METHODS: This was a single-center, prospective, and single-blind randomized controlled trial conducted at the University Malaya Medical Centre. Patients older than 65 years presenting to the hospital emergency department or geriatric clinic with 1 injurious fall or 2 falls in the past year and with impaired functional mobility were included in the study. The intervention group received a modified OEP intervention (n = 34) for 3 months, while the control group received conventional care (n = 33). All participants were assessed at baseline and 6 months.
RESULTS: Twenty-four participants in both OEP and control groups completed the 6-month follow-up assessments. Within-group analyses revealed no difference in grip strength in the OEP group (P = 1.00, right hand; P = .55, left hand), with significant deterioration in grip strength in the control group (P = .01, right hand; P = .005, left hand). Change in grip strength over 6 months significantly favored the OEP group (P = .047, right hand; P = .004, left hand). Significant improvements were also observed in mobility and balance in the OEP group.
CONCLUSIONS: In addition to benefits in mobility and balance, the OEP also prevents deterioration in upper limb strength. Additional benefits of exercise interventions for secondary prevention of falls in term of sarcopenia and frailty should also be evaluated in the future.
METHODS: Healthy participants aged ≥ 60 years with no neurological conditions were recruited from rural and urban locations in Malaysia. HGS and KPS were measured using hand grip and key pinch dynamometers. Basic demographic data, anthropometric measures, modified Barthel Index scores and results of the Functional Reach Test (FRT), Timed Up and Go (TUG) test and Jebsen-Taylor Hand Function Test (JTHFT) were recorded.
RESULTS: 362 subjects aged 60-93 years were recruited. The men were significantly stronger than the women in both HGS and KPS (p < 0.001). The hand strength of the study cohort was lower than that of elderly Western populations. Significant correlations were observed between hand strength, and residential area (p < 0.001), FRT (r = 0.236, p = 0.028), TUG (r = -0.227, p = 0.009) and JTHFT (r = -0.927, p < 0.001).
CONCLUSION: This study established reference ranges for the HGS and KPS of rural and urban elderly Malaysian subpopulations. These will aid the use of hand strength as a screening tool for frailty among elderly persons in Malaysia. Future studies are required to determine the modifiable factors for poor hand strength.
DESIGN: This cross-sectional study recruited adults aged 50 and above by convenient sampling and grouped them into: knee osteoarthritis-diabetes-, knee osteoarthritis+diabetes-, knee osteoarthritis-diabetes+, and knee osteoarthritis+diabetes+.
SUBJECTS/PATIENTS: Of 436 recruited participants, 261 (59.8%) participants reported knee osteoarthritis.
METHODS: Handgrip strength, Timed Up and Go test, 6 Meter Walk Test, and 5 Times Sit to Stand Test were measured using standardized procedures. Six questionnaires were administered for the remaining parameters.
RESULTS: Across groups, there were significant differences: 6 Meter Walk Test (p = 0.024), Timed Up and Go test (p = 0.020), and 5 Times Sit to Stand Test (p strength, 5 Times Sit to Stand Test, quality of life, and physical inactivity after adjustment. Knee osteoarthritis+diabetes- was independently associated with reduced Timed Up and Go test and social isolation.
CONCLUSION: The findings revealed the diabetic knee osteoarthritis subgroup's unique physical and psychosocial features of reduced muscle strength and physical inactivity. Future studies should investigate whether managing metabolic factors, and enhancing physical activity and strength exercises, can reduce knee osteoarthritis symptoms and disease severity.
METHODS: By using cross-sectional pooled data of community dwellers aged 20 years or older in eight cohorts from Taiwan, Japan and Malaysia, normative values for muscle health metrics (calf circumference (cm), relative appendicular skeletal muscle (RASM) (kilogram per square metre), body mass index (BMI)-adjusted appendicular skeletal muscle mass (kilogram/(kilogram per square metre)), handgrip strength (kilogram), five-time chair stand (seconds) and gait speed (metre per second)) in men and women, categorized by age groups, are calculated. The mean values, along with the 5th, 25th, 50th, 75th and 95th percentiles of these muscle health metrics, are also delineated for both sexes.
RESULTS: Among 34 265 (16 164 men, 18 101 women) participants from eight cohorts, calf circumference declined in age groups from 60 years onward. RASM values declined from the 50s in men but were stable in women until the 80s. ASM/BMI values showed declines in older age groups for both sexes. Handgrip strength declined similarly from 40 years of age in both sexes. Five-time chair stand performance declined from the 30s. Gait speed peaked at 1.6 m/s in men in their 50s and then declined, while it declined in women in their 60s. The inflection points for decline differed by metric and sex. The 20th percentile cutoffs for individuals aged 65-69 years were as follows: calf circumference, 33.0 cm (men) and 31.5 cm (women); RASM, 7.0 kg/m2 (men) and 5.5 kg/m2 (women); ASM/BMI, 0.78 kg/(kg/m2) (men) and 0.56 kg/(kg/m2) (women); handgrip strength, 30.4 kg (men) and 18.1 kg (women); five-time chair stand, 9.4 s (men) and 10.0 s (women); and gait speed, 0.9 m/s (both). Those in the fifth percentile of all muscle health metrics faced earlier declines than their 95th percentile counterparts did, highlighting the critical roles in identifying these high-risk groups.
CONCLUSION: The pooled analysis of eight Asian cohorts clearly outlined the age-related changes in various muscle health metrics, with the inflection point of accelerated decline showing age- and sex-specific characteristics. Defining trajectories of muscle health metrics across life stages facilitates timely interventions to mitigate age-related risks and promote healthy longevity.
PURPOSE: The aim of the study was to investigate HRQOL and its associated factors among community-dwelling older people in Kandy district, Sri Lanka.
METHOD: This cross-sectional survey involved 1300 older people. The Euro 5D-3L, International Physical Activity Questionnaire, body mass index, handgrip strength were used to measure HRQOL, physical activity and nutritional status of older people respectively. Factors associated with health-related quality of life were identified through complex sample logistic regression analysis.
RESULTS: Majority of older people (81.9%) reported poor health-related quality of life. Middle old (aOR: 12.06, 95% CI: 5.76, 25.23), very old (aOR: 174.74, 95% CI: 39.74, 768.38), vegetarian diets (aOR: 2.13, 95% CI: 1.14, 3.96), under-nutrition (aOR: 3.41, 95% CI: 1.65, 7.04) and over-nutrition (aOR: 1.85, 95% CI: 1.04, 3.28) were significantly associated with poor HRQOL. Using dentures (aOR: 0.05, 95% CI: 0.28, 0.90) was found as a protective factor for poor HRQOL.
CONCLUSIONS: HRQOL was poor among community-dwelling older people in Kandy district. Nutrition-related factors need to be further investigated to improve HRQOL among older people.
Purpose: To investigate the effects of 'graded exercise integrated with education' on physical fitness, exercise self-efficacy (ESE), and physical activity (PA) levels among subacute and chronic wheelchair-dependent paraplegia patients.
Overview of Literature: Most of the chronic spinal cord injury (SCI) patients had low physical fitness due to a sedentary lifestyle and lack of ESE after discharge from a rehabilitation program. Education may encourage them to engage with exercise to regain and maintain their physical fitness. However, there is a lack of research to support the effects of exercise integrated with education after an SCI.
Methods: A total of 44 participants will be assigned to either the experimental group (graded exercise integrated with education) or active control (conventional physical therapy). The experimental group will receive graded strength and aerobic exercise training according to their progression criteria. They will attend an education program during and after the rehabilitation program. The control group will only receive conventional physical therapy during their in-rehabilitation program. This study will be conducted during a period of 16 weeks, consisting of 8 weeks of in-rehabilitation and 8 weeks post-rehabilitation. Statistical analysis will be performed using the IBM SPSS ver. 21.0 (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA) at a significance level of p≤0.05.
Results: The primary outcome measures will be upper-limb isokinetic strength, isometric grip strength, and cardiorespiratory fitness. The secondary outcomes will be ESE and PA levels.
Conclusions: An intervention that combines exercise training and education may be warranted to enhance the physical fitness, ESE, and PA levels in SCI patients. This trial was registered with (NCT03420170).
INTRODUCTION: Finger stiffness after treatment for metacarpal fractures often occurs due to poor compliance to the conventional rehabilitation programs. Gamification has shown success in improving adherence to and effectiveness of various therapies.
PURPOSE OF THE STUDY: The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether gamification, using cost-effective devices was comparable with conventional physiotherapy in improving hand functions and adherence to rehabilitation in metacarpal fractures.
METHODS: A 2-group randomized controlled trial involving 19 patients was conducted. Participants were randomized to a control (conventional physiotherapy, n = 10) or interventional group (gamification, n = 9). The grips strength and composite finger range of motion were measured at the baseline and each follow-up together with Patient-Rated Wrist and Hand Evaluation scores and compliance.
RESULTS: There were no significant differences on improvements of grip strength (means difference 24.38 vs 20.44, P = .289) and composite finger range of motion (means difference 50.50 vs 51.11, P = .886). However, the gamification group showed better results in Patient-Rated Wrist and Hand Evaluation (mean 0.44 vs 8.45, P = .038) and compliance (P hand rehabilitation after metacarpal fractures. It effectively serves as a guide for future development of cost-effective technology-enhanced therapy.