Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 152 in total

  1. Hoe SLL, Tan LP, Abdul Aziz N, Liew K, Teow SY, Abdul Razak FR, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2017 09 28;7(1):12372.
    PMID: 28959019 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-12045-8
    Subpopulations of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) contain cells with differential tumourigenic properties. Our study evaluates the tumourigenic potential of CD24, CD44, EpCAM and combination of EpCAM/CD44 cells in NPC. CD44br and EpCAMbr cells enriched for higher S-phase cell content, faster-growing tumourigenic cells leading to tumours with larger volume and higher mitotic figures. Although CD44br and EpCAMbr cells significantly enriched for tumour-initiating cells (TICs), all cells could retain self-renewal property for at least four generations. Compared to CD44 marker alone, EpCAM/CD44dbr marker did not enhance for cells with faster-growing ability or higher TIC frequency. Cells expressing high CD44 or EpCAM had lower KLF4 and p21 in NPC subpopulations. KLF4-overexpressed EpCAMbr cells had slower growth while Kenpaullone inhibition of KLF4 transcription increased in vitro cell proliferation. Compared to non-NPC, NPC specimens had increased expression of EPCAM, of which tumours from advanced stage of NPC had higher expression. Together, our study provides evidence that EpCAM is a potentially important marker in NPC.
    Matched MeSH terms: Epithelial Cell Adhesion Molecule/genetics; Epithelial Cell Adhesion Molecule/metabolism*
  2. Soon CF, Khaghani SA, Youseffi M, Nayan N, Saim H, Britland S, et al.
    Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces, 2013 Oct 1;110:156-62.
    PMID: 23711786 DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfb.2013.04.012
    Widefield surface plasmon resonance (WSPR) microscopy provides high resolution imaging of interfacial interactions. We report the application of the WSPR imaging system in the study of the interaction between keratinocytes and liquid crystals (LC). Imaging of fixed keratinocytes cultured on gold coated surface plasmon substrates functionalized with a thin film of liquid crystals was performed in air using a 1.45NA objective based system. Focal adhesion of the cells adhered to glass and LC were further studied using immunofluorescence staining of the vinculin. The imaging system was also simulated with 2×2 scattering matrix to investigate the optical reflection of the resonant plasmonic wave via the glass/gold/cell and glass/gold/LC/cell layers. WSPR imaging indicated that keratinocytes are less spread and formed distinct topography of cell-liquid crystal couplings when cultured on liquid crystal coated substrates. The simulation indicates that glass/LC shifted the surface plasmon excitation angle to 75.39° as compared to glass/air interface at 44°. The WSPR microcopy reveals that the cells remodelled their topography of adhesion at different interfaces.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cell Adhesion
  3. Ng CY, Kamisah Y, Faizah O, Jubri Z, Qodriyah HM, Jaarin K
    Int J Vasc Med, 2012;2012:404025.
    PMID: 22778962 DOI: 10.1155/2012/404025
    Oil thermoxidation during deep frying generates harmful oxidative free radicals that induce inflammation and increase the risk of hypertension. This study aimed to investigate the effect of repeatedly heated palm oil on blood pressure, aortic morphometry, and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) expression in rats. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into five groups: control, fresh palm oil (FPO), one-time-heated palm oil (1HPO), five-time-heated palm oil (5HPO), or ten-time-heated palm oil (10HPO). Feeding duration was six months. Blood pressure was measured at baseline and monthly using tail-cuff method. After six months, the rats were sacrificed and the aortic arches were dissected for morphometric and immunohistochemical analyses. FPO group showed significantly lower blood pressure than all other groups. Blood pressure was increased significantly in 5HPO and 10HPO groups. The aortae of 5HPO and 10HPO groups showed significantly increased thickness and area of intima-media, circumferential wall tension, and VCAM-1 than other groups. Elastic lamellae were disorganised and fragmented in 5HPO- and 10HPO-treated rats. VCAM-1 expression showed a significant positive correlation with blood pressure. In conclusion, prolonged consumption of repeatedly heated palm oil causes blood pressure elevation, adverse remodelling, and increased VCAM-1, which suggests a possible involvement of inflammation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1
  4. Berahim Z, Moharamzadeh K, Rawlinson A, Jowett AK
    J. Periodontol., 2011 May;82(5):790-7.
    PMID: 21080786 DOI: 10.1902/jop.2010.100533
    Cell-based therapy using autologous cells has been suggested as a potential approach for periodontal tissue regeneration. Spheroid systems are a form of three-dimensional cell culture that promotes cell matrix interaction, which could recapitulate the aspect of cell homeostasis in vivo. The aim of this study is to assess the interaction of periodontal fibroblast spheroids with synthetic and collagen-based membranes that have been used in guided tissue regeneration.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cell Adhesion/physiology; Cell Adhesion Molecules/analysis
  5. Mel M, Sopyan I, Nor YA
    Med J Malaysia, 2008 Jul;63 Suppl A:18-20.
    PMID: 19024963
    Tricalcium phosphate ceramic microcarrier has been developed and introduced to a new possibility for the culture of anchorage dependent animal cells of DF1. It was observed that the number of attached cells was increased with shorter time for both spinner vessel and stirred tank (ST) bioreactor. For those bioreactors, the total viable cell number that had been obtained is about 1.2 x 10(5) cell/ml.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cell Adhesion
  6. Ibrahim S, Sabudin S, Sahid S, Marzuke MA, Hussin ZH, Kader Bashah NS, et al.
    Saudi J Biol Sci, 2016 Jan;23(1):S56-63.
    PMID: 26858566 DOI: 10.1016/j.sjbs.2015.10.024
    Surface reactivity of bioactive ceramics contributes in accelerating bone healing by anchoring osteoblast cells and the connection of the surrounding bone tissues. The presence of silicon (Si) in many biocompatible and bioactive materials has been shown to improve osteoblast cell adhesion, proliferation and bone regeneration due to its role in the mineralisation process around implants. In this study, the effects of Si-biphasic calcium phosphate (Si-BCP) on bioactivity and adhesion of human osteoblast (hFOB) as an in vitro model have been investigated. Si-BCP was synthesised using calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) and phosphoric acid (H3PO4) via wet synthesis technique at Ca/P ratio 1.60 of material precursors. SiO2 at 3 wt% based on total precursors was added into apatite slurry before proceeding with the spray drying process. Apatite powder derived from the spray drying process was pressed into discs with Ø 10 mm. Finally, the discs were sintered at atmospheric condition to obtain biphasic hydroxyapatite (HA) and tricalcium phosphate (TCP) peaks simultaneously and examined by XRD, AFM and SEM for its bioactivity evaluation. In vitro cell viability of L929 fibroblast and adhesion of hFOB cell were investigated via AlamarBlue® (AB) assay and SEM respectively. All results were compared with BCP without Si substitution. Results showed that the presence of Si affected the material's surface and morphology, cell proliferation and cell adhesion. AFM and SEM of Si-BCP revealed a rougher surface compared to BCP. Bioactivity in simulated body fluid (SBF) was characterised by pH, weight gain and apatite mineralisation on the sample surface whereby the changes in surface morphology were evaluated using SEM. Immersion in SBF up to 21 days indicated significant changes in pH, weight gain and apatite formation. Cell viability has demonstrated no cytotoxic effect and denoted that Si-BCP promoted good initial cell adhesion and proliferation. These results suggest that Si-BCP's surface roughness (164 nm) was significantly higher than BCP (88 nm), thus enhancing the adhesion and proliferation of the osteoblast.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cell Adhesion
  7. Satar NA, Fakiruddin KS, Lim MN, Mok PL, Zakaria N, Fakharuzi NA, et al.
    Oncol Rep, 2018 Aug;40(2):669-681.
    PMID: 29845263 DOI: 10.3892/or.2018.6461
    Through the specific identification and direct targeting of cancer stem cells (CSCs), it is believed that a better treatment efficacy of cancer may be achieved. Hence, the present study aimed to identify a CSC subpopulation from adenocarcinoma cells (A549) as a model of non‑small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Ιnitially, we sorted two subpopulations known as the triple‑positive (EpCAM+/CD166+/CD44+) and triple‑negative (EpCAM-/CD166-/CD44-) subpopulation using fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS). Sorted cells were subsequently evaluated for proliferation and chemotherapy-resistance using a viability assay and were further characterized for their clonal heterogeneity, self-renewal characteristics, cellular migration, alkaline dehydrogenase (ALDH) activity and the expression of stemness-related genes. According to our findings the triple‑positive subpopulation revealed significantly higher (P<0.01) proliferation activity, exhibited better clonogenicity, was mostly comprised of holoclones and had markedly bigger (P<0.001) spheroid formation indicating a better self-renewal capacity. A relatively higher resistance to both 5‑fluouracil and cisplatin with 80% expression of ALDH was observed in the triple‑positive subpopulation, compared to only 67% detected in the triple‑negative subpopulation indicated that high ALDH activity contributed to greater chemotherapy-resistance characteristics. Higher percentage of migrated cells was observed in the triple‑positive subpopulation with 56% cellular migration being detected, compared to only 19% in the triple‑negative subpopulation on day 2. This was similarly observed on day 3 in the triple‑positive subpopulation with 36% higher cellular migration compared to the triple‑negative subpopulation. Consistently, elevated levels of the stem cell genes such as REX1 and SSEA4 were also found in the triple‑positive subpopulation indicating that the subpopulation displayed a strong characteristic of pluripotency. In conclusion, our study revealed that the triple‑positive subpopulation demonstrated similar characteristics to CSCs compared to the triple‑negative subpopulation. It also confirmed the feasibility of using the triple‑positive (EpCAM+/CD166+/CD44+) marker as a novel candidate marker that may lead to the development of novel therapies targeting CSCs of NSCLC.
    Matched MeSH terms: Activated-Leukocyte Cell Adhesion Molecule/genetics; Epithelial Cell Adhesion Molecule/genetics
  8. Heng BC, Gong T, Xu J, Lim LW, Zhang C
    Biomed Rep, 2018 Aug;9(2):161-168.
    PMID: 29963307 DOI: 10.3892/br.2018.1108
    Dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs) originate from the embryonic neural crest and have neurogenic potential. The present study investigated the roles of the forward and reverse EphrinB2 signalling pathways during DPSC neurogenesis. Treatment of DPSCs with recombinant EphrinB2-Fc protein over 7 days in a neural induction culture resulted in significant downregulation of the following neural markers: βIII-Tubulin, neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM), nestin, neurogenin 2 (NGN2), neurofilament medium polypeptide and Musashi1. Immunocytochemistry revealed that EphrinB2-Fc-treated DPSCs exhibited more rounded morphologies with fewer neurite outgrowths as well as reduced protein expression of βIII-tubulin and NGN2. Treatment of DPSCs with a peptide inhibitor specific to the EphB4 receptor significantly upregulated expression of the neural markers microtubule-associated protein 2, Musashi1, NGN2 and neuron-specific enolase, whereas treatment with a peptide inhibitor specific to the EphB2 receptor exerted negligible effects on neurogenesis. Transgenic expression of EphrinB2 in DPSCs resulted in significant upregulation of Musashi1 and NCAM gene expression, while treatment of DPSCs with recombinant EphB4-Fc protein led to significant upregulation of only Musashi1. Thus, it may be concluded that stimulation of forward EphrinB2-EphB4 signalling markedly inhibited neurogenesis in DPSCs, whereas suppression of this forward signalling pathway with peptide inhibitor specific to EphB4 promoted neurogenesis. Meanwhile, stimulation of reverse EphB4-EphrinB2 signalling only marginally enhanced the neural differentiation of DPSCs. The present findings indicate the potential application of peptide or small molecule inhibitors of EphrinB2 forward signalling in neural tissue engineering with DPSCs.
    Matched MeSH terms: Neural Cell Adhesion Molecules
  9. Zulfahmi Said, Hellen Colley, Craig Murdoch
    Introduction: Tissue-engineered oral mucosa (TEOM) is increasingly being used to model oral mucosal diseases and to assess drug toxicity. Current TEOM models are constructed using normal oral fibroblasts (NOF) contained within a hydrogel matrix with normal oral keratinocytes (NOK) cultured on top. NOK are not commercially available and suffer from donor-to-donor variability. Therefore, oral mucosal models based on immortalised keratinocytes may offer advantages over NOK-based models. The objective of this study was to construct and characterise the TEOM developed using TERT2-immortalised oral keratinocyte (FNB6) cells and validate its similarity to normal oral muco-sal tissue. Methods: TEOM were constructed by culturing FNB6 cells on top of a NOF-populated collagen type-1 hydrogel in tissue culture transwell inserts cultured at an air-to-liquid interface and collected at 14 day. TEOM were subjected to morphological (H&E and PAS), ultrastructural (TEM) and immunohistological (Ki-67, cytokeratin 14 and E-cadherin) analysis. Results: Histologically TEOM mimicked native oral mucosa displaying a stratified epithelium, fibroblast-containing connective tissue and basement membrane. Furthermore, TEM confirmed the presence of des-mosomes and hemi-desmosomes in the epithelium. IHC revealed expression of differentiation markers (cytokeratin 14), proliferation (Ki-67), cell adhesion (E-cadherin). Conclusion: FNB6 mucosal models able to mimic native oral mucosa structure. It has potential for drug delivery and toxicity evaluation, and replacing models based on NOK where access to primary cells is limited.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cell Adhesion
  10. Yeoh FH, Lee CS, Kang YB, Wong SF, Cheng SF, Ng WS
    Polymers (Basel), 2020 Aug 17;12(8).
    PMID: 32824514 DOI: 10.3390/polym12081842
    Being biodegradable and biocompatible are crucial characteristics for biomaterial used for medical and biomedical applications. Vegetable oil-based polyols are known to contribute both the biodegradability and biocompatibility of polyurethanes; however, petrochemical-based polyols were often incorporated to improve the thermal and mechanical properties of polyurethane. In this work, palm oil-based polyester polyol (PPP) derived from epoxidized palm olein and glutaric acid was reacted with isophorone diisocyanate to produce an aliphatic polyurethane, without the incorporation of any commercial petrochemical-based polyol. The effects of water content and isocyanate index were investigated. The polyurethanes produced consisted of > 90% porosity with interconnected micropores and macropores (37-1700 µm) and PU 1.0 possessed tensile strength and compression stress of 111 kPa and 64 kPa. The polyurethanes with comparable thermal stability, yet susceptible to enzymatic degradation with 7-59% of mass loss after 4 weeks of treatment. The polyurethanes demonstrated superior water uptake (up to 450%) and did not induce significant changes in pH of the medium. The chemical changes of the polyurethanes after enzymatic degradation were evaluated by FTIR and TGA analyses. The polyurethanes showed cell viability of 53.43% and 80.37% after 1 and 10 day(s) of cytotoxicity test; and cell adhesion and proliferation in cell adhesion test. The polyurethanes produced demonstrated its potential as biomaterial for soft tissue engineering applications.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cell Adhesion
  11. Saharudin KA, Sreekantan S, Abd Aziz SN, Hazan R, Lai CW, Mydin RB, et al.
    J Nanosci Nanotechnol, 2013 Mar;13(3):1696-705.
    PMID: 23755576
    The present study deals with surface modification of Ti6Al4V alloy via anodization technique. The morphology, structure, adhesion and bioactivity of Ti6Al4V alloy after anodization process were investigated in detail. The influence of fluoride content and direct circuit (DC) applied voltage during anodization of Ti6Al4V alloy in a bath with electrolytes composed of ethylene glycol (EG) and ammonium fluoride (NH4F) were considered. It was found that the average pore sizes and length of nanoporous or nanotubes were increasing with the fluoride content and applied voltage. A minimum of 3 wt% of NH4F is required to grow a self-organized nanotube arrays. As the fluoride content was increased to 5 wt%, TiO2 nanotubes with average diameter of 110 nm and 3.4 microm lengths were successfully synthesized. It is noteworthy to point out that the rate of the nanotube formation was increasing up to 9 microm thick bioactive TiO2 nanotubes layer as anodization time was increased to 3 h. Based on the results obtained, the PA6 cells cultured on anodic Ti6Al4V alloy showed highest level of cell viability and greater cell adhesion compared to the flat Ti6Al4V foil substrate. In fact, highly ordered nanotubes structure on Ti6Al4V alloy can provide beneficial effects for PA6 cells in attachment and proliferation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cell Adhesion
  12. Naidu, M., David, P.
    Injury to a peripheral nerve leads to degeneration of the segment distal to the site of lesion, a process referred to as Wallerian degeneration. During Wallerian degeneration, axons and myelin sheaths undergo degeneration and are phagocytosed by macrophages and Schwann cells. The Schwann cells proliferate and the endoneurial tubes persist, together the whole structure is known as the band of Büngner. Within few hours, the damaged axons in the proximal stump initiate a regeneration response, with formation of new growth cones. During Wallerian degeneration, neurotrophins, neural cell adhesion molecules, cytokines and other soluble factors are upregulated to facilitate regeneration. The recovery of the target in mammals is often variable, but almost never complete. In humans, scar tissue forms at the site of lesion and this often results in poor recovery of the target. The major events underlying this regenerative process is highlighted and discussed in this review.
    Matched MeSH terms: Neural Cell Adhesion Molecules
  13. Phang SW, Ooi BK, Ahemad N, Yap WH
    Vascul. Pharmacol., 2020 03 19;128-129:106675.
    PMID: 32200116 DOI: 10.1016/j.vph.2020.106675
    The transformation of macrophages to foam cells is a critical component in atherosclerotic lesion formation. Maslinic acid (MA), a novel natural pentacyclic triterpene, has cardioprotective and anti-inflammatory properties. It is hypothesized that MA can suppress monocyte recruitment to endothelial cells and inhibit macrophage foam cells formation. Previous study shows that MA inhibits inflammatory effects induced by sPLA2-IIA, including foam cells formation. This study elucidates the regulatory effect of MA in monocyte recruitment, macrophage lipid accumulation and cholesterol efflux. Our findings demonstrate that MA inhibits THP-1 monocyte adhesion to HUVEC cells in a TNFα-dependent and independent manner, but it induces trans-endothelial migration marginally at low concentration. MA down-regulates both gene and protein expression on VCAM-1 and MCP-1 in HUVECs. We further showed that MA suppresses macrophage foam cells formation, as indicated from the Oil-Red-O staining and flow cytometric analysis of intracellular lipids accumulation. The effects observed may be attributed to the antioxidant properties of MA where it was shown to suppress CuSO4-induced lipid peroxidation. MA inhibits scavenger receptors SR-A and CD36 expression while enhancing cholesterol efflux. MA enhances cholesterol efflux transporters ABCA1 and ABCG1 genes expression marginally without inducing its protein expression. In this study, MA was shown to target important steps that contribute to foam cell formation, including its ability in reducing monocytes adhesion to endothelial cells and LDL peroxidation, down-regulating scavenger receptors expression as well as enhancing cholesterol efflux, which might be of great importance in the context of atherosclerosis prevention and treatment.
    Matched MeSH terms: Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1
  14. Ming NGJ, Binte Mostafiz S, Johon NS, Abdullah Zulkifli NS, Wagiran A
    Plants (Basel), 2019 May 30;8(6).
    PMID: 31151227 DOI: 10.3390/plants8060144
    The development of efficient tissue culture protocol for somatic embryo would facilitate the genetic modification breeding program. The callus induction and regeneration were studied by using different parameters i.e., auxins, cytokinins, and desiccation treatment. Scanning electron microscopy and histological analysis were performed to identify the embryogenic callus for regeneration. The callus percentage results showed that MS (Murashige and Skoog) basal medium supplemented with 3 mg/L 2, 4-D and 30g/L maltose were the optimal callus induction medium for MR220 (80%) and MR220-CL2 (95%). The morphology of the embryogenic callus was confirmed by the SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) (presence of extracellular matrix surface network) and later by histological analysis. Finally, MS media supplemented with 0.5 mg/L NAA (Naphthalene Acetic Acid), 2 mg/L kin, and 1 mg/L BAP were selected as the optimum regeneration media treatment while callus desiccated for 48 h was proved to produce more plantlets in MR220 (60%) and MR220-CL2 (73.33%) compared to control treatment (without desiccation). The protocol presented here showed the necessity for the inclusion of partial desiccation as an important step in the tissue culture protocol of Malaysian indica rice genotypes in order to enhance their regeneration potential.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cell Adhesion Molecules, Neuronal
  15. Chan YH, Harith HH, Israf DA, Tham CL
    Front Cell Dev Biol, 2019;7:280.
    PMID: 31970155 DOI: 10.3389/fcell.2019.00280
    Endothelial cells lining the inner vascular wall form a monolayer that contributes to the selective permeability of endothelial barrier. This selective permeability is mainly regulated by an endothelium-specific adherens junctional protein, known as vascular endothelial-cadherin (VE-cadherin). In endothelial cells, the adherens junction comprises of VE-cadherin and its associated adhesion molecules such as p120, α-catenin, and β-catenin, in which α-catenin links cytoplasmic tails of VE-cadherin to actin cytoskeleton through β-catenin. Proinflammatory stimuli such as lipopolysaccharide (LPS) are capable of attenuating vascular integrity through the disruption of VE-cadherin adhesion in endothelial cells. To date, numerous studies demonstrated the disruption of adherens junction as a result of phosphorylation-mediated VE-cadherin disruption. However, the outcomes from these studies were inconsistent and non-conclusive as different cell fractions were used to examine the effect of LPS on the disruption of VE-cadherin. By using Western Blot, some studies utilized total protein lysate and reported decreased protein expression while some studies reported unchanged expression. Other studies which used membrane and cytosolic fractions of protein extract demonstrated decreased and increased VE-cadherin expression, respectively. Despite the irregularities, the results of immunofluorescence staining are consistent with the formation of intercellular gap. Besides that, the overall underlying disruptive mechanisms of VE-cadherin remain largely unknown. Therefore, this mini review will focus on different experiment approaches in terms of cell fractions used in different human endothelial cell studies, and relate these differences to the results obtained in Western blot and immunofluorescence staining in order to give some insights into the overall differential regulatory mechanisms of LPS-mediated VE-cadherin disruption and address the discrepancy in VE-cadherin expression.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cell Adhesion Molecules
  16. Supa'at I, Zakaria Z, Maskon O, Aminuddin A, Nordin NA
    PMID: 24023571 DOI: 10.1155/2013/171852
    Swedish Massage Therapy (SMT) is known for its therapeutic relaxation effects. Hypertension is associated with stress and elevated endothelial inflammatory markers. This randomized control trial measured the effects of whole body SMT (massage group) or resting (control group) an hour weekly for four weeks on hypertensive women. Blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) were measured before and after each intervention and endothelial inflammatory markers: vascular endothelial adhesion molecules 1 (VCAM-1) and intracellular adhesion molecules 1 (ICAM-1) were measured at baseline and after the last intervention. Massage group (n=8) showed significant systolic BP (SBP) reduction of 12 mmHg (P=0.01) and diastolic BP (DBP) reduction of 5 mmHg (P=0.01) after four sessions with no significant difference between groups. Reductions in HR were also seen in massage group after sessions 1, 3, and 4 with significant difference between groups. VCAM-1 showed significant reduction after four sessions: the massage group showed reduction of 998.05 ng/mL (P=0.03) and the control group of 375.70 ng/mL (P=0.01) with no significant differences between groups. There were no changes in ICAM-1. In conclusion, SMT or resting an hour weekly has effects on reducing BP, HR, and VCAM-1 in hypertensive women.
    Matched MeSH terms: Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1
  17. De Rubis G, Paudel KR, Allam VSRR, Malyla V, Subramaniyan V, Singh SK, et al.
    Pathol Res Pract, 2024 Jan;253:154971.
    PMID: 38029714 DOI: 10.1016/j.prp.2023.154971
    Matched MeSH terms: Epithelial Cell Adhesion Molecule
  18. Mahayidin H, Yahya NK, Wan Ghazali WS, Mohd Ismail A, Wan Ab Hamid WZ
    Malays J Med Sci, 2016 May;23(3):22-31.
    PMID: 27418866
    BACKGROUND: Detecting the active state of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is important but challenging. This study aimed to determine the diagnostic accuracy of serum endothelial cell adhesion molecules (ICAM-1 and VCAM-1) and anti-C1q antibody in discriminating between active and non-active SLE.
    METHODS: Using SELENA-SLE disease activity index (SLEDAI), 95 SLE patients (45 active and 50 non-active) were assessed. A score above five was considered indicative of active SLE. The blood samples were tested for serum ICAM-1, VCAM-1 and anti-C1q antibody using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).
    RESULTS: The levels of serum VCAM-1 and anti-C1q antibody were significantly higher in active SLE patients. Both VCAM-1 and anti-C1q were able to discriminate between active and non-active SLE (p-value < 0.001 and 0.005, respectively). From the receiver operating characteristic curves (ROCs) constructed, the optimal cut-off values for VCAM-1 and anti-C1q antibody in discriminating between active and non-active SLE were 30.5 ng/mL (69.0% sensitivity, 60.0% specificity, PPV 58.5%, NPV 66.7%) and 7.86 U/mL (75.6% sensitivity, 80% specificity, PPV 77.3%, NPV 78.4%), respectively. However, serum ICAM-1 level was unable to discriminate between the two groups (p-value = 0.193).
    CONCLUSION: Anti-C1q antibody demonstrated the best diagnostic accuracy in discriminating between active and non-active SLE patients.
    KEYWORDS: anti-C1q antibody; cell adhesion molecules; intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1); systemic lupus erythematosus; vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1)
    Matched MeSH terms: Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1
  19. Naidu M
    Malays J Med Sci, 2009 Apr;16(2):10-4.
    PMID: 22589652 MyJurnal
    Wallerian degeneration is a complicated process whereby axons and myelin sheaths undergo degeneration, and eventually are phagocytosed by macrophages and Schwann cells following nerve damage. Schwann cells proliferate and the endoneural tubes persist. In addition, neurotrophins, neural cell adhesion molecules, cytokines and other soluble factors are upregulated to facilitate regeneration. The important role of cellular components, neurotrophins, and extracellular matrix components, including cell surface molecules involved in this regenerative process, is highlighted and discussed in this review.
    Matched MeSH terms: Neural Cell Adhesion Molecules
  20. Amornsudthiwat P, Mongkolnavin R, Kanokpanont S, Panpranot J, Wong CS, Damrongsakkul S
    Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces, 2013 Nov 1;111:579-86.
    PMID: 23893032 DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfb.2013.07.009
    Low energy plasma has been introduced to treat the surface of Thai silk fibroin which should be enhanced for cell adhesion due to its native hydrophobic surface. Plasma surface treatment could introduce desirable hydrophilic functionalities on the surface without using any chemicals. In this work, nitrogen glow discharge plasma was generated by a low energy AC50Hz power supply system. The plasma operating conditions were optimized to reach the highest nitrogen active species by using optical emission spectroscopy. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) revealed that amine, hydroxyl, ether, and carboxyl groups were induced on Thai silk fibroin surface after plasma treatment. The results on Fourier transform infrared attenuated total reflection (FTIR-ATR) spectroscopy confirmed that the plasma treated effects were only on the outermost layer since there was no change in the bulk chemistry. The surface topography was insignificantly changed from the detection with atomic force microscopy (AFM). The plasma-treated effects were the improved surface wettability and cell adhesion. After a 90-s treatment, the water contact angle was at 20°, while the untreated surface was at 70°. The early cell adhesion of L929 mouse fibroblast was accelerated. L929 cells only took 3h to reach 100% cell adhesion on 90 s N2 plasma-treated surface, while there was less than 50% cell adhesion on the untreated Thai silk fibroin surface after 6h of culture. The cell adhesion results were in agreement with the cytoskeleton development. L929 F-actin was more evident on 90 s N2 plasma-treated surface than others. It could be concluded that a lower energy AC50Hz plasma system enhanced early L929 mouse fibroblast adhesion on Thai silk fibroin surface without any significant change in surface topography and bulk chemistry.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cell Adhesion/drug effects
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