Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 78 in total

  1. Chua BL, Karim S, Lee S, Han H
    PMID: 32872267 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17176276
    This study investigated restaurant customers' perceived importance of key factors in accordance with dining occasions and restaurant segments. Our investigation into restaurant selection and situational factors present two types of empirical evidence regarding customers' choice of restaurant. First, menu price was customers' top priority in restaurant selections for full-service, quick-casual, and quick-service restaurants. Second, restaurant customers rated the importance level of restaurant selection criteria differently according to eating-out occasions. The importance of menu price was greatest for both quick meal/convenience and social occasion, brand reputation was the most important factor for business necessity, and word-of-mouth recommendation was greatest for celebration.
    Matched MeSH terms: Choice Behavior*
  2. Chee Khoon Chan
    Glob Health Promot, 2009 Dec;16(4):54-7.
    PMID: 20028669 DOI: 10.1177/1757975909348131
    In parallel with the neo-liberal retrenchment of the welfarist state, an increasing emphasis on the responsibility of individuals in managing their own affairs and their well-being has been evident. In the health arena for instance, this was a major theme permeating the UK government's White Paper Choosing Health: Making Healthy Choices Easier (2004), which appealed to an ethos of autonomy and self-actualization through activity and consumption which merited esteem. As a counterpoint to this growing trend of informed responsibilization, constrained choices (constrained agency) provides a useful framework for a judicious balance and sense of proportion between an individual behavioural focus and a focus on societal, systemic, and structural determinants of health and well-being. Constrained choices is also a conceptual bridge between responsibilization and population health which could be further developed within an integrative biosocial perspective one might refer to as the social ecology of health and disease.
    Matched MeSH terms: Choice Behavior*
  3. Zulkifli A, Rogayah J
    Med J Malaysia, 1998 Dec;53(4):327-33.
    PMID: 10971974
    A survey of specialisation choices was conducted for two batches of medical officers applying to the local medical schools for specialisation in Malaysia. A total of 359 doctors responded, giving a response rate of 71%, with 169 male (44.4%) and 187 female (55.6%) respondents. Surgery ranked highest among the male doctors followed by orthopaedic surgery and internal medicine. Family medicine ranked highest among female doctors followed by public health and anaesthesiology. Among the other specialties, the male doctors preferred otorhinolaryngology while female doctors preferred Pathology. Both male and female doctors chose to be a clinical consultant in a general hospital as the first choice. They prefer to work in or near their hometowns.
    Matched MeSH terms: Choice Behavior*
  4. Chan NW
    Disasters, 1995 Dec;19(4):287-307.
    PMID: 8564454
    In Peninsular Malaysia 'structural' factors are found to influence strongly people's persistent occupation of floodplains. Thus, despite a high level of flood hazard awareness, a high level of pessimism and a high level of expectation of future floods, poorer individuals seldom attempt to leave for more advantageous locations but are instead trapped in their present locations by structural factors such as poverty, low residential and occupational mobility, low educational attainment, traditional land inheritance, government aid, and government disaster preparedness, relief and rehabilitation programmes. These forces exert a strong influence upon individuals and largely control their choice of residential location in response to flood hazards, thereby reinforcing the persistent occupation of floodplains. Structural factors such as landlessness, rural-urban migration, floodplain encroachment and squatting are also highly influential in leading people to move. Even for those who move, structural factors have largely confined their choice of residential location to urban floodplains.
    Matched MeSH terms: Choice Behavior*
  5. Deva MP
    Med J Malaysia, 1981 Sep;36(3):188-92.
    PMID: 7329378
    Matched MeSH terms: Choice Behavior*
  6. Shammakh M, Ali RT, Shaari T
    J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo), 2020;66(Supplement):S222-S225.
    PMID: 33612599 DOI: 10.3177/jnsv.66.S222
    Consumers nowadays have more awareness for healthy foods and demanded healthier food choices to avoid health-related problems; therefore, industries had included health and nutrition claims on their products. Health and nutrition claims usually influence consumers' food choice decision. Products with health claim resulted in higher perception of healthiness and nutritional value of the product, even if the product was not considered as a healthy choice. The aim of this study was to assess whether the health and nutrition claims had led to a healthier perception or better evaluation of the product among consumers.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was conducted using an online questionnaire on 385 respondents collected through convenience sampling. The survey consisted of four parts: socio-demographic background, health awareness, understanding and usage of health and nutrition claims, and purchase intention measured through the use of a mock packaging. Data collected were analyzed using SPSS version 22.

    RESULTS: Most of the respondents aged 18-30 (81.0%) and almost half of them were Malay (45.7%) with bachelor/master or PhD qualification (60.0%). The distribution of household income for all categories was almost similar (18.2-20.8%). There was a significant statistical relationship between health awareness and purchase intention among respondents (r=0.391, p<0.01).

    CONCLUSIONS: Health and nutrition claims influenced consumer's perceptions and purchase intention, especially for those who were more concerned about their health, thus, more focus on policy regarding claims is needed.

    Matched MeSH terms: Choice Behavior*
  7. Salgado-Montejo A, Alvarado JA, Velasco C, Salgado CJ, Hasse K, Spence C
    Front Psychol, 2015;6:1382.
    PMID: 26441757 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01382
    A within-participants experiment was conducted in two countries (the UK and Colombia) in order to investigate the matching of shapes to taste words. Comparing the two countries allowed us to explore some of the cultural differences that have been reported thus far solely in terms of people's visual preferences. In particular, we addressed the question of whether properties other than angularity influence shape-valence and shape-taste matching (crossmodal correspondences). The participants in the present study repeatedly matched eight shapes, varying in terms of their angularity, symmetry, and number of elements to one of two words-pleasant or unpleasant and sweet or sour. Participants' choices, as well as the latency of their responses, and their hand movements, were evaluated. The participants were more likely to judge those shapes that were rounder, symmetrical, and those shapes that had fewer elements as both pleasant and sweet. Those shapes that were more angular, asymmetrical, and that had a greater number of elements, were more likely to be judged as both unpleasant and sour instead. The evidence presented here therefore suggests that aside from angularity and roundness, both symmetry/asymmetry and the number of elements present in a shape also influence valence and taste categorizations.
    Matched MeSH terms: Choice Behavior
  8. Rahman NA, Fadzly N, Dzakwan NM, Zulkifli NH
    Trop Life Sci Res, 2014 Aug;25(1):95-103.
    PMID: 25210590 MyJurnal
    We conducted a series of experiments to test the numerical competency of two species of birds, Corvus splendens (House Crow) and Acridotheres tristis (Common Myna). Both species were allowed to choose from seven different groups of mealworms with varying proportions. We considered the birds to have made a correct choice when it selected the food group with the highest number of mealworms. Our overall results indicated that the Common Myna is able to count numbers (161 successful choices out of 247 trials) better than House Crows (133 successful choices out of 241 trials). We suspect that House Crows do not rely on a numerical sense when selecting food. Although House Crows mostly chose the cup with more mealworms (from seven food item proportions), only one proportion was chosen at rate above random chance. The Common Myna, however, were slow performers at the beginning but became increasingly more capable of numerical sense during the remainder of the experiment (four out of seven food proportion groups were chosen at a rate above random chance).
    Matched MeSH terms: Choice Behavior
  9. Rosliza Osman, Noorhasimah Awang, Siti Nasyrah Ibrahim, Siti Nurani Hassan, Norsyahidah Mohammad Yusof, Jais Suratman, et al.
    Unsafe behaviour is the key factor which contributes to the high number of incidents. Applying Behavior-Based
    Safety (BBS) into safety risk controls has been adopted in major industry toward improving safety performance.
    This approach to prevent incident has a number of advantages. The objective of this study is to identify the BBS
    factors which can contribute to reduce incidents at the workplace. Human factors, behaviour and environment have
    been identified as BBS factors. Human factors are influenced by knowledge and understanding of the workers while
    behaviour factors are influenced by culture and practices in a daily life. In addition, environmental factor involves
    equipment and work area. For an effective BBS approach, level of knowledge, understanding and practices by the
    workers become the main concerns in the implementation of BBS. The findings can become the reference model for
    future implementation in other organizations and as a guidance for better safety management.
    Matched MeSH terms: Choice Behavior
  10. Rahmat, R.A., James, H., Nambiar, P.
    Malaysian Dental Journal, 2015;37(1):9-16.
    Forensic odontology has been an interdisciplinary part of forensic science for many years. In Malaysia, this forensic discipline has been practiced for more than two decades however it is still considered a new discipline as there are a limited number of specialists. To date, there are less than ten practicing forensic odontologists in Malaysia. Many dentists do not have a clear perception of this field, thus forensic odontology rarely becomes a career of choice. The purpose of this article is to highlight the attributes of a competent forensic odontologist and encourage dentists towards this challenging career path.
    Matched MeSH terms: Choice Behavior
  11. Mohammed Shuaib, Zarita Zainuddin
    Sains Malaysiana, 2017;46:1997-2005.
    Integrating an exit choice model into a microscopic crowd dynamics model is an essential approach for obtaining more
    efficient evacuation model. We describe various aspects of decision-making capability of an existing rule-based exit
    choice model for evacuation processes. In simulations, however, the simulated evacuees clogging at exits have behaved
    non-intelligently, namely they do not give up their exits for better ones for safer egress. We refine the model to endow
    the individuals with the ability to leave their exits due to dynamic changes by modifying the model of their excitement
    resulted from the source of panic. This facilitates the approximately equal crowd size at exits for being until the end
    of the evacuation process, and thereby the model accomplishes more optimal evacuation. For further intelligence, we
    introduce the prediction factor that enables higher probability of equally distributing evacuees at exits. A simulation to
    validate the contribution is performed, and the results are analyzed and compared with the original model.
    Matched MeSH terms: Choice Behavior
  12. Klein G, Rasmussen L, Lin MH, Hoffman RR, Case J
    Hum Factors, 2014 Dec;56(8):1380-400.
    PMID: 25509820
    We examined preferences for different forms of causal explanations for indeterminate situations. Background: Klein and Hoffman distinguished several forms of causal explanations for indeterminate, complex situations: single-cause explanations, lists of causes, and explanations that interrelate several causes. What governs our preferences for single-cause (simple) versus multiple- cause (complex) explanations?
    Matched MeSH terms: Choice Behavior*
  13. Swami V, Tovée MJ
    PLoS One, 2013;8(3):e57623.
    PMID: 23483919 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0057623
    It has been suggested human female breast size may act as signal of fat reserves, which in turn indicates access to resources. Based on this perspective, two studies were conducted to test the hypothesis that men experiencing relative resource insecurity should perceive larger breast size as more physically attractive than men experiencing resource security. In Study 1, 266 men from three sites in Malaysia varying in relative socioeconomic status (high to low) rated a series of animated figures varying in breast size for physical attractiveness. Results showed that men from the low socioeconomic context rated larger breasts as more attractive than did men from the medium socioeconomic context, who in turn perceived larger breasts as attractive than men from a high socioeconomic context. Study 2 compared the breast size judgements of 66 hungry versus 58 satiated men within the same environmental context in Britain. Results showed that hungry men rated larger breasts as significantly more attractive than satiated men. Taken together, these studies provide evidence that resource security impacts upon men's attractiveness ratings based on women's breast size.
    Matched MeSH terms: Choice Behavior*
  14. Mushtaq F, Wilkie RM, Mon-Williams MA, Schaefer A
    Neuroimage, 2016 Jan 15;125:868-879.
    PMID: 26497268 DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2015.10.046
    Substantial evidence indicates that decision outcomes are typically evaluated relative to expectations learned from relatively long sequences of previous outcomes. This mechanism is thought to play a key role in general learning and adaptation processes but relatively little is known about the determinants of outcome evaluation when the capacity to learn from series of prior events is difficult or impossible. To investigate this issue, we examined how the feedback-related negativity (FRN) is modulated by information briefly presented before outcome evaluation. The FRN is a brain potential time-locked to the delivery of decision feedback and it is widely thought to be sensitive to prior expectations. We conducted a multi-trial gambling task in which outcomes at each trial were fully randomised to minimise the capacity to learn from long sequences of prior outcomes. Event-related potentials for outcomes (Win/Loss) in the current trial (Outcomet) were separated according to the type of outcomes that occurred in the preceding two trials (Outcomet-1 and Outcomet-2). We found that FRN voltage was more positive during the processing of win feedback when it was preceded by wins at Outcomet-1 compared to win feedback preceded by losses at Outcomet-1. However, no influence of preceding outcomes was found on FRN activity relative to the processing of loss feedback. We also found no effects of Outcomet-2 on FRN amplitude relative to current feedback. Additional analyses indicated that this effect was largest for trials in which participants selected a decision different to the gamble chosen in the previous trial. These findings are inconsistent with models that solely relate the FRN to prediction error computation. Instead, our results suggest that if stable predictions about future events are weak or non-existent, then outcome processing can be determined by affective systems. More specifically, our results indicate that the FRN is likely to reflect the activity of positive affective systems in these contexts. Importantly, our findings indicate that a multifactorial explanation of the nature of the FRN is necessary and such an account must incorporate affective and motivational factors in outcome processing.
    Matched MeSH terms: Choice Behavior/physiology*
  15. DaVanzo J, Reboussin D, Starbird E, Tan BA, Hadi SA
    J Biosoc Sci Suppl, 1989;11:95-116.
    PMID: 2489987
    Several new concepts are used to describe contraceptive use histories for nearly 1200 women in Peninsular Malaysia. These histories are summarized by 81 episode histories. Transition matrices provide useful summaries of the changes women make in their contraceptive practice from one pregnancy interval to the next. Data from the mid-1940s to mid-1970s, during which period there was a dramatic increase in contraceptive use, reveal considerable inertia in individual couples' contraceptive practice. Persistence with a method was greater the less effective the method: while 86% of couples using no method in one interval used no method in the next, only 56% of couples using the pill in one interval also used it in the next. Virtually all transitions are of three types: continuation with the same method, a change from no method to some method, or a change from some method to no method. For only 1% of all pregnancies did couples use one contraceptive method before a pregnancy and a different method after the pregnancy. Differences are examined by calendar year and education.
    Matched MeSH terms: Choice Behavior*
  16. Thomas AG, Jonason PK, Blackburn JD, Kennair LEO, Lowe R, Malouff J, et al.
    J Pers, 2020 06;88(3):606-620.
    PMID: 31494937 DOI: 10.1111/jopy.12514
    OBJECTIVE: Mate choice involves trading-off several preferences. Research on this process tends to examine mate preference prioritization in homogenous samples using a small number of traits and thus provide little insight into whether prioritization patterns reflect a universal human nature. This study examined whether prioritization patterns, and their accompanying sex differences, are consistent across Eastern and Western cultures.

    METHOD: In the largest test of the mate preference priority model to date, we asked an international sample of participants (N = 2,477) to design an ideal long-term partner by allocating mate dollars to eight traits using three budgets. Unlike previous versions of the task, we included traits known to vary in importance by culture (e.g., religiosity and chastity).

    RESULTS: Under low budget conditions, Eastern and Western participants differed in their mate dollar allocation for almost every trait (average d = 0.42), indicating that culture influences prioritization. Despite these differences, traits fundamental for the reproductive success of each sex in the ancestral environment were prioritized by both Eastern and Western participants.

    CONCLUSION: The tendency to prioritize reproductively fundamental traits is present in both Eastern and Western cultures. The psychological mechanisms responsible for this process produce similar prioritization patterns despite cross-cultural variation.

    Matched MeSH terms: Choice Behavior/physiology*
  17. Emang D, Lundhede TH, Thorsen BJ
    J Environ Manage, 2016 Nov 01;182:436-445.
    PMID: 27521689 DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2016.07.033
    The protected coral reefs off the coast of Malaysia receive numerous tourists, while also being as fishing grounds. These joint environmental pressures raise the need for additional costly conservation measures. It is natural to consider the potential for expanding the 'user pays' principle, already implemented in the form of various user fees. This study explores the potential for price discrimination among scuba divers at Sipadan in Malaysia. The study applies a choice experiment to estimate scuba divers willingness to pay higher user fees for avoiding decreases of or getting improvements in environmental and recreational aspects of the diving experience. We investigate how sensitivity to fee size and hence willingness to pay vary with suitable selected characteristics of divers. We find potentials for a third degree price discrimination strategy exploiting higher willingness to pay among foreign divers (45%), male divers (16%) and people who has visited Sipadan several times (25%). Thus, revised pricing structures could significantly increase funds for the preservation of Sipadan.
    Matched MeSH terms: Choice Behavior*
  18. Stewart-Williams S, Butler CA, Thomas AG
    J Sex Res, 2016 11 02;54(9):1097-1105.
    PMID: 27805420 DOI: 10.1080/00224499.2016.1232690
    The aim of this study was to explore how people's sexual history affects their attractiveness. Using an Internet survey, 188 participants rated their willingness to engage in a relationship with a hypothetical individual with a specified number of past sexual partners, ranging from 0 to 60+. The effect of past partner number was very large. Average willingness ratings initially rose as past partner number rose, but then fell dramatically. For short-term relationships, men were more willing than women to get involved (although the difference was not large). For long-term relationships, in contrast, there was virtually no sex difference. Thus, contrary to the idea that male promiscuity is tolerated but female promiscuity is not, both sexes expressed equal reluctance to get involved with someone with an overly extensive sexual history. Finally, participants with an unrestricted sociosexual orientation (high SO participants) were more tolerant than low SO participants of prospective mates with higher numbers of past sexual partners but were also less tolerant of prospective mates with low numbers of past sexual partners.
    Matched MeSH terms: Choice Behavior/physiology*
  19. Kamaluddin MR, Othman A, Ismail KH, Mat Saat GA
    Malays J Pathol, 2017 Dec;39(3):217-226.
    PMID: 29279583 MyJurnal
    The horrific nature of murder using different types of weapons has been an important focal point of many criminological studies. Weapons that are used in murders seem to play dominant roles in murder investigations as they may provide information leading to arrest. The established factors for weapon usage include environmental context, demography and availability of weapons. However, there is insufficient research attention on the psychological functioning of murderers for particular weapon usage. In light of this, the current study seeks to narrow this gap of information by identifying the influences of psychological traits on weapon usage among a sample of male murderers. The present cross-sectional study was conducted among 71 male murderers incarcerated in 11 prisons within Peninsular Malaysia. The selection of the sample was based on predetermined selection criteria using a purposive sampling method. A guided self-administered questionnaire comprising sociodemography variables and four Malay validated psychometric instruments: Zuckerman-Kuhlman Personality Questionnaire-40-Cross-Culture, Self-control Scale, "How I Think" Questionnaire and Aggression Questionnaire; was used. Independent sample t-test was performed to establish the mean score differences of psychological traits between the murderers who used single and multiple weapons while Kruskal-Wallis tests were carried out to ascertain the differences between the specific types of weapons used among the murderers. Following this, one-way ANOVA was carried out to ascertain the psychological trait differences among the murderers according to the different sources of weapon. Results indicated specific psychological traits influenced the number(s), source(s) and type(s) of weapon used in committing murder. The findings have implications for the psychological profiling of unknown murderers within the Malaysian context.
    Matched MeSH terms: Choice Behavior*
  20. Ahmad Tajuddin NAN, Suhaimi J, Ramdzan SN, Malek KA, Ismail IA, Shamsuddin NH, et al.
    BMC Pregnancy Childbirth, 2020 May 19;20(1):309.
    PMID: 32429857 DOI: 10.1186/s12884-020-02987-9
    BACKGROUND: Incidences of unassisted home birthing practices have been increasing in Malaysia despite the accessibility to safe and affordable child birthing facilities. We aimed to explore the reasons for women to make such decisions.

    METHODS: Twelve women participated in in-depth interviews. They were recruited using a snowballing approach. The interviews were supported by a topic guide which was developed based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour and previous literature. The interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed verbatim and analysed using thematic analysis.

    RESULTS: Women in this study described a range of birthing experiences and personal beliefs as to why they chose unassisted home birth. Four themes emerged from the interviews; i) preferred birthing experience, ii) birth is a natural process, iii) expressing autonomy and iv) faith. Such decision to birth at home unassisted was firm and steadfast despite the possible risks and complications that can occur. Giving birth is perceived to occur naturally regardless of assistance, and unassisted home birth provides the preferred environment which health facilities in Malaysia may lack. They believed that they were in control of the birth processes apart from fulfilling the spiritual beliefs.

    CONCLUSIONS: Women may choose unassisted home birth to express their personal views and values, at the expense of the health risks. Apart from increasing mothers' awareness of the possible complications arising from unassisted home births, urgent efforts are needed to provide better birth experiences in healthcare facilities that resonate with the mothers' beliefs and values.

    Matched MeSH terms: Choice Behavior*
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