Displaying publications 761 - 780 of 1933 in total

  1. Saeed M, Isnani AC, Khan SA, Khamis N
    Pak J Med Sci, 2020 11 26;36(7):1698-1702.
    PMID: 33235600 DOI: 10.12669/pjms.36.7.1778
    Objective: A paradigm shift towards a PBL bidirectional dialogic feedback can enhance learners' performance. This study aimed to investigate undergraduate medical students' perceptions of their PBL feedback.

    Methods: We sent e-mail invitations to a web-based survey to year one and two students at College of Medicine, King Saud University. Items included the process, content, and benefits of PBL feedback.

    Results: Of 209 respondents, 110 (53%) were first and 99 (47%) were second-year students. About 50% agreed that the feedback was regularly provided at scheduled timing and 72% perceived feedback environment as non-threatening. Agreement rates that the tutors asked students first to assess their performance, tell them what went well, what the areas for improvement are and develop with them an improvement plan were 59%, 61%, 61% and 52%, respectively. 61% agreed that tutors judged performance not personality. More year one students significantly agreed that the PBL feedback helped them to improve their knowledge acquisition and non-technical skills.

    Conclusion: Many of our PBL tutors have started the shift to a dialogic bi-directional feedback. We recommend continuing the faculty development efforts, peer-reviewing, and seeking student's feedback within the academic quality satisfaction surveys.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical
  2. Khor, Poy Hua, Muhamad Hairiss B Ishak, Lim, Khong Chiu
    This study evaluates the depression, anxiety, and stress level among student members of armed uniform
    body at Universiti Teknologi MARA Perlis Branch. Universiti Teknologi MARA Perlis Branch offered
    15 co-curriculum activities included SUKSIS, Komander Kesatria, Bomba, and Angkatan Pertahanan
    Awam Malaysia. Unfortunately, in the selection system of co-curriculum activities, some students did
    not have the opportunity to select curriculum activities of their choice and interest. Questionnaire
    developed by Lovibond and Lovibond’s (1995) entitled Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS21) was issued to 120 student members of SUKSIS, Komander Kesatria, Bomba, and Angkatan
    Pertahanan Awam Malaysia. In terms of the level of mental health, the student members of SUKSIS
    and Komander Kesatria suffered mild level of depression, while members of Bomba and Angkatan
    Pertahanan Awam Malaysia experienced normal level of depression. In relation to anxiety level,
    members of Suksis and Komander Kesatria suffered moderate level of anxiety, while members of
    Bomba and Angkatan Pertahanan Awam Malaysia experienced mild level of anxiety. Although the
    members of Komander Kesatria, Bomba and Angkatan Pertahanan Awam Malaysia experienced normal
    level of stress, the members of SUKSIS armed uniform body are mildly stressed. These findings provide
    an insight on mental health among students of tertiary education which is a very serious health issue
    that demands further exploration for development of effective co-curriculum activities. Hopefully,
    future researchers could relate this health issue with studies on other populations and demographic
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  3. Khairunisa Amalina Binti Kaswadi, Malik, Aakriti, Keat, Ooi Boon
    Undergraduate studies are a challenging time for students to adapt to the multi-functional roles and responsibilities of a university life. Research worldwide indicates undergraduate students to experience high levels of stress, depression and anxiety thus affecting their academic performance. Studies in Malaysia with respect to understanding the relationship between anxiety levels and academic achievement are sparse. The current study sought responses from a preliminary sample of 100 undergraduate students consisted of 50 males and 50 females on their cumulative grade point average (CGPA) and Beck’s Anxiety Inventory. The results suggested girls to have slightly higher levels of anxiety when compared to boys. Both boys and girls were found to have moderate levels of anxiety as indicated by BAI. A mild negative relationship was found between anxiety levels and academic achievement. The findings highlight the need for preventive mental health measures in universities catering to the growing academic and personal demands on students thereby facilitating students with coping and life skills.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  4. Fesol SFA, Arshad MM
    Data Brief, 2020 Dec;33:106421.
    PMID: 33102666 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2020.106421
    This paper presents the dataset of undergraduates learning habits during and before the occurrence of pandemic COVID-19 under the scope of sociodemographic and psychological aspects. This dataset consists of four (4) main sections which are students' demographic, psychological disruption, students' learning habits and integration of online sessions with sustainability topics. A total of 37 variables were distributed via an online survey platform. The link of the online survey was circulated to the students using few social media platforms such as WhatsApp groups, Telegram, and faculties' Facebook starting from June 1 until June 31, 2020. There was a total of 668 respondents accompanied by consent were agreed to join the survey. This dataset can have an important role for research and education in identifying the impact on learning performance among the undergraduate students during COVID-19 pandemic based on different sociodemographic and psychological aspects.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  5. Ohn MH, Souza U, Ohn KM
    Tzu Chi Med J, 2020 08 02;32(4):392-397.
    PMID: 33163387 DOI: 10.4103/tcmj.tcmj_91_19
    Objective: Negative affect state toward learning has a substantial impact on the learning process, academic performance, and practice of a particular subject, but such attitude toward electrocardiogram (ECG) learning has still received relatively little attention in medical education research. In spite of the significant emphasis in investigating ECG teaching method, the educators would not be able to address ECG incompetency without understanding the negative perception and attitude toward ECG learning. The purpose of this study was to assess the undergraduate students' difficulties in ECG learning and hence help educators design appropriate ECG learning curriculum to instill competent skill in ECG interpretation based on this outcome.

    Materials and Methods: A total of 324 undergraduate preclinical (year 2) and clinical (year 3-5) medical students participated in this study. The research design used thematic analysis of an open-ended questionnaire to analyze the qualitative data.

    Results: The thematic analysis detected five major emergent themes: lack of remembering (18.2%), lack of understanding (28.4%), difficulty in applying (3.6%), difficulty in analysis (15.1%), and difficulty in interpretation (17.8%), of which addressing these challenges could be taken as a foundation step upon which medical educators put an emphasis on in order to improve ECG teaching and learning.

    Conclusion: Negative attitude toward ECG learning poses a serious threat to acquire competency in ECG interpretation skill. The concept of student's memorizing ECG is not a correct approach; instead, understanding the concept and vector analysis is an elementary key for mastering ECG interpretation skill. The finding of this study sheds light into a better understanding of medical students' deficient points of ECG learning in parallel with taxonomy of cognitive domain and enables the medical teachers to come up with effective and innovative strategies for innovative ECG learning in an undergraduate medical curriculum.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical
  6. Kattimani V, Tiwari RVC, Gufran K, Wasan B, Shilpa PH, Khader AA
    J Int Soc Prev Community Dent, 2019 04 12;9(2):99-105.
    PMID: 31058058 DOI: 10.4103/jispcd.JISPCD_430_18
    Background: Ever-changing perception of beauty from childhood to old age is changing with the revolution in cosmeceuticals science. Esthetics is an individual's perception since time immemorial. Standards of beauty have changed through centuries with increased awareness about esthetics. The face remains main source of information for identification and discrimination. It constitutes a structural ground for many nonverbal messages including the emotional state of a person, so the proverb "Face is an index of mind" holds good. The wrinkles and laxity are considered to be one of the factors for aging. Hence, escalating demand for cosmetic treatment to reduce facial wrinkles and laxity has stimulated us to search for published literature for nonsurgical techniques for enhancement of facial beauty. The review analyzed the published data to provide narrative basic review in a concise way to the beginners, clinicians, and students.

    Materials and Methods: We have adopted search criteria using keywords: Botox, Botulinum toxin, incobotulinumtoxinA, esthetics, face, uses of Botox, with various Boolean operators and or in title, and abstract using PubMed search engine. The database search limited to PubMed only from January 2013 to June 2018.

    Results: Various search results have been appended as annexures at the end of the article for further reference for the readers. Finally, 17 references were selected to write narrative review to meet our objectives.

    Conclusion: The advancing front in the use of toxins is an emerging science for the beautification of a face. Botox exploded in to market because of efficacy, tolerability, and minimally invasive nature. The present review gives brief about the history of Botulinum toxin, types, mechanism of action, clinical indications, preparations, storage, and technique for various uses with a brief note on patient selection, contraindications, and complications.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  7. Ching, Siew Mooi, Hanifatiyah Ali, Cheong, Ai Theng, Hani Syahida Salim
    Widespread use of the internet is a relatively recent phenomenon that is affecting different cultures worldwide in both positive and negative ways. This study aimed to determine the gender differences in the internet addiction among medical students in public university. Methods: 426 medical students from year one to four were invited to participate in the study. For data collection, we used a self-administered questionnaire consisting of socio-demographic and internet usage questions, the Internet Addiction Test (IAT) and the Depression Anxiety and Stress Scales 21 (DASS-21). Results: There were a total of 426 (270 female and 156 male) medical students included in this study. IA was high in both male and female students. There was a higher proportion of male students (44.9%) found to be addicted compared to female students (32.2%). There were positive correlations between the DASS-21 and IAT scores for both male and female students. For female students, longer hours spent online daily (p-value = 0.02), as well as high anxiety (p-value < 0.001) and depression scores (p-value = 0.037) were found to be most strongly associated with IA. Among male students, factors associated with IA were the availability of internet access at home (p-value=0.02) and high anxiety scores (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical
  8. Mohd Yusof AM, Rahman NAA, Haque M
    J Pharm Bioallied Sci, 2018 12 21;10(4):232-239.
    PMID: 30568381 DOI: 10.4103/JPBS.JPBS_141_18
    Background: Food poisoning (FP) commonly occurs because of consuming contaminated food, which can be fatal. Many people are not aware of the dangers of FP. Thus, the purpose of this study is to analyze the knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) of FP among dietetic students (DS) and food handlers (FH) in a public university in Malaysia.

    Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was designed, and a self-administered questionnaire was distributed to 106 respondents. The survey comprised four sections including sociodemographic, knowledge, attitude, and practice.

    Results: Total percentage scores for KAP for FH were 86.06%, 32.40%, and 19.91%, respectively, whereas the KAP scores for DS were 89.36%, 34.26%, and 19.94%, respectively. This study revealed that the respondents had good knowledge but poor attitude and practice toward FP. Total mean percentage of KAP scores for DS was higher than FH. Besides, no significant difference was observed in KAP toward FP across different genders, age, education, and income levels among FH. However, for DS, significant difference (p = 0.008) was observed in knowledge toward FP between genders. Significant association (p = 0.048) was also reported in practice toward FP with age among DS. This study also found a significant association between knowledge and attitude (p = 0.032) and knowledge and practice (p = 0.017) toward FP among FH.

    Conclusion: Nevertheless, among DS, no significant association was observed between knowledge, attitude and practice toward FP. The findings may help them to plan effective methods to promote better understanding about FP and improving their knowledge and awareness.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  9. Abusafia AH, Roslan NS, Mohd Yusoff D, Mat Nor MZ
    J Taibah Univ Med Sci, 2018 Aug;13(4):370-376.
    PMID: 31435349 DOI: 10.1016/j.jtumed.2018.04.003
    Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate academic dishonesty among nursing students at a public university in Malaysia.

    Methods: This study utilized a descriptive and cross-sectional design to evaluate academic dishonesty among nursing students using a purposive sampling method. The participants of this study consisted of 201 students from diploma (Year 2 and 3) and degree (Year 2 to Year 4) nursing programmes. A self-administered, validated questionnaire was used for data collection. Institutional ethics committee clearance was obtained prior to commencement of the study.

    Results: The results of this study showed that 82.1% and 74.6% of nursing students had engaged at least once in an act of academic dishonesty in an academic or clinical setting, respectively. The most frequent form of academic dishonesty in an academic setting was plagiarism (77.1%). There was a significant association between gender and academic dishonesty in a clinical setting (p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Nursing
  10. Nadia Abdul Rani, Faieza Abdul Aziz, Rohidatun M,W.
    Interactive learning is a pedagogical model that encourages students to be part of the lesson instead of passive observers, quietly sitting at a desk taking notes or memorizing information. Students interact with the material, each other and the teacher in an active way. The new emerging technologies that can overcome some of the potential difficulties in this area includes computer graphics, augmented reality, computational dynamics, and virtual worlds. Therefore, the manufacturing industry relies on new design concepts and methods undertake the challenges in integrating technologies to expedite the march towards industrial revolution 4.0.This paper reviews and investigates the current context of the use of interactive learning such as Virtual Reality(VR),Augmented Reality(AR),Computer aided design and manufacturing(CADCAM), computer graphics, computational dynamics and new emerging technologies that effect on students and lectures in learning and teaching environments for Manufacturing Engineering. Interactive learning is part of the factors that could influence the self-learning and regulations environments.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  11. Jha N, Shankar PR, Palaian S
    Risk Manag Healthc Policy, 2021;14:793-802.
    PMID: 33658875 DOI: 10.2147/RMHP.S291025
    Background: Medicines may remain unused and often get expired. Unused medicines can promote self-medication. Unsafe and improper medicine disposal can cause significant environmental harm. Medical and dental students as future prescribers should be aware of the safe disposal of medicines, ecopharmacovigilance and self-medication. The present study examines knowledge and practice about unused and expired medicines and medicine disposal among undergraduate medical and dental students in Nepal.

    Methods: The study was conducted during September 2020 using an online survey form. First to final year undergraduate students provided their consent and signed an integrity pledge electronically. Age, gender, program of study, year of study, whether staying with family or not, method of financing education, and whether they had used any allopathic medicines during the past 6 months were noted. The total knowledge score among different subgroups was compared. The frequency of responses regarding practice items and the free-text comments were also listed. Statistical analysis was performed using Mann-Whitney test and Kruskal-Wallis test.

    Results: Altogether 441 of the 668 students (66%) participated. The majority were below 23 years and female. Over 65% had used allopathic medicines during the last 6 months. The median knowledge score was 8 (maximum 10) and was significantly higher among older respondents, females and students in later years of study. Most kept unused medicines at home/hostel till expiry which were disposed of in the household garbage. Over 40% had educated their family members about safe medicine disposal. Knowledge scores were significantly different among subgroups according to respondents' age, gender and year of study.

    Conclusion: Respondents were aware of expiry of medicines and knew methods to safely dispose expired medicines. However, they practiced self-medication, stored medications at home and did not practice the safe disposal of medications. Understanding why respondents did not dispose medicines properly is important.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Dental
  12. Nor Hasnul Azirah Abdul Hamid, Normalina Ibrahim@Mat, Nurul Najihah Mustopa
    ESTEEM Academic Journal, 2020;16(2):51-64.
    Student Information Management System (SIMS) is a computerized system for education that can be used to manage student information and data. PASTI An-Nur is chosen as a case study in developing the system. Thus, several problems are identified that PASTI An-Nur faces due to the
    implementation of a manual system in the admission process. The first problem is the paper-based registration form that is prone to lose, misplaced and less secure. As for the payment process, arise a problem in term of higher error rate when checking and calculating the payments. The biggest downfall for PASTI An-Nur is the amount of space used to store all the students' files.
    These problems bring inefficiency since the world is changing to computerized, where data management become one of the most significant issues nowadays. So, the aim of developing the Preschool Management System (PRESIMS) is for helping the staffs and teachers in managing the
    students' information. The Adapter Waterfall model was used in developing this system. Additionally, usability heuristics was used also as a theory to guide the development of this system. The system has been tested with the four (4) users and two (2) experts. The testing method is the ISO/IEC 9126- 4 approach to measure usability metrics, including efficiency, effectiveness, and satisfaction. Whereas, for the experts, heuristic evaluation is used to bring six (6) usability principles into implementation for testing. The result of the testing is very satisfying, which shows 75.5% of efficiency, 83.33% of effectiveness and three (3) out of four (4) users very satisfied with the system. The result of heuristic evaluation also shows a successful implementation of the system. The details of the result are discussed in this paper and expected to meet the users' specification and it is ready to go live.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  13. Suzei Mat Nurudin, Nor Suhaiza Md Khalid, Zarina Mohd Zain
    Jurnal Inovasi Malaysia, 2020;4(1):79-97.
    The local government or also known as the local authority is the last tier and most important unit in the government’s administrative structure in Malaysia after the federal and state governments. Local government is fully responsible for the delivery of services as well as the provision of basic facilities to the local people within its administrative area that has been designated by the state government. The existence of local government acted as a facilitator to the federal government and the state government because the roles and responsibilities held by the local government are very large and essential to the nation’s development. This study discussed students’ understanding of local government where the average between people and students is particularly confused about the concepts that are often used in the local government as well as local government-related jurisdictions. With the creation of these Pocket Dictionary on local Government, Glossary of local government terms and QR Code Mode for Local Government Terms Word Index, it help students and the local people to better understand the local government in Malaysia by knowing the concepts related.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  14. Sulaiman Mahzan, Siti Fairuz Nurr Sadikan, Mohd Ab Malek Md Shah, Mohd Harun Shahudin, Zaini Saat, Shamsol Shafie
    Jurnal Inovasi Malaysia, 2020;4(1):113-132.
    Supervision and monitoring of practical students are among the pertinent components in the management of industrial training among students in institutions of higher learning (IPT) in Malaysia. The easiest way to monitor is by reporting such students’ daily activities in their logbooks. Due to the dispersal of offshore industries, it directly impacts to students, institution and industry such as management costs, wastes supervision time for travel and stresses other factors in managing industry supervision such as ongoing supervision, verification of customization of industry entities regarding needs and reduction of allocation by IPT. Thus, a new mechanism needs to be implemented by considering the advantages and benefits that can be developed throughout the use of information technology (IT). In conjunction with this circumstance, a Smart LogBook prototype has been developed to address the problems encountered in the supervision process of the industry training students as stated. A study of students’ perceptions of the Smart Logbook prototype was also tailored to assess student perception compared to using supervisory methods using the old logbook. The Rapid Application Development (RAD) methodology was used in software development while a set of questionnaires was distributed to 65 respondents to obtain their assessment feedback data. The findings show that students have a positive assessment of their perception of the use of this prototype.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  15. Nadiawati Alias, Nor Hasima Mahmod, Noor Afiza Badaluddin, Mohammad Khairul Asyraf Ridzuan
    Jurnal Inovasi Malaysia, 2019;2(2):1-18.
    BactFinder© is an interactive and mobile application built to facilitate bacteria identification. As widely known, bacteria are composed of large domains of prokaryotic microorganisms which are various in types, hence the identification of these bacterial groups requires a systematic and orderly identification process. Through this mobile app, experimental results from biochemical and bacterial morphological tests carried out in the laboratory before hand must be submitted to the application before bacterial identification can be performed. Previously, academics user and students have to refer to many references such as research books and related academic journals in order to finalise their bacteria identification. This process, of course, will take relatively longer time and less effective. This BactFinder© mobile application is equipped with a database of 19 types of biochemical tests including bacteria morphology. The database was built based on Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacteriology and other related scientific journals. The BactFinder© mobile app has been proved able to provide fast (± 2 seconds) and precise responses in helping students and academics user in the process of identifying bacteria species in the lab. This application is also suitable for undergraduate, post-graduate and academicians in the field of microbiology, biotechnology and science in general.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
    Simulated Patient (SP) is defined as a layperson that simulates to portray the role of a patient with health-related conditions based on varying levels of training. International Medical University (IMU) has been utilising SP for more than 10 years for simulation activities including learning sessions and examination. Due to a series of complex interaction within the SP programme, the aim of the study was to explore the experience of lecturer, student and SPs towards the interaction within the SP programme. The findings of the research were aimed to improve the teaching sessions and examination through the improvement of the SP programme. A total of 17 participants were recruited for 6 interviews, including both focus group and one-to-one interview session. The researcher used a list of guide questions to explore both positive and negative experiences. Manual transcribing and coding technique were used for data analysis, while Qualitative Data Analysis (QDA) was used for data management and additional analysis. The themes for the lecturer group were: SP resemble a real patient, The making of scenario, and SP feedback; while the themes for the students group were: Simulated patient as an effective learning tool, Fairness, and Feedback from simulated patient; whereas Effective learning session, Motivation and Preparation prior class were the themes for the SP group. SPs’ contribution was valuable if the SP is able to resemble a real patient and able to demonstrate effective feedback skills. Standardisation of the character portrayal and SP feedback influenced the fairness along the students’ journey. Lecturers, SPs and students influenced the success of an SP-based simulation session.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  17. Hammad Farhi Mohd Saudi, Jamal Abdul Nassir Shaari
    The purpose of this case study is to look at how “Lean Techniques and Principles” can be successfully introduce and implement in the higher education institution or university context. In the last two decades, Lean techniques and principle has been applied to improve production system in manufacturing processes. Lean was introduced in the 1950s by Womack and Jones known as the Toyota Production System (TPS) by the legendary car manufacturer Toyota, the world’s most profitable automaker and have spent decades perfecting lean practices in the production. The method used was to produce more productivity while using fewer resources and identifying activities which creates value for customers, activities which do not create value but are required and actions which do not create value and can be eliminated. This case study demonstrates how “Lean Principles” can be adopted to the administration services particularly in the registration process for new student intake in USIM. The objective of this case study includes : to identify the needs of improving the registration process by eliminating the waste (Muda) such as time wastage, human resource wastage, to introduce the apparatus required to reduce and eliminate waste, to redesign the process using the lean techniques and principles to eliminate waste and to continually improve the process with the goal to achieve perfection for customer satisfaction and university’s reputation. How Lean Principles can transform the work process in the registration procedure, process efficiency, the reasons for implementing Lean in the process, minimize the lead time, minimize the financial cost and the role of management. This paper contains a comprehensive discussion and findings of the development of Lean principles and management through one of the models, namely; Value Stream Mapping (VSM) process which can enhance the operational process in the university environment to improve the process, particularly in the new student registration process.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  18. Shamir Das K.N. Kavidas, Alexius, Cheang, Weng, Onn
    Student athletes represent a unique segment of society, having to manage a set of expectations and challenges that are distinct and psychologically demanding. They are expected to achieve the highest level of sporting excellence while also performing well academically. A basic qualitative study was used to gain an understanding of the nature and type of psychological challenges faced, and ways the student athletes successfully managed or was currently managing those challenges. The results entailed two overlapping groups of challenges; internal and external, where internal consisted of emotional strain, expectations from one’s self, balance between sports and studies, and present feelings of regret, while external consisted of issues with their coach, perception of others, and transition to tertiary education. Additionally, there were three ways of managing those challenges namely through problem-focused coping, emotion-focused coping, and experiential learning. Those three domains are further explored and discussed, with consideration to the local context and the role of individual differences.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  19. Krishna Dilip Murthy
    It is time to cogitate as to “how and what ”we teach in the medical faculties/schools. We are aware that the generation of students is different; called the “Z”-generation. So, in keeping with the trends in the field of globalization, IR 4.0, artificial intelligence and the techno era, there is a need to change and become flexible to meet the demands of the artificial intelligence and the era. The future generations will be the Centennials who will adapt heutagogy (pronounced as: hyoo-tuh-goh-jee) principles to learn what they are passionate about. Heutagogy was first defined by Hase and Kenyon (2000) as a form of “self-determined learning”. So, in other words, pedagogy (the art and science of teaching children) and andragogy (the art and science of teaching adults) periods are almost over or take a back seat. In simpler terms, pedagogy is faculty-centred education; andragogy is student-centred education is not enough1. Heutagogy is self-directed, transformative and the present thing2. We need to be aware and cognizant of this fact in order to cater to our clients of the next generation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  20. Ahmad Zamri Khairani, Nor Shafrin Ahmad, Aziah Ismail, Rahimi Che Aman
    Introduction: This study examines the psychometric characteristics of a translated version of the Beck Depression Inventory II (BDI – II) among Malaysian school students. Methods: The sample consisted of 257 boys and 302 girls. This study employed WINSTEPS 3.74 to provide statistics and other information from Rasch Model analysis, namely, the fit statistics, dimensionality analysis, rating scale analysis, reliability and separation indices, differential item func- tioning analysis, and distribution of items difficulty and students’ ability. Results: Rating scale analysis showed that category 2 and category 3 of the ratings were not different. Meanwhile, Item 19 did not fit the model’s expectations; and thus, it was omitted from further analyses. The scale demonstrated a high person reliability and a high person separation index. There were no items demonstrating gender DIF. The school students endorsed feeling guilty as the least severe symptom of depression, while committing suicide as the most serious symptom. Conclusion: In general, the BDI-II demonstrated acceptable properties in measuring depression symptoms among school students.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
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