AREAS COVERED: Despite numerous methods employed in generating induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from cancer cells only a few studies have successfully reprogrammed malignant human cells. In this review we will provide an overview on i) methods to reprogram cancer cells, ii) characterization of the reprogrammed cancer cells, and iii) the differential effects of reprogramming on malignancy, epigenetics and response of the cancer cells to chemotherapeutic agents.
EXPERT OPINION: Continued technical progress in cancer cell reprogramming technology will be instrumental for more refined in vitro disease models and ultimately for the development of directed and personalized therapy for cancer patients in the future.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Atrial arrhythmogenesis was investigated in Langendorff-perfused young (3-4 month) and aged (>12 month), wild type (WT) and peroxisome proliferator activated receptor-γ coactivator-1β deficient (Pgc-1β-/-) murine hearts modeling age-dependent chronic mitochondrial dysfunction during regular pacing and programmed electrical stimulation (PES).
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The Pgc-1β-/- genotype was associated with a pro-arrhythmic phenotype progressing with age. Young and aged Pgc-1β-/- hearts showed compromised maximum action potential (AP) depolarization rates, (dV/dt)max, prolonged AP latencies reflecting slowed action potential (AP) conduction, similar effective refractory periods and baseline action potential durations (APD90) but shortened APD90 in APs in response to extrasystolic stimuli at short stimulation intervals. Electrical properties of APs triggering arrhythmia were similar in WT and Pgc-1β-/- hearts. Pgc-1β-/- hearts showed accelerated age-dependent fibrotic change relative to WT, with young Pgc-1β-/- hearts displaying similar fibrotic change as aged WT, and aged Pgc-1β-/- hearts the greatest fibrotic change. Mitochondrial deficits thus result in an arrhythmic substrate, through slowed AP conduction and altered repolarisation characteristics, arising from alterations in electrophysiological properties and accelerated structural change.