Displaying publications 621 - 640 of 4601 in total

  1. Poh AH, Moghavvemi M, Shafiei MM, Leong CS, Lau YL, Mahamd Adikan FR, et al.
    PLoS One, 2017;12(6):e0178766.
    PMID: 28582398 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0178766
    There are many products claiming to be an electronic solution towards repelling mosquitoes. Several reviews were published in debunking these claims. However, there is a lack of a systematic study on effects of electromagnetic (EM) or more specifically, radio frequency (RF) waves against mosquitoes due to the conclusions made in those years. Therefore, we attempt to establish a fundamental study on female Aedes Aegypti (Linnaeus) mosquitoes by quantifying the collective behavior of the mosquitoes against a continuous stream of low-powered RF signals via a broadband horn antenna using image processing methods. By examining the average lateral and vertical positions of the mosquitoes versus frequency and time, the data shows negligible consistency in the reactions of the mosquitoes toward the different frequencies ranging from 10 to 20,000.00 MHz, with a step of 10 MHz. This was done by examining 33 hours of spatiotemporal data, which was divided into three sessions. All three sessions showed totally different convolutions in the positions in arbitrary units based on the raster scan of the image processing output. Several frequencies apparently showed up to 0.2-70% shift in both lateral and vertical components along the spectrum, without repeatability for all three sessions. This study contributes to the following: A pilot study for establishing the collective effects of RF against mosquitoes, open-source use, and finally a low-cost and easily adaptable platform for the study of EM effects against any insects.
    Matched MeSH terms: Aedes/physiology*; Behavior, Animal/physiology*
  2. Hawkes F, Manin BO, Ng SH, Torr SJ, Drakeley C, Chua TH, et al.
    Parasit Vectors, 2017 Jul 18;10(1):338.
    PMID: 28720113 DOI: 10.1186/s13071-017-2277-3
    BACKGROUND: Plasmodium knowlesi is found in macaques and is the only major zoonotic malaria to affect humans. Transmission of P. knowlesi between people and macaques depends on the host species preferences and feeding behavior of mosquito vectors. However, these behaviours are difficult to measure due to the lack of standardized methods for sampling potential vectors attracted to different host species. This study evaluated electrocuting net traps as a safe, standardised method for sampling P. knowlesi vectors attracted to human and macaque hosts. Field experiments were conducted within a major focus on P. knowlesi transmission in Malaysian Borneo to compare the performance of human (HENET) or macaque (MENET) odour-baited electrocuting nets, human landing catches (HLC) and monkey-baited traps (MBT) for sampling mosquitoes. The abundance and diversity of Anopheles sampled by different methods were compared over 40 nights, with a focus on the P. knowlesi vector Anopheles balabancensis.

    RESULTS: HLC caught more An. balabacensis than any other method (3.6 per night). In contrast, no An. balabacensis were collected in MBT collections, which generally performed poorly for all mosquito taxa. Anopheles vector species including An. balabacensis were sampled in both HENET and MENET collections, but at a mean abundance of less than 1 per night. There was no difference between HENET and MENET in the overall abundance (P = 0.05) or proportion (P = 0.7) of An. balabacensis. The estimated diversity of Anopheles species was marginally higher in electrocuting net than HLC collections, and similar in collections made with humans or monkey hosts.

    CONCLUSIONS: Host-baited electrocuting nets had moderate success for sampling known zoonotic malaria vectors. The primary vector An. balabacensis was collected with electrocuting nets baited both with humans and macaques, but at a considerably lower density than the HLC standard. However, electrocuting nets were considerably more successful than monkey-baited traps and representatively characterised anopheline species diversity. Consequently, their use allows inferences about relative mosquito attraction to be meaningfully interpreted while eliminating confounding factors due to trapping method. On this basis, electrocuting net traps should be considered as a useful standardised method for investigating vector contact with humans and wildlife reservoirs.

    Matched MeSH terms: Anopheles/physiology*; Mosquito Vectors/physiology*
  3. Che-Othman MH, Millar AH, Taylor NL
    Plant Cell Environ, 2017 Dec;40(12):2875-2905.
    PMID: 28741669 DOI: 10.1111/pce.13034
    Salinity exerts a severe detrimental effect on crop yields globally. Growth of plants in saline soils results in physiological stress, which disrupts the essential biochemical processes of respiration, photosynthesis, and transpiration. Understanding the molecular responses of plants exposed to salinity stress can inform future strategies to reduce agricultural losses due to salinity; however, it is imperative that signalling and functional response processes are connected to tailor these strategies. Previous research has revealed the important role that plant mitochondria play in the salinity response of plants. Review of this literature shows that 2 biochemical processes required for respiratory function are affected under salinity stress: the tricarboxylic acid cycle and the transport of metabolites across the inner mitochondrial membrane. However, the mechanisms by which components of these processes are affected or react to salinity stress are still far from understood. Here, we examine recent findings on the signal transduction pathways that lead to adaptive responses of plants to salinity and discuss how they can be involved in and be affected by modulation of the machinery of energy metabolism with attention to the role of the tricarboxylic acid cycle enzymes and mitochondrial membrane transporters in this process.
    Matched MeSH terms: Photosynthesis/physiology; Plant Transpiration/physiology
  4. V-Ghaffari B, Kouhnavard M, Elbasiouny SM
    PLoS One, 2017;12(6):e0178244.
    PMID: 28591171 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0178244
    Subthreshold oscillations in combination with large-amplitude oscillations generate mixed-mode oscillations (MMOs), which mediate various spatial and temporal cognition and memory processes and behavioral motor tasks. Although many studies have shown that canard theory is a reliable method to investigate the properties underlying the MMOs phenomena, the relationship between the results obtained by applying canard theory and conductance-based models of neurons and their electrophysiological mechanisms are still not well understood. The goal of this study was to apply canard theory to the conductance-based model of pyramidal neurons in layer V of the Entorhinal Cortex to investigate the properties of MMOs under antiepileptic drug conditions (i.e., when persistent sodium current is inhibited). We investigated not only the mathematical properties of MMOs in these neurons, but also the electrophysiological mechanisms that shape spike clustering. Our results show that pyramidal neurons can display two types of MMOs and the magnitude of the slow potassium current determines whether MMOs of type I or type II would emerge. Our results also indicate that slow potassium currents with large time constant have significant impact on generating the MMOs, as opposed to fast inward currents. Our results provide complete characterization of the subthreshold activities in MMOs in pyramidal neurons and provide explanation to experimental studies that showed MMOs of type I or type II in pyramidal neurons under antiepileptic drug conditions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pyramidal Cells/physiology*; Entorhinal Cortex/physiology
  5. Ahmad RF, Malik AS, Kamel N, Reza F, Amin HU, Hussain M
    Technol Health Care, 2017;25(3):471-485.
    PMID: 27935575 DOI: 10.3233/THC-161286
    BACKGROUND: Classification of the visual information from the brain activity data is a challenging task. Many studies reported in the literature are based on the brain activity patterns using either fMRI or EEG/MEG only. EEG and fMRI considered as two complementary neuroimaging modalities in terms of their temporal and spatial resolution to map the brain activity. For getting a high spatial and temporal resolution of the brain at the same time, simultaneous EEG-fMRI seems to be fruitful.

    METHODS: In this article, we propose a new method based on simultaneous EEG-fMRI data and machine learning approach to classify the visual brain activity patterns. We acquired EEG-fMRI data simultaneously on the ten healthy human participants by showing them visual stimuli. Data fusion approach is used to merge EEG and fMRI data. Machine learning classifier is used for the classification purposes.

    RESULTS: Results showed that superior classification performance has been achieved with simultaneous EEG-fMRI data as compared to the EEG and fMRI data standalone. This shows that multimodal approach improved the classification accuracy results as compared with other approaches reported in the literature.

    CONCLUSIONS: The proposed simultaneous EEG-fMRI approach for classifying the brain activity patterns can be helpful to predict or fully decode the brain activity patterns.

    Matched MeSH terms: Brain/physiology; Brain Waves/physiology
  6. Takahashi N, Bocak L, Ghani IA
    Zootaxa, 2016 Jul 26;4144(1):145-50.
    PMID: 27470845 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4144.1.11
    The net-winged beetle genus Alyculus Kasantsev is reported from Peninsular Malaysia for the first time and a new species, A. malaypeninsularis sp. nov., is described and illustrated. An expanded identification key to Alyculus males is provided and the biology and distribution of the species are discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Beetles/physiology; Animal Distribution/physiology
  7. Han GD, Cartwright SR, Ganmanee M, Chan BKK, Adzis KAA, Hutchinson N, et al.
    Sci Total Environ, 2019 Jan 10;647:763-771.
    PMID: 30092533 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.08.005
    Populations at the edge of their species' distribution ranges are typically living at the physiological extreme of the environmental conditions they can tolerate. As a species' response to global change is likely to be largely determined by its physiological performance, subsequent changes in environmental conditions can profoundly influence populations at range edges, resulting in range extensions or retractions. To understand the differential physiological performance among populations at their distribution range edge and center, we measured levels of mRNA for heat shock protein 70 (hsp70) as an indicator of temperature sensitivity in two high-shore littorinid snails, Echinolittorina malaccana and E. radiata, between 1°N to 36°N along the NW Pacific coast. These Echinolittorina snails are extremely heat-tolerant and frequently experience environmental temperatures in excess of 55 °C when emersed. It was assumed that animals exhibiting high temperature sensitivity will synthesize higher levels of mRNA, which will thus lead to higher energetic costs for thermal defense. Populations showed significant geographic variation in temperature sensitivity along their range. Snails at the northern range edge of E. malaccana and southern range edge of E. radiata exhibited higher levels of hsp70 expression than individuals collected from populations at the center of their respective ranges. The high levels of hsp70 mRNA in populations at the edge of a species' distribution range may serve as an adaptive response to locally stressful thermal environments, suggesting populations at the edge of their distribution range are potentially more sensitive to future global warming.
    Matched MeSH terms: Snails/physiology*; Heat-Shock Response/physiology*
  8. Kononenko N, Hnatiuk V
    Malays J Pathol, 2017 Apr;39(1):39-45.
    PMID: 28413204
    BACKGROUND: The relationship between the activity of the epiphysis and gonads in rats of different sex and age in different seasons of the year was determined by studying the levels of melatonin and testosterone in the blood plasma. Determination of the levels of melatonin and testosterone in the serum of rats was carried out by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. To assess the relationship between the levels of melatonin and testosterone the correlation coefficient was calculated. Based on the study of the levels of melatonin and testosterone in serum the circannual relationship between the activity of the pineal gland and gonads in males of reproductive age has been determined. In females, the relationship between the levels of melatonin and testosterone without the circannual dependence has been determined. The strongest correlation between melatonin and testosterone is present in males at the age of 9 months in autumn, and it corresponds to the human age of 29-30 years.
    Matched MeSH terms: Epiphyses/physiology*; Gonads/physiology*
  9. Teoh AN, Hilmert C
    Br J Health Psychol, 2018 11;23(4):1040-1065.
    PMID: 30084181 DOI: 10.1111/bjhp.12337
    PURPOSE: The stress-buffering hypothesis (Cohen & McKay, 1984, Handbook of psychology and health IV: Social psychological aspects of health (pp. 253-256). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum) suggests that one way social support enhances health is by attenuating cardiovascular reactivity (CVR) to stress. Research that has tested this hypothesis has reported inconsistent findings. In this review, we systematically reviewed those findings and proposed a dual-effect model of social support and CVR as a potential explanation for the inconsistency in the literature. Specifically, we proposed that when participants are more engaged during a stressor, social support acts primarily as social comfort, attenuating CVR; and when participants are not engaged, social support acts primarily as social encouragement, elevating CVR.

    METHODS: We reviewed 22 previous studies that (1) empirically manipulated social support in a stressful situation, (2) measured CVR, and (3) tested a moderator of social support effects on CVR.

    RESULTS: Although a majority of studies reported a CVR-mitigating effect of social support resulting in an overall significant combined p-value, we found that there were different effects of social support on CVR when we considered high- and low-engagement contexts. That is, compared to control conditions, social support lowered CVR in more engaging situations but had no significant effect on CVR in less engaging situations.

    CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that a dual-effect model of social support effects on CVR may better capture the nature of social support, CVR, and health associations than the buffering hypothesis and emphasize a need to better understand the health implications of physiological reactivity in various contexts. Statement of contribution What is already known on this subject? According to the stress-buffering hypothesis (Cohen & McKay, ), one pathway social support benefits health is through mitigating the physiological arousal caused by stress. However, previous studies that examined the effects of social support on blood pressure and heart rate changes were not consistently supporting the hypothesis. Some studies reported that social support causes elevations in cardiovascular reactivity (CVR) to stress (Anthony & O'Brien, ; Hilmert, Christenfeld, & Kulik, ; Hilmert, Kulik, & Christenfeld, ) and others showed no effect of social support on CVR (Christian & Stoney, ; Craig & Deichert, ; Gallo, Smith, & Kircher, ). What does this study add? When participants were in more engaging conditions, social support decreased CVR relative to no support. When participants were in less engaging conditions, social support did not have a significant effect on CVR. Provide an alternative way to explain the ways social support affects cardiac health.

    Matched MeSH terms: Blood Pressure/physiology*; Heart Rate/physiology*
  10. Hook SA, Musa SM, Ripley DM, Hibbitt JD, Grunow B, Moritz T, et al.
    PLoS One, 2019;14(12):e0224397.
    PMID: 31790403 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0224397
    Elasmobranchs display various reproductive modes, which have been key to their evolutionary success. In recent decades there has been a rise in the number of reported cases of foetal abnormalities including fertilised, double-embryos held within one egg capsule, hereafter referred to as twins. Previously, the occurrences of twin egg cases have been reported in two batoid and one shark species. We report the first cases of twins in three species of oviparous elasmobranchs: the undulate ray (Raja undulata), the nursehound (Scyliorhinus stellaris), and the small-spotted catshark (Scyliorhinus canicula). We investigated the genetic relationships between the twins in S. stellaris, and S. canicula using microsatellite markers. Whilst the S. stellaris twins displayed the same genotypes, we found that the S. canicula twin individuals arose through heteropaternal superfecundation. This is the first reported incidence of such a paternity in elasmobranchs. The relationship between environmental change and reproductive strategy in elasmobranchs is unclear and further research is needed to determine its effect on the prevalence and mechanisms of formation of elasmobranch twins.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ovum/physiology*; Elasmobranchii/physiology
  11. Gelabert P, Sandoval-Velasco M, Serres A, de Manuel M, Renom P, Margaryan A, et al.
    Curr Biol, 2020 01 06;30(1):108-114.e5.
    PMID: 31839456 DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2019.10.066
    As the only endemic neotropical parrot to have recently lived in the northern hemisphere, the Carolina parakeet (Conuropsis carolinensis) was an iconic North American bird. The last surviving specimen died in the Cincinnati Zoo in 1918 [1]. The cause of its extinction remains contentious: besides excessive mortality associated to habitat destruction and active hunting, their survival could have been negatively affected by its range having become increasingly patchy [2] or by the exposure to poultry pathogens [3, 4]. In addition, the Carolina parakeet showed a predilection for cockleburs, an herbaceous plant that contains a powerful toxin, carboxyatractyloside, or CAT [5], which did not seem to affect them but made the birds notoriously toxic to most predators [3]. To explore the demographic history of this bird, we generated the complete genomic sequence of a preserved specimen held in a private collection in Espinelves (Girona, Spain), as well as of a close extant relative, Aratinga solstitialis. We identified two non-synonymous genetic changes in two highly conserved proteins known to interact with CAT that could underlie a specific dietary adaptation to this toxin. Our genomic analyses did not reveal evidence of a dramatic past demographic decline in the Carolina parakeet; also, its genome did not exhibit the long runs of homozygosity that are signals of recent inbreeding and are typically found in endangered species. As such, our results suggest its extinction was an abrupt process and thus likely solely attributable to human causes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Parakeets/physiology; Parrots/physiology*
  12. Kidokoro T, Suzuki K, Naito H, Balasekaran G, Song JK, Park SY, et al.
    BMC Public Health, 2019 Dec 27;19(1):1737.
    PMID: 31881869 DOI: 10.1186/s12889-019-8079-0
    BACKGROUND: Moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and television viewing are independently associated with cardiorespiratory fitness. However, limited evidence is available on their combined effects, specifically of MVPA and watching television, on cardiorespiratory fitness in the young Asian population. Therefore, the present study examined whether MVPA can attenuate the detrimental effects of prolonged television viewing on the cardiorespiratory fitness of Asian adolescents.

    METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study on 9553 adolescents (aged 12-15 years) from 8 Asian metropolitan cities (Tokyo, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Taipei, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Seoul, and Singapore). Cardiorespiratory fitness was assessed by using a 15-m progressive aerobic capacity endurance run (PACER) test. The time spent on MVPA and watching television was assessed using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire-Short Form.

    RESULTS: MVPA was more closely associated with the PACER score than the duration of watching television. Compared with the reference group (i.e. those with the lowest levels of MVPA [

    Matched MeSH terms: Exercise/physiology*; Cardiorespiratory Fitness/physiology*
  13. Nhi-Cong LT, Lien DT, Gupta BS, Mai CTN, Ha HP, Nguyet NTM, et al.
    Appl Biochem Biotechnol, 2020 May;191(1):313-330.
    PMID: 31853877 DOI: 10.1007/s12010-019-03203-x
    Oil pollution in marine environment caused by oil spillage has been a main threat to the ecosystem including the ocean life and to the human being. In this research, three indigenous purple photosynthetic strains Rhodopseudomonas sp. DD4, DQ41, and FO2 were isolated from oil-contaminated coastal zones in Vietnam. The cells of these strains were immobilized on different carriers including cinder beads (CB), coconut fiber (CF), and polyurethane foam (PUF) for diesel oil removal from artificial seawater. The mixed biofilm formed by using CB, CF, and PUF as immobilization supports degraded 90, 91, and 95% of diesel oil (DO) with the initial concentration of 17.2 g/L, respectively, after 14 days of incubation. The adsorption of DO on different systems was accountable for the removal of 12-16% hydrocarbons for different carriers. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on diesel oil degradation by purple photosynthetic bacterial biofilms on different carriers. Moreover, using carriers attaching purple photosynthetic bacteria to remove diesel oil in large scale is considered as an essential method for the improvement of a cost-effective and efficient bioremediation manner. This study can be a promising approach to eliminate DO from oil-contaminated seawater.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rhodopseudomonas/physiology*; Cells, Immobilized/physiology*
  14. Hiew MWH, Megahed AA, Horstman LA, Constable PD
    J Dairy Sci, 2020 Jun;103(6):5575-5590.
    PMID: 32307156 DOI: 10.3168/jds.2019-17800
    An accurate, practical, and low-cost method for predicting parturition is urgently needed in the dairy industry. The objective of this study was to evaluate changes in plasma progesterone concentration ([prog]) and glucose concentration in whole blood ([gluc]b) and plasma ([gluc]p) as predictors of parturition within 6, 12, and 24 h in primiparous and multiparous Holstein cows. Blood samples were obtained daily at approximately 0900 h from 34 primiparous and 72 multiparous Holstein cows in late gestation and the time of calving recorded to the nearest hour. Plasma [prog] was measured using an ELISA, and [gluc]b and [gluc]p using a low-cost point-of-care glucose meter. The optimal cut-point for predicting parturition was determined using binomial logistic regression with general estimating equations, because the data set consisted of repeated measures for each cow. Diagnostic test performance was evaluated by comparing the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) and calculating the sensitivity, specificity, and κ at the optimal cut-point for predicting parturition. Plasma [prog] was the most accurate predictor of parturition within 24 h (AUC = 0.96) and 12 h (AUC = 0.93), whereas [gluc]b was the most accurate predictor of parturition within 6 h (primiparous, AUC = 0.96; multiparous, AUC = 0.86). We conclude that a decrease in plasma [prog] is currently the most accurate test for predicting calving within 24 h. Measurement of [gluc]b is a promising new test for the cow-side prediction of parturition in dairy cows due to its accuracy, practicality, and low cost.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cattle/physiology*; Parturition/physiology*
  15. Muazu Musa R, P P Abdul Majeed A, Abdullah MR, Ab Nasir AF, Arif Hassan MH, Mohd Razman MA
    PLoS One, 2019;14(6):e0219138.
    PMID: 31247012 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0219138
    The present study aims to identify the essential technical and tactical performance indicators that could differentiate winning and losing performance in the Asian elite beach soccer competition. A set of 20 technical and tactical performance indicators namely; shot back-third, shot mid-third, shot front-third, pass back-third, pass mid-third, pass front-third, shot in box, shot outbox, chances created, interception, turnover, goals scored 1st period, goals scored 2nd period, goals scored 3rd period, goals scored extra time, tackling, fouls committed, complete save, incomplete save and passing error were observed during the beach soccer Asian Football Confederation tournament 2017 held in Malaysia. A total of 23 matches from 12 teams were notated using StatWatch application in real-time. Discriminant analysis (DA) of standard, backward as well stepwise modes were used to develop a model for the winning (WT) and losing team (LT) whilst Mann-Whitney U test was utilized to ascertain the differences between the WT and LT with respect to the performance indicators evaluated. The standard backward, forward and stepwise discriminates the WT and the LT with an excellent accuracy of 95.65%, 91.30% and 89.13%, respectively. The standard DA model discriminated the teams from seven performance indicators whilst both the backward and forward stepwise identified two performance indicators. The Mann-Whitney U test analysis indicated that the WT is statistically significant from the LT based on the performance indicators determined from the standard mode model of the DA. It was demonstrated that seven performance indicators namely; shot front-third, pass front-third, chances created, goals scores at the 1st period, goals scored at the 2nd period, goals scored at 3rd period were directly linked to a successful performance whilst the incomplete save by the keeper attribute towards the poor performance of the team. The present finding could serve useful to the coaches as well as performance analysts as a measure of profiling successful performance and enables team improvement with respect to the associated performance indicators.
    Matched MeSH terms: Soccer/physiology*; Athletic Performance/physiology*
  16. Foo FK, Singham GV, Othman AS, Lee CY
    J Econ Entomol, 2011 Oct;104(5):1675-9.
    PMID: 22066198
    A survey of the infestation rate of colonies of Macrotermes gilvus (Hagen) (Termitidae: Macrotermitinae) with the koinobiont endoparasitoid Misotermes mindeni Disney & Neoh (Diptera: Phoridae) was conducted in Malaysia from September 2009 to January 2011 in the states of Kedah, Penang, Perak, Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, Johor, Terengganu, and Sarawak. Of the 1,125 M. gilvus mounds surveyed, 12.4% contained termites parasitized by M. mindeni and these mounds occurred only in the states of Penang and Perak. High frequencies of mounds containing parasitized termites were found at sites in Penang: Bayan Lepas (21.1%), Minden Campus of Universiti Sains Malaysia ([USM]; 24.5%), Teluk Bahang (28.0%), and Bukit Mertajam (35.0%); the lowest frequency (4.0%) was recorded from Gelugor. The parasitized colonies at all sites were classified as healthy, with exception of several from the Minden Campus of USM (96.4% healthy) and Ayer Itam (87.5% healthy). Most parasitized colonies (71.2%) had a low level of M. mindeni infestation. Only 16.7 and 12.1% of the infested colonies had moderate or high parasite infestation levels, respectively. The height of infected mounds was significantly higher than that of the healthy mounds, but there was no difference between the mound diameters of infested and uninfested mounds. Parasite infestation level was not significantly correlated with mound height or mound diameter. The ambient light intensity at sites with infested mounds was significantly lower than that of uninfested mounds. There was also a significant negative relationship between light intensity and degree of parasitism.
    Matched MeSH terms: Diptera/physiology*; Larva/physiology
  17. Lussiana T, Patoz A, Gindre C, Mourot L, Hébert-Losier K
    J Exp Biol, 2019 03 18;222(Pt 6).
    PMID: 30787136 DOI: 10.1242/jeb.192047
    A lower duty factor (DF) reflects a greater relative contribution of leg swing versus ground contact time during the running step. Increasing time on the ground has been reported in the scientific literature to both increase and decrease the energy cost (EC) of running, with DF reported to be highly variable in runners. As increasing running speed aligns running kinematics more closely with spring-mass model behaviours and re-use of elastic energy, we compared the centre of mass (COM) displacement and EC between runners with a low (DFlow) and high (DFhigh) duty factor at typical endurance running speeds. Forty well-trained runners were divided in two groups based on their mean DF measured across a range of speeds. EC was measured from 4 min treadmill runs at 10, 12 and 14 km h-1 using indirect calorimetry. Temporal characteristics and COM displacement data of the running step were recorded from 30 s treadmill runs at 10, 12, 14, 16 and 18 km h-1 Across speeds, DFlow exhibited more symmetrical patterns between braking and propulsion phases in terms of time and vertical COM displacement than DFhigh DFhigh limited global vertical COM displacements in favour of horizontal progression during ground contact. Despite these running kinematics differences, no significant difference in EC was observed between groups. Therefore, both DF strategies seem energetically efficient at endurance running speeds.
    Matched MeSH terms: Energy Metabolism/physiology*; Running/physiology*
  18. Ogawa S, Parhar IS
    Gen Comp Endocrinol, 2013 Jan 15;181:169-74.
    PMID: 22967958 DOI: 10.1016/j.ygcen.2012.08.023
    Kisspeptin and its cognate receptor, GPR54 (kisspeptin receptor, Kiss-R) have recently been recognized potent regulators of reproduction in vertebrates. In non-mammalian vertebrates, kisspeptin-Kiss-R homologous and paralogous genes have been identified with their conserved functions in reproduction. Teleosts possess two paralogous genes encoding kisspeptin (kiss1 and kiss2) and Kiss-R (kissr1 and kissr2). Identification of the location and the distribution of the kisspeptin-Kiss-R systems as well as their connectivity with other neural system in the brain is important to elucidate the role of kisspeptin in neuroendocrine functions. This review focuses on the comparative aspects of neuroanatomical distribution of two kisspeptin-Kiss-R systems in the brain of teleosts and their potential roles in reproductive and non-reproductive functions. Finally, based on the association of kisspeptin types with tachykinin peptides, their potential neuromodulatory roles in the brain of teleost will be discussed. The existence of two kisspeptin systems suggests their independent functions in the brain of teleosts. Understanding of teleosts Kiss1 and Kiss2 systems will provide insight into the physiological and evolutional significance of multiple kisspeptin systems in the vertebrate brain.
    Matched MeSH terms: Fishes/physiology; Reproduction/physiology
  19. Ara R, Arshad A, Amin SMN, Idris MH, Gaffar MA, Romano N
    J Environ Biol, 2016 07;37(4 Spec No):745-54.
    PMID: 28779734
    Our previous study demonstrated that among different habitat sites (mangrove, estuary, river, seagrass and Open Sea) in Johor Strait, Malaysia, seagrass showed highest family diversity and abundance of larval fish. However, it is unclear whether this was due to difference in habitat complexity or water quality parameters.? To test this, larval fish were collected by using a bongo net equipped with a flow meter by subsurface horizontal towing from different habitats in Johor Strait between October 2007 and September 2008.? Various physico-chemical parameters were measured and then examined for any relationship to fish larvae diversity and abundance. Among the 24 families identified from the sites, seven families (Blenniidae, Clupeidae, Mullidae, Nemipteridae, Syngnathidae, Terapontidae and Uranoscopeidae) were significantly correlated with the tested waters quality parameters.? Salinity showed a positive and negative significant correlation with Clupeidae (p < 0.01) and Uranoscopeidae (p < 0.05), respectively. Terapontidae was significantly correlated with dissolved oxygen (p < 0.01), while both Mullidae and Syngnathidae were significantly correlated with pH (p < 0.05). However, a canonical correspondence analysis test indicated weak overall correlation (36.4%) between larval assemblage and in the seagrass-mangrove ecosystem of Johor Strait, Malaysia. This likely indicates that habitat structure was more important in determining larval abundance (highest in the seagrass habitat) as compared to water quality at the tested sites. This study emphasizes the need to conserve seagrass beds as important nursery grounds for various fish larvae to ensure adequate recruitment and ultimately sustainable fisheries management. ?
    Matched MeSH terms: Fishes/physiology*; Larva/physiology
  20. Zamri Z, Arshad A, Amin SMN, Rahman MA, Al Khayat JA
    J Environ Biol, 2016 07;37(4 Spec No):677-83.
    PMID: 28779726
    The sex ratio, gonad development and fecundity of Miyakella nepa (Latreille, 1828), in the coastal waters of Pantai Remis, Perak, were investigated from February 2012 to January 2013. Sex identification was done by identifying stomatopod's genitalia organs, and the ovaries were dissected out and preserved for further analysis. Female stomatopods with mature or near spawning stages were used for fecundity estimation. A total of 951 specimens of M. nepa, with 565 females and 386 males were examined. Results showed a sex ratio of 1:1.46 (male:females). Maximum GSI was estimated to be 5.80, while lowest was 2.95. Sexual maturity for female M. nepa was observed at 100 mm total length. The mean fecundity of M. nepa was 425,657 (? 1,8701) eggs which was observed to increase with increased body length.
    Matched MeSH terms: Crustacea/physiology*; Fertility/physiology*
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