METHODS: One hundred and ninety-seven healthy women, aged 25 to 60, were selected from a hospital staff health screening program; 68% were Chinese, 18% Malay, and 14% Indian. P1NP, CTX, and 25-OHD(3) were measured using the Roche Cobas® electrochemiluminescence immunoassay. Serum PTH was measured using the Siemens ADVIA Centaur® immunoassay.
RESULTS: Sixty-five percent had 25-OHD(3) concentrations <50 nmol/l. Vitamin D insufficiency (25-OHD(3) < 50 nmol/l) was more prevalent in Malays (89%) and Indians (82%) compared to Chinese (56%). There was no correlation between vitamin D and age. PTH positively correlated with age, and Malays and Indians had higher PTH concentrations than Chinese. There was an inverse correlation between PTH and 25-OHD(3), but no threshold of 25-OHD(3) concentrations at which PTH plateaued. The bone turnover markers P1NP and CTX inversely correlated with age but were not different between ethnic groups. CTX and P1NP exhibited good correlation, however, there was no significant correlation between 25-OHD(3) or PTH concentrations and the bone turnover markers P1NP and CTX.
CONCLUSIONS: Healthy women in Singapore have a high prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency. Vitamin D insufficiency was more prevalent in Malays and Indians compared to Chinese.
METHODS: Charts between January 1997 and December 2010 were retrospectively reviewed. Charts between January 2014 and December 2014 were prospectively reviewed.
RESULTS: A total of 1249 and 148 charts were retrospectively and prospectively reviewed, respectively. The top causes of anterior uveitis (AU) were HLA-B27, idiopathic, and CMV AU. The top known causes of intermediate uveitis were tuberculosis, primary intraocular lymphoma, and sarcoidosis. The top causes of posterior uveitis were CMV retinitis, toxoplasmosis, and dengue maculopathy. The top causes of panuveitis were VKH, idiopathic panuveitis, tuberculosis, and Behçet disease. HLA-B27 and CMV AU were more frequent among Chinese (21% vs 9% (non-Chinese); p<0.001; 10% vs 5% (non-Chinese); p<0.001, respectively). Tuberculous uveitis was more frequent among Malays and Indians (12% (non-Chinese) vs 5% (Chinese), p<0.001).
CONCLUSIONS: Different uveitis patterns were encountered among patients of different races.
DESIGN: Retrospective cross-sectional study.
STUDY SAMPLE: 1068 subjects issued with HAs at a tertiary hospital from 2001 to 2013.
RESULTS: Half of the subjects presented with more severe (>55 dB) hearing loss (HL) in their better ear. In multivariable analysis, older age, Malay ethnicity, conductive and mixed HL, and combination type of HL were associated with more severe HL at first presentation. Over 70% of subjects were older than 65 years. Worse pure tone audiometry (PTA) thresholds of the better ear, gradual onset and sensorineural HL were associated with older age presentation. For unilaterally fitted subjects, PTA thresholds were the only determinant of having the better ear aided. Better PTA thresholds, younger age and sensorineural HL were associated with choosing in ear compared to behind the ear HAs. Younger age and worse PTA of the better ear were associated with ≥4 h of daily HA usage.
CONCLUSIONS: Age, ethnicity and type of HL were important determinants for more severe HL at first HA fitting. Older patients and those with better hearing were less likely to use their HAs regularly.
Methods: A total of 3843 participants (7,020 healthy eyes) were enrolled from the Singapore Epidemiology of Eye Diseases (SEED) study, a population-based study composing of three major ethnic groups-Malay, Indian, and Chinese-in Singapore. Ocular examinations were performed, and spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) was used to measure circumpapillary RNFL thickness. We selected 35 independent glaucoma-associated genetic loci for analysis. An linear regression model was conducted to determine the association of these variants with circumpapillary RNFL, assuming an additive genetic model. We conducted association analysis in each of the three ethnic groups, followed by a meta-analysis of them.
Results: The mean age of the included participants was 59.4 ± 8.9 years, and the mean RFNL thickesss is 92.3 ± 11.2 µm. In the meta-analyses, of the 35 glacuoma loci, we found that only SIX6 was significantly associated with reduction in global RNFL thickness (rs33912345; β = -1.116 um per risk allele, P = 1.64E-05), and the effect size was larger in the inferior RNFL quadrant (β = -2.015 µm, P = 2.9E-6), and superior RNFL quadrant (β = -1.646 µm, P = 6.54E-5). The SIX6 association were consistently observed across all three ethnic groups. Other than RNFL, we also found several genetic varaints associated with vertical cuo-to-disc ratio (ATOH7, CDKN2B-AS1, and TGFBR3-CDC7), rim area (SIX6 and CDKN2B-AS1), and disc area (SIX6, ATOH7, and TGFBR3-CDC7). The association of SIX6 rs33912345 with NRFL thickness remained similar after further adjusting for disc area and 3 other disc parameter associated SNPs (ATOH7, CDKN2B-AS1, and TGFBR3-CDC7).
Conclusions: Of the 35 glaucoma identified risk loci, only SIX6 is significantly and independently associated with thinner RNFL. Our study further supports the involvement of SIX6 with RNFL thickness and pathogensis of glaucoma.
METHODS: We analysed data from 4101 adults (Malay, n = 1901 and Indian, n = 2200) who participated in the baseline (2004-2009) and 6-year follow-up (2011-2015) of two independent population-based studies with similar methodology in Singapore. BMI was categorised into normal (<25 kg/m2), overweight (25-29.9 kg/m2) and obese (≥30 kg/m2). DM was diagnosed as random plasma glucose ≥200 mg/dL, HbA1c ≥6.5% or self-reported physician diagnosed DM. DR was assessed from retinal photographs graded using a standard protocol. The associations of baseline BMI with incident DM and DR was examined using multivariable poisson regression models adjusting for potential confounders including duration of DM, family history of DM and HbA1c.
RESULTS: The incidence of DM was 12.8% and among 1586 participants with DM, the incidence of DR was 17.6% over a median follow-up period of 6.2 years. Compared to those with BMI
METHODS: Eighty consecutive muscle biopsies in the Department of Pathology, National University of Singapore, in the period 1978-2000, in which a clinical diagnosis of floppy or hypotonic infant was made, were reviewed.
RESULTS: The commonest cause of severe hypotonia in infancy was spinal muscular atrophy, which accounted for 33% of cases followed by congenital muscular dystrophy (13%). Eight cases (10%) of infantile type II glycogenosis (Pompe's disease) were encountered. There were seven cases of congenital myopathy, of which four were centronuclear myopathy, and one each of central core myopathy, nemaline myopathy and congenital fibre type disproportion. One case of centronuclear myopathy was associated with type I fibre smallness. Type II atrophy, which is generally considered a non-specific change, was encountered in five cases. Of interest is the relatively large number of muscle biopsies (29%) in which no significant pathological features were encountered at the light microscopic, histochemical as well as ultra-structural level.
CONCLUSIONS: The study has revealed a great variety of pathology affecting the muscle of children presenting as floppy infants or with hypotonia. The muscle diseases included spinal muscular atrophy, congenital muscular dystrophies, congenital myopathies and metabolic myopathies. However, 23 (29%) cases showed no significant pathology. For this group of floppy and hypotonic infants further studies are needed.
METHODS: Eight hundred ninety-six residual serum samples at a tertiary hospital were tested for viral capsid antigen (IgG and IgM) and EBNA IgG antibodies using Abbott Architect assays. We calculated the EBV seroprevalence using catalytic models to estimate the EBV force of infection from age-stratified seroprevalence data, both overall and by ethnic group.
RESULTS: Overall seropositivity was 68.3% (n = 612). Seropositivity was higher in Malays (81.8%) compared with both Chinese (64.2%) and Indians (58.4%). EBV FOI was consistently higher in Malays, with an estimated annual rate of seroconversion of 25% in children 1 year, of age compared with 14% among Chinese and Indians at the same age.
CONCLUSIONS: The seroprevalence patterns of EBV antibodies in the Chinese and Indian, but not Malay children in Singapore by 19 years of age resemble those previously reported in developed countries. Ideally, any future EBV vaccination strategy would need to target infants <1 year of age for maximum population benefit.
METHODS: The brain MR images of eight patients with Nipah virus infection were reviewed. All patients tested negative for acute Japanese encephalitis virus. Seven patients had contrast-enhanced studies and six had diffusion-weighted examinations.
RESULTS: All patients had multiple small bilateral foci of T2 prolongation within the subcortical and deep white matter. The periventricular region and corpus callosum were also involved. In addition to white matter disease, five patients had cortical lesions, three had brain stem involvement, and a single thalamic lesion was detected in one patient. All lesions were less than 1 cm in maximum diameter. In five patients, diffusion-weighted images showed increased signal. Four patients had leptomeningeal enhancement and four had enhancement of parenchymal lesions.
CONCLUSION: The brain MR findings in patients infected with the newly discovered Nipah paramyxovirus are different from those of patients with Japanese encephalitis. In a zoonotic epidemic, this striking difference in the appearance and distribution of lesions is useful in differentiating these diseases. Diffusion-weighted imaging was advantageous in increasing lesion conspicuity.