Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 78 in total

  1. Suhami N, Muhamad MB, Krauss SE
    J Relig Health, 2016 Oct;55(5):1507-18.
    PMID: 26391242 DOI: 10.1007/s10943-015-0114-6
    Islamic healing is frequently referred to as the treatment of choice by many Muslim cancer patients in Malaysia. Despite its widespread use, there is limited information relating to patients' healing preferences. With rising cancer rates in the country, this issue has become a concern to public health policy makers. The purpose of this study was to understand why cancer patients seek Islamic healing. This qualitative study utilized in-depth interviews with 18 cancer patients. The findings indicate three main reasons: (1) recommendations from family, friends and doctors; (2) belief in Islamic healing and (3) the perceived ineffectiveness and dissatisfaction with conventional treatments. Islamic healing will likely continue to be popular complementary cancer treatment in Malaysia as it is grounded in strong cultural and religious beliefs.
    Matched MeSH terms: Choice Behavior*
  2. Wong LP, Mohamad Shakir SM, Alias H, Aghamohammadi N, Hoe VC
    J Community Health, 2016 Dec;41(6):1101-1109.
    PMID: 27147418 DOI: 10.1007/s10900-016-0196-4
    The rapidly increasing uptake of e-cigarettes in Malaysia as of late demands a study to identify factors leading to its increased popularity and user intentions to quit smoking e-cigarettes. A convenience sample of e-cigarette smokers visiting e-cigarette retail shops in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur was recruited. The majority of e-cigarette smokers were youth in colleges or universities (39 %), and young professionals and managers (36 %). The main reasons for using e-cigarettes were to help the user quit tobacco cigarettes (88 %), the perception that e-cigarettes are not as intrusive as tobacco cigarettes (85 %) and can be used in public areas (70 %), the perception that e-cigarettes are healthier than tobacco cigarettes (85 %), and its relatively lower cost compared to tobacco cigarettes (65 %). A total of 65.3 % of respondents expressed intentions to quit e-cigarettes. In a multivariate analysis, the respondents who earned monthly income of RM1000 or less were significantly more likely to intend to quit smoking e-cigarettes [OR 1.551; 95 % CI 1.022-2.355; p = 0.015] compared to the respondents who earned a monthly income of more than RM2000. The respondents who disagreed with the statement 'Smoking e-cigs is relatively cheaper compared to tobacco cigarettes' were significantly more likely to intend to quit smoking e-cigarettes [OR 1.548; 95 % CI 1.045-2.293; p = 0.027] compared to respondents who did not agree. e-cigarette preventive interventions should target areas related to the identified main reasons for using e-cigarettes, namely as an aid for quitting tobacco cigarettes, the perception that e-cigarettes are not as intrusive as tobacco cigarettes and can be used in public areas, the idea that e-cigarettes are healthier than tobacco cigarettes, and its relatively lower cost compared to tobacco cigarettes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Choice Behavior*
  3. Suleiman A
    Med J Malaysia, 2001 Sep;56(3):319-23.
    PMID: 11732077
    A baby milk market was created in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and was conceived through the mutual attraction of the manufacturers and doctors. This has partly attributed to the change from breast to artificial feeding. This study was conducted to determine whether marketing had any effect on infant feeding practices. Fifty Malay mothers whose last child was aged less than five years were asked, by questionnaire and by interview, to identify whether several marketing methods influenced their decision on the selection of infant feeding practice. It was found that these mothers felt milk advertisements on television were attractive (72%), were influenced by others to buy a particular brand of formula (38.4%), were influenced by free milk samples to buy a particular brand of milk formula (65.2%) and were not influenced by their doctors on the chosen method of feeding (68%). More studies should be conducted on a bigger sample in other settings and targeting other methods of marketing to substantiate the above results. Further, similar studies among Chinese and Indian mothers are also required.
    Matched MeSH terms: Choice Behavior*
  4. Conroy-Beam D, Buss DM, Asao K, Sorokowska A, Sorokowski P, Aavik T, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2019 11 15;9(1):16885.
    PMID: 31729413 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-52748-8
    Humans express a wide array of ideal mate preferences. Around the world, people desire romantic partners who are intelligent, healthy, kind, physically attractive, wealthy, and more. In order for these ideal preferences to guide the choice of actual romantic partners, human mating psychology must possess a means to integrate information across these many preference dimensions into summaries of the overall mate value of their potential mates. Here we explore the computational design of this mate preference integration process using a large sample of n = 14,487 people from 45 countries around the world. We combine this large cross-cultural sample with agent-based models to compare eight hypothesized models of human mating markets. Across cultures, people higher in mate value appear to experience greater power of choice on the mating market in that they set higher ideal standards, better fulfill their preferences in choice, and pair with higher mate value partners. Furthermore, we find that this cross-culturally universal pattern of mate choice is most consistent with a Euclidean model of mate preference integration.
    Matched MeSH terms: Choice Behavior/physiology*
  5. Batres C, Kannan M, Perrett DI
    Hum Nat, 2017 Sep;28(3):344-354.
    PMID: 28516361 DOI: 10.1007/s12110-017-9289-8
    Previous studies have found that individuals from rural areas in Malaysia and in El Salvador prefer heavier women than individuals from urban areas. Several explanations have been proposed to explain these differences in weight preferences but no study has explored familiarity as a possible explanation. We therefore sought to investigate participants' face preferences while also examining the facial characteristics of the actual participants. Our results showed that participants from rural areas preferred heavier-looking female faces than participants from urban areas. We also found that the female faces from the rural areas were rated as looking heavier than the female faces from the urban areas. Our findings are consistent with the hypothesis that familiarity may be contributing to the differences found in face preferences between rural and urban areas given that people from rural and urban areas are exposed to different faces.
    Matched MeSH terms: Choice Behavior*
  6. Goto N, Mushtaq F, Shee D, Lim XL, Mortazavi M, Watabe M, et al.
    Biol Psychol, 2017 09;128:11-20.
    PMID: 28666891 DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsycho.2017.06.004
    We investigated whether well-known neural markers of selective attention to motivationally-relevant stimuli were modulated by variations in subjective preference towards consumer goods in a virtual shopping task. Specifically, participants viewed and rated pictures of various goods on the extent to which they wanted each item, which they could potentially purchase afterwards. Using the event-related potentials (ERP) method, we found that variations in subjective preferences for consumer goods strongly modulated positive slow waves (PSW) from 800 to 3000 milliseconds after stimulus onset. We also found that subjective preferences modulated the N200 and the late positive potential (LPP). In addition, we found that both PSW and LPP were modulated by subsequent buying decisions. Overall, these findings show that well-known brain event-related potentials reflecting selective attention processes can reliably index preferences to consumer goods in a shopping environment. Based on a large body of previous research, we suggest that early ERPs (e.g. the N200) to consumer goods could be indicative of preferences driven by unconditional and automatic processes, whereas later ERPs such as the LPP and the PSW could reflect preferences built upon more elaborative and conscious cognitive processes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Choice Behavior/physiology*
  7. Hasan R, Napiah M
    Traffic Inj Prev, 2018 04 03;19(3):292-297.
    PMID: 28898110 DOI: 10.1080/15389588.2017.1373768
    OBJECTIVE: The footbridge is a vital structure in the road network and a cornerstone among crossing facilities. Yet, it suffers from low usage by pedestrians as they try to cross the street on the level. This study aims to analyze the perceptions of Malaysian pedestrians toward the use of footbridges with the consideration of different factors.

    METHOD: The study was carried out by collecting data from field observation and questionnaire distribution on the street among the public. The data were statistically analyzed by applying multiple linear regression models and a series of chi-square tests.

    RESULTS: The study found that the most influential factor cited by pedestrians in decision making regarding using a footbridge is the existence of an escalator. Being in a hurry and the fear of heights were significantly associated with choosing not to use a footbridge. Zebra crossing was chosen as the most favorable type of crossing facility by the majority of respondents. In addition, installation of a fence and barriers was proposed as an effective procedure to prevent jaywalking. To construct new and efficient footbridges in the future, the study suggests consideration of traffic volume, posted speed limit, and the number of lanes, because these are the most influential factors to predict the usage rate.

    CONCLUSIONS: The study encourages decision makers and stakeholders to consider providing escalators for new footbridges to enhance the safety of pedestrians.

    Matched MeSH terms: Choice Behavior*
  8. Ramlee F, Sanborn AN, Tang NKY
    Sleep, 2017 07 01;40(7).
    PMID: 28525617 DOI: 10.1093/sleep/zsx091
    Study objectives: We conceptualized sleep quality judgment as a decision-making process and examined the relative importance of 17 parameters of sleep quality using a choice-based conjoint analysis.

    Methods: One hundred participants (50 good sleepers; 50 poor sleepers) were asked to choose between 2 written scenarios to answer 1 of 2 questions: "Which describes a better (or worse) night of sleep?". Each scenario described a self-reported experience of sleep, stringing together 17 possible determinants of sleep quality that occur at different times of the day (day before, pre-sleep, during sleep, upon waking, day after). Each participant answered 48 questions. Logistic regression models were fit to their choice data.

    Results: Eleven of the 17 sleep quality parameters had a significant impact on the participants' choices. The top 3 determinants of sleep quality were: Total sleep time, feeling refreshed (upon waking), and mood (day after). Sleep quality judgments were most influenced by factors that occur during sleep, followed by feelings and activities upon waking and the day after. There was a significant interaction between wake after sleep onset and feeling refreshed (upon waking) and between feeling refreshed (upon waking) and question type (better or worse night of sleep). Type of sleeper (good vs poor sleepers) did not significantly influence the judgments.

    Conclusions: Sleep quality judgments appear to be determined by not only what happened during sleep, but also what happened after the sleep period. Interventions that improve mood and functioning during the day may inadvertently also improve people's self-reported evaluation of sleep quality.

    Matched MeSH terms: Choice Behavior*
  9. Olesen A, Nor SN, Amin L
    J Bioeth Inq, 2016 Sep;13(3):419-29.
    PMID: 27365102 DOI: 10.1007/s11673-016-9724-2
    Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) represents the first fusion of genomics and assisted reproduction and the first reproductive technology that allows prospective parents to screen and select the genetic characteristics of their potential offspring. However, for some, the idea that we can intervene in the mechanisms of human existence at such a fundamental level can be, at a minimum, worrying and, at most, repugnant. Religious doctrines particularly are likely to collide with the rapidly advancing capability for science to make such interventions. This paper focuses on opinions and arguments of selected religious scholars regarding ethical issues pertaining to PGD. In-depth interviews were conducted with religious scholars from three different religious organizations in the Klang Valley, Malaysia. Findings showed that Christian scholars are very sceptical of the long-term use of PGD because of its possible effect on the value of humanity and the parent-children relationship. This differs from Islamic scholars, who view PGD as God-given knowledge in medical science to further help humans understand medical genetics. For Buddhist scholars, PGD is considered to be new medical technology that can be used to save lives, avoid suffering, and bring happiness to those who need it. Our results suggest that it is important to include the opinions and views of religious scholars when it comes to new medical technologies such as PGD, as their opinions will have a significant impact on people from various faiths, particularly in a multi-religious country like Malaysia where society places high value on marital relationships and on the traditional concepts of family.
    Matched MeSH terms: Choice Behavior/ethics
  10. Ackermann L, Lo CH, Mani N, Mayor J
    PLoS One, 2020;15(12):e0240519.
    PMID: 33259476 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0240519
    In recent years, the popularity of tablets has skyrocketed and there has been an explosive growth in apps designed for children. Howhever, many of these apps are released without tests for their effectiveness. This is worrying given that the factors influencing children's learning from touchscreen devices need to be examined in detail. In particular, it has been suggested that children learn less from passive video viewing relative to equivalent live interaction, which would have implications for learning from such digital tools. However, this so-called video deficit may be reduced by allowing children greater influence over their learning environment. Across two touchscreen-based experiments, we examined whether 2- to 4-year-olds benefit from actively choosing what to learn more about in a digital word learning task. We designed a tablet study in which "active" participants were allowed to choose which objects they were taught the label of, while yoked "passive" participants were presented with the objects chosen by their active peers. We then examined recognition of the learned associations across different tasks. In Experiment 1, children in the passive condition outperformed those in the active condition (n = 130). While Experiment 2 replicated these findings in a new group of Malay-speaking children (n = 32), there were no differences in children's learning or recognition of the novel word-object associations using a more implicit looking time measure. These results suggest that there may be performance costs associated with active tasks designed as in the current study, and at the very least, there may not always be systematic benefits associated with active learning in touchscreen-based word learning tasks. The current studies add to the evidence that educational apps need to be evaluated before release: While children might benefit from interactive apps under certain conditions, task design and requirements need to consider factors that may detract from successful performance.
    Matched MeSH terms: Choice Behavior/physiology*
  11. Othman J, Khee PC
    Waste Manag Res, 2014 May;32(5):454-7.
    PMID: 24595362 DOI: 10.1177/0734242X14523662
    A choice experiment analysis was conducted to estimate the preference for specific waste disposal technologies in Malaysia. The study found that there were no significant differences between the choice of a sanitary landfill or an incinerator. What matters is whether any disposal technology would lead to obvious social benefits. A waste disposal plan which is well linked or integrated with the community will ensure its acceptance. Local authorities will be challenged to identify solid waste disposal sites that are technically appropriate and also socially desirable.
    Matched MeSH terms: Choice Behavior
  12. Pek CK, Jamal O
    J Environ Manage, 2011 Nov;92(11):2993-3001.
    PMID: 21820795 DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2011.07.013
    In Malaysia, most municipal wastes currently are disposed into poorly managed 'controlled tipping' systems with little or no pollution protection measures. This study was undertaken to assist the relevant governmental bodies and service providers to identify an improved waste disposal management strategy. The study applied the choice experiment technique to estimate the nonmarket values for a number of waste disposal technologies. Implicit prices for environmental attributes such as psychological fear, land use, air pollution, and river water quality were estimated. Compensating surplus estimates incorporating distance from the residences of the respondents to the proposed disposal facility were calculated for a number of generic and technology-specific choice sets. The resulting estimates were higher for technology-specific options, and the distance factor was a significant determinant in setting an equitable solid waste management fee.
    Matched MeSH terms: Choice Behavior
  13. Shafie AA, Vasan Thakumar A, Lim CJ, Luo N, Rand-Hendriksen K, Md Yusof FA
    Pharmacoeconomics, 2019 05;37(5):715-725.
    PMID: 30535779 DOI: 10.1007/s40273-018-0758-7
    OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to develop an EQ-5D-5L value set reflecting the health preferences of the Malaysian adult population.

    METHODS: Respondents were sampled with quotas for urbanicity, gender, age, and ethnicity to ensure representativeness of the Malaysian population. The study was conducted using a standardized protocol involving the EuroQol Valuation Technology (EQ-VT) computer-assisted interview system. Respondents were administered ten composite time trade-off (C-TTO) tasks and seven discrete choice experiment (DCE) tasks. Both linear main effects and constrained non-linear regression models of C-TTO-only data and hybrid models combining C-TTO and DCE data were explored to determine an efficient and informative model for value set prediction.

    RESULTS: Data from 1125 respondents representative of the Malaysian population were included in the analysis. Logical consistency was present in all models tested. Using cross-validation, eight-parameter models for C-TTO only and C-TTO + DCE hybrid data displayed greater out-of-sample predictive accuracy than their 20-parameter, main-effect counterparts. The hybrid eight-parameter model was chosen to represent the Malaysian value set, as it displayed greater out-of-sample predictive accuracy over C-TTO data than the C-TTO-only model, and produced more precise estimates. The estimated value set ranged from - 0.442 to 1.

    CONCLUSIONS: The constrained eight-parameter hybrid model demonstrated the best potential in representing the Malaysian value set. The presence of the Malaysian EQ-5D-5L value set will facilitate its application in research and health technology assessment activities.

    Matched MeSH terms: Choice Behavior
  14. Ghazali AS, Ham J, Barakova EI, Markopoulos P
    Front Robot AI, 2018;5:73.
    PMID: 33500952 DOI: 10.3389/frobt.2018.00073
    The growing interest in social robotics makes it relevant to examine the potential of robots as persuasive agents and, more specifically, to examine how robot characteristics influence the way people experience such interactions and comply with the persuasive attempts by robots. The purpose of this research is to identify how the (ostensible) gender and the facial characteristics of a robot influence the extent to which people trust it and the psychological reactance they experience from its persuasive attempts. This paper reports a laboratory study where SociBot™, a robot capable of displaying different faces and dynamic social cues, delivered persuasive messages to participants while playing a game. In-game choice behavior was logged, and trust and reactance toward the advisor were measured using questionnaires. Results show that a robotic advisor with upturned eyebrows and lips (features that people tend to trust more in humans) is more persuasive, evokes more trust, and less psychological reactance compared to one displaying eyebrows pointing down and lips curled downwards at the edges (facial characteristics typically not trusted in humans). Gender of the robot did not affect trust, but participants experienced higher psychological reactance when interacting with a robot of the opposite gender. Remarkably, mediation analysis showed that liking of the robot fully mediates the influence of facial characteristics on trusting beliefs and psychological reactance. Also, psychological reactance was a strong and reliable predictor of trusting beliefs but not of trusting behavior. These results suggest robots that are intended to influence human behavior should be designed to have facial characteristics we trust in humans and could be personalized to have the same gender as the user. Furthermore, personalization and adaptation techniques designed to make people like the robot more may help ensure they will also trust the robot.
    Matched MeSH terms: Choice Behavior
  15. Murad, A.Z., Mokhtar, A., Sudesan, R., Lee, S.F., Ghazali, I.
    Subdermal etonogestrel implant (Implanon®) is the newest, long term contraceptive implant which has recently been made available to Malaysian women. This prospective study was conducted to determine the effects on selected health indices among 42 women who had consented to Implanon® as their choice of contraception. Health indices were checked prior to Implanon® insertion and six months post insertion. Findings indicate a significant reduction in total cholesterol with a significant increase in total haemoglobin and BMI. However there was no significant change noted in the fasting blood sugar, glycosylated haemoglobin, systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure.
    Matched MeSH terms: Choice Behavior
  16. Nadiah Diyana Tan Abdullah, Khor, Poy Hua, Mazanah Muhamad
    Movement Health & Exercise, 2013;2(1):47-52.
    The purpose of this study is to explore and understand the exercise maintenance in women with breast cancer survivors adopting Guolin Qigong using the Social Cognitive Theory related constructs. A qualitative approach using in-depth interviews were employed in this study. 22 participants of the Malaysia Guolin Qigong Association from five regions in Peninsular Malaysia were purposely selected to participate in this study. Data was collected through a series of audiotapes during the interview sessions. They were asked on how do they maintain in their Guolin Qigong exercise. Three themes related to the Social Cognitive Theory constructs emerged from the data collected. (i) Personal Factors; (ii) Environmental Factors and (iii) Tailored Program. The belief in Guolin Qigong or in an exercise program is crucial in helping one to maintain with the exercise program and this findings is consistent with literature that those responded favourably to an exercise will have greater positive attitudes to exercise maintenance. To keep these women maintain the exercise it is important that these women have friends who understand them better to share their experiences related to their disease. It has been suggested that connecting to other survivors contributes to the survivors' positive well-being and to deal with their everyday living. Lastly, the type of exercise should be tailored to the physical condition of these women to keep them sustain the exercise. This theory can be used by the health practitioners to develop more effective interventions for increasing exercise maintenance in sedentary cancer survivors by taking into special attention personal factors particularly one's beliefs and inner motivation. Having to embark and engage into an exercise program of their preferred choice will help one to maintain an exercise program.
    Matched MeSH terms: Choice Behavior
  17. Omar MS, Ariandi AH, Tohit NM
    J Res Pharm Pract, 2019 10 16;8(3):105-111.
    PMID: 31728340 DOI: 10.4103/jrpp.JRPP_19_35
    Objective: This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of practical problems with medications use experienced by elderly patients and the management strategy employed to overcome the problems. This study also aimed to evaluate the belief and attitude of elderly patients toward deprescribing.

    Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among elderly patients that seeking treatment in a primary care clinic in Malaysia from September to November 2018 using a set of researcher-assisted and validated questionnaire on their consent.

    Findings: A total of 182 elderly patients were included in this study. A majority of participants (n = 87, 47.8%) admitted experiencing practical problems with their medication use. There are varieties of choice of management strategy employed by elderly patients to overcome the problems. For the willingness to deprescribing, there were positive correlation for patients' age (rs (182) =0.183, P < 0.05) and number of medications (rs (182) =0.271, P < 0.01) with the burden factor. There were also a negative correlation of age (rs (182) = -0.174, P < 0.05) and number of medication (rs (182) = -0.176, P < 0.04) with appropriateness of medications.

    Conclusion: A majority of Malaysian elderly experience practical problems with their medication use. Elderly patients' belief and attitudes toward deprescribing were influenced by age and number of medications.

    Matched MeSH terms: Choice Behavior
  18. Norazrina Azmi, Loh WT, Siti Suriani Omar, Juriyati Jalil, Aishah Adam
    Sains Malaysiana, 2011;40:1097-1103.
    The aqueous extract of Prismatomeris glabra root has been used traditionally in Malaysia by the aborigines and certain rural Malays for its ergogenic effects, to maintain wellness and to enhance physical stamina. It has also been used as an aphrodisiac for generations in the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Previous studies have shown that plants with ergogenic effects may also act as a stimulant and impair cognitive function. Therefore, we seek to investigate the effects of P. glabra on non-spatial memory in male Sprague Dawley rats using object recognition test. Trial rats were injected intraperitoneally with an aqueous extract of P. glabra roots at doses of 50 and 100 mg/kg for the acute (30 min) and subacute (7 days) studies. Scopolamine (0.3 mg/kg) was used as a positive control only in the acute study meanwhile control rats were injected with saline. The locomotor activity of rats was also determined in the same test. We demonstrated that groups treated with 50 and 100 mg/kg of the extract lost their ability to discriminate the novel from familiar object in choice phase and did not alter the locomotor activity in both studies. Our results also indicated that the deficits in non-spatial working memory occured at these doses were not due to impaired locomotor activity.
    Matched MeSH terms: Choice Behavior
  19. Walters K, Cox A, Yaacob H
    Genet Epidemiol, 2019 Sep;43(6):675-689.
    PMID: 31286571 DOI: 10.1002/gepi.22212
    The default causal single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) effect size prior in Bayesian fine-mapping studies is usually the Normal distribution. This choice is often based on computational convenience, rather than evidence that it is the most suitable prior distribution. The choice of prior is important because previous studies have shown considerable sensitivity of causal SNP Bayes factors to the form of the prior. In some well-studied diseases there are now considerable numbers of genome-wide association study (GWAS) top hits along with estimates of the number of yet-to-be-discovered causal SNPs. We show how the effect sizes of the top hits and estimates of the number of yet-to-be-discovered causal SNPs can be used to choose between the Laplace and Normal priors, to estimate the prior parameters and to quantify the uncertainty in this estimation. The methodology can readily be applied to other priors. We show that the top hits available from breast cancer GWAS provide overwhelming support for the Laplace over the Normal prior, which has important consequences for variant prioritisation. This work in this paper enables practitioners to derive more objective priors than are currently being used and could lead to prioritisation of different variants.
    Matched MeSH terms: Choice Behavior
  20. Callwood A, Jeevaratnam K, Kotronoulas G, Schneider A, Lewis L, Nadarajah VD
    Nurse Educ Today, 2018 May;64:56-64.
    PMID: 29459193 DOI: 10.1016/j.nedt.2018.01.016
    OBJECTIVES: To examine the personal domains multiple mini interviews (MMIs) are being designed to assess, explore how they were determined and contextualise such domains in current and future healthcare student selection processes DESIGN: A systematic review of empirical research reporting on MMI model design was conducted from database inception to November 2017.

    DATA SOURCES: Twelve electronic bibliographic databases.

    REVIEW METHODS: Evidence was extracted from original studies, and integrated in a narrative synthesis guided by the PRISMA statement for reporting systematic reviews. Personal domains were clustered into themes using a modified Delphi technique.

    RESULTS: A total of 584 articles were screened. 65 unique studies (80 articles) matched our inclusion criteria of which seven were conducted within nursing/midwifery faculties. Six in 10 studies featured applicants to medical school. Across selection processes, we identified 32 personal domains assessed by MMIs, the most frequent being: communication skills (84%), teamwork/collaboration (70%), and ethical/moral judgement (65%). Domains capturing ability to cope with stressful situations (14%), make decisions (14%), and resolve conflict in the workplace (13%) featured in fewer than ten studies overall. Intra- and inter-disciplinary inconsistencies in domain profiles were noted, as well as differences by entry level. MMIs deployed in nursing and midwifery assessed compassion and decision-making more frequently than in all other disciplines. Own programme philosophy and professional body guidance were most frequently cited (~50%) as sources for personal domains; a blueprinting process was reported in only 8% of studies.

    CONCLUSIONS: Nursing, midwifery and allied healthcare professionals should develop their theoretical frameworks for MMIs to ensure they are evidence-based and fit-for-purpose. We suggest a re-evaluation of domain priorities to ensure that students who are selected, not only have the capacity to offer the highest standards of care provision, but are able to maintain these standards when facing clinical practice and organisational pressures.

    Matched MeSH terms: Choice Behavior
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