Kerion is an inflammatory type of tinea capitis which can be mistaken for bacterial infection or folliculitis as both conditions display similar clinical features. It occurs most frequently in prepubescent children and rarely in adults. We report a 26-year-old woman who presented with multiple tender inflammed nodules on her scalp. Her condition was misdiagnosed as bacterial abscess and treated with multiple courses of antibiotics without improvement. Later, her condition was re-diagnosed as kerion based on clinical appearance, history of contact with infected animal and Wood's lamp examination. symptoms and lesions resolved completely with systemic antifungal treatment leaving residual scarring alopecia. The delay in the diagnosis and treatment of this patient resulted in permanent scarring alopecia.
Objective: Globally, there is growing evidence of stigmatization of people with mental illnesses and mental illness is more stigmatizing than physical illnesses. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the attitudes of university students towards persons with mental illness. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among Management and Science University students during the academic year 2012. Prior ethical approval was taken for conducting the study. A total of 300 medical and health science students was recruited in this study and the response rate was 93%. The survey questionnaire was adopted from a previous study with 15 statements about attitude towards mental health illness and sociodemographic characteristics. Classes were chosen randomly and students also randomly selected. The inclusion criterion for this research was medical and health science students while the exclusion criterion was students from other faculties, staff and lecturers. Data was analyzed with the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences version 13.0. Descriptive statistics were used for the analysis of the basic demographics and survey items of the questionnaire. T-test and multiple linear regression were used to explore the relationship between the socio-demographic and the attitude. Results: A total number of 279 students participated in this study. The majority of them were female, age 20 years and above, single, Malay, from International Medical School (IMS) and from urban areas (68.5%, 88.2%, 96.4%, 58.1%, 60.2%, 77.8% respectively). In this study, the majority of the participants showed a moderate to good attitude towards people with mental illness. Univariate analysis showed that marital status influenced the attitudes of university students towards people with mental illness (p=0.015). In multivariate analysis, multiple linear regression showed that gender, marital status, smoking and drinking alcohol significantly influenced the attitude of university students towards people with mental illness (p=0.014, p=0.012; p=0.009, p=0.013; respectively). Conclusion: This study showed that the undergraduate university students had a moderate to good attitude towards people with mental illness. Gender, marital status, smoking and drinking alcohol significantly influenced the attitude of undergraduate university students towards people with mental illness. ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 14 (1): January - June 2013: XX XX.
Objective: To investigate the prevalence of parental stress and psychological wellbeing among parents with autistic children and their associations with dimensions of support system.
Methods: This is a preliminary cross sectional study which randomly selected parents with clinically diagnosed autistic children. Those parents who attended psycho-education session on management of autistic children at Health Psychology Unit were randomly selected to enroll in the study. Psychological wellbeing, parental stress and dimensions of support system were assessed by using the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28), the Parenting Stress Index (PSI) and the Provision Social Relation (PSR), respectively.
Results: Of 52 parents with autistic children (34 female and 18 male), about 90.4% of parents had significant parenting stress, and 53.8% of parents showed clinical disturbance in psychological wellbeing. Gender (t=1.67, p=0.02) and occupation (F=4.78, p=0.01) showed statistically significant association with psychological wellbeing. No association found between other socio-demographic factors, parental stress and psychological wellbeing with dimensions of support system among parents with autistic children.
Conclusion: Parents with autistic children have high prevalence of stress and psychological disturbances. Interactions of various factors need to be acknowledged and considered in order to reduce the burden of parents with autistic children.
Objective: To investigate the prevalence of genital arousal disorder and the potential risk
factors that may impair genital arousal among women at a primary care setting in Malaysia.
Methods: A validated questionnaire for sexual function was used to assess genital arousal
function. A total of 230 married women aged 18–70 years old participated in this study. Their sociodemographic and marital profiles were compared between those who had genital arousal disorder and those who did not. The risk factors were examined. Results: The prevalence of genital arousal disorder in the primary care population was 50.4% (116/230). Women with genital arousal disorder were found to be significantly higher in groups of more than 45 years old (p55) (p=.001), those having 4 children or more (p=.028), those having less sexual intercourse (less than 1–2 times a week) (p=.001), and those at post-menopausal state (p=.002). There was no significant difference between these two groups in term of salary (p=.29), suffering from medical problems (p=.32), dysmenorrhea (p=.95), menarche (p=.5) and hormonal replacement therapy (p=.6). Conclusion: Women with infrequent sexual intercourse are less likely to be sexually aroused (OR=0.29, 95% CI: 0.11-0.74).
Elderly are exposed to physical impairment. This has a strong impact on their daily activities including
frying, which is one of the most popular cuisine preparations. The stove height and work envelope
are two major ergonomic issues in performing cooking task. There has been little research focusing
on Malaysian elderly task performing in addressing these issues. The objectives of this study were to
identify the acceptable stove height and depth and to determine the working envelope among Malaysian
elderly using anthropometric data. A total of 55 Malaysian elderly (25 male and 30 female) aged between
60 to 85 years participated in this study. Five body measurements were taken from each subject using
an anthropometer. The measurements are stature height, shoulder height, arm span, arm reach forward
and waist height. Apart from these anthropometric measurements, their present stove height was also
measured. The acquisition of stove height dimensions was performed through a series of door to door
visit of the elderly homes in Kg. Sg. Merab. These variables were used to estimate the elderly working
envelope and determine the stove height, width and depth. Data were analysed using SPSS software. The
waist height dimension was to estimate the stove height, the arm reach forward for the depth and the arm
span for the length of the table-top where the stove was placed. Meanwhile the stature and shoulder height
were used for estimating the position of the overhead compartment or placement of cooking utensils.
The 5
percentile was chosen since it is appropriate to accommodate 90% of the studied population. The 5
percentile was also applied for the setting
of the working envelope so as to provide better
reaching tolerances. Meanwhile, standard was used
to compare the present state of the studied kitchen
setting. The results show that 56.4% of the elderly
waist height is lower than the standard table-top
height which is 36 inches (91.4cm) and 36.4% of the stove height was found higher than that of the standard. This could apparently cause fatigue and
discomfort to shoulders, the neck, the arm and the back of the user. Anthropometrics measurements can
be used for estimating the stove height, length and depth. These could also calculate a space taken for
certain physical activities, such as frying task envelope. Providing a good combination of stove height,
length, depth and ergonomic working envelope could hopefully improve the elderly cooking task and
increase their quality of life.
Background : Family planning is a method to control family size and to increase the intervals between chidbirths using multiple methods of contraceptives.
Objectives : This study aims to determine the pravelance of family planning practice among married women (wife less than 55 years old) and its related factors and also to determine the husbands knowledge on family planning and their support.
Methodology : This is a cross sectional study done through direct interviews amongst 118 married couples in Kampung Sesapan Batu Mingkabau, Hulu Langat Selangor.
Results : On family planning practise, 43.2% of couples is currently practising, 22.0% have practiced but stopped and 34.8% have never used any types of family planning methods. As high as 75% of wives received support from their husband to pratice family planning. There is a significant association between family planning practice and wife’s age, husband’s age, wife’s occupation, wife’s education, wife’s knowledge and husband’s support. Husband’s knowledge , number of live children and husband’s education have no significant assocation in influencing family planning practice.
Conclusion : To achieve better knowledge and family planning practises, husband’s involvement and support must be encouraged to ensure the correct informations and support are delivered to both couples. Approach through husbands is regarded as one of the key factors to the success of rural women family planning practice.
Introduction : Cervical cancer can be prevented through pap smear screening and its proper management of high risk cases. High level of knowledge regarding pap smear screening will encourage women to do pap smear as recommended.
Methadology : A cross sectional study was carried out in Jun 2007 to find out the level of knowledge regarding pap smear among married women in Kg. Sesapa Kelubi, Hulu Langat Selangor. Universal sampling was conducted using guided questionnaire and data was analysed using SPSS version 12.
Result : A total of 154 women participated in this study. Only 3.9% of respondents practiced pap smear as recommended and only 51.3% of them have high level of knowledge with 27.9% has no knowledge regarding pap smear. Women between the ages of 20-35 years old have higher level of knowledge (77.9%). The only factor that showed significant association with level of knowledge in this study is level of education. Age, income, gravida and occupation did not show any significant association.
Conclusion : The effectiveness of pap smear screening program should be regularly evaluated to determine the problem of its low coverage. Proper strategy should be planned to increase knowledge among women and their participation in pap smear program.
Introduction : AIDS stigma and incorrect HIV/AIDS information among health care workers will influence the quality of care received by persons living with HIV/AIDS (PLHA). A cross-sectional study was conducted amongst nurses in the Hospital University Kebangsaan Malaysia (HUKM) with the objective of determining their knowledge and attitudes regarding HIV/AIDS and Universal Precautions (UP).
Methods : A total of 450 female nurses were recruited in this study and data were collected via a self-administered questionnaire.
Results : A total of 393 female nurses had completed the questionnaires and majority of them were Malays (95.4%) with mean age of 28.4±3.9 years old. The mean duration of work in the hospital was 6.2±3.6 years. The study results showed a satisfactory level of good knowledge among nurses (69%) and this is statistically significant (p
Introduction : The purpose of this study is to explore the differences of quality of life (QOL) of Malay and non-Malay breast cancer survivors using qualitative method.
Methods : Data was collected using in-depth face to face interview. List of the patients were obtained from Oncology & Surgery Departments and contact numbers were obtained from the medical record. The interviews were conducted either in their home or in the hospital after the appointment has been made.
Results : The majority of the Malays were unable to fulfill the needs of their families. However, the non-Malays were able to fulfill the needs of their families. The majority were satisfied with social interaction and the relationships with their families and friends. In terms of feelings, most survivors felt sad, angry and sometimes they feel like they were going to die early. However the majority coped well with their illness. Regarding sleep, all Malays did not have any sleeping problems, but most of the non-Malays reported serious problems. All survivors were worried about the other female members of the family of getting the same illness. Most survivors did not have any problems with altered body image.
Conclusion : Malays did not have any sleeping problems, but most of the non-Malays reported serious problems. However, the majority of survivors coped well with their illnesses.
A mucous cyst is a benign, self limiting mucous containing cyst of the salivary glands commonly occuring in the oral cavity. Mucocele may develop following the obstruction of the salivary flow from secretory apparatus of the salivary gland. Mucoceles commonly occur on the lower lip but may occur in other locations too. The objective of the study was to determine the factors associated with mucocele in patients attending the dental clinic of Penang Hospital from January 2000 to December 2005. This is a retrospective record review analysis of all the total 35 cases treated during this period, comprising of 20 males (57.1%) and 15 females (42.9%) with Malays as the largest group of patients treated and, mainly students had seek treatment. Mucocele was frequently treated in patients aged 21 to 24 year old. The site of the mucocele was the lower lip and all of the cases were treated surgically. The size of the mucocele ranged from 0.5 to 5 centimetres with 1.0 cm as the most common size. Most of the patients gave a history of spontaneous development (71.4%), followed by lip biting (25.7%) and trauma (2.9%). Lip biting was more common among students (55.6%) as compared to others. There were only two recorded cases of recurrence.
A cross»sectional study was conducted to determine the knowledge on family planning among Malay women who delivered at Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (H USM), Kelantan and their husbands. Three hundred and fifty five women were selected by systematic random sampling. An interview-guided questionnaire that included infomation on socio-demographic, obstetric and knowledge on family planning was conducted to the women and self-administered questionnaire was given to their husbands. There were 15 questions on knowledge which were validated prior to the study. More than half of the women (53.5%) and the husbands (57.7%) had poor knowledge score (less than 75%) on family planning. A majority (86.8%) of the women and 87.9% of the husbands knew the optimal age of a woman to be pregnant, but very few (3.4%) of the women and Ss 1% of the husbands could answer correctly all the questions on the effects of poor spacing. The level of knowledge on family planning among Malay women who delivered at H USM and their husbands were poor. Therefore, new and improved health education materiab and programmes are needed, to target both the women and their husbands.
This was a cross-sectional study which attempt; tu determine the prevalence of breastfeeding practice among mothers in Klcmg district, Malaysia and the association between lyrcastfceding practice with place of delivery and knowledge 011 breastfeeding. Dam collection was conducted by face·t0·face interview using a premuded structured questionnaire amung mothers with fum month old infants only who attended che government clinics in Klang, A total of 508 mothers were recruited ima the study. The study showed 92.9% ever breastfed, 55.1% exclusively lareastfed fur one month and 20.5% exclusively bremtfcd for four months. Malays brcastfed the most, while
Chinese the least. Breastfeeding was more common among mothers with lower education, delivered in government hospitals and with good knowledge on breastfeeding. A high proportion uf mothers in Klang wouki initiate breastfeeding and the [neualence of exclusive breastfeeding was comparable nationally. Breastfeeding was associated with mothers delivered in government hospitals and with good knowledge on breastfeeding. Continued promotional efforts targeted at private hospitals with information on breastfeeding should result in further increase in breastfeeding prevalence.
Study site: Klinik Kesihatan, Kelang district, Selangor, Malaysia
Undergoing a Pap smear screening is widely accepted as a costeffective screening for detection of cervical abnormalities. In Peninsular Malaysia, cervical cancer was the second commonest cancer among women with incidence rate of 17.8 per 100,000 populations in 2002. Despite the high incidence of cervical cancer, only 26% of eligible woman had undergone Pap smear screening. To determine the prevalence of Pap smear screening, reasons for not undergoing the screening as well as the associated sociodemographic factors among women in Mukim Jaya Setia, a crass-sectional study was conducted in ]anuary 2005. Two hundred and ninety five from 350 households were randomly selected by using a Random Digit Table. Two hundred and eighty consented married women, aged 18 years and above were interviewed by the trained interviewers using structured
questionnaires. The questionnaires consisted of socio-demographic characteristic, Pap smear screening practice and risk factors of cervical cancer. There were 280 women who responded to the questionnaires. Majority of them were housewives (75%) and with low income (84.3%). Most ofthe women completed their education up to lower secondary school only (95%). Only 144 (51.4%) women undergo Pap smear screening but not on a regular basis. Most of them were screened only once, which was more than 3 years ago. Lack of knowledge, no accommodation, feel unnecessary and shy and no time were among the reasons that deterred the women from Pop smear screening. Women who were younger and with higher education level had more Pap smear screening compared to the older and with low education level. The practices of Pap smear screening among women in these villages were still low and was associated with age and educational level.
This study was conducted to study the blood pressure pattern and the prevalence of hypertension and its associated factors in a rural community in two coastal villages in rural Kedah, Mahysia. Out of the total population 504 were above 20 years of age and were eligible to participate. There were 227 males and 252 females. The mean systolic blood pressure was found to rise with age, peaking in the 6l·70 years age group, For women the mean blood pressure rose earlier from the age group of 4-l· 50 years. Mean blood pressures rose with increasing body mass index. lt also varied with occupation and education. The retired and unemployed had a higher blood pressure than those employed and there was an inverse relationship with increasing education. The prevalence of hypertension was 33.6%. More females were hypertensive (36.5%) as compared to males (3 0.4%) and this finding was the same for both systolic and diastolic hypertension. Majority (71.4%) of the hypertensives were undiagnosed. 72.5% of hypertensives who were on treatment were not under control. Hypertension was more prevalent among retirees and illiterates. Prevalence of hypertension increased correspondingly with age. Obesity was associated with hypertension. There was no association with family history of hypertension. Multiple logistic regression showed a positive association only for obesity. ln conclusion, given the high prevalence of hypertension at
present, it appears that the prevalence will increase as each age cohort grows older. Obesity, especially among housewives is a significant assorted factor.
Cancer screening is an important part of any cancer control program and the success of any screening program is partly dependent on having large numbers of the high risk population availing themselves of the service. The purpose of this study was to assess the cancer screening behavior of fulbtime employed women staff of an institute of higher learning using the Health Belief Model (HBM) construct. The results showed that the rate of reported regular cancer screening behavior (Pap smear screening, breast self examination (BSE), clinical breast examination (CBE) and mammography screening) were low. The rates for regular screening were 42.5% (Pap smear), 20.9% (BSE), 15.5% (CBE) and 9.4% (mammography). There were differences in the dimensions of the HBM between the women who reported regular screening and those that did not. The perceived barriers", "perceived benefits” and “motivation” dimensions were different in Pap smear screening, whereas the "confidence” dimension was different in BSE. Recommendations were made for a health education program targeting both women and men to increase uptake of cancer screening services by women.
An increase in physical activity is a key component for effective weight loss. It helps to control weight loss by using excess calories as well as boosting metabolism and lowering insulin levels. Physical activity also helps prevent many chronic diseases and improve the overall human health. The objective of this study was to assess weight loss practice using physical activity strategies among working women in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. A total of 639 adult Malaysian working women were screened and 120 respondents were identified based on their experience of losing at least 10% of their highest lifetime body weight, which is a criterion for successful weight-loss. Self-administered questionnaire was used to collect information from 120 successful weight loss respondents. Physical activity was measured by using International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) short version. Results showed that 35.8% of women had low physical activity level; slightly above than one third of women (38.3%) had moderate activity level, while 25.8% women had high physical activity level.The most common physical activity monitoring strategies implemented were exercise at least 30 minutes per day (22.5%) and incorporate physical activity into daily life (21.7%). A total of 70.8% women regained weight after significant weight loss. A total of 40.0% who regained weight as compared to 25.7% of those who did not regain weight were physically inactive (p=0.138). There was no statistically significant different in daily sitting time between the two groups (p=0.627). As a conclusion, government working women in Kuala Lumpur have low to moderate physical activity levels. Majority women regained weight after significant weight loss. Common strategies to lose weight are exercise at least 30 minutes per day and incorporate physical activity into daily life. More education and promotion regarding the importance of physical activity should be done to all community members especially to the government working women.
Breast self-examination (BSE) is recommended globally as one of the methods in early detection of breast cancer. Little is known about nurses screening behavior related to BSE. A cross-sectional study was conducted to examine the knowledge, attitude and practice of Breast Self Examination (BSE) among nurses. A self-administered questionnaire was sent to a total of 114 nurses working in Obstetrics & Gynaecology wards and clinics of two tertiary hospitals. Among the 114 participants, 111(97.4%) practiced BSE. The mean age of the participants was 34.97(±9.104) years. The mean score of knowledge was 11.07(±1.020) and 81.1% had high knowledge of BSE. Majority (98.2%) of respondents showed good attitude towards BSE. Barriers was found to be a significant predictor and self confidence proved to be an influencing factor on BSE performance. Despite practicing BSE, the number of nurses that examined their breast monthly was only 35.1%. Age, working experience and marital status showed no significant relationship with knowledge and practice of BSE. However, BSE taught during their undergraduate programme was found to have a significant relationship with practice of BSE. Majority of nurses in this study were not complying with MOH recommendation for BSE in terms of frequency. Thus, intervention strategies should focus on educating nurses on performing BSE monthly, in accordance with the Ministry of Health guidelines. This is important as nurses play a primary role in promoting health behaviors in BSE practice and breast cancer awareness among women in this country.
Breast cancer is one of the most frequently encountered malignancies among young females in Malaysia, which accounts for 30.4% of newly diagnosed cancers. All women at or above the age of 20 are considered at risk of developing breast cancer. This is a cross-sectional study. The study was conducted in a private medical university in Malaysia during year 2012. Two hundred students were recruited in this study using universal sampling. Data collection was done using a selfadministration questionnaire. Chi-square test was used to assess the association between the practice of breast selfexamination and socio-demographic variables. Only 19.5% of the study sample has sufficient knowledge about BSE which is acquired mostly from local media. Having a family history of malignancy other than breast cancer seems to be the only significant variable associated with knowledge about BSE (P=0.002). Other variables such as demographic data, menstrual history and social history were also tested, but found to be not significant. Frequent community-based awareness programs are needed so that all women can know and practice BSE, which in turn helps to alert the women to any abnormal changes in the breasts so that they will be able to seek medical advice immediately.
Ewing's sarcoma is a rare tumor first discovered by James Ewing in 1921. It is more common in bone or skeletal component compared to soft tissue or extraosseous Ewing's sarcoma. Among soft tissue Ewing’s, spinal cord involvement is rarer with only nine cases reported. We report a case of nine-year-old Malay girl who presented with low back pain for two months following a fall with progressive neurological deficits of bilateral lower limb. Magnetic resonance imaging was suggestive of a well-defined margin of intradural extramedullary tumor. With nerve sheath tumor in mind, surgical excision with laminectomy L2-S1 was performed. Intraoperative finding was an extradural mass from L3-L5 with extension to bilateral neuroforamen. Histopathology report defined a round cell tumour of Ewing’s sarcoma from the mass.
Traumatic bilateral sixth cranial nerve palsy is a rare condition which is typically associated with additional intracranial, skull, and cervical spine injuries. We describe a case of complete bilateral sixth nerve palsy in a 28-year-old female patient after an alleged motor vehicle accident. She had altered level of consciousness but no intracranial lesion or associated skull or cervical spine fracture was detected. In this case, we discussed the differential diagnoses, initial workup, and possible treatment options in cases of traumatic 6th nerve palsy.