METHODS: PubMed, Web of Science, and Google Scholar databases were explored to find related articles. Search terms were amputees, artificial limb, prosthetic suspension, prosthetic liner, vacuum, and prosthesis. The results were refined by vacuum socket or vacuum assisted suspension or sub-atmospheric suspension. Study design, research instrument, sample size, and outcome measures were reviewed. An online questionnaire was also designed and distributed worldwide among professionals and prosthetists (, OANDP-L, LinkedIn, personal email).
FINDINGS: 26 articles were published from 2001 to March 2016. The number of participants averaged 7 (SD=4) for transtibial and 6 (SD=6) for transfemoral amputees. Most studies evaluated the short-term effects of vacuum systems by measuring stump volume changes, gait parameters, pistoning, interface pressures, satisfaction, balance, and wound healing. 155 professionals replied to the questionnaire and supported results from the literature. Elevated vacuum systems may have some advantages over the other suspension systems, but may not be appropriate for all people with limb loss.
INTERPRETATION: Elevated vacuum suspension could improve comfort and quality of life for people with limb loss. However, future investigations with larger sample sizes are needed to provide strong statistical conclusions and to evaluate long-term effects of these systems.
Methods: Forty stroke survivors were recruited (20 with DPN and 20 without DPN) in this cross-sectional study design. Instrumented timed up and go (iTUG) tests were conducted in three different tasking conditions (single task, dual motor and dual cognitive). APDM® Mobility Lab system was used to capture the gait parameters during the iTUG tests. A two-way mixed analysis of variance was used to determine the main effects of gait performance on three taskings during the iTUG test.
Results: Spatiotemporal gait parameters and turning performance (turning time and turning step times) were more affected by the tasking conditions in stroke survivors with DPN compared to those without DPN (P < 0.05).
Conclusion: Stroke survivors with DPN had difficulty walking while turning and performing a secondary task simultaneously.