Displaying publications 61 - 74 of 74 in total

  1. Zhang X, Wu X, Centeno A, Ryan MP, Alford NM, Riley DJ, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2016;6:23364.
    PMID: 26997140 DOI: 10.1038/srep23364
    Copper zinc tin sulfide (CZTS) is a promising material for harvesting solar energy due to its abundance and non-toxicity. However, its poor performance hinders their wide application. In this paper gold (Au) nanoparticles are successfully incorporated into CZTS to form Au@CZTS core-shell nanostructures. The photocathode of Au@CZTS nanostructures exhibits enhanced optical absorption characteristics and improved incident photon-to-current efficiency (IPCE) performance. It is demonstrated that using this photocathode there is a significant increase of the power conversion efficiency (PCE) of a photoelectrochemical solar cell of 100% compared to using a CZTS without Au core. More importantly, the PCE of Au@CZTS photocathode improved by 15.8% compared to standard platinum (Pt) counter electrode. The increased efficiency is attributed to plasmon resonance energy transfer (PRET) between the Au nanoparticle core and the CZTS shell at wavelengths shorter than the localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) peak of the Au and the semiconductor bandgap.
    Matched MeSH terms: Solar Energy
  2. Tahir M, Tahir B
    J Colloid Interface Sci, 2021 Jun;591:20-37.
    PMID: 33588310 DOI: 10.1016/j.jcis.2021.01.099
    Constructing efficient structured materials for artificial photosynthesis of CO2 is a promising strategy to produce renewable fuels in addition of mitigating greenhouse effect. In this work, 2D porous g-C3N4 (PCN) coupled exfoliated 3D Ti3C2TA MXene (TiC) nanosheets with TiO2 NPs in-situ growth was constructed in a single step through HF treatment approach. The different exfoliated TiC structures were successfully synthesized for adjusting HF etching time (24 h, 48 h and 96 h). With growing etchant time from 24 to 96 h, the amount of TiO2 produced was increased, but it has adverse effects on CO and CH4 production rate. The maximum production rates for CO and CH4 of 317.4 and 78.55 µmol g-1 h-1 were attained when the 10TiC-48/PCN was employed than using TiC-24/PCN, TiC-96/PCN and PCN composite samples, respectively. The performance of 10TiC-48/PCN composite for CO and CH4 evolution were 9.9 and 6.7 folds higher than using pristine PCN sample, respectively. The possible mechanism is assigned to porous structure with intimate contact enabling efficient charge carrier separation with the role of TiO2 NPs to work as a bridge to transport electrons towards MXene surface. Among the reducing agents, water was favorable for CO evolution, whereas, methanol-water system promoted CH4 production. All these findings confirm that heterojunction formation facilitates charges separation and can be further used in solar energy relating application.
    Matched MeSH terms: Solar Energy
  3. Das L, Habib K, Saidur R, Aslfattahi N, Yahya SM, Rubbi F
    Nanomaterials (Basel), 2020 Jul 14;10(7).
    PMID: 32674465 DOI: 10.3390/nano10071372
    In recent years, solar energy technologies have developed an emerging edge. The incessant research to develop a power source alternative to fossil fuel because of its scarcity and detrimental effects on the environment is the main driving force. In addition, nanofluids have gained immense interest as superior heat transfer fluid in solar technologies for the last decades. In this research, a binary solution of ionic liquid (IL) + water based ionanofluids is formulated successfully with two dimensional MXene (Ti3C2) nano additives at three distinct concentrations of 0.05, 0.10, and 0.20 wt % and the optimum concentration is used to check the performance of a hybrid solar PV/T system. The layered structure of MXene and high absorbance of prepared nanofluids have been perceived by SEM and UV-vis respectively. Rheometer and DSC are used to assess the viscosity and heat capacity respectively while transient hot wire technique is engaged for thermal conductivity measurement. A maximum improvement of 47% in thermal conductivity is observed for 0.20 wt % loading of MXene. Furthermore, the viscosity is found to rise insignificantly with addition of Ti3C2 by different concentrations. Conversely, viscosity decreases substantially as the temperature increases from 20 °C to 60 °C. However, based on their thermophysical properties, 0.20 wt % is found to be the optimum concentration. A comparative analysis in terms of heat transfer performance with three different nanofluids in PV/T system shows that, IL+ water/MXene ionanofluid exhibits highest thermal, electrical, and overall heat transfer efficiency compared to water/alumina, palm oil/MXene, and water alone. Maximum electrical efficiency and thermal efficiency are recorded as 13.95% and 81.15% respectively using IL + water/MXene, besides that, heat transfer coefficients are also noticed to increase by 12.6% and 2% when compared to water/alumina and palm oil/MXene respectively. In conclusion, it can be demonstrated that MXene dispersed ionanofluid might be great a prospect in the field of heat transfer applications since they can augment the heat transfer rate considerably which improves system efficiency.
    Matched MeSH terms: Solar Energy
  4. Fatima N, Karimov KS, Qasuria TA, Ibrahim MA
    J Alloys Compd, 2020 Dec 30;849:156702.
    PMID: 32834521 DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2020.156702
    In this research, due to the present pandemic of COVID-19, we are proposing a stable and fixed semitransparent photo-thermoelectric cell (PTEC) module for green energy harvesting. This module is based on the alloy of Bismuth Telluride Selenide (Bi2Te3Se), designed in a press tablet form and characterized under solar energy. Here, both aspects of solar energy i.e., light and heat are utilized for both energy production and water heating. The semitransparent PTEC converts heat energy directly to electrical energy due to the gradient of temperature between two electrodes (top and bottom) of thermoelectric cells. The PTEC is 25% transparent, which can be varied according to the necessity of the utilizer. The X-ray diffraction of material and electric characterization of module i.e., open-circuited voltage (VOC) and Seebeck coefficient were performed. The experimental observations disclose that in the proposed PTEC module with an increment in the average temperature (TAvg) from 34 to 60 °C, results in the rise of VOC ∼ 2.4 times. However, by modifying the size of heat-absorbing top electrode and by increasing the temperature gradient through the addition of water coolant under the bottom electrode, an uplift in the champion device results in as increment of VOC ∼5.5 times and Seebeck coefficient obtained was -250 μV/0C, respectively. Results show that not only the selection of material but also the external modifications in the device highly effective the power efficiency of the devices. The proposed modules can generate electric power from light and utilize the penetrating sunlight inside the room and for the heating of the water which also acts as a coolant. These semitransparent thermoelectric cells can be built-in within windows and roofs of buildings and can potentially contribute to green energy harvesting, in situations where movement is restricted locally or globally.
    Matched MeSH terms: Solar Energy
    Solar photocatalysis is a green technology that takes advantage of sustainable solar energy for enhancing oxidation process of numerous harmful water contaminants. In this study, a custom solar driven zinc oxide (ZnO)-mediated photocatalytic system was developed and its efficiency to remove organic contaminants as well as to disinfect selected bacteria was investigated. Methylene blue (MB) dye was used as the model organic contaminant, while Escherichia coli(E.coli) was used as the model fecal coliform bacteria in contaminated water. A series of photodegradation experiments were conducted on water contaminated with either 10 mg/L of MB or ~1010CFU/ml of E.coli. The experiments were completed under sunlight irradiation in the presence of 1 g/L of nano ZnO photocatalyst for up to 6 hours. Using a solar thermal collector, the photoreactor operated in the temperature range of 25 to 50 oC. The findings revealed that the combination of solar thermal with solar photocatalysis usingZnO intensified the degradation of MB and disinfection of E.coli. 98.08% of MB dye and 99.99% of E.coliwere successfully removed from the water within the first 3 hours of treatment. Almost complete removal was eventually achieved after 6 hours of treatment. It is therefore suggested that ZnO-based solar photocatalytic system developed in this study is highly efficient at enhancing water decontamination process.
    Matched MeSH terms: Solar Energy
  6. Lai CW, Lau KS, Chou PM
    J Nanosci Nanotechnol, 2019 Dec 01;19(12):7934-7942.
    PMID: 31196312 DOI: 10.1166/jnn.2019.16777
    Using solar-powered water electrolysis systems for hydrogen generation is a key decision for the development of a sustainable hydrogen economy. A facile approach is presented in the present investigation to improve the solar-powered photoelectrochemical performance of water electrolysis systems by synthesising well-aligned and highly ordered TiO₂ nanotube films without bundling through the electrochemical anodisation technique. Herein, geometrical calculations were conducted for all synthesised TiO₂ nanotubes, and determination of the aspect ratio (AR) and geometric surface area factor (G) was achieved. On the basis of the collected data, well-aligned TiO₂ nanotubes with an AR of approximately 60 and G of approximately 400 m² ·g-1 were successfully formed in an electrolyte mixture of ethylene glycol with 0.3 wt% NH4F and 5 wt% H₂O₂ at 40 V for 60 min. The nanotubes were subsequently annealed at 400 °C to form anatase-phase TiO₂ nanotube films. The resultant well-aligned and highly ordered TiO₂ nanotube films exhibited a photocurrent density of 1.5 mA · cm-2 due to a large number of photo-induced electrons moving along the tube axis and perpendicular to the Ti substrate, which greatly reduces interfacial recombination losses.
    Matched MeSH terms: Solar Energy
  7. Diyana Jamaludin, Desa Ahmad, Rezuwan Kamaruddin, Hawa Z. E. Jaafar
    Tropical greenhouses require active evaporative cooling system such as pad-and-fan to ensure a suitable microclimate for crop production. Excess heat causes indoor temperature to become hotter than desired resulting in detrimental effects to crop growth and production. Solar radiation intensity and outside temperature affect temperature and relative humidity level inside a greenhouse, while wide gradients in temperature and relative humidity can cause problems related to crop growth and production uniformity. A 300 m2 greenhouse, equipped with evaporative pad and four exhaust fans at each end walls, was used in the study. Horizontal and vertical profiles of the temperature and relative humidity inside the greenhouse were investigated. Results showed that temperature increased from evaporative pad area to exhaust fans area in a horizontal plane, while relative humidity showed an inverse pattern from temperature. In the vertical plane, temperature increased, while relative humidity decreased from lower level to the upper level. ANOVA results showed that in overall, temperature and relative humidity inside the greenhouse were uniform as there was no significant difference at 95% confidence interval. Thus, it was concluded that greenhouse cooling system by evaporative pad and exhaust fans are suitable for application in a tropical country such as Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Solar Energy
  8. Hanif M, Khattak M, Amin M, Ramzan M, Zakir S, Ullah S, et al.
    Sains Malaysiana, 2016;45:489-497.
    A 1.7 m2 flat plate solar air heater was designed and developed in the Department of Agricultural Mechanization, The University of Agriculture Peshawar, Pakistan in collaboration with the Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Peshawar, Pakistan. It was operated under an average solar irradiance of 0.9 kJ.m-2.h-1 in the month of September, 2013. It worked under an efficiency of 7.5 to 21%. The heat collected by the air heater was given to air flowing as a medium inside it. This hot air was given to a drying section and water heating tank for drying and water heating purposes. The drying section provided a temperature in the range of 40-50oC and humidity of 10-30% from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. The water heating tank provides hot water with a temperature of 35- 45oC from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. Furthermore, the drying section was used to dry apples, onions and persimmons. All the products showed a consistent moisture loss from them with an optimum drying rate. The two term exponential model showed that all the three products dried have a good correlation with drying time with R2 values higher than 0.90. It was concluded that flat plate solar air heaters is the best technology for water heating and drying purposes and is a good alternative of conventional energy sources.
    Matched MeSH terms: Solar Energy
  9. Nikathirah Yusoff, Li-ngee Ho, Soon-an Ong, Yee-shian Wong, Wanfadhilah Khalik, Muhammad Fahmi Ridzwan
    Sains Malaysiana, 2017;46:2507-2514.
    Zinc oxide (ZnO) utilization in advanced oxidation process (AOP) via solar-photocatalytic process was a promising method for alternative treating wastewater containing phenol. The ZnO photocatalyst semiconductor was synthesized by sol-gel method. The morphology of the ZnO nanostructures was observed by using scanning electron microscope (SEM) and the crystallite phase of the ZnO was confirmed by x-ray diffraction (XRD). The objective of this study was to synthesis ZnO nanoparticles through a sol-gel method for application as a photocatalyst in the photodegradation of phenol under solar light irradiation. The photodegradation rate of phenol increased with the increasing of ZnO loading from 0.2 until 1.0 g. Only 2 h were required for synthesized ZnO to fully degrade the phenol. The synthesized ZnO are capable to totally degrade high initial concentration up until 45 mg L-1 within 6 h of reaction time. The photodegradation of phenol by ZnO are most favoured under the acidic condition (pH3) where the 100% removal achieved after 2 h of reaction. The mineralization of phenol was monitored through chemical oxygen demand (COD) reduction and 92.6% or removal was achieved. This study distinctly utilized natural sunlight as the sole sources of irradiation which safe, inexpensive; to initiate the photocatalyst for degradation of phenol.
    Matched MeSH terms: Solar Energy
  10. Al-Alwani MAM, Ludin NA, Mohamad AB, Kadhum AAH, Sopian K
    PMID: 28213142 DOI: 10.1016/j.saa.2017.02.026
    Current study employs mixture of chlorophyll-anthocyanin dye extracted from leaves of Cordyline fruticosa as new sensitizers for dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSCs), as well as betalains dye obtained from fruit of Hylocereus polyrhizus. Among ten pigments solvents, the ethanol and methanol extracts revealed higher absorption spectra of pigments extracted from C. fruticosa and H. polyrhizus respectively. A major effect of temperature increase was studied to increase the extraction yield. The results indicated that extraction temperature between 70 and 80°C exhibited a high dye concentration of each plant than other temperatures. The optimal temperature was around 80°C and there was a sharp decrease of dye concentration at temperatures higher than this temperature. According to experimental results, the conversion efficiency of DSSC fabricated by mixture of chlorophyll and anthocyanin dyes from C. fruticosa leaves is 0.5% with short-circuit current (Isc) of 1.3mA/cm-2, open-circuit voltage (Voc) of 0.62V and fill factor (FF) of 60.16%. The higher photoelectric conversion efficiency of the DSSC prepared from the extract of H. polyrhizus was 0.16%, with Voc of 0.5V, Isc of 0.4mA/cm-2 and FF of 79.16%. The DSSC based betalain dye extracted from fruit of H. polyrhizus shows higher maximum IPCE of 44% than that of the DSSCs sensitized with mixed chlorophyll-anthocyanin dye from C. fruticosa (42%).
    Matched MeSH terms: Solar Energy*
  11. Al-Alwani MAM, Ludin NA, Mohamad AB, Kadhum AAH, Mukhlus A
    Spectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc, 2018 Mar 05;192:487-498.
    PMID: 29133132 DOI: 10.1016/j.saa.2017.11.018
    The natural dyes anthocyanin and chlorophyll were extracted from Musa acuminata bracts and Alternanthera dentata leaves, respectively. The dyes were then applied as sensitizers in TiO2-based dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs). The ethanol extracts of the dyes had maximum absorbance. High dye yields were obtained under extraction temperatures of 70 to 80°C, and the optimal extraction temperature was approximately 80°C. Moreover, dye concentration sharply decreased under extraction temperatures that exceeded 80°C. High dye concentrations were obtained using acidic extraction solutions, particularly those with a pH value of 4. The DSSC fabricated with anthocyanin from M. acuminata bracts had a conversion efficiency of 0.31%, short-circuit current (Isc) of 0.9mA/cm2, open-circuit voltage (Voc) of 0.58V, and fill factor (FF) of 62.22%. The DSSC sensitized with chlorophyll from A. dentata leaves had a conversion efficiency of 0.13%, Isc of 0.4mA/cm-2,Voc of 0.54V, and FF of 67.5%. The DSSC sensitized with anthocyanin from M. acuminata bracts had a maximum incident photon-to-current conversion efficiency of 42%, which was higher than that of the DSSC sensitized with chlorophyll from A. dentata leaves (23%). Anthocyanin from M. acuminata bracts exhibited the best photosensitization effects.
    Matched MeSH terms: Solar Energy*
  12. Al-Alwani MA, Mohamad AB, Kadhum AA, Ludin NA
    PMID: 25483560 DOI: 10.1016/j.saa.2014.11.018
    Nine solvents, namely, n-hexane, ethanol, acetonitrile, chloroform, ethyl-ether, ethyl-acetate, petroleum ether, n-butyl alcohol, and methanol were used to extract natural dyes from Cordyline fruticosa, Pandannus amaryllifolius and Hylocereus polyrhizus. To improve the adsorption of dyes onto the TiO2 particles, betalain and chlorophyll dyes were mixed with methanol or ethanol and water at various ratios. The adsorption of the dyes mixed with titanium dioxide (TiO2) was also observed. The highest adsorption of the C.fruticosa dye mixed with TiO2 was achieved at ratio 3:1 of methanol: water. The highest adsorption of P.amaryllifolius dye mixed with TiO2 was observed at 2:1 of ethanol: water. H.polyrhizus dye extracted by water and mixed with TiO2 demonstrated the highest adsorption among the solvents. All extracted dye was adsorbed onto the surface of TiO2 based on Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis. The inhibition of crystallinity of TiO2 was likewise investigated by X-ray analysis. The morphological properties and composition of dyes were analyzed via SEM and EDX.
    Matched MeSH terms: Solar Energy
  13. Ali Tahir A, Ullah H, Sudhagar P, Asri Mat Teridi M, Devadoss A, Sundaram S
    Chem Rec, 2016 06;16(3):1591-634.
    PMID: 27230414 DOI: 10.1002/tcr.201500279
    Graphene (GR) and its derivatives are promising materials on the horizon of nanotechnology and material science and have attracted a tremendous amount of research interest in recent years. The unique atom-thick 2D structure with sp(2) hybridization and large specific surface area, high thermal conductivity, superior electron mobility, and chemical stability have made GR and its derivatives extremely attractive components for composite materials for solar energy conversion, energy storage, environmental purification, and biosensor applications. This review gives a brief introduction of GR's unique structure, band structure engineering, physical and chemical properties, and recent energy-related progress of GR-based materials in the fields of energy conversion (e.g., photocatalysis, photoelectrochemical water splitting, CO2 reduction, dye-sensitized and organic solar cells, and photosensitizers in photovoltaic devices) and energy storage (batteries, fuel cells, and supercapacitors). The vast coverage of advancements in environmental applications of GR-based materials for photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants, gas sensing, and removal of heavy-metal ions is presented. Additionally, the use of graphene composites in the biosensing field is discussed. We conclude the review with remarks on the challenges, prospects, and further development of GR-based materials in the exciting fields of energy, environment, and bioscience.
    Matched MeSH terms: Solar Energy
  14. Ilyas M, Abdul Aziz D, Tajuddin MR
    Int J Dermatol, 1988 Jun;27(5):315-8.
    PMID: 3391727
    Results from a 6-year study of solar ultraviolet A (UVA) radiation measurements at the equatorial location of Penang (5 degrees N) are presented. On clear days, the diurnal flux reaches a very high dosage of about 3.0 x 10(-2) KWHM-2 around midday. The average daily total flux is in the range of 1.6 x 10(-1) KWHM-2 and does not change much seasonally. The high 83% cloud cover only reduces the incoming flux to about half. The radiation flux represents a lower limit of the incident UVA radiation applicable to much of the equatorial/tropical region.
    Matched MeSH terms: Solar Energy
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