Displaying publications 601 - 620 of 5379 in total

  1. Hassnah Wee, Nur Nadirah Abdul Wahab, Zamhariyah Ahmad Fudil
    Jurnal Inovasi Malaysia, 2020;4(1):151-171.
    Tourists visiting destination in warm climate countries such as Malaysia might easily be affected with dehydration problem. Places like the Zoo requires tourist to walk intensively inside the Zoo area may cause dehydration if they do not consume enough plain water. This ZIBMAP innovative product intends to benefit the tourist wellness who visits the National Zoo, comes with an informative map and attractive infographic habitat, which can be kept as a souvenir. This innovative product is designed based on environmental-friendly features that support the implementation of environmental sustainability. A feasibility survey on dehydration risk awareness and the potential of the product acceptance for commercialization was carried out using a quantitative method. A convenience sampling technique was used to identify 300 tourists visiting the National Zoo as respondents for this survey. Descriptive analysis results indicated that majority of respondents aware of the dehydration risk and supported the used of the ZIBMAP innovative product. The outcome of the study highlighted the potential of this product to be commercialized and contribute to tourists’ wellness.
    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
  2. Sulaiman Mahzan, Siti Fairuz Nurr Sadikan, Mohd Ab Malek Md Shah, Mohd Harun Shahudin, Zaini Saat, Shamsol Shafie
    Jurnal Inovasi Malaysia, 2020;4(1):113-132.
    Supervision and monitoring of practical students are among the pertinent components in the management of industrial training among students in institutions of higher learning (IPT) in Malaysia. The easiest way to monitor is by reporting such students’ daily activities in their logbooks. Due to the dispersal of offshore industries, it directly impacts to students, institution and industry such as management costs, wastes supervision time for travel and stresses other factors in managing industry supervision such as ongoing supervision, verification of customization of industry entities regarding needs and reduction of allocation by IPT. Thus, a new mechanism needs to be implemented by considering the advantages and benefits that can be developed throughout the use of information technology (IT). In conjunction with this circumstance, a Smart LogBook prototype has been developed to address the problems encountered in the supervision process of the industry training students as stated. A study of students’ perceptions of the Smart Logbook prototype was also tailored to assess student perception compared to using supervisory methods using the old logbook. The Rapid Application Development (RAD) methodology was used in software development while a set of questionnaires was distributed to 65 respondents to obtain their assessment feedback data. The findings show that students have a positive assessment of their perception of the use of this prototype.
    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
  3. Muhammad Firdaus Othman,, Nor Aimi Abdul Wahab, Suhaiza Hasan, Marina Mokhtar, Noorezal Atfyinna Mohd Napiah, Mohd Noor Mokhtar, et al.
    Jurnal Inovasi Malaysia, 2019;2(2):123-139.
    Teaching, learning and reseach activities in chemical laboratory usually involves a variety of hazardous chemicals. All chemicals stored in the laboratories should be accompanied by a safety data sheet which contains information such as chemical composition, safety precautions for handling and storing chemicals and emergency measures in case of accident. Ineffective management of chemical safety data sheet makes it difficult to access and resulting in slow action taken in the event of accident. To overcome this problem, Quisy-SDS was introduced to ensure a more effective chemical safety information management. Quisy-SDS provides a convenient method for all lab users and emergency respondents to acess the chemical safety information. This method uses a Quick Response (QR) code and website that allow users to acess the information in no time, anytime and anywhere. The use of Quisy-SDS has successfully reduced the search time of chemical safety information by 98% compared to the previous method.
    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
  4. Liyana Daud, Mohamad Razali Abdullah, Siti Musliha Mat-Rasid, Ahmad Bisyri Husin Musawi Maliki, Amr Alnaimat, Muhammad Rabani Hashim, et al.
    The study attempts to use multivariate analysis to evaluate the profile of male player for developments of Long-Term Talent in Sports (LT-TiS) model based on anthropometric and motor fitness components. Data of anthropometric and motor fitness included power, flexibility, coordination and speed were obtained from 2019 respondents aged 7.32±0.52 year. Data interpretations were carried out using multivariate analysis of Principle Components Analysis (PCA) and Discriminant analysis (DA). The adequacy of sampling has been measured using Bartletts tests on sphericity and Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) has been used, with this conformance of running the Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Then, Discriminant Analysis (DA) were used to validate the correctness of group classification by LT-TiS model. Then, Discriminant Analysis (DA) were used to validate the correctness of group classification by LT-TiS. As a result, two factors with eigenvalues greater than 1 were extracted which accounted for 55.00% of the variations present in the original variables was found. The two factors were used to obtain the factor score coefficients explained by 27.86% and 27.21% of the variations in player performance respectively. Factor 1 revealed high factor loading on motor fitness compared to factor 2 as it was significantly related to anthropometrics. A model was obtained using standardized coefficient of factor 1. Three clusters of performance were shaped in view by categorizing; LT−TiS≥65%, 40%≤LT−TiS
    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
  5. Rahmat S, Rahman SA, Tukiran NH, Musa R, Othman NA, Dzulkarnain AAA
    Med J Malaysia, 2021 03;76(2):205-211.
    PMID: 33742629
    OBJECTIVE: This study is a preliminary work to develop a Malay version questionnaire named 'Inventori Persepsi bagi Muslim yang Memiliki Masalah Pendengaran (IPM3P)' to assess the perception on Islamic understanding and practice among Muslim adults with hearing impairment.

    METHODS: The scale development involved three phases: i) generation of domains based on the literature, ii) generation of sub-domains based on literature review and Islamic panel survey, and iii) generation of items.

    RESULTS: Preliminary version of IPM3P consists of 59 items was produced, representing three domains: Obligation (18 items), Practice (21 items), and Difficulty (20 items), and seven sub-domains ('Ibadah', 'Aqidah', 'Muamalat', 'Tasawwuf', 'Akhlak','Da'wah', and 'Sirah').

    CONCLUSION: The preliminary version of IPM3P needs to be psychometrically tested. This pioneering study may become an impetus towards more research pertaining to understanding the effect of hearing loss towards religious life in the future in Malaysia.

    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
  6. Naicker AS, Vinoshn DK, Yuliawiratman BS, Alaga A, Kevin Ng WS, Naicker MS, et al.
    Med J Malaysia, 2021 03;76(2):183-189.
    PMID: 33742626
    INTRODUCTION: In recent years, many unresolved issues pertaining to house officers in Malaysia have led to a longer waiting time and a 'glut' of medical graduates with a surprising 20% dropout amongst those who join the housemanship programme. This appears to reflect the changing times, mindsets and work expectations of millennials who comprise this cohort reflecting a need to consider possibilities of career shifts especially so in these uncertain times. This study explores the perceptions, awareness and interest in alternative career options amongst recent graduates and house officers.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was a study done between 2018 and 2019 using a questionnaire which was shared on various social platforms. Data analysis was done using Excel spreadsheet.

    RESULTS: A total of 450 house officers and 657 medical graduates responded. Expectedly 66.8% claimed lifelong passion whilst another 12.1% claimed family influence as their reason to do medicine. Most were aware of their career challenges and 40% of them were keen to consider career change and reskilling indicating a possible shift from traditional expectations of a medical career.

    CONCLUSION: Whilst medicine is often considered a true calling, current challenges will require mental and emotional flexibility to explore other career opportunities. Thus, engagement programmes should be directed at medical graduates and house officers to identify and support those open to career transitions. This will help address current issues of internship bottleneck and rising dropout rates amongst internees. Early career change engagements will give them insight into their true career goals whilst opening up opportunities for those who wish to change.

    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
  7. Nurasiken Hanafiah, Daniyal Donny Man, Nur Khairunisa Abu Talip, Suhardi Kram
    Goal orientation is a part of the psychological factors that needed by athletes to achieve a better performance in a competition. The aim of this study is to investigate the difference of goal orientation between gender and type of sports among Karnival Sukan Mahasiswa UiTM (KARiSMA) Perak athletes. Task and ego sport questionnaire (TEOSQ) was used to examine the goal orientation among athletes. There were four hundred (n=400) participants for this study. The results show that there was no significant difference between task orientation and gender. However, there was a significant difference observed between genders of athletes in terms of ego orientation. Furthermore, there was a significant difference in goal orientation between types of sport. In conclusion, if the athletes were able to set the goals in task orientation, the athletes can achieve better in sport.
    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
  8. Nunes MH, Jucker T, Riutta T, Svátek M, Kvasnica J, Rejžek M, et al.
    Nat Commun, 2021 03 09;12(1):1526.
    PMID: 33750781 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-20811-y
    The past 40 years in Southeast Asia have seen about 50% of lowland rainforests converted to oil palm and other plantations, and much of the remaining forest heavily logged. Little is known about how fragmentation influences recovery and whether climate change will hamper restoration. Here, we use repeat airborne LiDAR surveys spanning the hot and dry 2015-16 El Niño Southern Oscillation event to measure canopy height growth across 3,300 ha of regenerating tropical forests spanning a logging intensity gradient in Malaysian Borneo. We show that the drought led to increased leaf shedding and branch fall. Short forest, regenerating after heavy logging, continued to grow despite higher evaporative demand, except when it was located close to oil palm plantations. Edge effects from the plantations extended over 300 metres into the forests. Forest growth on hilltops and slopes was particularly impacted by the combination of fragmentation and drought, but even riparian forests located within 40 m of oil palm plantations lost canopy height during the drought. Our results suggest that small patches of logged forest within plantation landscapes will be slow to recover, particularly as ENSO events are becoming more frequent.
    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
  9. Ahmad MS, Abuzar MA, Razak IA, Rahman SA, Borromeo GL
    Int J Dent Hyg, 2021 May;19(2):215-222.
    PMID: 33513278 DOI: 10.1111/idh.12488
    OBJECTIVE: Representing the largest proportion of healthcare workers, nurses play a significant role in oral health (OH) maintenance as part of a larger effort to promote holistic patient care. The study aims to determine nursing students' perceptions of OH education and practice in Malaysian and Australian nursing schools.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: A self-administered questionnaire (content- and face-validated) survey was undertaken, classroom style, amongst final-year nursing students from selected Malaysian (n = 122, Response rate=97.6%) and Australian (n = 299, Response rate=54.7%) institutions. Quantitative data were analysed via Statistical Package for Social Science software (Chi-square and Fisher's exact tests, p ≤ 0.01).

    RESULTS: Significantly more Malaysian nursing students, compared to those in Australia, reported having encountered patients with OH issues (98.4% vs. 82.9%), namely halitosis (87.7% vs. 62.2%), oral ulcers (63.1% vs. 41.1%), oral/dental trauma (36.9% vs. 21.1%) and caries in children (28.7% vs. 7.7%). Less than half of Malaysian and Australian nursing students reported that they received adequate OH training (48.4% vs. 36.6%, p ≤ 0.01), especially in detecting oral cancer (18.0.0% vs. 22.6%, p ≤ 0.01) and preventing oral diseases (46.7% vs. 41.7%, p ≤ 0.01). Students in both countries demonstrated positive attitudes and believed in their role in OH care. Most students agreed that they should receive training in OH, especially in smoking cessation and providing OH care for patients with special needs. They also opined that a standardized evidence-based oral hygiene protocol is needed.

    CONCLUSION: Support for education and practice in this area of patient care suggested positive implications for further development of nurses' roles in OH promotion and management.

    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
  10. Sulaiman L, Saub R, Baharuddin NA, Safii SH, Gopal Krishna V, Bartold PM, et al.
    Oral Health Prev Dent, 2019;17(4):365-373.
    PMID: 31093611 DOI: 10.3290/j.ohpd.a42502
    PURPOSE: To assess the impact of extent and severity of chronic periodontitis (CP) on oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL).

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cross-sectional comparative study was performed on subjects from multiple dental centres in Malaysia using a questionnaire covering sociodemographics, OHRQoL using the Malaysian Oral Health Impact Profile questionnaire, OHIP-14(M) and self-reported symptoms. Participants with severe CP were age-and gender-matched with periodontally healthy/mild periodontitis (HMP) participants based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. Full mouth periodontal examination was performed on participants. Outcome measures were OHIP-14(M) prevalence of impact and severity of impact scores.

    RESULTS: One hundred and thirty (130) participants comprising 65 severe CP and 65 HMP participants were included in the study. Prevalence of impact on OHRQoL was significantly higher in the severe CP than HMP group, with an odds ratio of 3. Mean OHIP-14(M) score was significantly higher in the severe CP (18.26 ± 10.22) compared to HMP (11.28± 8.09) group. The dimensions of psychological discomfort and functional limitation, and factors such as 'discomfort due to food stuck' and 'felt shy' were impacted more in severe CP compared to HMP group (p < 0.05). When compared with the HMP group, generalised severe CP participants showed higher prevalence of impact on OHRQoL [OR=5] (p < 0.05) compared to localised severe CP [OR=2] (p = 0.05). Participants who had experienced self-reported symptoms had statistically significant impacts on OHRQoL.

    CONCLUSIONS: Severe CP had a greater impact on OHRQoL compared to HMP. Impacts were mainly for functional limitation and psychological discomfort dimensions. When considering extent of disease, the impact on OHRQoL was mostly in generalised severe CP subgroup.

    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
  11. Peng MY, Feng Y, Zhao X, Chong W
    Front Psychol, 2021;12:583722.
    PMID: 33854458 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.583722
    Previous studies have explored a multitude of factors influencing student learning outcomes based on various theories. Knowledge transfer theory was adopted to develop the antecedents of student learning outcomes in the complete learning process. This study aims to explore the conspicuousness between various factors within the structural model, such as knowledge transfer, student orientation, and absorptive capacity, by combining marketing and management concepts with higher education studies. This study takes Taiwanese University students as its research samples, and purposive sampling is adopted. A total of 873 questionnaires are collected in this study. PLS-SEM was used to verify the structural relationship in data analysis via running of SmartPLS. The results indicate that knowledge transfer and student orientation have significant impacts on students' absorptive capacity and learning outcomes and that students' prior knowledge has a positive moderating effect on the relationship between knowledge transfer and absorptive capacities. Based on these findings, the researchers propose feasible suggestions for related issues and future research.
    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
  12. Ramasamy K, Saniasiaya J, Abdul Gani N
    Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol, 2021 May;130(5):513-519.
    PMID: 33025798 DOI: 10.1177/0003489420963165
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the prevalence of olfactory and gustatory dysfunction among patients with COVID-19 infection and the recovery rate.

    METHODS: Adult patients (≥18 years) tested positive for COVID-19 via reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and admitted in Hospital Tuanku Ja'afar Seremban, Malaysia, were recruited in this study. Patients completed a questionnaire via telephone interview comprising the following details: age, sex, ethnicity, comorbidities, general and otorhinolaryngological symptoms, onset and duration of olfactory and gustatory dysfunction. Patients with persistent olfactory and gustatory dysfunction at the time of the initial interview were followed-up every 3 to 5 days till resolution.

    RESULTS: A total of 145 patients were included in our study. The mean age of patients was 43.0 ± 17.7 (range: 18-86). Fever (44.1%) and cough (39.3%) were the most prevalent general symptoms. Thirty-one patients (21.4%) reported olfactory dysfunction and 34 (23.4%) reported dysgeusia. There was a significant association between both olfactory and gustatory dysfunction (P 

    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
  13. Huen JMY, Zhang J, Osman A, Lew B, Yip PSF
    J Affect Disord, 2021 02 15;281:1-8.
    PMID: 33278765 DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2020.11.069
    BACKGROUND: The 40-item Psychological Strain Scales (PSS) was developed to measure four dimensions of psychological strains based on the Strain Theory of Suicide. Although the PSS has been increasingly used in recent years, the dimensionality and scoring of the PSS remained to be thoroughly examined using the Item Response Theory (IRT) approach.

    METHODS: Data came from a large sample of 11,412 Chinese undergraduate students. A bifactor-IRT model, specifying one general strain factor and four specific strains factors, was examined for fit to the sample data. A detailed item analysis, with analysis of the differential item functioning (DIF) of the items across gender, was undertaken to evaluate the dimensionality of the PSS. The associations among the PSS scale scores with scores on the concurrent measures, assessing psychache and suicidal behaviors, were examined.

    RESULTS: IRT-derived specific bifactor indices showed that the PSS was unidimensional, and thus the PSS total scores should be reported. Unidimensional subset of 5 items identified (Item 9, Item 12, Item 14, Item 16, and Item 20), using bifactor-IRT modeling and incremental validation, were selected to construct a potential short form of the PSS (PSS-SF). The PSS-SF scale scores demonstrated strong psychometric properties and associations with scores on the concurrent measures assessing relevant constructs.

    LIMITATIONS: This study used cross-sectional data from a non-clinical sample of Chinese undergraduate students.

    CONCLUSIONS: The PSS-SF should be considered as a unidimensional instrument with potential in enhancing our understanding and measurement of psychological strains with reduced response burden.

    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
  14. Ghoshal R, Sharanjeet-Kaur S, Fadzil NM, Ghosh S, Ngah NF, Aziz RAA
    PMID: 32887213 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17176378
    Polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy (PCV), a subtype of neovascular age-related macular degeneration, requires repeated treatment. The objective of this pilot study was to evaluate and compare vision-targeted quality of life (QOL) at baseline and after 6 months of treatment in patients with PCV. Naive PCV patients were recruited. Visual functions assessed were distance visual acuity (DVA), near visual acuity (NVA), contrast sensitivity (CS), reading speed (RS), and QOL at baseline and after 6 months of treatment. Thirty patients (average age of 67.62 ± 8.05 years) revealed mean DVA and NVA improvements of 0.24 logMAR and 0.30 logMAR, respectively. Mean CS and RS improved by 0.39 log contrast and 25.58 words per minute, respectively. The National Eye Institute Visual Function Questionnaire 25 (NEI-VFQ-25) composite score significantly increased from a baseline of 66.73 ± 13.74 to 73.54 ± 14.26. Twenty-eight of the patients showed overall improvement in QOL score by 5 units or more or remained stable. Subscales of NEI-VFQ-25 significantly improved, with general vision, mental health, and role difficulties improving by 10 or more units. The present pilot study reports a significant improvement of QOL in PCV patients after 6 months of treatment, with mental health, role difficulties, social functioning, and distance vision activities being the most improved subscales.
    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
  15. Fidelia Ferderik Anis, Mazlinda Musa, Aini Ahmad
    Introduction:Simulation training in airway management among nursing students was recommended to enhance skills, knowledge and confidence during their clinical attachment in the Emergency Department but the efficacy was not being explored adequately. The objective of this study was to determine the efficacy of simulation training in airway management among final year nursing student Kota Kinabalu Training Institute (KKTI). Methods: This was quasi-experimental research design, which the participant was divided into test and control group without random-ization. A sample of forty final year nursing students was selected for this study. This was a comparative study in-volving twenty KKTI final year nursing students (test group) with simulation versus twenty final year nursing students (control group) without simulation on airway before and after posted to Emergency and Trauma Department (ETD). Two instruments were used, i) Pretest/posttest survey design by Porter et al (2013), and; ii) The Simulation Efficacy Tool-Modified (SET-M). SPSS version 24 Independent T test was used to analyse the mean score between the groups. Results: Levene’s test for equality of variance shown significant (t= -.005, df = 38, p
    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
  16. Nur Najihah Najwa Jamil, Masnira Jusoh, Wan Aslynn Wan Ahmad
    This study was designed to examine the relationship between attitude, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control towards parents’ intention in sending their child to the audiologist. A sample of 76 parents with hearing impaired child all over the Peninsular of Malaysia was involved in this research. A set of questionnaires was used for data collection. The theory of planned behavioral (TPB) was able to explain the link between human intention and their behavior. In this study, the researcher looked at parents’ behavior in bringing their child to Audiologist. In order to achieve this a set of questionnaires was adapted from Jusoh (2011) and was administered to a group of parents with hearing loss (HL) children. The result showed that there were correlations between attitude, subjective norms as well as perceived behavioral control and parents’ intention in sending their child to the audiologist. However, there was no correlation between intentions and behavior towards the same intention.
    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
  17. Mohd Esa Baruji, Sudin, Sham Xahary, Siti Zainatul Arafah, Nuraida Waslee, Siti Nasyrah Ibrahim, Nur Hidayana Abdullah, et al.
    communication, full compliance and good behavior) as among the crucial elements required to be possessed by the principal employers in three sectors, namely manufacturing, public services and construction. In relation to this, this paper will describe the development and validation of instruments prior to the measurement of principal employers’ roles and responsibilities in the implementation of OSH. Three assessment tools were developed, namely the Benchmarking Interview, Questionnaire and Workplace Inspection. Fifteen companies were selected for the benchmarking interview, 50 employers conveniently selected for the survey interview (covering three sectors) and 90 employers selected for the workplace inspection (30 respondents for each sector). The development of benchmarking interview and workplace inspection scores are briefly discussed while the main focus is on the validation of the survey constructs (or items). The reliability check on 53 items representing four elements (i.e., Commitment, Communication, Compliance, Behaviour) of employers’ roles and responsibilities in the implementation of OSH showed that the Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient is more than 0.90 which indicates that the internal consistency is extremely reliable. It also indicates that the set of items in each element are closely related and well understood by the respondents. Validity check on the items based on the Rasch measurement infit and outfit mean square statistics and standardized z-score found that nine items had misfitting values and finally corrected for further analysis. This study had shown that a valid and reliable instruments are important in ensuring that accurate and precise findings are obtained in measuring the roles and responsibilities of principal employer in the implementation of OSH.
    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
  18. Nurul Nabila Binti Mohtar, Wan Ahmad Wan Aslynn, Mohd Normani Zakaria, Nor Haniza Abdul Wahat, Nurul Syarida Bt Mohd Sakeri
    The purpose of this study was to translate and adapt the Vestibular Rehabilitation Benefit Questionnaire (VRBQ) into Malay (My-VRBQ). This is to add on to the limited number of
    vestibular questionnaire available in Malay version. After the permission from the original
    author was obtained, the process of adaptation began with forward-translation by the author with
    audiological background and a linguistic expert. Then, the process of backward translation into
    English were completed by three bilinguals who were proficient in both Malay and English. The final version of the draft was evaluated for its content validity, which was conducted by five professionals with audiological or speech pathology backgrounds. Additionally, its face validity was determine amongst 32 respondents with diverse backgrounds. Ten participants diagnosed with vestibular problems were recruited in the My-VRBQ for internal consistency validation process. They were enlisted from two hospitals in the East Coast of Malaysia. Based on the comments and
    suggestions made by the validators; some changes in terms of the appropriateness of the instructions, items and the sentence structure were made. In the consistency analysis, the My-VRBQ revealed good internal consistency based on Cronbach alpha values (0.77 to 0.96). A translated and validated My-VRBQ has the potential to be used clinically to document vestibular rehabilitation benefits. Nevertheless, future studies are encouraged to further support the present study findings.
    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
  19. Kamal Kenny, Madhavan, Priya
    Over the years, the rights of pharmacists as health care professionals have been a controversial topic in the medical field. Pharmacists worldwide have always been independent in being able to practice medicine in their own way and have been given exclusive dispensing rights to distribute drugs and medicines to patients. In Malaysia, however, this is not the case. The overwhelming opinion has been that pharmacists are losing their dispensing rights because doctors are earning more. The current study was carried out in view of recent debates regarding the implementation of a dispensary separation policy in Malaysia. The main objective of this study was to gain an understanding of the views of and challenges experienced by the public in regards to the implementation of this type of policy. The overall results of this study show that dispensing rights are still viewed with mixed feelings. Study subjects reported believing that pharmacists were capable of dispensing medication but that they lack the confidence to make changes within the existing system. When their conditions were not severe, respondents indicated that they preferred the old system where doctors prescribe them with medicine and they subsequently visit the pharmacy. In conclusion, the majority of interview participants were of the opinion that maintaining the current system would benefit them holistically. In this study, input from a total of 929 respondents was gathered via a structured survey conducted throughout Malaysia. The study findings were also supported by data obtained during interviews carried out with 350 informants regarding their views of the implementation of dispensary separation in Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
  20. Uzir MUH, Jerin I, Al Halbusi H, Hamid ABA, Latiff ASA
    Heliyon, 2020 Dec;6(12):e05710.
    PMID: 33367128 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e05710
    Customer is considered as the king in the world of business. The issue of customer satisfaction in electronics home appliances has received greater attention from academics and practitioners. In other words, customer satisfaction is a vital consideration in marketing. With the development of technology, new and innovative electronic home appliances are available in the market. Customers purchase and use the costly electronic home appliances where the satisfaction issue is an important concern. In Bangladesh, working families find the electronic home appliance very necessary. Companies offer state-of- the-art appliances for customers' household works. Therefore, the study intends to investigate the effect of product quality (PQ), quality of service (SQ) and perceived value on customer satisfaction (CS). In addition, this study also seeks this relationship shaped by customer's perceived value (CPV) as a key mechanism and interacted by social media usage. A total of 300 households were selected on a judgmental basis from Dhaka city in Bangladesh using a structured questionnaire. Collected data were CB-SEM (AMOS-v24) and SPSS. The findings showed PQ and SQ have positive effects on CS; SQ affects, but PQ does not affect CPV. CPV has a mixing mediating effect on SQ and CS relationship and PQ and CS relationship. Importantly, the positive impact of PQ, SQ and CPV is greater on customers who exhibit higher social media use. The conceptual framework was buttressed by EDT theory. The study contributed to contextual and theoretical knowledge in regards to home appliances. The practicing managers can collect an insight of customer satisfaction for their business.
    Matched MeSH terms: Surveys and Questionnaires
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