Displaying publications 761 - 780 of 24665 in total

  1. Baker HJ
    Mil Med, 1965 Nov;130(11):1101-2.
    PMID: 4953542
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  2. Lin GSS, Lee YQ, Ng YM, Cheah YY
    Eur J Dent Educ, 2023 Aug;27(3):614-621.
    PMID: 35997544 DOI: 10.1111/eje.12848
    INTRODUCTION: A dental technologist is one of the most essential allied dental health professionals and the dental technology curriculum should be comprehensively reviewed on a regular basis. This study aims to compare the only existing Bachelor of Dental Technology (BDT) curriculum in Malaysia with BDT programmes offered by other well-established universities, and map out the similarities and differences, as well as to explore future recommendations and propose a new curriculum framework.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: A descriptive analysis was carried out using Laurie Brady's four-stage strategy. First, available curriculum materials were collected from four different institutions' electronic webpage: AIMST (Malaysia), GU (Australia), UO (New Zealand) and CMU (United Kingdom), and then compared based on three key domains: curriculum contents, teaching and learning strategies and assessments. Following that, the similarities and differences between various curricula were identified. Future recommendations and a curriculum framework were then proposed.

    RESULTS: The core BDT curriculum content is concurred upon by all four universities, with an emphasis on basic sciences, laboratory materials, practical sessions and research projects. However, the credit weightage for each course or module varied across the four institutions, with some offering unique subjects and implementing different teaching methods and assessments. A simple BDT curriculum framework with a proposed syllabus was designed based on the three key domains and future recommendations for curriculum improvement were explored.

    CONCLUSION: The present study identified several areas for Malaysian BDT curriculum development and improvement. The proposed framework can be a guide for Malaysian dental schools in designing a comprehensive dental technology programme.

    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  3. Renganathan E, Guinto R, Mahmood J, Lacey-Hall O, Veerakumarasivam A, Poppema S
    Front Public Health, 2023;11:1072823.
    PMID: 37168072 DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1072823
    This article is part of the Research Topic 'Health Systems Recovery in the Context of COVID-19 and Protracted Conflict'. Universities, as engines of knowledge creation and dissemination and as incubators of disciplined yet original thinking, have a key role to play in tackling the most complex challenges that societies and our planet face, from infectious diseases to the climate emergency. This commentary presents the perspectives from Sunway University, a young private university in Malaysia that made a strong commitment to the sustainable development goals (SDGs) prior to the pandemic, and its experiences in promoting research, innovation, and learning as part of COVID-19 recovery and in preparation for future crises such as the climate emergency. Some of the university's initiatives include embracing the planetary health approach, reviving essential public health functions, exploring pandemic resilience, addressing 'infodemics' and promoting science diplomacy. The example of Sunway University provides some insights on the opportunities and challenges that academic institutions face as they seek to reorient the paradigm of education, research, and service away from disciplinary siloes and towards a more integrated, preventive, accessible and translational approach.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  4. Cheong WH, Mahadevan S
    PMID: 7147014
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  5. Tan YJ, Low JZ, Ong SC
    Clin Ther, 2024 Nov;46(11):e1-e9.
    PMID: 39261261 DOI: 10.1016/j.clinthera.2024.08.008
    PURPOSE: This is a budget impact analysis that compared the scenario of treating heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) using dapagliflozin plus standard of care (SoC) versus a scenario without dapagliflozin, from the perspective of Ministry of Health (MOH) Malaysia over a 5-year time horizon.

    METHODS: A Microsoft Excel-based cost calculator was developed for such comparison. The estimated size of eligible population, uptake rates for dapagliflozin, as well as costs related to drugs, clinical events, and adverse events were based on published data, official tariffs, and databases, and expert opinion. Clinical data from the DAPA-HF trial were used to inform efficacy and safety inputs (i.e., hospitalization for heart failure (hHF), cardiovascular death, and adverse events). Results were reported as total annual and cumulative costs (in 2023 Malaysian Ringgits [RM], United States Dollars [USD], and European Union Euros, [EUR]; with exchange rates of 1 USD = RM 4.40 and 1 EUR = RM 4.90]), as well as the number of clinical events. Sensitivity and scenario analyses were also conducted.

    FINDINGS: The base-case analysis estimated that over a five-year period, the adoption of dapagliflozin for HFrEF treatment would result in a cumulative cost-saving of RM 2.6 million (USD 0.6 million/EUR 0.5 million), representing a 0.3% reduction in costs, driven primarily by reduced expenditure on hHF. Moreover, dapagliflozin treatment would lead to 731 fewer hHF and 366 fewer cardiovascular deaths. Sensitivity and scenario analyses revealed that the results were most sensitive to assumptions regarding loop diuretic requirements and the cost of dapagliflozin. Although cost savings or a net-zero balance were projected for the first four years, an anticipated 2.5% annual increase in dapagliflozin uptake in the longer term would lead to additional costs for the MOH, starting from the fifth year.

    IMPLICATIONS: Incorporating dapagliflozin into the SoC can improve health outcomes for HFrEF patients and may generate cost savings, potentially easing the economic strain of HFrEF management on Malaysia's public healthcare system in the short term. Nonetheless, a modest increase in budget should be anticipated as more patients gain access to the treatment over time.

    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  6. Macdonald WW, Cheong WH, Loong KP, Mahadevan S
    PMID: 1981630
    An experiment was carried out with Mansonia mosquitos in an area endemic for subperiodic Brugia malayi to assess the applicability of the mark-release-recapture method to these mosquitos. An estimated 17,880 individuals of six species of Mansonia were marked with fluorescent dust and released: 453 Ma. annulata, 305 Ma. annulifera, 6,200 Ma. bonneae, 516 Ma. dives, 3,998 Ma. indiana and 6,408 Ma. uniformis. Twenty-three marked individuals were recaptured. Most recaptures were made one or two nights after their release, but one Ma. annulifera was recaptured five nights later and one Ma. bonneae had been marked and released 6-11 nights previously. The recaptured mosquitos were collected between 0.5 and 2.4 km from their release points.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  7. Sullivan JT, Dondero TJ, Palmieri JR, Palmieri MD
    PMID: 607431
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
    Br Med J, 1963 Apr 13;1(5336):992-7.
    PMID: 13973752
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  9. Lau ACC, Mohamed WMA, Nakao R, Onuma M, Qiu Y, Nakajima N, et al.
    Microb Genom, 2023 Feb;9(2).
    PMID: 36757789 DOI: 10.1099/mgen.0.000954
    Tick-borne diseases have recently been considered a potential emerging public health threat in Malaysia; however, fundamental studies into tick-borne pathogens and microbiome appear limited. In this study, six tick species (Ixodes granulatus, Haemaphysalis hystricis, Haemaphysalis shimoga, Dermacentor compactus, Dermacentor steini and Dermacentor atrosignatus) collected from two primary forests and an oil palm plantation in Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo, were used for microbiome analysis targeting bacterial 16S rDNA using next-generation sequencing (NGS). In addition, bacterial species were further characterized in conventional PCRs to identify potential pathogens. Sequences generated from NGS were first filtered with the Decontam package in R before subsequent microbial diversity analyses. Alpha and beta analyses revealed that the genus Dermacentor had the highest microbial diversity, and H. shimoga significantly differed in microbial composition from other tick species. Alpha and beta diversities were also significantly different between developmental stages of H. shimoga. Furthermore, we observed that some bacterial groups were significantly more abundant in certain tick species and developmental stages of H. shimoga. We tested the relative abundances using pairwise linear discriminant analysis effect size (LEfSe), which also revealed significant microbial composition differences between Borrelia-positive and Borrelia-negative I. granulatus ticks. Finally, pathogenic and potentially pathogenic bacteria circulating in different tick species, such as Rickettsia heilongjiangensis, Ehrlichia sp., Anaplasma sp. and Bartonella spp. were characterized by PCR and sequencing. Moreover, Coxiella and Francisella-like potential symbionts were identified from H. shimoga and D. steini, respectively. More studies are required to unravel the factors associated with the variations observed in this study.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  10. Tang HY, Mychko EV, Feldmann RM, Schweitzer CE, Shaari H, Sone M
    Zootaxa, 2023 Jul 20;5318(3):439-440.
    PMID: 37518369 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5318.3.10
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  11. Ng YF, Ain N, Rafti NS, Lau KH
    Zootaxa, 2023 Jun 23;5306(5):586-594.
    PMID: 37518665 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5306.5.6
    A new genus and three new species are described from the canopy of Dipterocarp forest in Pasoh Forest Research in Malaysia: Daunothrips gen. n., D. striatus sp. n., Scirtothrips convexum sp. n. and Scirtothrips longifacies sp. n. The morphological characters of these new members of the Scirtothrips genus-group are discussed and illustrated.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  12. Wongwaiyut P, Karapan S, Saekong P, Francis CM, Guillén-Servent A, Senawi J, et al.
    Zootaxa, 2023 May 03;5277(3):401-442.
    PMID: 37518310 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5277.3.1
    A new species of small Hipposideros in the bicolor group is described based on specimens from Thailand and Malaysia. It can be distinguished from other small Hipposideros in Southeast Asia by a combination of external, craniodental, and bacular morphology, as well as echolocation call frequency. The new species has a distinct rounded swelling on the internarial septum of the noseleaf, with a forearm length of 35.3-42.6 mm, greatest skull length of 15.94-17.90 mm, and a call frequency of maximum energy of 132.3-144.0 kHz. Although clearly different in morphology, the new species forms a sister clade with H. kunzi and H. bicolor in the phylogenetic trees based on mitochondrial DNA. In addition, this study reports echolocation and genetic data, with a confirmed record of H. einnaythu from Thailand for the first time. The new species most closely resembles H. einnaythu. However, it differs in the details of the noseleaf and craniodental morphology, and it has a genetic distance of 9.6% and 10.4% based on mitochondrial COI and ND2, respectively. It is currently documented from five localities: two in peninsular Thailand, at Hala Forest in Yala Province, and Phru To Daeng Swamp Forest in Narathiwat Province, one from peninsular Malaysia at Krau Wildlife Reserve in Pahang, and another two in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo at Gunung Kinabalu, and near Madai Caves. However, it is likely that many previous records of "H. cineraceus" from Borneo refer to this species. Most records of the species are from lowland evergreen rainforest, though one record from Sabah was at 1800m. The roosting sites for this new species are currently unknown. Future research with a combination of data such as genetics, echolocation and morphology would be necessary to further determine the species geographic distribution in Southeast Asia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  13. Leow BL, Shohaimi SA, Mohd Yusop FF, Sidik MR, Mohd Saeid FH
    Trop Biomed, 2023 Jun 01;40(2):220-235.
    PMID: 37650410 DOI: 10.47665/tb.40.2.014
    Wild aquatic birds are natural reservoirs of influenza A viruses and H3 subtype is one of the most prevalent subtypes in waterfowl. Two H3N8 viruses of low pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI) were isolated via egg inoculation technique from the fecal swab specimens from imported barnacle goose and paradise shelduck in Veterinary Research Institute Ipoh, Malaysia. The full length of eight gene segments of the two viruses were amplified and sequenced with specific primers. The sequences were molecularly characterized, and the sequence identity were assessed with other published sequences. The two viruses are identical and they possess the same amino acid sequences for all the eight gene segments. The viruses were highly similar to the H3 virus from Netherlands and N8 virus from Belgium respectively. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that all the eight gene segments were grouped in the Eurasian lineage, and genetic reassortment may occur between the internal genes of the H3 viruses and other AI subtypes. Though four amino acid substitutions were identified in the hemagglutinin gene, the viruses retained most of the avian-type receptor binding preference. Few amino acid substitutions were observed in all internal genes. Most of the neuraminidase inhibitors and adamantine resistance related mutation were not seen in the viruses. The replicative capacity, cross species transmissibility, and potential zoonotic risk of the viruses are worth further investigation. As H3 virus poses potential threats to both human and animals, and with the increase in the international trade of birds; strict quarantine practice at the entry point and good laboratory diagnostic capabilities is crucial to prevent the introduction of new AI virus into our country.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  14. Ahamat H, Sa'ban H, Manap NA
    Health Care Anal, 2023 Dec;31(3-4):196-207.
    PMID: 37477838 DOI: 10.1007/s10728-023-00465-9
    The seriousness of the COVID-19 pandemic requires a look into the implementation of drug registration rules for COVID-19 vaccines. Amidst the surrounding exigencies, vaccines being a biological product, require comprehensive and continuing pre and post registration rules to ensure their safety and efficacy. The study focuses on Malaysia which has rules on drug registration that have been successfully applied to vaccines. The study shows that the rules have been tailor-made to emergency situations. At the moment, special rules have been introduced including to allow use of COVID-19 vaccines as unregistered product. Recognition of COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access (COVAX) facility and requirement for government sale only, are among the safety valves. The study shows that these however are temporary measures against the backdrops of possible entry of private players in the vaccination process. Therefore, regulatory responses to intellectual property (IP) related conditions underlying drug registration, and measures to ensure risk management involved in vaccine production, approval and administration are needed in the progressive rules pending further development of research in the area.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  15. Tan MK, Japir R, Chung AYC
    Zootaxa, 2024 Jan 04;5397(2):264-272.
    PMID: 38221205 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5397.2.7
    Only one species of Pendleburyella Chopard, 1969 (Gryllidae, Pentacentrinae) was previously known to occur in Borneo: Pendleburyella eirmosa Tan, Muhammad & Wahab, 2023 from Brunei Darussalam. Here, two additional new species of crickets from the genus Pendleburyella are described from the highlands of Sabah, Borneo: Pendleburyella eremita sp. nov. from Bukit Hampuan and Pendleburyella nimba sp. nov. from Mount Trus Madi. In total, six species of Pendleburyella are currently known, three from Borneo and three from Malay Peninsula. It is likely that many more species are awaiting discovery owing to its cryptic morphology and elusive nature.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  16. Sarwar A
    Iran J Public Health, 2013 Aug;42(8):795-805.
    PMID: 26056632
    Tourism, combined with the phrase medical, seems to be a new form of tourism which has gained huge popularity in recent decades. Though, a number of literatures available with regard to the tourism industry and the competitiveness of the destination, however, the major aspects which determine the satisfaction of medical tourists are hardly focused specifically on Malaysia. There is a lack of empirical evidence in this area of study which needs to be bridged. Hence, this study aimed at investigating the various factors contributing towards the development of medical tourism in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  17. Shukhairi SS, Mazlan N, Subbiah VK, Abd Rahman NN, Nazahuddin MNA, Shawel AS, et al.
    Bull Environ Contam Toxicol, 2024 Dec 03;114(1):2.
    PMID: 39627569 DOI: 10.1007/s00128-024-03980-0
    Microplastics (MPs) are tiny plastic pieces having a diameter of less than 5 mm. They can arise from larger plastic debris that degrades over time, synthetic fibres from clothing, microbeads in personal care items and even larger plastic debris. Sea cucumbers are marine creatures vital to the ocean's ecosystem as they assist in maintaining a clean seabed and recycle nutrients. The aim of this research was to characterize the types of MPs isolated from the sea cucumber Holothuria scabra from Pulau Jambongan, Sabah. A total of 30 H. scabra were collected. Their gastrointestinal tracts were removed and digested using NaOH. The digestates were filtrated several times to extract the MPs. MPs were observed under microscope and categorized into shapes and colours. To determine the functional group of polymers, further analysis using Fourier Transform-Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) was performed. The samples contained a total of 7403 MPs. Majority of MPs were black colored (72.25%) and in the form of fibres (99.05%). Two types of polymers were detected: polycarbonate (PC) found in 4% of the population and polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) present in 96%. In conclusion, the presence of MPs in the gastrointestinal tract of H. scabra suggests that the animals and their habitat have been contaminated. Further study is required to comprehend the effects of MPs on sea cucumbers and other marine organisms as well as to develop prevention strategies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  18. Zhang C
    PLoS One, 2024;19(12):e0312292.
    PMID: 39636876 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0312292
    This study examines the impact of corporate governance and economic policy uncertainty on financial performance in non-financial firms in three emerging Asian economies: Pakistan, China, and Malaysia. The study analyzed 400 non-financial firms listed on these countries' stock markets for ten years (2012-2021). Data on corporate governance, financial performance, and CSR scores were obtained from DataStream. The study used regression analysis and the generalized method of moments (GMM) for its robustness analysis. Our findings show that all attributes of corporate governance practices have a significant positive impact on return on assets, except for the existence of an audit board committee for all selected economies. Moreover, corporate governance practices have a significant positive relationship with return on equity. However, in the case of earnings per share (EPS), all attributes have a significant positive relationship except board size with earnings per share. Economic policy uncertainty significantly moderates corporate governance practices and financial performance of organizations belonging to Asian economies. This study advocated the implications for the government and policymakers to improve corporate governance practices, especially during periods of high economic uncertainty.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
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