Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 406 in total

  1. Alebraheem J, Abu-Hassan Y
    J Math Biol, 2023 Apr 27;86(5):84.
    PMID: 37103566 DOI: 10.1007/s00285-023-01914-8
    A characteristic of ecosystems is the existence of manifold of independencies which are highly complex. Various mathematical models have made considerable contributions in gaining a better understanding of the predator-prey interactions. The main components of any predator-prey models are, firstly, how the different population classes grow and secondly, how the prey and predator interacts. In this paper, the two populations' growth rates obey the logistic law and the carrying capacity of the predator depends on the available number of prey are considered. Our aim is to clarify the relationship between models and Holling types functional and numerical responses in order to gain insights into predator interferences and to answer an important question how competition is carried out. We consider a predator-prey model and a two-predator one-prey model to explain the idea. The novel approach is explained for the mechanism measurement of predator interference through depending on numerical response. Our approach gives good correspondence between an important real data and computer simulations.
    Matched MeSH terms: Models, Biological*
  2. Wang S, Loreau M, Arnoldi JF, Fang J, Rahman KA, Tao S, et al.
    Nat Commun, 2017 May 19;8:15211.
    PMID: 28524860 DOI: 10.1038/ncomms15211
    The spatial scaling of stability is key to understanding ecological sustainability across scales and the sensitivity of ecosystems to habitat destruction. Here we propose the invariability-area relationship (IAR) as a novel approach to investigate the spatial scaling of stability. The shape and slope of IAR are largely determined by patterns of spatial synchrony across scales. When synchrony decays exponentially with distance, IARs exhibit three phases, characterized by steeper increases in invariability at both small and large scales. Such triphasic IARs are observed for primary productivity from plot to continental scales. When synchrony decays as a power law with distance, IARs are quasilinear on a log-log scale. Such quasilinear IARs are observed for North American bird biomass at both species and community levels. The IAR provides a quantitative tool to predict the effects of habitat loss on population and ecosystem stability and to detect regime shifts in spatial ecological systems, which are goals of relevance to conservation and policy.
    Matched MeSH terms: Models, Biological*
  3. Okie JG, Brown JH
    Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2009 Nov 17;106 Suppl 2:19679-84.
    PMID: 19805179 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0901654106
    The rising sea level at the end of the Pleistocene that created the islands of the Sunda Shelf in Indonesia and Malaysia provides a natural experiment in community disassembly and offers insights into the effects of body size and niches on abundance, distribution, and diversity. Since isolation, terrestrial mammal communities of these islands have been reduced by extinction, with virtually no offsetting colonization. We document three empirical patterns of disassembly, all of which are significantly different from null models of random assembly: (i) a diversity-area relationship: the number of taxa is strongly and positively correlated with island area; (ii) nested subset composition: species that occur on small islands tend to be subsets of more diverse communities inhabiting larger islands; and (iii) body size distributions: species of intermediate body sizes occur on the greatest number of islands, and smaller islands have smaller ranges of body sizes, caused by the absence of species of both very large and extremely small size. These patterns reveal the role of body size and other niche characteristics, such as habitat requirements and trophic status, in the differential susceptibility of taxa to extinction.
    Matched MeSH terms: Models, Biological*
  4. Hani AF, Baba R, Shamsuddin N, Nugroho H
    Int J Cosmet Sci, 2014 Oct;36(5):451-8.
    PMID: 24925684 DOI: 10.1111/ics.12147
    Melanin is a major skin colour pigment that is made up of eumelanin (the dark brown-black colour) and pheomelanin (the light red-yellow colour) pigments. Skin-whitening products typically contain depigmentation agents that reduce the level of pigmentation by changing the pheomelanin-eumelanin production. Similarly, in skin pigment treatment of skin disorders, the melanin production is managed accordingly. To assess and improve treatment efficacy, it is important to have a measurement tool that is capable of determining the melanin types objectively. So far, the efficacy assessment is subjective. In this study, an inverse skin reflectance pigmentation analysis system that determines eumelanin and pheomelanin content is developed and evaluated in an observational study involving 36 participants with skin photo type IV.
    Matched MeSH terms: Models, Biological
  5. Salahuddin L, Ismail Z
    Int J Med Inform, 2015 Nov;84(11):877-91.
    PMID: 26238706 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2015.07.004
    This paper provides a systematic review of safety use of health information technology (IT). The first objective is to identify the antecedents towards safety use of health IT by conducting systematic literature review (SLR). The second objective is to classify the identified antecedents based on the work system in Systems Engineering Initiative for Patient Safety (SEIPS) model and an extension of DeLone and McLean (D&M) information system (IS) success model.
    Matched MeSH terms: Models, Biological
  6. Fix AG
    Ann. Hum. Genet., 1974 Jan;37(3):327-32.
    PMID: 4812953
    Matched MeSH terms: Models, Biological
  7. Chen WH, Chang CM, Mutuku JK, Lam SS, Lee WJ
    J Hazard Mater, 2021 08 15;416:125856.
    PMID: 34492805 DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2021.125856
    Inhalation of aerosols such as pharmaceutical aerosols or virus aerosol uptake is of great concern to the human population. To elucidate the underlying aerosol dynamics, the deposition fractions (DFs) of aerosols in healthy and asthmatic human airways of generations 13-15 are predicted. The Navier-stokes equations governing the gaseous phase and the discrete phase model for particles' motion are solved using numerical methods. The main forces responsible for deposition are inertial impaction forces and complex secondary flow velocities. The curvatures and sinusoidal folds in the asthmatic geometry lead to the formation of complex secondary flows and hence higher DFs. The intensities of complex secondary flows are strongest at the generations affected by asthma. The DF in the healthy airways is 0%, and it ranges from 1.69% to 52.93% in the asthmatic ones. From this study, the effects of the pharmaceutical aerosol particle diameters in the treatment of asthma patients can be established, which is conducive to inhibiting the inflammation of asthma airways. Furthermore, with the recent development of COVID-19 which causes pneumonia, the predicted physics and effective simulation methods of bioaerosols delivery to asthma patients are vital to prevent the exacerbation of the chronic ailment and the epidemic.
    Matched MeSH terms: Models, Biological
  8. Ibrahim RW, Nashine HK, Kamaruddin N
    Math Biosci, 2017 10;292:10-17.
    PMID: 28728968 DOI: 10.1016/j.mbs.2017.07.007
    A biological dynamic system carries engineering properties such as control systems and signal processing (or image processing) addicted to molecular biology at the level of bio-molecular communication networks. Dynamical system features and signal reply functions of cellular signaling pathways are some of the main topics in biological dynamic systems (for example the biological segmentation). In the present paper, we introduce new generalized hybrid time-space dynamical systems of growing bacteria. We impose the approximate analytic solution for the system. The generalization adapted the concepts of the Riemann-Liouville fractional operators for time and the Srivastava-Owa fractional operators for space. Moreover, we introduce a numerical perturbation method of two operators to obtain the approximate solutions. We establish the existence and uniqueness results and impose some applications in the sequel. Moreover, we study the Ulam stability and apply these stable solutions to improve the segmentation of a class of growing bacteria.
    Matched MeSH terms: Models, Biological
  9. Mohd Hidayat, A.R., Nurul Ain, M., Mohd Nazri, A., Mohd Hairizal, O., Mohammad Khalid, W., Tan, W.H., et al.
    The main objective of this research is to compare the seating pressure during the driving session between two
    different types of national cars. The objective of this research is to conduct object pressure distribution study on
    two different types of car seat using CONFORMat (model 5330) with system model CER2, compare and analyse the
    results based on object pressure between both car seat. Twelve respondents participated a driving session with
    TekscanCONFORMat (model 5330) setup using the same route for both national car. We select two types of national
    cars equipped with automatic transmission for this research. The seat pressure on the subject along the journey is
    recorded using TekscanCONFORMat Research 7.60 software. Later, comparison made with respect to the seat
    pressure experiencedby twelve respondents. The results shows different values of backand seat pressure recorded
    among the twelve subjects. Lastly, the results are analysedand discussed at the end of this paper. Model B seat
    design has better ability to distribute evenly the pressure to both seat and back. However, results for Model A
    showed the pressure is more concentrated on the seat area.
    Matched MeSH terms: Models, Biological
  10. Samira Ehsani, Jayanthi Arasan, Noor Akma Ibrahim
    Sains Malaysiana, 2013;42:981-987.
    In this paper, we extended a repairable system model under general repair that is based on repair history, to incorporate covariates. We calculated the bias, standard error and RMSE of the parameter estimates of this model at different sample sizes using simulated data. We applied the model to a real demonstration data and tested for existence of time trend, repair and covariate effects. Following that we also conducted a coverage probability study on the Wald confidence interval estimates. Finally we conducted hypothesis testing for the parameters of the model.The results indicated that the estimation procedure is working well for the proposed model but the Wald interval should be applied with much caution.
    Matched MeSH terms: Models, Biological
  11. Hamdan N', Kilicman A
    Bull Math Biol, 2022 Oct 26;84(12):138.
    PMID: 36287255 DOI: 10.1007/s11538-022-01096-2
    This paper deals with a deterministic mathematical model of dengue based on a system of fractional-order differential equations (FODEs). In this study, we consider dengue control strategies that are relevant to the current situation in Malaysia. They are the use of adulticides, larvicides, destruction of the breeding sites, and individual protection. The global stability of the disease-free equilibrium and the endemic equilibrium is constructed using the Lyapunov function theory. The relations between the order of the operator and control parameters are briefly analysed. Numerical simulations are performed to verify theoretical results and examine the significance of each intervention strategy in controlling the spread of dengue in the community. The model shows that vector control tools are the most efficient method to combat the spread of the dengue virus, and when combined with individual protection, make it more effective. In fact, the massive use of personal protection alone can significantly reduce the number of dengue cases. Inversely, mechanical control alone cannot suppress the excessive number of infections in the population, although it can reduce the Aedes mosquito population. The result of the real-data fitting revealed that the FODE model slightly outperformed the integer-order model. Thus, we suggest that the FODE approach is worth to be considered in modelling an infectious disease like dengue.
    Matched MeSH terms: Models, Biological
  12. Troell M, Jonell M, Henriksson PJG
    Nat Ecol Evol, 2017 09;1(9):1224-1225.
    PMID: 29046558 DOI: 10.1038/s41559-017-0304-6
    Matched MeSH terms: Models, Biological
  13. Abu Bakar SA, Syed Mohamed Shahruddin SNS, Ismail N, Wan Md Adnan WAH
    PeerJ, 2022;10:e13694.
    PMID: 35935256 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.13694
    The estimation of biological age (BA) is an important asymptomatic measure that can be used to understand the physical changes and the aging process of a living being. Factors that contribute towards profiling the human biological age can be diverse. Therefore, this study focuses on developing a BA model for patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). The procedure commences with the selection of significant biomarkers using a correlation test. Appropriate weighting is then assigned to each selected biomarker using the indexing method to produce a BA index. The BA index is matched to the age variation within the sample to acquire additional terms for the chronological age leading ultimately to the estimated BA. From a sample of 190 patients (133 trained data and 57 testing data) obtained from the University of Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC), Malaysia, the intensity of the BA is found to be between three to nine years from the chronological age. Visual observations further validate the high similarities between the training and testing data sets.
    Matched MeSH terms: Models, Biological
  14. Loh DA, Moy FM, Zaharan NL, Mohamed Z
    PLoS One, 2013;8(12):e82885.
    PMID: 24349385 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0082885
    Escalating weight gain among the Malaysian paediatric population necessitates identifying modifiable behaviours in the obesity pathway.
    Matched MeSH terms: Models, Biological*
  15. Malek S, Syed Ahmad SM, Singh SK, Milow P, Salleh A
    BMC Bioinformatics, 2011;12 Suppl 13:S12.
    PMID: 22372859 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2105-12-S13-S12
    This study assesses four predictive ecological models; Fuzzy Logic (FL), Recurrent Artificial Neural Network (RANN), Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm (HEA) and multiple linear regressions (MLR) to forecast chlorophyll- a concentration using limnological data from 2001 through 2004 of unstratified shallow, oligotrophic to mesotrophic tropical Putrajaya Lake (Malaysia). Performances of the models are assessed using Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), correlation coefficient (r), and Area under the Receiving Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve (AUC). Chlorophyll-a have been used to estimate algal biomass in aquatic ecosystem as it is common in most algae. Algal biomass indicates of the trophic status of a water body. Chlorophyll- a therefore, is an effective indicator for monitoring eutrophication which is a common problem of lakes and reservoirs all over the world. Assessments of these predictive models are necessary towards developing a reliable algorithm to estimate chlorophyll- a concentration for eutrophication management of tropical lakes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Models, Biological*
  16. Chai WL, Brook IM, Palmquist A, van Noort R, Moharamzadeh K
    J R Soc Interface, 2012 Dec 7;9(77):3528-38.
    PMID: 22915635 DOI: 10.1098/rsif.2012.0507
    For dental implants, it is vital that an initial soft tissue seal is achieved as this helps to stabilize and preserve the peri-implant tissues during the restorative stages following placement. The study of the implant-soft tissue interface is usually undertaken in animal models. We have developed an in vitro three-dimensional tissue-engineered oral mucosal model (3D OMM), which lends itself to the study of the implant-soft tissue interface as it has been shown that cells from the three-dimensional OMM attach onto titanium (Ti) surfaces forming a biological seal (BS). This study compares the quality of the BS achieved using the three-dimensional OMM for four types of Ti surfaces: polished, machined, sandblasted and anodized (TiUnite). The BS was evaluated quantitatively by permeability and cell attachment tests. Tritiated water (HTO) was used as the tracing agent for the permeability test. At the end of the permeability test, the Ti discs were removed from the three-dimensional OMM and an Alamar Blue assay was used for the measurement of residual cells attached to the Ti discs. The penetration of the HTO through the BS for the four types of Ti surfaces was not significantly different, and there was no significant difference in the viability of residual cells that attached to the Ti surfaces. The BS of the tissue-engineered oral mucosa around the four types of Ti surface topographies was not significantly different.
    Matched MeSH terms: Models, Biological*
  17. Ismail Z, Fitt AD, Please CP
    Math Med Biol, 2013 Dec;30(4):339-55.
    PMID: 23054933 DOI: 10.1093/imammb/dqs028
    Descemet membrane detachment (DMD) is a rare but potentially serious surgical complication that arises most often during cataract surgery. A recent study (Couch, S. M. & Baratz, K. H. (2009) Cornea, 28, 1160-1163) cited the case of a patient with DMDs in both eyes, noting that though one detachment was surgically repaired, the other spontaneously reattached and needed no further treatment. A fluid mechanical model of buoyancy-driven aqueous humour flow in the anterior chamber around a DMD is developed to explain this phenomenon. The analytical model is based on the lubrication theory limit of the Navier-Stokes equations. The flow is determined for a fixed geometry and the possible motion of the DMD is then analysed. Numerical calculations are also carried out (using COMSOL© Multiphysics) to confirm the lubrication theory results. The analytical and numerical results both show that, under the correct conditions, either spontaneous reattachment or worsening of the tear may occur. We conclude that it is possible that clinical outcomes for DMDs may be controlled by adjusting the temperature difference across the eye and/or the orientation of the patient.
    Matched MeSH terms: Models, Biological*
  18. Poznanski RR
    Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys, 2010 Feb;81(2 Pt 1):021902.
    PMID: 20365590
    An assumption commonly used in cable theory is revised by taking into account electrical amplification due to intracellular capacitive effects in passive dendritic cables. A generalized cable equation for a cylindrical volume representation of a dendritic segment is derived from Maxwell's equations under assumptions: (i) the electric-field polarization is restricted longitudinally along the cable length; (ii) extracellular isopotentiality; (iii) quasielectrostatic conditions; and (iv) homogeneous medium with constant conductivity and permittivity. The generalized cable equation is identical to Barenblatt's equation arising in the theory of infiltration in fissured strata with a known analytical solution expressed in terms of a definite integral involving a modified Bessel function and the solution to a linear one-dimensional classical cable equation. Its solution is used to determine the impact of thermal noise on voltage attenuation with distance at any particular time. A regular perturbation expansion for the membrane potential about the linear one-dimensional classical cable equation solution is derived in terms of a Green's function in order to describe the dynamics of free charge within the Debye layer of endogenous structures in passive dendritic cables. The asymptotic value of the first perturbative term is explicitly evaluated for small values of time to predict how the slowly fluctuating (in submillisecond range) electric field attributed to intracellular capacitive effects alters the amplitude of the membrane potential. It was found that capacitive effects are almost negligible for cables with electrotonic lengths L>0.5 , contributes up to 10% of the signal for cables with electrotonic lengths in the range between 0.25
    Matched MeSH terms: Models, Biological*
  19. Al-Atabi M, Chin SB, Luo XY
    J Biomech Eng, 2010 Apr;132(4):041003.
    PMID: 20387966 DOI: 10.1115/1.4001043
    Three-dimensional scaled-up transparent models of three human cystic ducts were prepared on the basis of anatomical specimens. The measurement of pressure drop across the cystic duct models and visualization of the flow structures within these ducts were performed at conditions replicating the physiological state. The flow visualization study confirmed the laminar nature of the flow of bile inside the cystic duct and values of pressure drop coefficient (Cp) decreased as the Reynolds number (Re) increased. The three tested models showed comparable behavior for the curve of Reynolds number versus the pressure drop coefficient. The results show that the tested cystic ducts have both increased pressure drop and complicated flow structures when compared with straight conduits. High resistance in a cystic duct may indicate that the gallbladder has to exert large force in expelling bile to the cystic duct. For patients with diseased gallbladder, and even in healthy persons, gallbladder is known to stiffen with age and it may lose its compliance or flexibility. A high resistance cystic duct coupled with a stiffened gallbladder may result in prolonged stasis of bile in the gallbladder, which is assumed to encourage the formation of gallstones.
    Matched MeSH terms: Models, Biological*
  20. Nayak S, Soumya KV
    Adv Physiol Educ, 2009 Dec;33(4):356-7.
    PMID: 19948688 DOI: 10.1152/advan.00047.2009
    Matched MeSH terms: Models, Biological*
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