter-dependent third order constructs: (1) marginalisation of stroke survivors and caregivers by healthcare services, (2) passivity versus proactivity in the relationship between health services and the patient/caregiver dyad, and (3) fluidity of stroke related needs for both patient and caregiver. Issues of continuity of care, limitations in access to services and inadequate information provision drove perceptions of marginalisation and passivity of services for both patients and caregivers. Fluidity was apparent through changing information needs and psychological adaptation to living with long-term consequences of stroke.
LIMITATIONS: Potential limitations of qualitative research such as limited generalisability and inability to provide firm answers are offset by the consistency of the findings across a range of countries and healthcare systems.
CONCLUSIONS: Stroke survivors and caregivers feel abandoned because they have become marginalised by services and they do not have the knowledge or skills to re-engage. This can be addressed by: (1) increasing stroke specific health literacy by targeted and timely information provision, and (2) improving continuity of care between specialist and generalist services.
METHODS: We performed a comprehensive systematic search using PubMed, Embase, PsycINFO, and Econlit from inception to July 2022. Articles were included if they described innovation or the characteristics of innovation of the technologies in healthcare. Characteristics or definitions of innovation directly or indirectly described as innovation were extracted from the included articles. Two independent reviewers then conceptualized the identified characteristics of innovation to generate innovation attributes in healthcare.
RESULTS: In total, 103 articles were included in this review. Eight attributes describing innovation, i.e. novelty, step change, substantial benefits, an improvement over existing technologies, convenience and/or adherence, added value, acceptable cost, and uncounted benefits, were conceptualized. Most of the identified innovation attributes were based on the researchers' perspective.
CONCLUSIONS: This study conceptualized innovation attributes in healthcare based on the characteristics of healthcare innovation as defined in the literature. Further research is warranted to obtain a complete understanding of the perspectives of researchers and other stakeholders, including patients, healthcare providers, healthcare payers, and the pharmaceutical industry, on recognizing innovation in healthcare.KEY POINTSThis is the first systematic review to conceptualize attributes of healthcare innovation.We conceptualized eight attributes describing innovation, i.e. novelty, step change, substantial benefits, an improvement over existing technologies, convenience and/or adherence, added value, acceptable cost, and uncounted benefits based on the similar concept.In existing literature, patients' and caregivers' perspectives were less frequently found to describe the innovation attributes.Future research is needed to identify, measure, and value various stakeholders, including patients' and caregivers' perspectives on healthcare innovation.
METHODOLOGY: A phenomenological qualitative study was conducted from November 2020 to June 2021 in Malaysia. A total of 13 respondents were recruited from two public rehabilitation centers in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. In-depth interviews were conducted with the participants. Comprehensive representation of perspectives from the respondents was achieved through purposive sampling. The interviews were conducted in the Kelantanese dialect, recorded, transcribed, and analyzed using thematic analysis.
RESULTS: Three themes on burdens and experiences were identified. They were worsening pre-existing issues, emerging new issues, and fewer burdens and challenges. Two themes on coping strategies were also identified. They were problem-focused engagement and emotion-focused engagement.
CONCLUSIONS: The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the entire system of stroke management. While family caregivers mostly faced the extra burden through different experiences, they also encountered some positive impacts from the pandemic. The integrated healthcare system, especially in the era of digitalization, is an important element to establish the collaborative commitment of multiple stakeholders to compensate burden and sustain the healthcare of stroke survivors during the pandemic.
OBJECTIVE: The study aimed to explore youth perceptions of the My-Elderly-Care-Skills Module intervention and its perceived feasibility.
METHODS: This study involved youth respondents (18-30 years old) from low-income households who are accountable to providing care for independent older people (60 years or above) living in the same house. A qualitative study using a case study design was used to assess youth perceptions based on the content of the My-Elderly-Care-Skills module, by focusing on its implementation usage and usefulness for the care of the elderly. A total of 30 youths voluntarily participated in the online training workshop during the COVID-19 pandemic movement restriction order period. There were multiple sources of data, such as video recorded on reflection of care given at home, text messages in a WhatsApp group, and in-depth interviews during small group online meetings. Data were recorded and transcribed verbatim for common themes before a theme analysis was conducted. Inductive content analysis was performed after the saturation point was met.
RESULTS: Thematic analysis derived two domains of feasibility: operational and technical feasibility. There were three themes under operational practicality (improving awareness, addressing the caregiving skills needs, and seeking resources for knowledge) and three themes for technical practicality (easily used and informative, skill in effective communication, and program fulfillment).
CONCLUSION: It was verified that it is feasible for young caregivers of the elderly to participate in the My-Elderly-Care-Skills training intervention as it helps in improving knowledge and skills performance in managing and caring for the elderly.
METHODS: Longitudinal data from two different sources were analysed: a pre-post study of an online parenting programme conducted across six countries - the ePLH Evaluation Study, and a prospective cohort study in the United States - LONGSCAN. Cross-lagged panel model on parenting stress and child maltreatment was used in each dataset.
RESULTS: Based on repeatedly measured data of 484 caregivers in the ePLH study across five time points (every two weeks), we found that parenting stress at an earlier time point predicted later child maltreatment (IRR = 1.14, 95 % CI: 1.10,1.18). In addition, the occurrence of child maltreatment was associated with higher subsequent short-term parenting stress (IRR = 1.04, 95 % CI: 1.01,1.08) and thus could form a vicious circle. In the LONGSCAN analysis with 772 caregivers who were followed up from child age of 6 to child age of 16, we also found parenting stress at an earlier time point predicted later child maltreatment (β = 0.11, 95 % CI: 0.01,0.20), but did not observe an association between child maltreatment and subsequent long-term parenting stress.
LIMITATIONS: Potential information bias on the measurements.
CONCLUSIONS: This study provides evidence for a bidirectional temporal relationship between parenting stress and child maltreatment, which should be considered in parenting intervention programmes.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cross-sectional study through a purposive sampling method was employed, involving 142 caregivers of CWD at the selected CBR centre. Four CBR centres were selected in this study, which were located in the Kudat division of Sabah. The Malay version of the Modified Caregiver Strain Index Questionnaire (M-CSI-M) was used in this study to obtain information about the caregiver's strain.
RESULTS: Findings from this study revealed that most caregivers experienced moderate strain (72.5%). Some of the leading causes of their strain were upsetting CWD's behaviour (10.6%), financial strain (9.2%), and overwhelmed (9.2%). In addition, there were significant differences between caregiver strain and their level of education, income, and the types of their child's disabilities (p ≤ 0.05).
CONCLUSION: The well-being of the caregivers may significantly impact the effectiveness of rehabilitation for CWD, as caregivers are vital interdisciplinary team members.
METHODS: A systematic search was conducted in four databases from inception until April 30, 2021 as well as search of citation of included articles. Studies that reported patients' and/or their caregivers' attitude towards deprescribing quantitatively were included. All studies were independently screened, reviewed, and data extracted in duplicates. Patients and caregivers willingness to deprescribe their regular medication was pooled using random effects meta-analysis of proportions.
RESULTS: Twenty-nine unique studies involving 11,049 participants were included. All studies focused on the attitude of the patients towards deprescribing, and 7 studies included caregivers' perspective. Overall, 87.6% (95% CI: 83.3 to 91.4%) patients were willing to deprescribe their medication, based upon the doctors' suggestions. This was lower among caregivers, with only 74.8% (49.8% to 93.8%) willing to deprescribe their care recipients' medications. Patients' or caregivers' willingness to deprescribe were not influenced by study location, study population, or the number of medications they took.
DISCUSSION: Most patients and their caregivers were willing to deprescribe their medications, whenever possible and thus should be offered a trial of deprescribing. Nevertheless, as these tools have a poor predictive ability, patients and their caregivers should be engaged during the deprescribing process to ensure that the values and opinions are heard, which would ultimately improve patient safety. In terms of limitation, as not all studies may published the methods and results of measurement they used, this may impact the methodological quality and thus our findings. OPEN SCIENCE FRAMEWORK REGISTRATION: https://