Displaying publications 61 - 80 of 317 in total

  1. Han C, Zheng Y, Huang S, Xu L, Zhou C, Sun Y, et al.
    Int J Biol Macromol, 2024 Apr;263(Pt 1):130300.
    PMID: 38395276 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2024.130300
    This work employed the model protein β-lactoglobulin (BLG) to investigate the contribution of microstructural changes to regulating the interaction patterns between protein and flavor compounds through employing computer simulation and multi-spectroscopic techniques. The formation of molten globule (MG) state-like protein during the conformational evolution of BLG, in response to ultrasonic (UC) and heat (HT) treatments, was revealed through multi-spectroscopic characterization. Differential MG structures were distinguished by variations in surface hydrophobicity and the microenvironment of tryptophan residues. Fluorescence quenching measurements indicated that the formation of MG enhanced the binding affinity of heptanal to protein. LC-MS/MS and NMR revealed the covalent bonding between heptanal and BLG formed by Michael addition and Schiff-base reactions, and MG-like BLG exhibited fewer chemical shift residues. Molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulation confirmed the synergistic involvement of hydrophobic interactions and hydrogen bonds in shaping BLG-heptanal complexes thus promoting the stability of BLG structures. These findings indicated that the production of BLG-heptanal complexes was driven synergistically by non-covalent and covalent bonds, and their interaction processes were influenced by processes-induced formation of MG potentially tuning the release and retention behaviors of flavor compounds.
  2. Xie W, Yao Z, Yuan Y, Too J, Li F, Wang H, et al.
    Genomics, 2024 Jul 29.
    PMID: 39084477 DOI: 10.1016/j.ygeno.2024.110906
    Enhancers are crucial in gene expression regulation, dictating the specificity and timing of transcriptional activity, which highlights the importance of their identification for unravelling the intricacies of genetic regulation. Therefore, it is critical to identify enhancers and their strengths. Repeated sequences in the genome are repeats of the same or symmetrical fragments. There has been a great deal of evidence that repetitive sequences contain enormous amounts of genetic information. Thus, We introduce the W2V-Repeated Index, designed to identify enhancer sequence fragments and evaluates their strength through the analysis of repeated K-mer sequences in enhancer regions. Utilizing the word2vector algorithm for numerical conversion and Manta Ray Foraging Optimization for feature selection, this method effectively captures the frequency and distribution of K-mer sequences. By concentrating on repeated K-mer sequences, it minimizes computational complexity and facilitates the analysis of larger K values. Experiments indicate that our method performs better than all other advanced methods on almost all indicators.
  3. Zhao Z, Gao Y, Sui W, Zhang Z, Feng L, Wang Z, et al.
    BMJ Open, 2024 Aug 17;14(8):e081485.
    PMID: 39153776 DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-081485
    OBJECTIVES: To seek a triple combination of biomarkers for early diagnosis of chronic kidney disease-mineral and bone metabolic disorder and to explore the diagnostic efficacy of β2-microglobulin, parathyroid hormone and blood urea nitrogen in chronic kidney disease-mineral and bone metabolic disorder.

    PARTICIPANTS: We collected medical records of 864 patients with chronic kidney disease (without direct contact with patients) and divided them into two groups based on the renal bone disease manifestations of all patients.

    PRIMARY AND SECONDARY OUTCOME MEASURES: There were 148 and 716 subjects in the Chronic kidney disease-mineral and bone metabolic disorder and the control groups, respectively. The aggregated data included basic information and various clinical laboratory indicators, such as blood lipid profile, antibody and electrolyte levels, along with renal function-related indicators.

    RESULTS: It was observed that most renal osteopathy occurs in the later stages of chronic kidney disease. In the comparison of two clinical laboratory indicators, 16 factors were selected for curve analysis and compared. We discovered that factors with high diagnostic values were β2-microglobulin, parathyroid hormone and blood urea nitrogen.

    CONCLUSIONS: The triple combination of β2-microglobulin+parathyroid hormone+blood urea nitrogen indicators can play the crucial role of a sensitive indicator for the early diagnosis of chronic kidney disease-mineral and bone metabolic disorder and in preventing or delaying the progress of chronic kidney disease-mineral and bone metabolic disorder.

  4. Wang Z, Li P, Ma K, Chen Y, Penfold J, Thomas RK, et al.
    J Colloid Interface Sci, 2019 Sep 05;557:124-134.
    PMID: 31518834 DOI: 10.1016/j.jcis.2019.09.016
    The ester sulfonate anionic surfactants are a potentially valuable class of sustainable surfactants. The micellar growth, associated rheological changes, and the onset of precipitation are important consequences of the addition of electrolyte and especially multi-valent electrolytes in anionic surfactants. Small angle neutron scattering, SANS, has been used to investigate the self-assembly and the impact of different valence electrolytes on the self-assembly of a range of ester sulfonate surfactants with subtly different molecular structures. The results show that in the absence of electrolyte small globular micelles form, and in the presence of NaCl, and AlCl3 relatively modest micellar growth occurs before the onset of precipitation. The micellar growth is more pronounced for the longer unbranched and branched alkyl chain lengths. Whereas changing the headgroup geometry from methyl ester to ethyl ester has in general a less profound impact. The study highlights the importance of relative counterion binding strengths and shows how the surfactant structure affects the counterion binding and hence the micelle structure. The results have important consequences for the response of such surfactants to different operational environments.
  5. Wang Z, Li P, Ma K, Chen Y, Yan Z, Penfold J, et al.
    J Colloid Interface Sci, 2021 Mar 15;586:876-890.
    PMID: 33309145 DOI: 10.1016/j.jcis.2020.10.122
    HYPOTHESIS: The α-sulfo alkyl ester, AES, surfactants are a class of anionic surfactants which have potential for improved sustainable performance in a range of applications, and an important feature is their enhanced tolerance to precipitation in the presence of multivalent counterions. It is proposed that their adsorption properties can be adjusted substantially by changing the length of the shorter alkyl chain, that of the alkanol group in the ester.

    EXPERIMENTS: Surface tension and neutron reflectivity have been used to investigate the variation in the adsorption properties with the shorter alkyl chain length (methyl, ethyl and propyl), the impact of NaCl on the adsorption, the tendency to form surface multilayer structures in the presence of AlCl3, and the effects of mixing the methyl ester sulfonate with the ethyl and propyl ester sulfonates on the adsorption.

    FINDINGS: The variations in the critical micelle concentration, CMC, the adsorption isotherms, the saturation adsorption values, and the impact of NaCl illustrate the subtle influence of varying the shorter alkyl chain length of the surfactant. The non-ideal mixing of pairs of AES surfactants with different alkanol group lengths of the ester show that the extent of the non-ideality changes as the difference in the alkanol length increases. The surface multilayer formation observed in the presence of AlCl3 varies in a complex manner with the length of the short chain and for mixtures of surfactants with different chains lengths.

  6. Wang Y, Cheng C, Zhang Z, Wang J, Wang Y, Li X, et al.
    Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet, 2018 12;177(8):709-716.
    PMID: 30350918 DOI: 10.1002/ajmg.b.32675
    No biologically based diagnostic criteria are in clinical use today for obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), schizophrenia, and major depressive disorder (MDD), which are defined with reference to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual clinical symptoms alone. However, these disorders cannot always be well distinguished on clinical grounds and may also be comorbid. A biological blood-based dynamic genomic signature that can differentiate among OCD, MDD, and schizophrenia would therefore be of great utility. This study enrolled 77 patients with OCD, 67 controls with no psychiatric illness, 39 patients with MDD, and 40 with schizophrenia. An OCD-specific gene signature was identified using blood gene expression analysis to construct a predictive model of OCD that can differentiate this disorder from healthy controls, MDD, and schizophrenia using a logistic regression algorithm. To verify that the genes selected were not derived as a result of chance, the algorithm was tested twice. First, the algorithm was used to predict the cohort with true disease/control status and second, the algorithm predicted the cohort with disease/control status randomly reassigned (null set). A six-gene panel (COPS7A, FKBP1A, FIBP, TP73-AS1, SDF4, and GOLGA8A) discriminated patients with OCD from healthy controls, MDD, and schizophrenia in the training set (with an area under the receiver-operating-characteristic curve of 0.938; accuracy, 86%; sensitivity, 88%; and specificity, 85%). Our findings indicate that a blood transcriptomic signature can distinguish OCD from healthy controls, MDD, and schizophrenia. This finding further confirms the feasibility of using dynamic blood-based genomic signatures in psychiatric disorders and may provide a useful tool for clinical staff engaged in OCD diagnosis and decision making.
  7. Zhang W, Liang Y, Zheng K, Gu C, Liu Y, Wang Z, et al.
    BMC Genomics, 2021 Sep 20;22(1):675.
    PMID: 34544379 DOI: 10.1186/s12864-021-07978-4
    BACKGROUND: Marine bacteriophages play key roles in the community structure of microorganisms, biogeochemical cycles, and the mediation of genetic diversity through horizontal gene transfer. Recently, traditional isolation methods, complemented by high-throughput sequencing metagenomics technology, have greatly increased our understanding of the diversity of bacteriophages. Oceanospirillum, within the order Oceanospirillales, are important symbiotic marine bacteria associated with hydrocarbon degradation and algal blooms, especially in polar regions. However, until now there has been no isolate of an Oceanospirillum bacteriophage, and so details of their metagenome has remained unknown.

    RESULTS: Here, we reported the first Oceanospirillum phage, vB_OliS_GJ44, which was assembled into a 33,786 bp linear dsDNA genome, which includes abundant tail-related and recombinant proteins. The recombinant module was highly adapted to the host, according to the tetranucleotides correlations. Genomic and morphological analyses identified vB_OliS_GJ44 as a siphovirus, however, due to the distant evolutionary relationship with any other known siphovirus, it is proposed that this virus could be classified as the type phage of a new Oceanospirivirus genus within the Siphoviridae family. vB_OliS_GJ44 showed synteny with six uncultured phages, which supports its representation in uncultured environmental viral contigs from metagenomics. Homologs of several vB_OliS_GJ44 genes have mostly been found in marine metagenomes, suggesting the prevalence of this phage genus in the oceans.

    CONCLUSIONS: These results describe the first Oceanospirillum phage, vB_OliS_GJ44, that represents a novel viral cluster and exhibits interesting genetic features related to phage-host interactions and evolution. Thus, we propose a new viral genus Oceanospirivirus within the Siphoviridae family to reconcile this cluster, with vB_OliS_GJ44 as a representative member.

  8. Zhang X, Deng T, Lu J, Zhao P, Chen L, Qian M, et al.
    Transbound Emerg Dis, 2020 May;67(3):1349-1355.
    PMID: 31943814 DOI: 10.1111/tbed.13477
    Infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), an ongoing emergence enveloped virus with a single-stranded positive-sense RNA genome, belongs to the Gammacoronavirus genus in the Coronaviridae family. IBV-associated tracheitis, nephritis, salpingitis, proventriculitis and egg drop have caused devastating economic losses to poultry industry worldwide. Since the end of 2018, a remarkably increasing number of commercial broilers and layers, vaccinated or not, were infected with IBV in China. Here, we described two IB outbreaks with severe respiratory system or kidney injury in IBV-vaccinated commercial poultry farms in central China. Other possible causative viral pathogens, including avian influenza virus (AIV), Newcastle disease virus (NDV) and Kedah fatal kidney syndrome virus (KFKSV), were excluded by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), and three virulent IBV strains, HeN-1/China/2019, HeN-2/China/2019 and HeN-101/China/2019, were identified. Although the gross pathologic appearance of these two IB outbreaks was different, the newly identified IBV strains were all closely related to the ck/China/I0529/17 strain and grouped into GI-19 genotype clade based on the sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of the complete S1 genes. Moreover, there are still some evolutionary distance between the newly identified IBV strains, HeN-101/China/2019 in particular, and other GI-19 strains, suggesting that Chinese IBV strains constantly emerge and evolve towards different directions. In conclusion, this study provided an insight of the recently emerging IBV outbreaks in IBV-vaccinated commercial poultry farms and identified the genetic characteristics of three virulent GI-19 IBV strains, which shows the need to carry out proper preventive measures and control strategies.
  9. Su Y, Ma T, Wang Z, Dong B, Tai C, Wang H, et al.
    ESC Heart Fail, 2020 Dec;7(6):4465-4471.
    PMID: 32945150 DOI: 10.1002/ehf2.12997
    AIMS: Elevated heart rate (HR) in heart failure (HF) is associated with worse outcomes, particularly in acute HF (AHF). HR reduction with ivabradine reduces cardiovascular events in HF patients with reduced ejection fraction. The present trial aimed to test the hypothesis that the early HR reduction using ivabradine improves clinical outcomes in patients with AHF.

    METHODS AND RESULTS: SHIFT-AHF is a prospective, multi-centre, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of ivabradine when adding to standard therapy in AHF patients (SHIFT-AHF). The trial will include 674 AHF patients with left ventricular ejection fraction 

  10. Zhou H, Wu L, Wang HQ, Zheng JC, Zhang L, Kisslinger K, et al.
    Nat Commun, 2017 11 14;8(1):1474.
    PMID: 29133800 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-017-01655-5
    Multi-layer structure of functional materials often involves the integration of different crystalline phases. The film growth orientation thus frequently exhibits a transformation, owing to multiple possibilities caused by incompatible in-plane structural symmetry. Nevertheless, the detailed mechanism of the transformation has not yet been fully explored. Here we thoroughly probe the heteroepitaxially grown hexagonal zinc oxide (ZnO) films on cubic (001)-magnesium oxide (MgO) substrates using advanced scanning transition electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and first principles calculations, revealing two distinct interface models of (001) ZnO/(001) MgO and (100) ZnO/(001) MgO. We have found that the structure alternatives are controlled thermodynamically by the nucleation, while kinetically by the enhanced Zn adsorption and O diffusion upon the phase transformation. This work not only provides a guideline for the interface fabrication with distinct crystalline phases but also shows how polar and non-polar hexagonal ZnO films might be manipulated on the same cubic substrate.
  11. Feng S, Xie X, Liu J, Li A, Wang Q, Guo D, et al.
    J Nanobiotechnology, 2023 Oct 10;21(1):370.
    PMID: 37817254 DOI: 10.1186/s12951-023-02139-z
    Microalgae as the photosynthetic organisms offer enormous promise in a variety of industries, such as the generation of high-value byproducts, biofuels, pharmaceuticals, environmental remediation, and others. With the rapid advancement of gene editing technology, CRISPR/Cas system has evolved into an effective tool that revolutionised the genetic engineering of microalgae due to its robustness, high target specificity, and programmability. However, due to the lack of robust delivery system, the efficacy of gene editing is significantly impaired, limiting its application in microalgae. Nanomaterials have become a potential delivery platform for CRISPR/Cas systems due to their advantages of precise targeting, high stability, safety, and improved immune system. Notably, algal-mediated nanoparticles (AMNPs), especially the microalgae-derived nanoparticles, are appealing as a sustainable delivery platform because of their biocompatibility and low toxicity in a homologous relationship. In addition, living microalgae demonstrated effective and regulated distribution into specified areas as the biohybrid microrobots. This review extensively summarised the uses of CRISPR/Cas systems in microalgae and the recent developments of nanoparticle-based CRISPR/Cas delivery systems. A systematic description of the properties and uses of AMNPs, microalgae-derived nanoparticles, and microalgae microrobots has also been discussed. Finally, this review highlights the challenges and future research directions for the development of gene-edited microalgae.
  12. Zhang X, Liang Y, Zheng K, Wang Z, Dong Y, Liu Y, et al.
    Front Microbiol, 2023;14:1161265.
    PMID: 37213492 DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2023.1161265
    INTRODUCTION: Vibrio is an important bacterial genus containing many pathogenic species. Although more and more Vibrio phages were isolated, the genome, ecology and evolution of Vibrio phages and their roles in bacteriophage therapy, have not been fully revealed.

    METHODS: Novel Vibrio phage vB_ValR_NF infecting Vibrio alginolyticus was isolated from the coastal waters of Qingdao during the Ulva prolifera blooms, Characterization and genomic feature of phage vB_ValR_NF has been analysed using phage isolation, sequencing and metagenome method.

    RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Phage vB_ValR_NF has a siphoviral morphology (icosahedral head 114±1 nm in diameter; a tail length of 231±1 nm), a short latent period (30 minutes) and a large burst size (113 virions per cell), and the thermal/pH stability study showed that phage vB_ValR_NF was highly tolerant to a range of pHs (4-12) and temperatures (-20 - 45 °C), respectively. Host range analysis suggests that phage vB_ValR_NF not only has a high inhibitory ability against the host strain V. alginolyticus, but also can infect 7 other Vibrio strains. In addition, the phage vB_ValR_NF has a double-stranded 44, 507 bp DNA genome, with 43.10 % GC content and 75 open reading frames. Three auxiliary metabolic genes associated with aldehyde dehydrogenase, serine/threonine protein phosphatase and calcineurin-like phosphoesterase were predicted, might help the host V. alginolyticus occupy the survival advantage, thus improving the survival chance of phage vB_ValR_NF under harsh conditions. This point can be supported by the higher abundance of phage vB_ValR_NF during the U. prolifera blooms than in other marine environments. Further phylogenetic and genomic analysis shows that the viral group represented by Vibrio phage vB_ValR_NF is different from other well-defined reference viruses, and can be classified into a new family, named Ruirongviridae. In general, as a new marine phage infecting V. alginolyticus, phage vB_ValR_NF provides basic information for further molecular research on phage-host interactions and evolution, and may unravel a novel insight into changes in the community structure of organisms during the U. prolifera blooms. At the same time, its high tolerance to extreme conditions and excellent bactericidal ability will become important reference factors when evaluating the potential of phage vB_ValR_NF in bacteriophage therapy in the future.

  13. Wang H, Ren L, Liang Y, Zheng K, Guo R, Liu Y, et al.
    Microbiol Spectr, 2023 Aug 17;11(4):e0533522.
    PMID: 37272818 DOI: 10.1128/spectrum.05335-22
    Psychrobacter is an important bacterial genus that is widespread in Antarctic and marine environments. However, to date, only two complete Psychrobacter phage sequences have been deposited in the NCBI database. Here, the novel Psychrobacter phage vB_PmaS_Y8A, infecting Psychrobacter HM08A, was isolated from sewage in the Qingdao area, China. The morphology of vB_PmaS_Y8A was characterized by transmission electron microscopy, revealing an icosahedral head and long tail. The genomic sequence of vB_PmaS_Y8A is linear, double-stranded DNA with a length of 40,226 bp and 44.1% G+C content, and encodes 69 putative open reading frames. Two auxiliary metabolic genes (AMGs) were identified, encoding phosphoadenosine phosphosulfate reductase and MarR protein. The first AMG uses thioredoxin as an electron donor for the reduction of phosphoadenosine phosphosulfate to phosphoadenosine phosphate. MarR regulates multiple antibiotic resistance mechanisms in Escherichia coli and is rarely found in viruses. No tRNA genes were identified and no lysogeny-related feature genes were detected. However, many similar open reading frames (ORFs) were found in the host genome, which may indicate that Y8A also has a lysogenic stage. Phylogenetic analysis based on the amino acid sequences of whole genomes and comparative genomic analysis indicate that vB_PmaS_Y8A contains a novel genomic architecture similar only to that of Psychrobacter phage pOW20-A, although at a low similarity. vB_PmaS_Y8A represents a new family-level virus cluster with 22 metagenomic assembled viral genomes, here named Minviridae. IMPORTANCE Although Psychrobacter is a well-known and important bacterial genus that is widespread in Antarctic and marine environments, genetic characterization of its phages is still rare. This study describes a novel Psychrobacter phage containing an uncharacterized antibiotic resistance gene and representing a new virus family, Minviridae. The characterization provided here will bolster current understanding of genomes, diversity, evolution, and phage-host interactions in Psychrobacter populations.
  14. Zheng K, Dong Y, Liang Y, Liu Y, Zhang X, Zhang W, et al.
    Mar Life Sci Technol, 2023 May;5(2):286-288.
    PMID: 37275540 DOI: 10.1007/s42995-023-00166-1
    [This corrects the article DOI: 10.1007/s42995-022-00160-z.].
  15. Zheng K, Dong Y, Liang Y, Liu Y, Zhang X, Zhang W, et al.
    Mar Life Sci Technol, 2023 May;5(2):271-285.
    PMID: 37275543 DOI: 10.1007/s42995-022-00160-z
    Pseudoalteromonas, with a ubiquitous distribution, is one of the most abundant marine bacterial genera. It is especially abundant in the deep sea and polar seas, where it has been found to have a broad metabolic capacity and unique co-existence strategies with other organisms. However, only a few Pseudoalteromonas phages have so far been isolated and investigated and their genomic diversity and distribution patterns are still unclear. Here, the genomes, taxonomic features and distribution patterns of Pseudoalteromonas phages are systematically analyzed, based on the microbial and viral genomes and metagenome datasets. A total of 143 complete or nearly complete Pseudoalteromonas-associated phage genomes (PSAPGs) were identified, including 34 Pseudoalteromonas phage isolates, 24 proviruses, and 85 Pseudoalteromonas-associated uncultured viral genomes (UViGs); these were assigned to 47 viral clusters at the genus level. Many integrated proviruses (n = 24) and filamentous phages were detected (n = 32), suggesting the prevalence of viral lysogenic life cycle in Pseudoalteromonas. PSAPGs encoded 66 types of 249 potential auxiliary metabolic genes (AMGs) relating to peptidases and nucleotide metabolism. They may also participate in marine biogeochemical cycles through the manipulation of the metabolism of their hosts, especially in the phosphorus and sulfur cycles. Siphoviral and filamentous PSAPGs were the predominant viral lineages found in polar areas, while some myoviral and siphoviral PSAPGs encoding transposase were more abundant in the deep sea. This study has expanded our understanding of the taxonomy, phylogenetic and ecological scope of marine Pseudoalteromonas phages and deepens our knowledge of viral impacts on Pseudoalteromonas. It will provide a baseline for the study of interactions between phages and Pseudoalteromonas in the ocean.

    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s42995-022-00160-z.

  16. Wang Z, Lin CC, Murata K, Kamal ASA, Lin BW, Chen MH, et al.
    Adv Mater, 2023 Oct;35(42):e2303203.
    PMID: 37587849 DOI: 10.1002/adma.202303203
    Although chiral semiconductors have shown promising progress in direct circularly polarized light (CPL) detection and emission, they still face potential challenges. A chirality-switching mechanism or approach integrating two enantiomers is needed to discriminate the handedness of a given CPL; additionally, a large material volume is required for sufficient chiroptical interaction. These two requirements pose significant obstacles to the simplification and miniaturization of the devices. Here, room-temperature chiral polaritons fulfilling dual-handedness functions and exhibiting a more-than-two-order enhancement of the chiroptical signal are demonstrated, by embedding a 40 nm-thick perovskite film with a 2D chiroptical effect into a Fabry-Pérot cavity. By mixing chiral perovskites with different crystal structures, a pronounced 2D chiroptical effect is accomplished in the perovskite film, featured by an inverted chiroptical response for counter-propagating CPL. This inversion behavior matches the photonic handedness switch during CPL circulation in the Fabry-Pérot cavity, thus harvesting giant enhancement of the chiroptical response. Furthermore, affected by the unique quarter-wave-plate effects, the polariton emission achieves a chiral dissymmetry of ±4% (for the emission from the front and the back sides). The room-temperature polaritons with the strong dissymmetric chiroptical interaction shall have implications on a fundamental level and future on-chip applications for biomolecule analysis and quantum computing.
  17. Liu Y, Zhu C, Liang Y, McMinn A, Zheng K, Wang Z, et al.
    Int Microbiol, 2024 Jan 08.
    PMID: 38190086 DOI: 10.1007/s10123-023-00476-5
    Sulfitobacter is a bacterium recognized for its production of AMP-independent sulfite oxidase, which is instrumental in the creation of sulfite biosensors. This capability underscores its ecological and economic relevance. In this study, we present a newly discovered phage, Sulfitobacter phage vB_SupP_AX, which was isolated from Maidao of Qingdao, China. The vB_SupP_AX genome is linear and double-stranded and measures 75,445 bp with a GC content of 49%. It encompasses four transfer RNA (tRNA) sequences and 79 open reading frames (ORFs), one of which is an auxiliary metabolic gene encoding thioredoxin. Consistent with other N4-like phages, vB_SupP_AX possesses three distinct RNA polymerases and is characterized by the presence of four tRNA molecules. Comparative genomic and phylogenetic analyses position vB_SupP_AX and three other viral genomes from the Integrated Microbial Genomes/Virus v4 database within the Rhodovirinae virus subfamily. The identification of vB_SupP_AX enhances our understanding of virus-host interactions within marine ecosystems.
  18. Wang Z, Zhang F, Liang Y, Zheng K, Gu C, Zhang W, et al.
    Microbiol Spectr, 2021 10 31;9(2):e0046321.
    PMID: 34643440 DOI: 10.1128/Spectrum.00463-21
    Alteromonas is a ubiquitous, abundant, copiotrophic and phytoplankton-associated marine member of the Gammaproteobacteria with a range extending from tropical waters to polar regions and including hadal zones. Here, we describe a novel Alteromonas phage, ZP6, that was isolated from surface coastal waters of Qingdao, China. ZP6 contains a linear, double-stranded, 38,080-bp DNA molecule with 50.1% G+C content and 47 putative open reading frames (ORFs). Three auxiliary metabolic genes were identified, encoding metal-dependent phosphohydrolase, diaminopurine synthetase, and nucleotide pyrophosphohydrolase. The first two ORFs facilitate the replacement of adenine (A) by diaminopurine (Z) in phage genomes and help phages to evade attack from host restriction enzymes. The nucleotide pyrophosphohydrolase enables the host cells to stop programmed cell death and improves the survival rate of the host in a nutrient-depleted environment. Phylogenetic analysis based on the amino acid sequences of whole genomes and comparative genomic analysis revealed that ZP6 is most closely related to Enhodamvirus but with low similarity (shared genes, <30%, and average nucleotide sequence identity, <65%); it is distinct from other bacteriophages. Together, these results suggest that ZP6 could represent a novel viral genus, here named Mareflavirus. Combining its ability to infect Alteromonas, its harboring of a diaminopurine genome-biosynthetic system, and its representativeness of an understudied viral group, ZP6 could be an important and novel model system for marine virus research. IMPORTANCE Alteromonas is an important symbiotic bacterium of phytoplankton, but research on its bacteriophages is still at an elementary level. Our isolation and genome characterization of a novel Alteromonas podovirus, ZP6, identified a new viral genus of podovirus, namely, Mareflavirus. The ZP6 genome, with a diaminopurine genome-biosynthetic system, is different from those of other isolated Alteromonas phages and will bring new impetus to the development of virus classification and provide important insights into novel viral sequences from metagenomic data sets.
  19. Jin Y, So H, Cerin E, Barnett A, Mubarik S, Hezam K, et al.
    Front Nutr, 2022;9:1035439.
    PMID: 36687675 DOI: 10.3389/fnut.2022.1035439
    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The disease burden attributable to metabolic risk factors is rapidly increasing in China, especially in older people. The objective of this study was to (i) estimate the pattern and trend of six metabolic risk factors and attributable causes in China from 1990 to 2019, (ii) ascertain its association with societal development, and (iii) compare the disease burden among the Group of 20 (G20) countries.

    METHODS: The main outcome measures were disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) and mortality (deaths) attributable to high fasting plasma glucose (HFPG), high systolic blood pressure (HSBP), high low-density lipoprotein (HLDL) cholesterol, high body-mass index (HBMI), kidney dysfunction (KDF), and low bone mineral density (LBMD). The average annual percent change (AAPC) between 1990 and 2019 was analyzed using Joinpoint regression.

    RESULTS: For all six metabolic risk factors, the rate of DALYs and death increased with age, accelerating for individuals older than 60 and 70 for DALYs and death, respectively. The AAPC value in rate of DALYs and death were higher in male patients than in female patients across 20 age groups. A double-peak pattern was observed for AAPC in the rate of DALYs and death, peaking at age 20-49 and at age 70-95 plus. The age-standardized rate of DALYs increased for HBMI and LBMD, decreased for HFPG, HSBP, KDF, and remained stable for HLDL from 1990 to 2019. In terms of age-standardized rate of DALYs, there was an increasing trend of neoplasms and neurological disorders attributable to HFPG; diabetes and kidney diseases, neurological disorders, sense organ diseases, musculoskeletal disorders, neoplasms, cardiovascular diseases, digestive diseases to HBMI; unintentional injuries to LBMD; and musculoskeletal disorders to KDF. Among 19 countries of Group 20, in 2019, the age-standardized rate of DALYs and death were ranked fourth to sixth for HFPG, HSBP, and HLDL, but ranked 10th to 15th for LBMD, KDF, and HBMI, despite the number of DALYs and death ranked first to second for six metabolic risk factors.

    CONCLUSIONS: Population aging continuously accelerates the metabolic risk factor driven disease burden in China. Comprehensive and tight control of metabolic risk factors before 20 and 70 may help to mitigate the increasing disease burden and achieve healthy aging, respectively.

  20. Han M, Sun J, Yang Q, Liang Y, Jiang Y, Gao C, et al.
    mSystems, 2023 Feb 23.
    PMID: 36815859 DOI: 10.1128/msystems.01211-22
    The world's largest macroalgal green tide, caused by Ulva prolifera, has resulted in serious consequences for coastal waters of the Yellow Sea, China. Although viruses are considered to be one of the key factors in controlling microalgal bloom demise, understanding of the relationship between viral communities and the macroalgal green tide is still poor. Here, a Qingdao coastal virome (QDCV) time-series data set was constructed based on the metagenomic analysis of 17 DNA viromes along three coastal stations of the Yellow Sea, covering different stages of the green tide from Julian days 165 to 271. A total of 40,076 viral contigs were detected and clustered into 28,058 viral operational taxonomic units (vOTUs). About 84% of the vOTUs could not be classified, and 62% separated from vOTUs in other ecosystems. Green tides significantly influenced the spatiotemporal dynamics of the viral community structure, diversity, and potential functions. For the classified vOTUs, the relative abundance of Pelagibacter phages declined with the arrival of the bloom and rebounded after the bloom, while Synechococcus and Roseobacter phages increased, although with a time lag from the peak of their hosts. More than 80% of the vOTUs reached peaks in abundance at different specific stages, and the viral peaks were correlated with specific hosts at different stages of the green tide. Most of the viral auxiliary metabolic genes (AMGs) were associated with carbon and sulfur metabolism and showed spatiotemporal dynamics relating to the degradation of the large amount of organic matter released by the green tide. IMPORTANCE To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first to investigate the responses of viruses to the world's largest macroalgal green tide. It revealed the spatiotemporal dynamics of the unique viral assemblages and auxiliary metabolic genes (AMGs) following the variation and degradation of Ulva prolifera. These findings demonstrate a tight coupling between viral assemblages, and prokaryotic and eukaryotic abundances were influenced by the green tide.
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