Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 274 in total

  1. Yeang HY, Arif SA, Yusof F, Sunderasan E
    Methods, 2002 May;27(1):32-45.
    PMID: 12079415 DOI: 10.1016/S1046-2023(02)00049-X
    As the living cytoplasm of laticiferous cells, Hevea brasiliensis latex is a rich blend of organic substances that include a mélange of proteins. A small number of these proteins have given rise to the problem of latex allergy. The salient characteristics of H. brasiliensis latex allergens that are recognized by the International Union of Immunological Societies (IUIS) are reviewed. These are the proteins associated with the rubber particles, the cytosolic C-serum proteins and the B-serum proteins that originate mainly from the lutoids. Procedures for the isolation and purification of latex allergens are discussed, from latex collection in the field to various preparative approaches adopted in the laboratory. As interest in recombinant latex allergens increases, there is a need to validate recombinant proteins to ascertain equivalence with their native counterparts when used in immunological studies, diagnostics, and immunotherapy.
    Matched MeSH terms: Latex Hypersensitivity/immunology*
  2. Norzila MZ, Haifa AL, Deng CT, Azizi BHO
    Med J Malaysia, 2000 Mar;55(1):33-9.
    PMID: 11072488 MyJurnal
    Objectives: (a) To examine the intra-observer reliability of the Malay language versions of two international respiratory questionnaires i.e. the International Study of Asthma and Allergy in Children (ISAAC) and the American Thoracic Society (ATS) questionnaires, and (b) using the more reliable of these questionnaires, to estimate the prevalence of asthma and allergy related symptoms in an ethnically homogenous inner city community in Kuala Lumpur.
    Methods: The study was conducted among 7 to 12 year old school children of Malay ethnic origin living in an inner city area of Kuala Lumpur. The sample consisted of 787 children attending the only primary school in the area. The Malay versions of both questionnaires were administered twice, one month apart, and were completed by parents. Agreement between the first and second responses to the same questions were assessed by Cohen’s kappa. Kappa values <0.4 were indicative of poor intra-observer reliability, 0.4-0.59 moderate reliability, 0.6-0.79 good reliability and >0.79 excellent reliability.
    Results: 77.9% and 36.3% of parents responded to the first and second administrations of the questionnaires respectively. Kappa values of >0.4 were obtained in 15/16 (93.8%) and 17/27 (63.0%) questions of the ISAAC and ATS questionnaires respectively. Excellent kappa values were obtained in 4/16 (25%) questions of the ISAAC questionnaire versus only 1/27 (3.7%) questions of the ATS questionnaire. From the ISAAC questionnaire, all questions on wheeze had good reliability while those on asthma had excellent reliability. Questions on allergic symptoms had poor to moderate reliability. In contrast, from the ATS questionnaire, questions on wheeze had moderate reliability while questions on asthma were excellent reliable. Questions on allergic symptoms had moderate to good reliability while those on cough, phlegm and bronchitis had poor reliability.
    According to the ISAAC questionnaire the prevalence of ever wheeze, wheeze in the last 12 months, ever asthma and wheeze with exercise in the last 12 months was 12.5%, 6.6%, 10.3% and 5.9% respectively. The prevalence of ever sneeze or runny nose, sneeze or runny nose in the last 12 months, watery eyes in the last 12 months and ever eczema was 15.2%, 11.1%, 4.4% and 8,5% respectively.
    Conclusions: The translated ISAAC questionnaire was more reliable than the translated ATS questionnaire. Asthma and related symptoms were common among Malay school children in inner city Kuala Lumpur.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hypersensitivity/epidemiology*
  3. Chan PWK, Debruyne JA, Goh AYT
    J Trop Pediatr, 1999 Jun;45(3):184.
    PMID: 10401205 DOI: 10.1093/tropej/45.3.184
    Study site: not reported.
    Matched MeSH terms: Food Hypersensitivity/complications*
  4. Ho TM, Radha K, Shahnaz M, Singaram SP
    Med J Malaysia, 1993 Sep;48(3):308-12.
    PMID: 8183144
    An indirect enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was developed for the diagnosis of allergy to a house dust mite, Dermatophagoides farinae. The efficacy of the ELISA was then evaluated against a prick test using a commercial allergen. Eighty five suspected allergic rhinitis patients from the Otorhinolaryngology Department, Kuala Lumpur General Hospital, were tested with the ELISA and prick test. Prick test and ELISA results were positive in 84.7% and 80.0% of the patients respectively. The ELISA was found to have 87.5% sensitivity, 61.5% specificity, 92.6% positive predictive value, 47.1% negative predictive value, 7.4% false positive and 52.9% false negative. There was total agreement between the prick test and ELISA for prick test grades of 3+ and 4+. It is concluded that the ELISA is a useful assay for detection of individuals who are highly sensitive to D. farinae.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hypersensitivity/diagnosis*
  5. Waters MFR, Stanford JL
    Int. J. Lepr. Other Mycobact. Dis., 1985 Dec;53(4):546-53.
    PMID: 4086918
    A detailed account and definition is given of the previously inadequately described "giant reactions" to tuberculin occasionally seen in leprosy patients. The reaction is an accelerated and exaggerated response to species-specific antigens of Mycobacterium tuberculosis found in both PPD and New tuberculin. Our studies were performed in Malaysia, Uganda, Spain, and England. There was a significantly higher incidence of the phenomenon in Malaysia than in the other centers, but this may have been because there alone previously untreated lepromatous (LL and BL) patients were serially tested for up to three years after starting chemotherapy. Of the 28 patients exhibiting giant reactions, 27 occurred among lepromatous patients (24 LL and 3 BL), of which only 3 (1 LL and 2 BL) were untreated. One treated BL patient had developed, and one untreated BL patient was a family contact of, active tuberculosis. Giant reactions are uncommon in untreated and in very long-term treated LL patients, but may occur in up to a fifth of those receiving their first 1-3 years of chemotherapy. Although the mechanism is not yet understood, it appears to be a coincidence of delayed hypersensitivity of the tuberculin type and a less-delayed phenomenon of excessive local edema associated with local lymphadenopathy and short-lasting symptoms of malaise and pyrexia. It is suggested that the majority of giant reactions occur during a period of temporary lack of immune regulation associated with changing levels of antigenic load.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hypersensitivity, Delayed/immunology
  6. Sivaneswaran N, Inbasegaran K
    Med J Malaysia, 1982 Dec;37(4):298-9.
    PMID: 7167078
    Abnormal variants of plasma cholinesterase are a rarity in this region and to date there is only one reported case of suxamethonium sensitivity in a Malaysian population. We now report a case of a Malaysian Chinese patient who received suxamethonium, developed prolonged apnoea and on investigation found to be a homozygote for the silent gene. His family was screened for abnormal variants of plasma cholinesterase. The results are discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Drug Hypersensitivity/genetics*
  7. Thomas V, Bock Hay Am Tan, Rajapaksa AC
    Ann Allergy, 1978 Feb;40(2):114-6.
    PMID: 629426
    Three groups of people with different clinical histories and manifestations to house dust were skin tested with Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus extracts. The results showed close correlation between positive skin tests and clinical sensitivity to dust. The correlation was not, however, perfect and, although D. pteronyssinus is a major factor in house dust allergy, it does not appear to be the sole antigen involved.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hypersensitivity/diagnosis*
  8. Nur Zakiah Mohd Saat, Sazlina Kamaralzaman, Nurul Izzati Abu, Norjan Yusof
    A cross-sectional study was conducted among 200 Malays in Kuala Pilah, Tampin, Bahau, Gemencheh and Seremban towards food allergy in Negeri Sembilan. Questionnaire were used to determine demographic data, allergy symptom, practice and knowledge of respondents towards food allergy. Majority of the respondents that have food allergy were children 44% and shrimp was the most common allergen among children (25%). Family history is found to be associated with the age group and place of residents (p < 0.05). Common symptom that manisfested by respondents includes rashes (35%). Furthermore, the study showed that the respondents were concerned about their food allergy and 96% of the respondents reduced the intake of food that caused allergy. The level of knowledge related to food allergy was found to be associated with age group (p < 0.05). In conclusion, the study found that shrimp is the most common food allergy for all age group. Response towards food allergy is that they reduce the intake of food that cause allergy and the knowledge
    towards food allergy is associated with age group. Therefore, early screening should be conducted to identify types of alergy so that appropriate treatment can be given to the patients. Health education on allergy is also important to improve knowledge and patients’ compliance towards treatment.
    Keywords: Food; allergy; Malay; attitude; knowledge
    Matched MeSH terms: Food Hypersensitivity*
  9. Yadav, M., Harnam, S.
    The total and allergen-specific IgE response of patients with rhinitis, rhinoconjunctivities, rhinitis with asthma and rhinitis with dermatitis was analyzed to a panel of twelve high risk airborne and food allergens. It has been found that this panel will detect 96 percent of the allergen-causing diseases in children. It was found that 26 (76%) of the 34 young patients had a family history for atopy suggesting a high frequency of inheritance of allergic disorders. Elevated total IgE was found in most patients with allergic disease. Positive IgE antibody response to two species of Dermatophagoides mite-allergens was found in 7/12 (58%) patients with rhinitis, 11/11 (100%) patients with rhinoconjunctivitis, 7/9 (78%) cases ofrhinitis with asthma and 3/3 (100%) cases of rhinitis with dermatitis. Some of the patients also responded to food allergens. Food allergy was noted in 4/12 (33%) cases of rhinitis, 11/11 (100%) cases of rhinoconjunctivitis, 4/9 (44%) cases of rhinitis with asthma and 1/3 (33%) cases of rhinitis with dermatitis. Patients with rhinoconjunctivitis who tested positive at high titres for mites invariably had enhanced response for cockroaches, shrimps and crabs suggesting invertebrate antigen cross-reactivity. A few patients however, did not show this type of cross-reactivity although they had high titres of anti-mite IgE antibodies indicating that they responded to non cross-reacting allergen epitopes. Response to multiple allergens appears to be a common feature of most patients with respiratory or skin allergic diseases. The prevalence of multiple target-organ allergy to wide variety offood and environmental allergens complicates the long term management ofpatients with such allergic disorders.
    Matched MeSH terms: Food Hypersensitivity; Hypersensitivity, Immediate
  10. Zulkifli A, Hwa NW, Chelvam P
    Med J Malaysia, 1979 Dec;34(2):156-8.
    PMID: 548719
    Matched MeSH terms: Hypersensitivity/complications*
  11. Jambari NN, Wang X, Alcocer M
    Methods Mol Biol, 2017;1592:129-137.
    PMID: 28315216 DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-6925-8_10
    Protein microarray is a miniaturized multi-analyte, solid-phased immunoassay where thousands of immobilized individual protein spots on a microscopic slide bind are bound to specific antibodies (immunoglobulins) from serum samples, which are then detected by fluorescent labeling. The image processing and pattern recognition are then quantitatively analyzed using advanced algorithms. Here, we describe the use of an in-house-produced complex protein microarray containing extracts and pure proteins that has been probed with antibodies present in the horse sera and detection by fluorophore-conjugated antibody and data analysis. The flexibility of the number and types of proteins that can be printed on the microarray allows different set of specific IgE immunoassay analysis to be carried out.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hypersensitivity/immunology*
  12. Tan MS, Teoh EJ, Hor CP, Yeoh AA
    Med J Malaysia, 2016 Aug;71(4):157-160.
    PMID: 27770112 MyJurnal
    INTRODUCTION: Children who develop any hypersensitivity reaction to eggs are routinely referred to hospital for Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) vaccination as inpatients to prevent anaphylaxis. We aimed to study the association between hypersensitivity reactions after egg exposure and similar reactions after MMR immunisation; and examine the necessity of hospital admission for vaccination.
    METHODS: A prospective observational study was conducted in Paediatric Department in Bukit Mertajam Hospital, Penang, between March and December 2014. Children referred from local polyclinics for inpatient MMR vaccination because of a history of egg allergy were recruited. The children were observed in the ward for post vaccination allergic reactions. Concurrently, a group of children without egg allergy was recruited from those admitted for other illnesses but had recent MMR vaccination at polyclinics. Parents of these children were interviewed and asked if they had observed any reactions post vaccination. In both groups, sociodemographics, medical history and family history of atopy were collected.
    RESULTS: Eighty-seven subjects were recruited in this study. Fifty-four infants with egg allergy had previous mild allergic reactions after exposure to eggs or egg-related products. They were associated with a family history of egg hypersensitivity, personal history of acute gastroenteritis and upper respiratory tract infections. Two of them developed cutaneous rashes post vaccination during observation, but none developed anaphylactic or anaphylactoid reactions. Two infants among those without egg allergy had post vaccination fever. There was no association between egg allergy and hypersensitivity reactions to MMR vaccine (p=0.632).
    CONCLUSIONS: MMR vaccine can be safely administered to children with mild egg allergy, hence admission for vaccination in the hospital is not warranted. Risk stratification is required to ensure only infants with severe reactions will be admitted for vaccination.
    Matched MeSH terms: Egg Hypersensitivity*
  13. Mortell M
    Br J Nurs, 2019 Nov 14;28(20):1292-1298.
    PMID: 31714835 DOI: 10.12968/bjon.2019.28.20.1292
    This article employs a paediatric case study, involving a 3-year-old child who had an anaphylactic reaction that occurred as a result of the multidisciplinary team's failure to identify and acknowledge the patient's documented 'known allergy' status. It examines and reconsiders the ongoing healthcare dilemma of medication errors and recommends that known allergy status should be considered the second medication administration 'right' before the prescribing, transcribing, dispensing and administration of any drug. Identifying and documenting drug allergy status is particularly important when caring for paediatric patients, because they cannot speak for themselves and must rely on their parents, guardians or health professionals as patient advocates. The literature states that medication errors can be prevented by employing a 'rights of medication administration' format, whether that be the familiar '5 rights' or a more detailed list. However, none of these formats specify known allergy status as a distinct 'right'. The medication safety literature is also found wanting in respect of the known allergy status of the patient. When health professionals employ a medication administration rights format prior to prescribing, transcribing, dispensing or administering a medication, the 'known allergy status' of the patient should be a transparent inclusion.
    Matched MeSH terms: Drug Hypersensitivity*
  14. Mansor M, Al-Obaidi JR, Ismail IH, Abidin MAZ, Zakaria AF, Lau BYC, et al.
    Mol Immunol, 2023 Mar;155:44-57.
    PMID: 36696839 DOI: 10.1016/j.molimm.2022.12.016
    INTRODUCTION: Goat's milk thought to be a good substitute for cow's milk protein allergic (CMPA) individuals. However, there is growing evidence that their proteins have cross-reactivities with cow's milk allergens. This study aimed to profile and compare milk proteins from different goat breeds that have cross-reactivity to cow's milk allergens.

    METHODOLOGY: Proteomics was used to compare protein extracts of skim milk from Saanen, Jamnapari, and Toggenburg. Cow's milk was used as a control. IgE-immunoblotting and mass spectrometry were used to compare and identify proteins that cross-reacted with serum IgE from CMPA patients (n = 10).

    RESULTS: The analysis of IgE-reactive proteins revealed that the protein spots identified with high confidence were proteins homologous to common cow's milk allergens such as α-S1-casein (αS1-CN), β-casein (β-CN), κ-casein (κ-CN), and beta-lactoglobulin (β-LG). Jamnapari's milk proteins were found to cross-react with four major milk allergens: α-S1-CN, β-CN, κ-CN, and β-LG. Saanen goat's milk proteins, on the other hand, cross-reacted with two major milk allergens, α-S1-CN and β-LG, whereas Toggenburg goat's milk proteins only react with one of the major milk allergens, κ-CN.

    CONCLUSION: These findings may help in the development of hypoallergenic goat milk through cross-breeding strategies of goat breeds with lower allergenic milk protein contents.

    Matched MeSH terms: Milk Hypersensitivity*
  15. Yong PYA, Yip AJW, Islam F, Hong HJ, Teh YE, Tham CL, et al.
    BMC Complement Med Ther, 2023 Sep 04;23(1):307.
    PMID: 37667314 DOI: 10.1186/s12906-023-04129-y
    BACKGROUND: Allergy is an inflammatory disorder affecting around 20% of the global population. The adverse effects of current conventional treatments give rise to the increased popularity of using natural food products as complementary and alternative medicine against allergic diseases. Stingless bee honey, commonly known as Kelulut honey (KH) in Malaysia, has been used locally as a traditional remedy to relieve cough and asthma. This study evaluated the anti-allergic potential of KH collected from four different botanical sources on phorbol ester 12-myristate-3-acetate and calcium ionophore-activated human mast cells.

    METHODS: The present study examined the inhibitory effects of all collected honey on the release of selected inflammatory mediators, such as tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin (IL)-4, IL-6, IL-8, histamine, and β-hexosaminidase in an activated HMC. Besides that, all honey's total phenolic content (TPC) was also examined, followed by using liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) to identify the phytochemicals in the honey. Further examination of the identified phytochemicals on their potential interaction with selected signaling molecules in an activated mast cell was conducted using computational methods.

    RESULTS: The results indicated that there were significant inhibitory effects on all selected inflammatory mediators' release by KH sourced from bamboo (BH) and rubber tree (RH) at 0.5% and 1%, but not KH sourced from mango (AH) and noni (EH). BH and RH were found to have higher TPC values and were rich in their phytochemical profiles based on the LC-MS/MS results. Computational studies were employed to determine the possible molecular target of KH through molecular docking using HADDOCK and PRODIGY web servers.

    CONCLUSIONS: In short, the results indicated that KH possesses anti-allergic effects towards an activated HMC, possibly by targeting downstream MAPKs. However, their anti-allergic effects may vary according to their botanical sources. Nevertheless, the present study has provided insight into the potential application of stingless bee honey as a complementary and alternative medicine to treat various allergic diseases.

    Matched MeSH terms: Hypersensitivity*
  16. Yadzir ZH, Misnan R, Murad S
    PMID: 23082569
    IgE-mediated allergic reaction to squid is one of the most frequent molluscan shellfish allergies. Previously, we have detected a 36 kDa protein as the major allergen of Loligo edulis (white squid) by immunoblotting using sera from patients with squid allergy. The aim of this present study was to further identify this major allergen using a proteomics approach. The major allergen was identified by a combination of two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE), immunoblotting, mass spectrometry and bioinformatics tools. The 2-DE gel fractionated the cooked white squid proteins to more than 50 different protein spots between 10 to 38 kDa and isoelectric point (pI) from 3.0 to 10.0. A highly reactive protein spot of a molecular mass of 36 kDa and pI of 4.55 was observed in all of the patients' serum samples tested. Mass spectrometry analysis led to identification of this allergen as tropomyosin. This finding can contribute to advancement in component-based diagnosis, management of squid allergic patients, to the development of immunotherapy and to the standardization of allergenic test products as tools in molecular allergology.
    Matched MeSH terms: Food Hypersensitivity/immunology*
  17. Misnan R, Kamarazaman NA, Sockalingam K, Yadzir ZHM, Bakhtiar F, Abdullah N, et al.
    J Sci Food Agric, 2023 Sep;103(12):5819-5830.
    PMID: 37092326 DOI: 10.1002/jsfa.12659
    BACKGROUND: Snail allergy is rare but can be fatal. Pila polita, a freshwater snail, was considered as a popular exotic food, particularly in tropical countries, and consumed in processed forms. Thus, the purpose of this study was to identify the major and cross-reactive allergens of P. polita and to determine the impact of food processing on the allergen stability.

    RESULTS: Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis fractionated raw snail extract to approximately 24 protein bands, between 9 and 245 kDa. The prominent band at 33 kDa was detected in all raw and processed snail extracts. Immunoblotting tests of the raw extract demonstrated 19 immunoglobulin E (IgE)-binding proteins, and four of them, at 30, 35, 42 and 49 kDa, were revealed as the major IgE-binding proteins of P. polita. Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry identified the 49 and 42 kDa major allergens as actin, whereas the 30 and 35 kDa major allergens were identified as tropomyosin. Immunoblotting revealed that the raw snail had more allergenic proteins than the processed snail. The degree of allergenicity in decreasing order was raw > brine pickled> boiled > roasted > fried > vinegar pickled. The presence of cross-reactivity between P. polita and the shellfish tested was exhibited with either no, complete, or partial inhibitions.

    CONCLUSION: Actin and tropomyosin were identified as the major and cross-reactive allergens of P. polita among local patients with snail allergy. Those major allergens are highly stable to high temperatures, acidic pH, and high salt, which might played a crucial role in snail allergy in Malaysia. © 2023 Society of Chemical Industry.

    Matched MeSH terms: Food Hypersensitivity*
  18. Norbäck D, Hashim JH, Hashim Z, Wieslander G
    Int J Environ Health Res, 2024 Jan;34(1):213-224.
    PMID: 36335594 DOI: 10.1080/09603123.2022.2143482
    We studied associations between fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO), health and household exposure among school children (N = 348) in Penang, Malaysia. Multiple logistic regression and linear mixed models were applied. Overall, 46.0% had elevated FeNO (>20 ppb) and 10.6% diagnosed asthma. Male gender (p = 0.002), parental asthma or allergy (p = 0.047), cat allergy (p = 0.009) and seafood allergy (p 
    Matched MeSH terms: Hypersensitivity*
  19. Cai R, Tan CP, Lai OM, Dang Y, Liu A, Choeng LZ, et al.
    Food Chem, 2025 Mar 15;468:142408.
    PMID: 39674013 DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2024.142408
    Casein (CN) is a common allergen that is challenging to avoid in modern foods. The effect of cold argon plasma (CAP) on reducing CN antigenicity was investigated, focusing on alterations in epitope structure and sequence. CAP mainly contains hydroxyl radicals (∙OH). After a 12-min CAP treatment, the result of ELISA demonstrated an 80.46 % reduction in antigenicity. Transmission electron microscopy and electrophoresis revealed that certain CN aggregated, while multispectral analysis indicated that part of CN was fragmented into smaller peptides. The predictive 3D model suggested the disruption of linear epitopes located in the α-helix region might contribute to the reduced allergenicity. The peptide sequences were compared to the linear epitopes predicted by immunoinformatics approaches, revealing some reduction or breakage of key allergic sequences. Meanwhile, amino acids with aromatic side chains and hydrophobic groups were susceptible to CAP-induced modifications. This investigation demonstrated CAP could be beneficial for processing hypoallergenic foods.
    Matched MeSH terms: Food Hypersensitivity/immunology
  20. Yew KL, Kok VS
    Med J Malaysia, 2012 Oct;67(5):540-1.
    PMID: 23770880 MyJurnal
    There is increasing consumption of exotic food in Malaysia. Animals such as insects, worms and wild life animals also form part of the staple food of the local population. This practice may lead to more incidence of food allergy and anaphylaxis. We report a non-indigenous man who developed food anaphylaxis after consuming fried sago worms and consequently Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. We postulate that certain food allergy and anaphylaxis could be another causative trigger for Takotsubo cardiomyopathy.
    Matched MeSH terms: Food Hypersensitivity
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