Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 2185 in total

  1. Lum KY, Lindén M, Tan TS
    Stud Health Technol Inform, 2015;211:225-32.
    PMID: 25980873
    For medical application, the efficiency and transmission distance of the wireless power transfer (WPT) are always the main concern. Research has been showing that the impedance matching is one of the critical factors for dealing with the problem. However, there is not much work performed taking both the source and load sides into consideration. Both sides matching is crucial in achieving an optimum overall performance, and the present work proposes a circuit model analysis for design and implementation. The proposed technique was validated against experiment and software simulation. Result was showing an improvement in transmission distance up to 6 times, and efficiency at this transmission distance had been improved up to 7 times as compared to the impedance mismatch system. The system had demonstrated a near-constant transfer efficiency for an operating range of 2cm-12cm.
    Matched MeSH terms: Research
  2. Nagendrababu V, Murray PE, Ordinola-Zapata R, Peters OA, Rôças IN, Siqueira JF, et al.
    Int Endod J, 2019 Aug;52(8):1089.
    PMID: 31297848 DOI: 10.1111/iej.13122
    Matched MeSH terms: Research Design
  3. Ibrahim MY, Hashim NM, Dhiyaaldeen SM, Al-Obaidi MMJ, El-Ferjani RM, Adam H, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2020 04 17;10(1):6792.
    PMID: 32303687 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-63217-y
    This paper has been retracted.
    Matched MeSH terms: Biomedical Research
  4. Siburian R, Ali AMM, Sebayang K, Supeno M, Tarigan K, Simanjuntak C, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2021 Jan 28;11(1):2532.
    PMID: 33510232 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-80472-1
    In this paper, we report about chemically interaction between Pt Subnano-Clusters on Graphene Nano Sheets (GNS). The aim of this research is to clarify the size effect of Pt clusters on Pt 1-7 wt.%/GNS. This research is an experimental laboratory research. GNS was synthesized by using modified Hummer's method and 1-7 wt.% Pt/GNS were prepared with impregnation method. Then, they were analyzed with TG/DTA, XRD, TEM and XPS, respectively. The results show that Pt clusters are well deposited on GNS (TG/DTA and TEM data). Those data also are consistent with XRD data. The weak and broad peaks appear at 2θ = 39°, indicating Pt metal exists on GNS. The state of Pt is confirmed by using XPS. The appearance of Pt 4f. peaks proves that Pt metal is chemical interaction on GNS. The size of Pt clusters may affect the chemically properties of Pt/GNS catalysts.
    Matched MeSH terms: Research Design
  5. Teppone M
    PMID: 33591650 DOI: 10.32687/0869-866X-2021-29-1-14-24
    The statistical data on mortality due to COVID-19 has been studied. The weekly cycle of mortality was established. Presumably, the decreased mortality on particular days of the week related to optimized treatment protocols applied on the «favorable days». If the factors reducing mortality on particular days of the week could be identified, their positive effect should be applied to other days of the week to decrease mortality among patients with COVID-19.
    Matched MeSH terms: Research
  6. Tan, S.L., Belaton, B., Rajion, Z.A., Samsudin, A.R.
    We present an algorithm to reduce the number of slices from 2D contour cross sections. The main aim of the algorithm is to filter less significant slices while preserving an acceptable level of output quality and keeping the computational cost to reconstruct surface(s) at a minimal level. This research is motivated mainly by two factors; first 2D cross sections data is often huge in size and high in precisions – the computational cost to reconstruct surface(s) from them is closely related to the size and complexity of this data. Second, we can trades visual fidelity with speed of computations if we can remove visually insignificant data from the original dataset which may contains redundant information. In our algorithm we use the number of contour points on a pair of slices to calculate the distance between them. Selection to retain/reject a slice is based on the value of distance compared against a threshold value. Optimal threshold value is derived to produce set of slices that collectively represent the feature of the dataset. We tested our algorithm over six different set of data, varying in complexities and sizes. The results show slice reduction rate depends on the complexity of the dataset, where highest reduction percentage is achieved for objects with lots of constant local variations. Our derived optimal thresholds seem to be able to produce the right set of slices with the potential of creating surface(s) that traded off the accuracy and speed requirements.
    Matched MeSH terms: Research
    Nature, 1946 Jul 13;158:63.
    PMID: 20991747
    Matched MeSH terms: Research*; Biomedical Research*
  8. Magdalene Andrew-Munot, Abdullah Yassin, Syed Tarmizi Syed Shazali, Marini Sawawi
    Remanufacturing of used-products is becoming an important activity in many production companies. This paper reviews key remanufacturing process, highlights eight unique characteristics of remanufacturing process environment and proposes a generic conceptual remanufacturing process model that considers the presence and interactions of these eight features. The generic conceptual model could be modified to suit remanufacturing process of any given used products to be remanufactured. Future research can modify the generic remanufacturing model to suit used automotive parts remanufacturing with unique characteristics and apply simulation technique to model and analyse the corresponding remanufacturing process.
    Matched MeSH terms: Research
  9. Rashidi, M. N., Begum, R. Ara, Mokhtar, M., Pereir, J. J.
    Research implementation methodology is an important element in any study. Good data
    are obtained from the study that is carefully planned based on an appropriate design, as well as the
    approach that is used in the process of obtaining the data. The main objective of the proposed study is
    to identify criteria for sustainable construction. Therefore, the right selection of study design and
    implementation methodology is very important to ensure that the objectives are successfully achieved.
    This manuscript writing presents the description of the design and implementation methodology used
    in this study, namely content analysis, to meet the objective. Justification for the selected method to
    achieve the objectives of the study is also discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Research Design
  10. Hasan SS, Ahmadi K
    Acad Med, 2017 02;92(2):140.
    PMID: 28118247 DOI: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000001517
    Matched MeSH terms: Peer Review, Research/standards*; Biomedical Research/standards*
  11. Reshma Mohamed Ansari, Atikah Abdul Latif, Norhafizah AbManan
    Histology, a branch of anatomy is a correlational science between structure of tissues and their
    functions. Knowledge of histology is emphasised for undergraduate medical students as a basic for
    clinical knowledge and research. To impart retainable and reproducible knowledge in histology, a new
    laboratory manual with images and clinical correlates was introduced to the Year I MBBS students
    in the Academic Session 2017/2018 during their general anatomy module. The objective structured
    practical examination marks between 101 students of Batches 2016/17 and 2017/18 were analysed.
    The difference in marks between both the batches were analysed using SPSS 20. Batch 2017/18
    students who used the new lab manual scored better than the previous batch who used the old
    manual. Independent t-test was not statistically significant. The students who used the new manual
    fared better than their seniors. Since the difference was not statistically significant, it can be concluded
    that if existent, drawbacks in the lab manual should be improved and adequate usage of the manual by
    the students should be emphasised. Nevertheless, usage of the new lab manual shows that the students
    could understand the subject and score better with less study hours.
    Matched MeSH terms: Research
  12. Muhamad Saiful Bahri Yusof
    This paper describes a systematic and practical guide on manuscript writing. A step-by-step approach
    as easy as learning ABC to facilitate authors to plan their manuscript writing. Research has shown that
    experienced writers plan extensively, in which a writing plan is a road map, without it we will probably
    lose our way in circles. Generally, authors start writing a manuscript by introduction, methods, results,
    discussion and conclusion. However, this paper proposes a different approach to start writing a
    manuscript based on the ABC of manuscript writing worksheet.
    Matched MeSH terms: Research
  13. Tee SH
    PMID: 30318277 DOI: 10.1016/j.shpsc.2018.10.003
    Mechanism diagrams exhibit visually the organized parts and operations of a biological mechanism. A mechanism diagram can facilitate mechanistic research by providing a mechanistic explanation of the phenomenon of interest. Much research has been focusing on the mechanistic explanation and the explanatory mechanistic models. As a specific type of scientific diagram, a simple mechanism diagram can be explanatory by drawing on the rich explanatory resources of non-depicted background knowledge. The relationship between the visually depicted and the background knowledge is underexplored. It is unclear how the non-depicted background knowledge of a mechanism diagram contributes to providing a better-informed explanation of the phenomenon of interest in biological sciences. With the aim to explore this relationship, I articulate that a mechanism diagram provides a mechanistic explanation by a process called abstraction-by-aggregation. Through visual cues, the unified relevant background knowledge provides an epistemic access to a better-informed explanation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Research/instrumentation*; Research Design*
  14. Jamaliah Jahim, Rafiqqah Mohamad Sabri, Nurleyna Yunus
    In this research, sago mill effluent was treated using anaerobic sequencing batch reactor (ASBR). Seven HRT from 10 to 1.5 days were tested to evaluate the methane production from sago mill effluent. The findings revealed the highest methane production rate was found at 1.288 L CH4/L reactor. d under HRT of 2 days The results showed that COD removals decreased from 70% to 47% as HRT was reduced from 10 to 2 days. The HRT 1.5 days was found critical for the studied system, which leads to decreased in methane production, yield and COD removal. Overall, ASBR was capable to treat sago mill effluent in producing methane by means of anaerobic digestion.
    Matched MeSH terms: Research
  15. Tan NC, Ng CJ, Ng M
    Asia Pac Fam Med, 2002;1(2&3):110.
    Matched MeSH terms: Research
  16. Mahanum Diana Jafri, Mohamed Suleiman, Zanariah Abdul Majid, Zarina Bibi Ibrahim
    In this paper we consider solving directly two point boundary value problems (BVPs) for second-order ordinary differential equations (ODEs). We are concerned with solving this problem using multistep method in term of backward difference formula and approximating the solutions with the shooting method. Most of the existence researches involved BVPs will reduce the problem to a system of first order ODEs. This approach is very well established but it obviously will enlarge the system of first order equations. However, the direct multistep method in this paper will be utilised to obtain a series solution of the initial value problems directly without reducing to first order equations. The numerical results show that the proposed method with shooting method can produce good results.
    Matched MeSH terms: Research
  17. Ali Mamat
    The technology of deductive database is now mature enough due to the considerable research efforts that have been made on the field for the last ten years. This achievement is demonstrated by the emergence of efficient and easy to use systems with their capability of supporting a declarative, rule based style of expressing queries and applications on databases. This paper describes an overview of architecture of a query evaluation system for deductive databases that has been developed.
    Teknologi pangkalan data deduktif sudah matang hasil daripada penyelidikan yang telah banyak dilakukan dalam tempoh 10 tahun yang lepas. Pencapaian ini dibuktikan melalui kemunculan sistem yang cekap dan mudah guna serta mempunyai keupayaan untuk mengungkap pertanyaan dan penggunaan ke atas pangkalan data secara deklaratif menerusi penggunaan petua. Dalam kertas ini diterangkan suatu ringkasan mengenai senibina sistem penilaian pertanyaan untuk pangkalan data deduktif yang sudah dibangunkan.
    Matched MeSH terms: Research
  18. Kamarulzaman Ibrahim
    Many sampling methods have been suggested for estimating the population median. In the situation when the sampling units in a study can be easily ranked than quantified, the ranked set sampling methods are found to be more efficient and cost effective as compared to the simple random sampling. In this paper, the superiority of several ranked set sampling methods over the simple random sampling are illustrated through some simulation study. In addition, some new research topics under ranked set sampling are suggested.
    Matched MeSH terms: Research Design
  19. Moaddy K, Hashim I, Alomari A, Momani S
    This research develops a new non-standard scheme based on the Adomian decomposition method (ADM) to solve nonlinear equations. The ADM was adopted to solve the nonlinear differential equation resulting from the discretization of the differential equation. The new scheme does not need to linearize or non-locally linearize the nonlinear term of the differential equation. Two examples are given to demonstrate the efficiency of this scheme.
    Matched MeSH terms: Research
  20. Ahmad* M, Alsarayreh D, Alsarayreh A, Qaralleh I
    Sains Malaysiana, 2017;46:2007-2017.
    In this paper, the differential transformation method (DTM) is employed to find the semi-analytical solutions of SIS and SI
    epidemic models for constant population. Firstly, the theoretical background of DTM is studied and followed by constructing
    the solutions of SIS and SI epidemic models. Furthermore, the convergence analysis of DTM is proven by proposing two
    theorems. Finally, numerical computations are made and compared with the exact solutions. From the numerical results,
    the solutions produced by DTM approach the exact solutions which agreed with the proposed theorems. It can be seen that
    the DTM is an alternative technique to be considered in solving many practical problems involving differential equations.
    Matched MeSH terms: Research
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