Displaying publications 61 - 80 of 296 in total

  1. Nayak S, Soumya KV
    Adv Physiol Educ, 2009 Dec;33(4):356-7.
    PMID: 19948688 DOI: 10.1152/advan.00047.2009
    Matched MeSH terms: Head Movements/physiology
  2. Mallina S, Rosalind S, Philip R, Harvinder S, Gurdeep S, Sabaria MN
    Med J Malaysia, 2007 Dec;62(5):420-1.
    PMID: 18705482 MyJurnal
    A 65 year old man presented with a right upper cervical mass. A diagnosis of pleomorphic adenoma was reported on fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC). CT scan however reported an intramuscular sternocleidomastoid swelling. The tumor was excised and a diagnosis of nodular fasciitis was made. It is important to be aware of this diagnosis and that FNAC reports may mimic that of a pleomorphic adenoma.
    Matched MeSH terms: Head and Neck Neoplasms/diagnosis
  3. Ramli R, Ngeow WC, Rahman RA, Chai WL
    Singapore Dent J, 2006 Dec;28(1):11-5.
    PMID: 17378336
    Head and neck cancer is becoming a more recognizable pathology to the general population and dentists. The modes of treatment include surgery and/or radiation therapy. Pretreatment dental assessment should be provided for these patients before they undergo radiation therapy. There are occasions, however, whereby head and neck cancer patients are not prepared optimally and, as a result, they succumb to complicated oral adverse effects after radiation therapy. Osteoradionecrosis (ORN) is a severe debilitating condition that impairs healing due to reduction in vascularity and osteocyte population in the affected bone. This article reviews methods of treatment used to treat ORN such as antibiotics, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, therapeutic ultrasound, surgery, and other modalities.
    Matched MeSH terms: Head and Neck Neoplasms/radiotherapy*
  4. Ong BB, Green M
    Am J Forensic Med Pathol, 2003 Mar;24(1):64-9.
    PMID: 12605001
    In a strict and conservative society like Malaysia, the number of cases of infanticide has continued to occur. The authors present two typical cases of infanticide in Malaysia. Case 1 concerned a body of a fully mature newborn fetus disposed in a rubbish bin. The head was traumatically amputated by the rubbish truck's compactor. The umbilical cord was still attached to the body, with no reddening around the insertion. The severed neck showed features consistent with post-mortem amputation. The significant finding was expanded crepitant lungs, which floated in water. The histology of the lungs showed expanded alveoli. It was concluded that the baby had been born alive, but no cause of death could be elicited. Case 2 concerned a decomposed mature newborn found in a scrub forest. The internal organs showed advanced putrefaction, the lungs being collapsed, congested, and hemorrhagic, typical of decomposed lungs. No conclusion could be made about the state of birth or the cause of death because of the putrefied state of the body. The two cases illustrate the typical cases and problems faced by pathologists locally and probably elsewhere in the world. Most of the bodies are found in a putrefied state. Pathologists have to ascertain not only maturity and live birth but also the cause of death, which may be very subtle or masked by putrefaction. The problems of diagnosis of live birth are discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Head/pathology
  5. Lim WK, Gurdeep GS, Norain K
    Med J Malaysia, 2001 Dec;56(4):471-7.
    PMID: 12014768
    Melioidosis is a potentially deadly infection that can affect any organ system. Reports of melioidosis of the ENT/head and neck region are relatively uncommon. Four cases are presented: (i) parotid abscess evolving into necrotising fasciitis, (ii) acute sinusitis and parapharyngeal cellulitis resulting in upper airway obstruction, (iii) acute suppurative lymphadenitis (iv) and chronic suppurative otitis media causing meningoencephalitis. Three of the four cases are believed to be unique, as a literature review of melioidosis in ENT/head and neck is also presented. Some practical issues of management are also discussed. Not suspecting melioidosis does not change contemporary empirical broadspectrum antibiotic therapy. The value of suspicion or on confirmation of diagnosis lies in anticipating and planning for rapid change.
    Matched MeSH terms: Head/microbiology*
  6. Dhillon KS
    Med J Malaysia, 1985 Mar;40(1):41-3.
    PMID: 3831734
    Neonatal epiphyseal separatton of the head of femur is a rare obstetrical injury. This is confused with the more common proximal femoral metaphysical fracture, dislocation of hip or even an infection. Such a case is reported in this paper. Management was conservative, with abduction splint for three weeks and the outcome was satisfactory.
    Matched MeSH terms: Femur Head/injuries*
  7. Chen ST
    J Singapore Paediatr Soc, 1990;32(3-4):81-6.
    PMID: 2133761
    126 Malaysian children, 65 boys and 61 girls from higher income families were followed-up regularly from birth to six years of age in the University Hospital, Kuala Lumpur. The study confirms the observations of previous studies that growth velocity of head circumference is most rapid during the first few months of infancy and then decreases so that by the fifth year of life the increment is minimal. It also confirms the fact that boys have bigger head circumferences than girls. The paper also presents the head circumference distance and velocity percentile charts which can be used to monitor the head circumference of Malaysian children.
    Matched MeSH terms: Head/growth & development*
  8. Abdullah B, Rasid NSA, Lazim NM, Volgger V, Betz CS, Mohammad ZW, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2020 04 24;10(1):6941.
    PMID: 32332848 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-64011-6
    The diagnostic procedure for upper aerodigestive tract (UADT) tumours is by white light endoscopy (WLE) combined with biopsy. However, WLE has difficulty identifying minute epithelial changes which hinders early diagnosis. Storz Professional Image Enhancement System (SPIES) is designed to enhance the visualization of microvasculature on the mucosal surface and detect any epithelial changes. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the use of Ni endoscopic classification with SPIES endoscopy in the detection of UADT tumours. Fifty-nine patients with suspected UADT tumours underwent WLE followed by SPIES endoscopy. All the tumours were biopsied and sent for histopathological examination (HPE). The kappa index (κ) was used to evaluate the agreement between the methods. The level of agreement between SPIES using Ni classification and HPE showed almost perfect agreement as compared to moderate agreement between WLE and HPE. The sensitivity and specificity for WLE and HPE were 77.5% and 84.2% respectively with positive predictive value (PPV) of 91.2% and negative predictive value (NPV) of 64%. The sensitivity and specificity for SPIES endoscopy using Ni classification and HPE were 97.5% and 94.7% respectively with PPV of 97.5% and NPV of 94.7%. SPIES endoscopy using Ni classification is a valid tool for earlier tumour detection.
    Matched MeSH terms: Head and Neck Neoplasms/diagnosis*
  9. Hamzan NI, Ab Rahman N, Suraiya S, Mohamad I, George Kalarakkal T, Mohamad S
    Arch Oral Biol, 2021 Apr;124:105051.
    PMID: 33581498 DOI: 10.1016/j.archoralbio.2021.105051
    OBJECTIVE: The present study established a real-time loop-mediated isothermal amplification (qLAMP) for rapid detection of human papillomavirus subtype 16 (HPV-16) in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC).

    METHODS: The qLAMP assay was optimized targeting the HPV-16 E7 gene. The analytical sensitivity and specificity of the assay were determined using HPV-18 (ATCC® 45152D™), HPV-35 (ATCC® 40330™), HPV-43 (ATCC® 40338™) and HPV-56 (ATCC® 40549™) viral strains and oral bacteria. HPV-16 standard curve was constructed for determination of HPV-16 viral load. The diagnostic performance of the assay was evaluated from 63 OSCC patients comprising 63 tissue, 13 saliva and 49 blood samples, in comparison with p16 immunohistochemistry (IHC), in-house PCR and nested PCR assays.

    RESULTS: The detection limit of developed LAMP and PCR assays was 4.68 × 101 and 4.68 × 103 copies/μl, respectively. qLAMP assay enabled detection of positive results as early as 23 min at 67 °C. This assay can detect HPV-16 positivity in 23 % (3/13) saliva and 4.8 % (3/63) tissue samples with the viral load ranging from 4.68 × 101 to 4.68 × 104 copies/μl. HPV-16 positivity was not detected in all the blood samples. The sensitivity and specificity of qLAMP were 100 % in comparison with that of p16 IHC and nested PCR.

    CONCLUSION: This study reports for the first time on the use of qLAMP assay for detection of HPV-16 in OSCC in both tissue and saliva as the sample matrix which holds promise in improving the diagnostic application owing to its rapidity, simplicity, high sensitivity and specificity.

    Matched MeSH terms: Head and Neck Neoplasms*
  10. Nur Al - Izzah binti Nazri, Shamsul Bahri Mohd Tamrin, Dayana Hazwani Mohd Suadi Nata, Ng Yee Guan
    Introduction: Safety helmets are one of the personal protective equipment (PPE) that to decrease the impact of any falling object to the skull and to avoid head and brain injury by many industries, including palm oil plantation. Nev- ertheless, the level on the usage of the current safety helmet is very low due to a few factors that lead to the discom- fort. Among the common issues for the non-compliance of safety helmets are their discomfort, ventilation, weight and safety. This study aims to determine subjective preference of the new prototypes’ safety helmets device among palm oil plantation harvesters. Methods: A cross-sectional study conducted among 124 harvesters in three palm oil plantations located in Sabah, Malaysia. A set of questionnaires used to collect data on their socio-demographic background, perceptions toward existing safety helmets and their subjective preference of new safety helmets pro- totypes. Apart from that, six harvesters were randomly choosing to attend an interview session for qualitative study. Results: The descriptive analysis indicate that among the emphasized issues regarding non-compliance of existing safety helmet were due to discomfort (66.1%), poor ventilation (97.6%), load of safety helmet (83.3%) and safety issues (68.5%). In terms of new safety helmets prototypes, 72.6% of the harvesters preferred Design C to be worn for work in the plantation. Conclusion: It can be suggested that the existing safety helmet is uncomfortable and was not design ergonomically namely loose size and discomfort. Design C was the most preferred to be worn for work in the palm oil plantation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Head; Head Protective Devices
  11. Nurhayu Ab Rahman
    The aim was to study the prevalence and sociodemographic features of odontogenic, non-odontogenic and salivary glands lesions among patients seen in Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia. This information is essential to assist clinician in formulating reliable differential diagnosis of such lesion. Data on patient demographics, lesion location, tissue of origin and microscopic diagnosis were extracted from the Laboratory and Diagnosis record registries for biopsy specimen accessioned from year 2000 to 2012. This data was subsequently analyzed based on World Health Organization Classification of Head and Neck Tumours (2005). A total of 748 cases were included in the study. Out of the total number of cases, 367 cases were males and 377 cases were females. Ninety seven cases (13%) were of odontogenic origin, while 90 cases (12%) and 197 cases (26%) were of non-odontogenic and salivary gland origin respectively. Forty five percent of cases involved oral mucosal lesions. The most prevalent odontogenic lesion reported within the twelve years period was radicular cyst and ameloblastoma. Non-odontogenic bone lesion was rarely encountered with it making up less than two percent of total cases reported. Pleomorphic adenoma was the most prevalent benign salivary glands neoplasm reported within similar time period.
    Matched MeSH terms: Head; Head and Neck Neoplasms
  12. Cheng CS, Jong WL, Ung NM, Wong JHD
    Radiat Prot Dosimetry, 2017 Jul 01;175(3):357-362.
    PMID: 27940494 DOI: 10.1093/rpd/ncw357
    This work evaluated and compared the absorbed doses to selected organs in the head and neck region from the three image guided radiotherapy systems: cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) and kilovoltage (kV) planar imaging using the On-board Imager® (OBI) as well as the ExacTrac® X-ray system, all available on the Varian Novalis TX linear accelerator. The head and neck region of an anthropomorphic phantom was used to simulate patients' head within the imaging field. Nanodots optically stimulated luminescent dosemeters were positioned at selected sites to measure the absorbed doses. CBCT was found to be delivering the highest dose to internal organs while OBI-2D gave the highest doses to the eye lenses. The setting of half-rotation in CBCT effectively reduces the dose to the eye lenses. Daily high-quality CBCT verification was found to increase the secondary cancer risk by 0.79%.
    Matched MeSH terms: Head and Neck Neoplasms/radiotherapy*
  13. Kanesen D, Zakaria Z, Ch'ng ES, Nandrajog P, Kandasamy R
    ANZ J Surg, 2019 03;89(3):261-264.
    PMID: 28513108 DOI: 10.1111/ans.14040
    Matched MeSH terms: Head and Neck Neoplasms/surgery*
  14. Law TH, Noland RB, Evans AW
    Risk Anal, 2013 Jul;33(7):1367-78.
    PMID: 23106188 DOI: 10.1111/j.1539-6924.2012.01916.x
    It has been shown that road safety laws, such as motorcycle helmet and safety belt laws, have a significant effect in reducing road fatalities. Although an expanding body of literature has documented the effects of these laws on road safety, it remains unclear which factors influence the likelihood that these laws are enacted. This study attempts to identify the factors that influence the decision to enact safety belt and motorcycle helmet laws. Using panel data from 31 countries between 1963 and 2002, our results reveal that increased democracy, education level, per capita income, political stability, and more equitable income distribution within a country are associated with the enactment of road safety laws.
    Matched MeSH terms: Head Protective Devices*
  15. Manuel JK, Yusof Bin Mohd M
    Am J Phys Anthropol, 1974 Jul;41(1):133-7.
    PMID: 4843090
    Matched MeSH terms: Femur Head/anatomy & histology
  16. Ragu R, Eng JY, Azlina AR
    Med J Malaysia, 2014 Aug;69(4):199-201.
    PMID: 25500854
    Kimura's disease is rare chronic inflammatory disease with a distinct clinicopathological entity. It has three major components; inflammatory, vascular and fibrosis. It has to be considered as a differential diagnosis in young patient presenting with head and neck swelling. Although of unknown aetiology many hypothesis has been postulated. Inflammation is the most prominent and predominating characteristic in this disease. Although reported to be predominant in Asian literature regarding this disease is scanty. We report a complete clinical-radiological and pathological picture of this disease.
    Matched MeSH terms: Head
  17. Baharuddin MY, Salleh ShH, Zulkifly AH, Lee MH, Mohd Noor A
    Biomed Res Int, 2014;2014:692328.
    PMID: 25025068 DOI: 10.1155/2014/692328
    A morphology study was essential to the development of the cementless femoral stem because accurate dimensions for both the periosteal and endosteal canal ensure primary fixation stability for the stem, bone interface, and prevent stress shielding at the calcar region. This paper focused on a three-dimensional femoral model for Asian patients that applied preoperative planning and femoral stem design. We measured various femoral parameters such as the femoral head offset, collodiaphyseal angle, bowing angle, anteversion, and medullary canal diameters from the osteotomy level to 150 mm below the osteotomy level to determine the position of the isthmus. Other indices and ratios for the endosteal canal, metaphyseal, and flares were computed and examined. The results showed that Asian femurs are smaller than Western femurs, except in the metaphyseal region. The canal flare index (CFI) was poorly correlated (r < 0.50) to the metaphyseal canal flare index (MCFI), but correlated well (r = 0.66) with the corticomedullary index (CMI). The diversity of the femoral size, particularly in the metaphyseal region, allows for proper femoral stem design for Asian patients, improves osseointegration, and prolongs the life of the implant.
    Matched MeSH terms: Femur Head/anatomy & histology*; Femur Head/pathology; Femur Head/radiography
  18. Omar R, Knight VF, Aziz Mohammed MA
    Malays Fam Physician, 2014;9(3):27-33.
    PMID: 26425302 MyJurnal
    Work-related ocular injuries and illnesses were among the major causes of job absenteeism. This study was conducted to determine if low vision rehabilitation was provided following work-related ocular problems among industrial workers in a developing country. This was a retrospective analysis of case records.
    Matched MeSH terms: Head
  19. Nabil S, Samman N
    PMID: 22669065 DOI: 10.1016/j.tripleo.2011.07.042
    This systematic review aimed to answer the clinical question, "What is the current risk of developing osteoradionecrosis of the jaws among irradiated head and neck cancer patients?"
    Matched MeSH terms: Head and Neck Neoplasms/drug therapy; Head and Neck Neoplasms/radiotherapy; Head and Neck Neoplasms/surgery
  20. Amin Z, Suhaimi Y, Ahmad R
    Med J Malaysia, 2010 Mar;65(1):77-9.
    PMID: 21265258 MyJurnal
    Currently, of less than 50 cases of head and neck follicular dendritic cell (FDC) sarcoma reported in the literature, 5 have been found to occur in the background of Castleman disease. We report another case of head and neck FDC sarcoma with emphasise on its associated lesions and review the outcome of treatment from the existing cases in the literature.
    Matched MeSH terms: Head and Neck Neoplasms/complications; Head and Neck Neoplasms/pathology*; Head and Neck Neoplasms/therapy
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