Displaying publications 621 - 640 of 24665 in total

  1. ISBN: 978 92 906 1766 2
    Citation: Youth and Tobacco in the Western Pacific Region: Global Youth Tobacco Survey 2005–2014. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2016

    Study name: Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS)
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  2. Noraini T, Ruzi A, Nadiah N, Nisa R, Maideen H, Solihani S
    Sains Malaysiana, 2012;41:53-62.
    Kajian anatomi stip telah dijalankan ke atas tujuh spesies Davallia, iaitu D. denticulata, D. divaricata, D. trichomanioides var. trichomanioides, D. trichomanioides var. lorrainii, D. corniculata, D. repens dan D. solida var. solida di Malaysia. Kajian ini melibatkan keratan rentas bahagian stip menggunakan mikrotom gelongsor. Hasil kajian menunjukkan ciri anatomi stip seperti bentuk luaran stip, corak kehadiran sel sklerenkima di bawah epidermis, jenis dan bentuk stel, bilangan berkas vaskular, bilangan lapisan sel parenkima dan juga kehadiran cuping pada keratan rentas stip boleh digunakan untuk pengecaman dan pembezaan spesies. Ciri sepunya bagi genus Davallia ialah kehadiran sel sklerenkima mengelilingi stel dan di bawah lapisan sel epidermis, serta kehadiran sel parenkima berdinding tebal. Banyak ciri diagnostik ditemui dalam kajian ini dan antaranya ialah kehadiran satu cuping pada keratan stip tengah ditemui hanya pada D. trichomanioides var. lorrainii, corak 4 kehadiran sel sklerenkima di bawah epidermis ditemui hanya pada D. repens, corak 3 hanya ditemui pada D. solida var. solida, corak 5 dan 7 hanya ditemui pada D. corniculata, stel jenis dorsiventral protostel bagi D. divaricata dan bagi D. trichomanioides var. trichomanioides pula, kehadiran stel bentuk arka pada stip atas, stip tengah dan juga bawah merupakan ciri diagnostik yang baik untuk pengecaman spesies ini. Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa ciri anatomi stip mempunyai nilai taksonomi dalam genus Davallia dan boleh digunakan sebagai data sokongan untuk tujuan pengecaman dan pembezaan spesies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  3. Mohamad Naim Mohamad Rasidi, Mazrura Sahani, Hidayatulfathi Othman, Rozita Hod, Shaharudin Idrus, Zainudin Mohd Ali, et al.
    Sains Malaysiana, 2013;42:1073-1080.
    Penyakit denggi merupakan penyakit bawaan vektor yang menjadi salah satu ancaman utama kesihatan awam di Malaysia. Pemetaan taburan kes denggi daripada aspek reruang-masa boleh menjadi kaedah yang berguna dalam menilai risiko denggi kepada masyarakat. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk memetakan taburan reruang dan reruang-masa kes-kes denggi di dalam daerah Seremban, dijalankan dengan Sistem Maklumat Geografi (GIS) khususnya analisis reruang dan reruang-masa. Analisis taburan reruang menggunakan Indeks Moran, purata kejiranan terdekat (ANN) dan anggaran kepadatan Kernel. Analisis reruang-masa ditentukan dengan indeks kekerapan, jangka masa dan intensiti untuk mengenal pasti kawasan berisiko denggi mengikut masa. Sejumlah 6076 kes denggi dicatatkan di Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Seremban dari tahun 2003 hingga 2009. Kadar insiden denggi adalah tinggi pada tahun 2003, 2008 dan 2009 dengan nisbah denggi : denggi berdarah adalah 21.6:1. Indeks Moran menunjukkan kes denggi berlaku dalam pengelompokan dengan skor Z adalah 16.384 (p=0.000). Analisis ANN dengan 0.264 (p= 0.000) dengan purata jarak insiden antara kes denggi di dalam kawasan kejiranan adalah 55 m. Anggaran kepadatan Kernel menunjukkan lokasi kawasan panas kes denggi tertumpu di Nilai dan Ampangan. Analisis reruang masa dengan purata nilai tertinggi indeks kekerapan, jangka masa dan intensiti masing-masing melebihi 0.023, 0.614 dan 0.657 di kawasan berisiko tinggi denggi di Nilai, Seremban dan Ampangan. Pengawalan denggi perlu diberi tumpuan kepada kawasan berisiko tinggi ini.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  4. Ismail E, Amini F, Abdul Razak S, Mohd Zaini H, Alwi Z, Farhour R
    Sains Malaysiana, 2013;42:921-926.
    Negritos of Peninsular Malaysia have physical features which strongly resemble the African pygmies rather than any of the other main South East Asian ethnic groups. In addition, their features are also completely different from the two other large sub-groups of the Peninsular Malaysia Orang Asli, i.e. Senoi and Proto-Malay. In this study, we genetically screened three African-specific markers, Glucose-6 Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD) gene PvuII Type 2 polymorphism and A- mutation; and Sickle Cell trait in 103 unrelated individuals with G6PD deficiency. None of the Negritos’ samples carried A- and Sickle cell mutations but all males and females have the PvuII Type 2 polymorphism. The same results were seen in all DNA samples of the Malaysian’s Malay, Chinese and Indians. Additionally, all females in this study were homozygous for PvuII Type 2 polymorphism. Thus, we concluded that this polymorphism is widespread in all Malaysian population and is not unique to just Africans. However, these findings indicated that the polymorphism was widely conserved and can be used to study the African descendant in any world population hitherto supporting the ‘Out of Africa’ theory.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  5. Rozmi I
    This paper reported a preliminary study on Mat Rempit's activities and illegal motorcycle racing. Mat Rempit activities are becoming very popular among teenagers especially in major cities and towns in Malaysia. This phenomenon has created a new sub-culture amongst Malaysian teenagers. This study focused on psycho-social factors that encourage teenagers to involve in illegal motorcycle racing and to survey racing backgrounds (eg. racing types, time, places, prizes, etc.). Data was obtained through interview and live observations at the racing scene. One hundred racers and ex-racers had cooperated as respondents to feed this research with information. Results showed that Malay teenagers between 17-22 years old are the most involved in this activities. Also, moderating factors have been identified which are psychological factors where neurotic and extrovert personality traits and high level of self-esteem are found to correlate with racing involvement. Meanwhile, sociological factors such as peers, greatness flaunting culture and prizes are encouraging teenagers' involvement in illegal racing activities. Family and community roles to curb these unhealthy activities are suggested.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  6. Uhammad Fahmi Abdul Ghani, Simon N, Goh TL, Tuan Rosli Tuan Mohamed, Abdul Ghani Rafek
    Sains Malaysiana, 2016;45:1509-1516.
    Perbukitan batu kapur di Lembah Kinta membentuk landskap muka bumi yang unik dan indah hasil daripada proses pelarutan batuan karbonat. Namun begitu, bergantung kepada kawasan perbukitan batu kapur tersebut, kehadiran pelbagai struktur geologi seperti struktur retakan dan kekar yang ekstensif mampu memberi ancaman kepada manusia dan harta benda. Kajian ini bertujuan melihat hubungan antara ketumpatan lineamen dan tahap kestabilan tujuh cerun gunung batu kapur di Lembah Kinta, Malaysia. Kajian ini terbahagi kepada dua peringkat, iaitu pemetaan ketumpatan lineamen dan penilaian kestabilan cerun dengan menggunakan kaedah Kekuatan Jasad Batuan (RMS). Sebanyak 599 lineamen rantau dikenal pasti dengan panjang keseluruhan lineamen mencapai 317 km. Seterusnya, peta ketumpatan lineamen yang dihasilkan dikelaskan kepada tiga kelas: Rendah (137.0-84.23) m, sederhana (84.22-46.83) m dan tinggi (46.82-0.0) m. Kaedah RMS yang dijalankan di lapangan pula adalah bertujuan bagi mengesahkan peta ketumpatan lineamen yang dihasilkan. Sebanyak dua belas stesen dinilai dengan tujuh parameter RMS iaitu kekuatan bahan batuan, tahap luluhawa, bukaan kekar, orientasi kekar, kelebaran kekar, ketakselanjaran dan aliran air bawah tanah. Setiap cerun yang dinilai dikelaskan kepada lima kumpulan daripada sangat lemah hingga sangat kuat. Skor RMS berdasarkan jumlah akhir setiap parameter yang dinilai. Hampir kesemua stesen yang dicerap berada pada kelas sederhana (Gunung Rapat, Datok, Kandu, Panjang, A, Tempurung) manakala hanya satu stesen (Gunung Lang) berada pada kelas lemah. Korelasi antara peta ketumpatan lineamen dan skor RMS menunjukkan korelasi yang baik dengan 73% ketepatan. Ini menunjukkan bahawa kestabilan cerun di Lembah Kinta dipengaruhi secara langsung oleh ketumpatan lineamen rantau.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  7. ISBN: 978-983-2387-39-8
    Citation: National Health Morbidity Survey 2017: Adolescent Nutrition Survey. Kuala Lumpur: Institute for Public Health, Ministry of Health, Malaysia, 2017
    Study name: National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS-2017)
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  8. ISBN: 978-983-42000-1-5
    Malaysian Guidelines for Good Clinical Practce, Fourth Edition. Petaling Jaya: Ministry of Health, Malaysia, 2018

    Older versions:
    Second Edition, 2004
    Third Edition, 2011
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  9. ISBN: 978-983-2387-40-4
    Citation: National Health Morbidity Survey 2017: Adolescent Health Survey. Kuala Lumpur: Institute for Public Health, Ministry of Health, Malaysia, 2017
    Study name: National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS-2017)
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  10. Krishnan M
    Krishnan M. Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur: Ministry of Health, Malaysia; 2003

    Study name: Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS)
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  11. Rajakumar MK, Ahmad MD, Balasundaram R, Low BT, Tan FEH, Wan KC, et al.
    Citation: Rajakumar MK, Ahmad MD, Balasundaram R, Low BT, Tan FEH, Wan KC, Catterall RA. Specialisation in Primary Health Care: Training for the New General Practice in Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur: College of General Practitioners Malaysia, 1986
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  12. Maniam UM, Liong CY
    Sains Malaysiana, 2007;36:213-223.
    Globalisasi dan dunia ICT masa kini telah meningkatkan lagi permintaan terhadap tenaga buruh yang berkualiti. Majikan pada hari ini sudah tidak lagi berpegang kepada persepsi bahawa pengetahuan akademik semata-mata adalah mencukupi malah mereka telah menyarankan agar institusi pengajian tinggi dapat melahirkan siswazah yang mempunyai kemahiran boleh-pindah yang tinggi demi meningkatkan peluang mereka untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan. Saranan sedemikian kian mendapat tempat memandangkan statistik kebelakangan ini menunjukkan pengangguran di kalangan siswazah adalah semakin meningkat di negara ini. Makalah ini membincangkan persepsi pelajar tahun akhir Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia terhadap atribut pekerjaan dari segi kepentingannya dan tahap kemahiran atau keupayaan mereka sendiri. Kajian ini merangkumi pelajar jurusan sains dan sastera. Tahap kepuasan pelajar dari aspek program pengajian dan pengalaman di universiti secara keseluruhan turut dinilai. Seramai 200 orang pelajar pra-siswazah tahun akhir telah dipilih secara pensampelan rawak berstratum dan data yang diperoleh diproses menggunakan kaedah-kaedah analisis min, ujian-t dan analisis varians. Keputusan analisis mendapati pelajar menilai tahap kepentingan kemahiran-kemahiran itu lebih tinggi daripada tahap kemahiran mereka sendiri dan terdapat perbezaan di antara tahap kemahiran daripada aspek jurusan, jantina, PNGK dan etnik. Pada keseluruhannya, pelajar didapati berpuas hati dengan program pengajian, pengalaman di universiti dan persediaan kerjaya masing-masing. Walau bagaimanapun, daripada hasil kajian ini terdapat beberapa aspek yang perlu diberi tumpuan terutamanya aspek sokongan dan bimbingan dari staf akademik dan pihak universiti dalam perancangan kerjaya pelajar serta penambaikan kemudahan pelajar.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  13. Ho HC, Teoh HW, Chong VC
    Sains Malaysiana, 2012;41:949-952.
    Neenchelys buitendijki Weber and de Beaufort, 1916 from Malaysia is reported for the first time. Five specimens collected
    from Matang, Peninsular Malaysia, represent the third record in the Indo-western Pacific region. A detailed description
    is provided to document the species into the fish fauna of Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  14. Ramlah Zainudin, Mustafa A. Rahman, Badrul Munir M. Zain, Shukor MN, Norhayati A, Inger RF
    Recordings of frog calls from the genus Hylarana were conducted at seven study sites in Sarawak, Malaysia. The results showed that each species differs in terms of call characteristics, in which a high number of pulsed note belongs to H. baramica, while high repetition note belongs to the sibling species, H. glandulosa. Higher pitched and number of amplitude spectrum, however, belong to H. signata. Pulsed note and note repetition differed significantly among species, except for spectrum amplitude. Advertisement calls for each species were described in detail. This study provide a baseline data on advertisement call characteristics of frogs from the genus Hylarana for future studies of these frogs particularly and the Oriental frogs generally.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  15. Mohammad Firuz Ramli, Wan Nor Azmin Sulaiman, Noraini Surip, Mohamad Abd Manap
    Sains Malaysiana, 2010;39(1):333-336.
    The geological terrain mapping conducted by the Department of Mineral and Geosciences, Malaysia (JMG) is time-consuming especially for inaccessible or remote area. In order to improve the current practice, remotely sensed data such as aerial photographs and Landsat imagery were used to identify geological terrain features in Cameron Highlands, Pahang. It was found that features such as hillcrest, sideslope, footslope, straight slope, convex slope and concave slope were easily delineated using aerial photographs draped over a digital elevation model (DEM) compared to using Landsat imagery.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  16. Laila Suryani Elias, Eng M, Ang W, Chelliah K, Abd Aziz Tajuddin, Arasaratnam S, et al.
    Sains Malaysiana, 2010;39:299-303.
    Mammography is used as a screening tool for early detection of breast cancer. However, the radiation dose used should be as low as possible to minimize any effects on asymptomatic woman while maintaining the diagnostic value of the image as mammography is done annually. This study was done to determine the optimum exposure parameter in exposure control mode (AEC) for two combinations of anode/filter which were molybdenum/molybdenum (Mo/Mo) and molybdenum/rhodium (Mo/Rh) using the Lorad Selenia digital mammography system at the Women’s Breast Clinic, National Cancer Society (NCS). A CIRS012A mammography research of phantom 4 cm thickness with 50% glandularity was exposed in the cranio-caudal projection. TLD 100H was used to measure the entrance surface air kerma (ESAK). The AGD values were then calculated from the ESAK values, incorporating three correction factors (g, c and s) according to Euref protocol. Image quality was evaluated using signal to noise ratio (SNR). Figure of Merit (FOM) which is the ratio of the square of SNR to the AGD shows that 30 kVp is the optimum exposure parameter for a 4 cm thickness phantom with the use of Mo/Rh and Mo/Mo anode/filter combination. Non-parametric Spearman correlation test showed a negative linear relationship between AGD and SNR with increasing tube voltage for both anode/filters.
    Keywords: Average glandular dose; CIRS012A phantom; exposure; full field digital mammography
    Study site: Women’s Breast Clinic, National Cancer Society (NCS), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  17. Haryati Yaacob, Mohd Rosli Hainin, Ahmad Safuan, Chag FL
    Sains Malaysiana, 2014;43:467-474.
    Quality of bond between layers of asphaltic concrete course is a key element to ensure the performance of a modern asphalt pavement. A proper interlayer bond ensures the structural integrity of the pavement and prevents possible distresses from occurring within the designed service life. In Malaysia, delamination is a common distress related to insufficient degree of adhesion though slippage failure can be occasionally encountered. Generally, bond development is closely related to the design factors and construction factors. This paper however focused on the construction factors only, hoping to provide some useful information which might be overlooked by the contractors during construction but is of extreme important especially in enhancing the bond development in the asphalt layers. The construction factors in particular interest discussed in this paper include curing time of asphalt emulsion, surface condition of a pavement and technology and quality of workmanship and construction. It is important to note that both design factors and construction factors are inter-related in optimizing the degree of adhesion. Thus, all factors need to be carefully identified and fulfilled in order to maximize the bond strength between pavement surfacing layers for a better quality and longer service life of pavement in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  18. Wu HY, Lim SJ, Wan Aida Wan Mustapha, Mohamad Yusof Maskat, Mamot Said
    Sains Malaysiana, 2014;43(9):1345-1354.
    This study was carried out to identify the pigment extracted from Malaysian brown seaweed, Sargassum binderi and its stability in various conditions. Pigments were extracted using methanol:chloroform:water (4:2:1, v/v/v), which is part of fucoidan extraction process, where the pigments were waste. Carotenoid and chlorophyll were found in the extract using UV-vis spectrophotometer (420 and 672 nm, respectively). Fucoxanthin was identified as the carotenoid present using HPLC, while its functional groups and structure were determined using FTIR and 1H NMR, respectively. The fucoxanthin-rich extract stability was tested on different pH (pH1-13), light exposure (dark and light) and storage temperature (4ºC, 25ºC and 50ºC). The stability tests showed that it was most stable at pH5-7, stored in dark condition and at the storage temperature of 4ºC and 25ºC. The fucoxanthin-rich extract from Sargassum binderi has potential to be applied as bioingredient and functional food as it is stable in normal storage conditions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  19. Asmah R, Zetti Nadia MZ, Abdah MA, Mohd Fadzelly AB
    Introduction: This research was conducted to investigate the effects of Catharanthus roseus (Kemunting Cina), Kalanchoe laciniata (Setawar Kampung) and Piper longum (Kadok Kampung) on the in vitro proliferation of hormone dependent breast cancer (MCF-7) and colon cancer (Caco2) cell lines. Methodology:The effects of Catharanthus roseus, Kalanchoe laciniata and Piper longum extracts (hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate and methanol extracts) on the cytotoxicity of MCF-7 and Caco2 cell lines were measured using (3-4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyltetrazoliumbromide) (MTT) assay. Results: Kalanchoe laciniata hexane extract showed significant inhibitions on MCF-7 carcinoma cell lines proliferation with IC50 value of 75.7 µg/ml. Catharanthus roseus extracts (hexane, chloroform and ethyl acetate) inhibited MCF-7 cells proliferation at concentrations of 80, 70 and 90 mg/ml, respectively. Discussion: IC50 value of all extracts of Piper longum and Kalanchoe laciniata chloroform, ethyl acetate and methanol extracts on the proliferation of MCF-7 cancer cells could not be determined, as it did not demonstrate any appreciable inhibition on the cellular proliferation at the concentration tested. However, Piper longum chloroform and ethyl acetate extracts showed anti-tumourigenic effect against colon cancer (Caco2) with IC50 of 87 mg/ml and 20 mg/ml, respectively. Kalanchoe laciniata hexane extracts inhibited Caco2 cellular proliferation with IC50 value of 100 mg/ml. Catharanthus roseus chloroform and ethyl acetate extracts inhibited Caco2 proliferation at IC50 of 28.2 µg/ml and 74.1 mg/ml, respectively. Conclusion: From this study, it can be concluded that only hexane extract of Kalanchoe laciniata was effective against cellular proliferations of MCF-7 while Piper longum was more effective in inhibiting Caco2 proliferations. However, both the herbs were not so effective against MCF-7 and Caco2 cell lines compared with Catharanthus roseus. Keywords: Catharanthus roseus, Kalanchoe laciniata, Piper longum, cytotoxicity
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  20. Rado Y, Wan Zawiah Wan Zin, Abdul Aziz Jemain
    Sains Malaysiana, 2014;43:359-367.
    Kajian ini bertujuan mendapatkan gabungan statistik untuk pemodelan hujan kelompok berstokastik Denyut Segi Empat Neyman-Scott (NSRP) yang mampu memberikan pemadanan terbaik bagi hujan di stesen hujan Semenanjung Malaysia. Enam set gabungan statistik, yang setiap setnya mengandungi gabungan statistik momen (1, 2 dan 3) dan kebarangkalian hujan dalam selang masa yang singkat (jam) dan panjang (harian), serta empat taburan yang berbeza bagi kelebatan sel hujan (Eksponen, Campuran Eksponen, Gamma dan Weibull) telah dikaji. Penyelidikan telah dilakukan ke atas sembilan stesen hujan yang mewakili rantau yang berbeza di Semenanjung Malaysia. Hasil mendapati bahawa statistik momen ke-3 (kepencongan) tidak memberikan sumbangan yang baik dalam menjayakan model. Selang masa 1, 6 dan 24 jam didapati yang terbaik bagi statistik momen kedua (variasi) bagi menjayakan model. Kajian ini juga mendapati bahawa taburan eksponen adalah yang terbaik bagi pemodelan hujan NSRP di Semenanjung Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
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