Displaying publications 61 - 80 of 510 in total

  1. Wongyai N, Jutagate A, Grudpan C, Jutagate T
    Trop Life Sci Res, 2020 Jul;31(2):159-173.
    PMID: 32922673 DOI: 10.21315/tlsr2020.31.2.8
    Condition index, reproduction and feeding of three non-obligatory riverine Mekong cyprinids namely Hampala dispar, Hampala macrolepidota and Osteochilus vittatus were examined. The samples were from the Nam Ngiep (NN) River and Bueng Khong Long (BKL) Swamp, which are the representative of the lotic- and lentic-environments, respectively. These two habitats lay in the same geographical area but on the opposite banks of the Mekong mainstream. The samplings were conducted between May 2017 and April 2018. There were 365 H. dispar, 259 H. macrolepidota and 298 O. vittatus samples in this study. The condition index of all three species were beyond 90% implying they can live well in both lotic and lentic environments. Reproductions of all three species were taken place in both environments with two peaks at the onset and end of rainy season. The samples from BKL showed early maturation than NN samples in all three (3) species. Feeding plasticity, though dominant by insects, was observed in Hampala spp., while O. vittatus can utilise any available detritus in both environments. Results clearly show that all the three selected non-obligatory riverine fish species can live very well in either lotic or lentic environments and imply that they can adjust themselves to reservoir environment.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rivers
  2. Tan ML, Gassman PW, Liang J, Haywood JM
    Sci Total Environ, 2021 Nov 15;795:148915.
    PMID: 34328938 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.148915
    Alternative climate products, such as gauge-based gridded data, ground-based weather radar, satellite precipitation and climate reanalysis products, are being increasingly applied for hydrological modelling. This review aims to summarize the studies that have evaluated alternative climate products within Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) applications and to propose future research directions, primarily for modelers who wish to study limited gauge, ungauged or transnational river basins. A total of 126 articles have been identified since 2004, the majority of which have been published within the last five years. About 58% of the studies were conducted in Asia, mostly in China and India, while another 14% were reported for United States studies. CFSR and TRMM are the most popular applied products in SWAT modelling, followed by PERSIANN, CMADS, APHRODITE, CHIRPS and NEXRAD. Generally, the performance of climate products is region-dependent; e.g., CFSR typically performs well in the United States and South America, but performs more poorly for Asia, Africa and mountainous basin conditions, as compared to other products. In contrast, the CMADS, TRMM, APRHODITE and NEXRAD have shown the strongest capability for supporting SWAT modelling in these regions. However, most of the evaluated products contain only precipitation input; therefore, merging reliable precipitation with CFSR-temperature is recommended for hydro-climatic modelling. Future research directions include: (1) examination of optimal combinations; e.g. CHIRPS-precipitation and CFSR-temperature, for simulating streamflow in different types of river basins; (2) development of a standardized validation scheme which incorporates the commonly accepted products, statistical approaches and temperature variables; (3) further evaluation of existing climate data products to accurately capture extreme events, pattern and indices as well as WGEN statistics; (4) improvement of climate data in terms of averaging approach, bias correction and additional factors or indices integration; and (5) bias correction of CMIP6 climate projections using the optimal climate data combinations.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rivers
  3. Chen HL, Gibbins CN, Selvam SB, Ting KN
    Environ Pollut, 2021 Nov 15;289:117895.
    PMID: 34364115 DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2021.117895
    Microplastic pollution is widely recognised as a global issue, posing risks to natural ecosystems and human health. The combination of rapid industrial and urban development and relatively limited environmental regulation in many tropical countries may increase the amount of microplastic entering rivers, but basic data on contamination levels are lacking. This is especially the case in tropical South East Asian countries. In this paper, the abundance, composition and spatio-temporal variation of microplastic in the Langat River, Malaysia, were assessed, and the relationship between microplastic concentration and river discharge was investigated. Water samples were collected over a 12-month period from 8 sampling sites on the Langat, extending from forested to heavily urbanised and industrial areas. All 508 water samples collected over this period contained microplastic; mean concentration across all sites and times was 4.39 particles/L but extended up to 90.00 particles/L in some urban tributaries. Most microplastics were secondary in origin, and dominated by fibres. Microplastic counts correlated directly with river discharge, and counts increased and decreased in response to changes in flow. A time-integrated assessment of the microplastic load conveyed by the Langat suggested that the river is typically (50 % of the time) delivering around 5 billion particles per day to the ocean. The positive correlation between the concentration of microplastics and suspended sediments in the Langat suggested that continuously logging turbidity sensors could be used to provide better estimates of microplastic loads and improve assessment of human and ecological health risks.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rivers
  4. Bong, C.H.J., Mah, D.Y.S, Putuhena, F.J., Said, S., Bustami, R.A.
    ASM Science Journal, 2012;6(1):47-60.
    Hydraulics simulation can be used as a supporting tool for planning and developing a framework, such as Integrated Flood Management for river management. To demonstrate this, a hydraulics model for the Sarawak River Basin was run using InfoWorks RS software by Wallingford Software, UK. InfoWorks River Simulation (RS) was chosen because its applicability has been proven and widely used to model Malaysian rivers. The extraction of computed floodwater level and flood maps for different time intervals would produce the rate of floodplain submergence from river bank level. This information could be incorporated into a logical framework to support decisions on flood management measures. Thus, hydraulics models can be used as tools to provide the necessary decision parameters for developing logical frameworks which would act as to guide the planning when it involved various stakeholders’ participation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rivers
  5. Alaghmand, S., Abdullah, R., Abustan, I., Vosoogh, B.
    As a crucial demand in urban areas, flood risk management has been considered by researchers and decision makers around the world. In this case, hydrological modelling that simulates rainfall-runoff process plays a significant role. This paper quantified the roles of three main parameters in river basin hydrological response, namely, rainfall event duration, rainfall event ARI (magnitude) and land-use development condition. The case study area of this research was Sungai Kayu Ara basin which is located in the western part of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. A total of twenty seven scenario were defined for this research, including three different rainfall event durations (60, 120 and 360 minutes), three different ARIs (20, 50 and 100 years) and in three different land-use conditions (existing, intermediate and ultimate). The results of this research indicate that rainfall event duration, rainfall event ARI (magnitude) and land-use development condition have considerable effects of the surface runoff hydrographs in terms of peak discharge and volume.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rivers
  6. Wan Mohtar WHM, Nawang SAB, Abdul Maulud KN, Benson YA, Azhary WAHWM
    Sci Total Environ, 2017 Nov 15;598:525-537.
    PMID: 28454026 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.04.093
    This study investigates the textural characteristics of sediments collected at eroded and deposited areas of highly severed eroded coastline of Batu Pahat, Malaysia. Samples were taken from systematically selected 23 locations along the 67km stretch of coastline and are extended to the fluvial sediments of the main river of Batu Pahat. Grain size distribution analysis was conducted to identify its textural characteristics and associated sedimentary transport behaviours. Sediments obtained along the coastline were fine-grained material with averaged mean size of 7.25 ϕ, poorly sorted, positively skewed and has wide distributions. Samples from eroded and deposition regions displayed no distinctive characteristics and exhibited similar profiles. The high energy condition transported the sediments as suspension, mostly as pelagic and the sediments were deposited as shallow marine and agitated deposits. The fluvial sediments of up to 3km into the river have particularly similar profile of textural characteristics with the neighbouring marine sediments from the river mouth. Profiles were similar with marine sediments about 3km opposite the main current and can go up to 10km along the current of Malacca Straits.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rivers
  7. Mohammad, Thamer Ahmad, Mohd. Razali Abdul Kadir, Megat Johari Megat Mohd. Noor, Ahmad Husaini Sulaiman
    Part of the Seremban flood mitigation project in the state of Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia is to mitigate
    the flood at Jalan Rasah. The mitigation is planned to be implemented in packages. Package I and Package II of River Anak Air Rasah are parts of the project work. In these packages, wider and deeper concrete sections for the river are constructed. The existing undersized culverts were replaced by bigger reinforced concrete box culverts. The size of the box culverts was based on 100-years average reoccurrence interval (ARI). One of these culverts intersected with a rail line connecting Singapore and Malaysia. Trenchless jacking technique was used to lay the box culvert. The total length of the box culvert jacked under the railway line is 33 m, whereas the total width of the twin box culvert is 7.8 m with a total height of 3 m. This was the first time that the trenchless jacking techniques were used for the urban flood mitigation purpose in Malaysia, and it is mainly used to minimise traffic disruption. This study reports the success of using jacking technique in the development of the flood mitigation program of DID in Negeri Sembilan. Among other things, it explains significant performance of the technique under local conditions and experiences gained towards the advancement of tunnelling and trenchless technology.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rivers
  8. Thamer Ahmed Mohammed, Abdul Halim Ghazali, Al-Hassoun, Saleh
    Malaysia is a tropical country and it is subjected to flooding in both the urban and rural areas. Flood
    modelling can help to reduce the impacts of flood hazard by taking extra precautions. HEC-RAS model was used to predict the flood levels at selected reach of the Langat River with a total length of 34.4 km. The Langat River is located in the state of Selangor, Malaysia and it is subjected to regular flooding. The selected reach of the Langat River has insufficient data and a methodology was proposed to overcome this particular problem. Since complete floodplain data for the area are not available, the modelling therefore assumed vertical walls at the left and right banks of the Langat River and all the predicted flood levels above the banks were based on this assumption. The HECRAS model was calibrated and the values of Manning’s coefficients of roughness for the Langat River were found to range from 0.04 to 0.10. The discharge values were calculated for 5, 10, 25, 50, and 100 year return periods and the maximum predicted flood depth ranged from 2.1m to 7.8m. Meanwhile, the model output was verified using the historical record and the error between the recorded and predicted water levels was found to range from 3% to 15%.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rivers
  9. Yap, C.K., Pang, B.H.
    Surface sediments were collected from the north western intertidal area (14 sites), drainage (3 sites), and rivers (3 sites) of Peninsular Malaysia in April 2005. The samples were analyzed for their concentrations of Cd, Ni, and Zn. The ranges for the total concentrations (µg/g dry weight) of Cd, Ni, and Zn were found to be 0.79-2.48, 6.46-73.92, and 33.6-484.14, respectively. Factory drainage site at Juru exceeded the established sediment quality values (Effect Range Median-ERM) for Zn and Ni, while the concentrations of Zn were also found to have exceeded the ERM at drainages at Kuala Kurau Town and Sg. Juru sites. The geochemical study, based on the sequential extraction technique on the sediments, revealed that the metal percentages of non-resistant fractions of the drainage at Kuala Kurau Town (drainage), Sg. Juru (river), Kuala Juru (intertidal), and factory drainage site at Juru were higher than the resistant fractions of the metals. These indicated that the sites (intertidal, river, and drainages) received anthropogenic inputs of these metals. Therefore, the point source of anthropogenic input in these sites should be given attention in future in order to mitigate the environmental problem on the living resources in the north western of Peninsular Malaysia. The present monitoring data are useful for future establishment of sediment quality guideline for Malaysian aquatic environment.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rivers
  10. M. Jayaprakash, R. Nagarajan, P. M. Velmurugan, L. Giridharan, girilogu@yahoo.com, B. Urban
    The composite nature of Ennore Creek, receiving polluted waters from Buckingham canal, River Kortalaiyar, and the presence of numerous industries rapidly degrade the coastal environment. In this study, multivariate statistical technique was used to assess the nature of pollution and to identify the factors responsible for the enrichment of trace metals in the creek sediments. Forty samples were collected during pre- and post-monsoon periods to evaluate the seasonal variations on the concentration of trace metals in the sediments. The results indicate that not much seasonal variation exists in the concentration of trace metals in the sediments of Ennore creek. Results of the cluster analysis illustrate that the enrichment of trace metals was mainly from anthropogenic sources. Meanwhile, correlation coefficient among the metals reveals that some of the metals (Fe and Al) derived were of natural origin. The complex data matrix of the sediment were interpreted after reduction to three factors and the results illustrate the extent of the influence of anthropogenic activities. The spatial distribution diagrams demonstrate and demarcate the region of enrichment of metals in the sediments of Ennore creek.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rivers
  11. Al-Aqeeli, Yousif H., Abd Aziz, S., Wayayok, Aimrun, Badronnisa Yusuf
    The objectives of this study were firstly, to develop a simulation model (SM) for a single reservoir to identify the standard operating policy (SOP) of a reservoir based on a monthly operating period, and secondly, to evaluate the performance of the proposed Makhoul reservoir using a Developed Simulation Model (DSM) in reducing flood risk. This reservoir is located on the River Tigris, approximately 180 km upstream of Baghdad, Iraq. The performance of the reservoir in reducing flood risk was evaluated using two designs and records of flood waves gathered over two years. The first design was the present one, while the second was developed by increasing the operational storage to its maximum, based on the digital maps of the region. The flows downstream of the reservoir were compared, with and without the reservoir in the two years in question. Four parameters resulting from the two designs were compared: storage, surface area, elevation and power. The results suggested that the reservoir would be ineffective in reducing flood risk, but it would have the ability to provide hydroelectric power using the two designs, with the new one showing better ability at doing this. The reservoir can also serve purposes such as irrigation, fish wealth development and recreation. This DSM proved its effectiveness in evaluating the performance of the single storage system used for reservoirs.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rivers
  12. Moayedi H, Osouli A, Tien Bui D, Foong LK
    Sensors (Basel), 2019 Oct 29;19(21).
    PMID: 31671801 DOI: 10.3390/s19214698
    Regular optimization techniques have been widely used in landslide-related problems. This paper outlines two novel optimizations of artificial neural network (ANN) using grey wolf optimization (GWO) and biogeography-based optimization (BBO) metaheuristic algorithms in the Ardabil province, Iran. To this end, these algorithms are synthesized with a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) neural network for optimizing its computational parameters. The used spatial database consists of fourteen landslide conditioning factors, namely elevation, slope aspect, land use, plan curvature, profile curvature, soil type, distance to river, distance to road, distance to fault, rainfall, slope degree, stream power index (SPI), topographic wetness index (TWI) and lithology. 70% of the identified landslides are randomly selected to train the proposed models and the remaining 30% is used to evaluate the accuracy of them. Also, the frequency ratio theory is used to analyze the spatial interaction between the landslide and conditioning factors. Obtained values of area under the receiver operating characteristic curve, as well as mean square error and mean absolute error showed that both GWO and BBO hybrid algorithms could efficiently improve the learning capability of the MLP. Besides, the BBO-based ensemble surpasses other implemented models.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rivers
  13. Pavitra SP, Low VL, Tan TK, Lim YAL, Ya'cob Z
    Acta Trop, 2020 Feb;202:105275.
    PMID: 31747545 DOI: 10.1016/j.actatropica.2019.105275
    Blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae) are ecologically and medically important insects but they have been understudied in Malaysia. Accordingly, a study on the temporal variation in diversity and community structure of preimaginal blackflies was conducted for the first time in Malaysia. A total of 865 preimaginal blackflies were collected in 120 samplings from five streams across three monsoon seasons from February 2018 until January 2019. Ten species were recorded and most frequently collected species were Simulium cheongi, Simulium vanluni and Simulium jeffreyi. Relatively common species were Simulium roslihashimi, Simulium tani complex and Simulium trangense. No significant changes of rainfall was observed between three monsoon seasons as well as the seasons with species and physiochemical parameters except acidity (pH) (P 20%) indicated that S. vanluni and S. jeffreyi were commonly associated with wider, deeper and fast-flowing streams with low conductivity and larger streambed particle. In contrast, S. cheongi was associated with smaller, slower and small streambed particle. This first extensive bimonthly study has uncovered the species community structure as well as the changes of stream physicochemical parameters over time although they were not greatly and significantly influenced by the monsoon seasons. Species distribution, richness and abundance, however, were highly determined by the stream width, depth and velocity, therefore, were vital in shaping diversity and community structure of preimaginal blackflies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rivers
  14. Suhailah A, Che Salmah M
    Sains Malaysiana, 2014;43:667-674.
    Seasonal changes in Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (EPT) community was studied at rivers in Gunung Jerai Forest Reserve, Kedah, Malaysia. The rivers were visited monthly from September 2007 to August 2008 to sample aquatic insects using D-pond nets. More EPT were found in the wet season (10664 individuals) compared with the dry season (6599 individuals). In all rivers, ephemeropteran populations was highest during the wet season (z=-2.465, p=0.014). Meanwhile, the plecopteran population was low and almost constant throughout seasons in all rivers (z=-2.280, p=0.023). Trichopterans exhibited the highest peak of abundance in the dry season (z=-6.096, p=0.00). Concomitantly, higher diversity was recorded in the dry season (29 taxa) compared with 25 taxa recorded in wet season from all rivers. Tupah River had the most diverse EPT assemblage during the dry season. In wet season, the abundance of ephemeropterans genera such as Baetis, Platybaetis, Campsoneuria and Thalerosphyrus increased tremendously especially in Teroi River.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rivers
  15. Mokhtar b. Abdullah
    Multicollinearity that may exist among explanatory variables in a regression model can make the regression coefficients insignificant and difficult to interpret. Principal component regression (PCR) is an effective way for solving multicollinearity in regression analysis. The existence of multicollinearity mayor may not be induced by the presence of influential observations. This paper discusses some diagnostic methods for identifying influential observations in the PCR. A data set on water quality of New York Rivers was considered to illustrate the methods.
    Multikolinearan yang wujud di kalangan pembolehubah penerang dalam model regresi boleh menyebabkan pekali regresi tidak bererti dan sukar untuk ditafsirkan. Regresi komponen utama (PCR) merupakan cara yang berkesan bagi menyelesaikan masalah multikolinearan dalam analisis regresi. Kewujudan multikolinearan mungkin disebabkan oleh data terpencil yang berpengaruh. Kertas ini membincangkan beberapa kaedah pengecaman bagi mengenalpasti data berpengaruh dalam PCR. Data tentang kualiti air di beberapa batang sungai di New York digunakan untuk memperihalkan kaedah pengecaman yang disarankan.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rivers
  16. Muhammad Abu Bakar Siddik, Md. Reaz Chaklader, Ashfaqun Nahar
    Sains Malaysiana, 2015;44:1241-1248.
    The study was aimed to determine the variation in taxonomic diversity of Polynemus paradiseus based on morphometric and meristic analyses of samples collected from three coastal rivers of Bangladesh (Payra, Tentulia and Kirtonkhola). A total of 105 individuals ranging at 10-20 cm in total length (TL) and 7.91-60.64 g in body weight (BW) were sampled using Been nets and Kachal and Veshal nets. Significant differences were observed in 24 out of 25 morphometric measurements and 6 out of 10 meristic counts among the populations. In morphometric measurements, the first discriminant function (DF1) was accounted for 78.6% and the second discriminant function (DF2) was accounted for 21.4% of among groups variability, explaining 100% of total among group variability. A dendrogram based on morphometric data showed that the Tentulia and Kirtankhola populations showed high degree of overlapping and these two populations were highly different from Payra river population. The canonical graph also showed that the populations of Tentulia and Kirtankhola rivers were more closely related comparing with Payra river population for isometric condition. These findings may provide useful information for the conservation and sustainable management of this important fish.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rivers
  17. Ahmad A, Abd. Aziz Z, Shuhaimi-Othman M
    Sains Malaysiana, 2014;43:1657-1663.
    A study on the chironomids (Diptera:Chironomidae) diversity at pristine ecosystem was carried out at upstream of Sungai Langat, Selangor. The study determines chironomids distribution and composition at 7 streams and river within the upstream site of Langat Catchment. Chironomid was sampled using Surber net and water quality was measured based on Malaysia WQI. The result indicated that Chironomidae was represented by three subfamilies namely Chironominae, Orthocladiinae and Tanypodinae, which comprises of 2502 individuals. Chironominae was the most dominant subfamily (1619 individuals) followed by Orthocladinae (629 individuals) and Tanypodinae (254 individuals). Polypedilum (subfamily: Chironominae) is the most dominant genus found followed by Rheocricotopus (subfamily: Orthocladiinae), Microtendipes and Cryptochironomus. Polypedilum was abundant in all stations except Sg. Langat 3 which was dominated by Rheocricotopus. Sungai Langat 3 has the highest number of individual (1113) which is (44.5%) from total chironomid individual and followed by Sg. Lolo with 468 individuals that were dominated by Polypedilum.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rivers
  18. Pang Swee Yun, Juriffah Ariffin, Norhayati Mohd Tahir, Hii Yii Siang
    Sains Malaysiana, 2015;44:941-945.
    Three short sediment cores (12-32 cm) from South China Sea off Southern Terengganu were collected during May (postNortheast monsoon) and September (pre-Northeast monsoon) 2007. The concentration of total organic carbon (TOC) obtained ranged from 0.41-2.23 and 0.38-2.31% during post and pre-monsoon, respectively. TOC concentration was found to decrease with depth and distance from the coast and river mouth. In particular, station with close proximity to the coast exhibits most pronounced variation of TOC with depth. Besides spatial variation, it is noted that the seasonal variations also considerably affect the distribution and concentrations of TOC, where both near and offshore sampling stations showed significant variations in TOC content during May and September sampling. These findings suggest the importance of terrestrial organic carbon flux, physical mixing and seasonal variations in regulating the concentration and distribution of the organic carbon in the study area.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rivers
  19. Mustafa S, Darwish M, Bahar A, Aziz ZA
    Ground Water, 2019 09;57(5):756-763.
    PMID: 30740693 DOI: 10.1111/gwat.12868
    Analytical studies for well design adjacent to river banks are the most significant practical task in cases involving the efficiency of riverbank filtration systems. In times when high pollution of river water is joined with increasing water demand, it is necessary to design pumping wells near the river that provide acceptable amounts of river water with minimum contaminant concentrations. This will guarantee the quality and safety of drinking water supplies. This article develops an analytical solution based on the Green's function approach to solve an inverse problem: based on the required level of contaminant concentration and planned pumping time period, the shortest distance to the riverbank that has the maximum percentage of river water is determined. This model is developed in a confined and homogenous aquifer that is partially penetrated by the stream due to the existence of clogging layers. Initially, the analytical results obtained at different pumping times, rates and with different values of initial concentration are checked numerically using the MODFLOW software. Generally, the distance results obtained from the proposed model are acceptable. Then, the model is validated by data related to two pumping wells located at the first riverbank filtration pilot project conducted in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rivers
  20. Zhou XY, Zheng B, Khu ST
    Sci Total Environ, 2019 May 15;665:774-784.
    PMID: 30790750 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.02.146
    The concept of "carrying capacity" has been widely used in various disciplines in reference to human-environment sustainability. No unified cognition exists regarding carrying capacity limits for humans. As a typical type of carrying capacity, the water environment carrying capacity (WECC) has been researched for human-water environment sustainability. However, most recent research has focused on the assessment of the water environment carrying capacity of a certain region or river basin. The detailed resilience potential of human-water environment systems that could improve the local water environment carrying capacity has not been systematically exploited. The key concerns of the existence of water environment carrying capacity limits and the exact value have not been addressed. This study first distinguished the characteristics of related concepts, such as carrying capacity, planetary boundaries, resilience, limitations, thresholds and tipping points. An analytical framework was then established to exploit the resilience potential from the four dimensions of "scale, structure, pattern and network". The economy scale with full use of the resilience potential is 11,511,880 M yuan under the current technology and development status, which is nearly 37 times that of the current scale of the economy. The analytical framework confirms that the limit on the water environment carrying capacity is a dynamic value, which could be changed from the four dimensions. The socioeconomic scale that the local water environment can support would be nearly unlimited in some extreme ideal situation. The results would provide some enlightenment on the carrying capacity and other similar marked concepts of theoretical research and provide support for human-environment sustainability.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rivers
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