Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 117 in total

  1. Zhao J, Rahman SU, Afshan S, Ali MSE, Ashfaq H, Idrees S
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2023 Sep;30(45):100845-100860.
    PMID: 37640976 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-023-29332-9
    The foremost purpose of the study is to establish a point that an economy of G-7 countries has an abundance of resources to tackle the environmental changes that occur in the world, but these countries are still behind the line because in this modern era, environmental performance changes their shape, dimension, and nature very frequently and create a huge impact on globalization of world economy. To fill this gap, we use green investment, institutional quality, and economic growth on environmental performance for this, we use four proxies for green investment and three proxies for greenhouse gas, and we also use six proxies of institutional quality to do this using period of 1997 to 2021. Moreover, we have used the panel nonlinear autoregressive distributed lag method to evaluate the long-run and short-run asymmetric effects of green investment, institutional quality, and economic growth on greenhouse gas emissions. The findings of the study affirm that the positive change of green investment has a positive and significant relationship with environmental performance, while the negative change of green investment has a significant and positive influence with environmental performance in the long run. Furthermore, the outcomes demonstrate that the positive shock of institutional quality has a positive and significant relationship with environmental performance, while the negative shock of intuitional quality has a significant and positive association with environmental performance in the long run, whereas positive change in economic growth has a positive and significant with the environmental performance, while the negative change of economic growth has a positive effect with environmental performance in the long run. This study finds future precautions that institutional quality has to perform exceptionally and shows results very rapidly, while green investment with economic growth has also made a deadly combination to control greenhouse gas emission, so the role of G-7 countries is pretty clear and straight. Furthermore, it is suggested that governments and policymakers take a proactive stance to promote resource acquisition and investment across all industries. To reduce gas emissions, public interest might also be complementary to private ones. So, economic policymakers, specifically in G-7 countries, should consider strategies that support sustainable economic growth.
    Matched MeSH terms: Investments
  2. Li M, Badeeb RA, Dogan E, Gu X, Zhang H
    J Environ Manage, 2023 Dec 01;347:118994.
    PMID: 37722155 DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.118994
    Global economies have recently been concerned about sustainable environmental management by reducing emissions and tackling ecological footprints. The rapid economic expansion and investment in traditional manufacturing further raises environmental degradation. China surpasses other emerging economies in the economic growth race yet has remained the top pollution-emitting economy for the last few decades, necessitating scholarly attention. This study examines the influencing factors of ecological footprints in China from the perspective of COP27. Using the extended dataset from 1988 to 2021, this study uses several time series diagnostic tests and verifies the existence of the long-run association between the study variables. Consequently, the non-linear scattered data leads to non-parametric (method of moment quantile regression) adoption. The empirical results indicate that only economic growth is a significant factor in environmental quality degradation in China. However, improving renewable energy usage, research and development, and foreign direct investment reduces the country's ecological footprint. Hence, the latter variables substantially lead to environmental sustainability. The robustness of the results is confirmed via a robust non-parametric estimator and causality test. Based on the empirical results, this study recommends increased investment in research and development, renewable production, and foreign direct investment enhancement.
    Matched MeSH terms: Investments
  3. Chen H
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2023 Jun;30(29):73361-73371.
    PMID: 37184784 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-023-27520-1
    Carbon emission trading is an important environmental policy tool to promote carbon emission reduction. With the panel data of carbon emissions trading (CET) pilots, this paper used the spatial difference-in-difference model (SDID) to test whether CET can affect the enterprise environmental responsibility and the spatial spillover effect of carbon emissions trading. The study found that CET can significantly improve the environmental responsibility level of enterprises in pilot areas. The environmental responsibility level of enterprises in surrounding areas are also improved driven by CET. In the time dimension, the role of CET in improving the enterprise environmental responsibility is gradually increasing. The impact of CET on enterprise environmental responsibility has significant heterogeneity in the dimension of ownership attributes and environmental regulation. Promoting corporate environmental protection investment is the main path for CET to improve the enterprise environmental responsibility.
    Matched MeSH terms: Investments
  4. Sadiq M, Hsu CC, Zhang Y, Chien F
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2021 Dec;28(47):67167-67184.
    PMID: 34245412 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-021-15064-1
    This research aims to look into the effect of COVID-19 on emerging stock markets in seven of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations' (ASEAN-7) member countries from March 21, 2020 to April 31, 2020. This paper uses a ST-HAR-type Bayesian posterior model and it highlights the stock market of this ongoing crisis, such as, COVID-19 outbreak in all countries and related industries. The empirical results shown a clear evidence of a transition during COVID-19 crisis regime, also crisis intensity and timing differences. The most negatively impacted industries were health care and consumer services due to the Covid-19 drug-race and international travel restrictions. More so, study results estimated that only a small number of sectors are affected by COVID-19 fear including  health care, consumer services, utilities, and technology, significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10%, that measure current volatility's reliance on weekly and monthly variables. Secondly, it is found that there is almost no chance that the COVID-19 pandemic would positively affect the stock market performance in all the countries, mainly Indonesia and Singapore were the countries most affected. Thirdly, results shown that Thailand's stock market output has dropped by 15%. Results shows that COVID-19 fear causes an eventual reason of public attention towards stock market volatility. The study presented comprehensive way forwards to stabilize movement of ASEAN equity market's volatility index and guided the policy implications to key stakeholders that can better help to mitigate drastic impacts of COVID-19 fear on the performance of equity markets.
    Matched MeSH terms: Investments
  5. Majekodunmi TB, Shaari MS, Abidin NZ, Esquivias MA
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2023 Sep;30(41):94456-94473.
    PMID: 37535277 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-023-28865-3
    Extensive theoretical and empirical evidence supports the crucial role of savings in driving a nation's economic growth and development. However, previous studies have not considered their potential environmental implications. This study aims to explore the influence of savings and remittances on the Developing-8 countries (D-8) from 1989 to 2019, using the panel autoregressive distributed (ARDL) model. The findings reveal that national savings and remittances, in the long run, help mitigate environmental degradation in the D-8 countries but energy use and population growth stimulate carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. In contrast, economic growth does not significantly affect these countries' environmental quality in the long run. However, none of the explanatory variables have any significant relationship with CO2 emissions in the short run. Therefore, policymakers in the D-8 countries are strongly encouraged to prioritize the enhancement of national savings across the three economic agents to maximize the positive effects of savings on environmental quality. Government savings can be increased by reducing deficits and borrowings, while corporate savings can be encouraged by implementing investment tax credits and promoting research and development. Additionally, governments can embark on public enlightenment campaigns on financial education and provide incentives to encourage household savings.
    Matched MeSH terms: Investments
  6. Rusmita SA, Zulaikha S, Mazlan NS, Mohd Dali NRSB, Cahyono EF, Ramadhani I
    PLoS One, 2023;18(11):e0286629.
    PMID: 38011115 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0286629
    The market for the halal food and beverage industry sector has experienced rapid growth in recent years, which indicate excellent investment opportunities. This paper examine the effect of Technical Efficiency (TE) on firm value in 5 selected influential countries in halal food and beverage sector based on Global Islamic Economy Report 2020. Two steps estimation was used to run the data, using the Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) model to determine the company's TE and panel data to test the effect of TE through firm value. The results show that Indonesia has the highest score for TE (62%), followed by Pakistan (59%), South Africa (57%), Malaysia (55%), and Singapore (52%), which means, in general, there is inefficiency in allocating resources over 38% up to 48% and needs to be improved by halal food and beverage companies in. Regarding panel data, all countries sample except Pakistan highlight that TE significantly affect company value. It indicates that the crucial part of managing efficiency can be a sign in stock market performance. The result shows that company managers should set efficiency strategies to their business process for creating sustainability and increase their value in the capital market. As for investors, this TE can be used as an indicator before choosing company stocks; if the company is efficient, then it is worthy of being one of the portfolio assets. Form the government side, the finding can help them to set appropriate policy setting to boost halal food and beverages industry such as giving subsidy or incentive to increase the efficiency ability of halal food and beverage companies and identify the industry's strength by comparing the result of TE between 5 countries.
    Matched MeSH terms: Investments
  7. Waris M, Din BH
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2024 Feb;31(7):11285-11306.
    PMID: 38217822 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-024-31843-y
    The government of any country can play a great role in promoting economic and environmental policy reforms in both normal and crisis periods, but during the crisis period, the role of the government should take the economy into a recovery position. The stock market is the backbone of the financial system that needs the government's attention, especially in the period of financial stress and environmental protection is the responsibility of every economy to live in a healthy environment. Combining this motive, this study analyzed the role of the government towards the stock market and carbon emission by using different approaches, including the wavelet approach, OLS regression, and the Granger causality test. The wavelet approach is useful for analyzing the role of the government at different time intervals by using the time horizon from 1993 to 2021. World governance's six indicators in terms of voice and accountability, control of corruption, rules of law, regulatory quality, political stability, and government effectiveness are used as the proxy for the role of the government. Our findings show that all WGI indicators have a positive relationship with the stock market of Malaysia except voice and accountability while concerning voice and accountability, the role of the government of Malaysia is negative on the stock market. Similarly, our findings also show that the effective government governance mechanism through WGI indicators has a significant positive impact on CO2 emission due to industrialization. Furthermore, findings of the Granger causality test reveal that all the WGI indicators cause to stock market of Malaysia, and political stability has bi-directional causality indicating stock market index is also a factor that caused the political stability within Malaysia. In the Granger causality results of the CO2 and WGI indicators, there is unidirectional causality found between rules of law and regulatory quality with CO2 emission. This study advocated strong implementations for the investors for investment decisions in effective governance countries and implications for the government to remove their weakness by making effective governance related to the economy and as well as the environments within the country.
    Matched MeSH terms: Investments
  8. Shen Y, Ur Rahman S, Hafiza NS, Meo MS, Ali MSE
    PLoS One, 2024;19(4):e0292260.
    PMID: 38635691 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0292260
    Pollution in the environment is today the biggest issue facing the globe and the main factor in the development of many fatal diseases. The main objective of the study to investigate green investments, economic growth and financial development on environmental pollution in the G-7 countries. This study used annual penal data from 1997 to 2021. The panel NARDL (Non-linear autoregressive distributed lag) results affirm that the positive change of green investment and negative shock in green investment have a significant and positive association with environment pollution in G-7 nations. Our findings provide more evidence for the long-term asymmetry between financial development and environmental performance. However, the findings confirm that a positive modification in financial development has a positive and significant effect on environment pollution. Whereas negative shock in financial development is negative and insignificant relationship with environment pollution. Moreover, the outcomes of the study reveal that both positive shock in gross domestic product growth and negative shock of economic growth have a significant and positive link with environment pollution in G-7 countries. According to the findings, by lowering carbon dioxide emissions, green investments reduced environmental pollution in the G-7 nations over the long and short term. Moreover, it is an innovative research effort that provides light on the connection between green investments, financial development, and the environment while making mention to the EKC in G-7 countries. After all these, our recommendation is to increases green investment expenditures to reduce environmental pollution in the G-7 nations based on our findings. Additionally, one important way for the nation to achieve its sustainable development goals is to improve advancements in the financial sector.
    Matched MeSH terms: Investments
  9. Nature, 2005 Aug 11;436(7052):754.
    PMID: 16094324
    Matched MeSH terms: Investments/trends
  10. Younis I, Longsheng C, Basheer MF, Joyo AS
    PLoS One, 2020;15(10):e0240472.
    PMID: 33044995 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0240472
    Stock market, is one of the most important financial market which has a close relationship with a country's economy, due to which it is often called the barometer of the economy. Over the past 25 years, the stock markets have been affected by different global economic shocks. Various researchers have analyzed different aspects of these effects one by one, however, this study is an assessment of stock market interrelationship of emeriging Asian economies which include most of the East Asian, and Southeast Asian emerging economies with special focus on China for past decades during which different crisis occurred. We used Morgan Stanley capital international (MSCI) daily indices data for each stock market and compared Chinese stock market with the stock markets of India, Pakistan, Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia. We analyzed the data through the individual wavelet power spectrum, cross-wavelet transform and wavelet coherence, to determine the correlation and volatility among the selected stock markets. These model have the power to analyze co-movements among these countries with respect to both frequency and time spaces. Our findings show that there are co-movement patterns of higher frequencies during the crises periods of 1997, 2008 and 2015. The dependency strength among the considered economies is noted to increase in the crisis periods, which implies increased short- and long-term benefits for the investors. From a financial point of view, it has been determined that the co-movement strength among the emerging economies of Asia may have an effect on the VaR (Value at Risk) levels of a multi-country portfolio. Furthermore, the stock market of China shows a high correlation with the other six Asian stock emerging markets in both high and low-frequency spectrums. The association of the south and east Asian stock market with Chinese stock markets show the interconnection of these economies with the economy of China since past two decades. These findings are useful for investors, portfolio managers and the policymaker around the globe.
    Matched MeSH terms: Investments/economics*
  11. Ehigiamusoe KU, Chen D, Dogan E, Binsaeed RH
    J Environ Manage, 2025 Feb;375:124175.
    PMID: 39864151 DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2025.124175
    In the era of economic globalization, China attracts significant foreign direct investment (FDI) to accelerate economic prosperity. FDI inflows could have ramifications on environmental degradation (ED) despite the enactment of different environmental regulations (ERs) such as market-incentive, command-and-control as well as informal regulations. Though some studies have shown that FDI and ED have significant relationship, the moderating roles of different ERs on the environmental impact of FDI has not been empirically unraveled. This study fills this research gap by analyzing the direct impact of FDI on ED (i.e., carbon dioxide emissions, ecological footprint) using the provincial panel data. Second, it unravels the moderating roles of different ERs on the environmental impact of FDI in the provinces and regions. The results indicate that FDI directly mitigates ED, verifying the pollution halo hypothesis while ERs directly alleviate ED in China. However, the interaction between FDI and ERs do not alleviate ED in China albeit regional heterogeneity exist. The economic implication is that FDI is not a channel through which ERs enhance environmental sustainability in China. This study recommends some policy options arising from the findings.
    Matched MeSH terms: Investments*
  12. Normaz Wana Ismail, Siti Wardah Abd Rahman, Tengku Aizan Tengku Abdul Hamid, Rusmawati Said
    Sains Malaysiana, 2016;45:1345-1350.
    The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of aging on economic growth. The study used dynamic growth model and employed Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) approach for the period of 1980 to 2011. Three proxies for aging are used namely fertility rate, life expectancy and old dependency ratio. However, only fertility rate is detected to have a long run cointegration. The major finding of this study showed that a reduction of fertility rate lead to higher economic growth. This implied that even though Malaysia will face aging society by 2020, the economic growth is still stable and can increase by investing more on human capital.
    Matched MeSH terms: Investments
  13. Yang F, Sun Y, Zhang Y, Wang T
    PMID: 34281094 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18137157
    This study aims to analyze the development trend of the manufacturing industry transformation and upgrading in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (2008-2018). On the basis of synergetics, the order parameter method of factor analysis is used to study these factors. The results show that: (1) There are five slow variable factors, such as intelligent manufacturing industry, technological innovation, scale agglomeration, market demand, and fixed asset investment, which are important power sources of the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry in Greater Bay Area. The development of these factors is relatively mature, and they cooperate with each other. (2) Similar to a fast variable of manufacturing development ecology, green development is an important coordinating factor in removing bottlenecks. Finally, suggestions for the development of the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry are put forward.
    Matched MeSH terms: Investments
  14. Ruhaini Muda, Abdul Ghafar Ismail, Shahida Shahimi, Saiful Hafizah Jamaan
    The adoption of Profit-Loss Sharing arrangement in Islamic banking models can create value for their shareholders. Previous studies discuss Profit-Loss Sharing arrangement in the context of financial intermediation theory, but fail to link the adoption of Profit-Loss Sharing arrangement with value creation and to produce empirical evidence. The aim of this study is to address optimal conditions of the Profit-Loss Sharing contracts in Islamic banking models to minimize the problems of asymmetric information and transaction costs. Three propositions are presented to achieve the optimal conditions of Profit-Loss Sharing contracts in Islamic banking models that can create positive values, given that: First, for mudharaba contract, Islamic banks as rabbul maal give incentives of (0* (RP') to entrepreneurs if the positive value of the Islamic bank's expected net profit is obtained. Next, if an Islamic bank, as mudharib is appointed as wakeel, the depositors of mudharaba investment account are imposed 6*(m) for cost of processing information. Third, for musyaraka contract, the Islamic bank is proposed to incur monitoring cost of c* (y). In addition, this study also produces empirical evidence to determine to what extent the adoption of Profit-Loss Sharing arrangement in Islamic banks creates value for their shareholders. This study utilizes the Malaysian Islamic banks panel data from 2005-2009 and employs Economic Value Added (EVA) as a technique of value creation measurement of Islamic banks. The empirical findings reveal that there is no indication that the adoption of Profit-Loss Sharing arrangement on the deposits structure (MDIA) significantly creates positive value to Islamic banks. This result is consistent for both measurement of value creation against shorter and longer terms opportunity costs of capital employed. This suggests that Islamic banks utilize a lower cost of capital, as Non-mudharaba deposits accounts constitute a large amount of current and saving accounts. On the other hand, for asset structure, this study finds that funds allocated in Financing (FPLS) based on Profit-Loss Sharing arrangement results in a reduction in the value of Islamic banks. However, funds allocated in Securities Investment (FIM) using Profit-Loss Sharing arrangement are significant and create positive value. Collectively, the findings reveal that theoretically, Profit-Loss Sharing arrangement can create value for the shareholders of Islamic banks, and it is evident that Islamic banks need to extensively utilize Profit-Loss Sharing arrangement in Islamic banking operation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Investments
  15. Nur Aimi Badriah, N., Siti Nazifah, Z. A., Maheran, M. J.
    Investment funds are growing in Malaysia since people are more knowledgeable about
    investments and aware of investment opportunities in order to secure good savings for the
    future. These investments include unit trusts, gold, fixed deposits, stock prices and property
    investments. It is essential for individuals or organisations to know the value of future share
    prices of their investment portfolio in order to predict the profit or loss in the future. The
    purpose of study is to identify the best duration of historical data and forecast days in order
    to accurately forecast share prices. The study uses Geometric Brownian Motion model in
    forecasting share prices of companies in Bursa Malaysia. This study focused on 40 listed
    companies in Bursa Malaysia from the top gainers list. It was found that 65 historical days
    could forecast the share prices for 21 days accurately.
    Matched MeSH terms: Investments
  16. Farouq I, Sulong Z, Ahmad U, Jakada A, Sambo N
    Data Brief, 2020 Jun;30:105670.
    PMID: 32435680 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2020.105670
    The presentation of this data focuses on analysing the dynamic role of economic growth, foreign direct investment and financial globalization uncertainty on financial development of selected leading African economies, spanning the year 1970 to 2018, and the data were obtained from world development indicators and global financial development databases. Second generation econometrics techniques were deployed for the analysis. We began with the descriptive and correlation statistics in order to ascertain the normality of the data. Also, homogeneity and cross-sectional dependency tests were carried out to validate the whether or not the data is heterogeneous and depend upon each other across the series. As well, the [3] co-integration and dynamic common correlated effect [1] and pool mean group [2] estimates were applied to confirm the presence of long-run relationship and their effects on the financial development among the sampled countries.
    Matched MeSH terms: Investments
  17. An H, Razzaq A, Haseeb M, Mihardjo LWW
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2021 Feb;28(5):5254-5270.
    PMID: 32960444 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-020-10775-3
    The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is closely linked to the ecological sustainability of the infrastructure ventures that intrinsically include the aspects of climate change and pollution. Though there exists literature on the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) and pollution haven hypothesis (PHH), very few explore the scope in the light of Belt and Road host countries (B&RCs). Therefore, the study examines the income-induced EKC and Chinese outward foreign direct investment (FDI)-based PHH in the multivariate framework of people's connectivity and technology innovation in B&RCs from 2003 to 2018. The outcome of the study reveals that the observed relationship is quantile-dependent, which may disclose misleading results in previous studies using traditional methodologies that address the averages. Utilizing the novel "Method of Moments Quantile Regression (MMQR)" of Machado and Silva (J Econom 213:145-173, 2019), the findings confirm an inverted U-shape association between economic growth and CO2 emissions only at lower to medium emission countries, thus validating the EKC hypothesis. The Chinese outward FDI flows increase carbon emissions at medium to high emission countries, thereby confirming PHH. The findings also indicate that people's connectivity contributes to increasing emissions while innovation mitigates carbon emissions at lower to medium polluted countries. Moreover, the outcomes of Granger causality confirm one-way causality between economic growth and CO2 emissions, between FDI and CO2 emissions, between people's connectivity and CO2 emissions, and between innovation and CO2 emissions. The results offer valuable insight for legislators to counteract CO2 emissions in B&RCs through innovation-led energy conservation in infrastructure projects while adopting green and sustainable financing mechanisms to materialize mega construction projects under the BRI.
    Matched MeSH terms: Investments
  18. Nawaz MA, Seshadri U, Kumar P, Aqdas R, Patwary AK, Riaz M
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2021 Feb;28(6):6504-6519.
    PMID: 32997248 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-020-10920-y
    Green finance is inextricably linked to investment risk, particularly in emerging and developing economies (EMDE). This study uses the difference in differences (DID) method to evaluate the mean causal effects of a treatment on an outcome of the determinants of scaling up green financing and climate change mitigation in the N-11 countries from 2005 to 2019. After analyzing with a dummy for the treated countries, it was confirmed that the outcome covariates: rescon (renewable energy sources consumption), population, FDI, CO2, inflation, technical corporation grants, domestic credit to the private sector, and research and development are very significant in promoting green financing and climate change mitigation in the study countries. The probit regression results give a different outcome, as rescon, FID, CO2, Human Development Index (HDI), and investment in the energy sector by the private sector that will likely have an impact on the green financing and climate change mitigation of the study countries. Furthermore, after matching the analysis through the nearest neighbor matching, kernel matching, and radius matching, it produced mixed results for both the treated and the untreated countries. Either group experienced an improvement in green financing and climate change mitigation or a decrease. Overall, the DID showed no significant difference among the countries.
    Matched MeSH terms: Investments
  19. Faheem M, Hussain S, ArsalanTanveer, Safdar N, Anwer MA
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2022 Jan;29(5):7393-7405.
    PMID: 34476703 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-021-16231-0
    In this modern era, the global warming issue has been on the front burner of almost all countries including Malaysia. This study utilizing time series data spanning from 1970 to 2018. To this end, a linear and nonlinear autoregressive distributed lag model was conducted to reveal the foreign direct investment-growth-environment nexus. The conclusion validates the existence of the pollution haven hypothesis in Malaysia. Specifically, the empirical results of the linear autoregressive distributed lag model indicate that foreign direct investment and real gross domestic product have a significant positive impact on CO2 emission while carbon damage cost and the interaction term of foreign direct investment and carbon damage cost have a negative impact in the long run and short run. To find the asymmetric behavior of the foreign direct investment our study employed a nonlinear autoregressive distributed lag model. The findings confirmed the asymmetry association of foreign direct investment with CO2 emission. Interestingly, our results of the interaction term in both models are significant with a negative sign that shows the mediating effect of carbon damage cost that converts the positive effect of foreign direct investment on CO2 emission to negative. Thus, it is vital to reinforce the use of significant regulation as the Malaysian economy opens up to attract more foreign direct investment.
    Matched MeSH terms: Investments
  20. Abbasi MA, Nosheen M, Rahman HU
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2023 Apr;30(17):49270-49289.
    PMID: 36764996 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-023-25548-x
    Present climate change consists of global warming that is caused by the emission of greenhouse gases, generally carbon dioxide. The study examines the pollution haven, pollution halo, and environmental Kuznets curve for a number of Asian countries during the period of 1985 to 2020. Outcomes suggest that urbanization, gross domestic product per capita, energy consumption, and foreign direct investment inflow have positive effects, while gross domestic product square, foreign direct investment square, and tourism have negative effects on emissions of carbon dioxide. Furthermore, findings support the validity of the environmental Kuznets curve, pollution haven, and pollution halo hypothesis for the selected Asian countries. We also find robust results of rationality of the environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis for Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, China, Indonesia, Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Singapore; of pollution haven hypothesis for Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, Japan, Pakistan, and Singapore; and of pollution halo hypothesis for Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, Japan, Pakistan, and Singapore.
    Matched MeSH terms: Investments
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