Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 226 in total

  1. Hatin WI, Nur-Shafawati AR, Zahri MK, Xu S, Jin L, Tan SG, et al.
    PLoS One, 2011;6(4):e18312.
    PMID: 21483678 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0018312
    Patterns of modern human population structure are helpful in understanding the history of human migration and admixture. We conducted a study on genetic structure of the Malay population in Malaysia, using 54,794 genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism genotype data generated in four Malay sub-ethnic groups in peninsular Malaysia (Melayu Kelantan, Melayu Minang, Melayu Jawa and Melayu Bugis). To the best of our knowledge this is the first study conducted on these four Malay sub-ethnic groups and the analysis of genotype data of these four groups were compiled together with 11 other populations' genotype data from Indonesia, China, India, Africa and indigenous populations in Peninsular Malaysia obtained from the Pan-Asian SNP database. The phylogeny of populations showed that all of the four Malay sub-ethnic groups are separated into at least three different clusters. The Melayu Jawa, Melayu Bugis and Melayu Minang have a very close genetic relationship with Indonesian populations indicating a common ancestral history, while the Melayu Kelantan formed a distinct group on the tree indicating that they are genetically different from the other Malay sub-ethnic groups. We have detected genetic structuring among the Malay populations and this could possibly be accounted for by their different historical origins. Our results provide information of the genetic differentiation between these populations and a valuable insight into the origins of the Malay sub-ethnic groups in Peninsular Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers/genetics
  2. Chee SY, Azizah MN, Devakie MN
    Genet. Mol. Res., 2011;10(2):1245-61.
    PMID: 21732289 DOI: 10.4238/vol10-2gmr1103
    We examined genetic variation in blood cockles in an effort to obtain information useful for the sustainability, management, and the stability of this species as a major commodity in the fisheries sector. Ten populations of cockles were sampled from the north to the south of the west coast of peninsular Malaysia. The cockles were collected in collaboration with the Fisheries Research Institute, Penang. The population genetic analysis of the cockles were studied via RAPD-PCR and mtDNA sequencing. Three hundred individuals were analyzed with RAPD-PCR experiments. High gene diversity over all loci was observed (Shannon index = 0.549 ± 0.056 and Nei's gene diversity = 0.4852 ± 0.0430 among 35 loci). The second method, mtDNA sequencing, was employed to complement the information obtained from RAPD-PCR. The gene selected for mtDNA sequencing was cytochrome c oxidase I (COI). One hundred and fifty individuals were sequenced, yielding a partial gene of 585 bp. Statistical analysis showed homogeneity in general but did reveal some degree of variability between the populations in Johor and the rest of the populations. The Mantel test showed a positive but nonsignificant correlation between geographic and genetic distances (r = 0.2710, P = 0.622), as in the RAPD analysis. We propose that the homogeneity between distant populations is caused by two factors: 1) the translocation of the spats; 2) larvae are carried by current movement from the north of the peninsula to the south. The different genetic composition found in Johor could be due to pollution, mutagenic substances or physical factors such as the depth of the water column. This population genetic study is the first for this species in peninsular Malaysia. The data from this study have important implications for fishery management, conservation of blood cockles and translocation policies for aquaculture and stock enhancement programs.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers*
  3. Adibah AB, Ling LP, Tan SG, Faridah QZ, Christianus A
    Mol Biol Rep, 2012 Apr;39(4):3815-20.
    PMID: 21744263 DOI: 10.1007/s11033-011-1159-6
    Horseshoe crabs are said to be declining worldwide. However, there is still no published report on the status of horseshoe crabs in Malaysia. Thus, we report here eight informative microsatellite markers that were developed using the 5'-anchored ISSR-PCR enrichment procedure to diagnose the population genetic structure of the mangrove horseshoe crab, Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda from Peninsular Malaysia. This set of markers was tested on 127 samples and showed polymorphism in this species. Hence they should be useful in future essential population genetic studies of these living fossils in the Southeast Asian region.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers/genetics
  4. Ng KKS, Lee SL, Tnah LH, Nurul-Farhanah Z, Ng CH, Lee CT, et al.
    Forensic Sci Int Genet, 2016 07;23:197-209.
    PMID: 27213560 DOI: 10.1016/j.fsigen.2016.05.002
    Illegal logging and smuggling of Gonystylus bancanus (Thymelaeaceae) poses a serious threat to this fragile valuable peat swamp timber species. Using G. bancanus as a case study, DNA markers were used to develop identification databases at the species, population and individual level. The species level database for Gonystylus comprised of an rDNA (ITS2) and two cpDNA (trnH-psbA and trnL) markers based on a 20 Gonystylus species database. When concatenated, taxonomic species recognition was achieved with a resolution of 90% (18 out of the 20 species). In addition, based on 17 natural populations of G. bancanus throughout West (Peninsular Malaysia) and East (Sabah and Sarawak) Malaysia, population and individual identification databases were developed using cpDNA and STR markers respectively. A haplotype distribution map for Malaysia was generated using six cpDNA markers, resulting in 12 unique multilocus haplotypes, from 24 informative intraspecific variable sites. These unique haplotypes suggest a clear genetic structuring of West and East regions. A simulation procedure based on the composition of the samples was used to test whether a suspected sample conformed to a given regional origin. Overall, the observed type I and II errors of the databases showed good concordance with the predicted 5% threshold which indicates that the databases were useful in revealing provenance and establishing conformity of samples from West and East Malaysia. Sixteen STRs were used to develop the DNA profiling databases for individual identification. Bayesian clustering analyses divided the 17 populations into two main genetic clusters, corresponding to the regions of West and East Malaysia. Population substructuring (K=2) was observed within each region. After removal of bias resulting from sampling effects and population subdivision, conservativeness tests showed that the West and East Malaysia databases were conservative. This suggests that both databases can be used independently for random match probability estimation within respective regions. The reliability of the databases was further determined by independent self-assignment tests based on the likelihood of each individual's multilocus genotype occurring in each identified population, genetic cluster and region with an average percentage of correctly assigned individuals of 54.80%, 99.60% and 100% respectively. Thus, after appropriate validation, the genetic identification databases developed for G. bancanus in this study could support forensic applications and help safeguard this valuable species into the future.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers*
  5. Yong HS, Eamsobhana P, Song SL, Prasartvit A, Lim PE
    Acta Trop, 2015 Aug;148:66-71.
    PMID: 25930187 DOI: 10.1016/j.actatropica.2015.04.020
    Angiostrongylus cantonensis is an important emerging zoonotic parasite causing human eosinophilic meningitis (or meningoencephalitis) in many parts of the world. To-date there is only a single study using mitochondrial cytochrome b (CYTB) gene to determine its genetic structure in eight geographical localities in Thailand. The present study examined the molecular phylogeography of this rat lungworm and its phylogenetic relationship with congeners using CYTB gene marker. A total of 15 CYTB haplotypes was found in 37 sequences from 14 geographical localities (covering north, west, east, central and south regions) in Thailand. These CYTB haplotypes were distinct from those of A. cantonensis for China and Hawaii. In Thailand, some CYTB haplotypes appeared to be confined to specific geographical localities. The partial CYTB DNA nucleotide sequences separated unequivocally the A. cantonensis isolates of Thailand, China and Hawaii as well as the congeners Angiostrongylus malaysiensis, A. costaricensis and Angiostrongylus vasorum, with A. malaysiensis grouped with A. cantonensis and A. costaricensis grouped with A. vasorum. Likewise the congeners of Metastrongylus and Onchocerca genera could also be clearly differentiated. The present study added two new definitive hosts (Bandicota savilei and Rattus losea) and three new localities (Mae Hong Son in the north, Tak in the west, and Phang Nga in the south) for A. malaysiensis in Thailand, indicating its wide occurrence in the country. Three CYTB haplotypes were found in the Thailand samples of A. malaysiensis. In addition to differentiation of congeners, CYTB gene marker could be used for determining the genetic diversity of a given population/taxon.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers/genetics*
  6. Koh CL, Lim ME, Ng HS, Sam CK
    Int J Legal Med, 1997;110(1):39-40.
    PMID: 9081241
    The D1S80 allele frequencies in 124 unrelated Malays from the Malaysian population were determined and 51 genotypes and 19 alleles were encountered. The D1S80 frequency distribution met Hardy-Weinberg expectations. The observed heterozygosity was 0.80 and the power of discrimination was 0.96.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers/genetics*
  7. Tan SG, Teng YS, Ganesan J, Lau KY, Lie-Injo LE
    Hum Genet, 1979 Jul 18;49(3):349-53.
    PMID: 289626
    Kadazans, the largest indigenous group in Sabah, northern Borneo, were surveyed for glyoxalase I, phosphoglucomutase I, red cell acid phosphatase, esterase D, adenosine deaminase, soluble glutamate pyruvate transaminase, soluble glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, uridine monophosphate kinase, adenylate kinase, peptidase B and D, superoxide dismutase, C5, group specific component, haptoglobin and transferrin. Kadazans were found to be polymorphic for GLO I, PGM I, RCAP, esterase D, ADA, s-Gpt, 6PGD, UMPK, Gc, C5, haptoglobin and peptidase B. Rare variants were found for transferrin and peptidase D. No variant was found for s-Got, SOD and AK.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers*
  8. Tong DL, Kempsell KE, Szakmany T, Ball G
    Front Immunol, 2020;11:380.
    PMID: 32318053 DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2020.00380
    Sepsis is defined as dysregulated host response caused by systemic infection, leading to organ failure. It is a life-threatening condition, often requiring admission to an intensive care unit (ICU). The causative agents and processes involved are multifactorial but are characterized by an overarching inflammatory response, sharing elements in common with severe inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) of non-infectious origin. Sepsis presents with a range of pathophysiological and genetic features which make clinical differentiation from SIRS very challenging. This may reflect a poor understanding of the key gene inter-activities and/or pathway associations underlying these disease processes. Improved understanding is critical for early differential recognition of sepsis and SIRS and to improve patient management and clinical outcomes. Judicious selection of gene biomarkers suitable for development of diagnostic tests/testing could make differentiation of sepsis and SIRS feasible. Here we describe a methodologic framework for the identification and validation of biomarkers in SIRS, sepsis and septic shock patients, using a 2-tier gene screening, artificial neural network (ANN) data mining technique, using previously published gene expression datasets. Eight key hub markers have been identified which may delineate distinct, core disease processes and which show potential for informing underlying immunological and pathological processes and thus patient stratification and treatment. These do not show sufficient fold change differences between the different disease states to be useful as primary diagnostic biomarkers, but are instrumental in identifying candidate pathways and other associated biomarkers for further exploration.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers*
  9. Yap FC, Yan YJ, Loon KT, Zhen JL, Kamau NW, Kumaran JV
    Anim Biotechnol, 2010 Oct;21(4):226-40.
    PMID: 20967642 DOI: 10.1080/10495398.2010.506334
    The present investigation was carried out in an attempt to study the phylogenetic analysis of different breeds of domestic chickens in Peninsular Malaysia inferred from partial cytochrome b gene information and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. Phylogenetic analysis using both neighbor-joining (NJ) and maximum parsimony (MP) methods produced three clusters that encompassed Type-I village chickens, the red jungle fowl subspecies and the Japanese Chunky broilers. The phylogenetic analysis also revealed that majority of the Malaysian commercial chickens were randomly assembled with the Type-II village chickens. In RAPD assay, phylogenetic analysis using neighbor-joining produced six clusters that were completely distinguished based on the locality of chickens. High levels of genetic variations were observed among the village chickens, the commercial broilers, and between the commercial broilers and layer chickens. In this study, it was found that Type-I village chickens could be distinguished from the commercial chickens and Type-II village chickens at the position of the 27th nucleotide of the 351 bp cytochrome b gene. This study also revealed that RAPD markers were unable to differentiate the type of chickens, but it showed the effectiveness of RAPD in evaluating the genetic variation and the genetic relationships between chicken lines and populations.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers/genetics
  10. Lee KT, Tan JK, Lam AK, Gan SY
    Crit Rev Oncol Hematol, 2016 Jul;103:1-9.
    PMID: 27179594 DOI: 10.1016/j.critrevonc.2016.04.006
    Despite significant medical advancement, nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) remains one of the most difficult cancers to detect and treat where it continues to prevail especially among the Asian population. miRNAs could act as tumour suppressor genes or oncogenes in NPC. They play important roles in the pathogenesis of NPC by regulating specific target genes which are involved in various cellular processes and pathways. In particular, studies on miRNAs related to the Epstein Barr virus (EBV)-encoded latent membrane protein one (LMP1) and EBVmiRNA- BART miRNA confirmed the link between EBV and NPC. Both miRNA and its target genes could potentially be exploited for prognostic and therapeutic strategies. They are also important in predicting the sensitivity of NPC to radiotherapy and chemotherapy. The detection of stable circulating miRNAs in plasma of NPC patients has raised the potential of miRNAs as novel diagnostic markers. To conclude, understanding the roles of miRNA in NPC will identify ways to improve the management of patients with NPC.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers/genetics
  11. Chua TH, Chong YV, Lim SH
    Pest Manag Sci, 2010 Apr;66(4):379-84.
    PMID: 19946858 DOI: 10.1002/ps.1886
    Identification of Bactrocera carambolae Drew and Hancock, B. papayae Drew and Hancock, B. tau Walker, B. latifrons Hendel, B. cucurbitae Coquillett, B. umbrosa Fabricius and B. caudata Fabricius would pose a problem if only a body part or an immature stage were available. Analysis of polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) of cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene using primers COIR, COIF, UEA7 and UEA10 and restriction enzymes (MseI, RsaI and Alu1) was carried out. The banding profiles in the electrophoresis gel were analysed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers/genetics
  12. Sivanathan J, Thilaganathan B
    PMID: 28456373 DOI: 10.1016/j.bpobgyn.2017.03.005
    Prenatal diagnosis is a rapidly evolving speciality. Screening for aneuploidy begins with non-sonographic features of background risk of maternal age and past and family history. It is possible to diagnose major structural defects in the foetus using second trimester scans. Serum biochemistry markers in the early second trimester were added to increase the detection rate of aneuploidy. However, as some of these abnormalities were amenable to detection earlier in the first trimester, newer modalities were introduced. Nuchal translucency (NT) measurement was one of the main advances with regard to first trimester screening. Additional markers such as the presence of nasal bone, tricuspid regurgitation, ductus venosus and megacystis; together with first trimester serum biochemistry, further enhanced the detection rate of chromosomal abnormalities. Advances in research and technology have resulted in the availability of non-invasive prenatal testing from 10 weeks of gestation. This has facilitated the detection of the three major chromosomal aneuploidies at very early gestation. However, there are a wide range of genetic syndromes that are not confined to the main trisomies. There are specific markers on ultrasound that can be linked to specific syndromes. Hence, a structured and stepwise approach is needed to identify and reach a possible diagnosis. As anomalies are classified into malformations, deformations and disruptions, it is important to note that not all markers detected are due to genetic syndromes and not all genetic syndromes can be detected on ultrasound scan. In this chapter, we outline common structural markers and their association with main genetic syndromes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers*
  13. Mat Jaafar TNA, Taylor MI, Mohd Nor SA, Bruyn M, Carvalho GR
    J Fish Biol, 2020 Feb;96(2):337-349.
    PMID: 31721192 DOI: 10.1111/jfb.14202
    We examine genetic structuring in three commercially important species of the teleost family Carangidae from Malaysian waters: yellowtail scad Atule mate, bigeye scad Selar crumenophthalmus and yellowstripe scad Selaroides leptolepis, from the Indo-Malay Archipelago. In view of their distribution across contrasting habitats, we tested the hypothesis that pelagic species display less genetic divergence compared with demersal species, due to their potential to undertake long-distance migrations in oceanic waters. To evaluate population genetic structure, we sequenced two mitochondrial (mt)DNA [650 bp of cytochrome oxidase I (coI), 450 bp of control region (CR)] and one nuclear gene (910 bp of rag1) in each species. One hundred and eighty samples from four geographical regions within the Indo-Malay Archipelago including a population of yellowtail from Kuwait were examined. Findings revealed that the extent of genetic structuring among populations in the semi-pelagic and pelagic, yellowtail and bigeye were lower than demersal yellowstripe, consistent with the hypothesis that pelagic species display less genetic divergence compared with demersal species. The yellowtail phylogeny identified three distinct clades with bootstrap values of 86%-99% in mtDNA and 63%-67% in rag1. However, in bigeye, three clades were also observed from mtDNA data while only one clade was identified in rag1 dataset. In yellowstripe, the mtDNA tree was split into three closely related clades and two clades in rag1 tree with bootstraps value of 73%-99% and 56% respectively. However, no geographic structure appears in both mtDNA and rag1 datasets. Hierarchical molecular variance analysis (AMOVA), pair wise FST comparisons and the nearest-neighbour statistic (Snn ) showed significant genetic differences among Kuwait and Indo-Malay yellowtail. Within the Indo-Malay Archipelago itself, two distinct mitochondrial lineages were detected in yellowtail suggesting potential cryptic species. Findings suggests varying degrees of genetic structuring, key information relevant to management of exploited stocks, though more rapidly evolving genetic markers should be used in future to better delimit the nature and dynamics of putative stock boundaries.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers/genetics*
  14. Brunke J, Russo IM, Orozco-terWengel P, Zimmermann E, Bruford MW, Goossens B, et al.
    BMC Genet, 2020 04 17;21(1):43.
    PMID: 32303177 DOI: 10.1186/s12863-020-00849-z
    BACKGROUND: Constraints in migratory capabilities, such as the disruption of gene flow and genetic connectivity caused by habitat fragmentation, are known to affect genetic diversity and the long-term persistence of populations. Although negative population trends due to ongoing forest loss are widespread, the consequence of habitat fragmentation on genetic diversity, gene flow and genetic structure has rarely been investigated in Bornean small mammals. To fill this gap in knowledge, we used nuclear and mitochondrial DNA markers to assess genetic diversity, gene flow and the genetic structure in the Bornean tree shrew, Tupaia longipes, that inhabits forest fragments of the Lower Kinabatangan Wildlife Sanctuary, Sabah. Furthermore, we used these markers to assess dispersal regimes in male and female T. longipes.

    RESULTS: In addition to the Kinabatangan River, a known barrier for dispersal in tree shrews, the heterogeneous landscape along the riverbanks affected the genetic structure in this species. Specifically, while in larger connected forest fragments along the northern riverbank genetic connectivity was relatively undisturbed, patterns of genetic differentiation and the distribution of mitochondrial haplotypes in a local scale indicated reduced migration on the strongly fragmented southern riverside. Especially, oil palm plantations seem to negatively affect dispersal in T. longipes. Clear sex-biased dispersal was not detected based on relatedness, assignment tests, and haplotype diversity.

    CONCLUSION: This study revealed the importance of landscape connectivity to maintain migration and gene flow between fragmented populations, and to ensure the long-term persistence of species in anthropogenically disturbed landscapes.

    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers/genetics
  15. Zarinah KH, Abdullah F, Tan SG
    Ann Hum Biol, 1984 11 1;11(6):533-6.
    PMID: 6084457
    Three genetic markers, red-cell UMPK, PGP and serum AMY2 were investigated in Malaysians of Malay, Chinese and Indian ancestries using starch-gel and agarose-gel electrophoresis. UMPK was found to be polymorphic in all three races. Variants were observed for PGP in Malays; in Indians it is a polymorphic marker whereas it is monomorphic in Chinese. AMY2 was polymorphic only in Indians. The UMPK1 frequencies in Malays, Chinese and Indians, respectively, are 0.851, 0.880 and 0.942. The PGP1 frequencies are 0.991, 1.000, 0.962, and the AMY1(2) frequencies are 1.000, 1.000 and 0.983.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers*
  16. Kwong QB, Teh CK, Ong AL, Chew FT, Mayes S, Kulaveerasingam H, et al.
    BMC Genet, 2017 Dec 11;18(1):107.
    PMID: 29228905 DOI: 10.1186/s12863-017-0576-5
    BACKGROUND: Genomic selection (GS) uses genome-wide markers as an attempt to accelerate genetic gain in breeding programs of both animals and plants. This approach is particularly useful for perennial crops such as oil palm, which have long breeding cycles, and for which the optimal method for GS is still under debate. In this study, we evaluated the effect of different marker systems and modeling methods for implementing GS in an introgressed dura family derived from a Deli dura x Nigerian dura (Deli x Nigerian) with 112 individuals. This family is an important breeding source for developing new mother palms for superior oil yield and bunch characters. The traits of interest selected for this study were fruit-to-bunch (F/B), shell-to-fruit (S/F), kernel-to-fruit (K/F), mesocarp-to-fruit (M/F), oil per palm (O/P) and oil-to-dry mesocarp (O/DM). The marker systems evaluated were simple sequence repeats (SSRs) and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). RR-BLUP, Bayesian A, B, Cπ, LASSO, Ridge Regression and two machine learning methods (SVM and Random Forest) were used to evaluate GS accuracy of the traits.

    RESULTS: The kinship coefficient between individuals in this family ranged from 0.35 to 0.62. S/F and O/DM had the highest genomic heritability, whereas F/B and O/P had the lowest. The accuracies using 135 SSRs were low, with accuracies of the traits around 0.20. The average accuracy of machine learning methods was 0.24, as compared to 0.20 achieved by other methods. The trait with the highest mean accuracy was F/B (0.28), while the lowest were both M/F and O/P (0.18). By using whole genomic SNPs, the accuracies for all traits, especially for O/DM (0.43), S/F (0.39) and M/F (0.30) were improved. The average accuracy of machine learning methods was 0.32, compared to 0.31 achieved by other methods.

    CONCLUSION: Due to high genomic resolution, the use of whole-genome SNPs improved the efficiency of GS dramatically for oil palm and is recommended for dura breeding programs. Machine learning slightly outperformed other methods, but required parameters optimization for GS implementation.

    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers*
  17. Ariffin H, Daud SS, Mohamed Z, Ibrahim K, Lee TF, Chong LA
    Singapore Med J, 2007 Apr;48(4):333-7.
    PMID: 17384881
    The follow-up of chimerism status after allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) is essential to predict successful engraftment to assess the development of graft-versus-host disease, graft rejection and disease relapse. Analysis of short tandem repeats (STR) via polymerase chain reaction is frequently used for chimerism determination. However, most commercially-available kits have been designed for forensic purposes and may not be optimal for chimerism analysis. The present study aims to identify suitable STR markers for patient-donor pairs of predominantly Malay and Chinese ethnicity using two commercially-available forensic kits.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers*
  18. Pearson RD, Amato R, Auburn S, Miotto O, Almagro-Garcia J, Amaratunga C, et al.
    Nat Genet, 2016 Aug;48(8):959-964.
    PMID: 27348299 DOI: 10.1038/ng.3599
    The widespread distribution and relapsing nature of Plasmodium vivax infection present major challenges for the elimination of malaria. To characterize the genetic diversity of this parasite in individual infections and across the population, we performed deep genome sequencing of >200 clinical samples collected across the Asia-Pacific region and analyzed data on >300,000 SNPs and nine regions of the genome with large copy number variations. Individual infections showed complex patterns of genetic structure, with variation not only in the number of dominant clones but also in their level of relatedness and inbreeding. At the population level, we observed strong signals of recent evolutionary selection both in known drug resistance genes and at new loci, and these varied markedly between geographical locations. These findings demonstrate a dynamic landscape of local evolutionary adaptation in the parasite population and provide a foundation for genomic surveillance to guide effective strategies for control and elimination of P. vivax.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers/genetics*
  19. Tan J, Lim PE, Phang SM, Hong DD, Sunarpi H, Hurtado AQ
    PLoS One, 2012;7(12):e52905.
    PMID: 23285223 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0052905
    DNA barcoding has been a major advancement in the field of taxonomy, seeing much effort put into the barcoding of wide taxa of organisms, macro and microalgae included. The mitochondrial-encoded cox1 and plastid-encoded rbcL has been proposed as potential DNA barcodes for rhodophytes, but are yet to be tested on the commercially important carrageenophytes Kappaphycus and Eucheuma. This study gauges the effectiveness of four markers, namely the mitochondrial cox1, cox2, cox2-3 spacer and the plastid rbcL in DNA barcoding on selected Kappaphycus and Eucheuma from Southeast Asia. Marker assessments were performed using established distance and tree-based identification criteria from earlier studies. Barcoding patterns on a larger scale were simulated by empirically testing on the commonly used cox2-3 spacer. The phylogeny of these rhodophytes was also briefly described. In this study, the cox2 marker which satisfies the prerequisites of DNA barcodes was found to exhibit moderately high interspecific divergences with no intraspecific variations, thus a promising marker for the DNA barcoding of Kappaphycus and Eucheuma. However, the already extensively used cox2-3 spacer was deemed to be in overall more appropriate as a DNA barcode for these two genera. On a wider scale, cox1 and rbcL were still better DNA barcodes across the rhodophyte taxa when practicality and cost-efficiency were taken into account. The phylogeny of Kappaphycus and Eucheuma were generally similar to those earlier reported. Still, the application of DNA barcoding has demonstrated our relatively poor taxonomic comprehension of these seaweeds, thus suggesting more in-depth efforts in taxonomic restructuring as well as establishment.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers/physiology*
  20. Khan MMH, Rafii MY, Ramlee SI, Jusoh M, Al Mamun M, Halidu J
    Sci Rep, 2021 Jul 15;11(1):14527.
    PMID: 34267249 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-93867-5
    As a new crop in Malaysia, forty-four Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea L. verdc.) genotypes were sampled from eleven distinct populations of different origins to explore the genetic structure, genetic inconsistency, and fixation index. The Bambara groundnut, an African underutilized legume, has the capacity to boost food and nutrition security while simultaneously addressing environmental sustainability, food availability, and economic inequalities. A set of 32 ISSRs were screened out of 96 primers based on very sharp, clear, and reproducible bands which detected a total of 510 loci with an average of 97.64% polymorphism. The average calculated value of PIC = 0.243, RP = 5.30, H = 0.285, and MI = 0.675 representing the efficiency of primer set for genetic differentiation among the genotypes. The ISSR primers revealed the number of alleles (Na = 1.97), the effective number of alleles (Ne = 1.38), Nei's genetic diversity (h = 0.248), and a moderate level of gene flow (Nm = 2.26) across the genotypes studied. The estimated Shannon's information index (I = 0.395) indicates a high level of genetic variation exists among the accessions. Based on Nei's genetic dissimilarity a UPMGA phylogenetic tree was constructed and grouped the entire genotypes into 3 major clusters and 6 subclusters. PCA analysis revealed that first principal component extracted maximum variation (PC1 = 13.92%) than second principal component (PC2 = 12.59%). Bayesian model-based STRUCTURE analysis assembled the genotypes into 3 (best ΔK = 3) genetic groups. The fixation-index (Fst) analysis narrated a very great genetic diversity (Fst = 0.19 to 0.40) exists within the accessions of these 3 clusters. This investigation specifies the effectiveness of the ISSR primers system for the molecular portrayal of V. subterranea genotypes that could be used for genetic diversity valuation, detection, and tagging of potential genotypes with quick, precise, and authentic measures for this crop improvement through effective breeding schemes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Markers*
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