METHODS: A three-phase community-based survey among a disproportionate random sample of 15,000 individuals (9,000 Chinese, 3,000 Malays, 3,000 Indians) aged 50 years and above who live in central Singapore was conducted. In phase 1, trained interviewers conducted a door-to-door survey using a validated 10-question questionnaire. In phase 2, medical specialists examined participants who screened positive to any of the questions. Participants suspected to have PD had their diagnosis confirmed in phase 3 by a movement disorders specialist.
RESULTS: The participation rate was 67% among 22,279 eligible individuals. Forty-six participants with PD were identified of which 16 were newly diagnosed cases. The prevalence rate of PD for those aged 50 and above in Singapore was 0.30% (95% CI: 0.22 to 0.41), age-adjusted to US 1970 census. The prevalence rates increased significantly with age. The age-adjusted prevalence rates among Chinese (0.33%, 95% CI: 0.22 to 0.48), Malays (0.29%, 95% CI: 0.13 to 0.67), and Indians (0.28%, 95% CI: 0.12 to 0.67) were the same (p = 1.0).
CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of PD in Singapore was comparable to that of Western countries. Race-specific rates were also similar to previously reported rates and similar among the three races. Environmental factors may be more important than racially determined genetic factors in the development of PD.
METHODS: This qualitative study used individual in-depth interviews to capture the views and experiences of non-pregnant diabetic women of reproductive age in four public health clinics in a southwestern state of peninsular Malaysia from May 2016 to February 2017. The participants were purposively sampled according to ethnicity and were interviewed using a semi-structured topic guide. Interviews were audio-recorded, and transcripts were analysed using thematic analysis.
RESULTS: From the 33 interviews that were analysed, four important factors influencing participants' decisions regarding pregnancy planning were identified. Participants' perception of poor pregnancy outcomes due to advanced age and medical condition was found to have an impact. However, despite these fears and negative relationships with doctors, personal, family and cultural influences supported by religious 'up to God' beliefs took centre stage in the pregnancy intention of some participants. Participants demonstrated a variety of understandings of pregnancy planning. They outlined some activities for pregnancy preparation, although many also reported limited engagement with pre-pregnancy care.
CONCLUSIONS: This study emphasised the known dilemma experienced by diabetic women considering their desire for an ideal family structure against their perceived pregnancy risks, heterogeneous religious beliefs and the impact of cultural demands on pregnancy intention. This study urges healthcare providers to increase their engagement with the women in pregnancy planning in a more personalised approach.
METHODS: One hundred ten Orang Asli children aged 7 to 12 years old in Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia were selected. 51% of these children were boys while the remainders were girls. They underwent visual acuity test, cover test, Hirschberg's test, ocular external assessment and ophthalmoscopy. Children who failed the vision screening were then referred for further eye examination.
RESULTS: Of these 110 Orang Asli children, 46 failed the vision screening and subsequently 45 of them were confirmed to have visual problems (40.9% of the total subjects). The main cause of visual impairment in this study was refractive error (34.5% of the total subjects) where the main refractive error found was hyperopia (28.2%) followed by amblyopia (2.7%), strabismus (1.8%) and ocular abnormalities (1.8%).
CONCLUSION: Hence, vision screening and a comprehensive eye examination is very important and needs to be done on all Orang Asli children so that any visual problems can be detect at an early stage to avoid the development of learning difficulties among these already disadvantaged children.
METHODS: We performed a case-control association study by genotyping the HLA-B alleles of 55 patients with AIS [11 toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN), 21 Steven Johnson syndrome (SJS) 22 drug reaction wit eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS) and one acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis (AGEP)] and 42 allopurinol-tolerant controls (ATC).
RESULTS: HLA-B*58:01 was positive in 89.1 and 14.3% of the AIS and ATC study groups [odds ratio (OR) = 49.0, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 14.6-164.4, P < 0.0001)], respectively. Our data showed that 93.8% of the AIS-SJS/TEN patients and 86.4% of the AIS-DRESS patients were HLA-B*58:01 positive (AIS-SJS/TEN, OR = 90, 95% CI = 16.9-470.1, P < 0.0001 and AIS-DRESS OR = 38, 95% CI = 8.5-169.2, P < 0.0001). Stratification by ethnicity and clinical phenotypes revealed a significant increased risk between HLA-B*58:01 and Chinese-AIS patients (OR = 137.5, 95% CI = 11.3-1680.2, P < 0.0001), in particular Chinese patients with AIS-SJS/TEN phenotype (100% HLA-B*58:01 positive). HLA-B*58:01 was positive in 90.9% Chinese AIS-DRESS (P < 0.0001). Highly significant associations of HLA-B*58:01 were observed in Malay AIS-SJS/TEN (OR = 78, 95% CI = 9.8-619.9, P < 0.0001) and Malay AIS-DRESS (OR = 54, 95% CI = 6.6-442.9, P < 0.0001). Although the number of Indian-AIS patients was relatively small (n = 2), both were HLA-B*58:01 positive.
CONCLUSION: Our data suggest strong associations between HLA-B*58:01 and AIS in Malaysian population with Chinese and Malays ethnicity. The strong association was also observed in three different clinical phenotypes of AIS, mainly the AIS-SJS/TEN.