Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 736 in total

  1. Shaiful Ehsan Shalihin, Mohamad Haniki NM
    The number of active smokers in Malaysia is increasing despite the availability of stop smoking clinics and smoking cessation medications. Other than smokers’ level of motivation to quit smoking, competency of the healthcare professionals involved in providing smoking cessation intervention using evidence based guidelines needs to be considered. Hence, knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of the healthcare providers in relation to existing clinical practice guidelines on smoking cessation should be assessed. In this review, we look at the factors contributing to the KAP of medical personnel on the guidelines and also the previously available assessment tool, mainly in the form of a validated questionnaire, for the purpose of applying it to the context of the Malaysian healthcare providers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Smoking; Smoking Cessation
  2. Amer Siddiq Amer Nordin
    This article highlights the issues pertaining to psychiatry and smoking as reported in a symposium on smoking cessation in Malaysia. Methods: A report on a meeting outcome of a symposium on “Making smoking free agenda for psychiatrists in Malaysia.” Results: Smoking is still the number one public health problem and those with mental illness were at a high risk. Despite that, they are often under served in service provision by those caring for them. These shortcoming are seen more and more in Malaysia, where smoking and psychiatry is under researched. Conclusion: More research are needed on the why and how psychiatrist can play a major role in ensuring that those with mental illness in Malaysia are provided equal opportunities to quit smoking.
    Matched MeSH terms: Smoking; Smoking Cessation
  3. Noor Zurani MHR
    JUMMEC, 2002;7:152-154.
    Matched MeSH terms: Smoking; Smoking Cessation
  4. Zulkiply SH, Ramli LF, Fisal ZAM, Tabassum B, Abdul Manaf R
    PLoS One, 2020;15(11):e0242691.
    PMID: 33211779 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0242691
    BACKGROUND: Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) has set the target to reduce premature mortalities from non-communicable diseases (NCDs) by one-third. One of the ways to achieve this is through strengthening the countries' implementation of the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC). Community health workers (CHWs) involvement has shown promising results in the prevention of NCDs. This systematic review is aimed at critically evaluating the available evidence on the effectiveness of involving CHWs in smoking cessation.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: We systemically searched PubMed and CENTRAL up to September 2019. We searched for published interventional studies on smoking cessation interventions using the usual care that complemented with CHWs as compared to the usual or standard care alone. Our primary outcome was abstinence of smoking. Two reviewers independently extracted data and assessed study risks of bias.

    RESULT: We identified 2794 articles, of which only five studies were included. A total of 3513 smokers with 41 CHWs were included in the studies. The intervention duration range from 6 weeks to 30 months. The studies used behavioral intervention or a combination of behavioral intervention and pharmacological treatment. Overall, the smoking cessation intervention that incorporated involvement of CHWs had higher smoking cessation rates [OR 1.95, 95% CI (1.35, 2.83)]. Significant smoking cessation rates were seen in two studies.

    CONCLUSION: Higher smoking cessation rates were seen in the interventions that combined the usual care with interventions by CHWs as compared to the usual care alone. However, there were insufficient studies to prove the effectiveness. In addition, there was high heterogeneity in terms of interventions and participants in the current studies.

    Matched MeSH terms: Smoking Cessation*
  5. Hemanath S, Robinson F, Pang NTP, Lim EK, Ong SJ, Alyssa S, et al.
    Med J Malaysia, 2023 May;78(3):336-343.
    PMID: 37271843
    INTRODUCTION: Effective smoking cessation programmes are essential for assisting smokers in quitting, indirectly lowering mortality and morbidity associated with smoking. Numerous studies have indicated positive outcomes when using mindfulness treatment (MT) to treat psychological or behavioural health issues. Although to date, no study has looked at the effectiveness of online MT for quitting smoking while addressing mental health, particularly among the Asian population. Therefore, this study compares the efficiency of online MT to traditional counselling therapy (CT) in aiding smoking cessation programmes while also addressing mental health.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: A randomised control study with a two-group, single-blind design and baseline evaluation was selected. Social media sites were used to advertise for participants, who were then admitted after meeting the requirements. Participants who met the eligibility requirements were randomly split into two groups. Each group received a total of three sessions of online therapy (MT or CT), once every two weeks, as well as one phone call per week as reinforcement. At the beginning and end of the intervention, participants completed questionnaires (1st week and 5th week). Generalized Estimating Equation (GEE) statistical analysis was used to analyse all the variables.

    RESULTS: The MT group experienced a statistically significant decrease in cigarette consumption (β: -3.50, 95% Wald CI: - 4.62, -2.39) compared to the CT group over time. Furthermore, the MT group demonstrated significant improvements in their scores for the AAQ-2, anxiety, stress, depression and mindfulness compared to the CT group.

    CONCLUSION: Online MT is more successful at assisting smokers in lowering their daily cigarette intake and supporting their mental health during the smoking cessation process. Further longitudinal comparisons of the effectiveness of online MT should be undertaken using online platforms in future studies.

    Matched MeSH terms: Smoking/psychology
  6. Hasan SI, Kaai SC, Amer Nordin AS, Mohd Hairi F, Danaee M, Yee A, et al.
    PMID: 35270727 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph19053035
    Increasing quitting among smokers is essential to reduce the population burden of smoking-related diseases. Smokers' intentions to quit smoking are among the strongest predictors of future quit attempts. It is therefore important to understand factors associated with intentions to quit, and this is particularly important in low- and middle-income countries, where there have been few studies on quit intentions. The present study was conducted to identify factors associated with quit intentions among smokers in Malaysia. Data came from the 2020 International Tobacco Control (ITC) Malaysia Survey, a self-administered online survey of 1047 adult (18+) Malaysian smokers. Smokers who reported that they planned to quit smoking in the next month, within the next six months, or sometime beyond six months were classified as having intentions to quit smoking. Factors associated with quit intentions were examined by using multivariable logistic regression. Most smokers (85.2%) intended to quit smoking. Smokers were more likely to have quit intentions if they were of Malay ethnicity vs. other ethnicities (adjusted odds ratio (AOR) = 1.82, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.03-3.20), of moderate (AOR = 2.11, 95% CI = 1.12-3.99) or high level of education vs. low level of education (AOR = 1.97, 95% CI = 1.04-3.75), if they had ever tried to quit smoking vs. no quit attempt (AOR = 8.81, 95% CI = 5.09-15.27), if they received advice to quit from a healthcare provider vs. not receiving any quit advice (AOR = 3.78, 95% CI = 1.62-8.83), and if they reported worrying about future health because of smoking (AOR = 3.11, 95% CI = 1.35-7.15 (a little worried/moderately worried vs. not worried); AOR = 7.35, 95% CI = 2.47-21.83 (very worried vs. not worried)). The factors associated with intentions to quit smoking among Malaysian smokers were consistent with those identified in other countries. A better understanding of the factors influencing intentions to quit can strengthen existing cessation programs and guide the development of more effective smoking-cessation programs in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Smoking Cessation*
  7. Yasin SM, Retneswari M, Moy FM, Taib KM, Isahak M, Koh D
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2013;14(4):2317-23.
    PMID: 23725134
    The role of The Transtheoretical Model (TTM) in predicting relapse is limited. We aimed to assess whether this model can be utilised to predict relapse during the action stage. The participants included 120 smokers who had abstained from smoking for at least 24 hours following two Malaysian universities' smoking cessation programme. The smokers who relapsed perceived significantly greater advantages related to smoking and increasing doubt in their ability to quit. In contrast, former smokers with greater self-liberation and determination to abstain were less likely to relapse. The findings suggest that TTM can be used to predict relapse among quitting smokers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Smoking/adverse effects*; Smoking/psychology; Smoking Cessation/methods*; Smoking Cessation/psychology
  8. Yasin SM, Retneswari M, Moy FM, Darus A, Koh D
    Occup Med (Lond), 2012 Apr;62(3):174-81.
    PMID: 22362839 DOI: 10.1093/occmed/kqs005
    Job stressors may reduce the likelihood of quitting smoking.
    Matched MeSH terms: Smoking/epidemiology; Smoking/prevention & control; Smoking Cessation/methods; Smoking Cessation/psychology*
  9. Navaratnam V, Foong K
    Curr Med Res Opin, 1990;11(10):611-9.
    PMID: 2311417
    In a study of 249 opiate (mainly heroin) addicts special attention was paid to adjunctive drug use. Generally, nicotine (cigarette smoking), alcohol and cannabis preceded the use of heroin, and continued to be used as adjunctive drugs after the establishment of heroin addiction. Nicotine was the most common substance used together with opiates. Alcohol and cannabis were used as adjunctive drugs in about two-thirds of the cases. In the late stages of heroin addiction, benzodiazepines were also used concomitantly with opiates. The most frequently reported reason for the use of adjunctive drugs was to intensify the effect of the opiate. Three-quarters or more of the addicts had used different adjunctive drugs to boost the euphoric feeling derived from the primary drug, i.e. heroin. Attempt at self-treatment of withdrawal symptoms was a less frequently reported reason for adjunctive drug use. The findings show that heroin addiction is the major problem. The use of adjunctive drugs, especially benzodiazepines, can be partly explained on economic grounds. They must be clearly distinguished from the primary drug of abuse, heroin. For policy-making decisions, it is important that the elimination of heroin abuse through effective prevention measures would ultimately wipe out the problem of adjunctive drug use, while reduction of the overall supply of heroin without reduction in actual demand might result in an increasing trend to adjunctive drug use.
    Matched MeSH terms: Marijuana Smoking/epidemiology*; Marijuana Smoking/psychology; Smoking/epidemiology*; Smoking/psychology
  10. Muhammad Aidil ZA, Hayati K, Rosliza AM
    Med J Malaysia, 2019 02;74(1):62-66.
    PMID: 30846665
    INTRODUCTION: For the last 30 years, tobacco smoking has continued to be the leading cause of premature deaths in Malaysia. Majority of the smokers in Malaysia are at the precontemplation and contemplation stages. Therefore, for the purpose of increasing smoking cessation among this group, the strategies that motivate them to quit smoking have to be reviewed.

    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of carbon monoxide measurement feedback and the standard brief motivation adopted to encourage the smoker to quit.

    METHODS: A single-blind, cluster randomised controlled trial was conducted at ten tertiary colleges in Selangor. The study recruited young adult smokers at the precontemplation and contemplation stages. The subjects in the control group received a standard brief motivational strategy. On the other hand, the intervention group received additional carbon monoxide measurement and a motivational feedback module. A follow up was conducted at the first, third and sixth month to measure changes in smoking cessation stage. Subsequently, the secondary outcomes of a mean number of cigarette consumption and quit smoking attempt were analysed. A total of 160 subjects were required to detect the expected difference of 17% in primary outcomes between the groups. This study utilised Generalised Estimating Equations (GEE) to handle the clustering effects.

    CONCLUSION: Biomedical risk assessment feedback mechanism by using carbon monoxide is a promising aid to motivate the smoker to quit. This mechanism is a relatively easy, quick and non-invasive technique. Thus, it can be utilised as a reinforcement relating to the harmful effect of smoking. Besides, it can also increase the smokers' selfefficacy and decisional balance to adopt behavioural changes.

    Matched MeSH terms: Smoking/adverse effects; Smoking/psychology; Smoking Cessation/methods; Smoking Cessation/psychology*
  11. Lim KH, Heng PP, Nik Mohamed MH, Teh CH, Mohd Yusoff MF, Ling JMY, et al.
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2019 10;31(7_suppl):22S-31S.
    PMID: 31802718 DOI: 10.1177/1010539519874944
    Smoking cessation significantly reduces risk of smoking-related diseases and mortality. This study aims to determine the prevalence and factors associated with attempts to quit and smoking cessation among adult current smokers in Malaysia. Data from the National E-Cigarette Survey 2016 were analyzed. Forty nine percent of current smokers had attempted to quit at least once in the past 12 months and 31.4% of the respondents were former smokers. Multivariable analysis revealed that current smokers with low nicotine addiction and aged below 45 years were more likely to attempt to quit smoking. Being married, older age group, and having tertiary education were significantly associated with smoking cessation. Only half of the current smokers ever attempted to quit smoking and only a third of smokers quit. Stronger tobacco control policies are needed in Malaysia to encourage more smokers to quit smoking. Improved access to cessation support for underprivileged smokers is also needed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Smoking/epidemiology; Smoking/psychology*; Smoking Cessation/psychology*; Smoking Cessation/statistics & numerical data*
  12. Han YW, Mohammad M, Liew SM
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2014;15(17):7287-90.
    PMID: 25227830
    BACKGROUND: Brief physician counselling has been shown to be effective in improving smokers' behaviour. If the counselling sessions can be given at the workplace, this would benefit a larger number of smokers. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of a ten-minute physician counseling session at the workplace in improving smoking behaviour.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: This prospective randomised control trial was conducted on smokers in a factory. A total of 163 participants were recruited and randomised into control and intervention groups using a table of random numbers. The intervention group received a ten-minute brief physician counselling session to quit smoking. Stages of smoking behaviour were measured in both groups using a translated and validated questionnaire at baseline, one month and three months post intervention.

    RESULTS: There was a significant improvement in smoking behaviour at one-month post intervention (p=0.024, intention to treat analysis; OR=2.525; CI=1.109-5.747). This was not significant at three-month post intervention (p=0.946, intention to treat analysis; OR=1.026; 95% CI=0.486-2.168).

    CONCLUSIONS: A session of brief physician counselling was effective in improving smokers' behaviour at workplace, but the effect was not sustained.

    Matched MeSH terms: Smoking/psychology; Smoking/therapy*; Smoking Cessation/methods*
  13. Yong HH, Savvas S, Borland R, Thrasher J, Sirirassamee B, Omar M
    Int J Behav Med, 2013 Jun;20(2):252-8.
    PMID: 22302214
    BACKGROUND: This paper prospectively examined two kinds of social normative beliefs about smoking, secular versus religious norms.
    PURPOSE: The purpose of this paper is to determine the relative importance of these beliefs in influencing quitting behaviour among Muslim Malaysian and Buddhist Thai smokers.
    METHODS: Data come from 2,166 Muslim Malaysian and 2,463 Buddhist Thai adult smokers who participated in the first three waves of the International Tobacco Control Southeast Asia project. Respondents were followed up about 18 months later with replenishment. Respondents were asked at baseline about whether their society disapproved of smoking and whether their religion discouraged smoking, and those recontacted at follow-up were asked about their quitting activity.
    RESULTS: Majority of both religious groups perceived that their religion discouraged smoking (78% Muslim Malaysians and 86% Buddhist Thais) but considerably more Buddhist Thais than Muslim Malaysians perceived that their society disapproved of smoking (80% versus 25%). Among Muslim Malaysians, religious, but not societal, norms had an independent effect on quit attempts. By contrast, among the Buddhist Thais, while both normative beliefs had an independent positive effect on quit attempts, the effect was greater for societal norms. The two kinds of normative beliefs, however, were unrelated to quit success among those who tried.
    CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that religious norms about smoking may play a greater role than secular norms in driving behaviour change in an environment, like Malaysia where tobacco control has been relatively weak until more recently, but, in the context of a strong tobacco control environment like Thailand, secular norms about smoking become the dominant force.
    Matched MeSH terms: Smoking/prevention & control; Smoking/psychology*; Smoking Cessation/psychology*
  14. Yasin SM, Taib KM, Zaki RA
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2011;12(6):1439-43.
    PMID: 22126478
    The transtheoretical model (TTM) has been used as one of the major constructs in developing effective cognitive behavioural interventions for smoking cessation and relapse prevention, in Western societies. This study aimed to examine the reliability and construct validity of the translated Bahasa Malaysia version of TTM questionnaire among adult smokers in Klang Valley, Malaysia. The sample consisted of 40 smokers from four different worksites in Klang Valley. A 26-item TTM questionnaire was administered, and a similar set one week later. The questionnaire consisted of three measures; decisional balance, temptations and impact of smoking. Construct validity was measured by factor analysis and the reliability by Cronbach' s alpha (internal consistency) and test-retest correlation. Results revealed that Cronbach' s alpha coefficients for the items were: decisional balance (0.84; 0.74) and temptations (0.89; 0.54; 0.85). The values for test retest correlation were all above 0.4. In addition, factor analysis suggested two meaningful common factors for decisional balance and three for temptations. This is consistent with the original construct of the TTM questionnaire. Overall results demonstrated that construct validity and reliability were acceptable for all items. In conclusion, the Bahasa Malaysia version of TTM questionnaire is a reliable and valid tool in ass.
    Matched MeSH terms: Smoking/prevention & control; Smoking/psychology*; Smoking Cessation/methods*
  15. Siahpush M, Borland R, Yong HH, Kin F, Sirirassamee B
    Addiction, 2008 Mar;103(3):502-8.
    PMID: 18269370 DOI: 10.1111/j.1360-0443.2007.02113.x
    Aim To examine the association of socio-economic position (education, income and employment status) with cigarette consumption, intention to quit and self-efficacy to quit among male smokers in Thailand and Malaysia. Design and setting The data were based on a survey of adult smokers conducted in early 2005 in Thailand and Malaysia as part of the International Tobacco Control-South-East Asia (ITC-SEA) project. Participants A total of 1846 men in Thailand and 1906 men in Malaysia. Measurement Participants were asked questions on daily cigarette consumption, intention to quit and self-efficacy to quit in face-to-face interviews. Findings Analyses were based on multivariate regression models that adjusted for all three socio-economic indicators. In Thailand, higher level of education was associated strongly with not having self-efficacy, associated weakly with having an intention to quit and was not associated with cigarette consumption. Higher income was associated strongly with having self-efficacy, associated weakly with high cigarette consumption and was not associated with having an intention to quit. Being employed was associated strongly with having an intention to quit and was not associated with cigarette consumption or self-efficacy. In Malaysia, higher level of education was not associated with any of the outcomes. Higher income was associated strongly with having self-efficacy, and was not associated with the other outcomes. Being employed was associated moderately with higher cigarette consumption and was not associated with the other outcomes. Conclusion Socio-economic and cultural conditions, as well as tobacco control policies and tobacco industry activities, shape the determinants of smoking behaviour and beliefs. Existing knowledge from high-income countries about disparities in smoking should not be generalized readily to other countries.
    Matched MeSH terms: Smoking/epidemiology*; Smoking/psychology; Smoking Cessation/psychology*
  16. De Silva WD, Sinha DN, Kahandawaliyanag A
    Indian J Cancer, 2012 Oct-Dec;49(4):438-42.
    PMID: 23442410 DOI: 10.4103/0019-509X.107753
    Sri Lanka became a signatory to the WHO Frame Work Convention on Tobacco Control in September 2003, and this was ratified in November 2003. With a view to reduce the use of tobacco in Sri Lanka, the National Authority on Tobacco and Alcohol Act (NATA) No. 27 of 2006 was implemented.
    Matched MeSH terms: Smoking/prevention & control*; Smoking/psychology*; Smoking Cessation/psychology*
  17. Mohamed MHN, Rahman A, Jamshed S, Mahmood S
    BMC Public Health, 2018 Aug 20;18(1):1028.
    PMID: 30126382 DOI: 10.1186/s12889-018-5951-2
    BACKGROUND: Current studies on electronic cigarettes (ECs) have assessed the smoking cessation effectiveness and safety of EC among sole EC users. However, in Malaysia and elsewhere, most EC users also smoke conventional cigarettes (CCs). We aimed to investigate nicotine cessation for both ECs and CCs. Additionally, safety issues among sole EC and dual (EC and CC) users over a six-month period were reported.

    METHODS: We observed 218 sole Malaysian EC and dual users over 6 months from June 2015 to November 2015. Both groups underwent exhaled breath carbon monoxide and saliva cotinine analyses to verify their nicotine cessation from both EC and CC use. Adverse events and withdrawal symptoms were assessed based on self-reports.

    RESULTS: Only 3.3% of observed users quit both ECs and CCs, whereas 20.5% quit smoking CCs. Quitting ECs and CCs was significantly higher among sole EC users (5 vs 2, respectively; OR: 5.62; P = 0.036) than it was among dual users, a result that was similar for CCs smoking (29 vs. 15; OR: 6.33; P ≤ 0.001). No severe health issues were reported over the entire study period.

    CONCLUSION: The rates of quitting CCs and ECs were higher in sole EC users than those in dual users. No serious health effects were reported over 6 months in either group. ECs may serve as a smoking cessation aid in Malaysia, but appropriate regulations are necessary to encourage sole EC use to ensure product quality. Large randomised clinical trials (RCTs) with a longer follow-up are required to better measure the effectiveness and safety of ECs use alone and in combination with CCs.
    Matched MeSH terms: Smoking/psychology*; Smoking Cessation/methods; Smoking Cessation/statistics & numerical data*
  18. Wong LP, Alias H, Aghamohammadi N, Aghazadeh S, Hoe VC
    PMID: 27447655 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph13070726
    Despite its popularity, shisha smoking practices, reasons for its use, attitudes, detrimental health effects and intention to quit among shisha users in Malaysia have never been investigated. A total of 503 shisha users responded to a cross-sectional study conducted between July 2015 and March 2016. The majority of users were young people aged 21-30; a small minority were underage. The reasons for shisha use were its growing popularity as a favourite pastime activity and the perception of shisha use as cool and trendy. Just over half (57.3%) agree that shisha use exposes the smoker to large amounts of smoke and the majority were unsure about the health risks of shisha smoking compared to tobacco smoking. The three most common detrimental health effects reported by the study respondents were dry throat, headache and nausea. Regular shisha users have significantly higher detrimental health effects compared to no-regular shisha users. Shisha users with a duration of smoking of 6-12 months (odds ratio (OR) 3.212; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.651-6.248) and 6 months and below (OR 2.601; 95% CI 1.475-4.584) were significantly more likely to have a higher proportion who intend quitting smoking than shisha users of more than 12 months duration.
    Matched MeSH terms: Smoking/adverse effects; Smoking/psychology*; Smoking Cessation/psychology
  19. Yahya NA, Saub R, Nor MM, Yusoff N
    PMID: 29642311
    Dentists can offer their patients who smoke tobacco assistance with smoking cessation. We conducted this study to assess dental patient knowledge about the effects of smoking and perceptions and attitudes regarding the role of dentists in smoking cessation counselling. We conducted this study to inform tobacco cessation programs that could potentially include dentists. We conducted a cross-sectional study using a self-administered questionnaire among 375 patients. The mean age of subjects was 33.4 years; females comprised 51.5%. Participants were divided into 3 groups: those who never smoked (n = 263, 70.7%), smokers (n = 92, 24.7%), and ex-smokers (n = 17, 4.5%). Significantly more participants (p = 0.046) who never smoked (92.9%) knew smoking can cause bad breath than smokers(86.9%). Significantly more participants (p = 0.002) who never smoked (74.8%) knew smoking can cause periodontal disease than smokers (57.6%). Significantly
    more participants (p < 0.001) who never smoked (84.5%) knew smoking can cause
    oral cancer than smokers (66.7%). Significantly more participants (p < 0.001) who never smoked (86.7%) knew smoking can cause lung cancer than smokers (69.7%). Significantly more participants who never smoked (85.5%) felt dentists should be interested in the smoking status of their patients (p = 0.004) than smokers (72.6%). Significantly more participants (p = 0.08) who never smoked (69.6%) stated dentists should give smoking cessation advice than smokers/ex-smokers (59.0%). Smoker/ex-smokers had less knowledge about the effects of smoking on oral and general health than non-smokers. Both smokers/ex-smokers and non-smokers felt dentists should provide smoking cessation advice.
    Matched MeSH terms: Smoking/psychology*; Smoking Cessation/psychology*; Smoking Cessation/statistics & numerical data
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